WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.060 as of late we have witnessed an outright 00:00:02.310 --> 00:00:07.790 assault on our law enforcement community 00:00:05.060 --> 00:00:11.160 last night in Oakland California an 00:00:07.790 --> 00:00:13.410 assassin cowardly shot to Federal 00:00:11.160 --> 00:00:16.500 Protective Service contractors as they 00:00:13.410 --> 00:00:18.510 stood watch over a protest one officer 00:00:16.500 --> 00:00:21.740 was killed and the other is in critical 00:00:18.510 --> 00:00:23.609 condition the FBI the Oakland Police 00:00:21.740 --> 00:00:26.420 supported by the Department of Homeland 00:00:23.609 --> 00:00:29.310 Security are investigating that attack 00:00:26.420 --> 00:00:31.920 let me express my deepest condolences to 00:00:29.310 --> 00:00:36.329 the family members of these 2fps 00:00:31.920 --> 00:00:38.579 contractors any loss in the DHS family 00:00:36.329 --> 00:00:40.230 impacts all of us and I want the loved 00:00:38.579 --> 00:00:41.790 ones of these brave officers to know 00:00:40.230 --> 00:00:44.730 that you have the support of the 00:00:41.790 --> 00:00:46.410 department behind you also last night 00:00:44.730 --> 00:00:48.270 the brave men and women of the United 00:00:46.410 --> 00:00:51.390 States Secret Service were assaulted by 00:00:48.270 --> 00:00:54.090 criminals they threw rocks they threw 00:00:51.390 --> 00:00:56.340 urine and they threw alcohol at our 00:00:54.090 --> 00:00:58.620 officers and in several instances our 00:00:56.340 --> 00:00:59.550 officers incurred injuries to include 00:00:58.620 --> 00:01:02.430 broken bones 00:00:59.550 --> 00:01:04.650 these protesters committed these acts of 00:01:02.430 --> 00:01:07.159 violence while hiding behind their First 00:01:04.650 --> 00:01:09.240 Amendment right of lawful protest and 00:01:07.159 --> 00:01:11.610 finally earlier this week an ice 00:01:09.240 --> 00:01:13.740 facility was attacked by a criminal who 00:01:11.610 --> 00:01:16.890 threw a Molotov cocktail in an attempt 00:01:13.740 --> 00:01:18.540 to burn down that facility a facility 00:01:16.890 --> 00:01:21.390 that houses the men and women who have 00:01:18.540 --> 00:01:23.820 taken a solemn oath to protect this 00:01:21.390 --> 00:01:25.350 country and while these investigate 00:01:23.820 --> 00:01:26.970 these incidents are under investigation 00:01:25.350 --> 00:01:29.729 the Department of Homeland Security will 00:01:26.970 --> 00:01:32.400 not rest until these criminals are 00:01:29.729 --> 00:01:34.439 brought to justice as the nation's 00:01:32.400 --> 00:01:36.840 largest law-enforcement organization the 00:01:34.439 --> 00:01:39.030 department's top priority is protecting 00:01:36.840 --> 00:01:41.670 the American people and our workforce I 00:01:39.030 --> 00:01:43.979 want to assure the American people 00:01:41.670 --> 00:01:46.590 the DHS officers will continue to 00:01:43.979 --> 00:01:49.500 fulfill the solemn duty regardless of 00:01:46.590 --> 00:01:50.790 the violence they face DHS and it's law 00:01:49.500 --> 00:01:53.759 enforcement components are taking a 00:01:50.790 --> 00:01:55.799 number of proactive steps in response to 00:01:53.759 --> 00:01:57.479 the unfortunate events that have taken 00:01:55.799 --> 00:02:00.390 place over the last 24 hours 00:01:57.479 --> 00:02:02.549 those steps include fps Federal 00:02:00.390 --> 00:02:04.860 Protective Service has taken an enhanced 00:02:02.549 --> 00:02:07.229 posture in a number of cities and 00:02:04.860 --> 