WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.160 --> 00:00:03.920 Good morning, everyone. 2 00:00:03.920 --> 00:00:05.160 Morning. 3 00:00:05.160 --> 00:00:06.120 What a wonderful. 4 00:00:06.120 --> 00:00:08.080 It's my first time here to the U.S. 5 00:00:08.080 --> 00:00:09.480 Patent and Trademark Office. 6 00:00:09.480 --> 00:00:12.440 What a beautiful facility. Right. That's. That's awesome. 7 00:00:12.440 --> 00:00:14.800 And I thank you so much for. 8 00:00:14.800 --> 00:00:16.360 For them hosting this event. 9 00:00:16.360 --> 00:00:17.000 AnnMarie. 10 00:00:17.000 --> 00:00:20.560 Thank you for the kind the kind introduction. 11 00:00:21.320 --> 00:00:26.040 And thank you everyone, both here and online 12 00:00:26.040 --> 00:00:29.880 for joining us for our inaugural Green Trade Forum. 13 00:00:30.720 --> 00:00:34.720 And AnnMarie, the team's done just a great job putting this together 14 00:00:35.160 --> 00:00:40.680 and really the agenda and the lineup of folks just proves 15 00:00:41.200 --> 00:00:45.840 how important this initiative is for all of us. 16 00:00:46.880 --> 00:00:49.960 I hope you enjoyed hearing from my esteemed Australian 17 00:00:49.960 --> 00:00:53.440 Border Force colleague, Kimberly Stamatis. 18 00:00:53.840 --> 00:00:56.880 It is encouraging to hear from our like minded partners 19 00:00:56.880 --> 00:01:00.720 about how they are addressing challenges presented by global climate change 20 00:01:01.240 --> 00:01:04.840 and its impact on customs missions worldwide. 21 00:01:05.640 --> 00:01:08.720 Climate change is both, as we all have been discussing 22 00:01:08.720 --> 00:01:12.240 this morning, as both a national economic security threat. 23 00:01:12.760 --> 00:01:16.480 As you heard earlier, several executive orders reflect the U.S. 24 00:01:16.480 --> 00:01:20.360 government's recognition that this crisis is central to U.S. 25 00:01:20.360 --> 00:01:25.440 foreign policy, national security and our border operations. 26 00:01:26.080 --> 00:01:30.680 In fact, NATO recognizes climate change as a defining challenge of our time 27 00:01:30.680 --> 00:01:34.560 with a profound impact on our allies security. 28 00:01:35.080 --> 00:01:37.120 The business of trade is no exception. 29 00:01:37.120 --> 00:01:42.000 We cannot conduct cross-border trade in our facilities, infrastructure 30 00:01:42.240 --> 00:01:45.320 and our global supply chains will not withstand climate 31 00:01:45.520 --> 00:01:50.040 and environmental impacts if we fail to prepare, the consequences 32 00:01:50.040 --> 00:01:55.160 could be devastating, but we all know we can overcome these challenges together. 33 00:01:55.680 --> 00:01:59.320 We have heard a lot about the green trade strategies, goals 34 00:01:59.560 --> 00:02:02.560 from our Executive Assistant Commissioner Highsmith. 35 00:02:02.840 --> 00:02:07.680 I want to highlight how CBP is doing our part to achieve these goals. 36 00:02:08.680 --> 00:02:09.680 CBP’s Green 37 00:02:09.680 --> 00:02:12.880 Trade strategy aligns with broader efforts 38 00:02:12.880 --> 00:02:17.000 by the Department of Homeland Security, supporting a whole of government approach 39 00:02:17.400 --> 00:02:21.320 to addressing the impacts of climate change on the trade mission. 40 00:02:22.080 --> 00:02:24.640 As you heard earlier, CBP recognizes 41 00:02:24.640 --> 00:02:27.800 the importance of making our operational footprint greener. 