The DHS FLETF Chair announces new additions to the UFLPA Entity List.
The Forced Labor Enforcement Task Force, or the FLETF, is a DHS-led Task Force of interagency partners that are dedicated to monitoring the enforcement of the prohibition on importing goods made wholly or in part with forced labor into the United States. Forced labor includes the use of forced, convict, and indentured labor, including forced or indentured child labor. You can understand more about forced labor and customs authorities that prohibit goods made with forced labor in U.S. supply chains by visiting
Forced Labor Enforcement Task Force Participation
The Forced Labor Enforcement Task Force is chaired by DHS's Under Secretary for Strategy, Policy and Plans and is composed of 7 member agencies. Additional participants include observer agencies that also contribute to FLETF efforts. Member agencies include:
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security (Chair)
- The Office of the United States Trade Representative
- U.S. Department of Labor
- U.S. Department of State
- U.S. Department of the Treasury
- U.S. Department of Justice
- U.S. Department of Commerce
Observer agencies invited by the Chair currently include:

The Secretary of Homeland Security is designated as Chair of the FLETF, per Executive Order 13923, and has since delegated this position to the Under Secretary for Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans. Acting Under Secretary Robert Paschall serves as the Chair of the FLETF. Robert Paschall became Acting Under Secretary for Strategy, Policy, and Plans on December 19, 2024. He is responsible for driving policy and implementation plans across all of DHS’s missions, including trade and economic security; cybersecurity, infrastructure security, and resilience; border security and immigration; international affairs; and counterterrorism.
The FLETF was authorized by the USMCA Implementation Act to monitor the import prohibition on goods made with forced labor (19 U.S.C. § 1307), and was formally established by Executive Order 13923 on May 15, 2020. The FLETF was directed to establish timelines for the CBP Commissioner to respond to external petitions drawing attention to the presence of forced labor in U.S. supply chains, which was done in the report titled Forced Labor Enforcement Task Force: Establishing Timelines.
The FLETF was also tasked with a continuing body of work, including:
- Convening quarterly to review active CBP Withhold and Release Orders, ongoing forced labor investigations, petitions received by CBP alleging forced labor in U.S. imports, FLETF forced labor enforcement priorities, and other issues related to enforcing the prohibition on importing goods made with forced labor into the United States.
- Issuing biannual reports to Congress on DHS priorities with respect to enforcing the U.S. import prohibition on goods made with forced labor, CBP enforcement of the import prohibition, planning related to U.S. Department of Labor reports on goods and products produced with forced labor, and other relevant FLETF efforts.
Learn more about the FLETF's role in the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act at the FLETF's Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act page.