WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.640 --> 00:00:03.840 Good morning, everyone. 2 00:00:03.840 --> 00:00:07.440 And, you know, I want to thank Executive Assistant 3 00:00:07.440 --> 00:00:10.800 Commissioner Highsmith, but I also I loved her energy. 4 00:00:10.800 --> 00:00:13.680 I mean, especially at 930 in the morning. 5 00:00:13.680 --> 00:00:16.840 And so I was like, oh, my gosh, I'm going to go after her. 6 00:00:16.840 --> 00:00:19.680 And it can I have the same amount of energy as her. 7 00:00:19.680 --> 00:00:23.560 So thank you so much for having me, having me here today. 8 00:00:24.880 --> 00:00:27.560 The United States Patent and Trademark Office 9 00:00:27.560 --> 00:00:31.680 refers to itself as America is Innovation Agency, 10 00:00:32.280 --> 00:00:34.960 and we are honored and excited 11 00:00:34.960 --> 00:00:39.560 for Customs and Border Protection to be hosting their Green Trade, Innovate 12 00:00:39.880 --> 00:00:42.960 and Incentives Forum at the headquarters here 13 00:00:43.200 --> 00:00:46.200 in Alexandria, Virginia. 14 00:00:46.240 --> 00:00:50.160 Green Trade, Innovation and Incentivization is very important 15 00:00:50.160 --> 00:00:55.800 to the USPTO, particularly for innovations and implementations that address 16 00:00:55.800 --> 00:00:59.480 pressing environmental challenges like climate change 17 00:01:02.360 --> 00:01:03.800 and my slides. 18 00:01:03.800 --> 00:01:06.800 Are they going to be up here? 19 00:01:12.840 --> 00:01:15.840 And I think we can go to the next one. 20 00:01:18.400 --> 00:01:19.840 As many of you know, 21 00:01:19.840 --> 00:01:23.800 the USPTO is the federal agency that grants patents 22 00:01:24.320 --> 00:01:27.600 registered trademarks and advises the administration 23 00:01:27.600 --> 00:01:32.440 through the Secretary of Commerce on intellectual property or IP policy. 24 00:01:33.640 --> 00:01:36.080 Our strong IP system in the U.S. 25 00:01:36.080 --> 00:01:39.720 has played a large part in making us one of the most innovative 26 00:01:39.880 --> 00:01:42.880 and prosperous, prosperous countries in the world. 27 00:01:44.040 --> 00:01:47.640 Protecting IP helps drive job creation, 28 00:01:48.120 --> 00:01:52.200 economic development and prosperity, U.S. 29 00:01:52.200 --> 00:01:55.200 competitiveness and national security. 30 00:01:56.160 --> 00:02:00.200 Although IP rights are very country are largely country specific. 31 00:02:01.000 --> 00:02:05.720 The USPTO supports a global community of stakeholders and customers 32 00:02:06.080 --> 00:02:09.680 that include our federal agencies and other governments 33 00:02:09.680 --> 00:02:14.200 and IP offices and firms and individuals seeking IP protection 34 00:02:14.400 --> 00:02:17.640 or making decisions about innovation and competition. 35 00:02:18.560 --> 00:02:21.240 For example, the USPTO works 36 00:02:21.240 --> 00:02:25.840 closely with other IP offices and multilateral forums such as IP five, 37 00:02:26.280 --> 00:02:29.960 which is the five largest IP offices in the world. 38 00:02:31.560 --> 00:02:33.080 All members of IP five 39 00:02:33.080 --> 00:02:36.960 have initiatives in climate space, in the climate space, 40 00:02:36.960 --> 00:02:41.360 from expedited examination to formation of strategic partnerships. 41 00:02:42.600 --> 00:02:45.600 Next slide, please. 42 00:02:46.840 --> 00:02:48.680 So just to give you a little bit more information 43 00:02:48.680 --> 00:02:52.160 about the USPTO at a glance, it is one of the 13 bureaus 44 00:02:52.160 --> 00:02:56.680 within the Department of the Commerce, which has about 47,000 employees, 45 00:02:56.880 --> 00:03:00.880 and over 13,000 of those employees work at the USPTO. 46 00:03:01.800 --> 00:03:05.200 In addition to our main headquarters here in Alexandria, Virginia. 47 00:03:05.880 --> 00:03:09.480 We have four regional offices in the Midwest, in Detroit, 48 00:03:10.080 --> 00:03:12.840 in Texas, which is located in Dallas, 49 00:03:12.840 --> 00:03:16.480 in the Rocky Mountain region, in Denver and Silicon Valley. 