WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.416 ♪ 2 00:00:01.416 --> 00:00:06.125 Who is fighting the threat they can't see? 3 00:00:06.708 --> 00:00:11.708 National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) EST. 2002 Fort Detrick, MD 4 00:00:12.125 --> 00:00:17.125 Natural and manmade biothreat assessment and analysis 5 00:00:18.208 --> 00:00:19.958 NBACC 6 00:00:20.583 --> 00:00:23.791 By the numbers 7 00:00:24.000 --> 00:00:25.000 1 of 1 8 00:00:25.000 --> 00:00:29.458 The only federal high containment lab dedicated to biocrime, bioterrorism and infectious disease outbreaks 9 00:00:30.083 --> 00:00:31.125 24/7 10 00:00:31.708 --> 00:00:36.125 Continuous federal law enforcement resource for biodefense and bioforensics 11 00:00:36.125 --> 00:00:37.666 COVID-19 12 00:00:37.666 --> 00:00:41.791 Unique ability to assess and inform decision-making before, during and after pandemics 13 00:00:41.791 --> 00:00:43.625 NBACC 14 00:00:44.583 --> 00:00:47.625 We Do the science 15 00:00:47.625 --> 00:00:51.833 So she doesn't have to worry 16 00:00:51.833 --> 00:00:55.458 Logo for Homeland Security Science and Technology