WEBVTT 00:00:00.266 --> 00:00:01.933 I'd like to recognize Mr. Hyson, too. 00:00:01.933 --> 00:00:03.900 Please begin your opening statement. 00:00:03.900 --> 00:00:07.566 All right, Sherwin Sherwin, Murray, May, Ranking Member Connerly, and distinguished 00:00:07.566 --> 00:00:11.233 members of the subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to testify today. 00:00:11.300 --> 00:00:13.666 I'd like to note that in addition to serving as the department's 00:00:13.666 --> 00:00:16.866 Chief Information Officer secretary, my work is also named me. 00:00:16.866 --> 00:00:21.000 Today is the first DHS Chief Artificial Intelligence officer. 00:00:21.066 --> 00:00:24.433 I'd like to talk with you today about three concrete use cases 00:00:24.500 --> 00:00:29.333 where DHS is already using AI to deliver clear benefits for the American people 00:00:29.433 --> 00:00:32.633 and then share the comprehensive measures we are taking to ensure 00:00:32.633 --> 00:00:37.000 that our use of AI is safe, responsible and rights respecting. 00:00:37.066 --> 00:00:41.866 First, DHS is using AI to keep dangerous drugs out of our country. 00:00:41.933 --> 00:00:44.900 Recently, a car drove north from Mexico and approached 00:00:44.900 --> 00:00:48.800 the San Ysidro port of entry in San Diego, California. 00:00:48.866 --> 00:00:52.233 In the past, the Customs and Border Protection Officer that inspected 00:00:52.233 --> 00:00:56.100 that car would likely have had no reason to give it extra scrutiny. 00:00:56.200 --> 00:00:59.033 But this time, one of our machine learning models 00:00:59.033 --> 00:01:03.700 noticed a potentially suspicious pattern in the vehicle's crossing history. 00:01:03.766 --> 00:01:07.366 After looking at the model's flag, the officer decided to refer the car 00:01:07.366 --> 00:01:11.200 to secondary inspection, where we discovered and seized nearly 00:01:11.200 --> 00:01:14.800 60 kilograms of fentanyl and 16 kilograms of meth 00:01:15.033 --> 00:01:18.733 concealed in the vehicle's rear quarter panels and gas tank. 00:01:18.800 --> 00:01:23.500 If not for this use of AI, those drugs could be on our streets. 00:01:23.566 --> 00:01:25.466 Second, DHS is using 00:01:25.466 --> 00:01:30.133 AI to aid our law enforcement officers in investigating heinous crimes. 00:01:30.200 --> 00:01:34.100 Last month, Homeland Security investigations announced the completion 00:01:34.100 --> 00:01:39.700 of one of the most successful operations ever against child sexual abuse online. 00:01:39.766 --> 00:01:43.866 Operation Renewed Hope resulted in identifying 311 00:01:43.866 --> 00:01:45.533 previously unknown victims 00:01:45.533 --> 00:01:49.566 of sexual exploitation and led to the rescue of several victims 00:01:49.566 --> 00:01:53.633 from active abuse and the arrests of suspected perpetrators. 00:01:53.733 --> 00:01:56.666 This operation relied on the expertise and dedication 00:01:56.666 --> 00:02:00.166 of our agents and our partners domestically and abroad. 00:02:00.233 --> 00:02:03.200 But our agents had an extra tool at their disposal. 00:02:03.200 --> 00:02:05.800 Machine learning algorithms were used to enhance 00:02:05.800 --> 00:02:09.533 older images and give investigators new leads. 00:02:09.633 --> 00:02:13.466 Through this use of AI, we were able to turn formerly cold cases 00:02:13.666 --> 00:02:16.500 into rescues and arrests. 00:02:16.500 --> 00:02:18.600 Finally, DHS is using A.I. 00:02:18.600 --> 00:02:21.366 to make air travel easier and safer. 00:02:21.366 --> 00:02:25.366 TSA has started rolling out touchless pre-check in select airports, 00:02:25.433 --> 00:02:28.100 a new optional way of going through the airport, 00:02:28.100 --> 00:02:31.400 curb to gate without ever taking out your wallet. 