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Opportunities Available to Current and Potential TVTP Program Grantees

Release Date: April 10, 2024

The Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3) hosted its second annual Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) Grantee Symposium on February 1-2. The symposium brought together more than 300 people, representing 113 grantee and partner organizations along with nine DHS offices and government agencies. 

The symposium provided a venue for grantees to cultivate new partnerships, share the impact of their work, and build connections for future collaboration. Topics included building engagement, threat assessment and management teams, sustainability, and tertiary prevention. The Grantee Symposium received positive feedback with 84 percent of post-event survey participants indicating they would attend the event again next year.  

“The event was enormously helpful and substantive in many ways. My biggest takeaway was a better understanding of where targeted violence prevention stands as a developing field, the strides that have been made, and the challenges that we as practitioners need to confront to continue advancing the field,” one participant wrote in a post-event evaluation. 

The symposium coincided with the release of the Fiscal Year 2024 TVTP Grant Application Guidance. This document gives potential applicants specific information needed to begin to prepare an application prior to the release of the formal Notice of Funding Opportunity in April. The deadline for 2024 TVTP grant applications is May 17. Learn more about the application process by viewing the “FY2024 TVTP NOFO” Webinar recording and view the TVTP Grant Program Application Fact Sheet, available in multiple languages. 

CP3 supports the future of TVTP by providing financial aid, training, and resources to help develop sustainable, multidisciplinary programs and innovative approaches. During the symposium’s closing session, CP3 Director William Braniff explained, “We built a multidisciplinary team committed to a public health-informed approach that is capable of supporting you, your work, and the national capacity to prevent targeted violence and terrorism.” 

Last Updated: 01/20/2025
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