WEBVTT - https://subtitletools.com 00:00:05.516 --> 00:00:19.646 [ Music ] 00:00:20.146 --> 00:00:22.736 >> So, I want to introduce Don Roberts, 00:00:23.506 --> 00:00:26.486 who is the program manager for the Detection Canine Program 00:00:27.076 --> 00:00:30.746 and he's been at S&T since 2006 and working 00:00:30.746 --> 00:00:32.306 in the space since 2009. 00:00:33.046 --> 00:00:36.166 >> I want to appreciate, you know, the great turn out. 00:00:36.886 --> 00:00:39.726 You know, we're-- you know, I've always said that we need-- 00:00:39.726 --> 00:00:42.276 we need more smart people thinking about our hard problems 00:00:42.276 --> 00:00:46.576 in DHS overall, but especially in the canine world. 00:00:46.576 --> 00:00:47.716 It's wide, diverse. 00:00:48.156 --> 00:00:50.536 You heard about the expansion of our mission's base 00:00:50.536 --> 00:00:52.376 in the last several years, 00:00:52.376 --> 00:00:55.016 so we're looking for, you know, good ideas. 00:00:55.146 --> 00:00:58.796 That's what this event is all about is to hear from you. 00:00:59.086 --> 00:01:02.796 I will say that I'm not going to take my whole time. 00:01:02.796 --> 00:01:04.406 We're going to have a whole lot more time 00:01:04.406 --> 00:01:06.646 in the morning for breakout. 00:01:06.646 --> 00:01:08.216 We've got some time in the afternoon, 00:01:08.216 --> 00:01:12.696 but if you don't get a chance to talk to us specifically 00:01:12.696 --> 00:01:15.196 and get some follow up questions specifically to us, 00:01:15.846 --> 00:01:19.166 we on the tables in the breakout session or a few of the folks 00:01:19.166 --> 00:01:21.516 that you'll see and speakers have these cards. 00:01:21.806 --> 00:01:25.356 This is the website to follow up with, you know, for specific. 00:01:25.356 --> 00:01:27.226 If you don't get any questions in this, is the-- 00:01:27.516 --> 00:01:31.916 this is the email address, but this is the website that has all 00:01:31.916 --> 00:01:35.426 of our, you know, our snapshots, things that we put out, 00:01:35.626 --> 00:01:40.076 a lot more depth on the program, and, you know, 00:01:40.396 --> 00:01:42.786 could after the fact spark some interest. 00:01:42.786 --> 00:01:44.966 But, you know, I'm only going 00:01:44.966 --> 00:01:48.796 to give basically a high-level overview of the program. 00:01:49.506 --> 00:01:51.316 I'm going to lay out at the end a bit 00:01:51.316 --> 00:01:54.866 of our research challenges and, you know, 00:01:54.946 --> 00:01:57.666 you can see by the agenda we've got some 00:01:57.666 --> 00:02:01.216 of our current performers, our stakeholders, 00:02:01.216 --> 00:02:03.556 and our customer set that are going 00:02:03.556 --> 00:02:06.496 to provide a little bit more detail into some 00:02:06.666 --> 00:02:08.716 of the main efforts that we're doing 00:02:09.056 --> 00:02:12.756 and hopefully provide some more insight into, you know, 00:02:12.756 --> 00:02:14.926 the challenges that they face, you know, 00:02:14.926 --> 00:02:17.006 in these operators, you know, daily. 00:02:17.716 --> 00:02:18.026 All right. 00:02:18.146 --> 00:02:21.166 So, yeah, the canine program overview. 00:02:21.166 --> 00:02:24.346 Really our mission, provide the customer with the tools, 00:02:24.346 --> 00:02:27.406 techniques, and knowledge to better understand, train, 00:02:27.406 --> 00:02:29.496 and utilize the detection canine. 00:02:29.796 --> 00:02:31.316 You know, a broad mission space. 00:02:31.736 --> 00:02:33.826 You know, our primary customers, you know, 00:02:33.826 --> 00:02:35.566 who we serve is the whole 00:02:35.566 --> 00:02:38.756 of the domestic canine teams and operators. 00:02:38.756 --> 00:02:41.886 Our main focus, as Jay mentioned a bit, you know, 00:02:41.886 --> 00:02:45.706 with our expanded mandate has been explosive detection; 00:02:45.706 --> 00:02:49.576 however, you know, in the last several years our mandate has 00:02:49.996 --> 00:02:53.796 grown to serve the whole of the department 00:02:53.796 --> 00:02:57.016 and the homeland security enterprise, which, you know, 00:02:57.016 --> 00:03:00.766 includes state, local, tribal, territorial, 00:03:01.006 --> 00:03:03.626 law enforcement teams that, you know, 00:03:03.716 --> 00:03:07.326 encompass the wider, larger disciplines. 