New Employee Orientation Videos

These video were developed to be used at all new employee orientation sessions at DHS. This first video is the welcome video from the Secretary. It should be shown at the beginning of orientation.

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Download the video (26.11 MB MP4)
Download the caption file (SRT)

This second video provides a “day in the life” snapshot of the Department and welcomes new employees as they become part of the DHS mission. It should be shown at near the beginning of orientation.

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Download the video (72.76 MB MP4)
Download the caption file (SRT)

This third video shows how DHS components work together to keep America safe, and can be shown at a later point in the orintation.

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Download the video (94.04 MB MP4)
Download the caption file (SRT)

This fourth video is a welcome message from the Deputy Under Secretary of Management to new members of the Senior Executive Service.

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Download the video (228.66 MB MP4)
Download the caption file (SRT)


  1. Please click on the arrow button in the middle of the screen to play the video.
  2. Once the video begins to play a menu bar will appear across the bottom of the player. You can select cc for closed captioning, and you can also choose full screen view.
  3. To download the video so that it can be played offline, RIGHT CLICK on the “Download the video” link and select “Save target as…” Please note that the downloadable version is player-only and does not include captions. To create a captioned version, you will need to also download the captioning file and burn a disk with the video and the captions.