Date: November 14, 2017
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PT
Location: SRI Innovation Center | 333 Ravenswood Ave. | Menlo Park, California 94025
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is a world-class law enforcement agency responsible for safeguarding our nation’s borders while also facilitating legitimate trade and travel. One of its biggest mission areas is to manage the increasing volumes of travel and trade to the United States. The U.S. had more than 119 million air travelers in fiscal year (FY) 2016, a six percent gain over FY 2015, and an increase of over 35 percent since 2009. International travel is expected to continue to grow at approximately four percent each year for the foreseeable future, and CBP is seeking transformational technology to improve traveler experience, reduce queue times, and enhance security. CBP is interested in leveraging technologies that can help manage the flow of passengers to facilitate the entry and exit of travelers in both air and land border environments to ensure a secure, effective, and seamless travel experience.
DHS S&T’s Silicon Valley Innovation Program (SVIP) launched the Innovation Other Transaction Solicitation (OTS) HSHQDC-16-R-B0005 in December 2015. The OTS Innovation framework engages early stage start-ups through targeted non-dilutive funding and provides opportunities for operational testing and market access. The SVIP hopes to rapidly expand the commercial development roadmaps to include homeland security solutions by incentivizing product developers.
SVIP released three topic calls under the Innovation OTS:
- High Fidelity Counting and Measuring of CBP Queues and Service Times at Ports of Entry (70RSAT18R00000001)
- Land Border Biometric Exit Facial Recognition Verification Technologies (70RSAT18R00000002)
- Real Time, Intelligent Traveler Wayfinding for the Federal Inspection Station and Aviation Environment (70RSAT18R00000003)
The purpose of this Industry Day is to:
1. Describe the Silicon Valley Innovation Program to startups
2. Describe the homeland security challenges, use case and technical need for these topics
3. Show you how to apply for funding
Registration: Visit for details and to register.