WEBVTT - https://subtitletools.com 00:00:05.516 --> 00:00:20.766 [ Music ] 00:00:21.266 --> 00:00:23.716 Okay so we are very excited and happy 00:00:23.786 --> 00:00:26.126 to have our CISA partners with us today, 00:00:26.576 --> 00:00:29.536 and our first presentation as Vincent mentioned we'll have two 00:00:29.616 --> 00:00:33.366 from CISA and the first one is Robert Dew is our speaker. 00:00:33.686 --> 00:00:36.646 And he's the senior technologist advisor for the Cyber Security 00:00:36.646 --> 00:00:38.296 and Infrastructure Security Agency. 00:00:38.686 --> 00:00:41.186 He's responsible for the overall technical development 00:00:41.186 --> 00:00:44.666 on design development testing and deployment of priority 00:00:44.666 --> 00:00:45.796 and interoperability 00:00:45.796 --> 00:00:49.206 of next-generation network priority services, 00:00:49.586 --> 00:00:52.136 including government emergency telecommunication service 00:00:52.316 --> 00:00:53.576 and wireless priority service. 00:00:54.236 --> 00:00:56.586 He's also responsible for technical advisement 00:00:56.586 --> 00:00:59.276 on the transition of 5G and technologies for data 00:00:59.346 --> 00:01:01.566 across Internet of Things for public safety. 00:01:02.246 --> 00:01:04.266 He has over 20 years of experience 00:01:04.266 --> 00:01:07.296 in wireless telecommunications and we're very excited 00:01:07.296 --> 00:01:08.616 to have him here today. 00:01:08.616 --> 00:01:09.976 So I'll turn it over to him. 00:01:12.516 --> 00:01:15.500 [ Applause ] 00:01:22.046 --> 00:01:22.856 Got a laser pointer here. 00:01:24.426 --> 00:01:24.826 Okay good. 00:01:25.626 --> 00:01:27.746 Yeah, so as Vincent said and I've been introduced as, 00:01:27.746 --> 00:01:30.476 I'm a senior technologist advisor with the Cyber Security 00:01:30.476 --> 00:01:32.166 and Infrastructure Security Agency. 00:01:32.226 --> 00:01:34.986 We became an operational agency in November last year. 00:01:35.486 --> 00:01:38.276 The primary mission of CISA is really 00:01:38.276 --> 00:01:40.356 to protect America's critical infrastructure 00:01:40.356 --> 00:01:42.046 from physical and cyber threats. 00:01:42.386 --> 00:01:45.506 And I'm particularly, I am mostly do 00:01:45.506 --> 00:01:48.706 in the emergency communications division which Vincent put 00:01:48.706 --> 00:01:50.806 up in one of the charts earlier. 00:01:51.166 --> 00:01:51.756 Next slide. 00:01:55.016 --> 00:01:56.146 [ Inaudible ] 00:01:56.146 --> 00:02:00.976 Oh you want me to advance it, oh okay. 00:02:01.036 --> 00:02:01.366 All right. 00:02:01.846 --> 00:02:03.256 Okay so as CISA is the customer 00:02:03.256 --> 00:02:07.526 for DHS S&T our customers really are public safety 00:02:07.526 --> 00:02:08.596 and national security 00:02:08.596 --> 00:02:10.476 in emergency preparedness personnel. 00:02:10.946 --> 00:02:12.326 And one of our big priorities 00:02:12.326 --> 00:02:15.376 in emergency communications is making sure that voice, video, 00:02:15.486 --> 00:02:18.516 data is interoperable and prioritized at an event. 00:02:18.686 --> 00:02:21.506 You have very big events that happen in the United States, 00:02:21.506 --> 00:02:23.036 you have the Virginia earthquake, 00:02:23.306 --> 00:02:26.986 obviously the Boston Marathon happened here, school shootings, 00:02:26.986 --> 00:02:29.736 that sort of thing where a lot of different agencies 00:02:29.736 --> 00:02:31.396 and jurisdictions have to respond, 00:02:31.396 --> 00:02:33.866 law enforcement, EMS, fire. 00:02:33.866 --> 00:02:36.286 And they need to be able to exchange data and make sure 00:02:36.286 --> 00:02:38.506 that their voice, video and data is interoperable, 00:02:38.506 --> 00:02:41.006 as well as their communications are prioritized. 00:02:41.076 --> 00:02:43.896 So it's a very difficult ecosystem 00:02:43.896 --> 00:02:46.476 that we're dealing with, we could have interoperability 00:02:46.476 --> 00:02:49.536 between wireless broadband, land mobile radio, 00:02:49.756 --> 00:02:54.086 alerts and warnings, NG 911, any sort of network device, 00:02:54.346 --> 00:02:56.406 communications or system the public safety 00:02:56.406 --> 00:03:01.186 and ns/ep personnel use we are really like the national leader 00:03:01.186 --> 00:03:03.526 in collaboration on those efforts 00:03:03.526 --> 00:03:05.376 for public safety and ns/ep users. 00:03:06.986 --> 00:03:10.946 So a lot of the things that we do at CISA 00:03:10.946 --> 00:03:13.246 in the emergency communications division is 00:03:13.246 --> 00:03:15.096 at a national level we have a national emergency 00:03:15.096 --> 00:03:17.536 communications plan which is currently we're going 00:03:17.536 --> 00:03:21.016 to be bringing out the 2019 version of it, 2014 is up there. 00:03:21.256 --> 00:03:23.936 It's under public common, it's currently being reviewed. 00:03:24.116 --> 00:03:25.706 This is kind of like the North Star 00:03:25.776 --> 00:03:28.126 for emergency communications for the nation in terms 00:03:28.126 --> 00:03:30.346 of governance and best practices. 00:03:30.936 --> 00:03:33.006 We also engage a lot at the state level 00:03:33.006 --> 00:03:35.186 with statewide interoperability coordinators. 00:03:35.506 --> 00:03:37.316 We work with a group called SafeCom. 00:03:37.576 --> 00:03:41.106 SafeCom is a group of public safety users that we meet 00:03:41.106 --> 00:03:43.286 with twice a year, we have working groups throughout the 00:03:43.406 --> 00:03:46.636 year to try to get what are the needs for public safety 00:03:46.856 --> 00:03:49.686 and how can we help them operationalize the technologies 00:03:49.686 --> 00:03:51.206 out there for interoperability. 00:03:51.766 --> 00:03:53.496 We also work with the National Council 00:03:53.496 --> 00:03:55.556 of Statewide Interoperability coordinators 00:03:55.856 --> 00:03:58.106 which these individuals at the state level are responsible 00:03:58.106 --> 00:04:00.356 for coordinating all the emergency communications 00:04:00.356 --> 00:04:01.046 in their state. 00:04:01.526 --> 00:04:03.556 We do a lot of technical assistance and training 00:04:03.556 --> 00:04:05.356 in exercise with public safety. 00:04:05.616 --> 00:04:08.956 So we deal a lot with the federal, state, local, tribal, 00:04:08.956 --> 00:04:12.006 and territorial levels in the United States. 00:04:12.586 --> 00:04:17.016 So three of the services that I'm intimately involved 00:04:17.016 --> 00:04:20.836 in is the Government Emergency Communications Service, 00:04:20.836 --> 00:04:22.736 the Government Emergency Telecommunications Service, 00:04:23.116 --> 00:04:24.796 Wireless Priority Service, 00:04:25.126 --> 00:04:29.116 and the Telecommunications Service Priority. 00:04:29.116 --> 00:04:31.086 GETS and WPS provide priority to ns/ep 00:04:31.086 --> 00:04:32.616 and public safety personnel 00:04:32.986 --> 00:04:34.606 when the wireless networks are congested 00:04:34.606 --> 00:04:36.286 so that they can get their voice calls 00:04:36.286 --> 00:04:37.476 through and across carriers. 00:04:37.746 --> 00:04:40.206 There are 29 wireless and wireline carriers, 00:04:40.206 --> 00:04:41.626 I'm sure you're very familiar with them. 00:04:41.946 --> 00:04:45.376 We have all the large nationwide wireless carriers involved 00:04:45.376 --> 00:04:45.776 in this. 00:04:46.406 --> 00:04:50.256 The telecommunication service priority is when there is damage 00:04:50.356 --> 00:04:52.286 to network and circuits go down. 00:04:52.566 --> 00:04:53.246 This is a service 00:04:53.246 --> 00:04:55.926 that prioritizes restoring those circuits 00:04:55.926 --> 00:04:58.146 that ns/ep users need after an emergency. 00:04:59.056 --> 00:05:01.746 So there's a lot of things we do in governance, in guidance, 00:05:02.076 --> 00:05:04.126 in best practices for public safety. 00:05:04.386 --> 00:05:08.286 We work a lot with DHS S&T doing R&D and the technology that's 00:05:08.286 --> 00:05:10.136 out there and operationalizing it 00:05:10.226 --> 00:05:12.146 for public safety and ns/ep users. 00:05:12.396 --> 00:05:15.726 But we're also the operational agent for these services 00:05:15.726 --> 00:05:19.016 that have been in existence since September 11th, 00:05:19.016 --> 00:05:23.566 and GETS was even in existence prior to that. 00:05:23.786 --> 00:05:26.776 Okay so I'm going to go a little bit over a 5G overview, 00:05:26.776 --> 00:05:27.736 I think a lot of the people 00:05:27.736 --> 00:05:30.056 in the audience probably understand a lot of what 5G is 00:05:30.056 --> 00:05:32.326 in terms of the core, the applications, the RAN. 00:05:32.576 --> 00:05:35.116 I'm going to try to go through this pretty fast. 00:05:35.486 --> 00:05:37.086 But I want to make sure that you understand kind 00:05:37.086 --> 00:05:39.916 of the complexity and the ecosystem that we're dealing 00:05:39.916 --> 00:05:41.276 with and this is where we're coming 00:05:41.276 --> 00:05:43.276 up with these impacts both positive and some 00:05:43.276 --> 00:05:44.736 that we have some concerns 00:05:44.736 --> 00:05:46.916 about for public safety and ns/ep users. 00:05:47.086 --> 00:05:50.766 And why we're really looking to work with DHS S&T at industry 00:05:50.766 --> 00:05:52.866 to help us close some of these gaps. 00:05:53.756 --> 00:05:56.826 So a lot of the vision for 5G that's up here was put forward 00:05:56.826 --> 00:06:00.166 by a lot of early visionaries in 5G like Dr. Ted Rappaport 00:06:00.166 --> 00:06:01.786 at New York University who was actually 00:06:01.786 --> 00:06:04.866 out in Manhattan doing measurements at 28 and 39 GHz 00:06:04.866 --> 00:06:07.416 to actually prove that 5G could be deployed 00:06:07.756 --> 00:06:09.816 for fixed wireless access and mobility. 00:06:11.036 --> 00:06:13.766 So some of the key tenets or pillars I see 00:06:13.766 --> 00:06:15.996 of 5G is a demand attentive network. 