WEBVTT 1 00:00:06.088 --> 00:00:08.166 - Thanks Frank and just to correct the record 2 00:00:08.166 --> 00:00:11.833 the brain child or who's brain child this is 3 00:00:13.800 --> 00:00:17.452 extends not only to the U.S. delegation and department 4 00:00:17.452 --> 00:00:21.269 but also the Mexican representatives in their departments 5 00:00:21.269 --> 00:00:24.073 because this came, the thinking behind this conference 6 00:00:24.073 --> 00:00:27.819 yesterday and today came as a result of a trip 7 00:00:27.819 --> 00:00:31.736 that myself and Secretary of State Tillerson made to 8 00:00:31.736 --> 00:00:35.262 Mexico very early in the Trump administration 9 00:00:35.262 --> 00:00:37.708 and it just seemed like a great idea 10 00:00:37.708 --> 00:00:41.875 to come together and do this kind of thing for a reason. 11 00:00:42.283 --> 00:00:45.029 Good morning again and I want to special thanks 12 00:00:45.029 --> 00:00:47.639 to Kurt Tidd and his team for putting all this 13 00:00:47.639 --> 00:00:50.222 together for us and for hosting us. 14 00:00:50.222 --> 00:00:51.657 As I mentioned yesterday, security 15 00:00:51.657 --> 00:00:53.842 and prosperity go hand-in-hand 16 00:00:53.842 --> 00:00:57.170 and you can't have one without the other. 17 00:00:57.170 --> 00:00:59.485 In putting together this conference, 18 00:00:59.485 --> 00:01:02.818 some people will raise the question why, 19 00:01:02.994 --> 00:01:07.161 why is DHS, why is the United States administration, 20 00:01:08.150 --> 00:01:11.483 why is the Mexican government interested 21 00:01:12.196 --> 00:01:16.199 in security in this region of the world, in Central America? 22 00:01:16.199 --> 00:01:18.972 And the answer is, of course, we have everything to do 23 00:01:18.972 --> 00:01:20.505 with this region of the world. 24 00:01:20.505 --> 00:01:23.502 It's all about our border security, it's about drugs, 25 00:01:23.502 --> 00:01:26.969 it's about human trafficking, it's about human smuggling, 26 00:01:26.969 --> 00:01:28.743 it's combating mass migration, 27 00:01:28.743 --> 00:01:31.800 it's taking on environmental issues 28 00:01:31.800 --> 00:01:34.958 and taking on transnational criminal organizations 29 00:01:34.958 --> 00:01:38.285 and their network, it's stopping counterfeit goods, 30 00:01:38.285 --> 00:01:40.625 it's facilitating legal trade and travel. 31 00:01:40.625 --> 00:01:44.092 I want to emphasize that, facilitating legal 32 00:01:44.092 --> 00:01:47.747 travel and legal commerce. 33 00:01:47.747 --> 00:01:49.641 In a very large part of our Homeland, 34 00:01:49.641 --> 00:01:51.523 U.S. Homeland Security mission 35 00:01:51.523 --> 00:01:55.050 is affected directly by what goes on in Central America 36 00:01:55.050 --> 00:01:58.164 and frankly, throughout South America. 37 00:01:58.164 --> 00:02:00.494 The other part of the answer lies, 38 00:02:00.494 --> 00:02:02.041 relates rather, to me personally, 39 00:02:02.041 --> 00:02:04.708 before as Frank mentioned I was, 40 00:02:05.073 --> 00:02:06.759 Homeland Security for five months now, 41 00:02:06.759 --> 00:02:09.701 which seems like five years frankly but, 42 00:02:09.701 --> 00:02:13.532 my last job in the United States Military was commanding, 43 00:02:13.532 --> 00:02:15.652 the privilege of commanding here in Miami 44 00:02:15.652 --> 00:02:17.821 at the United States Southern Command. 45 00:02:17.821 --> 00:02:20.305 During that period I saw first hand, 46 00:02:20.305 --> 00:02:24.214 that violence was going to our Central American neighbors. 47 00:02:24.214 --> 00:02:28.261 Our job's different than now than it was at SouthCom 48 00:02:28.261 --> 00:02:30.728 with my work with our Central American neighbors 49 00:02:30.728 --> 00:02:33.372 made me believe that our security 50 00:02:33.372 --> 00:02:35.860 is directly related to their security. 