42 00:02:27.800 --> 00:02:30.040 CBP has established metrics 43 00:02:30.040 --> 00:02:33.880 to measure the environmental impact of our activities in line 44 00:02:33.880 --> 00:02:38.800 with federal reporting requirements, and is in the process of establishing 45 00:02:38.800 --> 00:02:42.240 additional green trade targets and metrics. 46 00:02:42.840 --> 00:02:46.040 For example, in fiscal year 2022, CBP 47 00:02:46.040 --> 00:02:50.240 achieved a 69.6% reduction in scope one 48 00:02:50.520 --> 00:02:55.320 and two greenhouse gas emissions from our fiscal year 2008 baseline. 49 00:02:56.200 --> 00:03:01.720 This achievement nearly doubled our original goal to reduce emissions by 38%. 50 00:03:01.720 --> 00:03:05.080 But we have a lot more to do. In 2022, 51 00:03:05.120 --> 00:03:09.360 CBP is top three report reported Scope one and two Emissions sources 52 00:03:09.360 --> 00:03:14.440 were associated with purchased electricity fleet and building fuel consumption. 53 00:03:15.120 --> 00:03:18.840 We continue to assess and reduce scope one and two greenhouse 54 00:03:18.960 --> 00:03:22.440 gas emissions at facilities with the greatest amount 55 00:03:22.440 --> 00:03:26.520 of annual energy consumption and at facilities that combust 56 00:03:26.520 --> 00:03:31.320 fuels onsite for heating, cooling and other energy needs. 57 00:03:32.280 --> 00:03:34.880 We also continue to implement measures 58 00:03:34.880 --> 00:03:39.320 to bring our real estate portfolio to net zero or close to net zero. 59 00:03:40.200 --> 00:03:44.040 For instance, CBP is working to execute an energy savings 60 00:03:44.640 --> 00:03:47.760 performance contract involving more than 75 61 00:03:47.920 --> 00:03:51.760 CBP facilities across 15 states and Puerto Rico. 62 00:03:52.160 --> 00:03:56.000 This project will improve energy conservation at roughly 63 00:03:56.000 --> 00:03:59.160 6% of our 1245 buildings. 64 00:03:59.920 --> 00:04:02.280 Facility improvements will include 65 00:04:02.280 --> 00:04:06.120 more efficient lighting, upgraded heating, ventilation 66 00:04:06.120 --> 00:04:10.480 and air conditioning systems, water conservation measures. 67 00:04:10.480 --> 00:04:11.880 And let me get this word right. 68 00:04:11.880 --> 00:04:14.960 Photovoltaic solar panel installation. 69 00:04:15.000 --> 00:04:18.200 I'm from Minnesota, so my language is will challenge here. 70 00:04:19.560 --> 00:04:24.240 As part of this contract, CBP will execute two specialized projects 71 00:04:24.400 --> 00:04:28.800 funded by Department of Department of Energy grants for the first project. 72 00:04:29.240 --> 00:04:33.480 CBP and our vendor will focus on essential lighting solutions 73 00:04:33.480 --> 00:04:38.480 that improve essential performance and minimize life cycle lifecycle costs. 74 00:04:38.960 --> 00:04:41.960 For the second project, CBP will build a PV 75 00:04:42.600 --> 00:04:45.720 solar power array and battery energy storage system 76 00:04:46.320 --> 00:04:48.720 at Border Patrol 77 00:04:48.720 --> 00:04:52.000 headquarters in Puerto Rico to improve the facility's 78 00:04:52.000 --> 00:04:56.960 resilience to hurricanes and other natural disasters. 79 00:04:57.440 --> 00:04:58.800 CBP has already 80 00:05:00.000 --> 00:05:00.640 already has 81 00:05:00.640 --> 00:05:04.800 several examples of net zero facilities, including Border Patrol stations 82 00:05:04.800 --> 00:05:08.320 in California, Idaho, Texas and Washington State. 83 00:05:09.080 --> 00:05:13.440 The San Ysidro land border, port of Entry and San Diego in partnership. 84 00:05:13.680 --> 00:05:16.680 A partnership between CBP and GSA 85 00:05:17.080 --> 00:05:20.680 to improve sustainability of CBP occupied facilities. 