WEBVTT 1 00:00:04.320 --> 00:00:06.120 Good afternoon. 2 00:00:06.120 --> 00:00:07.000 Welcome. 3 00:00:07.000 --> 00:00:08.080 Welcome back. 4 00:00:08.080 --> 00:00:11.080 And for some of you, I think welcome. 5 00:00:11.080 --> 00:00:14.600 Some of you, I think, arrived just for the afternoon session. 6 00:00:14.600 --> 00:00:17.600 And we're happy to have you. 7 00:00:17.600 --> 00:00:19.800 That, I think, also goes for folks 8 00:00:19.800 --> 00:00:23.160 that are tuned in online. 9 00:00:23.240 --> 00:00:24.800 I know that for some of our guests, it's 10 00:00:24.800 --> 00:00:26.880 getting very, very late in the evening online. 11 00:00:26.880 --> 00:00:30.880 But those are hanging that are hanging with us. 12 00:00:30.960 --> 00:00:32.640 Thank you. 13 00:00:32.640 --> 00:00:36.640 I have the pleasure now of introducing 14 00:00:36.720 --> 00:00:39.720 and another panel this time 15 00:00:39.920 --> 00:00:45.120 focused on inter-agency investments in global sustainability. 16 00:00:45.120 --> 00:00:48.800 And that takes many forms, as you will hear. 17 00:00:48.880 --> 00:00:53.040 The moderator for this panel is David Alexander, Dr. 18 00:00:53.040 --> 00:00:57.000 David Alexander, and he is the senior science adviser 19 00:00:57.000 --> 00:01:01.520 for resilience within the Office of Science and Technology. 20 00:01:01.560 --> 00:01:05.360 We're extremely, very proud that we have this 21 00:01:05.360 --> 00:01:10.000 wonderful outfit in the form of the Department of Homeland Security, 22 00:01:10.080 --> 00:01:12.240 Science and Technology Directorate. 23 00:01:12.240 --> 00:01:16.480 And that I think, as you've heard from a couple of our speakers today, 24 00:01:16.560 --> 00:01:20.640 they are an engine for innovation across the 25 00:01:20.720 --> 00:01:23.440 the homeland security milieu, 26 00:01:23.440 --> 00:01:26.960 and that includes resilience and sustainability. 27 00:01:27.040 --> 00:01:30.760 So you will hear from David and from our other panelists 28 00:01:30.840 --> 00:01:34.240 about the ways that they are moving and taking action 29 00:01:34.320 --> 00:01:37.840 in building resilience and sustainability across 30 00:01:38.080 --> 00:01:43.400 global supply chains and thinking about what this means for both government 31 00:01:43.480 --> 00:01:46.480 and all of our private sector and NGO partners. 32 00:01:46.720 --> 00:01:49.480 So with that, I will turn it over to Dr. 33 00:01:49.480 --> 00:01:52.280 Alexander. 34 00:01:52.280 --> 00:01:52.720 All right. 35 00:01:52.720 --> 00:01:56.160 Thank you, Liane, for that delightful introduction. 36 00:01:56.240 --> 00:01:58.600 I don't know if I even need to go through my bio. 37 00:01:58.600 --> 00:02:02.600 I think it's usually commensurate with the government panels, 38 00:02:02.600 --> 00:02:07.960 but with the I think we'll defer on on that for now. 39 00:02:08.000 --> 00:02:11.640 What I'd like to do is introduce our panelist 40 00:02:11.720 --> 00:02:16.040 and really introduce to the panel in the scope of the panel to the audience. 41 00:02:16.040 --> 00:02:18.440 And we appreciate you sticking with us. 42 00:02:18.440 --> 00:02:21.680 You know, one of the benefits of being in the afternoon is we get to learn 43 00:02:21.680 --> 00:02:26.000 and hear from the earlier panels and discussions and feed off that. 44 00:02:26.000 --> 00:02:29.720 And I think what you'll see is we've got an enthusiastic set of panelists 45 00:02:29.720 --> 00:02:35.840 here with me to really discuss and and dig into this topic a little bit. 46 00:02:35.920 --> 00:02:39.480 The areas that we're really trying to drive in terms of the panel 47 00:02:39.480 --> 00:02:43.120 is a collaboration across the interagency in the private sector. 48 00:02:43.200 --> 00:02:46.120 I think you heard some private sector earlier today. 49 00:02:46.120 --> 00:02:50.400 This is your opportunity to hear from across the federal enterprise. 50 00:02:50.480 --> 00:02:56.040 And we've got four key agencies that have significant investments in equities 51 00:02:56.040 --> 00:03:00.040 and in both green trade, as well as driving 52 00:03:00.120 --> 00:03:03.960 innovation across the ecosystem. 53 00:03:04.040 --> 00:03:08.200 So without further ado, I'll introduce my my fellow panelists here. 54 00:03:08.280 --> 00:03:09.640 So I have hope. 55 00:03:09.640 --> 00:03:12.960 Big Peyton from International Affairs 56 00:03:12.960 --> 00:03:16.080 at the Office of Chief Scientist within the U.S. 57 00:03:16.080 --> 00:03:17.920 Department of Agriculture. 58 00:03:17.920 --> 00:03:22.440 I have Todd Johnson, senior natural resources officer at the Asia 59 00:03:22.480 --> 00:03:23.520 Bureau of the U.S. 60 00:03:23.520 --> 00:03:27.760 Agency for International Development. 61 00:03:27.840 --> 00:03:29.880 I have Carlos Ochoa, 62 00:03:29.880 --> 00:03:32.480 one of my colleagues here in Department of Homeland Security, 63 00:03:32.480 --> 00:03:37.320 as branch chief of the Customs Trade Partnership 64 00:03:37.520 --> 00:03:41.520 against Terrorism and Trusted Trade Partnership Division at U.S. 65 00:03:41.520 --> 00:03:43.720 Customs and Border Protection. 66 00:03:43.720 --> 00:03:44.880 I have with me 67 00:03:44.880 --> 00:03:49.440 Sam Waltzer, director of the Smart Way and supply chain programs at the U.S. 68 00:03:49.440 --> 00:03:51.720 Environmental Protection Agency. 69 00:03:51.720 --> 00:03:53.200 We did have a fellow panelist 70 00:03:53.200 --> 00:03:55.680 that was going to join us from the State Department. 71 00:03:55.680 --> 00:04:00.120 Unfortunately, Mayor Ramirez Pelagius was unable to join us. 72 00:04:00.120 --> 00:04:02.160 He had a last minute change in his schedule. 73 00:04:02.160 --> 00:04:05.440 But I do want to acknowledge that, you know, he has a significant role 74 00:04:05.440 --> 00:04:10.080 to play both in green trade as well as within driving leadership. 75 00:04:10.280 --> 00:04:13.880 And he is a member of the Foreign Service and our climate negotiation 76 00:04:13.960 --> 00:04:16.200 negotiator at the U.S. 77 00:04:16.200 --> 00:04:18.880 Department of State in their Office of Global Change. 78 00:04:18.880 --> 00:04:23.160 So fortunately, he's not here to join us, but we'll look to include him 79 00:04:23.160 --> 00:04:26.920 in some further conversations going forward. 80 00:04:27.000 --> 00:04:29.920 So with that being said, and I'll turn it over to hope 81 00:04:29.920 --> 00:04:35.040 and she'll kick us off, give me some agency introductions. 82 00:04:35.120 --> 00:04:35.440 Thanks 83 00:04:35.440 --> 00:04:39.000 so much and really appreciate the invitation to be here and speak 84 00:04:39.000 --> 00:04:42.840 on behalf of USDA as work to motivate investments 85 00:04:42.840 --> 00:04:46.320 in climate, smart agriculture and food systems innovation. 86 00:04:46.560 --> 00:04:49.560 And we have the challenge of being in the post lunch break. 87 00:04:49.560 --> 00:04:53.480 But I'll try to get everyone really excited about all of the public and 88 00:04:53.480 --> 00:04:58.480 private sector investments in innovation that that USDA is working to facilitate. 89 00:04:58.560 --> 00:05:02.600 I'm hoping to Payton International Affairs Advisor and USDA 90 00:05:02.680 --> 00:05:06.240 Office of the Chief Scientist and I'll discuss some background 91 00:05:06.240 --> 00:05:11.160 on the Agriculture Innovation Innovation Mission for Climate or aim for climate. 92 00:05:11.240 --> 00:05:11.880 I'll discuss 93 00:05:11.880 --> 00:05:16.240 how public and private sector partners can join and be part of the initiative, 94 00:05:16.320 --> 00:05:19.520 and then also some early outcomes and progress 95 00:05:19.600 --> 00:05:23.040 of the initiative. 96 00:05:23.120 --> 00:05:26.360 The Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate for Climate and for Climate 97 00:05:26.560 --> 00:05:30.600 was launched by President Biden at COP26 in Glasgow. 98 00:05:30.680 --> 00:05:31.680 As far as we know, 99 00:05:31.680 --> 00:05:35.520 this is the first initiative related to agriculture and climate change 100 00:05:35.760 --> 00:05:39.560 internationally to be launched by a US President, 101 00:05:39.640 --> 00:05:42.480 and the intention is to enable global partnerships 102 00:05:42.480 --> 00:05:45.720 and solutions at the intersection of agriculture and climate change. 103 00:05:45.800 --> 00:05:49.960 It's a big year for the initiative, with COP 28 being hosted 104 00:05:49.960 --> 00:05:54.480 by and for climate co-lead the UAE in Dubai, and they've indicated 105 00:05:54.480 --> 00:06:00.400 that climate will be a leading platform for food and agriculture at COP 28. 106 00:06:00.480 --> 00:06:01.040 The goal of the 107 00:06:01.040 --> 00:06:04.640 initiative is to motivate public and private sector partners 108 00:06:04.800 --> 00:06:07.040 to increase and accelerate their investment 109 00:06:07.040 --> 00:06:10.360 in agriculture and food systems, innovation and support of climate action. 110 00:06:10.560 --> 00:06:14.120 We heard this morning about upstream supply chain interventions in 111 00:06:14.160 --> 00:06:17.920 poor climate is really aiming at that from the R&D side of things. 112 00:06:17.920 --> 00:06:21.440 So research development to demonstration and deployment, 113 00:06:21.680 --> 00:06:24.840 we're aiming to motivate partners to make those investments 114 00:06:25.000 --> 00:06:28.600 to green their own supply chains. 115 00:06:28.680 --> 00:06:30.960 The objectives again, to increase that investment 116 00:06:30.960 --> 00:06:34.880 enable coordination and collaboration, as well as increased cooperation. 117 00:06:34.880 --> 00:06:38.640 We just hosted the climate summit here in Washington, D.C., 118 00:06:38.880 --> 00:06:43.000 and there were over 42 government partner delegations in attendance, 119 00:06:43.080 --> 00:06:45.000 all working together to increase their own 120 00:06:45.000 --> 00:06:48.840 public sector investments in agriculture, innovation and R&D, 121 00:06:49.000 --> 00:06:54.000 as well as over 260 partners and private sector organizations. 122 00:06:54.240 --> 00:06:58.320 It was a great event and we aim to increase that cooperation around this. 123 00:06:58.320 --> 00:07:02.600 The metric, the scope of the initiative, really focusing on climate smart 124 00:07:02.600 --> 00:07:06.680 agricultural innovation, including scientific breakthroughs, public 125 00:07:06.680 --> 00:07:10.200 and private applied research and that value chain 126 00:07:10.200 --> 00:07:18.560 demonstration and development, deployment of actionable climate interventions. 