WEBVTT 00:00:18.000 --> 00:00:20.460 CHEN, FEI Good afternoon and good morning, everyone. 00:00:20.460 --> 00:00:22.380 My name is Fei Chen. 00:00:22.380 --> 00:00:25.970 I would like to welcome you to today’s webinar. 00:00:25.970 --> 00:00:32.360 I am the National Import Specialist responsible for instruments, appliances, 00:00:32.360 --> 00:00:37.610 and furniture for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary uses 00:00:37.610 --> 00:00:40.010 and for related purposes. 00:00:40.010 --> 00:00:42.990 I also handle some chemical preparations. 00:00:44.040 --> 00:00:49.710 When I originally planned the webinar, I had wanted to do an overview of heading 00:00:49.710 --> 00:00:51.440 CHEN, FEI 9019. 00:00:51.440 --> 00:00:57.000 After completing the PowerPoint slides, I realized that the entire content 00:00:57.000 --> 00:01:01.830 would exceed an hour, so I decided to split the presentation 00:01:01.830 --> 00:01:05.840 of heading 9019 into two sessions. 00:01:06.500 --> 00:01:11.790 CHEN, FEI Today we will be talking about a portion of heading 9019, 00:01:11.790 --> 00:01:18.980 which includes mechano-therapy appliances and massage apparatus. 00:01:18.980 --> 00:01:23.360 We will also go over the related explanatory notes to the heading 00:01:23.360 --> 00:01:26.160 and review some examples. 00:01:26.160 --> 00:01:29.360 This webinar will last approximately one hour. 00:01:29.360 --> 00:01:34.350 If you have any questions during the webinar, please save your questions 00:01:34.350 --> 00:01:36.880 until the end of the presentation. 00:01:36.880 --> 00:01:39.330 I will do my best to answer them. 00:01:39.330 --> 00:01:43.780 If I do not answer your questions related to this presentation, 00:01:43.780 --> 00:01:46.070 please feel free to email me. 00:01:46.070 --> 00:01:49.633 My contact information will be provided at the end. 00:03:42.999 --> 00:03:48.949 CHEN, FEI Heading 9019 is divided into five groups indicated 00:03:48.949 --> 00:03:51.367 by the placement of semicolons. 00:03:51.367 --> 00:03:54.833 The first group is mechano-therapy appliances. 00:03:54.833 --> 00:03:58.300 The second group is massage apparatus. 00:03:58.300 --> 00:04:03.100 The third one is psychological aptitude-testing apparatus. 00:04:03.100 --> 00:04:10.300 The fourth group includes ozone therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, 00:04:10.300 --> 00:04:15.567 artificial respiration or other therapeutic respiration apparatus. 00:04:15.567 --> 00:04:19.367 CHEN, FEI Today we will focus on the first and second groups. 00:04:19.367 --> 00:04:23.233 We will touch on some parts and accessories in the fifth group. 00:04:26.129 --> 00:04:29.500 CHEN, FEI These five groups of merchandise are organized 00:04:29.500 --> 00:04:34.100 into two subheadings at the six-digit subheading level. 00:04:34.100 --> 00:04:39.700 Subheading 9019.10 covers the first three groups of merchandise 00:04:39.700 --> 00:04:42.367 and parts and accessories thereof. 00:04:42.367 --> 00:04:49.100 Subheading 9019.20 covers the fourth group and parts and accessories thereof. 00:04:51.622 --> 00:04:55.433 CHEN, FEI Now, we look at subheading 9019.10. 00:04:55.433 --> 00:05:00.300 At the eight-digit level, subheading 9019.10.20 provides 00:05:00.300 --> 00:05:04.900 for the mechano-therapy appliances, massage apparatus. 00:05:04.900 --> 00:05:08.233 and parts and accessories thereof. 00:05:08.233 --> 00:05:14.433 CHEN, FEI At the ten-digit level, 9019.10.2010 provides 00:05:14.433 --> 00:05:16.567 for mechano-therapy appliances. 00:05:17.414 --> 00:05:24.000 CHEN, FEI 9019.10.2020 through 2050 covers massage apparatus. 00:05:24.000 --> 00:05:30.640 CHEN, FEI 9019.10.2090 includes parts and accessories 00:05:30.640 --> 00:05:35.450 of mechano-therapy appliances and massage apparatus. 00:05:35.450 --> 00:05:40.280 CHEN, FEI The subheading text “other” includes 9019.10.40 – 00:05:40.280 --> 00:05:47.370 9019.10.60, which cover psychological aptitude-testing apparatus and parts 00:05:47.370 --> 00:05:49.390 and accessories thereof. 00:05:49.390 --> 00:05:53.630 We will not cover these two subheadings in today’s presentation. 00:05:56.470 --> 00:05:58.620 CHEN, FEI The Explanatory Notes (ENs) (I) 00:05:58.620 --> 00:06:06.550 to Heading 9019 provide a commentary on the scope of Mechano-therapy appliances. 00:06:06.550 --> 00:06:11.550 Although not legally binding or dispositive in the United States, 00:06:11.550 --> 00:06:15.770 the Explanatory Notes generally indicate the proper interpretation 00:06:15.770 --> 00:06:17.290 of a tariff provision. 00:06:18.318 --> 00:06:22.680 CHEN, FEI Mechano-therapy appliances are mainly used to treat diseases 00:06:22.680 --> 00:06:26.870 of the joints or muscles, by mechanical reproduction 00:06:26.870 --> 00:06:34.060 of various physical movements, such as flexion, extension, abduction, 00:06:34.060 --> 00:06:36.780 adduction, rotation, and circumduction. 