86 00:05:20.680 --> 00:05:25.800 San Ysidro, the business busiest border crossing in the Western Hemisphere, 87 00:05:26.520 --> 00:05:29.840 is the first GSA facility to achieve 88 00:05:29.920 --> 00:05:34.720 three leaders leadership in energy and environmental design. 89 00:05:34.720 --> 00:05:37.360 Platinum certificates. 90 00:05:37.360 --> 00:05:41.520 Currently, 35% of CBP is real estate Portfolio 91 00:05:41.520 --> 00:05:45.480 meets federal high standards, sustainable building standards. 92 00:05:45.480 --> 00:05:49.720 We are committed to achieving even greater levels of sustainability 93 00:05:50.360 --> 00:05:52.800 modernization efforts 94 00:05:52.800 --> 00:05:55.800 funded under the bipartisan infrastructure law. 95 00:05:55.840 --> 00:05:58.760 Are underway to upgrade 26 land border 96 00:05:58.760 --> 00:06:03.640 ports of entry to be more sustainable, energy efficient 97 00:06:03.840 --> 00:06:06.840 and meet federal green building requirements. 98 00:06:07.400 --> 00:06:12.640 CBP is also purchasing electric vehicles and charging stations by 2030. 99 00:06:12.680 --> 00:06:17.240 Our goal is to have 50% of the CBP vehicle fleet compromised, 100 00:06:17.400 --> 00:06:22.040 believes this will reduce our fossil fuel resilience, lower 101 00:06:22.040 --> 00:06:27.160 our greenhouse gas emissions, and create a more resilient fleet and infrastructure. 102 00:06:27.600 --> 00:06:31.160 Finally, we are using technological investment 103 00:06:31.160 --> 00:06:36.640 and better data to ensure both operational efficiencies and environmental benefits. 104 00:06:36.640 --> 00:06:39.640 A double win. A couple more examples. 105 00:06:40.200 --> 00:06:43.600 We are conducting a poor emissions modeling and analysis study 106 00:06:43.600 --> 00:06:46.600 through the Department of Energy's National Laboratories. 107 00:06:46.760 --> 00:06:51.240 The study will provide a baseline model for current commercial truck greenhouse 108 00:06:51.240 --> 00:06:55.960 gas emissions at land ports of entry, and offer recommendations to reduce 109 00:06:55.960 --> 00:06:59.200 overall emissions and boost cargo processing efficiency. 110 00:07:00.120 --> 00:07:03.000 Furthermore, we have deployed 111 00:07:03.000 --> 00:07:07.760 our Truck Manifest modernization program in an advanced electronic manifest, 112 00:07:08.040 --> 00:07:09.440 electronic manifest, 113 00:07:09.440 --> 00:07:13.000 cut border wait times and reduce emissions from idling vehicles. 114 00:07:13.400 --> 00:07:18.400 Preliminary results show that average processing times in primary inspection 115 00:07:18.920 --> 00:07:22.560 have been reduced from 2 minutes to about 30 seconds 116 00:07:22.760 --> 00:07:26.360 for more than 99% of the 45 117 00:07:26.360 --> 00:07:29.760 to 50000 trucks released daily 118 00:07:30.520 --> 00:07:32.800 before less than 40% of truck 119 00:07:32.800 --> 00:07:36.080 manifests were processed in a short amount of time. 120 00:07:37.400 --> 00:07:39.000 CBP is also 121 00:07:39.000 --> 00:07:43.800 digitizing our remaining manual and paper based compliance processes. 122 00:07:44.200 --> 00:07:48.600 We are investing in the development of digital supply chain technologies 123 00:07:49.120 --> 00:07:54.200 and will help CBP and broader trade community trace and verify the origin 124 00:07:54.600 --> 00:07:58.280 composition and environmental impact of the products. 