127 00:07:18.640 --> 00:07:22.040 And I'll just give some background on our definition of climate smart agriculture. 128 00:07:22.040 --> 00:07:25.360 This comes from the U.N., FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization 129 00:07:25.560 --> 00:07:29.200 is to sustainably increase agricultural productivity and incomes. 130 00:07:29.280 --> 00:07:34.800 We need to be able to produce more on the same land using less resources. 131 00:07:34.880 --> 00:07:38.560 And to do that, we need to enable technology and innovation. 132 00:07:38.640 --> 00:07:40.080 And the definition of climate. 133 00:07:40.080 --> 00:07:43.320 Smart agriculture includes adaptation to resilience and climate change, 134 00:07:43.320 --> 00:07:48.720 as well as mitigation, reducing and removing greenhouse gas emissions. 135 00:07:48.800 --> 00:07:50.520 So how to join the initiative? 136 00:07:50.520 --> 00:07:54.600 And we really hope if government, government representatives or private 137 00:07:54.600 --> 00:07:56.280 sector representatives are here today 138 00:07:56.280 --> 00:08:00.160 and are not yet members, that you will join as partners of climate. 139 00:08:00.240 --> 00:08:03.360 There are these three types of partners government partners, 140 00:08:03.600 --> 00:08:05.280 innovation, spend, partners, which are private 141 00:08:05.280 --> 00:08:10.280 sector partners and knowledge partners, NGOs and think tanks. 142 00:08:10.360 --> 00:08:11.640 Government partners are 143 00:08:11.640 --> 00:08:15.320 those who announce an increase in their public agricultural R&D 144 00:08:15.520 --> 00:08:19.640 and innovation spending over this five year time horizon of the initiative. 145 00:08:19.880 --> 00:08:23.680 As of now, there are 51 government partner representative government partners 146 00:08:23.680 --> 00:08:24.760 of four climate. 147 00:08:24.760 --> 00:08:29.320 And we hope to grow that number in time for 28. 148 00:08:29.400 --> 00:08:31.560 Innovation spent partners are those private 149 00:08:31.560 --> 00:08:35.200 sector partners that have invested 150 00:08:35.280 --> 00:08:38.799 and created new innovations over this time horizon as well. 151 00:08:39.000 --> 00:08:43.799 We now have 51 innovation sprints, and this is to advance 152 00:08:43.799 --> 00:08:48.160 bold ideas to green supply chains in this expedited timeframe. 153 00:08:48.240 --> 00:08:49.800 I'll give you some examples. 154 00:08:49.800 --> 00:08:53.720 And we would really invite private sector partners to join the initiative 155 00:08:53.720 --> 00:08:56.960 in this capacity as innovation Sprint Partners. 156 00:08:57.040 --> 00:08:59.040 One a couple of case studies are here. 157 00:08:59.040 --> 00:09:01.000 In the interest of time, I'll just highlight one, 158 00:09:01.000 --> 00:09:03.680 which is the enteric fermentation R&D accelerator. 159 00:09:03.680 --> 00:09:06.480 This is to advance R&D 160 00:09:06.480 --> 00:09:10.400 on feed additives to reduce methane emissions from enteric fermentation, 161 00:09:10.600 --> 00:09:11.880 which is one of the biggest 162 00:09:11.880 --> 00:09:15.640 low hanging fruit kind of mitigation opportunities out there. 163 00:09:15.720 --> 00:09:17.840 And we don't have yet the technology. 164 00:09:17.840 --> 00:09:20.960 And it's very related to trade as well, because once we do have this technology, 165 00:09:20.960 --> 00:09:25.000 how do we ensure that it can cross borders and be accepted internationally 166 00:09:25.000 --> 00:09:30.160 as it would need to be to achieve those mitigation and emissions reductions? 167 00:09:30.240 --> 00:09:32.760 And then we also have knowledge partners. 168 00:09:32.760 --> 00:09:34.200 All right. 169 00:09:34.280 --> 00:09:37.600 Moving forward, as a result of the initiative, 170 00:09:37.680 --> 00:09:39.840 we are really excited to share that. 171 00:09:39.840 --> 00:09:45.000 And USDA Secretary Vilsack pictured here, as well as UAE minister of Environment 172 00:09:45.000 --> 00:09:48.520 and Climate Change, here to announce that the recent name for climate Summit, 173 00:09:48.520 --> 00:09:53.120 that the initiative had mobilized $13 billion in this pooled fund, 174 00:09:53.120 --> 00:09:56.600 including private sector as well as public sector investments over this 175 00:09:56.640 --> 00:09:59.640 five year period in climate smart agriculture. 176 00:09:59.640 --> 00:10:03.160 And 10 billion of this is from government partners, 3 billion 177 00:10:03.160 --> 00:10:04.480 from the private sector. 178 00:10:04.480 --> 00:10:09.720 So we'd love to issue this challenge to private sector partners to step forward 179 00:10:09.720 --> 00:10:13.840 and share their own investments and to invest in climate smart ag 180 00:10:13.920 --> 00:10:17.440 and food systems innovation that includes feed food fibers, 181 00:10:17.440 --> 00:10:21.560 as we heard earlier this morning from RTI and under armor. 182 00:10:21.640 --> 00:10:26.560 And we have now over 500 partners as part of the coalition. 183 00:10:26.640 --> 00:10:27.120 This was 184 00:10:27.120 --> 00:10:31.400 another announcement we shared at the climate summit was the outcome of the 185 00:10:31.600 --> 00:10:35.120 AI and machine Learning grand Challenge that ran. 186 00:10:35.200 --> 00:10:40.160 This was a group called Enterprise Neuro System that donated $5 million 187 00:10:40.160 --> 00:10:44.040 of in-kind animal resources to a good idea and climate smart. 188 00:10:44.040 --> 00:10:48.600 AG The good idea was a startup called Agro Space, doing precision irrigation 189 00:10:48.760 --> 00:10:52.240 and leveraging remote sensing technology to achieve that in Chile. 190 00:10:52.320 --> 00:10:56.560 So a great case study of the outcomes and impacts the initiative was having, 191 00:10:56.640 --> 00:11:01.320 and we're proud to have a global reach as well in all 51 countries 192 00:11:01.560 --> 00:11:05.040 that climate currently partners with 193 00:11:05.120 --> 00:11:06.520 on the road to COP 28. 194 00:11:06.520 --> 00:11:09.880 We invite partners to join us through innovation sprints 195 00:11:09.960 --> 00:11:13.480 as government partners to host webinars with us 196 00:11:13.560 --> 00:11:18.840 and to host events on the road to COP 28 and to join us at 28. 197 00:11:18.920 --> 00:11:22.000 And you can connect with us on our virtual platform, 198 00:11:22.240 --> 00:11:25.760 the Innovation Hub, to continue the conversation. 199 00:11:25.840 --> 00:11:27.760 So if you're interested in joining the initiative, 200 00:11:27.760 --> 00:11:31.240 please do get in touch with me and you can find more information here. 201 00:11:31.400 --> 00:11:37.360 Thank you so much. 202 00:11:37.440 --> 00:11:38.480 Okay, good. 203 00:11:38.480 --> 00:11:39.840 Go ahead. 204 00:11:39.840 --> 00:11:42.360 Thank you, David, for, uh, 205 00:11:42.360 --> 00:11:44.120 thank you, David, for moderating this panel. 206 00:11:44.120 --> 00:11:47.880 And I want to take this opportunity to thank CBP and everyone involved in 207 00:11:47.880 --> 00:11:51.600 putting on the forum today, making it possible. 208 00:11:51.680 --> 00:11:55.840 I'm honored to be invited to participate alongside interagency colleagues 209 00:11:55.920 --> 00:11:59.280 in what I hope is the first of many similar conversations on ways 210 00:11:59.280 --> 00:12:03.080 to incentivize green trade domestically and globally. 211 00:12:03.160 --> 00:12:06.960 This afternoon, I will briefly highlight a few examples of the kinds of programs 212 00:12:06.960 --> 00:12:10.840 that USAID operates to increase the volume and value 213 00:12:10.920 --> 00:12:14.840 of sustainable supply chains in key sectors of the global economy. 214 00:12:14.920 --> 00:12:18.120 I'll specifically touch on examples of USAID 215 00:12:18.120 --> 00:12:21.720 support to encourage innovation and incentives for green trade 216 00:12:21.720 --> 00:12:25.360 within the Asia-Pacific region where I work. 217 00:12:25.440 --> 00:12:29.760 First, under the category of doing the right things or motivating investors. 218 00:12:29.840 --> 00:12:33.800 The first example or highlight is from the Agriculture and forestry sector. 219 00:12:33.880 --> 00:12:36.920 The Green Investor Asia Program out of our Southeast Asia 220 00:12:36.920 --> 00:12:40.520 Regional Office in Bangkok actually closed about two weeks ago 221 00:12:40.600 --> 00:12:44.160 but spent six years working with Project developers and financiers 222 00:12:44.160 --> 00:12:47.160 to shift investments toward low emission practices 223 00:12:47.280 --> 00:12:53.240 to produce the agro commodities that drive deforestation in the region. 224 00:12:53.320 --> 00:12:56.240 Understanding why financial institutions were reluctant 225 00:12:56.240 --> 00:12:59.800 to invest in climate positive production, processing and trade, 226 00:12:59.880 --> 00:13:03.680 as well as why companies with good ideas could not find investors. 227 00:13:03.760 --> 00:13:06.840 The team worked with businesses and financial institutions 228 00:13:07.080 --> 00:13:10.480 to have each come closer to the needs of the other. 229 00:13:10.560 --> 00:13:13.640 By the time they closed at the end of June, Green investor 230 00:13:13.640 --> 00:13:17.280 Asia had brokered almost $450 million in investments 231 00:13:17.520 --> 00:13:20.920 without providing grants, loan guarantees or similar tools. 232 00:13:21.000 --> 00:13:25.840 We did that by both financing green and by greening finance in the region. 233 00:13:25.920 --> 00:13:29.320 Deep understanding of how to reduce perceived investment risk 234 00:13:29.320 --> 00:13:33.240 without masking it through subsidies is now being applied as we engage 235 00:13:33.240 --> 00:13:37.440 with private sector partners, governments and other stakeholders for green trade 236 00:13:37.440 --> 00:13:41.080 investment in other sectors, including timber and fisheries. 237 00:13:41.160 --> 00:13:44.360 We also have a bilateral program in Vietnam called Sustainable Forest 238 00:13:44.360 --> 00:13:48.720 Management, the supporting producers, primary processors, aggregators 239 00:13:48.720 --> 00:13:53.160 and multinational traders such as IKEA to increase the amount of domestic raw 240 00:13:53.160 --> 00:13:59.040 material used in the $11 billion furniture industry and other related markets. 241 00:13:59.120 --> 00:13:59.800 And under 242 00:13:59.800 --> 00:14:03.400 kind of doing the right things or institutionalizing ESG, 243 00:14:03.640 --> 00:14:07.240 the next example takes a do no harm approach to infrastructure. 