WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.400 [Dusty] So we are going to start off with some basic questions and then as we 00:00:04.400 --> 00:00:08.410 get some comments we will try to answer your questions during the video. 00:00:08.410 --> 00:00:12.770 So just to get started let's cover some very basic questions, what is checked baggage 00:00:12.770 --> 00:00:16.790 and what is checked baggage detection? [Sharene] So checked baggage 00:00:16.790 --> 00:00:21.120 is the luggage you would check at the airport at the counter. They would take and 00:00:21.120 --> 00:00:25.140 put in a hold cargo area of the plane, so underneath the plane. 00:00:25.140 --> 00:00:29.500 Not anything you would carry on the plane at all, things you would relinquish before going 00:00:29.500 --> 00:00:33.540 going through security. [Dusty] Right, because we are all used to going through with our carry-ons, so this is 00:00:33.540 --> 00:00:38.020 stuff that happens to those bags that are going under the plane. [Sharene] Normally the larger bags, 00:00:38.020 --> 00:00:42.060 odd items, things above 50 pounds. 00:00:42.060 --> 00:00:46.480 [Dusty] So what is detection when we are looking at checked baggage. You know what's the process like? 00:00:46.480 --> 00:00:50.550 [Sharene] So the process is 00:00:50.550 --> 00:00:54.980 a series of what you would call like tunnels in the background of the airport 00:00:54.980 --> 00:00:59.060 is called the baggage handling system and the baggage 00:00:59.060 --> 00:01:03.460 is moved through these tunnels and it ultimately goes through a scanning process. [Dusty] Okay. 00:01:03.460 --> 00:01:07.530 [Sharene] The machines scan from the beginning to the end of the bag and 00:01:07.530 --> 00:01:11.980 if they find anything that could be potentially a threat 00:01:11.980 --> 00:01:16.070 those bags are diverted to another area to continue to be evaluated. 00:01:16.070 --> 00:01:20.080 [Dusty] Okay, and so what do travelers need to be aware of as far 00:01:20.080 --> 00:01:24.080 as how do they factor into this detection process what should they keep in mind? 00:01:24.080 --> 00:01:28.140 [Sharene] Be patient with the process, arrive early 00:01:28.140 --> 00:01:32.190 to the airport and try not to pack anything that 00:01:32.190 --> 00:01:36.650 would be considered an object that has been classified 00:01:36.650 --> 00:01:40.710 as do not bring to the airport or don't t send it. Otherwise you will get to your destination and you won't have it. 00:01:40.710 --> 00:01:45.240 [Dusty] So there are some basic things, like obviously TSA has some great guidance 00:01:45.240 --> 00:01:49.330 on their website about what to pack and what's appropriate. [Sharene] Absolutely. 00:01:49.330 --> 00:01:53.850 [Dusty] How does checked baggage detection and screening, 00:01:53.850 --> 00:01:57.990 how does it fit into the full spectrum of security operations at an airport? 00:01:57.990 --> 00:02:02.510 [Sharene] So it's a large part of the security operations at the airport. 00:02:02.510 --> 00:02:06.680 We're working toward trying to connect the bag 00:02:06.680 --> 00:02:11.280 to the person so that we make sure that the person and the bag get 00:02:11.280 --> 00:02:15.490 on the same flight 100% of the time.[Dusty] Right. [Sharene] It doesn't always happen that way, 00:02:15.490 --> 00:02:20.170 but the screening process goes on, again why 00:02:20.170 --> 00:02:24.450 arriving early is good so that your baggage makes it through the screening process especially if 00:02:24.450 --> 00:02:29.180 if there are issues with bags, your bag, a bag on your flight 00:02:29.180 --> 00:02:33.450 that that process gets taken care of and everything meets together on the same 00:02:33.450 --> 00:02:38.220 flight to get to your destination. [Dusty] So there are a lot of components that are being figured out at the same 00:02:38.220 --> 00:02:42.650 time as far as matching luggage, making sure that there is nothing 00:02:42.650 --> 00:02:47.380 dangerous getting on these flights and that's all happening simultaneously behind the scenes. [Sharene] Correct. 