125 00:07:58.880 --> 00:08:03.840 Lastly, we are collaborating with DHS Science and Technology to invest in 126 00:08:03.840 --> 00:08:07.760 greener innovation and research, including potential 127 00:08:07.760 --> 00:08:10.760 future prize competitions. 128 00:08:10.800 --> 00:08:13.880 Tackling climate change requires a worldwide 129 00:08:13.880 --> 00:08:17.400 coordinated effort between the public and private sector. 130 00:08:17.920 --> 00:08:20.480 Today's participants are a great example 131 00:08:20.480 --> 00:08:23.480 of how we can come together and do just that. 132 00:08:23.920 --> 00:08:27.400 CBP is currently partnering with the Department of Transportation, 133 00:08:27.840 --> 00:08:32.520 the American Association of Port Authorities, the International Task Force 134 00:08:32.520 --> 00:08:36.960 on Port Call Optimization and International Port Community Systems 135 00:08:36.960 --> 00:08:39.960 Association to develop an open source 136 00:08:40.000 --> 00:08:43.000 port community information system. 137 00:08:43.159 --> 00:08:47.520 This system has been designed to optimize port business 138 00:08:47.520 --> 00:08:51.600 processing and reduce related greenhouse gas emissions. 139 00:08:52.200 --> 00:08:55.960 Our work with our interagency partners also includes enforcement 140 00:08:56.200 --> 00:09:01.040 of the United States Mexico Canada agreement provisions that prevent 141 00:09:01.080 --> 00:09:05.200 natural resource crimes such as illegal 142 00:09:05.480 --> 00:09:09.240 deforestation and timber logging, illegal, 143 00:09:09.240 --> 00:09:12.960 unreported and unregulated fishing and wildlife trafficking 144 00:09:14.360 --> 00:09:15.400 in January 145 00:09:15.400 --> 00:09:18.880 2022, CBP and Environmental Protection Agency 146 00:09:19.400 --> 00:09:23.080 initiated the Interagency Task Force on 147 00:09:23.360 --> 00:09:28.400 illegal hydrofluorocarbon Trade to detect, deter and disrupt 148 00:09:28.400 --> 00:09:32.720 illegal importation of hydrofluorocarbons into the United States. 149 00:09:33.400 --> 00:09:37.840 CBP and EPA issued letters of denial, stopping illegal shipments 150 00:09:37.840 --> 00:09:44.280 to more than 889,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide, 151 00:09:44.680 --> 00:09:49.680 which equates to emission from nearly 173,000 homes 152 00:09:50.120 --> 00:09:53.240 based on electricity usage for one year. 153 00:09:54.000 --> 00:09:58.240 CBP is also working with NGOs to target natural resource crimes 154 00:09:58.240 --> 00:10:03.440 and illicit trade and to strategically and vision for the future. 155 00:10:03.440 --> 00:10:06.440 Our partnerships include collaboration with 156 00:10:06.440 --> 00:10:10.080 C4ADS, who we are excited to have here today, 157 00:10:11.000 --> 00:10:15.520 as well as the Environmental Investigative Agency, the World Wildlife Fund, 158 00:10:15.520 --> 00:10:19.800 Global Fishing Watch and the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, 159 00:10:20.880 --> 00:10:24.840 CBP, US Fish and Wildlife and the Department of State 160 00:10:24.840 --> 00:10:29.040 are currently coordinating to expand enforcement activities to target 161 00:10:29.040 --> 00:10:33.400 illegal logging operations in Brazil, which threaten the Amazon. 162 00:10:34.080 --> 00:10:38.280 We are also partnering with Global Fishing Watch to deter illegal fishing 163 00:10:38.280 --> 00:10:42.320 by improving visibility into fishing vessel locations 164 00:10:42.760 --> 00:10:46.960 and we are working with the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership on a project 165 00:10:46.960 --> 00:10:52.880 in the Baja California Protective Zone to save the endangered Totoaba 166 00:10:52.880 --> 00:10:55.880 fish and the Vaquita porpoise. 