00:03:07.616 --> 00:03:09.796 So-- but our mission really is 00:03:09.826 --> 00:03:11.876 to improve the operational proficiency. 00:03:12.376 --> 00:03:13.336 That's the mandate. 00:03:13.376 --> 00:03:14.286 We're doing something 00:03:14.286 --> 00:03:17.346 that improves what these guys do on the end user side. 00:03:17.346 --> 00:03:20.746 At the end of the day, that's the impact that we want to make. 00:03:21.536 --> 00:03:24.226 You know? And, you know, along the way we want to establish us 00:03:24.226 --> 00:03:29.446 as a resource for this community and as a federal focal point 00:03:29.576 --> 00:03:33.146 for the research development, test, and evaluation. 00:03:34.426 --> 00:03:35.696 So, this is the scope. 00:03:35.696 --> 00:03:39.526 See, you know, we've got a bit of the, you know, 00:03:39.606 --> 00:03:44.296 the kind of Venn diagram is, you know, kind of to scale, but, 00:03:44.296 --> 00:03:45.986 you know, our mandate, you know, 00:03:45.986 --> 00:03:48.946 in the past has been the orange and the yellow. 00:03:49.316 --> 00:03:53.516 But the canine community is broad and diverse and, you know, 00:03:53.516 --> 00:03:56.026 that's where we want our capabilities to impact. 00:03:56.086 --> 00:03:59.946 That's where we want our programs to start to expand. 00:04:00.266 --> 00:04:01.516 That's where we need help. 00:04:01.836 --> 00:04:03.376 That's where we need good ideas. 00:04:03.426 --> 00:04:08.836 That's where we need experienced folks in those communities, but, 00:04:08.836 --> 00:04:09.906 you know, we feel that our-- 00:04:10.016 --> 00:04:12.766 the capabilities that we've built will serve 00:04:12.766 --> 00:04:16.166 that broad mission state-will serve 00:04:16.166 --> 00:04:17.456 that broad mission community. 00:04:17.896 --> 00:04:21.836 But, you know, we need-- we need to address the expanded scope 00:04:21.836 --> 00:04:24.856 and the expansion in the operators as well. 00:04:25.466 --> 00:04:29.956 So, you know, this is our program capabilities 00:04:29.956 --> 00:04:31.186 in a larger sense. 00:04:31.186 --> 00:04:33.666 You know, we've established these, we're looking 00:04:33.666 --> 00:04:37.056 to enhance these capabilities with your help. 00:04:37.056 --> 00:04:39.156 You know, we're looking for better mechanisms 00:04:39.156 --> 00:04:42.826 to share knowledge and be a more effective federal focal point 00:04:42.826 --> 00:04:43.826 in this space. 00:04:44.856 --> 00:04:48.776 You know, we want to provide better analysis tools. 00:04:48.816 --> 00:04:52.616 You know, we want more-- as I said, more experts, 00:04:52.616 --> 00:04:56.326 more smarter folks in this arena helping us solve these 00:04:56.326 --> 00:04:58.276 challenging problems and gaining insight 00:04:58.746 --> 00:05:00.366 into this sensor platform 00:05:00.366 --> 00:05:02.136 that we don't have a lot of insight into. 00:05:02.746 --> 00:05:05.976 You know, we want-- you know, we want to be able 00:05:06.236 --> 00:05:10.836 to enhance our capability to rapidly assess vulnerabilities, 00:05:11.306 --> 00:05:16.646 operational performance, and on emerging and current threats. 00:05:17.356 --> 00:05:20.416 We also want your help in providing, you know, 00:05:20.476 --> 00:05:21.986 better outreach to the whole 00:05:21.986 --> 00:05:24.296 of the homeland security enterprise, you know, 00:05:24.296 --> 00:05:27.476 the federal sector as well as state and local law enforcement. 00:05:28.256 --> 00:05:34.786 So, that really is the scope, the program capabilities 00:05:34.786 --> 00:05:37.826 that we're looking to enhance and looking for more good ideas. 00:05:38.276 --> 00:05:40.646 You know, next few slides I'm going to talk about some 00:05:40.646 --> 00:05:44.276 of our past and ongoing efforts and I hope 00:05:44.276 --> 00:05:47.526 that it gives a better feel for some of our challenges 00:05:48.226 --> 00:05:49.756 in providing tools, techniques, 00:05:49.756 --> 00:05:51.476 and knowledge to these operators. 00:05:52.546 --> 00:05:54.556 So, these are some of the examples 00:05:54.556 --> 00:05:56.826 of the tools that we talk about. 