WEBVTT 1 00:00:00,542 --> 00:00:03,503 [music playing] 2 00:00:04,421 --> 00:00:04,713 Hello. 3 00:00:04,713 --> 00:00:05,964 My name is Dusty Lang 4 00:00:05,964 --> 00:00:10,135 and I work for the DHS Small Business Innovation Research Program, 5 00:00:10,844 --> 00:00:15,348 and I have the opportunity to work for the best program in the federal government. 6 00:00:15,557 --> 00:00:19,602 The SBIR program is a great program and allows me to work 7 00:00:19,602 --> 00:00:23,857 with small businesses that have creative, enthusiastic innovators 8 00:00:23,857 --> 00:00:24,941 in a symbiotic way. 9 00:00:24,941 --> 00:00:26,609 We're able to partner 10 00:00:26,609 --> 00:00:29,988 with small businesses to bring their innovative ideas to life. 11 00:00:30,530 --> 00:00:33,742 These small businesses are in your communities 12 00:00:33,742 --> 00:00:38,830 and their impact is important not only to us at DHS, 13 00:00:38,830 --> 00:00:42,667 but also to our global economic security. 14 00:00:43,084 --> 00:00:49,507 I really love working with very small businesses. The 15 00:00:50,550 --> 00:00:54,220 the ability that they have to be innovative, 16 00:00:54,220 --> 00:00:58,558 the drive that they have is amazing, and just the 17 00:00:58,933 --> 00:01:04,189 the potential that that is there for their future is really exciting. 18 00:01:04,522 --> 00:01:07,192 The SBIR program is really 19 00:01:07,192 --> 00:01:10,320 one of the best ways that a small business 20 00:01:10,320 --> 00:01:13,573 can start their engagement with the federal government. 21 00:01:13,740 --> 00:01:17,827 The program is a set aside for small businesses 22 00:01:17,827 --> 00:01:24,042 and allows them to really be able to highlight their innovation 23 00:01:24,042 --> 00:01:29,255 and their willingness to take some risks and really push the envelope for science. 24 00:01:29,255 --> 00:01:33,134 One of the things that small businesses should be aware of 25 00:01:33,134 --> 00:01:37,305 is that by partnering with the DHS SBIR program, 26 00:01:37,722 --> 00:01:41,684 you are really taking that opportunity 27 00:01:41,684 --> 00:01:44,979 to provide an impact to homeland security. 28 00:01:45,313 --> 00:01:49,109 So this is a great way for them to get started with the federal government. 29 00:01:49,109 --> 00:01:53,822 Our website address is SBIR dot DHS dot gov. 30 00:01:54,114 --> 00:01:57,408 There's some videos there you can click on those 31 00:01:57,408 --> 00:02:02,997 and get to the whole channel of the Deconstructing SBIR webinar series. 32 00:02:03,414 --> 00:02:06,000 You can also email us at STSBIR dot 33 00:02:07,001 --> 00:02:09,963 program at HQ dot DHS dot gov. 34 00:02:09,963 --> 00:02:14,884 On behalf of the DHS SBIR program, thank you for all that you do. 35 00:02:14,968 --> 00:02:18,847 It's really been a privilege to be able to work with so many small businesses 36 00:02:18,847 --> 00:02:22,183 that are really passionate about being able to help 37 00:02:22,267 --> 00:02:25,562 DHS with their mission needs and protecting the homeland. 38 00:02:29,232 --> 00:02:29,607 [music fades out]