WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.331 --> 00:00:06.331 2 00:00:08,132 --> 00:00:11,124 Morrison: ScreenADAPT is an innovative training solution 2 00:00:11.124 --> 00:00:15.140 that's been a collaboration between DHS Science and Technology 3 00:00:15.140 --> 00:00:18.459 and one of our industry partners, Design Interactive. 4 00:00:18.459 --> 00:00:22.803 And specifically it uses eye-tracking technology to provide a type of feedback 5 00:00:22.803 --> 00:00:27.803 to our transportation security officers in how they're doing in visual search. 6 00:00:29.380 --> 00:00:33.259 Best: Portland is considered one of TSA's designated research airports. 7 00:00:33.259 --> 00:00:35.556 When we started using ScreenADAPT, 8 00:00:35.556 --> 00:00:39.236 we saw changes in performance immediately in a number of different areas. 9 00:00:39.236 --> 00:00:41.275 The first was just from a moral standpoint. 10 00:00:41.275 --> 00:00:45.588 Officers were really excited to get on the technology, to use it. 11 00:00:45.588 --> 00:00:49.092 The feedback we got is that this fun, I'm learning something. 12 00:00:49.092 --> 00:00:51.795 We don't really hear that in training very often. 13 00:00:51.795 --> 00:00:54.044 Wesolowski: The advantages of ScreenADAPT over other training, 14 00:00:54.044 --> 00:00:55.964 it's night and day. 15 00:00:55.964 --> 00:00:58.107 With ScreenADAPT we're able to track the eye movements. 16 00:00:58.107 --> 00:00:59.899 It's the first time TSA's been able to see where 17 00:00:59.899 --> 00:01:02.268 somebody is looking on an x-ray screen. 18 00:01:02.268 --> 00:01:06.732 The simulation that they use allows us to look at first contact on the screen, 19 00:01:06.732 --> 00:01:09.132 how long they've looked at something on the screen, 20 00:01:09.132 --> 00:01:12.003 whether or not they saw the threat. 21 00:01:12.003 --> 00:01:14.499 Cox: Since ScreenADAPT's been implemented, 22 00:01:14.499 --> 00:01:17.627 officers are able to actually articulate to me 23 00:01:17.627 --> 00:01:20.108 when they have something they want me to look at in a bag. 24 00:01:20.108 --> 00:01:23.044 I come up to them, they call a bag check, I really need you to look at this. 25 00:01:23.044 --> 00:01:27.388 And they can tell me why and they can tell what they're looking at. 26 00:01:27.388 --> 00:01:29.428 The officers that we've had go through 27 00:01:29.428 --> 00:01:33.251 are a lot more confident in what they're calling on bag checks. 28 00:01:33.251 --> 00:01:35.507 Morales: I was coaching and mentoring somebody, a new hire, 29 00:01:35.507 --> 00:01:38.883 and what we did before was go through SOP, 30 00:01:38.883 --> 00:01:41.107 get down on the floor, go through passengers, 31 00:01:41.107 --> 00:01:43.371 teach her as we go kind of thing. 32 00:01:43.371 --> 00:01:45.988 We'd be on x-ray, passing bags and she'd miss something, 33 00:01:45.988 --> 00:01:48.643 so I'd stop her, pull the bag, rerun the bag. 34 00:01:48.643 --> 00:01:50.403 OK, what do you see in this bag? 35 00:01:50.403 --> 00:01:53.149 Like OK, you're missing the knife; it's right here. 36 00:01:53.149 --> 00:01:55.172 And she was like, oh, well, I kind of looked at that, 37 00:01:55.172 --> 00:01:57.013 but I thought that was part of the belt buckle. 38 00:01:57.013 --> 00:01:59.860 I'd have to rely on her to tell me if she was looking at the item or not. 39 00:01:59.860 --> 00:02:02.764 When we started doing ScreenADAPT, it was just amazing, 40 00:02:02.764 --> 00:02:05.883 because I could see if she was actually looking at the item. 41 00:02:05.883 --> 00:02:07.780 And she was looking at the item, 42 00:02:07.780 --> 00:02:10.563 so after I saw those numbers and I saw her scores, 43 00:02:10.563 --> 00:02:12.780 I'm like, you know what you're doing. 44 00:02:12.780 --> 00:02:14.971 So I started working more on the confidence side of it 45 00:02:14.971 --> 00:02:18.147 and within a week there was just a drastic change 46 00:02:18.147 --> 00:02:21.580 from beginning or before ScreenADAPT to after it. 47 00:02:21.580 --> 00:02:23.404 Wesolowski: When the trainees see how 48 00:02:23.404 --> 00:02:26.123 they're looking at the screen, it is eye-opening to them. 49 00:02:26.123 --> 00:02:28.155 Even me, the first time I went through it, 50 00:02:28.155 --> 00:02:29.860 believed I was searching the entire bag, 51 00:02:29.860 --> 00:02:32.964 seeing everything, but ScreenADAPT showed that I wasn't. 52 00:02:32.964 --> 00:02:35.531 They start to see things differently when they're on the x-ray, 53 00:02:35.531 --> 00:02:38.164 they start to see the importance of clearing the entire bag 54 00:02:38.164 --> 00:02:40.308 and they become more efficient on the picture. 