50 00:03:16.760 --> 00:03:20.640 We have an office in San Jose, California, which covers the western region, 51 00:03:21.000 --> 00:03:24.000 Alaska, Hawaii. 52 00:03:24.840 --> 00:03:25.600 One of the things 53 00:03:25.600 --> 00:03:28.800 that makes the USPTO unique is that we are self-funded 54 00:03:29.800 --> 00:03:32.800 and we're self-funded through the fees that we collect 55 00:03:33.360 --> 00:03:38.080 for our trademark and patent examination services, which represents a majority, 56 00:03:38.400 --> 00:03:41.400 which also represents a majority of our employees. 57 00:03:42.360 --> 00:03:45.360 That's the USPTO operates much like a business 58 00:03:45.600 --> 00:03:50.280 with an adept management staff and $4.3 billion of annual budget. 59 00:03:51.360 --> 00:03:55.040 We are dedicated to our customer users and proud to be one of the largest 60 00:03:55.040 --> 00:03:59.040 repositories of knowledge of complex issues related to technical 61 00:03:59.240 --> 00:04:02.240 and legal aspects of IP rights. 62 00:04:03.640 --> 00:04:06.640 Can we go to the next slide, please? 63 00:04:09.000 --> 00:04:11.400 So I just want to for those of you who might not be familiar, 64 00:04:11.400 --> 00:04:14.400 just to give you a brief overview of what IP is, 65 00:04:15.360 --> 00:04:19.440 and there are four main types of IP in the United States in case, you know, 66 00:04:19.560 --> 00:04:23.560 people are familiar with the categories first patents. 67 00:04:23.760 --> 00:04:25.040 And so I'm the commissioner for patents. 68 00:04:25.040 --> 00:04:27.920 And so this is the main area that I focus on. 69 00:04:27.920 --> 00:04:32.240 And what is a patent do It grants the right to exclude others from making, 70 00:04:32.640 --> 00:04:36.920 using, offering for sale or selling an invention in the U.S. 71 00:04:38.080 --> 00:04:39.280 or importing inventions 72 00:04:39.280 --> 00:04:43.160 into the United States, thereby giving a patentee the opportunity 73 00:04:43.160 --> 00:04:46.440 to reap greater rewards for its underlying invention. 74 00:04:47.400 --> 00:04:50.480 And so we have the example here for an iPad 75 00:04:50.480 --> 00:04:53.800 and iPod or, you know, your iPhone, your smartphone, 76 00:04:55.000 --> 00:04:57.640 I think different numbers I looked it's like a thousand 77 00:04:57.640 --> 00:05:00.640 patents can be on a single iPhone. 78 00:05:01.440 --> 00:05:04.800 And so there are utility patterns which protect useful processes. 79 00:05:04.800 --> 00:05:08.360 Machines, articles of manufacture and compositions of matter. 80 00:05:08.680 --> 00:05:10.240 And we have design patents 81 00:05:10.240 --> 00:05:14.040 which protect the ornamental design for article of manufacture. 82 00:05:14.400 --> 00:05:17.360 So one of the things when you think of your smartphone, 83 00:05:17.360 --> 00:05:18.880 does it have curved edges. 84 00:05:18.880 --> 00:05:21.360 There's design patents on that. 85 00:05:21.360 --> 00:05:25.440 We also have copyrights which incentivize the production of literary 86 00:05:25.440 --> 00:05:28.600 or other artistic works by granting authors exclusive rights 87 00:05:28.600 --> 00:05:31.840 to engage in commercialization and distribution of these works. 88 00:05:32.360 --> 00:05:34.000 So when we think about beyond, say, 89 00:05:34.000 --> 00:05:37.320 or we think about Taylor Swift and her musical rights, 90 00:05:38.280 --> 00:05:42.280 or we think about computer software and there's copyrights associated with those, 91 00:05:44.600 --> 00:05:46.000 we also have trade secrets 92 00:05:46.000 --> 00:05:49.760 that consist of information such as formulas, patterns, copy lists, 93 00:05:50.280 --> 00:05:55.440 compilations, programs, methods or techniques or processes 94 00:05:55.440 --> 00:05:59.080 that are used in a business that provide an economic advantage. 95 00:05:59.320 --> 00:06:03.120 So we all are very familiar with or we're not familiar with. 96 00:06:03.120 --> 00:06:04.800 Coke's formula because no one knows it 97 00:06:04.800 --> 00:06:07.800 except for a few, because they've kept it as a trade secret. 