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DHS Transitions One of its Key Components to a Modern Financial System

Release Date: November 16, 2020

WASHINGTON – The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced today one of its component’s transition to an integrated financial, acquisition, and asset management system following a department-wide financial modernization effort.

The latest component to transition is the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The new system brings automated and integrated controls, uses common accounting lines, standard business practices, and the most up-to-date security, moving agencies away from transaction-level processes to focus on data reporting and analytics.

“This modernization is a cornerstone in our ability to provide complete, accurate, and useful financial information, expanding our business intelligence capabilities,” said DHS Chief Financial Officer Troy Edgar. “Financial systems modernization is a key priority at DHS, and we have achieved this milestone thanks to planning, preparation, and testing completed by the TSA, U.S. Coast Guard, and the DHS Joint Program Management Office teams.”

This modernization effort supports the DHS mission to secure and protect resources and improve financial management. These systems provide more efficient financial operations and enhance timely and accurate reporting. More than 1,100 TSA and U.S. Coast Guard Finance Center employees will use these enhanced capabilities to process TSA’s annual operating costs, which amount to more than $8 billion.

“Despite many challenges, we have achieved a ground-breaking transition for TSA and DHS,” said TSA Chief Financial Officer Pat Rose. “Being on a new system will make our mission support functions more efficient and effective, ultimately freeing up more resources for improving and supporting front-line operations.”

DHS will expand the financial management system now in use by the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction office and TSA to the U.S. Coast Guard in 2021.

Last Updated: 01/20/2025
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