00:05:57.596 --> 00:06:00.266 You know, one being our nonhazardous 00:06:00.356 --> 00:06:02.266 or a nonhazardous training aid. 00:06:02.686 --> 00:06:05.406 You know, we focused in the peroxide-based-- 00:06:05.486 --> 00:06:09.836 this was a number one priority from TSA when I took 00:06:09.836 --> 00:06:12.686 over the program in 2009. 00:06:12.756 --> 00:06:16.576 And, you know, this-- what I want to emphasize is this type 00:06:16.626 --> 00:06:19.246 of product, especially in the explosive realm, 00:06:19.666 --> 00:06:21.636 takes years of development. 00:06:21.916 --> 00:06:26.006 That's what it takes to provide what we say in this-- 00:06:26.156 --> 00:06:29.466 in this program is statistically significant scientifically 00:06:29.466 --> 00:06:33.586 rigorous validation of this data set in order to verify 00:06:33.586 --> 00:06:36.516 that this product, you know, is a good alternative. 00:06:36.516 --> 00:06:37.856 Especially in the explosive realm. 00:06:37.856 --> 00:06:40.756 We can't be wrong, so we have to do this kind 00:06:41.366 --> 00:06:43.606 of extensive test and evaluation. 00:06:43.606 --> 00:06:47.256 Not only laboratory, but verified with the detector set. 00:06:47.606 --> 00:06:48.926 You know, in this case, you know, 00:06:48.926 --> 00:06:52.306 the gold standard has been, you know, in being able to imprint 00:06:52.466 --> 00:06:55.036 with this type of training aid, then validate 00:06:55.036 --> 00:06:56.606 that it gets the base material. 00:06:57.006 --> 00:06:59.056 You know, this is-- this is the gold standard. 00:06:59.356 --> 00:07:00.836 This is why it takes so long. 00:07:00.836 --> 00:07:04.976 We want to be able to, you know, shrink that development time 00:07:05.066 --> 00:07:09.476 in getting these products out to the end user, look for new 00:07:09.476 --> 00:07:14.206 and innovative ways to get these products out, get them cheaper. 00:07:15.086 --> 00:07:18.336 You know, in this case, TSA is taking the lead 00:07:18.336 --> 00:07:21.236 and driving the economy of scale, but, you know, 00:07:21.236 --> 00:07:23.876 we want better ideas to get these things affordable 00:07:23.876 --> 00:07:26.566 to the state and local law enforcement, you know, 00:07:26.566 --> 00:07:29.936 the communities, the counties, the municipalities 00:07:29.976 --> 00:07:31.976 that have two, three dogs. 00:07:32.916 --> 00:07:34.356 You know, that's where we've got 00:07:34.356 --> 00:07:37.916 to get innovation is shrinking the development time 00:07:37.976 --> 00:07:39.546 and cost-to-market. 00:07:40.456 --> 00:07:45.146 Some of the other tools that we have, are using, and, you know, 00:07:45.146 --> 00:07:48.956 are looking for further innovation and great ideas is, 00:07:48.956 --> 00:07:52.536 you know, laboratory techniques to see where the canine works. 00:07:52.536 --> 00:07:54.666 You know, down below the level of the detection 00:07:54.666 --> 00:07:56.536 of the canine at room temperature. 00:07:56.536 --> 00:07:57.936 That's where our detectors work. 00:07:58.186 --> 00:08:00.096 That's what we need laboratory support for. 00:08:00.336 --> 00:08:03.536 Especially with these, you know, low vapor pressure odors. 00:08:03.586 --> 00:08:07.686 These things that, you know, we had to develop this technology, 00:08:07.816 --> 00:08:11.666 this technique, when we were developing these training aids 00:08:11.666 --> 00:08:13.306 to confirm that we had something there, 00:08:13.306 --> 00:08:14.876 you know, at room temperature. 00:08:15.396 --> 00:08:17.106 But we've also used this 00:08:17.426 --> 00:08:19.976 to measure the effects of concealment. 00:08:20.116 --> 00:08:24.736 You know, what kind of odor availability is there 00:08:25.196 --> 00:08:28.046 when we're getting artful concealment methods. 00:08:28.046 --> 00:08:30.776 You know, if there's no detection, there are no odor, 00:08:30.776 --> 00:08:32.426 there is no detection with this platform. 