00:02:08.879 localities throughout the country the 00:02:07.229 --> 00:02:10.470 United States Secret Service is evolving 00:02:08.879 --> 00:02:13.530 and adapting to the changing nature of 00:02:10.470 --> 00:02:13.980 the threats they face as well and CBP 00:02:13.530 --> 00:02:15.750 and I 00:02:13.980 --> 00:02:17.670 are supporting our local partners on the 00:02:15.750 --> 00:02:20.099 ground with surveillance and other 00:02:17.670 --> 00:02:22.500 capabilities these measures will help 00:02:20.099 --> 00:02:25.530 our personnel stay safe as they continue 00:02:22.500 --> 00:02:28.980 to protect us from those who spread this 00:02:25.530 --> 00:02:30.780 violence as our nation our nation is at 00:02:28.980 --> 00:02:33.030 its strongest when we confront 00:02:30.780 --> 00:02:35.610 challenges together and resist the 00:02:33.030 --> 00:02:36.959 voices that tried to divide us our law 00:02:35.610 --> 00:02:39.569 enforcement officers put their health 00:02:36.959 --> 00:02:42.150 they put their safety on the line in 00:02:39.569 --> 00:02:44.879 order to protect the American public and 00:02:42.150 --> 00:02:48.170 we owe them and their families not only 00:02:44.879 --> 00:02:51.269 our respect but a debt of gratitude 00:02:48.170 --> 00:02:54.950 thank you let me ask acting deputy 00:02:51.269 --> 00:02:54.950 secretary Cuccinelli's say a few words 00:02:55.190 --> 00:03:00.299 good afternoon thank you all for for 00:02:57.840 --> 00:03:02.489 being here and joining us I would also 00:03:00.299 --> 00:03:04.560 like to express my condolences to those 00:03:02.489 --> 00:03:07.440 who have been killed and injured in last 00:03:04.560 --> 00:03:08.849 night's acts of senseless violence our 00:03:07.440 --> 00:03:11.359 brothers and sisters across the 00:03:08.849 --> 00:03:14.280 departments law enforcement components 00:03:11.359 --> 00:03:16.440 exemplify the courage the selfless 00:03:14.280 --> 00:03:17.760 service and the dedication to duty that 00:03:16.440 --> 00:03:20.099 we hold dear at the Department of 00:03:17.760 --> 00:03:22.380 Homeland Security and I can tell you as 00:03:20.099 --> 00:03:25.849 a former State Attorney General I know I 00:03:22.380 --> 00:03:28.260 have been to too many of these funerals 00:03:25.849 --> 00:03:30.560 the Department of Homeland Security is 00:03:28.260 --> 00:03:33.569 nearly two decades of experience 00:03:30.560 --> 00:03:37.049 responding to some of the challenging 00:03:33.569 --> 00:03:38.880 threats our nation has ever faced we'll 00:03:37.049 --> 00:03:42.480 continue to meet any challenge head-on 00:03:38.880 --> 00:03:44.819 as we fulfill our duty to protect the 00:03:42.480 --> 00:03:48.660 American people and our law enforcement 00:03:44.819 --> 00:03:51.030 personnel this department stands ready 00:03:48.660 --> 00:03:53.419 to protect the American people and our 00:03:51.030 --> 00:03:57.030 employees during this difficult time 00:03:53.419 --> 00:04:00.239 using every legal means at our disposal 00:03:57.030 --> 00:04:03.090 we stand firmly behind our law 00:04:00.239 --> 00:04:04.919 enforcement officers and the state and 00:04:03.090 --> 00:04:06.840 local law enforcement officers that form 00:04:04.919 --> 00:04:10.919 some of the most valuable partnerships 00:04:06.840 --> 00:04:15.229 with which we work every single day all 00:04:10.919 --> 00:04:18.720 across America to keep you safe 00:04:15.229 --> 00:04:20.549 there are currently threats by some to 00:04:18.720 --> 00:04:24.659 attack police stations