00:02:31.500 --> 00:02:35.600 Once you opt in, you can check your bag, go through the security checkpoint 00:02:35.600 --> 00:02:38.933 and board your flight, all with just a quick photo. 00:02:39.033 --> 00:02:41.266 This process and TSA is acceptance 00:02:41.266 --> 00:02:44.266 of mobile driver's licenses in seven states and counting. 00:02:44.500 --> 00:02:49.300 Use thoroughly tested AI powered algorithms to save time, reduce 00:02:49.300 --> 00:02:53.366 physical touchpoints, and increase security by verifying identity more 00:02:53.466 --> 00:02:55.366 and more accurately. 00:02:55.433 --> 00:02:55.900 While I've 00:02:55.900 --> 00:02:59.266 highlighted these three examples today, DHS will use A.I. 00:02:59.300 --> 00:03:01.666 to transform all parts of our operation 00:03:01.666 --> 00:03:05.033 from detecting and mitigating cybersecurity vulnerabilities 00:03:05.133 --> 00:03:10.233 to enhancing maritime search and rescue operations and far beyond, A.I. 00:03:10.233 --> 00:03:14.200 will provide smarter and timelier information to our agents and officers 00:03:14.366 --> 00:03:17.300 to aid them in making decisions and free them up 00:03:17.300 --> 00:03:21.466 from routine tasks to focus on higher value work. 00:03:21.533 --> 00:03:24.133 As we move forward, we will ensure that our use of A.I. 00:03:24.133 --> 00:03:26.233 is responsible and trustworthy, 00:03:26.233 --> 00:03:29.800 that it is rigorously tested to be effective, that it safeguards 00:03:29.800 --> 00:03:35.233 privacy, civil rights and civil liberties while avoiding inappropriate biases. 00:03:35.300 --> 00:03:38.766 And to the extent possible, that is transparent and explainable 00:03:38.800 --> 00:03:40.800 to the people we serve. 00:03:40.800 --> 00:03:45.766 Last month, Secretary Mayorkas issued our key principles for responsible air use. 00:03:45.833 --> 00:03:48.400 We are applying these principles through the DHS A.I. 00:03:48.400 --> 00:03:53.300 Task, which I lead alongside our Undersecretary for Science and Technology. 00:03:53.400 --> 00:03:57.566 By issuing comprehensive policies on specific types of A.I., 00:03:57.666 --> 00:03:59.633 as we did just this week with the New Year, 00:03:59.633 --> 00:04:03.400 with new restrictions on our use of facial recognition, 00:04:03.466 --> 00:04:07.066 we will work alongside our internal and external oversight partners 00:04:07.066 --> 00:04:11.400 to include Congress and this subcommittee as we work to implement Nist's A.I. 00:04:11.400 --> 00:04:13.533 Risk Management framework and remain 00:04:13.533 --> 00:04:17.366 fully compliant with evolving laws, practices and policies. 00:04:17.466 --> 00:04:19.766 Thank you again for the opportunity to testify today. 00:04:19.766 --> 00:04:22.200 I look forward to your questions. Thank you. Mr. Hyson. 00:04:22.200 --> 00:04:23.500 I know votes have just been called. 00:04:23.500 --> 00:04:28.600 I'm going to before I are you concerned that as an AI systems become more mature 00:04:28.600 --> 00:04:31.833 and complicated, that criminals will have greater opportunity 00:04:31.933 --> 00:04:36.300 commit heinous crimes like child exploitation? 00:04:36.400 --> 00:04:39.466 Congressman, we absolutely are concerned there. 00:04:39.633 --> 00:04:43.600 However, we are also looking to harness AI to combat those crimes. 00:04:43.766 --> 00:04:48.700 I shared earlier our work of Homeland Security investigations and Operation 00:04:48.700 --> 00:04:54.133 Renewed Hope, which used AI to help rescue victims from active abuse, 00:04:54.366 --> 00:04:57.933 as well as to arrest suspected perpetrators. 00:04:58.033 --> 00:05:01.800 So as we are looking to better defend the use of A.I. 00:05:01.800 --> 00:05:06.366 to commit these crimes, we are also using it to defend against them. 00:05:06.433 --> 00:05:10.233 The protections have to be built at the same time as, you know, 00:05:10.300 --> 00:05:14.933 all the fruits of what air can bring us, you know, have to be there. 