244 00:14:07.320 --> 00:14:12.560 This program called Align Asia's Linear Infrastructures Safeguarding Nature, aims 245 00:14:12.560 --> 00:14:16.000 to increase the adoption and implementation of high quality 246 00:14:16.000 --> 00:14:19.080 environmental and social safeguards In response to Asia's 247 00:14:19.080 --> 00:14:22.080 rapid expansion in 248 00:14:22.320 --> 00:14:26.600 roads, railways and power lines. 249 00:14:26.680 --> 00:14:30.480 A line is currently active in India, Mongolia and Nepal. 250 00:14:30.560 --> 00:14:33.040 Building on previous work by each of those countries 251 00:14:33.040 --> 00:14:36.760 to conserve their landscapes and their ecosystem services, building 252 00:14:36.760 --> 00:14:41.320 resilience for the infrastructure itself and for the people who depend upon it. 253 00:14:41.400 --> 00:14:44.280 Align works on policies and practices in natural resource. 254 00:14:44.280 --> 00:14:48.200 Safeguards for linear infrastructure aligned with international norms 255 00:14:48.200 --> 00:14:49.440 and standards 256 00:14:49.440 --> 00:14:53.200 promotes planning, development and investment in our infrastructure 257 00:14:53.200 --> 00:14:57.160 that incorporates natural resource safeguards and creates and shares 258 00:14:57.160 --> 00:15:00.160 knowledge and training products on effectively incorporating 259 00:15:00.360 --> 00:15:04.440 natural resource safeguards into linear infrastructure development. 260 00:15:04.520 --> 00:15:07.800 USAID also supports the Coalition for Disaster Resilient 261 00:15:07.800 --> 00:15:11.760 Infrastructure, or KDR, AI through an institutional support agreement 262 00:15:11.760 --> 00:15:16.680 with the Civil Rights Secretariat and through our USAID Administrator, 263 00:15:16.680 --> 00:15:20.560 who serves as co-chair of the Governing Council and U.S. 264 00:15:20.640 --> 00:15:26.200 Aid. India's Director who serves as co-chair of the Senior Executive Committee 265 00:15:26.280 --> 00:15:31.560 Steering is an India based international partnership of national governments, U.N. 266 00:15:31.560 --> 00:15:36.400 agencies, multilateral development banks and financial mechanisms. 267 00:15:36.480 --> 00:15:40.280 The private sector and knowledge institutions that promote resilience 268 00:15:40.280 --> 00:15:44.160 of infrastructure systems to climate and disaster risks in support 269 00:15:44.160 --> 00:15:47.080 of sustainable development. 270 00:15:47.160 --> 00:15:48.360 And finally, on Beyond 271 00:15:48.360 --> 00:15:51.360 Risks, or what I call proactive positives, 272 00:15:51.480 --> 00:15:55.400 we're moving beyond risks and looking at how to identify and take action 273 00:15:55.400 --> 00:15:59.560 on proactive, positive for resilient trade and sustainable supply chains. 274 00:15:59.640 --> 00:16:03.520 USAID, along with UNDP, the United Nations Development Program 275 00:16:03.760 --> 00:16:05.120 and other partners, 276 00:16:05.120 --> 00:16:09.760 is supporting the Task Force on Nature related financial disclosures or TANF, 277 00:16:09.840 --> 00:16:14.000 as they field test their draft risk management and disclosure framework 278 00:16:14.080 --> 00:16:19.560 that enables organizations to report and act on evolving nature related risks. 279 00:16:19.640 --> 00:16:22.960 TANF This framework also supports companies to identify 280 00:16:22.960 --> 00:16:28.400 and assess necessary data and information required to meet ISB, 281 00:16:28.400 --> 00:16:32.320 ISO, GRI, or other corporate reporting standards. 282 00:16:32.400 --> 00:16:34.120 Many of you are familiar with 283 00:16:34.120 --> 00:16:36.760 our particular interest as the actions that this knowledge 284 00:16:36.760 --> 00:16:40.680 can inform the opportunity to channel finance toward climate and nature. 285 00:16:40.680 --> 00:16:44.400 Positive investments in green trade, sustainable supply chains 286 00:16:44.640 --> 00:16:47.920 or other nature based solutions to the climate crisis. 287 00:16:48.000 --> 00:16:52.280 As companies use the 50 framework to identify, assess and disclose 288 00:16:52.280 --> 00:16:55.800 their nature related risks, they can learn valuable information 289 00:16:55.800 --> 00:17:00.480 to not only reduce nature negative investments, but realize positive outcomes 290 00:17:00.480 --> 00:17:05.720 that build resilience of their companies, societies and ecosystems. 291 00:17:05.800 --> 00:17:07.680 And with that, back to you, David. 292 00:17:07.680 --> 00:17:09.000 Thank you very much. 293 00:17:09.000 --> 00:17:12.920 You can find more on those links. 294 00:17:13.000 --> 00:17:15.760 Carlos. 295 00:17:15.760 --> 00:17:16.680 Thank you, David. 296 00:17:16.680 --> 00:17:19.240 And good afternoon, everyone. 297 00:17:19.240 --> 00:17:22.960 First, let me just say thank you to our colleagues from the Office of Trade 298 00:17:23.040 --> 00:17:24.200 for inviting us. 299 00:17:24.200 --> 00:17:27.640 The city program 300 00:17:27.720 --> 00:17:30.040 not just to participate, but also to learn 301 00:17:30.040 --> 00:17:33.000 how we've done so. 302 00:17:33.000 --> 00:17:34.800 We've learned quite a bit so far. 303 00:17:34.800 --> 00:17:38.000 I have colleagues in the back as well just by listening 304 00:17:38.000 --> 00:17:41.000 to some of the presenters this morning. 305 00:17:41.120 --> 00:17:44.560 Let me start by saying that we in City part are not scientists, 306 00:17:44.640 --> 00:17:48.600 we're not climate experts, but we do recognize that all of us 307 00:17:48.600 --> 00:17:53.680 have a responsibility and a role to play because it will take all of us 308 00:17:53.680 --> 00:17:58.320 working together to address this existential challenge 309 00:17:58.400 --> 00:17:59.040 by all of us. 310 00:17:59.040 --> 00:18:02.120 I mean governments, academia, our international colleagues 311 00:18:02.120 --> 00:18:03.360 and partners, those countries. 312 00:18:03.360 --> 00:18:08.400 We have signed mutual recognition arrangements with concerned individuals 313 00:18:08.400 --> 00:18:12.640 such as yourselves and of course, the trade community at large, 314 00:18:12.720 --> 00:18:16.240 the owners and operators of most of the international supply 315 00:18:16.240 --> 00:18:19.800 chain, and unfortunately, the source of much of the world's 316 00:18:19.800 --> 00:18:22.800 total greenhouse gas emissions. 317 00:18:22.880 --> 00:18:26.200 And yes, where some of the greatest innovations 318 00:18:26.200 --> 00:18:30.840 taking place to address sustainability. 319 00:18:30.920 --> 00:18:33.320 And yes, global warming is a national threat 320 00:18:33.320 --> 00:18:37.840 not only to the United States but to every single country on this earth. 321 00:18:37.920 --> 00:18:43.120 It is a threat to our economic viability and to supply chain resilience. 322 00:18:43.200 --> 00:18:48.040 As we heard today, economic security is national security. 323 00:18:48.120 --> 00:18:51.840 And many members and owners of the international supply chain 324 00:18:51.920 --> 00:18:54.640 are certified certified companies. 325 00:18:54.640 --> 00:18:58.520 So we have some leverage over these companies based on the relationship 326 00:18:58.520 --> 00:19:05.080 and partnership that we have built over the last two decades through safety. But 327 00:19:05.160 --> 00:19:07.760 this is why CBP has recognized 328 00:19:07.760 --> 00:19:13.240 and I don't see the slide anywhere, 329 00:19:13.320 --> 00:19:15.840 that the program has a role to play 330 00:19:15.840 --> 00:19:19.720 in improving climate resilience and resource efficiency. 331 00:19:19.760 --> 00:19:22.760 We have very dedicated members in the trade, 332 00:19:22.760 --> 00:19:25.760 and we can use that collected 333 00:19:25.920 --> 00:19:30.840 leverage to lead the rest of the world in the right direction towards green trade 334 00:19:30.920 --> 00:19:38.480 from a supply chain security program perspective. 335 00:19:38.560 --> 00:19:40.560 As you will see in just a couple of minutes, 336 00:19:40.560 --> 00:19:45.680 we have actually been exploring how we can leverage the city program 337 00:19:45.760 --> 00:19:49.080 to support the CBP green trade strategy. 338 00:19:49.160 --> 00:19:54.120 But before I go into those details, I know that some members of the audience 339 00:19:54.120 --> 00:19:59.320 may not be very familiar with what we do in city by city, 340 00:19:59.320 --> 00:20:04.560 but stands for Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, and is the U.S. 341 00:20:04.560 --> 00:20:08.320 version of the Authorized Economic Operator Program, 342 00:20:08.400 --> 00:20:12.200 a key component of the World Customs Organization's 343 00:20:12.280 --> 00:20:16.520 framework of standards to secure and facilitate global trade, 344 00:20:16.600 --> 00:20:19.880 a key instrument based on international standards 345 00:20:19.960 --> 00:20:24.800 that guides customs administrations from all over the world as to how and why 346 00:20:24.800 --> 00:20:30.280 they need to do in order to secure trade so it can be facilitated 347 00:20:30.360 --> 00:20:31.400 through CTP. 348 00:20:31.400 --> 00:20:34.480 CBP works with the trade community to strengthen 349 00:20:34.480 --> 00:20:37.920 the international supply chain and improve U.S. 350 00:20:37.920 --> 00:20:39.280 border security. 351 00:20:39.280 --> 00:20:41.800 And the program is part of the 352 00:20:41.800 --> 00:20:46.640 layered cargo enforcement strategy that CBP implemented as a result 353 00:20:46.720 --> 00:20:50.400 following the attacks of September the 11th. 354 00:20:50.480 --> 00:20:53.200 We have close to 11,000 members 355 00:20:53.200 --> 00:20:56.280 representing the entire supply chain spectrum from U.S. 356 00:20:56.280 --> 00:21:00.360 importers and exporters, sea carriers, highway 357 00:21:00.360 --> 00:21:04.840 carriers, US licensed customs brokers and so forth. 358 00:21:04.920 --> 00:21:08.680 By implementing and following citywide security requirements, 359 00:21:08.760 --> 00:21:11.960 CBP affords these companies several benefits, 360 00:21:12.040 --> 00:21:17.400 including less inspections at the border and access to our dedicated lanes 361 00:21:17.480 --> 00:21:21.040 the land borders, ports of entry, 362 00:21:21.120 --> 00:21:25.440 what we call the fast lanes, or a 52% of all U.S. 363 00:21:25.440 --> 00:21:28.440 imports into the United States or city certified. 