00:06:36.780 --> 00:06:43.210 CHEN, FEI Such treatment is usually carried out under medical supervision. 00:06:43.210 --> 00:06:48.140 For the purposes of this heading, however, apparatus may be regarded 00:06:48.140 --> 00:06:53.120 as mechanical even if it incorporates only comparatively 00:06:53.120 --> 00:06:59.680 simple mechanical devices such as springs, wheels, pulleys, etc. 00:07:03.040 --> 00:07:06.513 CHEN, FEI The apparatus of this heading should be distinguished 00:07:06.520 --> 00:07:12.240 from the ordinary physical culture or medical exercising equipment designed 00:07:12.240 --> 00:07:16.560 for use in their home or in special equipment premises. 00:07:16.560 --> 00:07:21.580 For example, elastic cable extenders or exercisers; 00:07:21.580 --> 00:07:25.460 spring grips of various kinds; rowing machines 00:07:25.460 --> 00:07:30.230 for reproducing rowing movements stationary one wheeled 00:07:30.230 --> 00:07:35.280 CHEN, FEI cycles for training purposes or for developing let muscles. 00:07:35.280 --> 00:07:37.850 Those are classified in heading 9506. 00:07:43.999 --> 00:07:46.532 CHEN, FEI Since mechano therapy refers only 00:07:46.533 --> 00:07:49.000 to treatment involving movement 00:07:49.000 --> 00:07:54.760 of the joint, for example, neck joint, shoulder joint, elbow joints, 00:07:54.760 --> 00:08:01.140 wrist joints, etcetera, this heading excludes wholly stationary apparatus. 00:08:01.140 --> 00:08:06.940 CHEN, FEI For example, steps, ladders, parallel bars, even if they are 00:08:06.940 --> 00:08:13.480 for use in rehabilitations of the limbs, such articles are classified 00:08:13.480 --> 00:08:14.790 in their respective headings. 00:08:19.287 --> 00:08:23.240 CHEN, FEI Subject to the conditions on the previous slides, 00:08:23.240 --> 00:08:29.410 mechano-therapy appliances of this heading include the following examples. 00:08:29.410 --> 00:08:35.030 They include from relatively simple mechanical therapeutic appliances, 00:08:35.030 --> 00:08:38.950 such as hand-operated single function appliances, 00:08:38.950 --> 00:08:42.980 to more complex power-operated apparatus 00:08:42.980 --> 00:08:46.660 for numerous mechano-therapeutic purposes. 00:08:46.660 --> 00:08:48.640 I will not read this slide, but we will. 00:08:48.640 --> 00:08:53.270 CHEN, FEI See some samples on the next slides. 00:08:57.632 --> 00:09:01.648 CHEN, FEI The following are some examples of mechano-therapy appliances. 00:09:02.779 --> 00:09:05.579 CHEN, FEI The shoulder wheel is fitted 00:09:05.580 --> 00:09:09.740 with calibrated sensitive resistance mechanism 00:09:09.740 --> 00:09:14.250 and the resistance is controllable from Zero to Maximum. 00:09:14.250 --> 00:09:21.500 A 360 degree scale is provided on the drum to measure & record the degree 00:09:21.500 --> 00:09:27.280 of revolution from either direction for immediate feed-back to the patient. 00:09:30.148 --> 00:09:35.090 CHEN, FEI The Wrist circumductor is fitted on a laminated board 00:09:35.090 --> 00:09:37.150 with resistance mechanism. 00:09:37.150 --> 00:09:41.510 It has a small adjustable handle fitted to the wheel. 00:09:41.510 --> 00:09:48.380 A knob is provided on the drum to control resistance from zero to maximum. 00:09:48.380 --> 00:09:52.730 The device is used for wrist circumduction exercises. 00:09:54.734 --> 00:09:59.050 CHEN, FEI The rotary wrist machine is a single-grip precision 00:09:59.050 --> 00:10:04.280 machined metal drum with calibrated sensitive resistance control mechanism. 00:10:06.120 --> 00:10:10.490 CHEN, FEI Resistance can be increased or decreased 00:10:10.490 --> 00:10:14.160 for Supination & Pronation exercises. 00:10:14.160 --> 00:10:18.380 The range of motion can also be measured and recorded 00:10:18.380 --> 00:10:20.350 from the scale provided on the drum. 00:10:20.350 --> 00:10:25.520 CHEN, FEI The above devices are for hospital, clinical, 00:10:25.520 --> 00:10:29.090 and in home care for out-patient treatment use. 00:10:29.090 --> 00:10:33.040 They are classified in 9019.10.2010, HTSUS. 00:10:37.030 --> 00:10:41.000 CHEN, FEI Continuous passive motion machines 00:10:41.000 --> 00:10:47.460 are passive motion exercisers used in hospitals as well as in home care 00:10:47.460 --> 00:10:49.420 for out-patient treatment. 00:10:49.420 --> 00:10:53.260 They move joints passively through their range of motion. 00:10:53.260 --> 00:10:58.630 The passive motion accelerates patient recovery and reduces atrophy 00:10:58.630 --> 00:11:01.500 because good circulation is maintained. 00:11:01.500 --> 00:11:06.110 CPM’ machines are used on legs, ankles, hips. 00:11:06.110 --> 00:11:09.040 CHEN, FEI arms, shoulders and hands. 00:11:11.180 --> 00:11:16.660 CHEN, FEI The first CPM machine flexes the hip and knee joints. 00:11:18.820 --> 00:11:22.930 CHEN, FEI The shoulder CPM machine moves the shoulder joint 00:11:22.930 --> 00:11:28.900 through a range of motion including adduction, abduction, elevation, 00:11:28.900 --> 00:11:30.890 internal or external rotation. 