and federal 00:04:20.549 --> 00:04:25.890 buildings that violence not only won't 00:04:24.659 --> 00:04:27.810 be tolerated 00:04:25.890 --> 00:04:31.730 we are also commit 00:04:27.810 --> 00:04:36.030 ensuring that it won't succeed anywhere 00:04:31.730 --> 00:04:38.730 anywhere and let me be clear when 00:04:36.030 --> 00:04:41.910 someone targets a police officer or a 00:04:38.730 --> 00:04:45.270 police station with an intention to do 00:04:41.910 --> 00:04:49.200 harm and intimidate that is an act of 00:04:45.270 --> 00:04:52.200 domestic terrorism fighting terrorism 00:04:49.200 --> 00:04:54.680 was the very reason for the founding of 00:04:52.200 --> 00:04:58.110 the Department of Homeland Security and 00:04:54.680 --> 00:05:00.840 as I said earlier we will stand behind 00:04:58.110 --> 00:05:03.960 our law enforcement officers here in the 00:05:00.840 --> 00:05:06.990 department and all over America as they 00:05:03.960 --> 00:05:10.830 put themselves on the line to protect 00:05:06.990 --> 00:05:16.800 each and every one of you thank you very 00:05:10.830 --> 00:05:25.770 much we'll take a few questions if there 00:05:16.800 --> 00:05:28.770 are some yeah of course DHS is 00:05:25.770 --> 00:05:32.460 supporting our federal and local law 00:05:28.770 --> 00:05:35.460 enforcement partners in any any and all 00:05:32.460 --> 00:05:37.860 investigations across the country so I'm 00:05:35.460 --> 00:05:40.169 gonna I'll defer that to FBI DOJ and 00:05:37.860 --> 00:05:42.390 others on that investigation it's too 00:05:40.169 --> 00:05:44.640 early to comment on that but just know 00:05:42.390 --> 00:05:46.650 that whether its eyes homeland security 00:05:44.640 --> 00:05:48.060 investigators or its other in Secret 00:05:46.650 --> 00:05:51.390 Service and others throughout the 00:05:48.060 --> 00:05:54.390 department we are heavily involved in in 00:05:51.390 --> 00:05:57.210 those investigations we're partners not 00:05:54.390 --> 00:05:59.580 only with the bureau but other other of 00:05:57.210 --> 00:06:01.350 our local law enforcement agencies so 00:05:59.580 --> 00:06:07.320 we'll continue to support them in those 00:06:01.350 --> 00:06:09.840 investigations are you seeing an 00:06:07.320 --> 00:06:12.060 increase in the white nationalist or 00:06:09.840 --> 00:06:14.970 white supremacist organizations 00:06:12.060 --> 00:06:17.490 any chatter on those websites trying to 00:06:14.970 --> 00:06:19.530 infiltrate these groups maybe again I 00:06:17.490 --> 00:06:20.820 would say it's very early on in many of 00:06:19.530 --> 00:06:22.800 these investigations and from a 00:06:20.820 --> 00:06:25.320 department standpoint we are interested 00:06:22.800 --> 00:06:28.050 in any and all groups any and all groups 00:06:25.320 --> 00:06:29.910 that are taking advantage of what could 00:06:28.050 --> 00:06:31.620 be a peaceful protest and turning that 00:06:29.910 --> 00:06:33.960 into something that that's very 00:06:31.620 --> 00:06:35.909 different and that's what we're seeing 00:06:33.960 --> 00:06:38.729 across the country we saw that last 00:06:35.909 --> 00:06:41.340 night so the department again we're 00:06:38.729 --> 00:06:41.820 interested in all groups all violent 00:06:41.340 --> 00:06:43.920 groups 00:06:41.820 --> 00:06:46.500 extremist groups that are gonna take 00:06:43.920 --> 00:06:47.730 advantage of individuals exercising 00:06:46.500 --> 00:06:49.680 their First Amendment right to do that 00:06:47.730 --> 00:06:50.880 peaceful protest and turning it into 