For Immediate Release
DHS Press Office
Contact: 202-282-8010
“On behalf of the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security, I salute Dr. Tom Coburn and his distinguished career in the U.S. Senate, particularly his service as a member and ranking member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Tom Coburn is indeed the embodiment of the “citizen legislator” the Founding Fathers had in mind to lead this Nation. He is a man anchored by God, his family and his community and driven to serve by patriotism and “getting it right” more than politics. He is motivated, simply, by a desire to see our government do its job better and more efficiently on behalf of the people of Oklahoma and the country. We understand Dr. Coburn’s decision to retire from the Senate a year from now, and we will continue to benefit from his wisdom and leadership everyday he serves for the remainder of this year. On a personal note, one of the best things to happen to me during the road to Senate confirmation was getting to know Tom Coburn. His intelligence, personal dedication and commitment was a reaffirmation of my own decision to return to public service.”