98 00:06:08.640 --> 00:06:13.040 And then we have trademarks which advance the value of both patents and on pants. 99 00:06:13.160 --> 00:06:16.560 An innovation and as well as reputation and goodwill 100 00:06:17.400 --> 00:06:21.000 by identifying a good or services source of origin. 101 00:06:21.480 --> 00:06:25.040 So we think about the actual the way that Coca-Cola 102 00:06:25.040 --> 00:06:28.040 writes it’s letter or the Pillsbury Doughboy. 103 00:06:28.120 --> 00:06:30.920 There are trademarks on that. 104 00:06:30.920 --> 00:06:33.920 Moving on to the next slide 105 00:06:37.080 --> 00:06:38.160 and we can go one more. 106 00:06:40.520 --> 00:06:42.720 So now let's talk a little back 107 00:06:42.720 --> 00:06:47.640 a little bit about the value of innovation and IP to address climate change. 108 00:06:48.520 --> 00:06:51.600 One of the most pressing environmental issues today 109 00:06:51.840 --> 00:06:56.080 is increasing threat of global climate change success. 110 00:06:56.080 --> 00:06:59.560 Addressing climate change, climate related challenges 111 00:06:59.760 --> 00:07:03.320 depend on technological development, and that, of course, 112 00:07:03.320 --> 00:07:08.080 depends on robust incentives and protection for innovation and IP. 113 00:07:09.000 --> 00:07:13.720 In our IP system drives innovation by providing incentives for organizations 114 00:07:13.720 --> 00:07:18.080 and individuals to develop and pursue commercial opportunities 115 00:07:18.080 --> 00:07:21.320 related to their tangible and intangible assets. 116 00:07:22.560 --> 00:07:26.280 The USPTO Office of Chief Economist has studied 117 00:07:26.280 --> 00:07:31.760 the industries that have been intensive users of IP protection and characterized 118 00:07:31.760 --> 00:07:36.600 the IP intensive industries contributions to the total U.S. 119 00:07:36.600 --> 00:07:38.640 economic output and employment. 120 00:07:38.640 --> 00:07:42.600 As of 2019, for example, they found that U.S. 121 00:07:42.600 --> 00:07:45.320 industries like manufacturing and I.T. 122 00:07:45.320 --> 00:07:48.920 contributed $8 trillion to the Gross Domestic Product 123 00:07:49.120 --> 00:07:52.160 and account for 44% of all U.S. 124 00:07:52.160 --> 00:07:55.480 jobs, which is 63 million jobs. 125 00:07:56.760 --> 00:07:59.040 They also found that IP incentive industries 126 00:07:59.040 --> 00:08:02.600 generally pay higher wages and offer better benefits. 127 00:08:02.880 --> 00:08:05.640 For example, workers in utility patent 128 00:08:05.640 --> 00:08:09.120 intensive industries earned about 19,000. 129 00:08:09.320 --> 00:08:11.080 Oh, that'd be nice. 130 00:08:11.080 --> 00:08:14.840 1,900 per week in 2019, 131 00:08:16.560 --> 00:08:19.560 which is 97% more than the average weekly 132 00:08:19.560 --> 00:08:22.640 wage of workers in non IP intensive industries. 133 00:08:23.560 --> 00:08:26.880 And the Federal Reserve governor and former USPTO Edison 134 00:08:28.040 --> 00:08:31.320 fellow Lisa Cook concluded, If we could quadrupled 135 00:08:31.320 --> 00:08:35.559 the number of inventors, we could increase the overall level of the U.S. 136 00:08:35.559 --> 00:08:40.200 GDP by up to 4.4% or about $1 trillion. 137 00:08:41.240 --> 00:08:45.320 And the USPTO and customers, Customs and Border Protection 138 00:08:45.840 --> 00:08:48.000 are both taking actions 139 00:08:48.000 --> 00:08:51.960 under the commitment of the Biden-Harris administration to support 140 00:08:51.960 --> 00:08:55.840 game changing innovation in green and sustainable domains. 141 00:08:55.840 --> 00:09:00.320 As part of the opportunity to realize our potential for economic growth, 142 00:09:01.400 --> 00:09:03.880 The administration also recognizes 143 00:09:03.880 --> 00:09:08.240 there are many emerging, emerging R&D areas that hope promise 144 00:09:08.240 --> 00:09:11.520 to significantly impact progress to our net 145 00:09:11.520 --> 00:09:14.520 zero economy by 2050. 