WEBVTT 00:00.009 --> 00:03.809 Thank you for being here today. Before 00:03.809 --> 00:06.041 I begin, I want to acknowledge the 00:06.079 --> 00:08.246 tragic events that happened last night 00:08.246 --> 00:11.289 in Maine CBP and the entire Department 00:11.300 --> 00:13.411 of Homeland Security grieves with the 00:13.411 --> 00:15.578 loved ones of those killed and injured 00:16.180 --> 00:18.013 and we are standing with the law 00:18.013 --> 00:20.129 enforcement personnel and first 00:20.129 --> 00:22.239 responders who are responding 00:25.530 --> 00:28.840 back in June as part of targeted cargo 00:28.850 --> 00:32.259 examinations. CBP officers working at 00:32.270 --> 00:35.560 LAX opened a box arriving from Asia 00:35.990 --> 00:38.229 labeled simply as keyboards 00:39.310 --> 00:41.779 inside. Instead, they found 00:41.790 --> 00:45.639 175 pounds of chemicals testing 00:45.650 --> 00:48.130 by CBP confirmed that these were 00:48.139 --> 00:51.259 chemical precursors used to manufacture 00:51.270 --> 00:54.159 fentanyl destined for a warehouse along 00:54.169 --> 00:57.240 the US Mexican border where cartels 00:57.250 --> 00:59.779 produce pills that they smuggle back 00:59.790 --> 01:03.380 into our communities. Thanks to cbp's 01:03.389 --> 01:06.980 targeting analysis capabilities and our 01:06.989 --> 01:09.650 partnerships. This smuggling network 01:09.660 --> 01:12.349 was disrupted but in their 01:12.360 --> 01:14.379 determination to fuel the fentanyl 01:14.389 --> 01:16.970 epidemic that is ravaging our 01:16.980 --> 01:19.050 communities. These criminals are 01:19.059 --> 01:21.870 sophisticated, innovative and 01:21.879 --> 01:25.790 relentless. So are our efforts to stop 01:25.800 --> 01:28.760 them. CBP first encountered and 01:28.769 --> 01:30.991 stopped small quantities of fentanyl in 01:30.991 --> 01:34.910 early 2016 in envelopes traveling via 01:34.919 --> 01:37.919 international mail or concealed in 01:37.930 --> 01:39.989 passenger vehicles passing through a 01:40.000 --> 01:42.500 port of entry like this one here in San 01:42.949 --> 01:45.959 Ysidro. Now our agents and officers 01:45.970 --> 01:49.319 find precursor chemicals, pill presses, 01:49.449 --> 01:53.160 dyes, other machinery parts and finish 01:53.169 --> 01:55.225 fentanyl. Coming through our land, 01:55.225 --> 01:58.839 air and sea ports of entry in just 1 01:58.849 --> 02:01.779 September day at New York. New York's 02:01.790 --> 02:03.957 John F. Kennedy International Airport 02:03.957 --> 02:07.059 officers seized 14 pill press dis sets 02:07.069 --> 02:09.300 arriving from China in separate 02:09.309 --> 02:12.979 shipments. CBP is 02:12.990 --> 02:15.410 America's front line against fentanyl. 02:16.020 --> 02:18.130 We have the right capabilities from 02:18.139 --> 02:19.750 interdiction to intelligence 02:19.750 --> 02:21.860 capabilities. We're in the right 02:21.869 --> 02:24.960 places at our land borders in between 02:24.970 --> 02:27.669 the ports in international airports, 02:27.979 --> 02:29.979 in both the passenger and air cargo 02:29.979 --> 02:32.149 environments and at our maritime 02:32.160 --> 02:35.710 borders too. And we know what works. 02:35.770 --> 02:37.800 Intelligence driven operations 02:37.809 --> 02:40.479 relentless targeting people, 02:40.490 --> 02:43.279 partnerships and technology. 