00:06:15.996 --> 00:06:19.196 This is a network that can look at the users and applications 00:06:19.256 --> 00:06:21.656 where they are and can elastically respond 00:06:21.656 --> 00:06:24.476 to those needs, provide priority, latency, 00:06:24.566 --> 00:06:27.236 throughput exactly where it's needed depending 00:06:27.236 --> 00:06:29.436 on what the user is doing and where the user is. 00:06:29.776 --> 00:06:32.006 It's also pushing a lot more processing 00:06:32.306 --> 00:06:33.456 to the edge of the network. 00:06:33.456 --> 00:06:35.836 Instead of taking all this information and bringing it 00:06:35.836 --> 00:06:38.126 into the core and processing it, there's going to be a lot 00:06:38.126 --> 00:06:40.316 of edge computing and processing that can be done at the edge 00:06:40.316 --> 00:06:42.146 of the network which I think is really going to help 00:06:42.376 --> 00:06:45.116 with security and helping to prioritize communications. 00:06:45.356 --> 00:06:46.976 And getting a very good baseline 00:06:47.306 --> 00:06:50.026 of what the network normally looks like during busy hour 00:06:50.086 --> 00:06:52.656 from traffic and signaling and then what it looks 00:06:52.656 --> 00:06:55.076 like when there's congestion or potential anomalies. 00:06:55.876 --> 00:06:58.736 Advanced spectrum sharing, there's a lot of talk 00:06:58.736 --> 00:07:01.256 about dynamic spectrum sharing going on right now. 00:07:01.326 --> 00:07:03.766 So the ability to use different technologies 00:07:03.966 --> 00:07:06.036 in various frequency bands. 00:07:06.116 --> 00:07:07.836 There's going to be a lot more spectrum 00:07:07.836 --> 00:07:08.816 that we're going to be able to use. 00:07:08.816 --> 00:07:10.206 We're going to be able to do much more 00:07:10.206 --> 00:07:13.686 of a heterogeneous network design with multiple site types, 00:07:13.686 --> 00:07:15.036 multiple frequency bands, 00:07:15.316 --> 00:07:17.356 and multiple radio access technologies. 00:07:17.736 --> 00:07:21.506 5G is really, it is about the new radio in RF 00:07:21.506 --> 00:07:24.696 but it's also an umbrella that could sit over, 00:07:24.696 --> 00:07:28.326 I mean Bluetooth, LTE is still going to be here, satellite. 00:07:28.786 --> 00:07:32.176 So it uses multiple RF technologies going back 00:07:32.216 --> 00:07:33.906 to eventually the same 5G core. 00:07:34.416 --> 00:07:36.756 Obviously, the data rates are going to be going up very high. 00:07:37.096 --> 00:07:39.116 We've had megabits per second in LTE, now we're going 00:07:39.116 --> 00:07:41.716 up another order of magnitude of gigabits per second. 00:07:41.976 --> 00:07:44.066 We're reducing the latency from 10 milliseconds 00:07:44.066 --> 00:07:46.786 on the AR interface trying to get it down to 1 millisecond. 00:07:48.296 --> 00:07:51.906 And in terms of the convergence of fiber and wireless. 00:07:52.266 --> 00:07:54.906 You know I'm going to show an example design in Portland, 00:07:54.906 --> 00:07:56.856 Oregon that shows a lot of 5G everywhere 00:07:56.856 --> 00:07:58.996 but we know 5G is not going to be everywhere 00:07:58.996 --> 00:08:00.966 in terms of the mmWave 5G. 00:08:01.196 --> 00:08:04.946 You maybe see 5G at lower bands like T-Mobile 600 megahertz band 00:08:05.366 --> 00:08:09.256 but 5G mmWave with extremely high throughputs is not going 00:08:09.256 --> 00:08:11.746 to be everywhere, it's really going to be in areas 00:08:11.836 --> 00:08:14.266 where the public tends to congregate 00:08:14.466 --> 00:08:17.206 and in dense urban areas or it could be in more rural areas 00:08:17.206 --> 00:08:18.286 and suburban areas as well. 00:08:18.286 --> 00:08:20.896 But it'll really have to be focused where people are 00:08:20.896 --> 00:08:22.556 because it's very expensive to deploy 00:08:22.556 --> 00:08:25.686 for ubiquitous coverage at mmWave bands. 00:08:26.086 --> 00:08:28.146 And I think some of the use cases everybody knows. 00:08:28.146 --> 00:08:31.226 I mean HDTV, immersive gaming, augmented reality, 00:08:31.276 --> 00:08:34.746 virtual reality, autonomous vehicles, smart cities are a lot 00:08:34.746 --> 00:08:37.126 of things that are driving the need for 5G. 00:08:38.276 --> 00:08:41.616 I think I'm going to skip this just due to time, 00:08:41.776 --> 00:08:44.116 but I want to talk about the last bullet. 00:08:44.816 --> 00:08:46.366 One of the things that we're really concerned 00:08:46.366 --> 00:08:50.156 about is you know in 3G and 4G networks you had this kind 00:08:50.196 --> 00:08:53.616 of purpose-built hardware boxes that did a very specific thing. 00:08:53.656 --> 00:08:56.176 And what we're doing now in 5G is we're talking 00:08:56.176 --> 00:08:57.506 about logical functions 00:08:57.506 --> 00:09:00.346 and we're taking those hardware boxes, and we're breaking them 00:09:00.416 --> 00:09:03.476 into software building blocks which is very good in terms 00:09:03.476 --> 00:09:05.776 of the network can be much more elastic and reactive. 00:09:06.596 --> 00:09:09.476 But it also has a lot of complexity in terms 00:09:09.476 --> 00:09:12.966 of securities where functionality is in the network, 00:09:13.956 --> 00:09:15.776 where it's not really physically located 00:09:15.776 --> 00:09:17.986 in one place it's really more of a logical instance. 00:09:17.986 --> 00:09:23.976 So I want to talk about a little bit about the need for 5G 00:09:23.976 --> 00:09:26.536 like why are we going up to things like mmWave band. 00:09:27.246 --> 00:09:32.696 Well these are the 28 modulation and coding schemes in LTE 00:09:32.696 --> 00:09:33.736 and this is a link curve. 00:09:33.736 --> 00:09:37.766 So a lot of wireless vendors use this to determine what sort 00:09:37.766 --> 00:09:40.246 of signal to interference and noise ratio they can handle 00:09:40.246 --> 00:09:42.576 and what modulation and coding scheme they can provide, 00:09:42.876 --> 00:09:44.266 which is ultimately your throughput 00:09:44.266 --> 00:09:45.976 or your cell spectral efficiency, 00:09:46.226 --> 00:09:48.646 how many bits per hertz can you do in a certain area. 00:09:49.296 --> 00:09:51.986 And with the frequency and time resource blocks we've got 00:09:51.986 --> 00:09:56.536 in LTE we've kind of hit about 75% to 80% of Shannon's limit. 00:09:57.316 --> 00:10:00.696 And what happens in LTEE, so you've got coverage 00:10:00.696 --> 00:10:03.606 and you design for coverage for a certain cell ledge uplink 00:10:03.696 --> 00:10:05.666 and downlink minimum throughput. 00:10:05.886 --> 00:10:07.256 But to increase capacity 00:10:07.256 --> 00:10:10.316 in a coverage area what carriers do is they site densify 00:10:10.316 --> 00:10:13.296 so they start packing more and more sites into a coverage area. 00:10:13.296 --> 00:10:15.946 Now the issue is when you've got the same frequency band 00:10:15.946 --> 00:10:19.146 and especially at lower bands what happens 00:10:19.146 --> 00:10:21.766 in 3G what we saw was that the inter -- 00:10:21.766 --> 00:10:25.706 so this right here is the number of cell sites that you have. 00:10:25.706 --> 00:10:27.616 And this is basically the probability 00:10:27.616 --> 00:10:30.386 that you're meeting a design SNR which is related to loading 00:10:30.386 --> 00:10:32.356 which is obviously related to your throughput. 00:10:32.816 --> 00:10:34.426 Here's SNR and here's throughput. 00:10:35.266 --> 00:10:37.726 In 3G we usually saw you add more and more sites 00:10:37.766 --> 00:10:40.716 to a certain area of coverage to increase capacity 00:10:40.926 --> 00:10:43.206 and your SNR starts to kind of level off. 00:10:43.346 --> 00:10:45.726 So you're basically you're adding more sites to an area, 00:10:46.196 --> 00:10:47.466 you're meeting more network demand 00:10:47.466 --> 00:10:49.786 but you're also increasing interference in that area. 00:10:50.346 --> 00:10:52.456 What I've seen with a lot of the small cell designs 00:10:52.456 --> 00:10:55.766 that I've done in 5G and 4G moving forward is 00:10:55.806 --> 00:10:57.976 that when you start putting more and more sites 00:10:58.116 --> 00:11:02.306 in you're increasing your SNR and you're increasing throughput 00:11:02.306 --> 00:11:04.196 but actually what happens is you hit a tipping point 00:11:04.466 --> 00:11:05.956 where you start adding more sites, 00:11:05.956 --> 00:11:07.236 you're actually doing a disservice 00:11:07.236 --> 00:11:10.866 to the actual SNR design, and I'll show this in a little bit. 00:11:11.256 --> 00:11:13.436 Even though you're giving more capacity 00:11:13.496 --> 00:11:15.536 for the network demand you're actually increasing 00:11:15.536 --> 00:11:16.266 your interference. 00:11:16.266 --> 00:11:18.436 And there gets to a point where you do a trade-off, 00:11:18.486 --> 00:11:21.586 especially at lower bands where LTE operates below 6 GHz 00:11:21.586 --> 00:11:25.736 in the United States where you really can't add anymore sites. 00:11:26.156 --> 00:11:29.306 So what we need is we need more spectrum and we need to go 00:11:29.306 --> 00:11:31.136 to frequency bands that are higher 00:11:31.376 --> 00:11:33.056 that don't cause so much interference. 00:11:33.056 --> 00:11:36.066 When you go up to mmWave and you start doing smart beamforming, 00:11:36.336 --> 00:11:37.526 you can put multiple beams 00:11:37.526 --> 00:11:40.646 on a user using massive MIMO smart beamforming. 00:11:41.046 --> 00:11:43.336 Where a SNR starts to go away is an issue 00:11:43.336 --> 00:11:45.286 and you're really dealing more with the noise floor. 00:11:45.536 --> 00:11:48.206 Now granted the distance between a user 00:11:48.206 --> 00:11:50.776 and the site gets much smaller which is why you need more sites 00:11:51.216 --> 00:11:53.386 but you get away from this SNR problem you have 00:11:53.386 --> 00:11:54.496 in lower frequency bands. 