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DHS Accessibility Day 2020

Release Date: August 3, 2020

On May 14, the Office of Accessible Systems and Technology (OAST) held its first annual DHS Accessibility Day themed “Accessibility for All”. The virtual event featured best practices, available commercial tools and resources, accessibility requirements, and an opportunity to network with the federal accessibility community. The agenda below details the event’s presentations and provides links to view the demonstrations.

If you want to learn more about OAST, please visit https://www.dhs.gov/office-accessible-systems-technology. If you have any questions, please contact Accessibility@hq.dhs.gov.


Session 2: Challenges and Solutions

Time Topic

9:20–9:50 a.m.

OAST Service Division Lead, Nicshan Floyd – Challenges of document remediation and best practices for establishing a documents program.

9:50–10:20 a.m.

OAST Enterprise Application Administrator, Brandon Pace/Microsoft – Challenges for support persons who are deaf or hard of hearing while interacting with PowerPoint presentations. Microsoft Presentation Translator demonstration on automated live captioning displayed via PowerPoint.

10:25–10:55 a.m.

FEMA Section 508 Program Manager, Janice Fenlason/Paciello Group – Challenges that a person with disabilities encounters when interacting with documents and websites. Demonstration on the assistive technology experience for the user.

10:55–11:25 a.m.

OAST Senior Accessibility Engineer, Alan King – Challenges of enhancing accessibility outcomes with automation and recognizing which open source tools will work for what purpose.

11:30 a.m.–12 p.m.

DHS OAST 508 Compliance Director, Robert Baker

GSA Office of Information Resources Management Director and Office of Government-wide Policy IT Accessibility Program Director, John Sullivan

US Access Board ICT Accessibility Specialist, Kathy Eng – Federal CIO Council Accessibility Community of Practice efforts to promote accessibility best practices across government and standardize the approach of using accessibility testing tools and methods.

noon–12:30 p.m.

USCIS Section 508 Coordinator, Ken Moser/Deque – Challenges in implementing the Trusted Tester Rule with Deque automated tools.

12:30–1 p.m.

FEMA Section 508 Program Manager, Janice Fenlason/Adobe – Challenges of setting up the Adobe Captioning Pod for use with the Federal Relay Conference Captioning (RCC) service and the challenge in creating accessible PDF documents.


Session 3: Component Showcase

Time Topic

1:35–1:40 p.m.

CRCL EEO Program Manager - Disability Employment Program, Laura Davis – Will discuss an overview of the DHS disability employment program including goals and priorities.

1:45–1:55 p.m.

CBP Section 508 Document Compliance SME, Amanda Hanley – Will discuss methods CBP uses to facilitate monthly documents training.

2:10–2:20 p.m.

ICE Branch Chief (Acting), Quality Assurance Branch, ICE Section 508 Coordinator, Arva Parker – Will discuss using AT to trouble shoot customer issues and offer training.

2:20–2:30 p.m.

FEMA Section 508 Program Manager, Janice Fenlason – Will discuss the purpose and accomplishments of our voluntary, employee-led group FEMA Section 508 Community of Practice (CoP).

2:30–2:40 p.m.

OAST Senior Section 508 Technical Specialist, Ann Marie Davis – Will discuss How to Nail the Trusted Tester V5 exam.

2:40–2:50 p.m.

Closing Remarks from OAST


Last Updated: 01/20/2025
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