00:11:32.922 --> 00:11:36.880 CHEN, FEI The elbow CPM machine provides passive motion 00:11:36.880 --> 00:11:43.030 for the elbow joint in flexion, extension, pronation and supination. 00:11:46.356 --> 00:11:52.959 CHEN, FEI The ankle CPM machine addresses full ankle range 00:11:52.960 --> 00:11:57.585 of motion capabilities including dorsiflexion, 00:11:57.586 --> 00:12:01.070 plantar flexion, inversion, and eversion. 00:12:01.070 --> 00:12:06.890 CHEN, FEI So they classified in subheading 9019.10.2010. 00:12:10.645 --> 00:12:14.209 CHEN, FEI This arm and hand rehabilitation system, 00:12:14.210 --> 00:12:19.860 it is a rehabilitative exercise device intended for patients 00:12:19.860 --> 00:12:21.470 who have lost function. 00:12:21.470 --> 00:12:26.540 CHEN, FEI Or have restricted function in the upper extremities caused 00:12:26.540 --> 00:12:31.890 by central nervous or peripheral neurogenic, spinal, muscular 00:12:31.898 --> 00:12:33.578 or bone related disorders. 00:12:34.660 --> 00:12:38.620 CHEN, FEI The device is specifically designed for patients 00:12:38.620 --> 00:12:43.090 with severe movement impairment who have no voluntary activation 00:12:43.090 --> 00:12:44.370 of their arm muscles yet. 00:12:45.607 --> 00:12:49.770 CHEN, FEI The device has six active degrees of freedom 00:12:49.770 --> 00:12:55.770 and provides a range of motion for the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and forearm. 00:12:56.895 --> 00:13:00.839 CHEN, FEI It enables patients to perform exercises with high number 00:13:00.840 --> 00:13:07.170 of repetitions, which is paramount for relearning motor function. 00:13:08.398 --> 00:13:13.170 CHEN, FEI So it is classified in subheading 9019.10.2010. 00:13:16.833 --> 00:13:19.850 CHEN, FEI The functional electrical stimulation cycle. 00:13:19.850 --> 00:13:26.450 CHEN, FEI Ergometer combines a Windows based tablet, cycle ergometer, 00:13:26.450 --> 00:13:29.659 and stimulators in a single unit. 00:13:29.669 --> 00:13:35.519 It allows a person with impaired upper or lower extremity movement 00:13:35.520 --> 00:13:41.260 to undertake circle ergometry both actively and passively. 00:13:43.090 --> 00:13:46.640 CHEN, FEI Functional electrical stimulation creates patterns, 00:13:46.640 --> 00:13:48.650 movements of arms or legs. 00:13:49.987 --> 00:13:54.260 CHEN, FEI enabling your muscles to work and perform active cycling, 00:13:54.260 --> 00:13:59.710 even though you may have lost voluntary control of those muscles. 00:13:59.710 --> 00:14:03.850 So ,this device provides several benefits for the user, 00:14:03.850 --> 00:14:06.040 such as reducing muscle atrophy. 00:14:06.040 --> 00:14:12.790 The system is for prescription use only intended for clinic or home use, 00:14:12.790 --> 00:14:16.300 so it is classified in subheading 9019.10.2010. 00:14:20.879 --> 00:14:26.300 CHEN, FEI The bicycle ergometer is composed of a flywheel attached 00:14:26.300 --> 00:14:29.910 to the front two pedals, a saddle, etcetera. 00:14:29.910 --> 00:14:34.870 CHEN, FEI The resistance and the different load levels are set by means 00:14:34.870 --> 00:14:36.840 of a rotary knob on the device. 00:14:38.149 --> 00:14:42.959 The bicycle ergometer is used for general physical exercise, 00:14:42.960 --> 00:14:47.320 so it's not classified in heading 9019. 00:14:50.543 --> 00:14:54.120 CHEN, FEI Now we’re looking at massage apparatus in heading 9019. 00:14:55.560 --> 00:15:00.000 Massage apparatus is classified in 9019.10.2020 00:15:00.000 --> 00:15:06.710 through 9019.10.2050 depending on whether they are electrically operated, 00:15:06.710 --> 00:15:09.030 battery powered, etcetera. 00:15:09.030 --> 00:15:15.340 For example, non-electrically or manually operated massage apparatus 00:15:15.340 --> 00:15:20.567 is classified in subheading 9019.10.2050. 00:15:22.847 --> 00:15:31.049 CHEN, FEI The EN to heading 9019 describe massage apparatus as follows. 00:15:31.050 --> 00:15:38.990 Apparatus for massage of parts of the body usually operate by friction, 00:15:38.990 --> 00:15:40.670 vibration, etc. 00:15:41.770 --> 00:15:48.500 They may be hand or power operated, or may be of an electro mechanical type 00:15:48.500 --> 00:15:51.360 with a motor built into the working unit . 00:15:55.420 --> 00:16:01.120 The latter type in particular may include interchangeable attachments 00:16:01.120 --> 00:16:04.350 to allow various methods of application. 00:16:04.350 --> 00:16:08.320 We will cover a massage gun as an example of this type 00:16:08.320 --> 00:16:10.820 of massage apparatus later on. 00:16:14.661 --> 00:16:18.249 CHEN, FEI This group includes simple rubber rollers 00:16:18.250 --> 00:16:20.710 or similar massaging devices. 00:16:20.710 --> 00:16:26.997 They also cover hydro massage appliances for all over, or partial massage 00:16:27.013 --> 00:16:33.380 of the body using the action of water or blend of water and air under pressure. 