WEBVTT 3045637f-9fc5-4544-8639-23d91b25949d-0 00:00:01.960 --> 00:00:05.747 America was built on companies that are small, innovative and 3045637f-9fc5-4544-8639-23d91b25949d-1 00:00:05.747 --> 00:00:06.480 fast moving. f1110279-43f2-4992-aa4b-aacd7ff4b468-0 00:00:06.720 --> 00:00:10.873 We're looking to fund startups that can be addressing Dhs's f1110279-43f2-4992-aa4b-aacd7ff4b468-1 00:00:10.873 --> 00:00:12.120 needs and mission. 233c00bd-8a8d-4886-896b-3ac59919535a-0 00:00:12.160 --> 00:00:14.909 We're willing to fund those companies, shape that product, 233c00bd-8a8d-4886-896b-3ac59919535a-1 00:00:14.909 --> 00:00:17.520 get it to the commercial marketplace and be a customer. d45eae43-584a-4f11-b87b-d1dd44e5a364-0 00:00:17.520 --> 00:00:21.623 At the same time, we're going directly to the innovators, d45eae43-584a-4f11-b87b-d1dd44e5a364-1 00:00:21.623 --> 00:00:25.797 funding them, giving them the ease and the ability to work d45eae43-584a-4f11-b87b-d1dd44e5a364-2 00:00:25.797 --> 00:00:28.840 with government that did not exist before. b97a3f78-2b8d-4469-bfbb-e3a889cbdc63-0 00:00:29.470 --> 00:00:33.247 DHS Science and Technology Directorates Silicon Valley b97a3f78-2b8d-4469-bfbb-e3a889cbdc63-1 00:00:33.247 --> 00:00:37.436 Innovation program creates a unique opportunity for startups b97a3f78-2b8d-4469-bfbb-e3a889cbdc63-2 00:00:37.436 --> 00:00:40.869 to become in demand revenue generating companies. afc0d478-5807-4550-a172-e1226f883fbd-0 00:00:41.150 --> 00:00:44.856 By working with DHS while continuing on their commercial afc0d478-5807-4550-a172-e1226f883fbd-1 00:00:44.856 --> 00:00:48.498 path, we get to apply very precious taxpayer funds in a afc0d478-5807-4550-a172-e1226f883fbd-2 00:00:48.498 --> 00:00:51.750 very judicious manner to solve American problems. f41cdc84-b451-4f02-b477-a057d07f0d43-0 00:00:52.550 --> 00:00:56.817 SVIP works closely with every startup to provide critical f41cdc84-b451-4f02-b477-a057d07f0d43-1 00:00:56.817 --> 00:00:58.510 resources and guidance. eedad07b-a0da-446a-af4f-d982fa66e3ac-0 00:00:59.090 --> 00:01:02.840 The program offers them up to $2,000,000 in non diluted eedad07b-a0da-446a-af4f-d982fa66e3ac-1 00:01:02.840 --> 00:01:06.792 funding over 24 months to carry out prototype products and eedad07b-a0da-446a-af4f-d982fa66e3ac-2 00:01:06.792 --> 00:01:10.610 technologies ranging from machine learning to wearables. c97ebe78-71e4-4a72-9e6b-b9d962222b35-0 00:01:11.290 --> 00:01:12.010 An example? 9055c3fc-e463-4306-a852-72af066b0643-0 00:01:12.410 --> 00:01:12.650 App? 0455e8af-d13a-4e63-b9f9-4f01a1a5de2f-0 00:01:12.650 --> 00:01:16.533 Census We actually were funding this particular group of 0455e8af-d13a-4e63-b9f9-4f01a1a5de2f-1 00:01:16.533 --> 00:01:20.349 researchers out of Berkeley in order to work on privacy 0455e8af-d13a-4e63-b9f9-4f01a1a5de2f-2 00:01:20.349 --> 00:01:22.530 technologies for mobile devices. 00f5fc44-5267-4bd0-b022-24dfb3504d78-0 00:01:22.890 --> 00:01:27.598 Absences, as a company, actually applied to SVIP to help solve 00f5fc44-5267-4bd0-b022-24dfb3504d78-1 00:01:27.598 --> 00:01:28.570 that problem. 