WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:06.100 2 00:00:06.100 --> 00:00:07.970 To the men and women of DHS, 3 00:00:07.970 --> 00:00:10.240 The coronavirus pandemic has proven to be one 4 00:00:10.240 --> 00:00:13.339 of the most significant threats our Nation has faced in years. 5 00:00:14.020 --> 00:00:16.260 The resiliency of our public health system, 6 00:00:16.260 --> 00:00:19.800 national security, and economy is being tested daily, 7 00:00:19.800 --> 00:00:21.800 and I could not be more proud of the response 8 00:00:21.800 --> 00:00:25.160 from the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security. 9 00:00:25.160 --> 00:00:26.670 You have all risen to the occasion 10 00:00:26.670 --> 00:00:29.630 during our country's most difficult challenges time 11 00:00:29.630 --> 00:00:32.310 and time again for nearly two decades, 12 00:00:32.310 --> 00:00:34.700 and your response to the coronavirus outbreak 13 00:00:34.700 --> 00:00:36.330 has been no exception. 14 00:00:36.330 --> 00:00:38.000 Your selflessness and dedication 15 00:00:38.000 --> 00:00:40.720 to service are a testament to the values 16 00:00:40.720 --> 00:00:42.360 this Department holds dear. 17 00:00:42.360 --> 00:00:44.540 The unprecedented times we are living in call 18 00:00:44.540 --> 00:00:46.230 for unprecedented action. 19 00:00:46.230 --> 00:00:49.080 Recognizing that, President Trump declared a nationwide 20 00:00:49.080 --> 00:00:50.730 emergency on Friday, March 20th. 21 00:00:51.460 --> 00:00:53.390 This necessary action helps streamline 22 00:00:53.390 --> 00:00:55.740 our federal response to the outbreak. 23 00:00:55.740 --> 00:00:57.830 It also puts you, the DHS workforce, 24 00:00:57.830 --> 00:01:00.580 on the frontlines of our response operations. 25 00:01:00.580 --> 00:01:01.930 Whether it is screening passengers 26 00:01:01.930 --> 00:01:03.170 at our funneling airports, 27 00:01:03.170 --> 00:01:05.520 preventing the spread of the virus at the border, 28 00:01:05.520 --> 00:01:08.510 safely processing cruise ships or supporting state 29 00:01:08.510 --> 00:01:11.290 and local governments across the country with response 30 00:01:11.290 --> 00:01:13.810 and recovery activities DHS is there. 31 00:01:14.420 --> 00:01:16.310 Sadly, the crucial work of this Department 32 00:01:16.310 --> 00:01:19.080 often requires our personnel to put themselves at risk. 33 00:01:19.640 --> 00:01:21.910 This is especially true for our TSA officers 34 00:01:21.910 --> 00:01:24.790 and employees at airports.Due to the nature of their work, 35 00:01:24.790 --> 00:01:27.460 they require close contact with the traveling public. 36 00:01:27.460 --> 00:01:29.430 My thoughts and prayers are with the approximately 37 00:01:29.430 --> 00:01:32.870 130 DHS employees who have tested positive 38 00:01:32.870 --> 00:01:36.170 for coronavirus. We wish them all a speedy recovery. 39 00:01:37.010 --> 00:01:39.030 That said, we have taken several measures 40 00:01:39.030 --> 00:01:42.060 to protect the DHS frontline workforce to 41 00:01:42.060 --> 00:01:44.540 include the use of personal protective equipment, 42 00:01:44.540 --> 00:01:46.520 social distancing when appropriate 43 00:01:46.520 --> 00:01:49.380 and the changing of certain critical procedures. 44 00:01:49.380 --> 00:01:51.700 Unfortunately, the reality of the situation we face 45 00:01:51.700 --> 00:01:54.350 is that some employees will be affected by the virus. 46 00:01:54.970 --> 00:01:57.910 That is why managers have been issued a decision matrix 47 00:01:57.910 --> 00:01:59.520 on what to do if someone from their team 48 00:01:59.520 --> 00:02:01.600 becomes exposed or ill. 49 00:02:01.600 --> 00:02:04.480 Human Capital has issued guidance to component leaders 50 00:02:04.480 --> 00:02:07.090 on what they can do to protect their employees. 51 00:02:07.090 --> 00:02:09.490 These measures include very simple solutions, 52 00:02:09.490 --> 00:02:11.600 such as minimizing large gatherings 53 00:02:11.600 --> 00:02:13.330 to closing DHS fitness centers. 