WEBVTT NOTE This file was exported by MacCaption version 7.0.13 to comply with the WebVTT specification dated March 27, 2017. 00:00:00.067 --> 00:00:03.503 align:center line:-1 position:50% size:48% Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity Service employees 00:00:03.503 --> 00:00:05.372 align:center line:-1 position:50% size:44% protect the systems, networks, 00:00:05.372 --> 00:00:07.541 align:center line:-1 position:50% size:50% and information Americans rely on. 00:00:07.541 --> 00:00:10.644 align:center line:-1 position:50% size:74% We secure federal government information systems. 00:00:10.644 --> 00:00:14.348 align:center line:-1 position:50% size:75% We assess and counter evolving cybersecurity risks. 00:00:14.348 --> 00:00:16.984 align:center line:-1 position:50% size:55% We respond to cybersecurity incidents. 00:00:16.984 --> 00:00:21.021 align:center line:-2 position:50% size:59% We strengthen the security and resilience 00:00:16.984 --> 00:00:21.021 align:center line:-1 position:50% size:34% of critical infrastructure, 00:00:21.021 --> 00:00:24.191 align:center line:-1 position:50% size:39% and we prevent and disrupt criminal use of cyberspace. 00:00:24.658 --> 00:00:29.129 align:center line:-1 position:50% size:70% For more information about the work we do and the opportunities available, visit our website.