00:05:15.000 --> 00:05:17.833 We are most vulnerable, I believe. 00:05:17.833 --> 00:05:20.666 Are are those most likely to be harmed by? 00:05:20.666 --> 00:05:22.633 You know, a lot of the CIA technology. 00:05:22.633 --> 00:05:26.500 Now, expand the scope of this question and include America's adversaries, 00:05:26.566 --> 00:05:31.166 unleashing increasingly powerful cyber attacks against us critical systems. 00:05:31.200 --> 00:05:36.433 What is DHS doing in preparation to respond with the use of A.I. 00:05:36.433 --> 00:05:39.433 in those respects? Absolutely. 00:05:39.666 --> 00:05:41.966 We are and have been for 00:05:41.966 --> 00:05:45.800 the entire administration, concerned about adversarial use of A.I. 00:05:45.866 --> 00:05:49.300 against federal and critical infrastructure networks. 00:05:49.366 --> 00:05:52.700 Secretary, my work is to establish our Artificial Intelligence Task Force, 00:05:52.700 --> 00:05:56.633 which I co-lead and charged us with looking at the use of A.I. 00:05:56.666 --> 00:06:00.966 to secure critical infrastructure as one of our critical objectives. 00:06:00.966 --> 00:06:05.633 We are working with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency 00:06:05.700 --> 00:06:10.066 to look at how we can effectively partner with critical infrastructure 00:06:10.133 --> 00:06:15.366 organizations on safeguarding their uses of AI and strengthening 00:06:15.366 --> 00:06:20.400 their cybersecurity practices writ large to defend against evolving threats. 00:06:20.500 --> 00:06:21.466 Very Americans. 00:06:21.466 --> 00:06:22.100 Mr. Hayes. 00:06:22.100 --> 00:06:25.933 And briefly, you mentioned that are recognized 00:06:25.933 --> 00:06:29.300 patterns in a crossing at the border. 00:06:29.366 --> 00:06:32.166 How would that relate to the instinct 00:06:32.166 --> 00:06:35.700 you believe that could dull the human instincts 00:06:35.700 --> 00:06:40.133 in judgment, in law enforcement and law enforcement 00:06:40.200 --> 00:06:43.133 operations in, similar to the way that, 00:06:43.133 --> 00:06:47.333 like many engineers, now cannot use a slide rule? 00:06:47.333 --> 00:06:49.833 We don't remember phone numbers anymore. 00:06:49.833 --> 00:06:52.200 They're not contact data. 00:06:52.200 --> 00:06:55.633 Most Americans cannot read maps and operate a compass 00:06:55.633 --> 00:06:59.500 anymore or use chips that kids in school cannot. 00:06:59.500 --> 00:07:02.800 They're not taught cursive script. 00:07:02.866 --> 00:07:06.400 And yet all our historical documents are written in cursive script. 00:07:06.533 --> 00:07:07.933 You understand where I'm going with this? 00:07:07.933 --> 00:07:11.466 Please briefly, if the chairman will allow address that as it would 00:07:11.466 --> 00:07:14.466 relate to the instincts of law enforcement 00:07:14.666 --> 00:07:17.633 to witness me, answer the question, Congressman, thank you. 00:07:17.633 --> 00:07:20.633 I certainly acknowledge the risk 00:07:20.833 --> 00:07:24.833 and want to assure you that we are leveraging A.I. 00:07:25.000 --> 00:07:28.733 as decision support for our law enforcement officers, but 00:07:28.800 --> 00:07:30.000 that ultimately 00:07:30.000 --> 00:07:34.000 our officers are the ones responsible for making law enforcement decisions. 00:07:34.066 --> 00:07:37.966 I also see tremendous potential to use A.I. 00:07:38.000 --> 00:07:41.400 to remove repetitive paperwork and administrative tasks 00:07:41.400 --> 00:07:44.833 that our officers have to do that they would tell me value 00:07:44.833 --> 00:07:48.700 and they tell me dulls their focus from their security mission.