00:11:54.496 --> 00:11:57.166 So to really get the gigabits per second throughput 00:11:57.166 --> 00:11:59.576 that we need in the low latency and moving 00:11:59.576 --> 00:12:03.476 to mmWave bands we really need that extra higher frequency 00:12:03.476 --> 00:12:04.736 and more spectrum that's available 00:12:04.736 --> 00:12:05.836 at that higher frequency. 00:12:06.656 --> 00:12:08.756 So here's just an example I just pulled Verizon, 00:12:08.836 --> 00:12:11.076 this was a frequency band chart I did. 00:12:11.486 --> 00:12:14.886 This is their -- basically their 4G holding. 00:12:14.886 --> 00:12:17.456 So they've got, if you go in most urban areas with carriers 00:12:17.456 --> 00:12:21.516 like Verizon and AT&T, you'll see about 50 by 50, 60 by 60, 00:12:21.576 --> 00:12:24.676 65 by 65 MHz which is a lot of spectrum. 00:12:25.746 --> 00:12:28.796 But when you look at their mmWave holdings you can see 00:12:28.796 --> 00:12:33.126 in even just one mmWave holding you've got 850 MHz. 00:12:33.126 --> 00:12:36.386 So when you start moving up to these very high frequency bands 00:12:36.386 --> 00:12:40.086 into the mmWave band you start having GHz of spectrum available 00:12:40.116 --> 00:12:41.756 to you and that's how we're going to be able 00:12:41.756 --> 00:12:43.356 to get these very high throughputs. 00:12:43.926 --> 00:12:47.736 So this is a drive test that I did in a rural county 00:12:47.736 --> 00:12:49.936 in Minnesota and the point I wanted to make here, 00:12:49.936 --> 00:12:52.126 and this is a lake, is 00:12:52.126 --> 00:12:55.716 that coverage is really dominated by the lower bands. 00:12:55.716 --> 00:12:56.826 It's really dominated by -- 00:12:57.496 --> 00:13:00.086 T-Mobile didn't have their 600 MHz up at the time I did this 00:13:00.086 --> 00:13:01.806 but you really see like AT&T, the Verizons 00:13:01.806 --> 00:13:04.326 of the world are really dominating coverage 00:13:04.326 --> 00:13:05.216 in the 700 MHz band. 00:13:05.216 --> 00:13:08.876 And those bands are going to be there for a long time. 00:13:08.926 --> 00:13:11.346 So we're really -- these are the types of bands 00:13:11.396 --> 00:13:14.386 where you can do 5G on them but you're really not going 00:13:14.386 --> 00:13:17.586 to be able to get the very high throughput that you want. 00:13:17.806 --> 00:13:18.506 And you're not going to be able 00:13:18.616 --> 00:13:20.006 to that high throughput everywhere, 00:13:20.006 --> 00:13:21.616 it's going to be in dense urban areas. 00:13:22.426 --> 00:13:25.806 So the way I've see heterogeneous network 00:13:25.806 --> 00:13:29.146 and small cell design go from 4G moving into 5G is 00:13:29.146 --> 00:13:31.706 that it's very, the biggest issue is to look 00:13:31.706 --> 00:13:34.726 where the population is actually not just with census data, 00:13:34.726 --> 00:13:37.656 where they're living and where they're working, but actually 00:13:37.656 --> 00:13:39.116 where they congregate during the day. 00:13:39.116 --> 00:13:41.326 And this is why you have to start looking at social data 00:13:41.326 --> 00:13:44.436 and take data from places like Twitter because you actually see 00:13:44.486 --> 00:13:46.186 where the people cluster during the day. 00:13:46.186 --> 00:13:48.356 If you look at how many people live in Manhattan 00:13:48.356 --> 00:13:49.476 versus how many people come 00:13:49.476 --> 00:13:52.276 into Manhattan during the day it's a very big difference. 00:13:52.276 --> 00:13:56.126 This is Grant Park in Chicago and for small cell design 00:13:56.286 --> 00:13:58.776 to increase that cell spectral efficiency and put the site 00:13:58.906 --> 00:14:01.366 as close to the users as possible you've got 00:14:01.366 --> 00:14:04.196 to have a good social intensity heat map, and you've really got 00:14:04.196 --> 00:14:07.796 to put those sites dead center where the population is. 00:14:07.796 --> 00:14:09.956 And this is how the carriers are going to make a lot of money, 00:14:10.296 --> 00:14:12.096 this is how they make their money, and how they're going 00:14:12.096 --> 00:14:13.596 to have to do their 5G designs. 00:14:13.906 --> 00:14:15.786 And we care about this with public safety 00:14:15.786 --> 00:14:17.816 because we want very good communications in area 00:14:17.816 --> 00:14:20.516 where loss of life is most likely to occur. 00:14:21.796 --> 00:14:23.816 So this is just showing kind of a Het-Net design, 00:14:23.816 --> 00:14:26.616 in the upper left-hand corner you've got macro cells. 00:14:26.616 --> 00:14:29.206 And this is your cell spectral efficiency and what you want 00:14:29.206 --> 00:14:32.116 to do is increase that cell spectral efficiency as high 00:14:32.116 --> 00:14:34.756 as possible because you're putting more throughput 00:14:34.856 --> 00:14:39.586 to where people most likely are located per square meter. 00:14:39.856 --> 00:14:41.566 And when you start doing a Het-Net design 00:14:41.566 --> 00:14:44.186 which we're seeing, we've seen now in 4G and we're going 00:14:44.186 --> 00:14:47.016 to see a lot of that in 5G is you start putting pico 00:14:47.116 --> 00:14:50.716 and femtocells, you're not only increasing the cell spectral 00:14:50.716 --> 00:14:53.716 efficiency you're also taking those macro sites 00:14:53.716 --> 00:14:55.426 and you're moving farther along the ground. 00:14:55.426 --> 00:14:57.916 So this is how you increase your cell spectral efficiency is 00:14:57.976 --> 00:15:01.856 by using different cell types and different frequency bands. 00:15:02.976 --> 00:15:07.216 Okay so for an optimized design in LTE and moving into 5G some 00:15:07.216 --> 00:15:08.526 of the key things that I usually look 00:15:08.526 --> 00:15:11.116 for are very highly accurate terrain data. 00:15:11.116 --> 00:15:14.666 In 3G and even I've seen in 4G design they could kind 00:15:14.666 --> 00:15:19.126 of do maybe 30, 40, 100-meter terrain values. 00:15:19.426 --> 00:15:20.926 Well now when you get the sites that are going 00:15:20.926 --> 00:15:24.036 to be covering tens of meters potentially you know your 00:15:24.036 --> 00:15:25.896 terrain bins need to be down in the centimeter. 00:15:26.126 --> 00:15:28.726 So I see highly high accurate terrain data 00:15:28.726 --> 00:15:31.726 and you need highly accurate aboveground clutter data 00:15:31.726 --> 00:15:34.266 which we usually use lidar data for. 00:15:34.266 --> 00:15:38.406 And as I showed previously you need social intensity heat maps 00:15:38.446 --> 00:15:40.346 to make sure that your designs are very accurate 00:15:40.346 --> 00:15:41.536 but you're also putting the designs 00:15:41.536 --> 00:15:42.376 where they're most needed. 00:15:43.046 --> 00:15:45.376 So this was a design I did 00:15:45.376 --> 00:15:49.016 in the Citizen Broadband Radio Services, the 3 dot 5 GHz. 00:15:49.316 --> 00:15:52.996 And what it shows is that for fixed wireless access this is 00:15:52.996 --> 00:15:56.196 the number of base stations you need and the number of CPEs 00:15:56.196 --> 00:15:57.956 that you have are here. 00:15:58.166 --> 00:16:03.076 And for fixed wireless access about 22.6 sites was ideal 00:16:03.076 --> 00:16:03.836 for this design I did. 00:16:03.836 --> 00:16:05.126 And it was in Loudoun County, 00:16:05.126 --> 00:16:08.386 it's a suburban county outside of Washington DC. 00:16:08.736 --> 00:16:11.586 But for mobile coverage inside those buildings 00:16:11.586 --> 00:16:14.556 and here's the buildings and here's the coverage, 00:16:14.556 --> 00:16:17.036 about 28.7 sites was optimal. 00:16:17.036 --> 00:16:20.106 And this is actually a real design it was a 20 MHz channel 00:16:20.246 --> 00:16:21.426 in the CBRS band. 00:16:21.426 --> 00:16:24.546 And the point I'm trying to make here is the more sites you jam 00:16:24.546 --> 00:16:28.516 into an area you actually start losing your efficiency 00:16:28.516 --> 00:16:30.196 in terms of your payback. 00:16:30.196 --> 00:16:33.806 So really you can only cram so many sites at lower bands 00:16:34.156 --> 00:16:36.426 into a coverage area before you start having a lot 00:16:36.426 --> 00:16:37.276 of interference. 00:16:37.796 --> 00:16:42.376 And this, I don't know can you play that video off there? 00:16:42.376 --> 00:16:45.936 If you go down, it's like the radio button is like right here. 00:16:46.306 --> 00:16:49.186 The reason we didn't do a lot of beamforming in lower bands 00:16:49.186 --> 00:16:53.206 in LTE is because you can see this was below 6 GHz, 00:16:53.206 --> 00:16:54.646 if you just hit the arrow there. 00:16:55.096 --> 00:16:58.316 And you can see what happens is that because the beamforming is 00:16:58.316 --> 00:17:00.446 so wide and you get these sideloads. 00:17:00.746 --> 00:17:03.386 The reason beamforming was hard to do in lower bands is 00:17:03.386 --> 00:17:05.736 that you're spreading RF everywhere is you're moving 00:17:05.736 --> 00:17:09.046 that beam around, that's great for that one site for coverage 00:17:09.326 --> 00:17:12.106 but then you're blowing away the adjacent site right next to it. 00:17:12.106 --> 00:17:15.056 And the reason beamforming works so well in mmWave 00:17:15.056 --> 00:17:17.886 and higher frequency is because the beam widths are much tighter 00:17:17.886 --> 00:17:19.776 and they don't cause that interference with each other. 00:17:21.366 --> 00:17:24.286 So I've talked a lot about the RAN, the RF side of it. 00:17:24.406 --> 00:17:27.416 In terms of the 5G core what's really changing is again we're 00:17:27.416 --> 00:17:29.766 going to network function virtualization software 00:17:29.766 --> 00:17:30.856 defined networks. 