146 00:09:14.680 --> 00:09:18.360 These areas represent opportunities to create new economic growth 147 00:09:19.080 --> 00:09:23.760 or to revolutionize existing fields like electronic power, 148 00:09:24.200 --> 00:09:27.200 transportation and waste treatment. 149 00:09:27.800 --> 00:09:29.600 The administration has provided 150 00:09:29.600 --> 00:09:33.160 prioritize five areas, including net zero aviation, 151 00:09:33.600 --> 00:09:37.560 industrial products and fuels for a net zero circular economy. 152 00:09:38.640 --> 00:09:43.680 At a recent meeting of the International Trademark Association, my boss, USPTO 153 00:09:43.680 --> 00:09:48.480 director Kathi Vidal, reflected that climate crisis is a priority 154 00:09:48.720 --> 00:09:54.760 of both the Biden administration and the USPTO. Director Vidal stated, 155 00:09:55.080 --> 00:09:58.640 When I think about priorities, I think we can all align on that one. 156 00:09:59.320 --> 00:10:03.480 And I would like to share more about the USPTO and its commitments that it's made 157 00:10:04.680 --> 00:10:07.680 that has made that commitment a reality. 158 00:10:08.280 --> 00:10:10.680 If we can move to the next slide. 159 00:10:10.680 --> 00:10:12.480 Thank you. 160 00:10:12.480 --> 00:10:14.080 At the USPTO, we've 161 00:10:14.080 --> 00:10:17.960 undertaken numerous initiatives designed to harness and make people 162 00:10:17.960 --> 00:10:22.560 aware of the power of IP to tackle climate related matters. 163 00:10:23.280 --> 00:10:26.520 So just last month climate change was prevalent agenda 164 00:10:26.640 --> 00:10:31.200 when the USPTO hosted the IP5 in Hawaii. 165 00:10:31.240 --> 00:10:34.960 As I said, stated, IP5 is the five leading 166 00:10:35.280 --> 00:10:38.560 countries getting together to talk about IP issues. 167 00:10:38.880 --> 00:10:40.560 And what was the theme of our meeting? 168 00:10:40.560 --> 00:10:44.280 The theme was addressing climate change through an accessible 169 00:10:44.280 --> 00:10:47.280 and inclusive IP system. 170 00:10:47.440 --> 00:10:52.360 Also last year, the USPTO signed a memorandum of understanding with the World 171 00:10:52.360 --> 00:10:56.560 Intellectual Property Organization, also known as WIPO’s Green Initiative. 172 00:10:57.480 --> 00:11:01.800 WIPO Green is an online platform for Technology Exchange 173 00:11:01.960 --> 00:11:06.920 that supports global efforts to address climate change by connecting providers 174 00:11:07.200 --> 00:11:10.400 and seekers of environmentally friendly technologies 175 00:11:11.040 --> 00:11:14.080 through its database network and events. 176 00:11:14.160 --> 00:11:16.920 WIPO Green brings together key players 177 00:11:16.920 --> 00:11:20.560 to catalyze green technology, innovation and diffusion. 178 00:11:23.640 --> 00:11:25.520 WIPO is also 179 00:11:25.520 --> 00:11:28.520 provided a definition of what green technologies are. 180 00:11:29.240 --> 00:11:33.480 Green technologies in their definition are those that protect the environment, 181 00:11:33.720 --> 00:11:38.240 are less polluting, use all resources in a more sustainable manner, 182 00:11:38.520 --> 00:11:41.800 recycle more of their waste and products, 183 00:11:41.800 --> 00:11:45.040 and handle residual waste in a more acceptable manner 184 00:11:45.440 --> 00:11:48.480 than the technologies for which there they were substitutes. 185 00:11:49.440 --> 00:11:53.840 These include know how procedures, goods and services and equipment, 186 00:11:53.840 --> 00:11:58.720 as well as organization, organizational and managerial procedures. 187 00:11:59.720 --> 00:12:04.040 This definition highlights the broad array of innovation and IP opportunities 188 00:12:04.040 --> 00:12:07.280 around green technology and mitigating climate change. 189 00:12:08.720 --> 00:12:13.520 The USPTO also operates to award competitions to recognize the value 190 00:12:13.520 --> 00:12:17.080 of patents and trademarks and helping to solve environmental challenges. 