00:06:49.680 --> 00:06:52.650 something else and that's what we're 00:06:50.880 --> 00:06:58.710 seeing we're seeing a pattern of that 00:06:52.650 --> 00:07:00.000 and we're very concerned about that do 00:06:58.710 --> 00:07:02.100 you have any reason to believe that the 00:07:00.000 --> 00:07:05.160 shooting of these officers was racially 00:07:02.100 --> 00:07:08.430 motivated in any way no again I would 00:07:05.160 --> 00:07:12.120 say investigations ongoing I will just 00:07:08.430 --> 00:07:14.310 note that we had again two FBS officers 00:07:12.120 --> 00:07:16.020 shot as they were responding to a 00:07:14.310 --> 00:07:18.300 protest there in Oakland I would just 00:07:16.020 --> 00:07:21.540 say that is that is unique we don't see 00:07:18.300 --> 00:07:23.340 that we don't see FBS officers shot at 00:07:21.540 --> 00:07:25.290 but again whether it was racially 00:07:23.340 --> 00:07:26.910 motivated or whatever it ends up being 00:07:25.290 --> 00:07:30.810 at the end of the day the investigation 00:07:26.910 --> 00:07:32.520 will will demonstrate that and that 00:07:30.810 --> 00:07:42.900 continues very early on in that 00:07:32.520 --> 00:07:45.210 investigation so the individuals that 00:07:42.900 --> 00:07:47.220 were shot last night were contracted 00:07:45.210 --> 00:07:49.110 protective security officers that we 00:07:47.220 --> 00:07:51.390 contract with to protect our federal 00:07:49.110 --> 00:07:52.980 facilities this is a third one in the 00:07:51.390 --> 00:07:54.150 last five years that have been shot and 00:07:52.980 --> 00:07:57.060 killed while on duty 00:07:54.150 --> 00:08:00.720 one in Suitland Maryland in 2015 00:07:57.060 --> 00:08:01.980 same year at the Varick facility in New 00:08:00.720 --> 00:08:03.510 York City and then this is our third one 00:08:01.980 --> 00:08:06.710 they're definitely the front line of 00:08:03.510 --> 00:08:06.710 defense at our federal facilities 00:08:09.800 --> 00:08:14.389 thank you all for doing this press 00:08:11.479 --> 00:08:17.750 conference secretary could you speak any 00:08:14.389 --> 00:08:19.669 more to any of the specific groups that 00:08:17.750 --> 00:08:22.190 you're interested in looking into and 00:08:19.669 --> 00:08:23.330 more broadly about what it is 00:08:22.190 --> 00:08:27.379 specifically the work that you're doing 00:08:23.330 --> 00:08:29.330 to look into extremist groups sure now 00:08:27.379 --> 00:08:30.590 again as I've indicated a couple of 00:08:29.330 --> 00:08:34.070 times now the investigation is very 00:08:30.590 --> 00:08:36.740 early on we have seen reports out there 00:08:34.070 --> 00:08:38.419 that a number of different groups are 00:08:36.740 --> 00:08:41.360 involved in these whether it's an Tifa 00:08:38.419 --> 00:08:42.560 or its others frankly so we're gonna 00:08:41.360 --> 00:08:44.209 continue to look at that we're gonna 00:08:42.560 --> 00:08:46.089 continue to pull the string there and 00:08:44.209 --> 00:08:49.459 again what we're concerned about are 00:08:46.089 --> 00:08:51.529 these groups taking advantage of a 00:08:49.459 --> 00:08:53.390 peaceful protest and what we're seeing 00:08:51.529 --> 00:08:55.670 over the last 24 hours were seen some 00:08:53.390 --> 00:08:57.529 organization to these groups we're 00:08:55.670 --> 00:08:59.180 seeing different tactics of these groups 00:08:57.529 --> 00:09:02.120 things that you would not see in a 00:08:59.180 --> 00:09:03.529 peaceful protest we are seeing different 00:09:02.120 --> 00:09:05.270 things and that's