167 00:10:56.640 --> 00:10:59.640 And on that note, just this last April, 168 00:10:59.880 --> 00:11:02.200 CBP officers in the area, 169 00:11:02.200 --> 00:11:05.760 part of Nogales and Arizona, partnered with the U.S. 170 00:11:05.760 --> 00:11:10.520 Fish and Wildlife Service to seize 242 lbs 171 00:11:11.040 --> 00:11:13.560 of protected totoaba swim bladders 172 00:11:13.560 --> 00:11:16.800 worth an estimated $2.7 million. 173 00:11:17.440 --> 00:11:20.960 This is the second largest seizure of this kind of the United States. 174 00:11:21.720 --> 00:11:24.000 These bladders should have never been harvested, 175 00:11:24.000 --> 00:11:28.680 which is why we continue to ramp up our enforcement efforts with our partners. 176 00:11:30.720 --> 00:11:33.440 What's next? 177 00:11:33.440 --> 00:11:36.720 I would like to highlight our global customs partnerships. 178 00:11:37.440 --> 00:11:40.440 I would especially like to thank the citizens 179 00:11:40.440 --> 00:11:43.800 Secretary Stamatis again for and her colleagues 180 00:11:43.800 --> 00:11:48.560 at the Australian Border Force for her message today and for joining us 181 00:11:48.600 --> 00:11:51.960 in recognizing the impact of climate change to our customs mission. 182 00:11:52.400 --> 00:11:57.280 We are also grateful for the work being advanced with multilateral forums 183 00:11:57.600 --> 00:12:00.520 like the World Customs Organization to define 184 00:12:00.520 --> 00:12:04.120 the global scope and green of Green customs. 185 00:12:04.560 --> 00:12:07.960 In fact, we are contributing to the WCO’s 186 00:12:07.960 --> 00:12:11.480 Green Customs Action Plan, which will be launched later this year. 187 00:12:12.520 --> 00:12:14.480 Going forward, CBP 188 00:12:14.480 --> 00:12:18.200 will implement new initiatives that achieve green trade goals. 189 00:12:19.120 --> 00:12:22.720 Our plans include reviewing an existing authorized economic, 190 00:12:23.040 --> 00:12:27.600 economic operator programs, surveying and collaborating with international 191 00:12:27.600 --> 00:12:32.640 organizations and governments such as the WCO and the European Union, 192 00:12:33.240 --> 00:12:36.480 and engaging with industry partners, NGOs, 193 00:12:36.720 --> 00:12:41.160 academic institutions to solicit ideas and perspectives. 194 00:12:42.640 --> 00:12:44.160 With the Green Trade Strategy. 195 00:12:44.160 --> 00:12:48.880 CBP has set an example for customs authorities around the world to develop 196 00:12:48.880 --> 00:12:52.040 greener standards for global trade and collaborate with industry 197 00:12:52.040 --> 00:12:55.040 stakeholders, stakeholders and the public. 198 00:12:55.600 --> 00:12:58.720 We are uniquely positioned to promote a global green 199 00:12:58.720 --> 00:13:02.120 trade environment through cutting edge practices and enforcement. 200 00:13:02.480 --> 00:13:03.840 We want to hear from you. 201 00:13:03.840 --> 00:13:05.160 Continue to hear from you. 202 00:13:05.160 --> 00:13:07.160 Our trade stakeholders, 203 00:13:07.160 --> 00:13:11.240 our other government partners to generate meaningful incentives. 204 00:13:11.560 --> 00:13:15.320 It is one of the primary reasons we are here today. 205 00:13:15.680 --> 00:13:19.520 Together, we will develop higher global standards for green trade 206 00:13:19.840 --> 00:13:24.160 to create a sustainable future with that withstands climate change. 207 00:13:24.840 --> 00:13:26.240 Thank you so much for having me.