00:16:33.380 --> 00:16:40.750 Example of this appliances include hot tubs or spots presented complete 00:16:40.750 --> 00:16:43.120 with pumps turbines. 00:16:43.120 --> 00:16:47.458 CHEN, FEI or blowers, ducts, controls and all fittings. 00:16:48.680 --> 00:16:54.510 devices from massaging the breast, using the actions of water distributed 00:16:54.510 --> 00:17:00.960 by a series of small nozzles mounted inside a form, fitted over the breast, 00:17:00.960 --> 00:17:06.190 and make to revolve by a string of water introduced through a flexible tube. 00:17:08.109 --> 00:17:12.339 CHEN, FEI This heading also covered mattresses designed to prevent 00:17:12.340 --> 00:17:17.940 or treat bedsores by constantly varying the places at which the weights 00:17:17.940 --> 00:17:23.520 of the patient’s body rests, and also provides a superficial massage effect 00:17:23.520 --> 00:17:26.850 on the tissues liable to necrosis. 00:17:26.850 --> 00:17:31.050 There are two cross rulings related to these types of mattresses. 00:17:31.089 --> 00:17:38.759 CHEN, FEI NY A89818 and I80654. 00:17:43.380 --> 00:17:46.800 CHEN, FEI There are about 200 rulings in cross related 00:17:46.800 --> 00:17:51.750 to massage apparatus to which you can refer, but we will just look 00:17:51.750 --> 00:17:53.010 at some examples here. 00:17:53.010 --> 00:17:58.040 CHEN, FEI This slides shows non-electric massagers 00:17:58.040 --> 00:18:02.700 that are classified is subheading 9019.10.2050. 00:18:05.733 --> 00:18:10.000 CHEN, FEI Wooden massager is designed to be held in the hand 00:18:10.000 --> 00:18:13.130 to massage various body parts. 00:18:13.130 --> 00:18:16.440 It eases tense muscles and helps you relax. 00:18:18.769 --> 00:18:23.260 CHEN, FEI Wooden Body Massager Wheel is a handheld massager 00:18:23.260 --> 00:18:26.080 featuring 4 rubber raised rollers. 00:18:26.080 --> 00:18:29.610 It massages shoulders, neck, back, waist, legs, feet or arms. 00:18:29.610 --> 00:18:33.030 It stimulates deep tissue muscles. 00:18:33.030 --> 00:18:37.890 CHEN, FEI Wooden dual Foot Massager Roller. 00:18:37.890 --> 00:18:42.600 The users roll their feet back and forth on the massager. 00:18:42.600 --> 00:18:48.920 It massages the feet and relieves conditions such as plantar fasciitis, 00:18:48.927 --> 00:18:50.187 heel and arch pain. 00:18:54.300 --> 00:18:56.439 CHEN, FEI Wooden Massage Roller Rope. 00:18:56.440 --> 00:19:01.480 It rolls on the pressure points of the user’s back, shoulders, etc. 00:19:01.480 --> 00:19:03.850 to relieve back pain and relax the body. 00:19:06.683 --> 00:19:09.980 CHEN, FEI Wooden Massage roller roll on the muscles 00:19:09.980 --> 00:19:14.630 and can relax various parts of muscles, such as waist, 00:19:14.630 --> 00:19:15.743 arms, legs, feet, shoulders, 00:19:15.743 --> 00:19:17.600 CHEN, FEI Neck, etcetera. 00:19:17.600 --> 00:19:21.400 CHEN, FEI So they’re classifyied in subheading. 00:19:21.400 --> 00:19:24.967 CHEN, FEI 9019.10.2050. 00:19:26.500 --> 00:19:30.444 CHEN, FEI Here are some more examples of manual massagers 00:19:30.444 --> 00:19:35.893 that are classified in the subheading 9019.10.2050. 00:19:37.433 --> 00:19:42.334 CHEN, FEI Cane Massager has 6 treatment balls for total body massage. 00:19:44.033 --> 00:19:46.675 CHEN, FEI Spiky hard massage balls. 00:19:46.675 --> 00:19:51.733 CHEN, FEI The user can roll the ball between the hands under their feet 00:19:51.733 --> 00:19:57.367 or over any sore muscle area and provides deep tissue massage. 00:20:11.837 --> 00:20:14.352 CHEN, FEI Deep tissue pressure point massager. 00:20:14.352 --> 00:20:20.567 It can help alleviate trigger points and muscle knots to assist 00:20:20.567 --> 00:20:23.033 in stress relief and help alleviate soreness. 00:20:25.167 --> 00:20:27.567 CHEN, FEI Deep tissue massage roller, 00:20:27.567 --> 00:20:33.000 it features triple grid 3D massage zones that mimic a person’s thumbs, 00:20:33.000 --> 00:20:35.660 fingers and palms. 00:20:35.660 --> 00:20:40.220 It has bumps, and ridges that stimulate a hands-on massage. 00:20:42.033 --> 00:20:47.690 CHEN, FEI So those CHEN, FEI devices are classified in 9019.10.2050. 00:20:52.033 --> 00:20:57.340 CHEN, FEI This Acupressure Massage Mat consists 00:20:57.340 --> 00:21:01.860 of a rectangular textile encasement and a foam insert. 00:21:01.860 --> 00:21:06.990 CHEN, FEI The topmost surface of the encasement is equipped 00:21:06.990 --> 00:21:09.840 with numerous small plastic discs. 00:21:09.840 --> 00:21:13.851 Each disc is capped with many sharp protrusions, 00:21:13.852 --> 00:21:16.470 also called stimulation points. 