00:08:32.816 --> 00:08:36.536 So, sometimes we're asking these operators to fill a gap 00:08:36.536 --> 00:08:38.856 that they just can't do with this detector 00:08:38.896 --> 00:08:41.146 and we need better insight into that. 00:08:41.146 --> 00:08:44.256 We need these tools to be able to do that in the lab 00:08:44.256 --> 00:08:47.316 and then take them out and run them by the detector 00:08:47.316 --> 00:08:50.806 to see whether we've got confirmation on that. 00:08:50.876 --> 00:08:53.656 So, you know, we're looking for more innovation 00:08:53.656 --> 00:08:54.786 in laboratory for that. 00:08:55.406 --> 00:09:00.666 We've also used this tool at this level of detection 00:09:00.666 --> 00:09:05.496 to determine whether we've got cross-contamination 00:09:05.496 --> 00:09:07.206 in explosive training aid storage. 00:09:07.636 --> 00:09:09.226 You know, that's a key piece. 00:09:09.316 --> 00:09:14.416 You know, are these operators really truly training their 00:09:14.416 --> 00:09:18.606 detectors on what they think they are or, you know, 00:09:18.606 --> 00:09:22.586 so we've done multi-agency tests where we've brought this-- 00:09:22.586 --> 00:09:26.246 brought a number of operators, training aids, to the machine 00:09:26.606 --> 00:09:28.646 to be able to see that there was-- 00:09:29.036 --> 00:09:31.396 we did see that there was cross-contamination. 00:09:31.396 --> 00:09:34.776 So, we've got tools to do a bit of this now. 00:09:35.036 --> 00:09:36.196 You know, we need better tools. 00:09:36.396 --> 00:09:38.166 We need-- we need it, you know, 00:09:38.356 --> 00:09:42.796 out there supporting some other ideas that we have. 00:09:43.656 --> 00:09:47.076 Some of these things-- the REDDI event, you know, 00:09:47.076 --> 00:09:48.166 it's in training tools. 00:09:48.166 --> 00:09:51.806 We look at it, you know, this is a tool that we're using 00:09:52.266 --> 00:09:54.526 for our outreach with state and local law enforcement. 00:09:54.526 --> 00:09:58.566 You're going to hear a little bit more about that later 00:09:58.566 --> 00:10:03.506 in our state and local outreach, but, you know, we use that 00:10:03.506 --> 00:10:07.576 and I think that's-- that should be of interest for some 00:10:07.576 --> 00:10:09.216 of the state and local operators here. 00:10:09.456 --> 00:10:12.316 We're looking for more partnerships for-- 00:10:12.316 --> 00:10:14.586 with the state and local operators and, you know, 00:10:14.586 --> 00:10:17.126 our REDDI events have been that mechanism 00:10:17.126 --> 00:10:18.086 and that tool for that. 00:10:18.966 --> 00:10:21.526 You know, one other tool that we've used in our test 00:10:21.526 --> 00:10:24.426 and evaluation has been this MACE tool. 00:10:24.426 --> 00:10:25.226 It's a-- you know, 00:10:25.226 --> 00:10:27.276 it's a tablet-based data collection tool. 00:10:27.736 --> 00:10:30.576 You know, it allows us during the test, you know, 00:10:30.576 --> 00:10:34.576 that touchscreen ability to follow the dogs 00:10:34.576 --> 00:10:37.656 as they're working in odor recognition and operations 00:10:38.046 --> 00:10:41.236 and the key piece with this is it allows us 00:10:41.276 --> 00:10:48.566 to have real-time results shown and looked at during the test. 00:10:48.566 --> 00:10:51.676 Instead of, you know, shuffling papers and going 00:10:51.676 --> 00:10:55.146 and calculating, it allows us-- it's been a very effective 00:10:55.146 --> 00:10:58.976 and efficient tool at a lot of the testing 00:10:58.976 --> 00:11:01.706 that we've done with our operators. 00:11:04.336 --> 00:11:11.566 OK. Some of the, you know, the techniques that we've talked 00:11:11.566 --> 00:11:12.656 about in tools, techniques, 00:11:12.656 --> 00:11:15.856 and knowledge really are our independent operational tests 00:11:15.906 --> 00:11:18.186 and evaluation efforts. 00:11:18.616 --> 00:11:21.146 You know, we feel that-- we feel are unique. 00:11:21.146 --> 00:11:26.686 We-- in our methods and our data collection, we employ, you know, 00:11:26.686 --> 00:11:28.786 scientifically rigorous-- again, you're going to hear me say 00:11:28.786 --> 00:11:30.716 that a couple times-- statistically significant, 00:11:30.716 --> 00:11:32.016 you know, we get repeatability. 00:11:32.016 --> 00:11:35.546 It's not just a one-off test that the dog happened to be, 00:11:35.756 --> 00:11:37.876 you know, have a cold that day, we have no clue. 00:11:37.876 --> 00:11:40.146 That does not give us insight 00:11:40.236 --> 00:11:42.976 into how this detection system works 00:11:42.976 --> 00:11:45.736 on a given day, what we can rely on. 00:11:46.396 --> 00:11:49.776 So, we're looking for more innovation and effective ways 00:11:50.226 --> 00:11:52.566 to measure operational performance. 