6e295574-81e4-418e-97c5-1eccbf78ef22-0 00:01:29.050 --> 00:01:32.919 Before SVIP, Absences was a research project focused on 6e295574-81e4-418e-97c5-1eccbf78ef22-1 00:01:32.919 --> 00:01:36.650 understanding what was going on in the app ecosystem. 3bb413b7-4a7f-4740-9fd1-9c5f289702f1-0 00:01:36.690 --> 00:01:40.068 When SVIP approached us, it seemed like a great way the 3bb413b7-4a7f-4740-9fd1-9c5f289702f1-1 00:01:40.068 --> 00:01:43.808 transition this idea from the research space into the product 3bb413b7-4a7f-4740-9fd1-9c5f289702f1-2 00:01:43.808 --> 00:01:44.170 space. fe98da43-c0de-4f5a-ad94-b7e18b075ef6-0 00:01:45.250 --> 00:01:48.370 We have more sources of information than ever before. 5e83909a-e8f5-4164-8745-6aaa4ea9b174-0 00:01:48.370 --> 00:01:51.090 We have greater capacity to collect and share it. 5f9dd379-2008-415b-9f3a-13eceb957d49-0 00:01:51.370 --> 00:01:55.066 There is no one-size-fits-all privacy enhancing technology, 5f9dd379-2008-415b-9f3a-13eceb957d49-1 00:01:55.066 --> 00:01:58.700 but if you spend the time to understand the particular use 5f9dd379-2008-415b-9f3a-13eceb957d49-2 00:01:58.700 --> 00:02:02.335 case, the companies can then scope their solutions to meet 5f9dd379-2008-415b-9f3a-13eceb957d49-3 00:02:02.335 --> 00:02:02.890 the need. 21cb4984-4559-416b-93c0-9b066b888d09-0 00:02:03.270 --> 00:02:07.191 By having SVIP as a partner, we were able to really focus on 21cb4984-4559-416b-93c0-9b066b888d09-1 00:02:07.191 --> 00:02:10.470 determining what would be good product market fit. 9fdaead1-1bd4-4fba-8cb2-aa3a268660df-0 00:02:10.790 --> 00:02:14.407 Giving us the time, the space and the opportunity was really 9fdaead1-1bd4-4fba-8cb2-aa3a268660df-1 00:02:14.407 --> 00:02:17.965 crucial to be able to find a path forward that would enable 9fdaead1-1bd4-4fba-8cb2-aa3a268660df-2 00:02:17.965 --> 00:02:21.286 us to have a sustainable business without having to try 9fdaead1-1bd4-4fba-8cb2-aa3a268660df-3 00:02:21.286 --> 00:02:24.785 and raise multiple rounds of funding and we got to a point 9fdaead1-1bd4-4fba-8cb2-aa3a268660df-4 00:02:24.785 --> 00:02:26.150 where we're profitable. 7727f474-c2e4-4462-82c3-c5ef11a965d9-0 00:02:26.610 --> 00:02:28.330 If you're a startup, you need to work with SVIP. 4393eb2c-6154-44f5-ab2b-015400fa7165-0 00:02:28.690 --> 00:02:31.933 We have huge opportunities to work together to partner, to 4393eb2c-6154-44f5-ab2b-015400fa7165-1 00:02:31.933 --> 00:02:35.122 help you evolve your product, to meeting a government and 4393eb2c-6154-44f5-ab2b-015400fa7165-2 00:02:35.122 --> 00:02:38.366 national security need, while at the same time helping you 4393eb2c-6154-44f5-ab2b-015400fa7165-3 00:02:38.366 --> 00:02:41.665 commercialize that product so that you can sell it to us as 4393eb2c-6154-44f5-ab2b-015400fa7165-4 00:02:41.665 --> 00:02:43.810 well as to the commercial marketplace. 870f00bc-c928-4b9e-a61e-906cc49d7f73-0 00:02:45.170 --> 00:02:48.331 Sure, a lot of entrepreneurs aren't aware of SVIP, but I 870f00bc-c928-4b9e-a61e-906cc49d7f73-1 00:02:48.331 --> 00:02:51.604 think it certainly has a viable option and for us it was a 870f00bc-c928-4b9e-a61e-906cc49d7f73-2 00:02:51.604 --> 00:02:54.821 fantastic option for helping build out the company and we 870f00bc-c928-4b9e-a61e-906cc49d7f73-3 00:02:54.821 --> 00:02:56.430 found it very, very valuable.