02:43.830 --> 02:46.309 CBP is well positioned to lead the 02:46.320 --> 02:48.500 federal government's efforts in this 02:48.509 --> 02:51.990 fight. That's why today I am proud to 02:52.000 --> 02:55.190 announce the updated CBP strategy on 02:55.199 --> 02:57.630 combating fentanyl and synthetic drugs 02:57.639 --> 03:00.350 and it's not an accident that we are 03:00.360 --> 03:02.690 announcing the strategy here in San 03:03.160 --> 03:05.960 Yedo where they process more than 03:05.990 --> 03:09.929 100,000 passengers every single 03:09.940 --> 03:13.009 day. 47% of cbp's 03:13.020 --> 03:16.029 nationwide fentanyl seizures happen in 03:16.039 --> 03:19.029 the San Diego field office. CBP. 03:19.039 --> 03:21.520 Officers and agents are operating at 03:21.529 --> 03:23.696 locations throughout the entire supply 03:23.696 --> 03:26.190 chain. They are able to detect, 03:26.199 --> 03:30.149 identify and seize illicit drugs and 03:30.160 --> 03:32.669 production materials used in the 03:32.679 --> 03:34.790 illicit production of synthetics from 03:34.790 --> 03:37.270 entering the country using advanced 03:37.279 --> 03:40.679 data analytics, strategic 03:40.690 --> 03:43.740 intelligence driven operations and non 03:43.750 --> 03:45.850 intrusive inspection technology 03:45.860 --> 03:49.440 enhancements to achieve results. The 03:49.449 --> 03:51.910 stakes couldn't be higher. In calendar 03:51.919 --> 03:55.789 year 2022 more than 107,000 03:55.919 --> 03:59.479 American died of drug overdoses. A 03:59.490 --> 04:02.070 majority of those from fentanyl in 04:02.080 --> 04:05.970 California alone in 2021 that number 04:05.979 --> 04:09.250 was nearly 6000, that 6000 parents, 04:10.050 --> 04:13.509 Children, neighbors, friends and 04:13.520 --> 04:16.380 family. While CBP is committed to 04:16.390 --> 04:18.612 leading the fight against fentanyl, we 04:18.612 --> 04:21.468 cannot do it alone. That's why I'm so 04:21.479 --> 04:24.118 proud to be here at San Ysidro today. 04:24.378 --> 04:27.098 Standing along so many key partners 04:27.498 --> 04:30.699 from across southern California to 04:30.709 --> 04:32.598 further our efforts to keep these 04:32.598 --> 04:35.178 dangerous drugs off our streets and out 04:35.188 --> 04:37.848 of our communities. Today, we are 04:37.859 --> 04:40.688 launching operation Apollo, a Southern 04:40.699 --> 04:43.319 California counter fennel joint 04:43.329 --> 04:46.279 operation. This is the first step in 04:46.290 --> 04:49.480 enacting our new CBP strategy to combat 04:49.489 --> 04:52.420 fentanyl and it won't be our last in 04:52.429 --> 04:55.079 ruthlessly attacking the criminals that 04:55.089 --> 04:58.399 trade in synthetic drugs at the expense 04:58.410 --> 05:01.989 of American lives led by CBP. 05:02.000 --> 05:03.839 Operation. Apollo will leverage 05:03.850 --> 05:06.470 intelligence collection to build on 05:06.480 --> 05:09.670 previous operations specifically to 05:09.679 --> 05:13.369 understand and better address 05:13.380 --> 05:15.519 tactics, techniques and processes. 05:15.529 --> 05:18.260 Transnational criminal organizations 05:18.269 --> 05:22.089 use Apollo will also improve and add to 05:22.100 --> 05:24.209 law enforcement intelligence on 05:24.220 --> 05:26.480 trafficking networks in Southern 05:26.489 --> 05:29.549 California. While fentanyl is the 05:29.559 --> 05:31.781 principal target of the operation, our 05:31.781 --> 05:35.309 partners will also use the intel gather 05:35.320 --> 05:37.264 to target fentanyl analogs, other 05:37.269 --> 05:40.130 opioids precursor chemicals in 05:40.140 --> 05:42.510 synthetics like methamphetamine and 