Originally posted on the USCIS Blog
Through a national campaign that began last July, we’ve worked hard to promote greater awareness of the rights, benefits and responsibilities of U.S. citizenship. An estimated 8.8 million lawful permanent residents are currently eligible to apply for citizenship. The Citizenship Public Education and Awareness Campaign enabled us to reach out to many of them with information about how to become a U.S. citizen and the free study materials available from USCIS.
Due to the growing need for reliable information about citizenship, we released the first set of digital ads in four states last summer. In the fall, we ran digital and print ads in the 10 states with 75 percent of the lawful permanent resident population: California, New York, Texas, Florida, New Jersey, Illinois, Massachusetts, Virginia, Washington and Arizona. Ads appeared in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean and Tagalog. We ran ads for a third time earlier this year in the same 10 states, along with new Facebook ads which expanded our reach. The campaign generated over a million clicks and nearly two million page views online and reached 19 million people through our print ads.