00:17:31.656 --> 00:17:35.046 And we're moving, we're starting out right now 00:17:35.046 --> 00:17:38.686 where we've got a 4G eNB and we're adding a 5G radio, 00:17:38.686 --> 00:17:40.536 and a lot of this has been done with the carriers 00:17:40.536 --> 00:17:41.806 with fixed wireless access 00:17:42.086 --> 00:17:44.896 but it's still going back to a 4G core. 00:17:45.276 --> 00:17:47.356 So eventually we want to get to the point 00:17:47.406 --> 00:17:50.476 where all the radios are going back to this 5G software core. 00:17:50.476 --> 00:17:53.546 And this is the area where there's going to be a lot 00:17:53.546 --> 00:17:56.556 of performance issues that are going to be fantastic 00:17:56.586 --> 00:17:57.826 but where we get into a little bit 00:17:57.826 --> 00:17:59.676 of concern in terms of security. 00:18:00.986 --> 00:18:06.066 So this is basically just showing that in 5G the services 00:18:06.106 --> 00:18:08.886 and software is being disaggregated from the hardware. 00:18:09.186 --> 00:18:11.826 And you're having this ability 00:18:11.826 --> 00:18:13.866 to do this thing called network slicing now 00:18:13.866 --> 00:18:16.806 where you can logically slice across your RAN core 00:18:16.806 --> 00:18:18.856 and your RAN core and your transport network 00:18:18.856 --> 00:18:22.276 to provide very specific priority and security features 00:18:22.326 --> 00:18:26.426 for a specific type of group of users or a group of devices. 00:18:26.786 --> 00:18:29.136 And ultimately what we would really like to see in terms 00:18:29.136 --> 00:18:33.186 of priority services like wireless priority service is 00:18:33.186 --> 00:18:35.856 to actually have network service as a slice. 00:18:36.146 --> 00:18:38.966 For a specific group of public safety users, 00:18:38.966 --> 00:18:41.766 ns/ep users that need special priority 00:18:42.006 --> 00:18:45.086 in a congestion event during a network, for the network to have 00:18:45.086 --> 00:18:49.356 that ability to be able to slice across the network 00:18:49.356 --> 00:18:53.006 and provide them low latency prioritized signaling 00:18:53.006 --> 00:18:55.356 and traffic when they need it. 00:18:55.466 --> 00:18:57.466 The other thing that we're also looking at as well 00:18:57.686 --> 00:18:59.916 with this network slicing and talking between the RAN 00:18:59.916 --> 00:19:02.666 and the core is depending on what type of application, 00:19:02.666 --> 00:19:05.036 they're doing you want to put them on the right site type 00:19:05.116 --> 00:19:06.396 and the right frequency band. 00:19:06.656 --> 00:19:08.356 If someone's doing a voice call and they're 00:19:08.356 --> 00:19:11.366 in a car you don't want to move them up to mmWave bands 00:19:11.366 --> 00:19:12.456 where you've got beamforms 00:19:12.456 --> 00:19:14.166 on street poles trying to follow them. 00:19:14.436 --> 00:19:17.876 You want that on current LTE you know 700 MHz, 00:19:17.876 --> 00:19:20.796 something below 6 GHz because it provides wide coverage, 00:19:21.106 --> 00:19:24.316 and it's only like maybe 33 to 40 kb per second voice. 00:19:24.656 --> 00:19:27.286 But if they're nomadic and they're having to pull 00:19:27.286 --> 00:19:29.016 down building plans or they're staged 00:19:29.016 --> 00:19:31.356 in an area let's say outside of a school shooting, 00:19:31.566 --> 00:19:33.146 then you may want them to have some video 00:19:33.146 --> 00:19:35.956 and high-speed data then you may want to put them on mmWave. 00:19:36.226 --> 00:19:38.706 So the network needs to know who the user is, 00:19:38.766 --> 00:19:41.336 what their priority is, what radio access technologies, 00:19:41.336 --> 00:19:43.946 frequency bands, and site types are available to them 00:19:44.226 --> 00:19:47.356 and ideally put them on the right physical resource 00:19:47.596 --> 00:19:49.466 for that user for the application 00:19:49.466 --> 00:19:52.436 that they're trying to do. 00:19:52.646 --> 00:19:55.446 So the first three network slices that we're seeing 00:19:55.446 --> 00:19:57.556 and Massive IoT will be coming out in 00:19:57.556 --> 00:20:02.666 like release 17 3GPP is the enhanced mobile broadband 00:20:02.666 --> 00:20:03.976 to have very high-speed broadband. 00:20:04.216 --> 00:20:08.286 The ultralow latency for stuff like industrial control 00:20:08.286 --> 00:20:11.306 for like autonomous vehicles, and then obviously Massive IoT 00:20:11.596 --> 00:20:14.136 which is coming from all these IoT, these 10 of billions 00:20:14.136 --> 00:20:16.906 of connections we're going to be having in the next five years. 00:20:17.316 --> 00:20:19.336 I'll go through this quickly, this is just the latest chart 00:20:19.336 --> 00:20:22.736 from the Ericsson Mobility Report that came out last month. 00:20:23.206 --> 00:20:24.676 But you know you can see that we're 00:20:24.676 --> 00:20:29.076 up to 22.3 billion connections by 2024 00:20:29.306 --> 00:20:33.346 with a compound annual growth rate of about 27% 00:20:33.556 --> 00:20:35.776 for wide-area and short-range 15%. 00:20:35.776 --> 00:20:39.406 So the point is there's a connection density coming in 5G 00:20:39.406 --> 00:20:42.146 that from a security point and an attack vector point 00:20:42.146 --> 00:20:44.406 of view we have not had to deal with before. 00:20:46.086 --> 00:20:49.056 So this is for smart cities, for vehicles in smart cities, 00:20:49.056 --> 00:20:51.966 this is just making a point that design has to be very accurate 00:20:52.316 --> 00:20:56.056 down to very small bin sizes because now we're dealing 00:20:56.056 --> 00:20:59.466 in a much smaller footprint than we were with like macro sites. 00:20:59.466 --> 00:21:02.306 We really want to deal down to the submeter accuracy 00:21:02.446 --> 00:21:03.926 when we're doing 5G design. 00:21:04.446 --> 00:21:06.826 So some of the key issues that we're dealing 00:21:06.826 --> 00:21:08.956 with in 5G, one is coexistence. 00:21:09.356 --> 00:21:14.186 So you know we've had like power companies being 00:21:14.186 --> 00:21:17.026 on Skata systems, we've had public safety having land 00:21:17.026 --> 00:21:17.746 mobile radio. 00:21:17.976 --> 00:21:20.986 Well now everything is coming together in LTE and moving to 5G 00:21:20.986 --> 00:21:24.166 so you've got a lot of utilities, public safety, ns/ep, 00:21:24.166 --> 00:21:26.756 a lot of prioritized users that are coming 00:21:26.756 --> 00:21:29.466 onto the same technology, the same frequency band. 00:21:29.856 --> 00:21:32.006 We need to manage priority and pre-emption, 00:21:32.006 --> 00:21:34.526 who gets priority in what case. 00:21:34.526 --> 00:21:36.596 And that's t even including all the IoT that's going 00:21:36.596 --> 00:21:39.026 to be coming about so how do you separate human base 00:21:39.326 --> 00:21:42.046 and prioritize communication from IoT, 00:21:42.046 --> 00:21:43.866 and it's the same thing with security. 00:21:45.186 --> 00:21:49.156 Flexible mechanisms to enforce relative priority. 00:21:49.456 --> 00:21:52.176 So the network has to be very smart to know who's doing what 00:21:52.176 --> 00:21:54.256 when and what rights they have, and it needs to be able 00:21:54.256 --> 00:21:55.546 to do that very quickly. 00:21:55.666 --> 00:21:57.336 And it needs to be able to take that feedback 00:21:57.376 --> 00:21:59.586 from the edge computing going on at the edge of the network 00:21:59.586 --> 00:22:00.736 to make those decisions. 00:22:01.106 --> 00:22:05.606 A lot of the issues with priority are going 00:22:05.606 --> 00:22:07.076 to be even more complicated 00:22:07.076 --> 00:22:09.296 by a different traffic profile that you might have. 00:22:09.346 --> 00:22:10.946 You may have a robot that's going in 00:22:10.946 --> 00:22:15.196 and doing reconnaissance in a building that's collapsed 00:22:15.196 --> 00:22:16.906 that may need high-speed video. 00:22:17.236 --> 00:22:20.356 And you're going to have to go to prioritize at the site users 00:22:20.356 --> 00:22:22.276 that were getting very high priority now they're going 00:22:22.276 --> 00:22:24.786 to have to give up some of their bandwidth potentially 00:22:24.786 --> 00:22:26.116 for this video service. 00:22:26.416 --> 00:22:29.266 So it's getting much more complicated in terms 00:22:29.266 --> 00:22:31.506 of the priority, the preemption and the security 00:22:31.736 --> 00:22:32.906 of how you handle when a lot 00:22:32.906 --> 00:22:35.506 of different prioritized users doing different things are 00:22:35.506 --> 00:22:37.056 trying to use the same resource. 00:22:37.936 --> 00:22:40.666 And then network slicing obviously I talked 00:22:40.666 --> 00:22:42.906 about earlier is you know we really want 00:22:42.906 --> 00:22:45.206 to see network slicing as a service and the ability 00:22:45.206 --> 00:22:48.486 to slice a specific type of user into a network slice. 00:22:48.486 --> 00:22:50.856 And still keep that network slice secure 00:22:51.066 --> 00:22:54.496 and not allow someone to attack one slice 00:22:54.496 --> 00:22:55.516 to get to another slice. 00:22:55.516 --> 00:22:57.586 If you've got a device and you've got three 00:22:57.586 --> 00:22:59.036 or four network slices attached 00:22:59.096 --> 00:23:03.446 to that device you don't want a user trying to get in, 00:23:03.636 --> 00:23:06.446 a malperformer [phonetic] trying to get in and have an easy slice 00:23:06.546 --> 00:23:08.166 to attack and they attack to that slice 00:23:08.226 --> 00:23:09.596 and then they can get to another slice. 