In 2010, S&T publicized the “Moving Towards Credentialing Interoperability” case study report incorporating insight from members of the PIV-I/FRAC Technology Transition Working Group and other stakeholders regarding successful state, local, and regional and non-government identity/attribute management projects. The case study report provides information to non-federal organizations and their decision makers about the value of strong credentialing practices using federal standards. Credentialing is a system by which identification cards or other tokens are used to authenticate a person and transmit skills, qualifications, and other attributes associated with that identity. Interoperability, in the credentialing context, provides the capability for a jurisdiction to access information and trust its legitimacy in order to make decisions about granting access and privileges. The seven case study jurisdictions highlighted are:
- The Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council (STRAC) – San Antonio, Texas
- The Commonwealth of Virginia
- Chester County, Pennsylvania
- The State of Colorado
- The District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.)
- West Virginia, Eastern Panhandle Homeland Security Region 3
- Honolulu, Hawaii
This report has been well received by the state and local communities moving toward the PIV-I standard credential, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO), various homeland security agencies, and many others.
Click here for the full case study report.