05:42.519 --> 05:46.459 xylazine. I am deeply grateful to the 05:46.470 --> 05:48.581 partners that are here today who have 05:48.581 --> 05:51.480 been instrumental in building this 05:51.489 --> 05:53.850 operation and who I know will work 05:53.859 --> 05:56.660 around the clock to see it through. In 05:56.670 --> 05:58.880 addition to these key partnerships, 05:58.890 --> 06:01.839 CBP needs additional resources to keep 06:01.850 --> 06:04.359 funding this fight. Last week, 06:04.369 --> 06:07.500 President Biden requested that Congress 06:07.510 --> 06:10.700 pass a supplemental budget to increase 06:10.709 --> 06:14.630 the number of CBP agents and officers 06:14.640 --> 06:17.489 as well as fund critical coal detection 06:17.500 --> 06:19.389 equipment to prevent transitional 06:19.389 --> 06:21.790 criminal organizations from trafficking 06:21.799 --> 06:24.820 fentanyl and other deadly opioids 06:24.829 --> 06:27.720 through our ports of entry. This 06:27.730 --> 06:30.149 increase, this request for increase in 06:30.160 --> 06:33.109 personnel and technology if passed will 06:33.119 --> 06:35.070 help us continue moving the needle 06:35.079 --> 06:37.309 forward in the fight against fentanyl 06:38.160 --> 06:41.019 before I close. I want to express my 06:41.029 --> 06:44.160 gratitude to the CBP workforce. Our 06:44.170 --> 06:46.899 officers and agents rise every day to 06:46.910 --> 06:50.250 face challenges with tenacity and 06:50.260 --> 06:53.609 integrity here in San Diego across the 06:53.619 --> 06:56.920 country and around the world. They are 06:56.929 --> 06:59.600 vigilant and dedicated to our mission. 06:59.970 --> 07:01.803 The fight against fentanyl is no 07:01.803 --> 07:03.970 different and so many of us take this 07:03.980 --> 07:06.839 very personally tragically, like so 07:06.850 --> 07:09.589 many Americans, we've lost family 07:09.600 --> 07:12.670 members, friends and neighbors to the 07:12.679 --> 07:15.970 drugs devastation. It is our highest 07:15.980 --> 07:18.440 responsibility to protect our country 07:18.450 --> 07:21.109 and our communities. One we don't take 07:21.119 --> 07:24.630 lightly. We apprec we appreciate you 07:25.140 --> 07:28.450 and thank you for everything you do 07:28.540 --> 07:31.089 every single day. In closing. I 07:31.100 --> 07:34.089 cannot emphasize enough how vital a 07:34.100 --> 07:36.579 whole of government approach is to stop 07:36.589 --> 07:38.720 illicit finance, halt the illegal 07:38.730 --> 07:40.459 importation of fentanyl, its 07:40.470 --> 07:42.899 precursors, the machinery used to 07:42.910 --> 07:45.230 produce it and disrupt the production 07:45.239 --> 07:47.959 mechanisms and supply chains operated 07:47.970 --> 07:50.119 by the criminals who stand to profit 07:50.130 --> 07:53.959 from it. CBP is on the front line of 07:53.970 --> 07:56.940 this fight. The enemy is unrelenting 07:57.429 --> 08:00.260 but working together we are determined 08:00.269 --> 08:03.299 to win. Thank you. Now, I'm going to 08:03.309 --> 08:05.253 turn it over to our good partner, 08:05.253 --> 08:08.290 Mayor Gloria. Thank you, 08:11.200 --> 08:12.922 Miller. Thank you so much for 08:12.922 --> 08:14.700 traveling across the country to 08:14.700 --> 08:16.867 highlight the great work being done to 08:16.867 --> 08:19.089 address the fentanyl crisis here at San 08:19.089 --> 08:21.256 Diego's border with Mexico and to make 08:21.256 --> 08:23.478 this important announcement about cbp's 08:23.478 --> 08:25.589 