WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.712 --> 00:00:02.712 ♪ ♪ 2 00:00:02.713 --> 00:00:04.919 What is human trafficking? 3 00:00:05.297 --> 00:00:08.056 Human trafficking is modern day slavery. 4 00:00:08.240 --> 00:00:14.004 It is the exploitation of a person through force, fraud, or coercion. 5 00:00:14.007 --> 00:00:19.049 Human smuggling and human trafficking are different crimes. 6 00:00:19.418 --> 00:00:24.553 Human smuggling is the illegal movement of someone across a border. 7 00:00:24.773 --> 00:00:29.400 Human trafficking is the illegal exploitation of a person. 8 00:00:29.528 --> 00:00:34.401 Human trafficking is about exploitation, not transportation. 9 00:00:35.783 --> 00:00:38.685 Human trafficking is a highly profitable crime, 10 00:00:38.686 --> 00:00:41.633 and a violation of human rights. 11 00:00:41.958 --> 00:00:44.836 It occurs in every part of the world, 12 00:00:45.142 --> 00:00:47.571 including here in the United States. 13 00:00:47.595 --> 00:00:49.595 It happens in our big cities, 14 00:00:49.967 --> 00:00:50.972 our suburbs, 15 00:00:51.244 --> 00:00:53.543 and even in rural towns. 16 00:00:54.084 --> 00:00:55.882 It can happen to anyone. 17 00:00:56.665 --> 00:00:59.611 Human trafficking victims can be U.S. citizens 18 00:00:59.635 --> 00:01:01.635 or from other countries. 19 00:01:01.764 --> 00:01:04.850 Victims can be any age, race, or gender. 20 00:01:05.238 --> 00:01:09.251 But one thing they share is that they are vulnerable to being exploited. 21 00:01:10.156 --> 00:01:13.171 There are different types of human trafficking, including 22 00:01:13.172 --> 00:01:17.933 sex trafficking, forced labor, and domestic servitude. 23 00:01:18.196 --> 00:01:22.993 Sex trafficking victims are manipulated or forced against their will 24 00:01:22.994 --> 00:01:24.900 to engage in sex acts for money. 25 00:01:25.674 --> 00:01:32.000 Sex traffickers might use violence, threats, manipulation, or the promise of love 26 00:01:32.024 --> 00:01:34.292 and affection to lure victims. 27 00:01:34.655 --> 00:01:40.092 Truck stops, hotel rooms, rest areas, street corners, clubs, private residences... 28 00:01:40.386 --> 00:01:45.570 These are just some of the places where victims are forced to sell sex. 29 00:01:46.285 --> 00:01:50.641 Any person under the age of 18 involved in a commercial sex act 30 00:01:50.666 --> 00:01:55.143 is considered a victim of human trafficking. NO EXCEPTIONS! 31 00:01:55.167 --> 00:01:57.903 Forced labor takes on many forms. 32 00:01:58.313 --> 00:01:59.844 It happens here in the U.S. 33 00:01:59.845 --> 00:02:01.093 and overseas. 34 00:02:01.475 --> 00:02:03.605 Through force, fraud, or coercion 35 00:02:03.788 --> 00:02:06.937 victims are made to work for little or no pay. 36 00:02:07.127 --> 00:02:10.514 Very often these victims are forced to manufacture 37 00:02:10.515 --> 00:02:13.858 or grow the products we use and consume every day. 38 00:02:14.101 --> 00:02:17.247 Victims of forced labor can be found in factories 39 00:02:17.272 --> 00:02:19.976 and farms, doing construction work and more. 40 00:02:20.661 --> 00:02:24.440 Victims of domestic servitude are hidden in plain sight. 41 00:02:24.464 --> 00:02:27.842 Forced to work in homes across the United States. 42 00:02:27.998 --> 00:02:31.351 Their traffickers sometimes take their identification papers 43 00:02:31.352 --> 00:02:34.376 and travel documents in order to limit their freedom. 44 00:02:34.643 --> 00:02:39.620 They are prisoners working as nannies, maids, or domestic help. 45 00:02:40.358 --> 00:02:42.782 Every year in the United States, 46 00:02:42.806 --> 00:02:47.163 thousands of human trafficking cases are reported, but many more go unnoticed. 47 00:02:47.789 --> 00:02:51.519 That's because human trafficking is a hidden crime. 48 00:02:51.722 --> 00:02:55.775 Victims might be afraid to come forward, or we may not recognize 49 00:02:55.776 --> 00:02:59.204 the signs, even if it's happening right in front of us. 50 00:02:59.710 --> 00:03:02.641 We need to bring this crime out of the shadows. 51 00:03:03.230 --> 00:03:06.849 That's why the Department of Homeland Security created the Blue Campaign. 52 00:03:06.849 --> 00:03:09.737 To take a stand against modern day slavery. 53 00:03:09.761 --> 00:03:11.955 And help combat this heinous crime by raising 54 00:03:11.955 --> 00:03:15.112 awareness of human trafficking around the country. 55 00:03:15.936 --> 00:03:17.136 But we can't do it alone. 56 00:03:17.654 --> 00:03:19.055 We need your help. 57 00:03:19.595 --> 00:03:22.413 So what can you do to stop human trafficking? 58 00:03:22.749 --> 00:03:25.597 Visit the Blue Campaign website to learn more about the 59 00:03:25.598 --> 00:03:28.014 signs and indicators of human trafficking. 60 00:03:28.108 --> 00:03:32.838 Share this video on social media to help bring this crime out of the shadows. 61 00:03:33.271 --> 00:03:35.103 Be an informed consumer. 62 00:03:35.127 --> 00:03:38.318 Know who makes the products you buy and the food you eat 63 00:03:38.343 --> 00:03:41.253 to help keep slavery tainted items out of your home. 64 00:03:41.717 --> 00:03:46.388 And finally recognize and report suspected human trafficking. 65 00:03:46.783 --> 00:03:51.164 You can submit a tip to federal law enforcement online or by phone. 66 00:03:51.290 --> 00:03:53.947 For victim support you can call or text the 67 00:03:53.972 --> 00:03:56.567 National Human Trafficking Resource Center. 68 00:03:57.937 --> 00:04:00.721 Help us bring this crime out of the shadows and into the light. 69 00:04:00.868 --> 00:04:02.587 Join the Blue Campaign. 70 00:04:03.368 --> 00:04:04.604 One Voice. 71 00:04:05.076 --> 00:04:06.271 One Mission. 72 00:04:06.310 --> 00:04:08.788 End Human Trafficking. 73 00:04:08.812 --> 00:04:15.522 ♪ ♪