00:23:09.596 --> 00:23:12.436 So you need the flexibility of network slicing but you have 00:23:12.436 --> 00:23:13.726 to be able to secure it as well. 00:23:14.626 --> 00:23:16.846 Access control is a big issue, 00:23:16.846 --> 00:23:18.466 like the network doesn't know what you want 00:23:18.466 --> 00:23:19.396 to do ahead of time. 00:23:19.396 --> 00:23:22.826 So when you first come into a network in LTE 00:23:22.826 --> 00:23:24.636 or on the random-access control channel 00:23:24.706 --> 00:23:27.106 and that's just basically a contention-based channel 00:23:27.106 --> 00:23:29.956 where you say hey, I want to do something, and the eNB has 00:23:30.026 --> 00:23:32.536 to hear you, it has to resolve and get back to you. 00:23:32.536 --> 00:23:35.376 Then you tell them okay I have an establishment cause; 00:23:35.376 --> 00:23:37.816 I want to do this and then you tell them what network ID you 00:23:37.816 --> 00:23:38.486 have and all of that. 00:23:38.516 --> 00:23:40.726 But that first initial talking 00:23:40.726 --> 00:23:43.926 to the network right now really doesn't have a lot of priority 00:23:43.926 --> 00:23:47.356 and it's probably going to need priority in 5G 00:23:47.356 --> 00:23:50.036 with autonomous vehicles because they need very low latency. 00:23:50.036 --> 00:23:50.906 So that initial [inaudible], 00:23:51.776 --> 00:23:55.236 that kind of congestion-based channel we're going to have 00:23:55.236 --> 00:23:57.586 to wrestle with that for priority and security as well. 00:23:57.586 --> 00:24:01.756 Let's see, I think the rest of this -- 00:24:02.546 --> 00:24:04.636 yeah, so these are just some more of the issues, 00:24:04.756 --> 00:24:06.986 there's a lot of things we're going to get in 5G but because 00:24:06.986 --> 00:24:10.586 of the complexity it's going to take a lot more to secure a lot 00:24:10.586 --> 00:24:12.456 of it so I'm going to move along. 00:24:12.456 --> 00:24:14.396 Can you just pause here real quick? 00:24:14.596 --> 00:24:16.906 So what I'm trying to do with this Portland, Oregon example is 00:24:16.906 --> 00:24:19.696 to show you the scale of what a 5G network could look like 00:24:20.116 --> 00:24:23.746 and how public safety could be using it, and why we need 00:24:23.816 --> 00:24:25.956 to make sure that it's secure. 00:24:25.956 --> 00:24:28.046 And I tried to throw every buzzword in here, 00:24:28.046 --> 00:24:31.506 so it's got like sensors, it's got IoT, it's got mmWave, 00:24:31.706 --> 00:24:34.216 it's got network slicing, it's got Het-Net design. 00:24:34.596 --> 00:24:37.636 But it's also a core network that's able to get an input 00:24:37.636 --> 00:24:41.046 which we'll show as an explosion on a sensor and it's able 00:24:41.046 --> 00:24:44.346 to prioritize cameras in that area to give them priority 00:24:44.346 --> 00:24:46.536 to get eyes on the incident as soon as possible. 00:24:46.716 --> 00:24:48.586 But it's also showing a lot of the issues that I brought 00:24:48.586 --> 00:24:51.906 up with IoT like you know ubiquitous network connectivity, 00:24:52.026 --> 00:24:55.306 enhanced situational awareness, process optimization, 00:24:55.526 --> 00:24:57.226 and real-time response and control. 00:24:57.226 --> 00:24:59.196 So that's -- I'm trying to show all of this 00:24:59.306 --> 00:25:00.626 in this example design. 00:25:00.756 --> 00:25:01.906 You can play the video, thanks. 00:25:06.076 --> 00:25:07.346 Oh okay, let's see. 00:25:07.656 --> 00:25:08.596 Okay here we go. 00:25:08.906 --> 00:25:10.466 So what I've done is I've pulled 00:25:10.466 --> 00:25:12.826 in all the light poles in Portland. 00:25:12.826 --> 00:25:14.506 So there's like tens of thousands of them, 00:25:14.586 --> 00:25:16.836 they're color-coded differently just depending on who owns them. 00:25:17.196 --> 00:25:18.446 So what we're going to go through is look 00:25:18.446 --> 00:25:21.726 at the mounting assets that we're going to put 5G devices on 00:25:22.006 --> 00:25:24.466 and I'm choosing light poles for that 00:25:24.796 --> 00:25:28.496 so this is just zooming in and showing that. 00:25:28.786 --> 00:25:31.516 Now these sites here that you see are 00:25:31.516 --> 00:25:35.786 like three sectored sites, these are macro sites that are of one 00:25:35.786 --> 00:25:36.966 of the wireless carriers. 00:25:37.316 --> 00:25:42.296 So it's LTE coverage in like the 600, 700 MHz band. 00:25:42.776 --> 00:25:44.426 What I've also done is I've pulled 00:25:44.426 --> 00:25:47.516 in public safety hub sites because we may 00:25:47.516 --> 00:25:49.846 from a fixed wireless access point of view need to go 00:25:49.846 --> 00:25:52.656 from those light poles to public safety sites 00:25:52.736 --> 00:25:55.216 to these macro sites. 00:25:55.526 --> 00:25:59.046 So the kind of design setup here is there's no fiber 00:25:59.096 --> 00:26:01.416 to the light poles so we have to do that wirelessly. 00:26:01.496 --> 00:26:03.176 And we ultimately have to get this traffic 00:26:03.426 --> 00:26:06.676 that we're gathering at the light poles back to macro sites 00:26:06.706 --> 00:26:08.036 which have fiber and we're going 00:26:08.036 --> 00:26:11.626 to use 5G mmWave fixed wireless access to do this. 00:26:11.936 --> 00:26:14.866 So I also pulled in all the building addresses 00:26:14.866 --> 00:26:18.406 in a design area in Portland in case I needed to use buildings 00:26:18.646 --> 00:26:21.786 for temporary sites because you might not have line of sight 00:26:21.866 --> 00:26:24.746 from a street pole directly to the macro site. 00:26:24.746 --> 00:26:26.856 So you may have to go to a building, you may have to go 00:26:26.856 --> 00:26:28.296 to an intermediate hub site. 00:26:28.906 --> 00:26:33.086 So this is just showing the building addresses there. 00:26:33.246 --> 00:26:35.946 So what I did is this was all done in an RF tool 00:26:35.946 --> 00:26:38.036 but I've pulled it into Google Earth so you can kind 00:26:38.036 --> 00:26:39.826 of visually see what's going on here. 00:26:40.206 --> 00:26:43.056 So as I talked about earlier, the social intensity heat map. 00:26:43.306 --> 00:26:46.266 So this is a social intensity heat map which is used 00:26:46.266 --> 00:26:48.186 to prioritize the 5G design. 00:26:48.226 --> 00:26:51.236 We want to make sure whatever light poles we're putting 5G 00:26:51.236 --> 00:26:54.376 nodes on they're as close to where the public gathers 00:26:54.376 --> 00:26:57.246 and is most likely to be which is good for public safety 00:26:57.246 --> 00:26:59.816 because that's where loss of life is most likely to occur. 00:27:00.366 --> 00:27:03.486 So you can see the more red it is, the more intense, 00:27:03.576 --> 00:27:04.776 the more people are gathering. 00:27:04.976 --> 00:27:07.646 And this is just going into a 3-D view of it 00:27:07.916 --> 00:27:09.036 so you can kind of picture it. 00:27:09.036 --> 00:27:10.606 It's along the river there. 00:27:10.866 --> 00:27:14.016 I gave this presentation to a public safety group and we were 00:27:14.016 --> 00:27:16.566 at a Marriott in Portland so I kind of centered the design 00:27:16.876 --> 00:27:18.686 around the Marriott there. 00:27:19.046 --> 00:27:23.506 But this is along the water here so you can see 00:27:23.506 --> 00:27:25.826 that hotel there is actually where I was giving it. 00:27:26.086 --> 00:27:30.416 And you can see when I did the design I used lidar data 00:27:30.416 --> 00:27:33.736 so everything's accurate down to a submeter, the trees, 00:27:33.886 --> 00:27:35.186 the buildings, everything. 00:27:35.816 --> 00:27:39.496 So you can see that it's a lot of intensity there in terms 00:27:39.496 --> 00:27:40.806 of where people are gathering 00:27:40.896 --> 00:27:44.366 so again just pulled into Google Earth. 00:27:44.856 --> 00:27:47.286 What we also did was a viewshed analysis, 00:27:47.286 --> 00:27:48.506 we looked down at the light poles 00:27:48.506 --> 00:27:51.966 and made sure we had very good visual line of sight 00:27:51.966 --> 00:27:53.286 to the light poles as well. 00:27:53.546 --> 00:27:56.486 So when we're placing where we're going to put 5G notes 00:27:56.486 --> 00:27:59.226 on light poles we're placing it on where people are most likely 00:27:59.226 --> 00:28:01.416 to be and where we have very good visibility, 00:28:01.686 --> 00:28:04.166 and also where crime is most likely to occur. 00:28:04.166 --> 00:28:07.376 So I took like the last 10 years of crime in Portland 00:28:07.376 --> 00:28:09.066 and I said we need to make sure 00:28:09.066 --> 00:28:11.476 that for public safety you know we have eyes 00:28:11.556 --> 00:28:13.186 on where crime is most likely to occur. 00:28:13.416 --> 00:28:15.306 There were dozens of different types of crime, 00:28:15.506 --> 00:28:17.556 I didn't weight crime differently like murder 00:28:17.556 --> 00:28:19.606 versus larceny, we could do that. 00:28:19.716 --> 00:28:22.596 But it's showing you where crime is most likely to be 00:28:22.596 --> 00:28:24.626 and it is usually where people gather. 00:28:24.986 --> 00:28:26.676 But you can see luckily 00:28:26.766 --> 00:28:29.206 for us outside the hotel it wasn't too bad, 00:28:29.206 --> 00:28:30.536 Chinatown doesn't look so good 00:28:30.606 --> 00:28:32.536 but you know it seemed pretty safe. 00:28:32.536 --> 00:28:36.616 So I'm showing you the mounting assets 00:28:36.616 --> 00:28:38.746 and I'm showing you what drives where we put sites, 00:28:38.866 --> 00:28:42.406 which is where people are most likely to be in crime intensity. 00:28:42.546 --> 00:28:44.966 What you can also do with this is also look at infrastructure, 00:28:45.006 --> 00:28:47.956 damage to infrastructure, and natural disasters 00:28:47.956 --> 00:28:49.266 where they're most likely to occur. 00:28:49.606 --> 00:28:52.126 So this is showing the crime intensity 00:28:52.126 --> 00:28:54.466 with the hub sites that we're using. 00:28:54.786 --> 00:29:00.416 And if you could pause it just real quick here, sorry. 00:29:01.156 --> 00:29:05.696 So what this is showing you is the connection of the sensors 00:29:05.756 --> 00:29:09.156 on light poles is by existing LTE and this is the coverage. 