strategy on fentanyl. And the launch 08:25.589 --> 08:27.644 of operation Apollo. The key to our 08:27.644 --> 08:29.559 success in saving lives is by 08:29.570 --> 08:31.681 disrupting the illicit fentanyl trade 08:31.681 --> 08:33.848 will be in our ability to take a whole 08:33.848 --> 08:35.903 of government approach. So from the 08:35.903 --> 08:38.126 local government perspective, the city 08:38.126 --> 08:40.292 of San Diego is proud to work with our 08:40.292 --> 08:42.292 Federal state, county, tribal and 08:42.292 --> 08:44.520 other agencies to take this crisis head 08:44.530 --> 08:47.179 on. We have strong relationships here 08:47.190 --> 08:49.079 in San Diego with our federal law 08:49.079 --> 08:51.079 enforcement leaders. And I want to 08:51.079 --> 08:53.190 particularly thank and acknowledge us 08:53.190 --> 08:55.357 border patrol. San Diego sector chief 08:55.357 --> 08:57.357 Diane mcgurk, as well as CBP. San 08:57.357 --> 08:59.301 Diego field operations directors, 08:59.301 --> 09:01.634 Sydney AKI for their work on this issue. 09:01.634 --> 09:03.579 Commissioner Miller, I can attest 09:03.579 --> 09:05.523 these folks work incredibly hard, 09:05.523 --> 09:07.746 these leaders and every one of them who 09:07.746 --> 09:10.079 work for them do an incredible job here. 09:10.079 --> 09:10.015 I've been to San Ysidro many, many, 09:10.026 --> 09:12.685 many times, seen their work first 09:12.695 --> 09:14.917 person and I can't thank you enough for 09:14.917 --> 09:16.806 the great work you do to keep our 09:16.806 --> 09:18.917 neighborhoods safe. They of course, 09:18.917 --> 09:20.806 are backed up by local efforts to 09:20.806 --> 09:22.917 address our fentanyl crisis. Our San 09:22.917 --> 09:25.028 Diego police chief David Nisley, our 09:25.028 --> 09:27.362 San Diego County Sheriff Kelly Martinez, 09:27.362 --> 09:29.417 as well as our great D A Stefan. We 09:29.417 --> 09:31.473 also had representation earlier from 09:31.473 --> 09:33.362 our city attorney's office. They 09:33.362 --> 09:35.528 coupled with enforcement partners like 09:35.528 --> 09:37.584 DEA H SI FBI and others who are here 09:37.591 --> 09:39.369 today. We had a very important 09:39.369 --> 09:41.591 conversation that really illustrate how 09:41.591 --> 09:43.813 San Diego comes together to get the job 09:43.813 --> 09:45.813 done. Now, with this announcement 09:45.813 --> 09:47.980 today, by CBP, I think we'll be able 09:47.980 --> 09:50.091 to get even more done as the mayor of 09:50.091 --> 09:52.202 the city of San Diego. I'm extremely 09:52.202 --> 09:54.258 grateful to the Biden administration 09:54.258 --> 09:56.091 for their leadership on fentanyl 09:56.091 --> 09:58.091 specifically for proposing the $106 09:58.091 --> 10:00.202 billion emergency relief package this 10:00.202 --> 10:02.035 week. That was mentioned by the 10:02.035 --> 10:04.258 commissioner. It includes 13.1 billion 10:04.258 --> 10:06.640 to hire needed DH S staff to secure our 10:06.650 --> 10:08.500 border against illegal fentanyl 10:08.510 --> 10:10.809 smuggling. Some of you joined me last 10:10.820 --> 10:12.542 week when we had a round table 10:12.542 --> 10:14.264 discussion on illicit fentanyl 10:14.264 --> 10:16.487 involving all levels of government with 10:16.487 --> 10:18.487 our California Attorney General Rob 10:18.487 --> 10:20.653 Bonta. In that discussion, we shared 10:20.653 --> 10:22.598 uh strategies and are committed to 10:22.598 --> 10:24.764 strengthening uh our collaboration and 10:24.764 --> 10:26.876 discussed various actions that we can 10:26.876 --> 10:28.876 take going forward. I convene that 10:28.876 --> 10:31.098 round table because San Diego is on the 10:31.098 --> 10:33.153 forefront of this battle in our city 10:33.153 --> 10:35.770 alone, 410 people died of accidental 10:35.780 --> 10:38.409 overdose involving fentanyl last year. 10:38.840 --> 10:42.070 For comparison, five years ago, 45 10:42.080 --> 10:44.247 people died due to fentanyl overdose. 