00:11:53.536 --> 00:11:56.006 You know, again, we want to be able in our scope 00:11:56.316 --> 00:11:59.626 to inform training more effectively, more efficiently 00:11:59.626 --> 00:12:02.886 at the end of the day to impact operational performance. 00:12:02.926 --> 00:12:06.396 That's the mandate of the program. 00:12:07.046 --> 00:12:12.966 You know, we-- we're looking at the training and operations, 00:12:12.966 --> 00:12:14.016 the person search, you're going 00:12:14.016 --> 00:12:15.866 to hear a little bit more about that. 00:12:15.866 --> 00:12:20.776 That's an effort we took on back in 2012 with a partnership 00:12:21.326 --> 00:12:23.276 with University of Maryland Police Department. 00:12:24.296 --> 00:12:28.056 We have several of these partnerships to be able not only 00:12:28.116 --> 00:12:31.716 to have operational detectors out there that we can-- 00:12:31.776 --> 00:12:34.326 we can go and prove some of our R&D concepts 00:12:34.326 --> 00:12:38.486 like early proof concepts of our training aids 00:12:38.486 --> 00:12:39.726 and nonhazardous training aids, 00:12:39.776 --> 00:12:43.966 but also in this case we're utilizing them to prove 00:12:43.966 --> 00:12:47.226 out a training methodology, a maintenance burden 00:12:47.226 --> 00:12:49.156 to these teams, and-- bottom line-- 00:12:49.746 --> 00:12:51.926 we're able to do a parametric assessment 00:12:51.926 --> 00:12:53.486 of these person-search dogs. 00:12:53.906 --> 00:12:57.056 And to, you know, that was something that I think more 00:12:57.056 --> 00:13:00.536 and more folks in the operations side are starting to think, 00:13:00.536 --> 00:13:02.886 you know, especially for the soft target crowded places 00:13:02.886 --> 00:13:06.316 that we need these types of canines to support this realm. 00:13:06.696 --> 00:13:11.596 You know, we're in the business of understanding what 00:13:11.596 --> 00:13:14.386 that can do for the operators, what the operators can rely on. 00:13:14.766 --> 00:13:15.486 So, that's something 00:13:15.946 --> 00:13:19.616 that collecting this parametric data set, you know, 00:13:19.616 --> 00:13:21.796 over the course of the years we've been working with them, 00:13:22.486 --> 00:13:24.876 it's a long time-- long-term research project. 00:13:24.876 --> 00:13:27.506 We'd like to be able to do that more efficiently. 00:13:27.506 --> 00:13:31.986 So, you know, ideas in that realm, but other things, 00:13:32.016 --> 00:13:33.796 tools for these PB guys. 00:13:33.796 --> 00:13:36.196 We've been working with TSA and you'll hear 00:13:36.786 --> 00:13:39.966 from the training center, you know, TSA, 00:13:40.046 --> 00:13:42.166 you know, has put themselves out there 00:13:42.166 --> 00:13:44.746 and really challenging themselves to get better 00:13:44.746 --> 00:13:47.646 in the operations and that's where our independent test 00:13:47.646 --> 00:13:48.856 and evaluation efforts 00:13:49.406 --> 00:13:52.526 in developing the passenger screening canine teams, 00:13:52.906 --> 00:13:57.296 you know, they have tested, they've tweaked the training. 00:13:57.406 --> 00:13:59.106 You'll hear about some of the issues 00:13:59.106 --> 00:14:00.966 that the TSA training folks have. 00:14:01.426 --> 00:14:03.276 And then they've tested again, you know, 00:14:03.276 --> 00:14:05.796 and that's how they improve upon 00:14:06.206 --> 00:14:09.876 and not only what they're training and the efficiency 00:14:09.876 --> 00:14:11.816 that they're training on, the effectiveness of that, 00:14:11.816 --> 00:14:15.916 but also improving the CONOPs and tweaking 00:14:15.916 --> 00:14:17.386 that to optimize that. 00:14:17.386 --> 00:14:20.216 So, that's something that we've been doing is, you know, 00:14:20.216 --> 00:14:24.026 our techniques in independent T&E, but, you know, we need-- 00:14:24.306 --> 00:14:25.316 we need better insight. 00:14:25.316 --> 00:14:27.566 We need-- we would like to be able to do these things. 00:14:27.956 --> 00:14:30.576 You know, the canine teams are not like technology. 