00:29:09.156 --> 00:29:12.696 So it's very low latency, it's like a massive IoT design, 00:29:12.696 --> 00:29:13.806 you need a lot of coverage, 00:29:14.106 --> 00:29:15.896 you want it at a lower frequency band. 00:29:16.116 --> 00:29:18.446 So the sensors will pick it up on LTEE, 00:29:18.606 --> 00:29:20.896 the 5G core network is going to read it, 00:29:20.896 --> 00:29:22.906 and then the 5G core is going to go out to the edge 00:29:22.906 --> 00:29:25.946 of the network and prioritize turning on these IP cameras. 00:29:26.226 --> 00:29:31.286 And we need 5G throughput for IP cameras because if you look 00:29:31.286 --> 00:29:33.896 at like a body-worn camera a police officer might wear, 00:29:34.036 --> 00:29:36.096 if it's a 720P camera it's recording 00:29:36.096 --> 00:29:38.536 about 5.5 gigabytes per hour, 00:29:38.536 --> 00:29:40.406 that's like 5 megabits per second. 00:29:40.456 --> 00:29:43.796 If you're at the edge of an LTE cell and you're trying to uplink 00:29:43.796 --> 00:29:45.576 that kind of video, and I've actually done a lot -- 00:29:45.576 --> 00:29:48.496 I did quite a few video testing over the last couple of weeks, 00:29:48.746 --> 00:29:52.476 you'll take all the resources of a 10 MHz resource at LTE. 00:29:52.696 --> 00:29:55.086 So we really need 5G throughput to stream video. 00:29:55.266 --> 00:29:55.956 Okay thanks. 00:29:55.956 --> 00:29:58.416 I just wanted to make sure you understood this is a coverage 00:29:58.476 --> 00:30:00.726 design so it's going down to negative 120 dBm 00:30:00.886 --> 00:30:03.326 which in LTE we call this RSRP, 00:30:03.326 --> 00:30:05.206 it's reference signal received power, 00:30:05.206 --> 00:30:05.976 it's how you determine coverage. 00:30:06.546 --> 00:30:09.926 Okay so the design is showing all 00:30:09.926 --> 00:30:11.596 of the fixed wireless access links, 00:30:11.596 --> 00:30:13.276 and you'll see red, orange and yellow. 00:30:13.576 --> 00:30:16.016 So I didn't go more than three hops because I want 00:30:16.016 --> 00:30:17.676 to keep the latency as low as possible. 00:30:17.676 --> 00:30:20.046 But this is connecting all the light poles 00:30:20.046 --> 00:30:24.146 that I prioritized based on that social intensity back 00:30:24.296 --> 00:30:26.586 through buildings back to these macro sites. 00:30:26.646 --> 00:30:29.316 So I'm not saying that a wireless carrier is going 00:30:29.316 --> 00:30:32.976 to have a design this ubiquitous so this is a sample design, 00:30:32.976 --> 00:30:34.736 it's very accurate down to a meter. 00:30:35.026 --> 00:30:37.286 But this is to try to give you the scope of the issue 00:30:37.286 --> 00:30:40.896 that we're dealing with and how ubiquitous 5G could be 00:30:40.896 --> 00:30:42.726 in our future in the next couple of years. 00:30:43.486 --> 00:30:47.476 And you can see, I actually walked across the street, 00:30:47.556 --> 00:30:48.926 and you can see that yellow line. 00:30:49.046 --> 00:30:50.836 You could actually see right between the trees 00:30:50.836 --> 00:30:52.726 and you have line of sight to the top of that Marriott. 00:30:52.886 --> 00:30:55.516 So it's a highly accurate design, you know you've got 00:30:55.516 --> 00:30:57.896 to have submeter accuracy to do this because once you're 00:30:57.896 --> 00:31:00.356 in mmWave everything's got to be line of sight, 00:31:00.756 --> 00:31:03.786 it's not like 700 MHz where you're multipath rich 00:31:03.786 --> 00:31:06.676 and you know signals are changing polarization 00:31:06.676 --> 00:31:07.906 and bouncing off buildings. 00:31:08.326 --> 00:31:11.596 You know you can reflect those type of 700 MHz off buildings, 00:31:11.596 --> 00:31:13.716 you'll get a lot of energy out of the second reflection, 00:31:14.076 --> 00:31:15.226 not really going to be the case 00:31:15.436 --> 00:31:17.366 with mmWave it really is line of sight. 00:31:17.766 --> 00:31:20.246 Okay so sorry this is not an IMAX experience 00:31:20.246 --> 00:31:22.436 but this is the best I could do in terms of video. 00:31:22.436 --> 00:31:24.936 But this is actually out on the street in front of the Marriott. 00:31:25.416 --> 00:31:31.096 So this is doing the case of if an explosion happened 00:31:31.096 --> 00:31:32.916 and it got picked up by a sensor 00:31:32.916 --> 00:31:37.726 on that light pole how would the core network have the RF 5G 00:31:37.896 --> 00:31:38.596 network react. 00:31:39.186 --> 00:31:43.176 So okay, this video goes a lot faster when you're 00:31:43.176 --> 00:31:44.816 by yourself looking at it too. 00:31:45.016 --> 00:31:48.226 Anyway so here's the beamforming that happens off the light pole 00:31:48.226 --> 00:31:50.226 so you can see the kind of coverage that you can get. 00:31:50.226 --> 00:31:52.536 And again it's not like a fixed coverage like LTE 00:31:52.536 --> 00:31:54.706 where you got three sectors and it's sitting there, 00:31:54.706 --> 00:31:56.146 you know it is beamforming around. 00:31:56.146 --> 00:31:57.376 So it's showing the area 00:31:57.796 --> 00:32:01.396 where you can actually beamform a signal. 00:32:01.396 --> 00:32:04.376 So you're seeing the mobility here, if you can see 00:32:04.376 --> 00:32:07.546 that red kind of painting out on the area there. 00:32:07.546 --> 00:32:09.586 And then you've got the fixed wireless access 00:32:09.626 --> 00:32:11.736 which are the red, orange and yellow lines. 00:32:12.076 --> 00:32:13.496 Now you'll see these green sticks 00:32:13.496 --> 00:32:15.386 and you might be saying what is that. 00:32:15.586 --> 00:32:17.716 That's actually the lidar height of the building 00:32:17.716 --> 00:32:20.366 so when you bring the height from the RF tool and the lidar 00:32:20.366 --> 00:32:23.006 into Google Earth you may see a little bit of a discrepancy. 00:32:23.006 --> 00:32:25.696 But the lidar -- the green sticks are the accurate height. 00:32:25.936 --> 00:32:28.596 And we actually, you see the brown stick there, 00:32:28.626 --> 00:32:32.046 we actually found an error in one of the cell carrier sites 00:32:32.046 --> 00:32:33.386 where they had it in their database. 00:32:33.386 --> 00:32:36.566 So but anyways this is just to try to show you the kind 00:32:36.566 --> 00:32:39.266 of the ubiquity of the 5G design. 00:32:39.596 --> 00:32:42.156 And I think -- yeah, just to show you 00:32:42.376 --> 00:32:44.446 like that light pole there for example, 00:32:44.506 --> 00:32:47.326 to show you it's actually physically on the light pole. 00:32:47.776 --> 00:32:50.066 I think maybe, I think we're good on the video, 00:32:50.066 --> 00:32:51.936 I'm probably going to run out of time here in a couple of minutes 00:32:51.936 --> 00:32:53.506 so I just want to get to if we could go back 00:32:53.586 --> 00:32:54.916 to the presentation. 00:32:54.916 --> 00:32:57.316 That's just showing one sitting up on a corner of a building 00:32:57.316 --> 00:32:58.816 to show you what it could actually see. 00:32:58.996 --> 00:33:00.916 And if you can just go through, 00:33:00.916 --> 00:33:03.246 I think the next kind of dozen slides. 00:33:03.246 --> 00:33:04.776 Yeah, I have static slides in case 00:33:04.776 --> 00:33:06.056 for some reason the video doesn't work 00:33:06.376 --> 00:33:10.556 or I guess I could do them; I'm sitting here. 00:33:10.766 --> 00:33:16.426 Okay. Okay yeah, so and then this one here is just kind 00:33:16.426 --> 00:33:18.886 of showing a residential design here down on the right 00:33:18.976 --> 00:33:20.956 which is going to be a big use case 00:33:21.026 --> 00:33:24.116 for public safety for the 5G carriers. 00:33:24.356 --> 00:33:26.366 Okay so the potential impacts of 5G. 00:33:26.366 --> 00:33:28.226 So you know the advantage is obviously 00:33:28.226 --> 00:33:31.346 to increase throughput, symmetrical uplink and downlink, 00:33:31.346 --> 00:33:32.836 we can now do a lot of beamforming, 00:33:32.836 --> 00:33:34.176 we can do massive MIMO. 00:33:34.176 --> 00:33:35.476 There are all these new technologies, 00:33:35.476 --> 00:33:37.386 it's going to be a whole paradigm shift. 00:33:37.916 --> 00:33:40.586 Optimize special treatment of users, 00:33:40.586 --> 00:33:43.166 we can get much more granular with network slicing. 00:33:43.496 --> 00:33:46.556 We think these three network slices that are coming 00:33:46.556 --> 00:33:49.216 out you know it's probably going to take a while for the carriers 00:33:49.216 --> 00:33:51.396 to transition from hardware-based 00:33:51.396 --> 00:33:54.986 in a 4G core sitting next to a 5G core, hardware sitting next 00:33:55.026 --> 00:33:56.666 to software logical instances. 00:33:56.666 --> 00:33:58.066 It's going to take a while 00:33:58.066 --> 00:34:01.096 to do these very granular fine network slicing 00:34:01.096 --> 00:34:02.756 that we would need but we do think it's coming 00:34:02.756 --> 00:34:04.436 in the next couple of years. 00:34:04.676 --> 00:34:06.166 Obviously lower latency moving 00:34:06.166 --> 00:34:07.906 from 10 milliseconds to 1 millisecond. 00:34:07.906 --> 00:34:10.046 We need lower latency for industrial controls, 00:34:10.046 --> 00:34:13.016 things like autonomous vehicles and edge computing. 00:34:13.016 --> 00:34:15.126 And the one good thing about the edge computing is now you can do 00:34:15.126 --> 00:34:17.716 a lot of analytics at the edge of the network and you can look 00:34:17.756 --> 00:34:22.056 for bad actors, you can get a good RF baseline in terms 00:34:22.056 --> 00:34:24.216 of what the SNR you're seeing so you know what kind 00:34:24.216 --> 00:34:26.876 of the network looks like during a busy hour. 00:34:26.976 --> 00:34:29.446 And if you start seeing very weird SNR values and all 00:34:29.446 --> 00:34:31.416 that you know there might be someone trying to interfere 00:34:31.416 --> 00:34:32.686 with the network or do an attack. 00:34:33.116 --> 00:34:34.946 Some of the areas of concern obviously it's been 00:34:34.946 --> 00:34:36.666 in the news is like foreign development. 00:34:36.916 --> 00:34:38.106 I mean one of the key issues 00:34:38.106 --> 00:34:40.776 in securing this 5G ecosystem is it's kind 00:34:40.776 --> 00:34:42.186 of like a four stage thing. 