364 00:21:28.520 --> 00:21:34.000 And we have partnered with many nations through our mutual recognition arrangement 365 00:21:34.080 --> 00:21:36.040 program. 366 00:21:36.040 --> 00:21:37.920 So far, we have signed 18 of them. 367 00:21:37.920 --> 00:21:38.880 One of them, of course, 368 00:21:38.880 --> 00:21:43.240 being with the European Union, which and its 27 member states. 369 00:21:43.320 --> 00:21:49.000 So we're actually working very closely with 44 countries from around the world, 370 00:21:49.080 --> 00:21:54.760 many of them some of our main trading partners. 371 00:21:54.840 --> 00:21:57.920 So with that background in mind, let me tell you what we have done 372 00:21:57.920 --> 00:22:02.520 internally to address climate change and what we're currently exploring 373 00:22:02.520 --> 00:22:06.840 in order to support CBP's green trade strategy. 374 00:22:06.920 --> 00:22:10.320 Needless to say, and I do want to emphasize this, 375 00:22:10.400 --> 00:22:15.280 any proposal or any change to the program that we think is needed 376 00:22:15.360 --> 00:22:18.000 which will impact the trade. 377 00:22:18.000 --> 00:22:22.960 Our members will be presented through the trade, through the commercial Customs 378 00:22:22.960 --> 00:22:27.480 Operation Advisory Committee or Co.uk for a full discussion. 379 00:22:27.560 --> 00:22:29.640 The first thing we did was to look 380 00:22:29.640 --> 00:22:33.360 at the strategy, study its goals and opportunities 381 00:22:33.440 --> 00:22:40.240 and see where we can leverage the program to help CBP meet its goals. 382 00:22:40.320 --> 00:22:41.440 We've met with Director 383 00:22:41.440 --> 00:22:44.480 Bigelow and her staff to the course, discuss 384 00:22:44.520 --> 00:22:49.840 where the program with the program has proactively done and 385 00:22:49.920 --> 00:22:53.840 where we can go in terms of powered operations 386 00:22:53.920 --> 00:22:57.120 and ideas that we can explore 387 00:22:57.200 --> 00:23:00.000 to implement in the future. 388 00:23:00.000 --> 00:23:02.200 We have also been busy learning what other U.S. 389 00:23:02.200 --> 00:23:05.200 government entities and international organizations 390 00:23:05.200 --> 00:23:10.480 like the WCO and the IMO are recommending its members to do. 391 00:23:10.560 --> 00:23:13.760 And most importantly, learning what the trade is 392 00:23:13.760 --> 00:23:17.560 already doing to address global warming 393 00:23:17.640 --> 00:23:19.960 so that we can 394 00:23:19.960 --> 00:23:24.120 be aware of the challenges that you face 395 00:23:24.200 --> 00:23:27.520 and at the same time understand 396 00:23:27.600 --> 00:23:30.600 the best practices that have already been implemented 397 00:23:30.640 --> 00:23:35.520 so that perhaps we can adopt those best practices in 398 00:23:35.600 --> 00:23:38.640 some of the areas where City Park can strengthen the program to address 399 00:23:38.640 --> 00:23:43.360 climate change is by looking at our eligibility requirements. 400 00:23:43.440 --> 00:23:43.800 Those are 401 00:23:43.800 --> 00:23:48.320 preconditions that companies must meet before they even apply to city. 402 00:23:48.320 --> 00:23:52.400 But by strengthening our vetting protocols. 403 00:23:52.480 --> 00:23:55.320 When a company applies on a yearly basis, 404 00:23:55.320 --> 00:23:58.160 all companies go through a vetting process. 405 00:23:58.160 --> 00:24:01.760 And finally, by expanding our security requirements 406 00:24:01.840 --> 00:24:07.400 and I have an example here that has to do with the FTC, 407 00:24:07.480 --> 00:24:10.400 we need to reach out to other partner government agencies. 408 00:24:10.400 --> 00:24:12.720 An example is the FTC. 409 00:24:12.720 --> 00:24:16.280 They have developed what they call green guides to help companies 410 00:24:16.280 --> 00:24:20.280 avoid making environmental claims that misled consumers. 411 00:24:20.280 --> 00:24:25.280 What is commonly known as greenwashing. 412 00:24:25.360 --> 00:24:29.640 The FTC has several open enforcement cases and dozens of companies, 413 00:24:29.880 --> 00:24:33.480 some of them in city, but who the FTC believes 414 00:24:33.480 --> 00:24:36.800 have been involved in greenwashing practices. 415 00:24:36.880 --> 00:24:42.080 So to what extent can we use these information that the FTC 416 00:24:42.160 --> 00:24:44.680 already has publicly available 417 00:24:44.680 --> 00:24:49.120 on their website to leverage the same type of program? 418 00:24:49.200 --> 00:24:53.280 We've been working with the our colleagues at the WCO 419 00:24:53.360 --> 00:24:57.560 to support 420 00:24:57.640 --> 00:24:58.760 a proposal submitted 421 00:24:58.760 --> 00:25:01.760 by the European Union that has to deal with green trade. 422 00:25:01.920 --> 00:25:04.720 We're working with our mutual recognition arrangement partners 423 00:25:04.720 --> 00:25:07.440 so that they support that proposal as well. 424 00:25:07.440 --> 00:25:10.680 And finally, we have conducted our own analysis 425 00:25:10.680 --> 00:25:15.560 internally to determine to what extent we have been able to 426 00:25:15.640 --> 00:25:19.360 diminish, decrease our carbon footprint. 427 00:25:19.440 --> 00:25:23.040 We use calculation methodologies and statistics 428 00:25:23.120 --> 00:25:27.000 from the Federal Aviation Administration and the International Council 429 00:25:27.080 --> 00:25:30.880 on Clean Transportation, and we were able to determine that 430 00:25:30.960 --> 00:25:36.040 by implementing virtual validations, the program has been able to save 431 00:25:36.120 --> 00:25:41.440 over 650,000 kilograms of carbon emissions 432 00:25:41.520 --> 00:25:44.880 through virtual validations, which is the equivalent to the jet 433 00:25:44.880 --> 00:25:52.600 fuel consumed by a fully fueled Boeing's 3737 600 airliners. 434 00:25:52.680 --> 00:25:55.680 We will continue to learn which are all doing 435 00:25:55.800 --> 00:26:00.120 adopt some of your best practices and see where we can leverage 436 00:26:00.120 --> 00:26:05.560 the CTA program once again to support the CBP Green Trade strategy. 437 00:26:05.640 --> 00:26:08.280 Thank you. 438 00:26:08.280 --> 00:26:09.520 Thank you, Carlos. 439 00:26:09.520 --> 00:26:18.040 So here we go. 440 00:26:18.120 --> 00:26:18.480 Can you. 441 00:26:18.480 --> 00:26:21.640 Ah, cue my music, please. 442 00:26:21.720 --> 00:26:24.720 We don't have any music, but at one point we did have a. 443 00:26:24.760 --> 00:26:26.760 EPA Smart way country song. 444 00:26:26.760 --> 00:26:28.840 So you got to know your stakeholders. It's on a CD. 445 00:26:28.840 --> 00:26:33.120 I'm sure somewhere if you can find a CD player to to play it. 446 00:26:33.120 --> 00:26:33.920 So thank you, Dr. 447 00:26:33.920 --> 00:26:38.520 Alexander, for organizing this panel and to the entire grain 448 00:26:38.520 --> 00:26:43.920 Trade Office team for the invitation to join this discussion 449 00:26:44.000 --> 00:26:46.560 now. So it's complicated. 450 00:26:46.560 --> 00:26:48.960 I mastered it, 451 00:26:48.960 --> 00:26:52.000 so I'm going to skip ahead 452 00:26:52.080 --> 00:26:54.000 and go to the diagram. 453 00:26:54.000 --> 00:26:59.800 And I'm going to begin by zooming out and discuss sort of why a smart way exists. 454 00:26:59.880 --> 00:27:04.360 Well, our industry, government partnership grew out of a need for more reliable, 455 00:27:04.440 --> 00:27:07.800 more credible and more accessible information. 456 00:27:07.880 --> 00:27:12.880 So those in the supply chain could make greener decisions with greater confidence. 457 00:27:12.960 --> 00:27:16.320 When we started 20 or so years ago, claims of greenness 458 00:27:16.480 --> 00:27:19.720 and fuel savings from technologies abound, often 459 00:27:19.720 --> 00:27:23.440 without a credible basis and sometimes with less noble intent. 460 00:27:23.520 --> 00:27:25.400 For the economists among us. 461 00:27:25.400 --> 00:27:29.760 This would be known as less than perfect market information. 462 00:27:29.840 --> 00:27:34.400 So in a broad sense, smart way exists to support market based solutions 463 00:27:34.480 --> 00:27:37.880 by informing the supply chain at key points 464 00:27:37.960 --> 00:27:41.880 regarding the greenness of other links, as well as individual informing 465 00:27:41.880 --> 00:27:46.120 individual links how they can genuinely improve their greenness. 466 00:27:46.160 --> 00:27:50.200 And in general, we think of ourselves as debunking the myth that companies 467 00:27:50.200 --> 00:27:53.280 can't simultaneously improve their triple 468 00:27:53.280 --> 00:27:57.040 bottom line people, planet and prosperity or profit. 469 00:27:57.040 --> 00:27:57.960 So that is, 470 00:27:57.960 --> 00:28:02.320 it is possible to act in ways that advance your corporate social responsibility, 471 00:28:02.400 --> 00:28:05.560 meet your environmental obligations and financially prosper. 472 00:28:05.640 --> 00:28:09.440 Free to efficiency done properly inherently reduces your social 473 00:28:09.440 --> 00:28:14.800 and environmental footprint and improves improves your profitability. 474 00:28:14.880 --> 00:28:15.600 So how do we do it? 475 00:28:15.600 --> 00:28:20.440 Well, at our foundation, we convene, inform and incentivize, 476 00:28:20.520 --> 00:28:23.280 and I'll refer to the diagram here 477 00:28:23.280 --> 00:28:25.560 to get a bit into the nuts and bolts. 478 00:28:25.560 --> 00:28:29.920 So we have three primary stakeholders, our shippers, carriers and logistics. 479 00:28:30.080 --> 00:28:33.560 Of course, shippers, you can think of those in the retail business might be 480 00:28:33.720 --> 00:28:38.320 people selling cars, electronics, potato chips, whatever it might be. 481 00:28:38.400 --> 00:28:43.880 Carriers trucking fleets, people that move stuff and logistics and third party 482 00:28:43.880 --> 00:28:48.720 logistics providers, those that might use multimodal multimodal techniques, 483 00:28:48.960 --> 00:28:54.160 whether it be rail, air, road to move things as well. 484 00:28:54.240 --> 00:28:57.520 So the center of gravity of the program is depicted in the middle of this diagram. 485 00:28:57.520 --> 00:28:59.760 It's really our smart way data. 486 00:28:59.760 --> 00:29:02.440 So all of our all of our shippers, carriers 487 00:29:02.440 --> 00:29:05.760 and logistics organizations submit data to us. 488 00:29:05.760 --> 00:29:07.680 It used to be a spreadsheet. 