concerning to us not 00:09:03.529 --> 00:09:08.240 only last night but as the weekend 00:09:05.270 --> 00:09:10.910 unfolds so again we have our law 00:09:08.240 --> 00:09:12.800 enforcement officers FBS indicated it on 00:09:10.910 --> 00:09:14.420 the front line of this we have an 00:09:12.800 --> 00:09:17.089 enhanced posture we are surging 00:09:14.420 --> 00:09:19.640 resources not only here in the DC area 00:09:17.089 --> 00:09:27.170 but across the country and we are ready 00:09:19.640 --> 00:09:29.420 for what's going to happen what evidence 00:09:27.170 --> 00:09:32.480 do you have that it's groups like antiva 00:09:29.420 --> 00:09:34.430 versus other I just said we've seen 00:09:32.480 --> 00:09:35.959 reporting out there that it's these 00:09:34.430 --> 00:09:37.520 different groups and again as I 00:09:35.959 --> 00:09:39.680 indicated early on in the investigation 00:09:37.520 --> 00:09:41.779 so I'm not going to not gonna guess what 00:09:39.680 --> 00:09:44.000 these groups are we're gonna continue to 00:09:41.779 --> 00:09:47.089 look at the facts but we see reporting 00:09:44.000 --> 00:09:49.820 out there like other individuals do as 00:09:47.089 --> 00:09:51.589 well so I've seen that we're looking 00:09:49.820 --> 00:09:52.850 into that we'll continue to do that not 00:09:51.589 --> 00:09:59.360 only with the Department of Justice but 00:09:52.850 --> 00:10:02.089 with FBI and others this is for the 00:09:59.360 --> 00:10:04.850 Secret Service director do you have any 00:10:02.089 --> 00:10:06.230 comment on the situation outside the 00:10:04.850 --> 00:10:07.839 White House last night and maybe if 00:10:06.230 --> 00:10:10.850 there's gonna be an increased posture 00:10:07.839 --> 00:10:12.410 given the situation last night you know 00:10:10.850 --> 00:10:15.920 as the weekend as the week progresses 00:10:12.410 --> 00:10:17.630 sure first I did want to commend the men 00:10:15.920 --> 00:10:18.589 and women of the Secret Service for not 00:10:17.630 --> 00:10:20.180 only their vigilance and their 00:10:18.589 --> 00:10:21.370 perseverance last night but also the 00:10:20.180 --> 00:10:23.290 high degree of professional 00:10:21.370 --> 00:10:25.630 they showed and compassion and concern 00:10:23.290 --> 00:10:26.890 for Malloy demonstrators but people that 00:10:25.630 --> 00:10:28.750 actually meant to do them harm 00:10:26.890 --> 00:10:31.090 also very grateful for the partnership 00:10:28.750 --> 00:10:32.010 with us Park Police and Metropolitan 00:10:31.090 --> 00:10:35.140 Police Department who were there 00:10:32.010 --> 00:10:38.230 supporting us as well our protective 00:10:35.140 --> 00:10:40.240 methodology by design is scalable so 00:10:38.230 --> 00:10:42.430 it's never a question of readiness for 00:10:40.240 --> 00:10:43.810 us we're always ready but we try to 00:10:42.430 --> 00:10:45.850 capitalize on lessons learned and 00:10:43.810 --> 00:10:47.500 employing the appropriate measures so 00:10:45.850 --> 00:10:48.490 we'll certainly do that take some 00:10:47.500 --> 00:10:50.020 lessons learned from last night 00:10:48.490 --> 00:10:52.180 incorporate them into tonight's plan and 00:10:50.020 --> 00:10:53.470 ensure that we do our best to provide a 00:10:52.180 --> 00:10:55.000 safe and secure environment for 00:10:53.470 --> 00:10:58.350 everybody who comes out there to 00:10:55.000 --> 00:10:58.350 exercise their First Amendment rights 00:11:06.120 --> 00:11:10.740 Thanks thanks again for everyone coming 00:11:08.590 --> 00:11:10.740 out