191 00:12:17.880 --> 00:12:20.600 First are Patents for Humanity program 192 00:12:20.600 --> 00:12:23.600 that's been around since 2013, 193 00:12:23.880 --> 00:12:26.040 and it recognizes innovators 194 00:12:26.040 --> 00:12:31.400 who use game changing technology to address global humanitarian challenges. 195 00:12:32.760 --> 00:12:35.760 In addition to receiving public recognition 196 00:12:36.200 --> 00:12:39.360 for their work, winners are issued certificates entitling them 197 00:12:39.360 --> 00:12:42.560 to expedited select proceedings at the USPTO. 198 00:12:43.440 --> 00:12:48.200 This year, the award announced a specific green energy category to provide 199 00:12:48.200 --> 00:12:52.680 business incentives for patent applicants, holders and licensees 200 00:12:53.040 --> 00:12:57.600 whose inventions address climate change through green energy technologies. 201 00:12:58.200 --> 00:13:02.520 And these examples of some of these green energy technologies include wind, 202 00:13:03.160 --> 00:13:05.560 solar, green hydrogen, 203 00:13:05.560 --> 00:13:08.520 green hydrogen, hydropower, 204 00:13:08.520 --> 00:13:11.520 geothermal and biofuel technologies. 205 00:13:12.000 --> 00:13:16.520 The submission deadline was extended to September 15, 2023. 206 00:13:16.560 --> 00:13:19.520 So if you know anything related to that, please 207 00:13:19.520 --> 00:13:23.680 think about telling people and spreading the word for patents 208 00:13:23.680 --> 00:13:27.360 for humanity, green energy for the green energy category. 209 00:13:28.520 --> 00:13:30.400 And in the past we've had 210 00:13:30.400 --> 00:13:34.240 some of the recipients have included the SunPower Corporation, which invented 211 00:13:34.240 --> 00:13:39.240 rechargeable lanterns as a safer, safer alternative to kerosene lamps 212 00:13:39.480 --> 00:13:43.800 in Philippine villages and provided them via shipping containers 213 00:13:43.800 --> 00:13:48.320 that convert into portable solar power energy stations. 214 00:13:49.320 --> 00:13:51.240 Also new generator. 215 00:13:51.240 --> 00:13:55.280 They created a state of the art membrane bioreactor technology 216 00:13:55.280 --> 00:13:59.840 that can simultaneously recover nutrients, energy and water from 217 00:14:00.400 --> 00:14:03.400 and water from wastewater. 218 00:14:04.120 --> 00:14:06.840 And the USPTO just launched 219 00:14:06.840 --> 00:14:10.920 the Trademark for Humanity Award program in April 2023, 220 00:14:10.920 --> 00:14:14.560 So just a couple of months ago, to recognize brand owners 221 00:14:14.560 --> 00:14:18.560 using their trademarks to help solve humanitarian challenges. 222 00:14:19.320 --> 00:14:22.280 The 2000 awards cycle will specifically 223 00:14:22.280 --> 00:14:25.640 recognize brand owners who improve the natural environment 224 00:14:25.920 --> 00:14:29.880 through the products or services they offer or business practices 225 00:14:29.880 --> 00:14:33.680 they use in connection with a federally registered trademark. 226 00:14:34.120 --> 00:14:36.840 The USPTO will accept applicants 227 00:14:36.840 --> 00:14:40.200 for this year's award until July 14th, just a couple of days 228 00:14:40.600 --> 00:14:44.400 or until 200 applicants are receive whichever occurs first. 229 00:14:45.880 --> 00:14:48.760 The USPTO is also adding green tech 230 00:14:48.760 --> 00:14:52.760 related terms to the trademark ID manual, which catalogs 231 00:14:53.720 --> 00:14:55.360 acceptable identification of 232 00:14:55.360 --> 00:14:59.240 goods and services that may be used when filing through our trademark 233 00:14:59.240 --> 00:15:02.880 electronic application system, which is known as TS Plus, 234 00:15:03.480 --> 00:15:08.280 The new terms allow more trademark applicants who offer green technology 235 00:15:08.480 --> 00:15:11.520 to file applications through TS plus and pay 236 00:15:11.520 --> 00:15:14.520 a lower application fee. 237 00:15:15.120 --> 00:15:18.800 And another really important initiative is that we're in the second year 238 00:15:18.800 --> 00:15:23.880 of our USPTO Climate Change Mitigation Pilot program for Patent applicants. 