00:34:42.186 --> 00:34:44.716 You've got the chipset manufacturers 00:34:44.986 --> 00:34:46.916 and the vendors and the OEMs. 00:34:47.346 --> 00:34:50.456 Then you've got how the wireless carriers deploy that equipment. 00:34:50.726 --> 00:34:54.406 Then you've got how they actually operate it ongoing, 00:34:54.406 --> 00:34:57.606 so you know when patches come in for devices it's going to have 00:34:57.606 --> 00:34:59.076 to be an ongoing thing. 00:34:59.076 --> 00:35:00.706 How well they're logging and they're looking 00:35:00.706 --> 00:35:04.076 at their signaling and traffic and analyzing it for anomalies. 00:35:04.736 --> 00:35:07.486 Increase in order of connection of magnitude, 00:35:07.486 --> 00:35:09.816 so the phones are getting much more smarter, 00:35:09.916 --> 00:35:11.776 there's a lot more attack vectors 00:35:11.776 --> 00:35:14.136 than there were before the connection density per square 00:35:14.136 --> 00:35:16.776 kilometer from going from 4G to 5G increasing 00:35:16.776 --> 00:35:18.166 by an order of magnitude. 00:35:18.566 --> 00:35:21.706 Obviously with much IoT devices coming 00:35:21.706 --> 00:35:24.056 on what's the onboarding process of getting IoT on. 00:35:24.186 --> 00:35:26.816 You know what is it when you say bring your own device, 00:35:26.816 --> 00:35:30.576 you know that's -- how is that going to be secured? 00:35:30.836 --> 00:35:34.036 Increase in small site density, now it's on a light pole, 00:35:34.036 --> 00:35:35.876 it's more physically easier to get it 00:35:35.876 --> 00:35:37.286 than it would be on a macro site. 00:35:37.286 --> 00:35:40.176 We don't know that one entity is going to be able 00:35:40.176 --> 00:35:43.106 to provide a full 5G network, it may be a network of networks 00:35:43.106 --> 00:35:45.506 so there's going to have to be trust between the networks. 00:35:45.816 --> 00:35:48.236 Integration with critical infrastructure we're going 00:35:48.236 --> 00:35:51.626 to be seeing falling back to other radio access technologies, 00:35:51.696 --> 00:35:55.866 taking someone in 5G trying to drag them down to 4G or 3G 00:35:55.866 --> 00:35:57.896 where it may be easier to break the encryption. 00:35:58.436 --> 00:36:00.656 And increased complexity in modeling 00:36:00.656 --> 00:36:02.746 and testing that's my problem, it's even harder to work 00:36:02.746 --> 00:36:04.656 on priority now with 5G. 00:36:05.016 --> 00:36:07.106 And then of course the operations and maintenance. 00:36:07.246 --> 00:36:10.076 Let me just see, I think I've touched on a lot 00:36:10.076 --> 00:36:11.516 of these things, I've got about a minute left. 00:36:11.676 --> 00:36:14.286 So and you're going to be provided these slides 00:36:14.346 --> 00:36:16.646 so you'll see a lot of what our concerns are in terms 00:36:17.116 --> 00:36:19.116 of the priority service, spectrum sharing, 00:36:19.256 --> 00:36:21.956 security, and the provisioning. 00:36:21.956 --> 00:36:23.526 Even just things that aren't supposed 00:36:23.566 --> 00:36:25.386 to be errors could be errors. 00:36:26.586 --> 00:36:28.206 You know the wireless carriers have to get used 00:36:28.206 --> 00:36:32.756 to orchestration and network virtualization in terms 00:36:32.756 --> 00:36:35.016 of big changes in their network so you know they want to be more 00:36:35.016 --> 00:36:37.956 like Googles and the Microsofts of the world. 00:36:37.956 --> 00:36:41.206 And then additional complexity with devices in IoT. 00:36:41.206 --> 00:36:44.236 So sorry, I blew through that fast so I think I'll stop here 00:36:44.236 --> 00:36:45.866 and is there time for questions? 00:36:46.036 --> 00:36:48.216 Yeah, okay so any questions? 00:36:48.216 --> 00:36:50.416 I know it's a lot but yeah. 00:36:50.776 --> 00:36:56.616 So I have a question about the relationship 00:36:56.616 --> 00:37:00.816 between autonomous vehicle that require low latency 00:37:00.816 --> 00:37:04.726 and the protection of control systems 00:37:04.796 --> 00:37:06.096 for critical infrastructure 00:37:06.096 --> 00:37:10.276 that also require low latency and often encryption? 00:37:10.546 --> 00:37:11.586 Right, right. 00:37:12.346 --> 00:37:16.666 I worry that you'll need to find ways 00:37:16.666 --> 00:37:19.486 to deconflict the increased demand 00:37:19.656 --> 00:37:21.106 for like autonomous vehicles 00:37:21.776 --> 00:37:24.376 that could be undermining the integrity 00:37:24.376 --> 00:37:25.046 of the control systems. 00:37:25.456 --> 00:37:27.806 And what are you doing to work on that? 00:37:28.126 --> 00:37:30.646 I think so the good thing is with mmWave is 00:37:30.716 --> 00:37:33.586 that because you can do that very tight beamforming 00:37:33.586 --> 00:37:38.076 and massive MIMO you really don't have so much 00:37:38.076 --> 00:37:40.626 of an interference issue as you had below 6 GHz. 00:37:40.626 --> 00:37:43.206 But there are going to be cases 00:37:43.206 --> 00:37:46.276 where people deploying these systems are going to have 00:37:46.276 --> 00:37:48.606 to come up with a priority and preemption scheme 00:37:48.856 --> 00:37:52.616 of who's doing what when if resources do get congested. 00:37:52.916 --> 00:37:55.136 I think like in industrial controls where you could have 00:37:55.136 --> 00:37:57.816 like fiber feeding the manufacturing plant 00:37:57.816 --> 00:38:01.056 and you've got 5G beamforming going on, that will be more 00:38:01.056 --> 00:38:02.476 of like a closed environment. 00:38:02.636 --> 00:38:04.386 And because of the beamforming they'll be able 00:38:04.386 --> 00:38:06.936 to tightly control that RF to keep it from interfering 00:38:06.936 --> 00:38:10.056 with let's say autonomous vehicles on the highway outside. 00:38:10.366 --> 00:38:12.716 But even though we're getting a lot more capacity 00:38:12.716 --> 00:38:15.606 and throughput I still believe there are going to be issues 00:38:15.686 --> 00:38:17.896 where we are going to run out of congestion 00:38:17.896 --> 00:38:20.526 or we might not have 5G capacity in an area. 00:38:20.526 --> 00:38:22.526 And the carriers are going to have to work 00:38:22.526 --> 00:38:25.276 out with network policy with their enterprise customers, 00:38:25.276 --> 00:38:30.686 with government how do you do that priority and preemption 00:38:30.686 --> 00:38:33.116 so that they don't conflict with each other, especially with IoT. 00:38:33.326 --> 00:38:35.046 I know it's not a great answer 00:38:35.046 --> 00:38:36.856 but these are just the things we have to work through. 00:38:36.856 --> 00:38:41.096 Sorry I think behind you there you had your hand up. 00:38:41.096 --> 00:38:44.996 I was wondering are light poles better 00:38:44.996 --> 00:38:46.956 than building roofs for sites? 00:38:46.996 --> 00:38:50.366 So as an RF engineer, I always say it depends, 00:38:50.596 --> 00:38:53.666 you know it depends on that specific area. 00:38:53.876 --> 00:38:55.716 Like if you're in like Pittsburgh or San Fracisco, 00:38:55.716 --> 00:38:57.396 you know you may do better with a building 00:38:57.396 --> 00:38:58.586 when you are San Francisco 00:38:58.586 --> 00:39:00.156 where you've got these streets going down. 00:39:00.426 --> 00:39:01.726 It really -- so it's going to depend 00:39:01.796 --> 00:39:04.596 on having a highly accurate representation of the clutter 00:39:04.596 --> 00:39:06.336 and the morphology in the environment 00:39:06.676 --> 00:39:08.726 and doing good predictive RF analysis. 00:39:08.726 --> 00:39:11.246 Street poles are going to get much closer 00:39:11.246 --> 00:39:12.456 to people in a flat area. 00:39:12.746 --> 00:39:14.956 The problem with buildings is you know you may not be able 00:39:14.956 --> 00:39:16.636 to form the beam way down, you might be -- 00:39:16.636 --> 00:39:18.826 I don't know if you've ever noticed if you're at a cell site 00:39:18.826 --> 00:39:21.176 if you're like directly underneath it you might not have 00:39:21.176 --> 00:39:23.506 very good coverage because the electric down or the mechanical 00:39:23.546 --> 00:39:26.196 down to the RF is kind of pushed away from the site. 00:39:26.936 --> 00:39:30.016 It really depends, most of what I've seen for good coverage 00:39:30.016 --> 00:39:32.126 of very busy streets it's probably easier 00:39:32.126 --> 00:39:33.336 to get on the light pole. 00:39:33.336 --> 00:39:34.956 And if you can make an agreement with the owners 00:39:34.956 --> 00:39:36.986 of the light pole you know you can do better 00:39:36.986 --> 00:39:37.986 site implementation. 00:39:37.986 --> 00:39:38.896 If you have to go building 00:39:38.896 --> 00:39:41.996 by building you know it could be a long site acquisition process 00:39:42.026 --> 00:39:43.276 but it really depends. 00:39:43.276 --> 00:39:46.446 But I think for you know 5G mmWave beamforming 00:39:46.446 --> 00:39:48.686 if you're trying to get those nomadic, slow-moving people 00:39:48.686 --> 00:39:50.686 on the street and for autonomous vehicles, 00:39:50.686 --> 00:39:52.846 I think light pole seems to be 00:39:52.846 --> 00:39:55.146 where everyone wants to get their nodes. 00:39:55.726 --> 00:39:57.546 Sorry, I think you had a question. 00:39:57.896 --> 00:39:58.976 Oh sorry. 00:39:59.296 --> 00:40:01.016 Yes, on the edge computing side, 00:40:01.126 --> 00:40:04.316 I mean of course you can network [inaudible] all you want. 00:40:04.316 --> 00:40:06.546 But on the edge computing side what 00:40:06.546 --> 00:40:08.436 about the prioritization there and what 00:40:08.436 --> 00:40:12.636 about the prioritization in the larger internet? 00:40:12.636 --> 00:40:15.686 I mean are we going to have internet fast lanes like it has 00:40:16.146 --> 00:40:17.926 to be an end-to-end solution? 