54 00:02:13.980 --> 00:02:15.530 They also include substantial changes, 55 00:02:15.530 --> 00:02:18.420 such as self-quarantining employees who have returned 56 00:02:18.420 --> 00:02:20.920 from certain affected countries across the globe 57 00:02:20.920 --> 00:02:23.519 and limiting travel to mission essential activities. 58 00:02:24.360 --> 00:02:25.800 Going forward, I encourage each of you 59 00:02:25.800 --> 00:02:27.550 to pay close attention to the regular, 60 00:02:27.550 --> 00:02:29.190 Departmental wide updates 61 00:02:29.190 --> 00:02:31.940 detailing what you can do to protect yourselves. 62 00:02:32.720 --> 00:02:34.710 Now let me talk to you for a minute 63 00:02:34.710 --> 00:02:36.520 about the other side of this crisis and 64 00:02:36.520 --> 00:02:38.950 how this is affecting many of our workforce 65 00:02:38.950 --> 00:02:40.730 on a personal level. 66 00:02:40.730 --> 00:02:42.930 From child care issues, to financial concerns 67 00:02:42.930 --> 00:02:44.940 and mental health considerations, 68 00:02:44.940 --> 00:02:47.630 such as stress and isolation. I want you to know 69 00:02:47.630 --> 00:02:49.920 that the leadership is aware of the unique challenges 70 00:02:49.920 --> 00:02:52.920 you are facing and we are hard at work on solutions. 71 00:02:53.610 --> 00:02:55.420 We have implemented a telework policy 72 00:02:55.420 --> 00:02:58.110 for most employees in an effort to minimize exposure 73 00:02:58.670 --> 00:03:01.290 and are looking at other ways to ensure essential staff members 74 00:03:01.290 --> 00:03:02.990 are able to continue to work 75 00:03:02.990 --> 00:03:05.089 in high transmission areas of the country. 76 00:03:05.790 --> 00:03:07.920 We are also examining ways to supplement our ranks 77 00:03:07.920 --> 00:03:09.810 with temporary staff particularly 78 00:03:09.810 --> 00:03:12.010 those who may have retired a short time ago. 79 00:03:12.610 --> 00:03:13.990 Given the nature of the outbreak, 80 00:03:13.990 --> 00:03:15.760 it’s inevitable that DHS facilities 81 00:03:15.760 --> 00:03:17.600 will be impacted by the outbreak. 82 00:03:17.600 --> 00:03:19.820 That is why our Chief Resource Support Officer 83 00:03:19.820 --> 00:03:22.190 is working with our federal and private partners 84 00:03:22.190 --> 00:03:25.480 to ensure these facilities remain safe and operational 85 00:03:25.480 --> 00:03:28.680 as we continue to do our part to eliminate the coronavirus. 86 00:03:29.330 --> 00:03:32.250 I understand the many concerns that you have as we continue 87 00:03:32.250 --> 00:03:35.240 to fulfill our mission to protect the American people. 88 00:03:35.240 --> 00:03:37.760 Rest assured, you have the Department's full support. 89 00:03:37.760 --> 00:03:39.180 We will do everything in our power 90 00:03:39.180 --> 00:03:42.040 to keep you safe as you continue to fulfill your duties. 91 00:03:42.880 --> 00:03:45.750 Our country is at an inflection point in its history. 92 00:03:45.750 --> 00:03:48.460 By honoring the commitment to protect our Homeland, 93 00:03:48.460 --> 00:03:50.960 our actions today will determine what is remembered 94 00:03:50.960 --> 00:03:52.560 by generations tomorrow. 95 00:03:53.160 --> 00:03:55.170 I have complete faith in this Department's ability 96 00:03:55.170 --> 00:03:57.260 to rise to that challenge. 97 00:03:57.260 --> 00:04:00.260 It’s is in times like these that I am in awe of your courage 98 00:04:00.260 --> 00:04:02.290 and commitment to our mission. 99 00:04:02.290 --> 00:04:04.140 As we continue to face the challenges 100 00:04:04.140 --> 00:04:06.020 presented by the pandemic, 101 00:04:06.020 --> 00:04:07.670 know that you have my complete support 102 00:04:07.670 --> 00:04:09.340 and that of this Department. 103 00:04:09.340 --> 00:04:11.840 I wish you all Godspeed as we, together, 104 00:04:11.840 --> 00:04:13.540 overcome this challenge. 105 00:04:13.540 --> 00:04:16.530 We are one team, one mission, one DHS.