10:44.520 --> 10:48.119 That's an increase of over 800%. This 10:48.130 --> 10:49.963 crisis is even more acute on our 10:49.963 --> 10:51.963 streets and it is supercharging our 10:51.963 --> 10:54.489 homelessness crisis. Five years ago, 10:54.500 --> 10:56.667 three people experiencing homelessness 10:56.667 --> 10:59.000 died due to fentanyl overdose last year. 10:59.140 --> 11:02.400 It was 100 and 81. This is a national 11:02.409 --> 11:04.650 crisis with, as was mentioned, tens 11:04.659 --> 11:06.715 of thousands of Americans dying from 11:06.715 --> 11:09.419 fentanyl. Our estimate is about 200 a 11:09.429 --> 11:12.299 day. The rising prevalence of fentanyl 11:12.309 --> 11:14.142 is obvious and the human toll is 11:14.150 --> 11:16.450 enormous and we must stem the tide 11:16.700 --> 11:19.280 against this uh poison. It is so 11:19.289 --> 11:21.178 urgent. Less than a year ago, I 11:21.178 --> 11:23.400 signed an executive order that directed 11:23.400 --> 11:25.622 greater law enforcement and legislative 11:25.622 --> 11:27.733 action to address the fentanyl crisis 11:27.733 --> 11:29.900 here in the city of San Diego that has 11:29.900 --> 11:31.789 resulted in a 63% increase in the 11:31.789 --> 11:34.011 arrest for fentanyl dealers in the city 11:34.011 --> 11:36.011 of San Diego. We've also worked to 11:36.011 --> 11:38.233 expand shelter beds with drug treatment 11:38.233 --> 11:40.456 services in partnership with the county 11:40.456 --> 11:42.456 of San Diego purch, purchase laser 11:42.456 --> 11:44.289 detection devices for our police 11:44.289 --> 11:46.345 department to use to test substances 11:46.345 --> 11:48.400 that they encounter in the field, a 11:48.400 --> 11:50.622 jail diversion program to get low level 11:50.622 --> 11:53.479 offenders into treatment. And probably 11:53.489 --> 11:55.322 most popularly, we've got three 11:55.322 --> 11:57.489 trained dogs now to sniff out fentanyl 11:57.489 --> 11:59.711 uh on the streets and keep our officers 11:59.711 --> 12:01.433 safe at the state level. I've 12:01.433 --> 12:03.656 partnered with legislators to introduce 12:03.656 --> 12:05.767 bills to enhance penalties on dealers 12:05.767 --> 12:07.933 when their actions result in someone's 12:07.933 --> 12:10.100 death. I regret to report to you that 12:10.100 --> 12:12.211 neither bill passed this year, but I 12:12.211 --> 12:14.156 am committed to continuing to seek 12:14.156 --> 12:16.211 state legislation in 2024 that holds 12:16.211 --> 12:18.045 reckless and craven drug dealers 12:18.045 --> 12:20.211 responsible for these poisonings. The 12:20.211 --> 12:22.419 fact remains that illicit fentanyl uh 12:22.429 --> 12:24.650 presents a grave danger to our 12:24.659 --> 12:26.700 communities and to our society. 12:27.159 --> 12:29.690 Upwards of 800 people dying each year 12:29.700 --> 12:32.099 in our county due to fentanyl and now 12:32.109 --> 12:34.331 with the introduction of Xylazine or tr 12:34.510 --> 12:36.732 this crisis is continuing to evolve and 12:36.732 --> 12:39.080 it's only getting more dangerous. We 12:39.090 --> 12:42.140 cannot be passive observers in the face 12:42.150 --> 12:44.900 of this crisis. I've heard the stories. 