239 00:15:24.360 --> 00:15:27.720 This program was initially announced in June of 2022 240 00:15:28.240 --> 00:15:31.960 and was expanded and extended into June of 22. 241 00:15:31.960 --> 00:15:34.840 In June of 2023, 242 00:15:34.840 --> 00:15:37.880 and we expanded the program to include innovations 243 00:15:37.880 --> 00:15:42.000 in the economics and sector that are designed to make progress 244 00:15:42.360 --> 00:15:45.560 towards achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions. 245 00:15:46.240 --> 00:15:49.240 This includes innovations designed to remove 246 00:15:49.280 --> 00:15:53.160 greenhouse gases already present in the atmosphere, reduce 247 00:15:53.160 --> 00:15:57.320 or prevent additional greenhouse gases emissions, greenhouse gas emissions, 248 00:15:57.840 --> 00:16:01.920 and or monitor, track or verify greenhouse gas emission 249 00:16:01.920 --> 00:16:06.080 reductions, patent applications that qualify for this program. 250 00:16:06.080 --> 00:16:09.080 So if you submit an application under this program, 251 00:16:09.840 --> 00:16:13.920 your application is advanced out of term and we will be 252 00:16:13.920 --> 00:16:16.920 one of the first examinations on the merits. 253 00:16:16.960 --> 00:16:20.040 We currently have 400 petitions under this program 254 00:16:20.040 --> 00:16:23.760 so far, including application like autonomous sea 255 00:16:24.520 --> 00:16:26.920 going power replenishment, watercraft 256 00:16:26.920 --> 00:16:30.360 to support battery powered marine vessels, 257 00:16:31.680 --> 00:16:33.120 a vehicle fuel 258 00:16:33.120 --> 00:16:34.560 cell coolant system 259 00:16:34.560 --> 00:16:38.680 that uses liquid and liquid hydrogen storage as a thermal battery 260 00:16:39.200 --> 00:16:42.600 in a stormwater capture housing system that reduces greenhouse 261 00:16:42.600 --> 00:16:45.600 gas emissions related to solid waste collection. 262 00:16:46.840 --> 00:16:49.000 The pallet scheduled to run through 263 00:16:49.000 --> 00:16:51.760 July 7, 2027 264 00:16:51.760 --> 00:16:55.800 or until we receive 4000 grant of all petitions, whichever occurs. 265 00:16:55.800 --> 00:17:00.800 First, we think this program will encourage and incentivize innovation 266 00:17:00.800 --> 00:17:04.400 in the climate space and in the example of the USPTO 267 00:17:04.920 --> 00:17:07.920 commitment to tackling climate change. 268 00:17:09.000 --> 00:17:12.680 We also sponsor just recently on 269 00:17:12.680 --> 00:17:15.960 May 17th, the Green Energy Innovation Expo 270 00:17:16.200 --> 00:17:19.200 here in our Alexandria campus. 271 00:17:19.359 --> 00:17:23.480 The Expo was a unique opportunity to facilitate partnerships 272 00:17:23.480 --> 00:17:27.160 between industry and reciprocal recipients of federal funding, 273 00:17:27.160 --> 00:17:30.320 including laboratories and universities and startups, 274 00:17:31.280 --> 00:17:34.640 and featured a wide array of green energy technologies 275 00:17:35.520 --> 00:17:38.680 available for licensing, including green hydrogen, 276 00:17:39.040 --> 00:17:43.440 solar technologies, energy storage, nuclear and wind energy. 277 00:17:44.640 --> 00:17:46.800 The program featured a fireside chat 278 00:17:46.800 --> 00:17:50.280 with the deputy secretary of the Department of Energy, David Turk. 279 00:17:50.720 --> 00:17:54.600 A panel on Government Perspectives on Green Energy Technology, 280 00:17:54.600 --> 00:17:57.600 featuring experts from the USPTO, 281 00:17:57.600 --> 00:18:00.560 the National Oceanic 282 00:18:00.560 --> 00:18:05.200 and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA and the Department of Energy. 283 00:18:06.240 --> 00:18:08.800 There was a reverse pitch session where green energy 284 00:18:08.800 --> 00:18:11.880 industry representatives had an opportunity to convey 285 00:18:12.000 --> 00:18:16.680 to the audience their technology needs a panel discussion on energy, 286 00:18:16.800 --> 00:18:20.880 green energy, licensing basics and a startup pitch competition 287 00:18:20.880 --> 00:18:24.400 where eight federally funded startups had an opportunity to pitch 288 00:18:24.720 --> 00:18:27.720 a judging panel of green energy investors. 