00:14:30.626 --> 00:14:32.626 We cannot, you know, we can't 00:14:32.776 --> 00:14:36.046 over a weekend collect 5000 data points and get a raw curve 00:14:36.046 --> 00:14:37.056 and everything's all good. 00:14:37.456 --> 00:14:38.836 You know, that's not what we know 00:14:38.836 --> 00:14:39.986 about these canine detectors. 00:14:39.986 --> 00:14:42.796 There are still unknowns and so when we're-- 00:14:42.886 --> 00:14:46.826 they're supporting in a critical infrastructure, deployment, 00:14:47.116 --> 00:14:50.476 trying to get an operation-- a performance we can rely on. 00:14:51.376 --> 00:14:55.806 We really need to do this over a long term, so innovation help 00:14:55.806 --> 00:14:58.356 with those ideas, that is what we're looking for. 00:14:59.756 --> 00:15:04.026 I'll-- yeah, a rapid response to emerging threats. 00:15:04.026 --> 00:15:07.066 You know, we-- I mentioned a bit of that early in capability. 00:15:07.066 --> 00:15:08.556 This is a capability we have. 00:15:08.556 --> 00:15:12.386 We've supported TSA and the state and locals that, you know, 00:15:12.436 --> 00:15:15.186 by these partnerships that we established and looking 00:15:15.186 --> 00:15:18.796 to establish more, you know, we can go to some operators 00:15:18.796 --> 00:15:22.446 and gather 50 dog teams in a region and see 00:15:22.446 --> 00:15:25.806 if the basic maintenance training is allowing a 00:15:25.846 --> 00:15:28.776 capability on a particular emerging threat that we have. 00:15:28.776 --> 00:15:30.136 We've done this over the years. 00:15:30.496 --> 00:15:32.476 We can get answers in a couple of weeks 00:15:32.476 --> 00:15:34.036 with these partnerships that we've built. 00:15:34.146 --> 00:15:39.716 You know, it's a very valuable, you know, entity and technique 00:15:39.716 --> 00:15:43.536 that we've developed and-- but again, you know, we're looking 00:15:43.586 --> 00:15:47.986 for innovation and ideas in maximizing and making 00:15:47.986 --> 00:15:49.356 that capability more efficient. 00:15:50.376 --> 00:15:55.076 Odor generalization is really, you know, an effort that we did 00:15:55.596 --> 00:15:57.866 with the TSA training center. 00:15:58.456 --> 00:15:59.826 It's a unique place there. 00:15:59.826 --> 00:16:04.096 It allows us to have access to not onesie, twosie dogs, but, 00:16:04.166 --> 00:16:07.196 you know, we were able to get 70-plus dogs in this study 00:16:07.586 --> 00:16:11.626 to really see that if we imprint a green dog, dog that, you know, 00:16:11.626 --> 00:16:15.656 hasn't been exposed to explosive odor before, on a smaller set 00:16:15.706 --> 00:16:17.756 of odors-- this was focused on explosives-- 00:16:18.086 --> 00:16:20.316 can they generalize to a larger set. 00:16:20.316 --> 00:16:23.186 You know, these family of odor theories have been 00:16:23.186 --> 00:16:25.196 around a long time, but they're, you know, 00:16:25.366 --> 00:16:28.716 too many studies come with, you know, very hard 00:16:28.716 --> 00:16:30.816 and fast conclusions but they had four dogs. 00:16:31.296 --> 00:16:33.346 You know? And to be-- they're not working dogs, 00:16:33.346 --> 00:16:33.966 they're shelter dogs. 00:16:33.966 --> 00:16:35.936 So, you know, we have to make sure 00:16:35.936 --> 00:16:38.656 that we're providing the best information for these operators 00:16:38.656 --> 00:16:41.176 to build and grow and improve their program. 00:16:41.176 --> 00:16:46.976 So, this was another effort that we've done, but, you know, 00:16:46.976 --> 00:16:48.676 we're looking for other efforts. 00:16:48.766 --> 00:16:53.926 We again want to inform how to make their job easier. 00:16:54.156 --> 00:16:57.496 How to make their training more effective and more efficient. 00:16:59.226 --> 00:17:00.846 In the knowledge area, really this is-- 00:17:00.936 --> 00:17:03.686 this is probably an area that, you know, 00:17:03.686 --> 00:17:07.376 we can use the most innovation and help with, you know, 00:17:07.376 --> 00:17:11.036 we kind of lump the understanding 00:17:11.036 --> 00:17:13.646 of the basic structure and function in this area, 00:17:13.646 --> 00:17:15.336 the more of the basic research. 