00:21:17.300 --> 00:21:22.110 CHEN, FEI This image showed a complete acupressure massage mat. 00:21:22.110 --> 00:21:27.980 The sharp protrusions are designed to apply pressure to the feet, hips, 00:21:27.980 --> 00:21:33.220 back and other body parts of the user by standing or lying atop 00:21:33.220 --> 00:21:33.860 of the mat. 00:21:33.860 --> 00:21:39.330 CHEN, FEI The acupressure massage mat is said to function 00:21:39.330 --> 00:21:44.820 as an implement for the inductions of relaxation and the relief 00:21:44.820 --> 00:21:46.250 of tensions and pain. 00:21:47.330 --> 00:21:52.910 Is there acupressure massage mat classified in heading 9019 00:21:52.910 --> 00:21:55.020 as massage apparatus? 00:21:55.020 --> 00:21:59.440 CHEN, FEI Please take a moment to think about it and select your choice. 00:21:59.440 --> 00:22:03.420 CHEN, FEI From the pop up poll on the screen. 00:22:03.420 --> 00:22:07.760 After you submit your choice, you will need to click done button. 00:22:07.760 --> 00:22:10.990 CHEN, FEI So in the popup box with disappear. 00:22:25.900 --> 00:22:27.910 CHEN, FEI I will give you a few more seconds. 00:22:43.000 --> 00:22:46.650 CHEN, FEI OK, I think most people select, yes. 00:22:48.433 --> 00:22:49.540 CHEN, FEI Let's find out. 00:22:53.653 --> 00:22:57.610 CHEN, FEI Various dictionaries define “massage” as the “manipulation” 00:22:57.610 --> 00:23:04.730 of muscles, joints and tissue by, inter alia, “rubbing, kneading, 00:23:04.730 --> 00:23:09.200 or tapping” for relaxation or therapeutic purposes. 00:23:09.200 --> 00:23:13.800 All of the items identified in the explanatory notes as examples 00:23:13.800 --> 00:23:16.190 of massage apparatus. 00:23:16.190 --> 00:23:22.090 CHEN, FEI require either actuation of moving or projecting components 00:23:22.090 --> 00:23:26.660 or manual movement of the entire item itself to bring 00:23:26.660 --> 00:23:29.560 about the desired relaxation or therapeutic effect. 00:23:31.438 --> 00:23:34.550 CHEN, FEI Based on the common thread of dictionary definitions 00:23:34.550 --> 00:23:38.660 and the explanatory notes To heading 9019, 00:23:38.660 --> 00:23:43.690 massage involves active movement whether manual or mechanical 00:23:43.690 --> 00:23:47.620 to induce relaxation and or pain relief. 00:23:47.620 --> 00:23:52.630 CHEN, FEI So the mat does not contain any moving components 00:23:52.630 --> 00:23:58.010 and does not require movement by the user to effect relaxation 00:23:58.010 --> 00:24:00.620 or tension pain relief. 00:24:01.690 --> 00:24:05.610 Passive standing or reclining is not a permissible means 00:24:05.611 --> 00:24:08.140 of delivering a massage for purposes of. 00:24:08.140 --> 00:24:14.460 CHEN, FEI heading 9019 CHEN, FEI So the answer should be no. 00:24:14.460 --> 00:24:18.460 The acupressure massage mat cannot be classified. 00:24:18.460 --> 00:24:24.010 CHEN, FEI under the heading 9019 as massage apparatus, 00:24:24.010 --> 00:24:30.200 see headquarter ruling H266056 for detail explanation. 00:24:34.120 --> 00:24:37.870 CHEN, FEI Here we have a pair of massaging slippers. 00:24:37.870 --> 00:24:41.650 The closed toe opened heel Slippers are equipped 00:24:41.650 --> 00:24:45.330 with a battery powered vibration massager. 00:24:45.330 --> 00:24:50.570 CHEN, FEI They also come with gel packs, which are designed to be heated 00:24:50.570 --> 00:24:55.440 in the microwave and placed into the pouches in each slipper. 00:24:55.440 --> 00:25:00.840 CHEN, FEI The vibration massage unit is embedded in the heel session 00:25:00.840 --> 00:25:02.510 of the midsole. 00:25:02.510 --> 00:25:06.350 The unit is turned on and off with the push button switch located 00:25:06.350 --> 00:25:08.520 on the side of the slipper. 00:25:08.520 --> 00:25:12.230 When turn on, the unit causes the midsole to vibrate, 00:25:12.230 --> 00:25:14.630 giving the user a foot massage. 00:25:19.300 --> 00:25:24.320 CHEN, FEI So is the massaging slippers, classified under head in 9019 00:25:24.320 --> 00:25:27.530 or under heading 6403 as footwear? 00:25:29.167 --> 00:25:32.700 CHEN, FEI Each Slipper consists of three individual components, 00:25:32.700 --> 00:25:37.120 a slipper, a messaging mechanism, and a gel pack. 00:25:37.120 --> 00:25:41.320 So the scope of heading, 9019 is not broad enough to cover the gel pack. 00:25:44.233 --> 00:25:48.460 CHEN, FEI And the complete good cannot be classified by GRI 1. 00:25:48.460 --> 00:25:52.330 Headquarters determine that the messaging unit, the slipper 00:25:52.330 --> 00:25:55.950 and the gel pack constitute a composite good. 00:25:55.950 --> 00:26:00.360 CHEN, FEI The primary purpose of the instant merchandise is 00:26:00.360 --> 00:26:04.280 to provide the user with a heated massage. 00:26:04.280 --> 00:26:07.534 The massage mechanism plays a significant role 00:26:07.535 --> 00:26:09.680 in accomplishing this purpose. 00:26:09.680 --> 00:26:14.000 CHEN, FEI So on the slipper functions as the component 00:26:14.000 --> 00:26:18.430 which holds the massaging component in place, allowing the massage 00:26:18.430 --> 00:26:20.290 to be applied to the foot. 00:26:20.290 --> 00:26:24.130 CHEN, FEI Although the gel pack provides an important feature, 00:26:24.130 --> 00:26:29.190 the heat that may enhance the users experience. 