289 00:18:28.160 --> 00:18:32.040 As I mentioned previously, the USPTO is an agency 290 00:18:32.040 --> 00:18:35.760 within the Department of Commerce, and it also includes NOAA, 291 00:18:36.560 --> 00:18:40.320 one of the leading climate research and agencies in the federal government. 292 00:18:40.640 --> 00:18:45.920 And we recently established a work sharing agreement with them with the goals 293 00:18:45.920 --> 00:18:48.960 of a partnership to infuse new knowledge in both 294 00:18:49.320 --> 00:18:52.080 for both agencies. 295 00:18:52.080 --> 00:18:54.440 So the USPTO, we're helping NOAA 296 00:18:54.440 --> 00:18:59.360 to develop and deliver IP education plan for its scientific workforce 297 00:18:59.360 --> 00:19:02.840 so that NOAA's research and technology can better serve the public 298 00:19:03.080 --> 00:19:06.240 and inspire future innovation across NOAA's mission. 299 00:19:07.040 --> 00:19:10.360 In return, NOAA's sharing its technical 300 00:19:10.360 --> 00:19:15.600 and insight with the USPTO examiners to give them additional context 301 00:19:15.600 --> 00:19:21.280 when assessing patentability of inventions in the climate space, Noah is advising 302 00:19:21.280 --> 00:19:26.440 the USPTO on green initiatives to help foster innovation in these critical areas. 303 00:19:27.160 --> 00:19:30.840 So we look forward to continue collaboration and partnerships 304 00:19:30.840 --> 00:19:35.640 with Noah and other agencies to expand and commercialize innovation. 305 00:19:38.040 --> 00:19:40.680 The USPTO is also taking steps 306 00:19:40.680 --> 00:19:43.800 with our internal operations to reduce our carbon footprint, 307 00:19:44.120 --> 00:19:47.360 to allow for easier access to trademark certificates or streamline 308 00:19:47.720 --> 00:19:50.080 the patent granting process. 309 00:19:50.080 --> 00:19:52.320 So we're very proud of a wide 310 00:19:52.320 --> 00:19:56.520 variety of award winning, award winning telework programs 311 00:19:56.520 --> 00:20:00.680 for our 13,000 employees who work at all 50 states and Puerto Rico. 312 00:20:01.280 --> 00:20:04.440 These programs have a huge positive environmental impact 313 00:20:04.440 --> 00:20:07.960 by reducing thousands of tons of admissions 314 00:20:07.960 --> 00:20:12.520 while reducing the cost of gas, parking commute time for our employees. 315 00:20:12.800 --> 00:20:16.960 And the agency also saves tens of millions of dollars in real estate costs. 316 00:20:18.240 --> 00:20:22.560 And we started beginning issuing electronic trademark certificates 317 00:20:22.560 --> 00:20:25.720 in June of 2022 and electronic 318 00:20:25.720 --> 00:20:28.720 patent grants in April of 2023. 319 00:20:29.000 --> 00:20:32.480 These initiatives save paper and reduce emissions 320 00:20:32.480 --> 00:20:35.640 associated with mailing hundreds and thousands of documents, 321 00:20:36.120 --> 00:20:38.760 but it also saves our agency millions of dollars. 322 00:20:40.800 --> 00:20:41.720 Recently, 323 00:20:41.720 --> 00:20:45.280 in the first year, after installing 37,000 LED lamps, 324 00:20:45.280 --> 00:20:50.200 the USPTO noticed this 4.7% decrease in our energy costs, 325 00:20:51.200 --> 00:20:53.360 and we're currently have can 326 00:20:53.360 --> 00:20:57.680 in the middle of our Campus Energy Audit, which determines 327 00:20:57.680 --> 00:21:01.320 opportunities for onsite renewable energy generation and storage. 328 00:21:02.440 --> 00:21:05.680 And then the USPTO diverted 50% of its waste 329 00:21:05.680 --> 00:21:10.200 in the fiscal year of 2020 to including 245 tons, 330 00:21:10.440 --> 00:21:13.360 which was converted to energy and 331 00:21:13.360 --> 00:21:16.360 400 tons which was recycled. 332 00:21:17.000 --> 00:21:20.000 Can we move to the next slide, please? 