489 00:29:07.680 --> 00:29:12.360 Now it's an online portal and with that, with that activity data 490 00:29:12.560 --> 00:29:17.920 on fuel used what they've what they moved in terms of tonnes volume, 491 00:29:18.000 --> 00:29:19.800 how they've gone about it with different modes, time 492 00:29:19.800 --> 00:29:24.080 they've spent on the road at different speeds, all kinds of valuable information. 493 00:29:24.160 --> 00:29:28.320 We, we develop a set of metrics, a grams per ton mile, 494 00:29:28.400 --> 00:29:31.800 so a sort of a freight efficiency for CO2. 495 00:29:31.920 --> 00:29:35.800 Of course NOx and PPM, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter. 496 00:29:35.880 --> 00:29:40.000 And these metrics, as well as developing emissions, projected emissions 497 00:29:40.200 --> 00:29:45.320 using peer review methodologies, emissions that can be 498 00:29:45.400 --> 00:29:47.840 that can be used as a credible source of how green 499 00:29:47.840 --> 00:29:50.640 the movement truly, truly is. 500 00:29:50.640 --> 00:29:51.520 So these metrics 501 00:29:51.520 --> 00:29:56.160 and this data informs the gray lines on the outside of the smart way ecosystem. 502 00:29:56.240 --> 00:29:59.600 It informs these decisions we hope and informs the transactions. 503 00:29:59.680 --> 00:30:00.720 Using this information. 504 00:30:00.720 --> 00:30:04.720 We rank how we rank the carriers, we build them, 505 00:30:04.800 --> 00:30:09.480 and with some care to not give away too much of the secret sauce for that. 506 00:30:09.480 --> 00:30:13.000 For each of the individual entities respecting their privacy, we provide 507 00:30:13.000 --> 00:30:16.400 information that allows hopefully shippers to a 508 00:30:16.480 --> 00:30:20.000 to steer their their work in their contracts 509 00:30:20.000 --> 00:30:25.120 towards people who are genuinely greener, demonstrated greener. 510 00:30:25.200 --> 00:30:27.600 So we also also program elements 511 00:30:27.600 --> 00:30:32.800 that directly support individual nodes within this ecosystems. 512 00:30:32.880 --> 00:30:36.600 So that comes in a variety of of of mechanisms. 513 00:30:36.680 --> 00:30:40.120 We have a smart way technology verification center. 514 00:30:40.200 --> 00:30:44.200 And this center has developed standard test protocols 515 00:30:44.280 --> 00:30:47.760 that manufacturers use for a variety of equipment. 516 00:30:47.760 --> 00:30:52.440 It could be aerodynamic excuse to retrofit tractor trailers. 517 00:30:52.520 --> 00:30:55.240 It could be if the idle reduction equipment, low 518 00:30:55.240 --> 00:30:57.600 rolling resistance tires, these kinds of things. 519 00:30:57.600 --> 00:31:01.480 And we have developed standard protocols that they use, submit to us. 520 00:31:01.480 --> 00:31:05.160 We review it and we list by product 521 00:31:05.240 --> 00:31:08.520 devices and technology that our stakeholders 522 00:31:08.520 --> 00:31:11.840 can use to to go out there and reduce emissions. 523 00:31:12.080 --> 00:31:16.480 And again, not relying upon manufacturer claims, but relying upon tested 524 00:31:16.560 --> 00:31:19.200 tested products, 525 00:31:19.200 --> 00:31:20.520 education. 526 00:31:20.520 --> 00:31:24.640 So we have a variety of ready to ready to use 527 00:31:24.800 --> 00:31:28.800 education programs from driver training to idle reduction webinars. 528 00:31:28.880 --> 00:31:30.280 And of course, we have several 529 00:31:30.280 --> 00:31:34.000 sets of best practices that we share across our stakeholders. 530 00:31:34.080 --> 00:31:38.560 And overarching all of this are incentives that we hopefully have. 531 00:31:38.560 --> 00:31:42.120 We provide for our for our our stakeholders. 532 00:31:42.200 --> 00:31:45.680 That includes the Smart Way Excellence awards list of high performers 533 00:31:45.680 --> 00:31:49.080 on our website, and also access to our logo and brand 534 00:31:49.320 --> 00:31:58.040 that we hope is a shorthand for for folks finding the greenest of the green. 535 00:31:58.120 --> 00:31:58.920 So some results. 536 00:31:58.920 --> 00:32:00.520 We have about 4000 partners. 537 00:32:00.520 --> 00:32:03.000 We started with 15 charter partners. 538 00:32:03.000 --> 00:32:06.760 About 3400 of those are trucking fleets. 539 00:32:06.840 --> 00:32:09.760 And you can review these at your at your leisure. 540 00:32:09.760 --> 00:32:13.200 There's a lot of great information on our benefits, baked and baked in there. 541 00:32:13.280 --> 00:32:16.440 But suffice to say, we are very proud of the commitment and achievements 542 00:32:16.440 --> 00:32:20.040 of our partners because they're the ones that are reducing the emissions. 543 00:32:20.120 --> 00:32:25.480 We are along for the ride and hopefully providing providing incentives. 544 00:32:25.560 --> 00:32:28.480 So I'll finish with a couple of key, key components 545 00:32:28.480 --> 00:32:31.480 that we believe are part of our success and things that we've learned. 546 00:32:31.720 --> 00:32:36.160 So first and foremost, this program is within for the freight sector. 547 00:32:36.240 --> 00:32:39.760 We have to listen and evolve at a pace that serves the communities 548 00:32:39.840 --> 00:32:42.520 and the markets that we're attempting to influence. 549 00:32:42.520 --> 00:32:45.120 And this is really critical because by our very nature, 550 00:32:45.120 --> 00:32:46.440 we're trying to align 551 00:32:46.440 --> 00:32:50.400 with those that are on the leading edge, the leading edge of best practices 552 00:32:50.480 --> 00:32:56.640 of corporate social responsibility and reporting and overall innovation. 553 00:32:56.720 --> 00:32:57.960 Second engagement. 554 00:32:57.960 --> 00:33:01.320 We've invested significantly in mechanisms for engaging our stakeholders 555 00:33:01.320 --> 00:33:05.760 that not only make our program accessible, but if I dare say, even a bit human. 556 00:33:05.840 --> 00:33:08.200 We have a partner, account managers. 557 00:33:08.200 --> 00:33:12.680 Every partner is assigned a real, a real person that they can talk to. 558 00:33:12.760 --> 00:33:15.080 You have to invest in something like this. 559 00:33:15.080 --> 00:33:18.760 So while we're a great supporter of digital efficiency, 560 00:33:18.840 --> 00:33:21.760 we are also committed to this other perspective, 561 00:33:21.760 --> 00:33:24.760 this other prong of how we can engage 562 00:33:24.760 --> 00:33:28.000 and interact with our our stakeholders. 563 00:33:28.080 --> 00:33:31.840 Balancing competing forces, of course, where we might strive for simplicity, 564 00:33:31.920 --> 00:33:35.120 but we also need to provide as much flexibility as possible, 565 00:33:35.200 --> 00:33:37.920 informing and facilitating transparency. 566 00:33:37.920 --> 00:33:41.640 But know that you'll need to protect sensitive business information. 567 00:33:41.720 --> 00:33:45.200 And I'll conclude by just emphasizing you have to show the value proposition. 568 00:33:45.280 --> 00:33:47.400 We're a voluntary program. 569 00:33:47.400 --> 00:33:50.960 If we don't demonstrate a value proposition for the stakeholders 570 00:33:50.960 --> 00:33:55.000 and for our community, they won't be with us for for very long. 571 00:33:55.080 --> 00:33:57.600 So just emphasizing again, that triple bottom line 572 00:33:57.600 --> 00:34:02.560 that we've heard discussed throughout several sessions here today. 573 00:34:02.640 --> 00:34:05.840 And with that, I'll conclude without music. 574 00:34:05.920 --> 00:34:06.880 It was great. 575 00:34:06.880 --> 00:34:08.960 So thanks for all those opening salvos. 576 00:34:08.960 --> 00:34:12.639 I think one of the most interesting themes that you probably 577 00:34:12.639 --> 00:34:16.440 picked up on across all the the statements here is that 578 00:34:16.679 --> 00:34:20.840 everyone talked about human centric and use inspired approaches. 579 00:34:20.920 --> 00:34:25.639 And I think that's an important aspect that often is underappreciated 580 00:34:25.840 --> 00:34:26.960 and overlooked. 581 00:34:26.960 --> 00:34:29.639 It's not just about the technology, 582 00:34:29.639 --> 00:34:33.000 although the the scientists and the technologists would like to say 583 00:34:33.000 --> 00:34:37.760 that it's about the humans that you're trying to motivate action from. 584 00:34:37.840 --> 00:34:39.679 So well done. 585 00:34:39.679 --> 00:34:41.080 Here's where it gets fun, right? 586 00:34:41.080 --> 00:34:44.080 So I get to challenge you with some questions. 587 00:34:44.120 --> 00:34:48.440 So I do have a few general questions, but I also have some 588 00:34:48.520 --> 00:34:52.639 some targeted questions for for each one of the panelists. 589 00:34:52.719 --> 00:34:55.679 So, you know, the general question I'll start with 590 00:34:55.679 --> 00:35:00.720 is what innovation opportunities do you see in green trade? 591 00:35:00.800 --> 00:35:03.800 And then maybe make that a reflection of how 592 00:35:03.800 --> 00:35:08.840 that how your your program is and maybe an example from your program. 593 00:35:08.920 --> 00:35:11.400 So, hope, why don't we start with you? 594 00:35:11.400 --> 00:35:12.840 Sure. Happy to. 595 00:35:12.840 --> 00:35:14.000 To get started, 596 00:35:14.000 --> 00:35:17.640 I think I would really highlight the economic opportunities that we see 597 00:35:17.640 --> 00:35:21.560 in green trade for those in the food and agriculture sector. 598 00:35:21.640 --> 00:35:22.840 USDA, for example, 599 00:35:22.840 --> 00:35:26.480 is making historic investments in our climate smart commodities program. 600 00:35:26.680 --> 00:35:28.800 So that's producing commodities 601 00:35:28.800 --> 00:35:31.480 that are more productive using less natural resources. 602 00:35:31.480 --> 00:35:36.480 And we hope that these sort of pilot programs USDA is funding 603 00:35:36.560 --> 00:35:40.040 private sector partners can pick those up and run with them, and that there 604 00:35:40.040 --> 00:35:43.880 will be preferential consumer demand for more sustainable products. 605 00:35:43.960 --> 00:35:46.240 So we think looking upstream at the production side, 606 00:35:46.240 --> 00:35:49.320 there's a lot of economic opportunities for partners 607 00:35:49.320 --> 00:35:52.800 and then getting more into the trade side of things. 608 00:35:52.880 --> 00:35:57.160 I think we expect that there will be an increasing number 609 00:35:57.160 --> 00:36:01.760 of voluntary standards, for example, regarding climate smart commodities 610 00:36:01.840 --> 00:36:05.600 and, that there will be additional opportunities internationally for U.S. 611 00:36:05.600 --> 00:36:08.400 producers, for example, in that market. 