00:02:47.380 --> 00:02:51.840 Ah and so can you briefly describe what's happening 00:02:51.840 --> 00:02:55.920 when officers are looking at these checked bags. So usually 00:02:55.920 --> 00:03:00.350 that would occur after, I mean their watching as 00:03:00.350 --> 00:03:04.430 bags go through the tunnels, but after the machines have 00:03:04.430 --> 00:03:09.360 scanned the bags and the bag is diverted to for further 00:03:09.360 --> 00:03:13.630 inspection, they would open the bag and look in the area in which 00:03:13.630 --> 00:03:18.150 there may be an area of concern. [Dusty] Gotcha and it sounds like there's always a human element 00:03:18.150 --> 00:03:22.350 present during the screening process. [Sharene] Yes, to make sure 00:03:22.350 --> 00:03:26.910 the shoots aren't throwing bags in the wrong direction, everything is working according to 00:03:26.910 --> 00:03:31.130 how it's supposed to be. It's a checks and balance a quality assurance so to speak back there. 00:03:31.130 --> 00:03:35.720 [Dusty] And then can you give us a sort of understanding or an overview of like 00:03:35.720 --> 00:03:39.960 the different technologies that are involved with that? Is it all one type of 00:03:39.960 --> 00:03:44.560 a scanning a machine? You know we're all kind of familiar of like an X-Ray scanner. 00:03:44.560 --> 00:03:48.840 Are there different types of technologies that are working back there to screen the checked bags? 00:03:48.840 --> 00:03:53.490 So for the most part it's an X-Ray technology, which is currently in the field. 00:03:53.490 --> 00:03:57.880 Currently S&T is working on more of the cutting edge 00:03:57.880 --> 00:04:02.660 of the different ways of scanning the bags outside of traditional transmission 00:04:02.660 --> 00:04:07.100 X-Ray as an opportunity to improve 00:04:07.100 --> 00:04:11.190 our detection capability. [Dusty] Can you talk about what some of those additional capabilities or technologies 00:04:11.190 --> 00:04:15.190 might be, if you can. [Sharene] I don't believe I can. [Dusty] Okay, no worries. 00:04:15.190 --> 00:04:19.250 Okay, so stay tuned for future updates. 00:04:19.250 --> 00:04:23.630 What's something that maybe people take for granted about the screening process? 00:04:23.630 --> 00:04:27.700 [Sharene] The time it takes to 00:04:27.700 --> 00:04:32.120 develop a new technology to be 00:04:32.120 --> 00:04:36.210 put into operational 00:04:36.210 --> 00:04:40.650 into the current CONOP. [Dusty] Yeah, because I mean what kind of decisions are made 00:04:40.650 --> 00:04:44.750 or what information or what considerations need to go 00:04:44.750 --> 00:04:49.190 into making that decision about what goes out there into the field? [Sharene] The infrastructure 00:04:49.190 --> 00:04:53.300 is the huge thing. Airport infrastructure is very difficult to change because the cost. 00:04:53.300 --> 00:04:57.760 So we have to keep in mind when S&T is developing new 00:04:57.760 --> 00:05:01.900 technologies how well, in terms of time for 00:05:01.900 --> 00:05:06.430 scanning, cost, power consumption, 00:05:06.430 --> 00:05:10.630 foot print. These things can fit in the current concept of operations. 