12:44.909 --> 12:47.020 I've seen the despair. I've seen the 12:47.020 --> 12:49.187 predatory manner in which dealers prey 12:49.187 --> 12:51.131 on our most vulnerable residents, 12:51.131 --> 12:52.940 greater enforcement and harsher 12:52.950 --> 12:55.117 penalties for illicit fentanyl dealers 12:55.117 --> 12:57.039 is an imperative. And today's 12:57.049 --> 12:59.849 announcement around operation Apollo 12:59.869 --> 13:02.390 and CB P's coordinate fentanyl strategy 13:02.400 --> 13:04.511 build upon the culture of partnership 13:04.511 --> 13:06.733 and collaboration that we've built here 13:06.733 --> 13:08.622 in San Diego and it takes it to a 13:08.622 --> 13:10.622 national stage. So again, I wanna 13:10.622 --> 13:12.844 thank Commissioner Miller for coming to 13:12.844 --> 13:15.011 San Diego to talk about the Department 13:15.011 --> 13:16.622 of Cus of Customs and Border 13:16.622 --> 13:18.733 Protection's latest efforts to tackle 13:18.733 --> 13:20.900 this deadly crisis. I wanna make sure 13:20.900 --> 13:23.122 that he understands that we here in San 13:23.122 --> 13:25.344 Diego are ready to do whatever it takes 13:25.344 --> 13:27.456 to stop this crisis and to save lives 13:27.456 --> 13:26.440 with that. I'm happy to turn it back 13:26.450 --> 13:30.369 to Commissioner Miller Shelley from 13:30.429 --> 13:34.299 NBC. Why is it this announcement. 13:38.070 --> 13:40.580 Well, first of all, look, look 13:40.590 --> 13:42.700 beside me, the partnerships and 13:42.710 --> 13:45.030 relationships in Southern California 13:45.039 --> 13:47.039 between the law enforcement and the 13:47.039 --> 13:49.909 dedication to go after fentanyl is 13:49.919 --> 13:52.479 unparalleled here. Second of all, 13:52.729 --> 13:56.450 200,000 people cross our borders here 13:56.460 --> 13:59.119 and director of keys area of 13:59.130 --> 14:01.719 responsibility. That's 20% of all 14:01.729 --> 14:04.429 passengers that enter into the US every 14:04.440 --> 14:07.020 single day come through San Diego. 14:07.349 --> 14:11.130 Third of all, 47% of 14:11.140 --> 14:13.659 all fentanyl seizures happen here in 14:13.669 --> 14:15.880 San Diego. So I thought it was 14:15.890 --> 14:18.112 important that we got together with the 14:18.112 --> 14:20.223 community leaders. We kicked off our 14:20.223 --> 14:23.039 new strategy and operation Apollo with 14:23.049 --> 14:26.109 the community leaders are federal state 14:26.119 --> 14:28.119 and local partners who know so much 14:28.119 --> 14:31.500 about this crisis that know where and 14:31.510 --> 14:34.210 how to attack it, to get the resources 14:34.219 --> 14:36.609 down that he here that are necessary 14:36.789 --> 14:39.739 and kick off our strategy here uh where 14:39.750 --> 14:41.849 47% of all fentanyl comes through. 14:43.750 --> 14:44.750 Thanks to Julie. 15:10.400 --> 15:12.567 So thank you. First of all, that's a 15:12.567 --> 15:14.567 great question and, and I'll start 15:14.567 --> 15:16.678 with what you mentioned in L A. What 15:16.678 --> 15:18.622 we're seeing through master carton 15:18.622 --> 15:20.733 smuggling as we're seeing large boxes 15:20.929 --> 15:24.020 uh manifested as things like keyboards. 