612 00:36:08.400 --> 00:36:11.400 There are specific innovation opportunities, as I mentioned, 613 00:36:11.400 --> 00:36:14.520 food additives for enteric fermentation earlier. 614 00:36:14.720 --> 00:36:17.560 We've seen and I don't want to jump the gun on challenges, 615 00:36:17.560 --> 00:36:18.840 but we've seen some challenges 616 00:36:18.840 --> 00:36:23.120 to adoption of new technologies, including biotechnologies, for example. 617 00:36:23.400 --> 00:36:29.080 So we're hoping to increase the acceptance of new technologies through openness 618 00:36:29.080 --> 00:36:32.600 to innovation, through campaigns such as the agriculture Innovation 619 00:36:32.880 --> 00:36:33.720 Mission for Climate. 620 00:36:33.720 --> 00:36:34.080 So really, 621 00:36:34.080 --> 00:36:37.960 I think I would highlight those potential economic opportunities in trade, 622 00:36:38.040 --> 00:36:40.520 and we'd love to engage more with private sector partners 623 00:36:40.520 --> 00:36:43.800 working on the transportation and emissions side of this. 624 00:36:44.040 --> 00:36:47.000 For example, DHL spoke this morning about SRF 625 00:36:47.000 --> 00:36:49.680 using more sustainable aviation fuels, 626 00:36:49.680 --> 00:36:52.920 and the USDA would love to continue to partner with the private sector 627 00:36:53.120 --> 00:36:56.960 on the roll out of how do we work on the transportation 628 00:36:56.960 --> 00:37:01.240 side of these more sustainably produced agricultural commodities as well. 629 00:37:01.320 --> 00:37:02.440 Thanks. 630 00:37:02.440 --> 00:37:07.160 So so maybe I'll follow up hope QUESTION So what what is most surprised 631 00:37:07.160 --> 00:37:13.200 you as an outcome of the the agricultural mission Innovation Mission 632 00:37:13.280 --> 00:37:14.360 surprised me. 633 00:37:14.360 --> 00:37:17.640 I think potentially the enthusiasm 634 00:37:17.640 --> 00:37:20.640 that different countries have shown for this. 635 00:37:20.880 --> 00:37:23.960 Relating back to my example of biotechnologies, the U.S. 636 00:37:23.960 --> 00:37:26.760 has been a longtime supporter and investor of these technologies. 637 00:37:26.760 --> 00:37:30.840 Our science and research institutions do a lot of incredible work in this space, 638 00:37:31.080 --> 00:37:34.080 which is critical for climate resilient crops, etc. 639 00:37:34.240 --> 00:37:37.800 But I think one of the reasons there hasn't been as much acceptance globally is 640 00:37:37.800 --> 00:37:41.800 there wasn't a lot of awareness of how this technology could be utilized. 641 00:37:41.880 --> 00:37:45.280 So really bringing partners together to increase acceptance 642 00:37:45.280 --> 00:37:48.680 of innovations and new technologies has been a critical outcome. 643 00:37:48.680 --> 00:37:49.480 And it surprised me. 644 00:37:49.480 --> 00:37:51.480 I think the openness to, innovation 645 00:37:51.480 --> 00:37:55.920 we were excited to see at the climate summit, over 42 partner 646 00:37:55.920 --> 00:37:58.000 countries in attendance and everyone working 647 00:37:58.000 --> 00:38:02.280 to share their specific innovations, whether that be for smallholder farmers 648 00:38:02.280 --> 00:38:06.720 in Southeast Asia or large scale agricultural commodity groups. 649 00:38:06.960 --> 00:38:10.840 Everyone's working on different sectors and there's innovation opportunities, 650 00:38:10.920 --> 00:38:13.560 food and agricultural supply chain. 651 00:38:13.560 --> 00:38:17.440 So ranging from the R&D side of things, the production side of things 652 00:38:17.640 --> 00:38:21.560 to the transportation we are seeing a lot of enthusiasm 653 00:38:21.560 --> 00:38:25.600 for this approach, which has allowed us to mobilize that 13 billion pool 654 00:38:25.640 --> 00:38:27.640 to fund over the five year period. 655 00:38:27.640 --> 00:38:30.360 And we hope that this momentum continues to increase. 656 00:38:30.360 --> 00:38:34.520 Of course, we're nowhere near where we need to be in terms of investments. 657 00:38:34.520 --> 00:38:38.560 And we see the energy sector, for example, having historic investment 658 00:38:38.560 --> 00:38:40.200 in clean energy technologies. 659 00:38:40.200 --> 00:38:43.840 We need to get closer to that in the food and agricultural sector to ramp up 660 00:38:43.840 --> 00:38:48.520 and to really make our food systems and agricultural supply chains greener. 661 00:38:48.600 --> 00:38:51.480 So I think I would say what surprised me, the enthusiasm, 662 00:38:51.480 --> 00:38:54.480 although we still have a long way to go, right. 663 00:38:54.560 --> 00:38:57.440 It's a thought maybe for you. 664 00:38:57.440 --> 00:39:00.560 You speak to the innovation opportunities, particularly 665 00:39:00.560 --> 00:39:04.440 that you may have learned from your your Green Asia initiative and 666 00:39:04.680 --> 00:39:09.960 and then maybe comment on how a lesson learned or some aspect 667 00:39:09.960 --> 00:39:14.760 that surprised you as an outcome of what you've been driving forward. 668 00:39:14.840 --> 00:39:16.640 Sure. Thanks, David. 669 00:39:16.640 --> 00:39:20.000 In terms of opportunities, I think there's probably a couple. 670 00:39:20.080 --> 00:39:21.880 One is that 671 00:39:21.960 --> 00:39:24.800 because we've got 80 different offices 672 00:39:24.800 --> 00:39:28.640 around the world working in more than 100 countries, 673 00:39:28.720 --> 00:39:31.080 you know, we have that on the ground 674 00:39:31.080 --> 00:39:35.280 presence to really understand different contexts and different places 675 00:39:35.280 --> 00:39:40.840 and adjust and adapt to what makes the most sense for the 676 00:39:40.920 --> 00:39:42.120 I'll speak about the agriculture 677 00:39:42.120 --> 00:39:45.120 forestry field, because that's what I'm most comfortable with. 678 00:39:45.160 --> 00:39:47.560 And following hope, 679 00:39:47.560 --> 00:39:51.880 you know, how can smallholders participate in the global economy 680 00:39:52.080 --> 00:39:57.000 and not be left at the side of the road as far as sort of large industries 681 00:39:57.000 --> 00:40:01.320 start moving towards lower emission practices and, 682 00:40:01.400 --> 00:40:05.760 you know, reducing their vulnerabilities to the impacts of climate change, 683 00:40:05.840 --> 00:40:09.480 that it's not coming at the expense of those who 684 00:40:09.560 --> 00:40:14.520 maybe aren't able to participate in forums such as this or get on Zoom calls, etc.. 685 00:40:14.600 --> 00:40:17.600 Um, you know, we have the ability to really 686 00:40:17.720 --> 00:40:22.480 include them in the work that we do throughout the world. 687 00:40:22.560 --> 00:40:24.680 Maybe one of the other 688 00:40:24.760 --> 00:40:27.760 opportunities is 689 00:40:27.840 --> 00:40:30.680 markets that are sending a strong enough signal 690 00:40:30.680 --> 00:40:36.160 that this is what's needed, that the middle man 691 00:40:36.240 --> 00:40:40.080 not to be pejorative about that, but the middlemen in the entire trade 692 00:40:40.320 --> 00:40:45.320 ecosystem are recognizing they need that better data. 693 00:40:45.400 --> 00:40:49.960 And as people are getting that better data about where are they sourcing from, 694 00:40:50.040 --> 00:40:54.520 what are the practices that are being used to produce a certain commodity. 695 00:40:54.600 --> 00:40:58.080 They're finding inefficiencies in the system that they can then reduce 696 00:40:58.280 --> 00:41:03.080 because they've now got better information about all of the production aspects. 697 00:41:03.160 --> 00:41:06.760 And so you don't need as much pesticide, you don't need as much fertilizer. 698 00:41:06.760 --> 00:41:10.960 You can still have the same yields without 699 00:41:11.040 --> 00:41:13.680 applying over applying pesticides, 700 00:41:13.680 --> 00:41:18.600 which then have knock on effects, of course, with water quality, etc., etc.. 701 00:41:18.680 --> 00:41:20.120 In terms of surprises, I was 702 00:41:20.120 --> 00:41:25.480 surprised that in the Green investigation programs documented that one. 703 00:41:25.560 --> 00:41:30.840 Some of the industries that we're working with, the different commodity chains 704 00:41:30.920 --> 00:41:34.200 were really early adopters of, say, coffee. 705 00:41:34.280 --> 00:41:36.960 We ended up having 80% 706 00:41:36.960 --> 00:41:40.360 of the largest roasters in the world. 707 00:41:40.440 --> 00:41:43.440 Name brands that you see on any supermarket shelf 708 00:41:43.560 --> 00:41:48.040 get involved in pre competitive benchmark 709 00:41:48.120 --> 00:41:51.120 and using common tools to be able to then 710 00:41:51.200 --> 00:41:55.560 when they're competing against one another, at least know that you know, 711 00:41:55.640 --> 00:42:00.640 my data and your data are being used or being gathered in the same way. 712 00:42:00.720 --> 00:42:05.560 And so reducing the greenwashing that we just heard about 713 00:42:05.640 --> 00:42:08.760 other industries weren't and I think that's what surprised me, is 714 00:42:08.760 --> 00:42:10.000 some industries were just like, 715 00:42:10.000 --> 00:42:13.440 yeah, no, we're not going to sit down with our competitors 716 00:42:13.440 --> 00:42:16.440 and talk about these things and get a common benchmark. 717 00:42:16.680 --> 00:42:22.200 And I was a little surprised that the more industries did not Cocoa, for example, 718 00:42:22.280 --> 00:42:28.000 didn't recognize that as an opportunity for them to change their practices, 719 00:42:28.240 --> 00:42:32.920 but at the same time also improve their own bottom lines. 720 00:42:33.000 --> 00:42:34.160 Interesting 721 00:42:34.160 --> 00:42:37.400 and definitely interesting comment about the the need to engage 722 00:42:37.400 --> 00:42:43.240 more at the local level and take advantage of their knowledge and expertise. 723 00:42:43.320 --> 00:42:47.240 So so, Carlos, maybe I'll I'll the question on to you. 724 00:42:47.240 --> 00:42:49.520 So what do you see, particularly in this 725 00:42:49.520 --> 00:42:53.760 the city pad program in terms of innovation opportunities? 726 00:42:53.840 --> 00:42:56.560 And then you mentioned the Coke and 727 00:42:56.560 --> 00:43:00.200 and authorized Economic operator program. 728 00:43:00.200 --> 00:43:04.200 So maybe talk a little bit in terms of maybe some of the challenges 729 00:43:04.200 --> 00:43:08.800 that you around those programs 730 00:43:08.880 --> 00:43:10.920 or from a city 731 00:43:10.920 --> 00:43:15.640 from a city perspective, I think I'm going to follow leads, hopefully. 