00:05:10.630 --> 00:05:15.170 [Dusty] I mean so airports are very distinct and 00:05:15.170 --> 00:05:19.380 there's not a one size fit all. [Sharene] No, there are different 00:05:19.380 --> 00:05:23.960 vendors in different airports based on their need. 00:05:23.960 --> 00:05:28.180 [Dusty] Wow, okay so when we are developing new technologies, new screening capabilities 00:05:28.180 --> 00:05:32.770 S&T, how are we weighing 00:05:32.770 --> 00:05:37.080 things like detecting certain properties? Are we 00:05:37.080 --> 00:05:41.750 weighing the time it takes to screen for something? What kind of factors do we look at as we 00:05:41.750 --> 00:05:46.090 are developing new technologies. [Sharene] Time is huge, 00:05:46.090 --> 00:05:50.800 but also the ability to increase detection 00:05:50.800 --> 00:05:55.200 capability overall without trading off anything else. 00:05:55.200 --> 00:05:59.260 So there's always sort of a balancing act. You don't want to trade off 00:05:59.260 --> 00:06:03.660 one element for something else. [Dusty] Right, so it's constantly having to figure out 00:06:03.660 --> 00:06:08.310 how do we increase the efficiency of both. Never sacrificing anything. 00:06:08.310 --> 00:06:12.800 [Sharene] Absolutely, as much as possible. [Dusty] Right. [Sharene] Including the cost of the instrument 00:06:12.800 --> 00:06:16.930 [Dusty] So these machines their detecting or 00:06:16.930 --> 00:06:21.410 their looking for explosives. Their looking you said for like threat objects. 00:06:21.410 --> 00:06:25.560 You know if you can, what other 00:06:25.560 --> 00:06:30.080 items might they detect or what else could they be used to detect? [Sharene] They could be used 00:06:30.080 --> 00:06:34.270 to detect some types of drugs [[Dusty] Oh okay.] for instance 00:06:34.270 --> 00:06:38.830 we are working currently, at least the explosives division 00:06:38.830 --> 00:06:42.860 is working with another division within S&T to explore 00:06:42.860 --> 00:06:47.450 the option of using the same technology at different types of checkpoints. [Dusty] Oh wow. 00:06:47.450 --> 00:06:51.470 Well that raises an interesting question too of you know is this technology something that could 00:06:51.470 --> 00:06:56.090 apply to different transportation systems? [Sharene] Yes, I believe it can. 00:06:56.090 --> 00:07:00.350 The issue probably would be cost and size. 00:07:00.350 --> 00:07:04.980 It really depends on the flow of traffic, if you look at a stadium 00:07:04.980 --> 00:07:09.300 you know maybe it's good for a certain type of stadium maybe not because it slows down 00:07:09.300 --> 00:07:14.010 the process of people entering and exiting. Right? 00:07:14.010 --> 00:07:18.420 So it really comes down to logistics and the concept of operations for that venue. [Dusty] Yeah, making sure 00:07:18.420 --> 00:07:22.460 throughput is sustainable and leaves people happy and moving efficiently. [Sharene] Correct. 00:07:22.460 --> 00:07:26.840 [Dusty] That's all good stuff to keep in mind. As we move 00:07:26.840 --> 00:07:30.890 on we want to talk about partnership opportunities or ways 00:07:30.890 --> 00:07:34.900 that people can get involved. Do you have any advice for anybody who is maybe on the industry 00:07:34.900 --> 00:07:38.920 side and they want to get involved? Any advice for them? 00:07:38.920 --> 00:07:43.310 [Sharene] So the Long-Range BAA has reopened. 00:07:43.310 --> 00:07:47.340 That's always a possibility we are looking for 00:07:47.340 --> 00:07:51.730 cutting edge basic research to TR level 00:07:51.730 --> 00:07:55.770 two to three, up to four 00:07:55.770 --> 00:08:00.150 and also on the other end 00:08:00.150 --> 00:08:04.190 applicable applied research 00:08:04.190 --> 00:08:08.580 that we could transition also into the operational 00:08:08.580 --> 00:08:12.630 venue. We also work on targeted BAAs, 00:08:12.630 --> 00:08:17.020 which we hope to have a new one coming out 00:08:17.020 --> 00:08:21.550 in FY19 we'll see, but that would be more of the basic 00:08:21.550 --> 00:08:26.010 research of the TR level of two to three, so the cutting edge stuff, the novel approach is to 00:08:26.010 --> 00:08:30.120 X-Ray detection that's different than what we already have 00:08:30.120 --> 00:08:34.610 or any other ways to detect 00:08:34.610 --> 00:08:38.740 explosives or threat items. 