00:17:15.336 --> 00:17:21.656 You know, you'll hear more from Dr. Kari a little later 00:17:21.856 --> 00:17:26.446 in her talk about our efforts that Jay mentioned 00:17:27.016 --> 00:17:30.236 that Congress is helping us. 00:17:30.436 --> 00:17:33.166 They-- that was one of the areas that they've directed us to look 00:17:33.166 --> 00:17:37.286 into and, you know, in this-- in the breeding and early learning 00:17:37.286 --> 00:17:39.976 and selection and the genetics work. 00:17:40.356 --> 00:17:44.816 Kari is going to talk a little bit about that at the end, 00:17:44.816 --> 00:17:47.806 so I'm not going to-- I'm not qualified nor-- 00:17:48.516 --> 00:17:49.746 to talk about that a bit. 00:17:49.776 --> 00:17:54.066 Kari is much more-- much smarter than I am in that area, 00:17:54.806 --> 00:17:57.486 but one of the things that we do is sharing knowledge, 00:17:57.486 --> 00:18:00.616 is doing some studies that inform, you know, 00:18:00.776 --> 00:18:04.256 some best practices and going towards standardization 00:18:04.256 --> 00:18:06.246 about these storage and handling. 00:18:06.246 --> 00:18:08.716 Really we did some laboratory efforts 00:18:09.086 --> 00:18:15.386 to really evaluate a number of different storage efforts 00:18:15.386 --> 00:18:21.066 that the community was using and came to validate that, you know, 00:18:21.066 --> 00:18:22.636 the way TSA was doing things, 00:18:22.636 --> 00:18:26.356 the way FPS was doing things was pretty good way to do things. 00:18:26.406 --> 00:18:29.406 But, you know, again we have some validation in that 00:18:29.406 --> 00:18:29.976 and that's kind of the 00:18:30.176 --> 00:18:32.036 knowledge that we want to be able to share. 00:18:33.096 --> 00:18:38.366 In the more basic research, early learning, 00:18:38.366 --> 00:18:42.506 Megan mentioned the Silicon Valley Innovation Program. 00:18:42.806 --> 00:18:44.716 You know, we're working supporting CBP. 00:18:44.716 --> 00:18:50.066 A requirement came out from CBP to have real-time monitoring 00:18:50.066 --> 00:18:54.966 of health effects in the CBP dogs working 00:18:54.966 --> 00:18:57.206 in a more physically stressful environment. 00:18:57.256 --> 00:19:01.426 You know, they wanted a broad brush, but, you know, 00:19:01.466 --> 00:19:04.016 folks at TSA will tell you that their dogs go walking 00:19:04.016 --> 00:19:07.036 in the airport, so it's not a physically stressful environment 00:19:07.036 --> 00:19:10.576 necessarily, but, yeah, this was something 00:19:11.136 --> 00:19:15.456 that CBP wanted as-bubbled up as a requirement 00:19:15.456 --> 00:19:17.986 to the Silicon Valley folks, so we're working 00:19:17.986 --> 00:19:23.066 that with a small company that, you know, has a unique solution. 00:19:23.066 --> 00:19:25.626 As Megan said, these are-- these are, you know, 00:19:25.626 --> 00:19:28.656 a couple of people companies that, 00:19:28.656 --> 00:19:30.036 you know, have some good ideas. 00:19:30.036 --> 00:19:34.346 So, the scope is not just the larger companies, but it is, 00:19:34.496 --> 00:19:37.946 as Megan showed, we're trying to make doing business 00:19:37.946 --> 00:19:42.286 with us easier and a bit more, you know-- 00:19:42.666 --> 00:19:45.456 end of the day, do things that impact our operators. 00:19:46.916 --> 00:19:50.886 So, that's really all the, you know, the programmatic work. 00:19:50.886 --> 00:19:52.496 You know, I kind of showed at a high level 00:19:52.496 --> 00:19:54.756 of what we have done, what we are doing. 00:19:55.466 --> 00:19:57.756 There's a lot of folks working in this area, you know, 00:19:57.756 --> 00:20:01.056 in the federal side supporting this-- FBI, ATF, you know, 00:20:01.056 --> 00:20:02.886 others that are serving this community. 00:20:02.886 --> 00:20:05.936 You know, they're working hard, but, you know, 00:20:06.196 --> 00:20:08.946 as everyone in this room knows, there's a lot of unknowns. 00:20:08.946 --> 00:20:10.566 A lot of unanswered questions. 00:20:10.936 --> 00:20:14.216 So, you know, I'm hoping that, you know, this-- 00:20:14.726 --> 00:20:16.616 these areas and, you know, 00:20:16.786 --> 00:20:19.156 the talks coming later will spark some interest 00:20:19.156 --> 00:20:21.776 and innovation for us going forward. 00:20:22.536 --> 00:20:26.116 But-- put the next one, please. 