732 00:43:15.720 --> 00:43:21.440 Maybe talk a little bit about the economic opportunity through growing trade. 733 00:43:21.520 --> 00:43:26.280 So continue to explore how we can internally 734 00:43:26.360 --> 00:43:34.680 reduce our carbon footprint in the work we do, 735 00:43:34.760 --> 00:43:36.000 how we can continue to 736 00:43:36.000 --> 00:43:39.880 achieve efficiencies for CBP 737 00:43:39.960 --> 00:43:42.120 without obviously 738 00:43:42.120 --> 00:43:45.360 forgetting about the security side. 739 00:43:45.440 --> 00:43:47.760 So once again, continue to expand 740 00:43:47.760 --> 00:43:52.800 perhaps on the work that we do through virtual validations. 741 00:43:52.880 --> 00:43:56.400 So once again, lower our carbon footprint, do our job better, 742 00:43:56.480 --> 00:44:00.280 and even more important, be able to concentrate a little bit more 743 00:44:00.360 --> 00:44:04.080 on those companies that were not virtually validating 744 00:44:04.160 --> 00:44:07.520 to be virtually validated by city, by 745 00:44:07.600 --> 00:44:09.400 the company. 746 00:44:09.400 --> 00:44:11.720 The member cannot have any type 747 00:44:11.720 --> 00:44:16.320 of security incident, any customs compliance issues. 748 00:44:16.400 --> 00:44:19.200 So when we conduct these virtual validations 749 00:44:19.200 --> 00:44:23.440 on these companies that we trust the most, we can concentrate our efforts 750 00:44:23.440 --> 00:44:27.520 on those companies that perhaps need a little bit more help 751 00:44:27.600 --> 00:44:32.280 now from the city parties, a partnership we need to work with the trade. 752 00:44:32.360 --> 00:44:35.400 The trade is actually the ones that are 753 00:44:35.400 --> 00:44:38.400 leading in terms of innovation. 754 00:44:38.520 --> 00:44:42.000 So we're going to be learning what they're doing and hopefully 755 00:44:42.000 --> 00:44:45.720 be able to apply some of those best practices into city. 756 00:44:45.720 --> 00:44:51.640 But whether it's through a new eligibility requirement, a security requirement, 757 00:44:51.720 --> 00:44:53.640 maybe evolving 758 00:44:53.640 --> 00:44:57.160 our fast lane and aqua lane requirements 759 00:44:57.240 --> 00:45:01.440 in the future, fossil rain, our dedicated lanes, 760 00:45:01.640 --> 00:45:05.520 the southern border and the northern borders. 761 00:45:05.600 --> 00:45:08.880 Right now, you don't have to have any 762 00:45:08.960 --> 00:45:13.400 credential rules when it comes to green trade to be able to use these lanes. 763 00:45:13.480 --> 00:45:17.880 But I suspect that as time goes by and this becomes a bigger 764 00:45:17.880 --> 00:45:21.920 and bigger issue, events, really some of the eligibility requirements 765 00:45:21.920 --> 00:45:26.560 to be eligible to participate in up lane in the fast lanes 766 00:45:26.640 --> 00:45:30.040 is going to include something related to green trade 767 00:45:30.120 --> 00:45:33.960 to incentivize companies, but also to reward companies, Right? 768 00:45:34.040 --> 00:45:34.960 Yeah, that's great. 769 00:45:34.960 --> 00:45:39.720 And I think that and I'm sorry, you mentioned that core 770 00:45:39.800 --> 00:45:41.040 and yes, sure. 771 00:45:41.040 --> 00:45:44.880 The site and I tried to stress that point 772 00:45:44.960 --> 00:45:49.080 during my introduction, whatever we decide to do 773 00:45:49.080 --> 00:45:53.640 is going to be done in cooperation, collaboration with the private sector, 774 00:45:53.720 --> 00:45:55.240 our own members, 775 00:45:55.240 --> 00:45:59.800 trade associations and of the stations that we work very closely with, 776 00:45:59.880 --> 00:46:01.680 eventually present 777 00:46:01.680 --> 00:46:06.040 something to the Coke for a full discussion. 778 00:46:06.120 --> 00:46:08.400 We went through this process about five years ago 779 00:46:08.400 --> 00:46:12.160 when we updated our minimum security criteria. 780 00:46:12.240 --> 00:46:15.200 It took us about three and a half years, lots of meetings, 781 00:46:15.200 --> 00:46:18.560 lots of phone calls, lots of email exchanges. 782 00:46:18.640 --> 00:46:23.080 But it was a successful process and I think we were able 783 00:46:23.080 --> 00:46:28.240 to eventually arrive at the the criteria that we have in place. 784 00:46:28.440 --> 00:46:32.400 So once again, collaboration, collaboration with the ultimate 785 00:46:32.560 --> 00:46:33.720 owners and operators 786 00:46:33.720 --> 00:46:37.040 of the supply chains, a partnering, partnering and more partnering. 787 00:46:37.120 --> 00:46:40.160 And I love that that use of the term reward. 788 00:46:40.200 --> 00:46:43.400 I think that's a very astute observation. 789 00:46:43.480 --> 00:46:45.600 Sam, maybe I'll carry it on to you. 790 00:46:45.600 --> 00:46:49.040 You've heard your colleagues, particularly talk a little bit about benchmarking 791 00:46:49.040 --> 00:46:50.920 in the role of benchmarking and helping them 792 00:46:50.920 --> 00:46:53.640 accomplish some of their mission goals and objectives. 793 00:46:53.640 --> 00:46:58.320 You know, the Smart Way program you you articulated has has a unique role and 794 00:46:58.480 --> 00:47:02.280 and provides a lot of value in terms of measuring and benchmarking. 795 00:47:02.360 --> 00:47:05.080 So maybe I'll I'll I'll rephrase the question. 796 00:47:05.080 --> 00:47:08.800 Talk a little bit about the innovation opportunity is related to smart way. 797 00:47:08.880 --> 00:47:12.160 And then maybe if you could share an example 798 00:47:12.240 --> 00:47:15.240 of of the most creative 799 00:47:15.280 --> 00:47:20.360 use of smart way data or tools that I know you had plenty of stuff 800 00:47:20.360 --> 00:47:26.760 in your desk, but maybe you didn't get to share with the audience. 801 00:47:26.840 --> 00:47:27.160 Yeah. 802 00:47:27.160 --> 00:47:27.960 Thanks. 803 00:47:27.960 --> 00:47:30.760 So opportunities 804 00:47:30.760 --> 00:47:33.760 like some of this may have been covered a bit already, 805 00:47:33.760 --> 00:47:37.720 but I just wanted to really emphasize it, which is I think first really this 806 00:47:37.800 --> 00:47:42.760 the opportunities exist for additional connection in pathways between programs. 807 00:47:42.840 --> 00:47:46.320 So we're essentially as a government programs, you're a system of 808 00:47:46.320 --> 00:47:47.640 systems, right? 809 00:47:47.640 --> 00:47:50.400 But we have entities that have various touch points. 810 00:47:50.400 --> 00:47:53.320 They might come in through something that 811 00:47:53.320 --> 00:47:55.000 is compliance focused. 812 00:47:55.000 --> 00:47:58.000 They may come in through an environmental pathway. 813 00:47:58.040 --> 00:48:00.840 But I feel like it's sort of like Chutes and Ladders, right? 814 00:48:00.840 --> 00:48:04.600 There's opportunities to connect across not only for our programs to 815 00:48:04.680 --> 00:48:08.120 to collaborate, but also maybe even for our for our systems. 816 00:48:08.120 --> 00:48:08.400 Right. 817 00:48:08.400 --> 00:48:12.840 We touched upon one of the fundamentals in the very, you know, very first session 818 00:48:12.840 --> 00:48:17.040 this morning, which was the education and climate literacy. 819 00:48:17.240 --> 00:48:18.040 Right. 820 00:48:18.040 --> 00:48:21.320 So I think there's some definitely some opportunities there. 821 00:48:21.400 --> 00:48:24.400 As far as the linking the programs, 822 00:48:24.400 --> 00:48:27.720 connecting and providing opportunities 823 00:48:27.720 --> 00:48:32.160 for our stakeholders to have sort of the fewest touches, 824 00:48:32.240 --> 00:48:36.680 but get to all of the programs and the resources there. 825 00:48:36.760 --> 00:48:40.040 Second, you know, just opportunities for for data. 826 00:48:40.040 --> 00:48:41.840 Data data, Right. 827 00:48:41.840 --> 00:48:46.880 I think one of the key things that seen is there is a lot of data out there. 828 00:48:46.920 --> 00:48:50.640 There are a lot of data systems and a lot of them because they were designed 829 00:48:50.640 --> 00:48:53.640 with some of their original intent or their original organization. 830 00:48:53.760 --> 00:48:56.200 They're close, they're similar, but they're not exact. Right. 831 00:48:56.200 --> 00:49:01.240 So these interfaces and this ability to get them to cross 832 00:49:01.320 --> 00:49:04.960 pollinate their data is really, really critical. 833 00:49:05.040 --> 00:49:09.680 You know, we've looked quite a bit at real time visibility of platforms. 834 00:49:09.760 --> 00:49:13.080 So our data is on the timescale of a year. 835 00:49:13.280 --> 00:49:17.000 We're looking at broader grams per ton mile metrics for on the scale of a year. 836 00:49:17.080 --> 00:49:20.720 So we we see this opportunity more and more of 837 00:49:20.720 --> 00:49:24.320 our stakeholders are using these real time data visibility platforms. 838 00:49:24.400 --> 00:49:27.640 They want to know where the ship or the shipment is right now. 839 00:49:27.720 --> 00:49:29.040 That's a lot of data. 840 00:49:29.040 --> 00:49:33.520 We don't have the cloud space for it, but maybe some way to connect in there. 841 00:49:33.520 --> 00:49:38.240 So again, at these these organizations and entities that don't have unlimited 842 00:49:38.240 --> 00:49:42.480 resources can collect information in ways that really sort of multiple purposes. 843 00:49:42.720 --> 00:49:45.640 So some opportunities there. 844 00:49:45.720 --> 00:49:47.280 It's one example of the most creative use. 845 00:49:47.280 --> 00:49:48.560 I mean, I mentioned the country song. 846 00:49:48.560 --> 00:49:51.240 I mean, I don't know how much more creative that was. 847 00:49:51.240 --> 00:49:52.800 That was us. We get someone to sign off on. 848 00:49:52.800 --> 00:49:54.480 It wasn't me 849 00:49:54.480 --> 00:49:57.880 early on, but 850 00:49:57.960 --> 00:50:01.880 I think so many so many examples to to think of. 851 00:50:02.080 --> 00:50:03.240 I'm going to touch upon one. 852 00:50:03.240 --> 00:50:07.120 One study we did that I think was creative in its in its scope, 853 00:50:07.200 --> 00:50:10.120 which was a study that we, we, 854 00:50:10.120 --> 00:50:14.560 we collaborated with with an NGO. 855 00:50:14.640 --> 00:50:16.280 And it looked 856 00:50:16.280 --> 00:50:20.040 at the Home Depot supply chain and value chain all the way 857 00:50:20.040 --> 00:50:23.880 from where the materials and the products were being produced in China, 858 00:50:23.960 --> 00:50:27.440 across road through ports, across the ocean, into U.S. 859 00:50:27.440 --> 00:50:31.000 ports, etc., and all the way to to the US customer. 