WEBVTT 00:00:00.100 --> 00:00:03.803 we must address the many ways in which artificial intelligence 00:00:03.870 --> 00:00:08.708 will drastically alter the threat landscape and augment the arsenal of tools 00:00:08.708 --> 00:00:13.446 we possess to succeed in the face of these threats. 00:00:13.546 --> 00:00:17.117 Our department will lead in the responsible use of 00:00:17.283 --> 00:00:21.554 AI to secure the homeland and to defending against the malicious use 00:00:21.621 --> 00:00:24.457 of this transformational technology. 00:00:24.457 --> 00:00:27.761 As we do this, we will ensure that our use of AI 00:00:27.994 --> 00:00:32.365 is rigorously tested to avoid bias and disparate impact 00:00:32.432 --> 00:00:36.603 and is clearly explainable to the people we serve. 00:00:36.703 --> 00:00:40.807 I recently asked our Homeland Security Advisory Council co-chair 00:00:40.807 --> 00:00:44.778 Jamie Gorelick is here to study the intersection of A.I. 00:00:44.778 --> 00:00:48.014 and Homeland Security and deliver findings that will help guide 00:00:48.014 --> 00:00:51.551 our use of it and defense against it. 00:00:51.618 --> 00:00:55.989 The rapid pace of technological change, the pivotal moment 00:00:56.056 --> 00:01:01.361 we are now in, requires that we also act today. 00:01:01.428 --> 00:01:02.729 To that end, 00:01:02.729 --> 00:01:05.732 I am directing the creation of our department's first 00:01:05.732 --> 00:01:10.503 Artificial Intelligence Task Force that will drive specific applications of 00:01:10.637 --> 00:01:14.574 AI to advance our critical Homeland Security missions. 00:01:14.641 --> 00:01:19.946 The task force will, for example, integrate AI into our efforts to enhance 00:01:19.946 --> 00:01:24.317 the integrity of our supply chains and the broader trade environment. 00:01:24.384 --> 00:01:28.588 We will seek to deploy AI to more ably screen cargo, 00:01:28.655 --> 00:01:34.227 identify the importation of goods produced with forced labor, and manage risk. 00:01:34.327 --> 00:01:37.964 The task force will also, among other charges, leverage 00:01:38.164 --> 00:01:42.469 AI to counter the flow of fentanyl into the United States. 00:01:42.535 --> 00:01:47.540 We will explore using this technology to better detect fentanyl shipments, 00:01:47.607 --> 00:01:51.377 identify and interdict the flow of precursor chemicals 00:01:51.377 --> 00:01:58.017 around the world and target for disruption key nodes in the criminal networks 00:01:58.084 --> 00:01:58.952 countering the 00:01:58.952 --> 00:02:01.955 multifaceted threat posed by the PRC. 00:02:02.055 --> 00:02:07.260 Learning from major cyber incidents and harnessing the power of AI to advance 00:02:07.260 --> 00:02:13.166 our security will draw on the entirety of the capabilities and expertise. 00:02:13.266 --> 00:02:16.736 The 260,000 personnel of DHS 00:02:16.736 --> 00:02:19.739 bring to bear every single day. 00:02:19.772 --> 00:02:23.776 It will require continued investment in our operational cohesion, 00:02:23.843 --> 00:02:26.446 our ability to work together in ways 00:02:26.446 --> 00:02:30.116 our founders never imagined. 00:02:30.216 --> 00:02:32.385 We must never allow. 00:02:32.385 --> 00:02:35.388 We must never allow ourselves to be susceptible 00:02:35.522 --> 00:02:39.692 to failures of imagination, which, as the 911 Commission 00:02:39.692 --> 00:02:44.364 concluded nearly 20 years ago, held us back from connecting the dots 00:02:44.430 --> 00:02:49.269 and preparing for the destruction that was being planned on that tragic day. 00:02:49.335 --> 00:02:51.738 We must instead look to the future 00:02:51.738 --> 00:02:56.476 and imagine the otherwise unimaginable to ensure that whatever threats 00:02:56.476 --> 00:03:02.215 we face, our department, our country will be positioned to meet the moment.