WEBVTT f2c7b537-b190-4a53-9c6c-567c53120036-0 00:00:03.000 --> 00:00:06.864 Every day, more than 2 million people pass through American f2c7b537-b190-4a53-9c6c-567c53120036-1 00:00:06.864 --> 00:00:07.960 airport security. f88c433c-7ee5-49d3-83ea-5a7a3b801967-0 00:00:09.200 --> 00:00:12.971 TSA is partnering with the Department of Homeland Security f88c433c-7ee5-49d3-83ea-5a7a3b801967-1 00:00:12.971 --> 00:00:16.167 Science and Technology Directorate to pursue self f88c433c-7ee5-49d3-83ea-5a7a3b801967-2 00:00:16.167 --> 00:00:19.683 screening, the ability for passengers to quickly clear f88c433c-7ee5-49d3-83ea-5a7a3b801967-3 00:00:19.683 --> 00:00:22.239 security without the aid of an officer. 7ca2a8c0-e5ff-4f90-85b3-655f07c6ef16-0 00:00:23.600 --> 00:00:26.764 If you look at self screening, it's similar to the self 7ca2a8c0-e5ff-4f90-85b3-655f07c6ef16-1 00:00:26.764 --> 00:00:29.760 checkout in a grocery store, why not in the airport? 4a1fa6c0-5842-4cea-8be5-9a07eeb645c3-0 00:00:30.600 --> 00:00:35.023 The promise of self screening is being made possible by the DHS 4a1fa6c0-5842-4cea-8be5-9a07eeb645c3-1 00:00:35.023 --> 00:00:39.101 S&T Screening at Speed program, powered in part by the 4a1fa6c0-5842-4cea-8be5-9a07eeb645c3-2 00:00:39.101 --> 00:00:41.519 Silicon Valley Innovation Program. 2cb352ad-9bf9-4054-9da5-14e57d94d2e9-0 00:00:42.720 --> 00:00:46.969 Innovation is critical to TSA, so SVIP allows us to leverage 2cb352ad-9bf9-4054-9da5-14e57d94d2e9-1 00:00:46.969 --> 00:00:51.219 these startups that that are coming up with innovative ideas 2cb352ad-9bf9-4054-9da5-14e57d94d2e9-2 00:00:51.219 --> 00:00:55.259 for the purposes of inserting and the ultimately fielding 2cb352ad-9bf9-4054-9da5-14e57d94d2e9-3 00:00:55.259 --> 00:00:57.280 these different technologies. 1b56e954-8f41-4ac7-955d-55309998f3e9-0 00:00:58.480 --> 00:01:03.295 Mycox's vision of self screening is to transform the passenger 1b56e954-8f41-4ac7-955d-55309998f3e9-1 00:01:03.295 --> 00:01:07.652 screening as it stands today, which is very much like an 1b56e954-8f41-4ac7-955d-55309998f3e9-2 00:01:07.652 --> 00:01:12.468 assembly line, and turn it into a modular self-directed system 1b56e954-8f41-4ac7-955d-55309998f3e9-3 00:01:12.468 --> 00:01:17.360 that enables multiple passengers to be screened simultaneously. 94a15b36-25f8-4cc2-aa41-127facf9f282-0 00:01:18.920 --> 00:01:23.008 Self screening enables the passenger to move through at 94a15b36-25f8-4cc2-aa41-127facf9f282-1 00:01:23.008 --> 00:01:27.316 their pace generating a single integrated security picture 94a15b36-25f8-4cc2-aa41-127facf9f282-2 00:01:27.316 --> 00:01:31.697 enabled by a consortium of S&T and SVIP funded startups 94a15b36-25f8-4cc2-aa41-127facf9f282-3 00:01:31.697 --> 00:01:32.720 and companies. 5dfddd45-8f2d-46d2-8e08-b0b388b1cee8-0 00:01:33.760 --> 00:01:37.303 What makes millimetre wave imaging that we are building 5dfddd45-8f2d-46d2-8e08-b0b388b1cee8-1 00:01:37.303 --> 00:01:40.973 different than available commercial systems today that it 5dfddd45-8f2d-46d2-8e08-b0b388b1cee8-2 00:01:40.973 --> 00:01:44.770 is able to be fast enough to adapt to the natural motion of 5dfddd45-8f2d-46d2-8e08-b0b388b1cee8-3 00:01:44.770 --> 00:01:45.720 the human body. e033a222-10f5-430d-bbdf-acb2cb797ce5-0 00:01:46.320 --> 00:01:49.693 What we do is we provide a computer vision integration e033a222-10f5-430d-bbdf-acb2cb797ce5-1 00:01:49.693 --> 00:01:53.742 layer that sits on top of either the existing hardware or the new e033a222-10f5-430d-bbdf-acb2cb797ce5-2 00:01:53.742 --> 00:01:57.607 self-service screening hardware that will be built so that the e033a222-10f5-430d-bbdf-acb2cb797ce5-3 00:01:57.607 --> 00:02:01.349 process is as seamless as if there is ATSA agent guiding you e033a222-10f5-430d-bbdf-acb2cb797ce5-4 00:02:01.349 --> 00:02:01.840 through. 10635104-0f95-497a-9f8d-264cb9e15088-0 00:02:02.360 --> 00:02:07.750 It's been a very collaborative effort with DHSTSASVIP to build 10635104-0f95-497a-9f8d-264cb9e15088-1 00:02:07.750 --> 00:02:09.120 this technology. 6b997599-9f73-42b9-9ab3-5145a20d27ed-0 00:02:09.440 --> 00:02:13.347 The application is going to be spot on from day one because 6b997599-9f73-42b9-9ab3-5145a20d27ed-1 00:02:13.347 --> 00:02:16.800 it's something that has been built for the customer. 9752d0cc-ecab-4294-a55b-09faebe5ba98-0 00:02:17.800 --> 00:02:21.949 TSA and S&T improving the passenger journey through 9752d0cc-ecab-4294-a55b-09faebe5ba98-1 00:02:21.949 --> 00:02:24.840 increased speed and enhanced security. bafd3c41-22d7-4801-b989-5648adc56e81-0 00:02:26.240 --> 00:02:27.640 The user experience is huge. 7ffac50d-17f8-493c-9a9d-7d097e6260db-0 00:02:27.800 --> 00:02:31.859 Giving them a quicker path through screening system and 7ffac50d-17f8-493c-9a9d-7d097e6260db-1 00:02:31.859 --> 00:02:35.556 getting them to their destination as safely and as 7ffac50d-17f8-493c-9a9d-7d097e6260db-2 00:02:35.556 --> 00:02:39.760 efficiently as they can get there is at the core of where 7ffac50d-17f8-493c-9a9d-7d097e6260db-3 00:02:39.760 --> 00:02:40.920 TSA wants to go.