860 00:50:31.080 --> 00:50:34.680 And I think that's an example, maybe an example of how 861 00:50:34.680 --> 00:50:38.640 we can think more creatively and how they were certainly had the vision 862 00:50:38.640 --> 00:50:42.400 and insight to see this as a real value and participate in the study. 863 00:50:42.480 --> 00:50:45.280 And I think these things will be really critical 864 00:50:45.280 --> 00:50:49.600 because there's along along that entire chain and with broad kind of 865 00:50:49.640 --> 00:50:54.840 spectrum research like this, a lot of of opportunities pop up or made visible. 866 00:50:55.080 --> 00:50:55.680 Right. 867 00:50:55.680 --> 00:50:57.840 So we sometimes can target in we have an idea. 868 00:50:57.840 --> 00:51:00.800 We know there might be some inefficiencies at one point. 869 00:51:00.800 --> 00:51:03.560 But I think these these are kind of continuous spectrum 870 00:51:03.560 --> 00:51:05.520 and really a broad vision. 871 00:51:05.520 --> 00:51:07.880 Studies really have some some potential. 872 00:51:07.880 --> 00:51:10.880 There are creative uses. That's great. 873 00:51:10.960 --> 00:51:14.240 So we've got a few minutes left and I'm going to pass 874 00:51:14.240 --> 00:51:20.760 the question off to you and I'd like you to answer it in an 875 00:51:20.840 --> 00:51:23.080 direct way to the audience. 876 00:51:23.080 --> 00:51:26.080 So this is your chance to ask the audience 877 00:51:26.080 --> 00:51:28.920 or charge the audience, you know, 878 00:51:28.920 --> 00:51:34.320 in terms of what you would like them to do for you as a federal agency 879 00:51:34.400 --> 00:51:39.400 in driving the green trade, ecosystem and economy. 880 00:51:39.480 --> 00:51:42.280 So I hope I'll start with you, sir. 881 00:51:42.280 --> 00:51:44.560 Thank you. 882 00:51:44.560 --> 00:51:49.840 For me, that's a that's an easy answer, which would be to invest in climate, 883 00:51:49.840 --> 00:51:53.960 smart agriculture and food systems innovation and work with your partners 884 00:51:53.960 --> 00:51:59.200 to also create those new investments that could be government partners. 885 00:51:59.200 --> 00:52:01.960 If you work with governments, that could be private sector partners. 886 00:52:01.960 --> 00:52:05.160 If you work with the private sector, we really need to increase 887 00:52:05.160 --> 00:52:08.880 this investment in order to meet our climate goals. 888 00:52:08.960 --> 00:52:11.280 And the need really is pressing. 889 00:52:11.280 --> 00:52:15.440 Innovation is the largest contributing factor to total vector 890 00:52:15.520 --> 00:52:19.080 productivity, and yet public funding for innovation 891 00:52:19.080 --> 00:52:21.400 and research has been declining in the past decade 892 00:52:21.400 --> 00:52:24.280 in high income countries as well as around the world. 893 00:52:24.280 --> 00:52:28.320 So we need to from the public sector these investments, but also have 894 00:52:28.320 --> 00:52:29.360 the private sector 895 00:52:29.360 --> 00:52:33.040 make these ambitious investments in order to get where we need to go 896 00:52:33.160 --> 00:52:38.480 to feed a growing population on the same or less land and increasing 897 00:52:38.480 --> 00:52:42.800 productivity while reducing emissions and meeting adaptation goals. 898 00:52:42.880 --> 00:52:44.880 So really it would be to to invest. 899 00:52:44.880 --> 00:52:45.720 And to do that 900 00:52:45.720 --> 00:52:49.360 you can join in for climate and work with us to mobilize those investments 901 00:52:49.560 --> 00:52:53.720 as a innovation partner, as a government partner, as a knowledge partner. 902 00:52:53.920 --> 00:52:56.960 And if you want to learn more about how to do that, it's a pretty simple process. 903 00:52:57.000 --> 00:53:01.160 Come and speak with me after the panel and I'd be happy to to chat more. 904 00:53:01.280 --> 00:53:04.800 Thank you, Todd. 905 00:53:04.880 --> 00:53:06.200 I guess two things. 906 00:53:06.200 --> 00:53:10.440 One, if you have a business, please let your suppliers know 907 00:53:10.440 --> 00:53:15.040 that this is important to you and pass the word along that you know, 908 00:53:15.120 --> 00:53:19.640 the more we know about where everything that we consume comes from, 909 00:53:19.720 --> 00:53:24.520 then the faster we can get to genuinely green. 910 00:53:24.600 --> 00:53:28.280 And so then for all of you who are consumers, which I think 911 00:53:28.280 --> 00:53:32.640 is everybody in the room, consume something somewhere, sometime 912 00:53:32.720 --> 00:53:35.400 pay attention to what you're buying, 913 00:53:35.400 --> 00:53:37.920 you should use your purchasing power 914 00:53:37.920 --> 00:53:42.040 to send that signal to the people who are producing and trading. 915 00:53:42.040 --> 00:53:45.840 Whatever it is that you buy. 916 00:53:45.920 --> 00:53:46.120 Okay. 917 00:53:46.120 --> 00:53:47.880 I got three things. 918 00:53:47.880 --> 00:53:51.640 Number one, for those of you who are keypad, 919 00:53:51.720 --> 00:53:54.480 are any any of you really 920 00:53:54.480 --> 00:53:58.080 if you have any ideas as to what I can do 921 00:53:58.160 --> 00:54:02.280 to support the CBP green strategy, please send it to me. 922 00:54:02.360 --> 00:54:05.520 I'm Sure that at some point we're going to get together with some city board 923 00:54:05.520 --> 00:54:10.720 members, some type of a working group, and talk about ideas and so forth. 924 00:54:10.800 --> 00:54:12.960 Number two, make sure that 925 00:54:12.960 --> 00:54:17.840 if you do not have done that already to include sustainability training 926 00:54:17.920 --> 00:54:21.480 as part of your regular training for your employees, contractors. 927 00:54:21.480 --> 00:54:23.280 And so forth. 928 00:54:23.360 --> 00:54:25.880 And finally, I think we need to begin to think 929 00:54:25.880 --> 00:54:30.400 about the security of the supply chain from a wider perspective. 930 00:54:30.480 --> 00:54:33.480 It's not just the container and the conveyance, 931 00:54:33.600 --> 00:54:37.000 but it's also the roads, the bridges, the oceans 932 00:54:37.080 --> 00:54:41.280 that make it possible for that cargo to go from point A to point B. 933 00:54:41.360 --> 00:54:46.920 And third, to ensure that our natural resources are available for the future. 934 00:54:47.000 --> 00:54:50.360 And those are the types of messages that we need to convey 935 00:54:50.440 --> 00:54:53.120 to our employees, to our business 936 00:54:53.120 --> 00:54:56.600 partners, to our contractors. 937 00:54:56.680 --> 00:54:59.240 And and following on what you just said. 938 00:54:59.240 --> 00:55:00.120 Right. 939 00:55:00.120 --> 00:55:04.440 Make sure that this is being discussed at every level of the organization 940 00:55:04.520 --> 00:55:09.760 like, 941 00:55:09.840 --> 00:55:10.040 you know, 942 00:55:10.040 --> 00:55:14.840 I think from our perspective and that with the Smart Way program, 943 00:55:14.920 --> 00:55:17.320 I think it is just a call 944 00:55:17.320 --> 00:55:20.320 to to really participate. 945 00:55:20.400 --> 00:55:24.080 And if there's one thing I think we've heard through throughout today 946 00:55:24.160 --> 00:55:26.200 is that there are a lot of organizations, 947 00:55:26.200 --> 00:55:29.800 there are a lot of government agencies, departments and programs 948 00:55:29.880 --> 00:55:34.040 that are very genuinely trying to influence in a positive way 949 00:55:34.120 --> 00:55:38.480 the supply chain and in ways that are that really, 950 00:55:38.480 --> 00:55:43.040 you know, support their triple bottom line to overuse a term in my talk. 951 00:55:43.120 --> 00:55:45.000 But but it makes a big difference. 952 00:55:45.000 --> 00:55:49.160 And one thing I really want to underscore here is don't underestimate 953 00:55:49.240 --> 00:55:53.360 the the influence that you can have on these programs. 954 00:55:53.440 --> 00:55:56.000 All of these programs are very genuinely interested. 955 00:55:56.000 --> 00:55:58.200 And we really need input. 956 00:55:58.200 --> 00:56:02.640 If you go to the Smart Way website, which I know you will all do tonight, 957 00:56:02.720 --> 00:56:05.680 if you see something on our program, if you like it, great. 958 00:56:05.680 --> 00:56:08.400 If you see something that's a near miss or something you might want changed, 959 00:56:08.400 --> 00:56:09.720 give us a call. 960 00:56:09.720 --> 00:56:10.280 Give us a call. 961 00:56:10.280 --> 00:56:11.360 Send us a note. 962 00:56:11.360 --> 00:56:14.880 Every one of the programs that you've heard about today and on this panel are 963 00:56:15.000 --> 00:56:18.840 trying to genuinely improve and influence and make a difference. 964 00:56:18.840 --> 00:56:21.520 That's why we saw you come to work each day. 965 00:56:21.520 --> 00:56:24.840 So really, just don't underestimate your your ability to influence 966 00:56:24.840 --> 00:56:30.240 the programs here and hopefully the long term outcomes. 967 00:56:30.320 --> 00:56:30.800 All right. 968 00:56:30.800 --> 00:56:32.920 So again, thank you to my panelists. 969 00:56:32.920 --> 00:56:36.400 I think we had a very compelling discussion here. 970 00:56:36.480 --> 00:56:40.080 I think we lived up to the to the titling of the of the panel 971 00:56:40.080 --> 00:56:42.920 and that we left you with a call to action. 972 00:56:42.920 --> 00:56:47.760 And I think we'd appreciate if you if you take that and a deep consideration. 973 00:56:47.840 --> 00:56:53.240 And as my fellow panelists here said, engage, engage not just amongst yourselves 974 00:56:53.320 --> 00:56:59.080 and with your consumers, but also engage with the with the government programs. 975 00:56:59.160 --> 00:57:02.040 We will learn as much from you as as we hope 976 00:57:02.040 --> 00:57:05.040 that we can advance the knowledge of others. So. 977 00:57:05.040 --> 00:57:08.200 So again, thank you very much for the for the time today. 978 00:57:08.200 --> 00:57:11.920 And and to my fellow panelists and I think we had a 979 00:57:12.000 --> 00:57:15.400 we had a task as moderator to finish up on time. 980 00:57:15.400 --> 00:57:19.720 So we hit the mark there and I'll I'll turn it over. 981 00:57:19.800 --> 00:57:23.080 I think 982 00:57:23.160 --> 00:57:25.080 the executive assistant 983 00:57:25.080 --> 00:57:28.800 commissioner, Anne Marie Highsmith, I'll turn it over to you. 984 00:57:28.880 --> 00:57:31.880 You want to announce the next speaker? 985 00:57:31.920 --> 00:57:32.480 Thank you.