The Public-Private Analytic Exchange Program (AEP) is celebrating 11 years of success facilitating the collaboration of public and private sector analysts to address a variety of relevant and unclassified national security topics.

The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A), Engagement, Liaison, and Outreach Division, Private Sector Engagement Branch, hosted the 2024 AEP Kick-Off Meeting on February 7, 2024, in McLean, Virginia. There were over 125 attendees, including panelist, guest speakers, and AEP participants representing federal, state, local, and private sector partners.
The AEP, sponsored by DHS I&A on behalf of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), facilitates collaborative partnerships between private sector and government analysts. The annual program provides participants with an understanding of select homeland and national security-related issues.
This year, there are seven new topic teams, and four teams from previous years that will continue their research:
- 2024 AEP Topic Teams
- New Topic Teams
- 5G Impacts on Smart Cars and Highway Infrastructure Modernization
- Assessing Risk in Multinational Investment Strategies
- Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Criminal and Illicit Activities
- Impact of Artificial Intelligence on 'Traditional' Human Analysis
- Preventing Violent Extremism Tool Kit
- Threat of Limited U.S. Access to Critical Raw Materials
- U.S. - China: Tools of Power and Impacts
- Returning Teams
- 5G Impacts on Cybersecurity - Security Implications of 5G Technology
- Implications of Extreme Weather Events - Supply Chain Resilience
- U.S. Maritime Trade and Port Cybersecurity
- Combating Illicit Activity Utilizing Financial Technologies and Cryptocurrencies
- New Topic Teams
The 2024 AEP includes 60 government and 64 private sector participants. Government participants represent 17 different organizations, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Armed Forces, Department of Transportation, National Security Agency, ODNI, state and local government, and fusion centers. Additionally, there are 17 analysts representing DHS from six of the headquarters and operational components, including Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships, United States Secret Service, United States Coast Guard, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. State and local participants include organizations such as Illinois Statewide Terrorism and Intelligence Center, Northern California Regional Intelligence Center, and Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office. Private sector participants represent a variety of organizations, including Amazon, Secure Community Network, Meta, The Walt Disney Company, and Citi.
The program will run for the next six months, culminating in each team’s creation of an analytic deliverable that will be presented at the 2024 AEP Concluding Summit in September 2024.
More information about the AEP program can be found at https://www.dhs.gov/publication/aep-overview-and-documents. Please contact AEP@hq.dhs.gov with any questions.