333 00:21:20.840 --> 00:21:22.440 And one of the biggest challenges 334 00:21:22.440 --> 00:21:26.400 that we face is making sure that our stakeholders and our customers 335 00:21:26.520 --> 00:21:31.440 know about and use the programs initiative and efforts to ensure green trade 336 00:21:31.440 --> 00:21:36.240 and climate change innovation is protected and innovate and incentivize. 337 00:21:37.200 --> 00:21:41.600 So I want to quickly highlight a few of the many resources the USPTO 338 00:21:41.600 --> 00:21:45.840 provides to users of the IP system through programs and outreach. 339 00:21:46.480 --> 00:21:49.920 So I talked about the climate change mitigation Pilot program, 340 00:21:49.920 --> 00:21:53.960 which I discussed earlier, about how if you file an application 341 00:21:53.960 --> 00:21:58.040 under this program, you can get expedited review. 342 00:21:59.400 --> 00:22:01.240 Please, If you know people 343 00:22:01.240 --> 00:22:03.800 who have innovations in this area, we're talking 344 00:22:03.800 --> 00:22:07.080 this is what this program is about is the innovation 345 00:22:09.400 --> 00:22:12.400 to have people apply through this program. 346 00:22:13.200 --> 00:22:15.720 And then we have our Council for Inclusive Innovation, 347 00:22:15.720 --> 00:22:17.600 which also launched the first time 348 00:22:17.600 --> 00:22:21.720 filer expedited examination pilot in March of 2023. 349 00:22:21.720 --> 00:22:25.560 So these are also the first time you're filing your application. 350 00:22:26.480 --> 00:22:28.280 You're an entity that's doing that. 351 00:22:28.280 --> 00:22:31.280 You can get expedited application 352 00:22:31.320 --> 00:22:34.120 application review. 353 00:22:34.120 --> 00:22:36.680 And for people who are just novices in this area, 354 00:22:36.680 --> 00:22:40.240 we have the intellectual property identifier tool, which helps users 355 00:22:40.240 --> 00:22:44.880 identify what ideas they might that might be intellectual property 356 00:22:44.880 --> 00:22:48.240 and helps them learn how to protect their IP. 357 00:22:48.960 --> 00:22:52.680 And there's many other free services and resources listed 358 00:22:53.360 --> 00:22:57.240 at our website, and the website link is provided below. 359 00:22:59.280 --> 00:23:02.280 Can we move to the the last slide, please? 360 00:23:03.000 --> 00:23:04.680 So I think everyone here today 361 00:23:04.680 --> 00:23:08.040 understands that innovation can help us find the way 362 00:23:08.240 --> 00:23:12.080 through our greatest challenges, which includes climate change. 363 00:23:12.840 --> 00:23:15.120 Robust IP protection can help 364 00:23:15.120 --> 00:23:18.120 turn those innovations into an economic asset 365 00:23:18.600 --> 00:23:22.200 by helping consumers and the marketplace recognize and value 366 00:23:22.200 --> 00:23:25.440 the goods and services that best address those challenges. 367 00:23:26.040 --> 00:23:31.360 Additionally, the disclosures you make when participating in the patent system 368 00:23:31.520 --> 00:23:35.880 and the brands you develop support, follow on innovation 369 00:23:35.880 --> 00:23:40.680 and contribute to new ideas and the continuous progress of technology. 370 00:23:41.400 --> 00:23:45.000 So I'd like to conclude today by asking you all to spread the word 371 00:23:45.320 --> 00:23:48.520 about how the USPTO can support green innovation 372 00:23:48.840 --> 00:23:53.880 and let your agencies, companies and firms know about our services 373 00:23:53.880 --> 00:23:57.960 and alignment with green technology and climate change mitigation. 374 00:23:59.240 --> 00:24:00.560 Finally, I'd like to say 375 00:24:00.560 --> 00:24:05.520 thank you again to the Customs and Border Protection Office of Trade for hosting 376 00:24:05.520 --> 00:24:09.320 today's forum on what is a very important topic to all of us. 377 00:24:09.720 --> 00:24:12.720 Green Trade, Innovation and Incentives. 378 00:24:13.280 --> 00:24:16.640 I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the forum and now I hand it 379 00:24:16.640 --> 00:24:21.240 back to the Customs and Border Protection Director of Green Trade Lee Ann Bigelow. 380 00:24:22.440 --> 00:24:23.120 Thank you.