For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010
WASHINGTON – Today, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson participated in the annual meeting of the President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Human Trafficking (PITF) at the White House. The PITF works to provide a whole-of-government response to the heinous crime of human trafficking. As part of the Task Force, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) works to combat human trafficking through a victim-centered approach.
At the meeting, Secretary Johnson discussed the progress that DHS has made in combatting human trafficking over the past Fiscal Year, as well as throughout the course of this Administration. The Blue Campaign, created in 2010 to serve as the Department’s unified effort to combat human trafficking, coordinates these important efforts.
Secretary Johnson announced at the meeting the Department’s revision to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Directive on Continued Presence. This revision will extend the duration of this important immigration designation for non-U.S. citizen victims of human trafficking from one year to two years, providing crucial stability and greater support to victims as they aid in the investigation and prosecution of their traffickers. The Directive also provides additional guidance to law enforcement on requesting Continued Presence as early and expeditiously as practicable, which is consistent with a victim-centered approach.
In FY16, the Blue Campaign entered into more formal partnerships than in any other year in Blue Campaign’s history. Partners such as the District of Columbia, the Virginia Office of the Attorney General, and the City of Los Angeles are now bringing awareness materials and training opportunities to local communities from coast to coast.
The Blue Campaign has also extended its reach to law enforcement, first responder and public safety agencies. In January 2016, the Blue Campaign and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) announced that human trafficking awareness training would be included in basic training for over 90 federal law enforcement agencies.
Through the Blue Campaign, DHS raises public consciousness about human trafficking across the Nation, leveraging partnerships to educate the public to recognize human trafficking and report suspected instances.
For more information, see the Fact Sheet or visit