15:24.030 --> 15:25.974 But when we open up the box, it's 15:25.974 --> 15:28.900 unmanned precursors pre labeled, going 15:28.909 --> 15:31.020 to the Southwest border locations and 15:31.020 --> 15:33.719 going across the border. So number one, 15:33.729 --> 15:35.979 we want to start with the un manifested 15:36.070 --> 15:38.489 precursors that are coming in through 15:38.500 --> 15:41.250 de minimis and we're working very hard 15:41.260 --> 15:43.359 with our investigative partners with 15:43.369 --> 15:45.890 our trade partners and with our foreign 15:45.900 --> 15:48.150 partners to attack that problem. 15:48.159 --> 15:50.103 Second of all, well, what you're 15:50.103 --> 15:52.159 talking about is when precursors are 15:52.159 --> 15:54.159 being diverted, that's why we work 15:54.159 --> 15:56.159 very closely with homeland security 15:56.159 --> 15:59.659 investigations DEA and our, and our 15:59.669 --> 16:02.109 foreign partners and our brokers and 16:02.119 --> 16:04.230 our trade representatives. So we can 16:04.230 --> 16:06.859 identify what's illicit and what not 16:06.869 --> 16:09.036 illicit through our National Targeting 16:09.036 --> 16:11.969 center. We're able to run these, uh, 16:12.099 --> 16:15.070 uh bad actors uh through our databases 16:15.080 --> 16:17.358 and work with our partners to identify, 16:17.358 --> 16:19.358 then take the right action to bring 16:19.358 --> 16:21.940 them to justice. Tony, 16:23.919 --> 16:25.863 all the challenges you have at the 16:25.863 --> 16:27.530 border is protected but there 16:29.880 --> 16:32.580 either of they were 16:34.679 --> 16:36.901 so a couple of things. Number one, as 16:36.901 --> 16:38.846 I stated up front, uh I take this 16:38.846 --> 16:40.957 personally, the fentanyl fentanyl is 16:40.960 --> 16:42.849 coming through our borders. It's 16:42.849 --> 16:45.071 killing folks in our communities. It's 16:45.071 --> 16:47.739 killing uh Children, parents, 16:47.750 --> 16:49.750 grandchildren, our neighbors, our 16:49.750 --> 16:53.380 coworkers. So our job is to p 16:53.390 --> 16:56.750 to protect the American public. So we 16:56.760 --> 16:58.871 are going to continue to do that. We 16:58.871 --> 17:00.760 cannot do it alone at customs and 17:00.760 --> 17:02.927 border protection. That's why I stand 17:02.927 --> 17:05.038 here with all of our partners. Uh We 17:05.038 --> 17:07.329 had a concerted effort at the uh the 17:07.339 --> 17:10.300 last part of 2023 to surge resources 17:10.310 --> 17:13.689 here in San Diego, Arizona to work 17:13.699 --> 17:16.034 with our partners and seize additional 17:16.043 --> 17:18.293 narcotics. And we did that and we 17:18.303 --> 17:20.414 learned from that and we were able to 17:20.414 --> 17:23.134 surge resources to our airports and 17:23.144 --> 17:25.484 look for things like precursors where 17:25.494 --> 17:28.154 we increased our precursor seizures, 17:28.163 --> 17:31.173 our pill presses the dyes, the molds 17:31.183 --> 17:33.524 and learning from that, we realized 17:33.534 --> 17:35.933 that we needed a sustained strategy, 17:35.943 --> 17:39.260 not just a uh a surge of resources. So 17:39.270 --> 17:41.103 this is the kick off a sustained 17:41.103 --> 17:43.270 strategy to go after the transnational 17:43.270 --> 17:45.489 criminal organizations that are 17:45.500 --> 17:47.333 trafficking this poison into our 17:47.333 --> 17:49.444 communities along with our partners. 