The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) needs industry’s help in finding leading-edge technology to solve the toughest problems facing our nation.

Science and Technology
William Bryan
We know we cannot do it alone. Recent events have demonstrated the great power in coming together to help those in need. Relying on each other in the aftermath of devastating events helps us figure out solutions to better protect our communities in the future. At S&T, our mission is to find or develop the technology and knowledge solutions that can help secure our great nation.
For decades, private sector investment in R&D has outpaced that of the federal government. Harnessing technology advancements can directly help those on the front lines. This is S&T’s mission. We work with homeland security operators to understand what they face every day, and what they need to do their job even better.
And we need your help.
We know where the challenges are; industry has the solutions. It’s time we did more to match the tough problems with solutions and get those solutions in the hands of first responders and members of the Homeland Security Enterprise.
To make this easier, S&T has developed an Industry Guide that lays out homeland security technology needs, S&T’s focus areas, and opportunities to work with us. The guide walks you through our most pressing needs and lays out the specific technologies we are looking to innovate and advance. It describes tools for partnering with us, online resources for more information, and ways to engage directly with us.
I’m excited because, while we participate in a lot of outreach events, this guide takes us a step further by communicating the specific technologies we need and are investing in and by pointing innovation communities in the right direction in working with us.
The guide helps us advance three goals:
- Discovering what is going on within industry communities,
- Developing new or adapting existing technical solutions to meet operational needs, and
- Transitioning capabilities into the commercial market for our homeland security operators to buy off-the-shelf.
I invite all in industry – or any innovator – who may have a solution to a homeland security challenge to read our guide and learn about the ways we can help get your tech in front of homeland security operators. We hope the guide will help you better tell us what you – industry – have to offer so we can advance the state of the possible and solve challenges together. I look forward to working with you!