We’re always evolving over time, sometimes rapidly and other times at a slower pace. One thing’s for sure though, we are always changing and so is everything around us.& Often we find ourselves changing or evolving to adopt what the world or society or even our communities and families have decided is who we are, or at least who we should be to meet their ideal person, fitting into their ideal situation. But what if the question we asked ourselves instead is, “who do we want to be regardless of how the world around us is changing?”
Perhaps it's time we let go of all of the things that define who we are and courageously step into who we were meant to be. When we stop defining ourselves by our jobs, our relationships, or even the “face” that we put on to the world every day, we might just find that there’s this really unique person just waiting to jump out and show off its authentic self. Go ahead, take off your mask, step out from behind the tree and dance down that path…I bet your dance moves, no matter how goofy they may be, are what everyone else wishes they would do as well!