00:40:17.926 --> 00:40:22.396 I mean the last miles or the first mile is fine 00:40:22.466 --> 00:40:23.666 but what about the rest of it. 00:40:23.856 --> 00:40:24.846 You make up a great point [inaudible]. 00:40:25.606 --> 00:40:27.986 So when we do priority services you know we look 00:40:27.986 --> 00:40:30.876 at the wireless carriers but you could give someone a priority 00:40:30.916 --> 00:40:33.996 service on a wireless carrier and they're trying to go 00:40:33.996 --> 00:40:36.066 to a server that's in some data center somewhere 00:40:36.116 --> 00:40:37.256 and they can't get the content right 00:40:37.256 --> 00:40:38.266 and say well this doesn't work. 00:40:38.466 --> 00:40:41.526 Well it did work, the problem is that's going to be something 00:40:41.526 --> 00:40:44.706 that we have to work on with the people running data centers 00:40:44.706 --> 00:40:47.966 and doing cloud services is that when that priority comes up to 00:40:47.966 --> 00:40:49.936 that fiber meet me room in that data center 00:40:49.936 --> 00:40:52.526 and has priority it also needs to be extended 00:40:52.526 --> 00:40:54.166 to those data services. 00:40:54.226 --> 00:40:57.476 But I'm hoping that the core networks will be smart enough 00:40:57.796 --> 00:41:02.026 that they will know what areas that they're touching 00:41:02.026 --> 00:41:04.156 and their network-to-network interfaces are congested 00:41:04.156 --> 00:41:05.096 and which ones aren't. 00:41:05.376 --> 00:41:07.416 So that if you have like an [inaudible] you've got 00:41:07.416 --> 00:41:08.796 like some information that's stored 00:41:08.796 --> 00:41:12.496 on a server somewhere else or a secondary, it'll know to go 00:41:12.536 --> 00:41:16.246 to a less congested place where that data is resident. 00:41:16.486 --> 00:41:19.276 But you're absolutely right, we can do it from the RAN, the core 00:41:19.276 --> 00:41:22.416 and the transport but once you leave that 5G network and you go 00:41:22.416 --> 00:41:24.356 to the internet or you go into a data center 00:41:24.546 --> 00:41:26.706 if you don't have priority there you could have congestion 00:41:26.706 --> 00:41:27.936 if you've got a lot of people trying 00:41:27.936 --> 00:41:29.706 to hammer the same server. 00:41:29.706 --> 00:41:30.506 It's absolutely right. 00:41:30.506 --> 00:41:34.376 And I think that's one of the good things is why you want 00:41:34.426 --> 00:41:37.766 to try to unload and process whatever you can 00:41:37.766 --> 00:41:38.716 at the edge of the network. 00:41:38.716 --> 00:41:41.566 But there's obviously some where you just won't have 00:41:41.566 --> 00:41:45.456 that content available to you. 00:41:45.456 --> 00:41:46.906 Okay, yeah. 00:41:47.386 --> 00:41:52.216 So you talk about the Internet of Things devices 00:41:52.216 --> 00:41:55.066 and defining priorities for each type of device. 00:41:55.066 --> 00:41:58.146 Is there some type of strategy in place currently 00:41:58.146 --> 00:42:06.606 where a device has some type of priority level depending on, 00:42:06.606 --> 00:42:08.756 you know, for one thing it's the traffic for the priority? 00:42:09.006 --> 00:42:12.786 But the device itself is there something, some scheme going 00:42:12.786 --> 00:42:15.206 on because I have a great plan for that 00:42:15.206 --> 00:42:18.226 and it works on hierarchy. 00:42:18.296 --> 00:42:23.576 Basically based on the design of the design itself sits 00:42:23.576 --> 00:42:25.156 into the hierarchy scheme 00:42:25.156 --> 00:42:27.916 which gives it its priority within that network. 00:42:28.336 --> 00:42:30.966 So the way I think that it will probably end 00:42:30.966 --> 00:42:32.436 up working is you're going to have to have some 00:42:32.436 --> 00:42:34.386 of these IoT devices tied to some kind 00:42:34.386 --> 00:42:36.046 of subscription whether it's human or not. 00:42:36.726 --> 00:42:39.546 Whatever USIM or eSIM goes in that device is going 00:42:39.866 --> 00:42:42.546 to have [inaudible] access class or something set 00:42:42.546 --> 00:42:44.106 so that it has some kind of priority. 00:42:44.626 --> 00:42:48.506 But this is the beauty of not only having static priority 00:42:48.506 --> 00:42:49.906 in the network but also dynamic. 00:42:50.016 --> 00:42:53.416 So with public safety they're going to need to have 00:42:53.416 --> 00:42:56.276 that ability to dynamically change some priorities 00:42:56.336 --> 00:42:58.566 on devices that they have subscribed to a carrier. 00:42:58.566 --> 00:43:02.326 So for example, you know you've got law-enforcement has 00:43:02.326 --> 00:43:03.846 like high priority on the network but it's 00:43:03.846 --> 00:43:06.686 like a chemical spill and you want the hazmat team to be able 00:43:06.686 --> 00:43:08.196 to come in with video and sensors 00:43:08.196 --> 00:43:09.296 to have a higher priority. 00:43:09.656 --> 00:43:12.056 You'll have to have someone that's designated 00:43:12.056 --> 00:43:15.766 that it can actually go into a subscriber database 00:43:15.766 --> 00:43:18.326 or has some portal into that wireless network carrier 00:43:18.326 --> 00:43:21.906 and can actually temporarily uplift or change the priority 00:43:21.906 --> 00:43:24.986 for those hazmat users or those IoT devices that they made. 00:43:24.986 --> 00:43:27.056 But that's one of the big questions we have 00:43:27.096 --> 00:43:30.346 with security is what's that electronic signature 00:43:30.346 --> 00:43:33.426 of an IoT device that comes on to a wireless broadband network 00:43:33.426 --> 00:43:37.046 because you need to know who owns it one just for security 00:43:37.046 --> 00:43:39.696 but also what's the network policy and priority 00:43:39.696 --> 00:43:40.806 that you treat that device with. 00:43:41.336 --> 00:43:43.046 So I think there will be a static setting 00:43:43.256 --> 00:43:45.816 and I think the IoT needs to be set below the humans 00:43:45.816 --> 00:43:47.686 in most cases but you need that ability 00:43:47.686 --> 00:43:49.636 to dynamically change it during an incident. 00:43:50.436 --> 00:43:53.556 Because you'll never be able to statically set priority 00:43:53.626 --> 00:43:57.296 for every user and IoT device for every single use case 00:43:57.426 --> 00:43:58.686 that could come about. 00:43:58.756 --> 00:43:59.356 Yeah. 00:43:59.946 --> 00:44:04.596 Yeah, my question is related to the other two questions. 00:44:05.026 --> 00:44:10.296 How are you going to coordinate all of the various carriers, 00:44:10.336 --> 00:44:14.316 both private and public, and users cross all 00:44:14.316 --> 00:44:15.346 of these different issues? 00:44:15.746 --> 00:44:20.466 And then who is going to perform that coordination? 00:44:20.466 --> 00:44:22.746 Yeah, that's -- so a lot 00:44:22.746 --> 00:44:26.126 of the security issues are being dealt with in 3GPP 00:44:26.126 --> 00:44:29.696 like in release 15 and 16 in terms of security. 00:44:30.096 --> 00:44:33.176 But 3GPP is international 00:44:33.176 --> 00:44:34.586 and that's what vendors build towards 00:44:34.586 --> 00:44:36.916 but that's not necessarily what we may be looking 00:44:36.966 --> 00:44:38.056 for in the United States. 00:44:38.056 --> 00:44:43.356 So I predict, I don't know what entity is going 00:44:43.356 --> 00:44:45.696 to have umbrella control over all of that. 00:44:45.696 --> 00:44:49.096 I know that for us because we're the operational agent 00:44:49.146 --> 00:44:50.656 for like priority services, 00:44:50.656 --> 00:44:52.816 I mean you can guess we would most likely be working 00:44:52.816 --> 00:44:54.896 with the wireless providers. 00:44:55.546 --> 00:44:59.616 We know what the specifications and requirements are in 3GPP 00:44:59.616 --> 00:45:03.606 and ATIS which is like you know the US standards group for that. 00:45:04.506 --> 00:45:07.916 What are the gaps in terms of what are they deploying 00:45:07.916 --> 00:45:10.676 and what do we need and then we would probably have 00:45:10.676 --> 00:45:11.936 to work with them on that? 00:45:11.936 --> 00:45:14.686 I think that a lot of the security issues may go similar 00:45:14.686 --> 00:45:16.696 to what we dealt with, with wireless party service 00:45:16.756 --> 00:45:18.516 where there were a lot of things built 00:45:18.786 --> 00:45:21.706 into the standards already, the equipment vendors had a lot 00:45:21.706 --> 00:45:23.516 of things but they didn't have everything we needed. 00:45:23.516 --> 00:45:25.326 So we had to work with the carriers 00:45:26.536 --> 00:45:28.936 to enhance those services and find those gaps. 00:45:29.196 --> 00:45:32.356 There are different bodies 00:45:32.416 --> 00:45:37.016 that have different I'll say authorities for like 00:45:37.086 --> 00:45:40.716 for autonomous vehicles, for certifying IoT devices. 00:45:41.196 --> 00:45:43.836 But I think with priority and security it's probably going 00:45:43.836 --> 00:45:47.236 to be entities like DHS that are going to be working 00:45:47.236 --> 00:45:49.436 with the carriers to make sure 00:45:49.436 --> 00:45:51.656 that you know how they're doing their network slicing, 00:45:51.656 --> 00:45:53.356 how they're doing that policy. 00:45:53.356 --> 00:45:55.916 We can still ensure that public safety 00:45:55.916 --> 00:45:58.426 and ns/ep users get priority in those situations. 00:45:58.906 --> 00:46:02.026 I know that doesn't completely answer it but it's. 00:46:02.026 --> 00:46:03.676 It's a tough question, I mean if we, you know, 00:46:03.736 --> 00:46:06.796 it hasn't been completely sorted out in LTE perfectly either. 00:46:06.796 --> 00:46:08.866 I think we're slowly learning as we're going along 00:46:08.866 --> 00:46:10.136 and making adjustments so. 00:46:11.106 --> 00:46:14.226 I think we're done yeah, sorry. 00:46:14.486 --> 00:46:15.746 I'll be here so. 00:46:15.746 --> 00:46:16.976 That was great. 00:46:17.516 --> 00:46:33.170 [ Music ]