Maya Angelou once said, “Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space. Invite one to stay.” Over these past few months, we’ve certainly experienced our fair share of chaos, despair, and disillusionment. Some of these are even driven by fear – fear of an unknown virus, fear of biases held deeply within, fear of whether we are enough, or even fear if we are doing enough at work and at home, especially for our families and our children. We could easily lose hope and wonder what’s the point.
We could also, just as easily, draw on the kind of hope that only comes from within our deepest selves. I choose the latter, and something tells me, you do too. Ever since I was little, I’ve had this light of hope that guides me throughout life in a wonderfully winding path. Things don’t always turn out the way I thought they would, and sometimes, even on those darkest days, I’m reminded that my life is unfolding just the way the universe intended.
This doesn’t mean we go through life with just wishful thinking; that has never accomplished anything. Instead, it means we deliberately choose to allow hope for our today and tomorrow to be brighter and stronger and more meaningful than the day before. It means that we take action, rather than just let things hang out in our head. If we hope for a better relationship, we start by first having a positive relationship with ourselves, and then we find that we can transfer that positive energy to others. If we hope for better physical health, we begin with taking that first step, literally, a first step, off the couch and around the block, and then slowly that will become a habit and we will become more healthy. If we hope for a more fulfilling job, we tackle the job we currently have with passion and interest, and that will then lead to doors opening in unexpected ways. And if we hope for a better future for not only ourselves and our children, we take the time to listen and understand those we interact with on a daily basis, and even add to our circle by including new found friends along the journey.
Hope is not illusive or only for those who are already well-off…it is within each and every one of us, all we need to do is open the door and allow the light of hope to shine in, in all its wonderful and surprising ways! In this light, fear cannot win.