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EAGLE II Determination

Release Date: December 17, 2018

Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) Soraya Correa announced today that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will follow a new strategy in how it obtains information technology (IT) services. DHS will not be pursuing a re-competition of Enterprise Acquisition Gateway for Leading-Edge Solutions (EAGLE) II.  Rather, the Department will implement the EAGLE Next Generation (Next Gen) program that offers a robust array of options to the DHS IT community.

EAGLE Next Gen will not be a single contract vehicle, but instead will be a suite of contract vehicles. EAGLE Next Gen will balance the use of existing Government-wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs) in conjunction with the creation of a portfolio of IT services contract vehicles with specialized, targeted scope. DHS will formally adopt General Services Administration’s Alliant 2, Alliant 2 Small Business, 8(a) STARS II, and VETS 2 as well as the National Institutes of Health’s CIO-SP3 and CIO-SP3 Small Business into its Category Management and Strategic Sourcing portfolio on February 4, 2019. At the same time, DHS will continue to use EAGLE II through the contract expiration in September 2020.

DHS has prioritized its commitment to focus on modernizing its technology investments, and drive toward data, accountability, and transparency in our actions. These catalysts are driving DHS to re-conceptualize its IT delivery model and to prioritize initiatives such as our migration to the cloud, our transition to Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions, and in optimizing our Security Operations Center presence across DHS. Deputy Chief Information Officer Steve Rice stated that, “We are thinking about the business of IT differently for DHS. Instead of thinking about ‘data centers’ and ‘cloud’, we are thinking about ‘compute and storage’. We are thinking about how IT can better enable Headquarters and the Component to execute the mission. EAGLE Next Gen will take us in this direction.” 

CPO Correa said that “DHS conducted a thorough and collaborative analysis across the information technology and procurement communities in identifying DHS’s IT priorities, evaluating the IT services requirements needed to support those priorities, and in establishing an overarching acquisition strategy that enables continued mission success.” DHS is firmly committed to continuing to provide opportunities for small businesses through EAGLE Next Gen.  This strategy also ensures adequate competition to provide the best possible solutions to meet DHS needs.  It complies with the Office of Management and Budget request under Category Management that agencies do not unnecessarily duplicate contracts that already serve the Government, as well.

CPO Correa noted that the EAGLE contracts served their purpose well and expressed sincere appreciation to contract holders under EAGLE II for the world class support provided to DHS.

For media inquiries, please contact: MGMTcomms@hq.dhs.gov.

Last Updated: 01/20/2025
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