00:26:29.190 --> 00:26:33.100 CHEN, FEI The massage unit remains the component responsible 00:26:33.100 --> 00:26:36.900 for producing the articles main function, 00:26:36.900 --> 00:26:42.340 so we find the massage mechanism imparts the essential character 00:26:42.340 --> 00:26:47.250 to the composite articles and the article is classified 00:26:47.250 --> 00:26:50.330 in accordance with the massage in mechanism. 00:26:50.330 --> 00:26:55.360 See HQ 967179 and other rulings on the screen. 00:26:59.702 --> 00:27:03.190 CHEN, FEI The vacuum cupping therapy set consists 00:27:03.190 --> 00:27:09.600 of suction cups a hand pump and an extension tube in a carrying case. 00:27:09.600 --> 00:27:13.890 Each cup is placed on the skin and attached to the pump. 00:27:13.890 --> 00:27:17.990 air from the cup is withdrawn to create negative pressure 00:27:17.990 --> 00:27:20.280 and the cup sucks on the skin. 00:27:20.280 --> 00:27:25.610 The purpose of the set is to provide relief from sore and aching muscles. 00:27:25.610 --> 00:27:28.750 they say is not classified as message apparatus. 00:27:28.750 --> 00:27:30.880 CHEN, FEI since it does not meet the definition 00:27:30.880 --> 00:27:36.060 of massage apparatus see new york ruling 813195. 00:27:39.973 --> 00:27:46.269 CHEN, FEI Back scratchers are tools for relieving an itch in an area 00:27:46.270 --> 00:27:51.030 that cannot easily be reached just by one’s own hands. 00:27:51.030 --> 00:27:54.040 So back scratchers are not massage apparatus. 00:27:54.040 --> 00:27:57.834 CHEN, FEI Of heading 9019, we classified based 00:27:57.835 --> 00:28:00.110 on the constituent materials. 00:28:03.500 --> 00:28:06.750 CHEN, FEI Can this bamboo back scratchers be a massager? 00:28:06.750 --> 00:28:11.820 CHEN, FEI This tool features a back scratchers on one end 00:28:11.820 --> 00:28:16.340 and a massage rollers on the other end to loosen up tight muscles. 00:28:16.340 --> 00:28:20.940 CHEN, FEI The essential character of the item cannot be determined, 00:28:20.940 --> 00:28:27.670 so it's necessary to apply general interpretation Rule 3C in this case. 00:28:27.670 --> 00:28:32.760 CHEN, FEI heading 9019 for massage apparatus appears later 00:28:32.760 --> 00:28:35.020 in the harmonized tariff schedule. 00:28:35.020 --> 00:28:37.350 Then the headings for the back scratchers. 00:28:43.700 --> 00:28:48.210 CHEN, FEI Electrically operates massage apparatus are classified 00:28:48.210 --> 00:28:54.430 in subheadings from 9019.10.2020 to 2045, based on the types 00:28:54.430 --> 00:28:59.770 of electrical sources, whether they are handheld, etcetera. 00:29:01.900 --> 00:29:03.570 CHEN, FEI The kneading massage pillow 00:29:03.570 --> 00:29:09.530 with heat contains four rotating massage nodes and four rocking nodes powered 00:29:09.530 --> 00:29:11.950 by an AC adapter. 00:29:11.950 --> 00:29:16.830 The eight massage nodes offer a stimulating varied massage 00:29:16.830 --> 00:29:20.600 that incorporates both rotational massage and up 00:29:20.600 --> 00:29:23.150 and down rocking massage motion. 00:29:23.150 --> 00:29:26.480 It’s designed to treat muscle pains. 00:29:26.480 --> 00:29:31.200 The heat feature offers an extra level of soothing to the massage treatment. 00:29:31.200 --> 00:29:36.483 CHEN, FEI So it is classified in subheading 9019.10.2035. 00:29:39.733 --> 00:29:42.490 CHEN, FEI This foot massage machine includes heat. 00:29:43.599 --> 00:29:49.489 CHEN, FEI deep-kneading, compression, rolling, vibrating, a built-in timer, 00:29:49.490 --> 00:29:52.000 and 5 pressure settings. 00:29:52.000 --> 00:29:56.160 It provides a rolling and shiatsu massage to the bottom and sides 00:29:56.160 --> 00:30:01.990 of the foot while air pressure applies pressure to all parts of the foot. 00:30:01.990 --> 00:30:08.260 The heat will relax tense muscles to target specific pressure points. 00:30:08.260 --> 00:30:15.740 CHEN, FEI It will be classified in subheading 9019.10.2035 if powered 00:30:15.740 --> 00:30:16.900 by an AC adapter. 00:30:19.500 --> 00:30:22.550 CHEN, FEI This massage Gun is a battery powered 00:30:22.550 --> 00:30:24.760 handheld deep tissue massager. 00:30:24.760 --> 00:30:32.740 It has 10 replaceable massage heads that help users relax all parts of the body. 00:30:32.740 --> 00:30:35.980 It is classified in subheading 9019.10.2020. 00:30:35.980 --> 00:30:40.898 CHEN, FEI Air Compression Leg Massager 00:30:40.899 --> 00:30:44.880 – it contains 6 inflating airbags 00:30:44.880 --> 00:30:50.409 and is designed to simulate hands compressing and squeezing. 00:30:50.410 --> 00:30:54.980 It has 6 different massage modes with different massage techniques. 00:30:54.980 --> 00:30:58.490 The leg massager features a heat function to provide warmth 00:30:58.490 --> 00:31:00.660 for your calves and feet. 00:31:00.660 --> 00:31:02.650 It is powered by an AC adapter. 