17:57.040 --> 18:00.739 Uh Yes, I work uh CBP Department of 18:00.750 --> 18:02.839 Homeland Security. We work with our 18:02.849 --> 18:05.819 Mexican partners every single day on 18:05.829 --> 18:09.739 information sharing um on, on 18:09.750 --> 18:12.900 really doing what it takes to identify 18:12.910 --> 18:14.521 those transnational criminal 18:14.521 --> 18:16.859 organizations and go after them. We 18:16.869 --> 18:19.359 have several agreements uh looking at 18:19.369 --> 18:21.390 precursors pill presses that come 18:21.400 --> 18:23.567 through our countries, looking at the 18:23.567 --> 18:25.789 transnational chroma organizations that 18:25.789 --> 18:27.829 are trafficking weapons from the US 18:27.839 --> 18:29.969 South. So yes, we continue to work 18:29.979 --> 18:32.201 with our, our partners in Mexico every 18:32.201 --> 18:36.030 single day. Hi, I'm Caro Gonzalez 18:36.270 --> 18:38.599 with C Gao. This uh commissioner, 18:38.609 --> 18:40.579 something very important is the 18:40.589 --> 18:42.922 collaboration between both alternatives. 18:42.922 --> 18:45.560 And so, you know, at the same time, 18:46.050 --> 18:48.270 the situation of see something, say 18:48.280 --> 18:50.502 something especially on the information 18:51.000 --> 18:52.778 in at those levels. How is the 18:52.778 --> 18:54.500 collaboration and through this 18:54.500 --> 18:57.729 operative for the opportunity ? Again, 18:57.739 --> 18:59.850 thank you for the question. So our, 18:59.850 --> 19:01.961 our relationships with me, if you're 19:01.961 --> 19:04.017 talking about our relationships with 19:04.017 --> 19:06.183 Mexico, first of all, they're strong 19:06.183 --> 19:08.040 and through our, through our 19:08.050 --> 19:09.750 collaboration, through our 19:09.760 --> 19:12.699 intelligence gathering collection and 19:12.709 --> 19:14.765 through our partners, we will share 19:14.765 --> 19:17.089 that information uh when we feel when 19:17.099 --> 19:19.869 we feel that uh when the information is 19:19.880 --> 19:22.102 ready to be shared with our partners so 19:22.102 --> 19:25.300 they can do something about it. Good 19:25.310 --> 19:27.199 morning Mr Miller Salvador. Good 19:27.199 --> 19:30.500 morning. Two questions if I may and I 19:30.510 --> 19:32.621 don't need to be, I don't need to be 19:32.621 --> 19:34.677 sarcastic. But what took so long to 19:34.677 --> 19:36.677 get everyone on the same page ? And 19:36.677 --> 19:38.621 number two, I don't know how much 19:38.621 --> 19:40.677 stock you put into this two separate 19:40.677 --> 19:42.732 cartels. If you wanna have laid out 19:42.732 --> 19:44.899 banners, not claiming they're getting 19:44.899 --> 19:46.954 out of the fentanyl business, you, 19:46.954 --> 19:48.899 you buy that at all. Do you think 19:48.899 --> 19:51.010 that'll help ? Well, number, number 19:51.010 --> 19:53.609 one, this, this isn't the start, 19:53.619 --> 19:55.760 this is an iterative process. So we 19:55.770 --> 19:57.881 have been working with our partners. 19:57.881 --> 19:59.992 We continue to work with our partners 19:59.992 --> 20:02.699 and we know we have to do more. So we 20:02.709 --> 20:05.900 stand here to do more. Uh Number two, 20:05.910 --> 20:07.188 I put no stock in that 20:11.020 --> 20:12.020 question. 20:22.079 --> 20:24.190 That's a great question. So there is 20:24.190 --> 20:26.319 no legitimate use for pill presses if 20:26.329 --> 20:29.140 they have not been licensed by DEA. So 20:29.150 --> 20:31.094 we're checking every single one of 20:31.094 --> 20:33.039 these for licensing requirements. 20:33.760 --> 20:36.709 Thank you all very much. Thank you.