WEBVTT - https://subtitletools.com 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.254 Music ♪♪♪ 00:00:04.254 --> 00:00:10.885 The DHS Science and Technology Directorate believes responders should be protected, connected and fully aware 00:00:10.885 --> 00:00:13.430 before, during, and after an incident. 00:00:13.430 --> 00:00:17.308 That means knowing which technologies to deploy, how they work, 00:00:17.308 --> 00:00:20.895 and how they complement all of the other tools at their disposal. 00:00:20.895 --> 00:00:23.732 That’s why they recently headed to Birmingham, Alabama 00:00:23.732 --> 00:00:26.609 host of the 2021 World Games 00:00:26.609 --> 00:00:31.322 to test the city’s readiness well in advance of the major international event. 00:00:31.322 --> 00:00:34.659 [Background speaking by Cory Moon] You have more than 10 to 15 patients... [inaudible] 00:00:34.659 --> 00:00:38.955 [Background speaking by Cory Moon] So having technology to track those vital signs... 00:00:38.955 --> 00:00:42.792 MOON: We're emergency responders. Technology plays a big role in what we do. 00:00:42.792 --> 00:00:45.879 the more technology that we have to help us as... to help assist us in completing our mission, 00:00:45.879 --> 00:00:48.715 the better for us. And the better for our citizens. 00:00:48.715 --> 00:00:54.304 SMITH: gives us an opportunity to test out some equipment that will probably be key 00:00:54.304 --> 00:00:58.433 in our successful hosting of the 2021 World Games 00:00:58.433 --> 00:01:02.687 NARRATOR: The event at Legion Stadium brought together responders; government, 00:01:02.687 --> 00:01:07.317 industry; and other stakeholders to simulate joint disaster response. 00:01:07.358 --> 00:01:12.197 LUU: Ah, to be able to interact directly with the first responder end user is very valuable for us, 00:01:12.197 --> 00:01:18.828 because, um, we be able to hear, direct feedback from them in terms of how the technology being used and also, 00:01:18.828 --> 00:01:22.999 get validation on technology is working for them or not, because in the end of the day, 00:01:22.999 --> 00:01:28.046 they are the ones, where we using it and then operate, you know, on the technology. 00:01:28.046 --> 00:01:32.217 NARRATOR: This testing event was the culmination of S&T’s participation in the 00:01:32.217 --> 00:01:35.095 Shaken Fury disaster preparedness exercises. 00:01:35.095 --> 00:01:40.892 The goal: expose responders to new technology, ensure they know how to use and integrate it, 00:01:40.892 --> 00:01:44.854 and allow developers to refine the technology based on feedback. 00:01:44.854 --> 00:01:51.611 ST JOHN: it gives the responders the opportunities to work together across particular disciplines 00:01:51.611 --> 00:01:56.241 to collaborate and to cooperate, to come up with a cogent plan 00:01:56.241 --> 00:01:59.744 that will see them through an actual event 00:01:59.744 --> 00:02:04.916 because in public safety, we always know that the next big one is right around the corner. 00:02:04.916 --> 00:02:08.670 NARRATOR: The 2021 World Games may seem a “world away” now, 00:02:08.670 --> 00:02:12.507 but the scope of what it takes to protect a city, a stadium, the athletes, 00:02:12.507 --> 00:02:17.303 and all of the spectators requires all involved to be as prepared as possible. 00:02:17.303 --> 00:02:22.267 LUPO: we always think that we're very well-prepared, and I do believe we are. 00:02:22.267 --> 00:02:27.397 Jefferson County experiences virtually every kind of disaster you can think of. 00:02:27.397 --> 00:02:31.109 This helps us even get more prepared. 00:02:31.109 --> 00:02:35.697 This helps our police department, our fire department, and all of the surrounding cities, 00:02:35.697 --> 00:02:40.952 These drills, or, preparation that we're doing with Homeland Security Science and Technology, 00:02:40.952 --> 00:02:47.876 just add to our ability to have that kind of successful response should something really happen. 00:02:47.876 --> 00:02:49.627 I get excited about this. 00:02:49.627 --> 00:02:54.716 It gives us the opportunity to do good work, but with the technology 00:02:54.716 --> 00:02:57.302 and with the knowledge that you all are sharing with us, 00:02:57.302 --> 00:03:01.014 it just gives us that much more knowledge, and that, it gives us that opportunity 00:03:01.014 --> 00:03:03.850 to do a better job for the people that we serve. 00:03:03.850 --> 00:03:08.563 [Music] ♪♪♪