00:31:02.650 --> 00:31:06.260 It is classified in subheading 9019.10.2035. 00:31:06.260 --> 00:31:18.480 CHEN, FEI Hand massager with heat: It targets different acupuncture points 00:31:18.480 --> 00:31:22.910 and offers a kneading massage with 4 massage heads. 00:31:22.910 --> 00:31:27.680 Upper and lower airbags press rhythmically along the fingers, 00:31:27.681 --> 00:31:29.270 hands and wrists. 00:31:29.270 --> 00:31:32.730 It has a heating function that warms the palm. 00:31:32.730 --> 00:31:36.610 It is battery powered but not a handheld device. 00:31:36.610 --> 00:31:46.970 So It’s classified in 9019.10.2030 CHEN, FEI Here are some more examples. 00:31:46.970 --> 00:31:53.120 CHEN, FEI Foot spa massager with heat, bubble, 22 massage rollers, 00:31:53.120 --> 00:31:57.680 red light, vibration, pumice stone and medicine box. 00:31:57.680 --> 00:32:01.830 It is classified as electrically operated massage apparatus. 00:32:01.908 --> 00:32:06.968 See HQ 963727 and two other rulings on the screen. 00:32:09.767 --> 00:32:15.889 CHEN, FEI This wireless electric eye massager has air pressure vibration heat 00:32:15.890 --> 00:32:19.620 and music functions combined at different modes. 00:32:19.620 --> 00:32:23.710 CHEN, FEI Is powered by battery but it's not handheld. 00:32:23.710 --> 00:32:26.700 It classified in subheading 9019.10.2030. 00:32:26.700 --> 00:32:34.880 CHEN, FEI Full body massage mat with heat this massage Mat 00:32:34.880 --> 00:32:38.160 has 10 vibrating motors. 00:32:38.160 --> 00:32:42.430 CHEN, FEI Two heating pads with five program modes 00:32:42.430 --> 00:32:45.160 and three vibration intensity levels. 00:32:45.160 --> 00:32:50.710 It provides gentle massage to the users tissue and muscles on the back, 00:32:50.710 --> 00:32:52.311 shoulders and leg. 00:32:52.333 --> 00:32:56.659 They operates by a corded remote control and can be used on the bed, 00:32:56.660 --> 00:32:59.640 sofa, couch, recliner or chair. 00:33:01.100 --> 00:33:05.810 CHEN, FEI It will be classified as electrical operated massage apparatus 00:33:05.810 --> 00:33:07.933 in 9019.10.20. 00:33:11.170 --> 00:33:16.449 CHEN, FEI This hot tub features 54 adjustable powerful jets, 00:33:16.450 --> 00:33:22.480 3 pumps and air blower to provide a hydro massager is classified 00:33:22.480 --> 00:33:24.880 in subheading 9019.10.2045. 00:33:30.233 --> 00:33:34.890 CHEN, FEI This salt system cartridge is a replacement cartridge 00:33:34.890 --> 00:33:39.490 for the original cartridge that is sold pre installed with the spa. 00:33:39.490 --> 00:33:45.950 CHEN, FEI It’s made of plastic with titanium electrodes and is designed 00:33:45.950 --> 00:33:53.430 for use with a salt system which is used in a spa in order to generate 00:33:53.430 --> 00:33:56.110 and dispense chlorine into water. 00:33:56.125 --> 00:34:01.875 CHEN, FEI The cartridge enables the system to convert salt into chlorine 00:34:02.840 --> 00:34:07.130 so it's the cartridge classified as a part of spa or a part 00:34:07.130 --> 00:34:08.220 of the source system? 00:34:12.767 --> 00:34:17.680 CHEN, FEI The Salt System generates chlorine that filters and purifies water 00:34:17.680 --> 00:34:18.400 in a spa. 00:34:18.400 --> 00:34:23.770 CHEN, FEI The Cartridge is designed for use with the Salt System. 00:34:23.770 --> 00:34:26.640 It is consequently part of that system. 00:34:26.640 --> 00:34:31.550 CHEN, FEI Several courts had held that “Where a particular part 00:34:31.550 --> 00:34:35.520 of an article is provided for specifially, a part 00:34:35.520 --> 00:34:39.580 of that particular part is more specifically provided for 00:34:39.581 --> 00:34:42.225 as part of the part than as part of the whole. 00:34:43.367 --> 00:34:45.285 CHEN, FEI In this instance, 00:34:45.286 --> 00:34:48.290 the cartridge is more specifically classified 00:34:48.290 --> 00:34:52.790 as a part of the Salt System rather than a part of a spa So, 00:34:52.790 --> 00:34:56.330 It is not classified in heading 9019 00:34:56.330 --> 00:35:01.280 CHEN, FEI See NY Ruling N303292. 00:35:04.700 --> 00:35:08.040 CHEN, FEI This facial toning device, also called 00:35:08.040 --> 00:35:12.380 electronic impulse facial muscle stimulator, 00:35:12.380 --> 00:35:16.100 is the battery operated handheld device. 00:35:16.100 --> 00:35:21.040 CHEN, FEI It emits electrical impulses for cosmetic use. 00:35:21.040 --> 00:35:26.240 It has a plastic base consisting of control panel and two. 00:35:26.240 --> 00:35:31.880 CHEN, FEI Electric probes the control panel contains a timer 00:35:31.880 --> 00:35:33.590 and intensity controls. 00:35:34.833 --> 00:35:38.150 CHEN, FEI Here is the electrical probes. 00:35:39.820 --> 00:35:45.690 CHEN, FEI The user takes on the probes to apply microcurrent 00:35:45.690 --> 00:35:51.150 or also called the electrical impulses tone of facial scheme. 