For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010
Charleston, S.C. - Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano today visited Charleston, S.C., to deliver remarks about the expanding role of the homeland security enterprise in national security in light of the evolving threats currently facing the nation to the South Carolina Corps of Cadets as part of The Citadel’s “Greater Issues” speaker series.
“Since its founding seven years ago, DHS has become a vital bridge between the classic national security apparatus and the civilian institutions that traditionally have kept us safe at home,” said Secretary Napolitano. “We do this by working closely with our domestic and international partners in law enforcement, emergency response and the private sector, building critical new capabilities and sharing information to address ever-evolving threats.”
She underscored DHS’s efforts to confront changing tactics in terrorist training, planning, and recruitment, including the influence of violent extremist messages spread by U.S.-born individuals operating abroad and the threats posed by homegrown terrorists.
She also reiterated the importance of getting critical information out of Washington D.C., and into the hands of the federal, state and local personnel on the frontlines at home and abroad through programs such as the National Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative, an administration effort to train state and local law enforcement to recognize behaviors and indicators related to specific threats and terrorism-related crime, and the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign, which emphasizes the responsibility of every citizen to remain vigilant and play an active role in keeping our country safe.
Following her remarks, Secretary Napolitano met with Charleston Mayor Joe Riley to discuss the Department’s ongoing collaboration with state and local government officials to support Charleston’s emergency preparedness and response capabilities—including the city’s close partnership with the U.S. Coast Guard to strengthen maritime security at the Port of Charleston.