VOME Support DHS Acquisitions
The DHS OSDBU implemented an initiative to expand outreach to small businesses to encourage new entrants and re-entrants in federal procurement. Vendor Outreach Matchmaking Events (VOME) support business to business (B2B) meetings to explore subcontracting and teaming opportunities, and to assist with gaps in small business capabilities. The VOME is a federal best practice and is a first for federal OSDBU offices.
VOME are virtual pre-arranged 15-minute meetings established by the matching of core competencies and lines of businesses as identified by each firm’s North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code(s). These events will provide small businesses the opportunities to:
- Learn about subcontracting opportunities.
- Identify teaming and joint venture opportunities.
- Discuss gaps in capabilities.
- Explore potential mentoring relationships with large businesses.
- Present core capabilities
VOME Achievements
Three VOME were held in FY 2022: Two events connecting large prime contractors and small businesses with one of those events reserved for small, disadvantaged businesses; and one procurement-specific VOME for the United States Coast Guard to help identify small business contractors for the upcoming DHS-wide National Construction Contract. These three VOME garnered 1,100 registrants and 756 meetings.
Three VOME were held in FY 2023: One procurement-specific VOME, in partnership with the Science and Technology Directorate, for the Small Business Innovation Research Program, and two events for small to small business engagement (B2B) resulting in over 1,500 small business registrations and over 500 meetings. The small business participants included all socioeconomic designations.
VOME Frequently Asked Questions
A. VOME do not have a yearly schedule like the VOS. Vendor Outreach Sessions take place 10 times per year and are generally opportunities for the government and large businesses to connect with small businesses. VOME is an all-day specialized event, for example it could be a procurement-specific, Large to Small businesses, Small to Small businesses, etc. and does not include the Small Business Specialists. Additionally, it is a business-to-business connection that is expected to raise awareness of subcontracting opportunities, potential partnerships, facilitate discussions that may lead to mentor-protégé relationships and joint ventures.
A. VOME match small businesses with potential partners based on NAICS codes, core competencies, needs, and lines of business. The pre-arranged virtual VOME meetings help connect only those businesses with related interests and needs.
A. Absolutely! VOME take place several times a fiscal year and is an opportunity to discuss potential subcontracting, partnering, and teaming between large and small businesses. Additionally, it is an opportunity for new entrants to establish a relationship with large businesses currently doing business with DHS or other federal agencies and/or actively seeking opportunities. Check with the DHS Vendor Outreach Program Office for more information. To receive support or discuss capabilities outside of VOME or VOS events, connect with a Component Small Business Specialist, or email DHS OSDBU directly.