00:20:26.236 --> 00:20:28.766 You know, we've tried to frame out a few 00:20:28.766 --> 00:20:31.456 of our research challenges as we see it. 00:20:32.166 --> 00:20:35.756 You know, I'm hoping this is not the limit of what's going 00:20:35.756 --> 00:20:37.816 through everybody's head-- hey, I've got great idea, 00:20:37.816 --> 00:20:40.166 I think it's great-- but, you know, we kind of wanted 00:20:40.166 --> 00:20:44.606 to put this out here as our research challenges, you know, 00:20:44.696 --> 00:20:47.056 that we want to have more dialogue. 00:20:47.226 --> 00:20:50.046 You know, I-- we're going to have a little bit more time, 00:20:50.456 --> 00:20:51.486 you know, in the morning break. 00:20:51.936 --> 00:20:53.826 I think most of the, you know, 00:20:53.826 --> 00:20:57.566 the meaningful discussions happen during these networking 00:20:57.566 --> 00:21:00.936 breaks, so I'm glad that Megan-- her team factored these in, 00:21:00.936 --> 00:21:04.386 but-- and our breakout sessions later today. 00:21:04.446 --> 00:21:06.026 But, you know, what we're looking 00:21:06.026 --> 00:21:09.056 at here is really fitting in two areas. 00:21:09.056 --> 00:21:12.436 I'm not going to go through all of them, but, you know, kind of, 00:21:12.436 --> 00:21:13.886 you know, one is, you know, 00:21:13.886 --> 00:21:15.936 optimizing our training methodology. 00:21:15.936 --> 00:21:17.836 You know, I've said that we want-- 00:21:18.206 --> 00:21:22.186 we want to be able to have these guys train more effectively, 00:21:22.186 --> 00:21:23.006 more efficiently. 00:21:23.046 --> 00:21:25.086 Tools, techniques, and knowledge to do that. 00:21:25.486 --> 00:21:29.626 End of the day, you know, improving deployment strategies. 00:21:29.626 --> 00:21:32.206 How can we tweak some of the CONOPs 00:21:32.276 --> 00:21:34.746 to maximize our operational performance? 00:21:35.096 --> 00:21:37.016 You know, what are some of the tools, techniques, 00:21:37.016 --> 00:21:39.306 and knowledge we can-- we can utilize to do that? 00:21:39.836 --> 00:21:42.136 You know, the other one is really, you know, 00:21:42.136 --> 00:21:44.856 can we get better at understanding what, you know, 00:21:44.856 --> 00:21:48.176 what nature has provided us in this, you know, the best, 00:21:48.176 --> 00:21:53.286 most flexible, mobile, versatile odor detection tool we have 00:21:53.286 --> 00:21:54.826 at our disposal, you know, 00:21:54.826 --> 00:21:57.146 in supporting the homeland security mission. 00:21:57.146 --> 00:21:59.926 You know, that-- this-- we haven't been able-- 00:21:59.926 --> 00:22:01.516 we're just getting able to be-- 00:22:01.956 --> 00:22:03.776 challenge the laboratory community 00:22:03.776 --> 00:22:06.626 in seeing below their level of detection at room temperature. 00:22:06.626 --> 00:22:11.486 So, you know, this is where I think is a broad area 00:22:11.486 --> 00:22:14.396 of research that's unexplored. 00:22:15.156 --> 00:22:17.146 You saw that we're not, you know, 00:22:17.146 --> 00:22:18.846 we're not just explosives anymore. 00:22:18.846 --> 00:22:20.336 We have a broad mandate 00:22:20.336 --> 00:22:22.436 to support the whole of the community. 00:22:22.796 --> 00:22:24.486 So, you know, that's where-- 00:22:24.806 --> 00:22:29.446 that's where I think we really have the areas for growth. 00:22:30.006 --> 00:22:33.436 So, I think that brings us to our break, the aforementioned. 00:22:33.436 --> 00:22:35.646 What I'd like to do is leave this slide up here, 00:22:35.756 --> 00:22:36.736 you know, during the break. 00:22:36.786 --> 00:22:41.206 You know, everybody can, you know, ask us what we mean 00:22:41.206 --> 00:22:42.496 by some of these things. 00:22:42.736 --> 00:22:45.226 You know, it's totally fine, but, you know, 00:22:45.396 --> 00:22:49.866 afterward we'll reconvene and we'll hear from, like I said, 00:22:49.866 --> 00:22:52.296 the-- some of our current program performers 00:22:52.686 --> 00:22:56.556 and stakeholders and customers who will lay out 00:22:56.556 --> 00:22:59.296 and hopefully provide a bit more insight into some 00:22:59.296 --> 00:23:03.446 of our main efforts and into the challenges they face and, 00:23:03.846 --> 00:23:06.736 you know, spark some further in-depth discussion 00:23:06.736 --> 00:23:09.976 after their talks for the breakout sessions. 00:23:10.516 --> 00:23:24.500 [ Music ]