55 00:02:40.308 --> 00:02:43.603 And our detection range has shown improvement here at PDX, because of this. 56 00:02:43.603 --> 00:02:45.597 Trotter: So at the conclusion of the pilot, 57 00:02:45.597 --> 00:02:47.684 we racked up the numbers that they came out with, 58 00:02:47.684 --> 00:02:50.964 versus TSOs who were using a different training platform. 59 00:02:50.964 --> 00:02:53.667 We correlated the two to come up with data 60 00:02:53.667 --> 00:02:57.452 to see which one helped the officers detect better. 61 00:02:57.452 --> 00:03:01.451 And we found that ScreenADAPT showed more improvement overall. 62 00:03:01.451 --> 00:03:04.395 Morrison: In the most recent study, at four airports, 63 00:03:04.395 --> 00:03:08.356 we noticed 21 percent improvements between those that were in the 64 00:03:08.356 --> 00:03:12.596 ScreenADAPT experimental group versus those that were in the control. 65 00:03:12.596 --> 00:03:15.620 Cox: It adapts to the officer that's going through the session. 66 00:03:15.620 --> 00:03:18.516 If you're struggling at guns, it's going to give you more guns. 67 00:03:18.516 --> 00:03:21.275 If you're struggling with knives, it's going to give you more knives. 68 00:03:21.275 --> 00:03:23.325 As you progress through ScreenADAPT, 69 00:03:23.325 --> 00:03:27.380 you go to different levels, so the better you get, the harder it gets. 70 00:03:27.380 --> 00:03:30.396 Best: We had requested to build our own images 71 00:03:30.396 --> 00:03:34.075 and the company has worked with us and that's the next step coming forward. 72 00:03:34.075 --> 00:03:38.243 Every airport has different images that they see, depending on their location. 73 00:03:38.243 --> 00:03:40.716 The passengers that are going through an airport like Florida, 74 00:03:40.716 --> 00:03:43.476 where they're usually seeing more flip-flops and tank tops 75 00:03:43.476 --> 00:03:46.212 and not so many boots and big, puffy coats 76 00:03:46.212 --> 00:03:50.323 and you compare that to an Alaska, which actually is seeing that and beyond. 77 00:03:50.323 --> 00:03:54.851 And so by allowing us to build our own images, 78 00:03:54.851 --> 00:03:58.699 based on our need for the airport, it makes the adaptability of ScreenADAPT 79 00:03:58.699 --> 00:04:01.124 just go above and beyond what we've had before. 80 00:04:01.124 --> 00:04:03.587 Trotter: They're able to go through the results themselves 81 00:04:03.587 --> 00:04:05.835 and figure out what they're doing. 82 00:04:05.835 --> 00:04:09.165 They're able to see for themselves and kind of facilitate their own growth. 83 00:04:09.165 --> 00:04:12.803 At the end of every session I would ask what's your feedback? 84 00:04:12.803 --> 00:04:14.203 How do you feel? 85 00:04:14.203 --> 00:04:16.692 How would you compare it to the training you've had in the past? 86 00:04:16.692 --> 00:04:19.003 And I got nothing but positive responses. 87 00:04:19.003 --> 00:04:22.139 Wesolowski: It's a more productive training, but it's also more motivating. 88 00:04:22.139 --> 00:04:24.860 They learn to trust their gut instinct and go with it. 89 00:04:24.860 --> 00:04:26.508 Best: The advice that I would give other airports 90 00:04:26.508 --> 00:04:28.691 is jump to the front of the line as quickly as possible. 91 00:04:28.691 --> 00:04:30.955 You want this technology. 92 00:04:30.955 --> 00:04:34.412 Our officers are enjoying it, they're actually enjoying learning 93 00:04:34.412 --> 00:04:38.259 and that's really hard in this, in this type of situation that we work in. 94 00:04:38.259 --> 00:04:40.435 The setup was very easy. 95 00:04:40.435 --> 00:04:42.587 The working with the teams was very easy. 96 00:04:42.587 --> 00:04:46.219 The lift from a staffing standpoint is minimal. 97 00:04:46.219 --> 00:04:48.091 It's, it's, once you get it set up 98 00:04:48.091 --> 00:04:51.698 and ready to go, it's, you just go. 99 00:04:51.698 --> 00:04:52.218 101 00:04:52,218 --> 00:04:54,348 [Music] 100 00:04:54.348 --> 00:04:54.946 103 00:04:54,946 --> 00:04:55,226 101 00:04:55.226 --> 00:04:55.491 105 00:04:55,491 --> 00:04:55,491