00:08:38.740 --> 00:08:43.330 [Dusty] So the Long-Range BAA the LR BAA that's 00:08:43.330 --> 00:08:48.130 the information is available on our website if you go to the business opportunities page and then we can 00:08:48.130 --> 00:08:52.720 stay tuned for any targeted BAAs that might come out. Great. [Sharene] Which should also be on our website. 00:08:52.720 --> 00:08:57.010 [Dusty] Excellent, so go visit our website. A couple of more questions. 00:08:57.010 --> 00:09:01.680 You talked about the next opportunity for industry to apply 00:09:01.680 --> 00:09:06.010 what have you learned from partnering with industry on this 00:09:06.010 --> 00:09:10.690 effort about maybe the role of public and private partnerships and how it can 00:09:10.690 --> 00:09:15.050 drive innovation? [Sharene] It definitely drives innovation. 00:09:15.050 --> 00:09:19.080 We started a way of doing something with our targeted BAA, which is 00:09:19.080 --> 00:09:23.440 these collaboration meetings, where we basically have everybody who’s won an award 00:09:23.440 --> 00:09:27.470 in the room presenting about 00:09:27.470 --> 00:09:31.870 twice a year. This has driven sort of a competition 00:09:31.870 --> 00:09:35.900 as well as the technology, when you have all these people 00:09:35.900 --> 00:09:40.310 in the room and they have to present to each other and they want to present a good product to the government 00:09:40.310 --> 00:09:44.360 who's also stakeholders from all over and present in the room. 00:09:44.360 --> 00:09:48.730 As well as competitors and universities. 00:09:48.730 --> 00:09:52.790 People end up partnering that you didn't think would end up partnering [[Dusty] Oh wow] and we end 00:09:52.790 --> 00:09:57.190 up with a much better product at the end of the day that our stakeholders are interested in 00:09:57.190 --> 00:10:01.250 in the transition. [Dusty] So that competition really drives that innovation, that spirit of 00:10:01.250 --> 00:10:05.260 I bet we have a good solution for this and I bet if we partner together we could make a really cool thing 00:10:05.260 --> 00:10:09.300 that would be really good.[Sharene] Right, ultimately it is about the traveling public 00:10:09.300 --> 00:10:13.700 and we want to keep everybody safe. [Dusty] Absolutely. 00:10:13.700 --> 00:10:17.740 Is there anything else that you wanted to leave people with? Any take always that you 00:10:17.740 --> 00:10:22.220 want people to know about the check baggage protection program? [ Sharene] We are really looking for 00:10:22.220 --> 00:10:26.300 cutting edge technology solutions. Something that 00:10:26.300 --> 00:10:30.700 could solve any 00:10:30.700 --> 00:10:34.790 upcoming things that we haven't thought of yet. We want to 00:10:34.790 --> 00:10:39.250 be very proactive in our current mission space, so if you 00:10:39.250 --> 00:10:43.350 have an idea, please submit to the Long-Range BAA. It's a 00:10:43.350 --> 00:10:47.810 great way to get in contact with us and stay tuned for the 00:10:47.810 --> 00:10:51.950 targeted BAA FY19 maybe 20. [Dusty] Alright. 00:10:51.950 --> 00:10:56.420 And we remind you once again, more of this information is available on our website 00:10:56.420 --> 00:11:00.530 and we will put up the email address. If you have any specific questions or if you want to send in any 00:11:00.530 --> 00:11:04.960 comments we will put that email address at the bottom of the video. Thank you all so much for 00:11:04.960 --> 00:11:08.522 tuning in today and we will see you at the next Tech Talk. [SandT.Explosives@hq.dhs.gov]