51 00:02:35.860 --> 00:02:38.350 As I said in my confirmation hearing, 52 00:02:38.350 --> 00:02:40.178 border security in the United States 53 00:02:40.178 --> 00:02:42.761 begins 1500 miles to the south, 54 00:02:43.224 --> 00:02:46.616 that is with we're partnering with great, great friends, 55 00:02:46.616 --> 00:02:49.493 Mexico, the Central American Republics, 56 00:02:49.493 --> 00:02:52.759 all the way down to the tip of South America. 57 00:02:52.759 --> 00:02:55.098 A lot of the security problems we face today, 58 00:02:55.098 --> 00:02:58.098 this region of the world faces today 59 00:02:58.928 --> 00:03:03.095 are directly related to the U.S. national demand for drugs 60 00:03:03.283 --> 00:03:05.994 and our use of drugs, our demand for drugs 61 00:03:05.994 --> 00:03:09.071 and result of that is devastating violence 62 00:03:09.071 --> 00:03:12.192 in many of the countries to our south, 63 00:03:12.192 --> 00:03:16.090 great men and women in uniform from Mexico south, 64 00:03:16.090 --> 00:03:19.173 police, military, losing their lives, 65 00:03:19.502 --> 00:03:21.394 not to mention, journalists, 66 00:03:21.394 --> 00:03:25.477 not to mention, public service losing their lives 67 00:03:25.583 --> 00:03:29.180 because of the demand for drugs in the United States. 68 00:03:29.180 --> 00:03:32.078 Our own country, last year the United States 69 00:03:32.078 --> 00:03:35.180 set a terrible new record for the highest level 70 00:03:35.180 --> 00:03:37.851 of drug deaths in our recorded history. 71 00:03:37.851 --> 00:03:40.713 Drug overdose is now the leading cause of death 72 00:03:40.713 --> 00:03:42.916 for Americans under the age of 50. 73 00:03:42.916 --> 00:03:45.164 Let me say that again, drug overdose is now 74 00:03:45.164 --> 00:03:47.642 the leading cause of death for Americans 75 00:03:47.642 --> 00:03:49.453 under the age of 50. 76 00:03:49.453 --> 00:03:53.619 More than 60,000 people died of drug overdoses last year, 77 00:03:53.619 --> 00:03:57.786 that's higher than all lives taken in the Vietnam War 78 00:03:58.600 --> 00:04:00.944 and in the Korean War. 79 00:04:00.944 --> 00:04:03.735 This demand funnels billions and billions of dollars 80 00:04:03.735 --> 00:04:06.174 to drug cartels and transnational 81 00:04:06.174 --> 00:04:08.586 criminal organizations to the south. 82 00:04:08.586 --> 00:04:11.004 In turn, the transnational criminal organizations 83 00:04:11.004 --> 00:04:13.677 act with unbelievable, unbridled violence 84 00:04:13.677 --> 00:04:17.012 in corruption to ourself. 85 00:04:17.012 --> 00:04:19.587 In this environment people look for a way out, 86 00:04:19.587 --> 00:04:22.428 thinking they were saving their kid from violence parents 87 00:04:22.428 --> 00:04:25.829 sent their precious children home to the United States. 88 00:04:25.829 --> 00:04:29.996 Nearly a decade of lax border security, internal security 89 00:04:30.014 --> 00:04:34.056 sent the message that if you could get to the United States, 90 00:04:34.056 --> 00:04:36.889 stay in the United States, instead 91 00:04:37.983 --> 00:04:39.667 many of them, these children, 92 00:04:39.667 --> 00:04:43.039 these immigrants that came to the United States wittingly 93 00:04:43.039 --> 00:04:47.206 was then horribly in to a dangerous underground network. 94 00:04:47.897 --> 00:04:49.836 In these networks, young men were 95 00:04:49.836 --> 00:04:52.536 often captured and forced in to cartel work, 96 00:04:52.536 --> 00:04:55.754 young women, raped and sold in to the sex trade. 97 00:04:55.754 --> 00:04:57.820 If you're lucky, a woman told me once, 98 00:04:57.820 --> 00:05:01.932 at a re-integration center in a Central American country, 99 00:05:01.932 --> 00:05:04.156 if you're lucky, you're really supported 100 00:05:04.156 --> 00:05:07.959 during this this trip north, if you're unlucky, you die, 101 00:05:07.959 --> 00:05:10.859 if you're unlucky, you're sexually molested 102 00:05:10.859 --> 00:05:12.693 and they beat you. 103 00:05:12.693 --> 00:05:16.132 We're sending a message by this conference, 104 00:05:16.132 --> 00:05:19.039 please do not make this dangerous journey. 105 00:05:19.039 --> 00:05:21.829 The days of weak border enforcement 106 00:05:21.829 --> 00:05:25.827 and I say border enforcement inside the United States, 107 00:05:25.827 --> 00:05:29.410 we're trying to give citizens of the region 108 00:05:29.864 --> 00:05:34.013 from this conference today and yesterday an option. 109 00:05:34.013 --> 00:05:37.534 An option to stay home, have some safety and security 110 00:05:37.534 --> 00:05:40.451 and have some economic opportunity. 111 00:05:41.257 --> 00:05:43.451 Make no mistake, the United States 112 00:05:43.451 --> 00:05:47.034 is an immigrant-friendly place, 1.1 million 113 00:05:48.242 --> 00:05:51.211 wonderful people come to our shores every year 114 00:05:51.211 --> 00:05:53.562 and begin the process of becoming citizens 115 00:05:53.562 --> 00:05:56.395 but the come to our shore legally. 116 00:05:57.012 --> 00:06:00.099 There's nothing more, and I'll close with this, 117 00:06:00.099 --> 00:06:01.855 there's nothing more that I'd like to see 118 00:06:01.855 --> 00:06:04.153 come out of this conference, yesterday and today, 119 00:06:04.153 --> 00:06:08.236 nothing more than to have countries we focused on 120 00:06:08.374 --> 00:06:11.902 have more opportunity for their citizens, that's key. 121 00:06:11.902 --> 00:06:14.981 By the same token, countries we're focused on 122 00:06:14.981 --> 00:06:18.253 have less and less and less violence within their borders. 123 00:06:18.253 --> 00:06:21.616 When I first took the job here at SouthCom, 124 00:06:21.616 --> 00:06:25.283 five years ago, people were telling me that, 125 00:06:25.922 --> 00:06:28.940 "What you're trying to do in Central America 126 00:06:28.940 --> 00:06:31.904 is not possible because of the violence, 127 00:06:31.904 --> 00:06:34.925 because of what drugs and drug trafficking 128 00:06:34.925 --> 00:06:36.776 has done to those countries." 129 00:06:36.776 --> 00:06:40.664 I used to say, "Look at the miracle of Columbia, 130 00:06:40.664 --> 00:06:43.473 look at what they were 20 years ago 131 00:06:43.473 --> 00:06:46.068 and look at where they are today." 132 00:06:46.068 --> 00:06:48.813 I would have to say as I look at the violence figures, 133 00:06:48.813 --> 00:06:50.054 there's three other variables 134 00:06:50.054 --> 00:06:53.073 that have taken place in this region, 135 00:06:53.073 --> 00:06:55.678 El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. 136 00:06:55.678 --> 00:06:58.226 Five years ago, they were the three most dangerous countries 137 00:06:58.226 --> 00:07:02.393 on the planet, the highest murder rates on the planet, 138 00:07:03.137 --> 00:07:06.598 their efforts to deal with the security issues, 139 00:07:06.598 --> 00:07:10.242 the corruption issues and the economic issues, 140 00:07:10.242 --> 00:07:12.192 for their efforts they have cut, 141 00:07:12.192 --> 00:07:15.192 in some cases, violence by 40%. 142 00:07:16.500 --> 00:07:19.245 The minimum they've cut violence is by over 30%, 143 00:07:19.245 --> 00:07:22.052 that is in fact a miracle, we're watching a miracle happen. 144 00:07:22.052 --> 00:07:24.885 So my hope out of this conference, 145 00:07:24.909 --> 00:07:29.076 is that the economic development and opportunity goes up 146 00:07:29.121 --> 00:07:32.860 and by this day, we talk about ways the violence can go down 147 00:07:32.860 --> 00:07:34.445 but I think they're actually seeing, 148 00:07:34.445 --> 00:07:37.256 already watching three miracles take place. 149 00:07:37.256 --> 00:07:39.057 With that, Frank, I'll turn it back over to you. 150 00:07:39.057 --> 00:07:41.925 Ladies and gentlemen, thank you, welcome, 151 00:07:41.925 --> 00:07:44.899 and let's have a great discussion today. 152 00:07:44.899 --> 00:07:49.066 ( audience applause) 153 00:07:50.812 --> 00:07:51.895 - [Frank] Thank you Secretary Kelly.