00:35:52.199 --> 00:35:57.379 The electrical impulses are supposed to contract the facial muscles 00:35:57.380 --> 00:36:01.374 to tone the skin in order to combat the aging process. 00:36:01.390 --> 00:36:06.700 CHEN, FEI Is the electrical impulse facial muscle stimulator classified 00:36:06.700 --> 00:36:09.900 in head 9019 as massage apparatus? 00:36:09.900 --> 00:36:14.130 CHEN, FEI Please select your choice from the Pop up poll on screen. 00:37:23.333 --> 00:37:24.370 CHEN, FEI Muted. 00:37:24.370 --> 00:37:30.110 CHEN, FEI The facial toning device emits electrical impulses 00:37:30.110 --> 00:37:32.865 to contract the muscle of the face. 00:37:32.887 --> 00:37:38.759 It does not operate by performing manual or mechanical manipulation of muscles. 00:37:38.782 --> 00:37:44.412 Tissues joints or the like as an article that vibrates does. 00:37:45.370 --> 00:37:48.440 The device does not move in any way. 00:37:48.440 --> 00:37:52.840 It's simply transmitting microcurrents through the probes. 00:37:52.840 --> 00:37:54.790 As such, the device does not perform. 00:37:54.790 --> 00:37:56.490 CHEN, FEI Massage. 00:37:56.490 --> 00:38:00.770 But rather electrically stimulates facial muscles. 00:38:00.770 --> 00:38:02.470 CHEN, FEI By the electrical impulses. 00:38:02.470 --> 00:38:09.300 CHEN, FEI So it cannot be classified in heading 9019 as massage apparatus. 00:38:09.300 --> 00:38:12.400 So the correct answer is no, you are right. 00:38:12.400 --> 00:38:16.050 See HQ 966563. 00:38:19.896 --> 00:38:23.940 CHEN, FEI Let's see another similar product using electrical current 00:38:23.940 --> 00:38:25.806 for muscle stimulation. 00:38:25.849 --> 00:38:28.599 It's not considered massage apparatus. 00:38:28.600 --> 00:38:33.090 This electrical unit is a battery powered electrical muscle 00:38:33.090 --> 00:38:38.620 stimulation apparatus that generate a low voltage electrical current 00:38:38.620 --> 00:38:43.060 which passes through the skin by the electrodes to the nerve 00:38:43.060 --> 00:38:47.590 of the abdominal muscles, causing them to contract. 00:38:47.590 --> 00:38:50.420 So it is designed for use by a healthy person. 00:38:50.420 --> 00:38:55.990 CHEN, FEI For the purposes of improving tone, strength and firmness 00:38:55.990 --> 00:38:59.760 of focused muscle group, so it's classified in. 00:39:01.750 --> 00:39:03.530 CHEN, FEI heading 8543. 00:39:03.530 --> 00:39:06.892 CHEN, FEI As other electrical apparatus 00:39:06.946 --> 00:39:13.443 for electrical nerve stimulation, See HQ ruling HQ 112635. 00:39:15.980 --> 00:39:19.750 CHEN, FEI Here is a whole body vibration platform said 00:39:19.750 --> 00:39:24.150 to provide health benefits and exercise to the consumer 00:39:24.150 --> 00:39:27.330 through vibration produced by the device. 00:39:27.330 --> 00:39:35.150 It contains 3 motors producing, rocking, pulsating and oscillating motions. 00:39:35.150 --> 00:39:39.210 The vibration exercise machine has seven training modes, 00:39:39.210 --> 00:39:43.250 three workout intensity and 60 speed levels. 00:39:43.250 --> 00:39:46.090 It utilize adjustable vibration strength. 00:39:46.090 --> 00:39:50.040 CHEN, FEI and speed to enhance the exercise experience 00:39:50.040 --> 00:39:52.470 and achieve fitness results. 00:39:52.470 --> 00:39:57.780 It comes with the exercise mat, a remote control, 4 mini bands, 00:39:57.780 --> 00:39:59.080 and 2 resistance bands. 00:40:03.233 --> 00:40:06.440 CHEN, FEI The machine is design, market is advertised 00:40:06.440 --> 00:40:11.470 and sold as a physical fitness machine, exercises may be performed 00:40:11.470 --> 00:40:16.200 in various positions while standing upon sitting on or leaning 00:40:16.200 --> 00:40:18.570 against the vibration plate. 00:40:18.570 --> 00:40:23.300 It uses no vibration technology to speed up the time needs 00:40:23.300 --> 00:40:26.680 to do a full body muscle, targeted workouts. 00:40:26.680 --> 00:40:31.830 So it's not analogous to vibratory massaging appliances, that applied 00:40:31.830 --> 00:40:34.890 CHEN, FEI directly to the intended body parts 00:40:34.890 --> 00:40:38.890 to bring about the desired relaxation or therapeutic effects. 00:40:38.890 --> 00:40:44.570 So its not classified in heading 9019 as massage apparatus. 00:40:49.300 --> 00:40:54.100 CHEN, FEI The facial esthetic device is used in the program of beauty care. 00:40:55.033 --> 00:40:57.180 CHEN, FEI The device consists of. 00:40:57.967 --> 00:41:03.390 CHEN, FEI A Tesla function, a patting function and cleansing function, 00:41:03.390 --> 00:41:08.660 a vaporizer, a cool warm plate, and other components. 00:41:08.660 --> 00:41:13.500 It is prima facie classifiable under different headings. 00:41:13.500 --> 00:41:18.520 The cleansing functions cleans the epidermal layers of the skin 00:41:18.520 --> 00:41:20.860 by functioning like a vacuum. 00:41:20.860 --> 00:41:24.570 So it's classified under the heading 8509. 00:41:25.682 --> 00:41:28.250 CHEN, FEI The vaporizer produced steam 00:41:28.250 --> 00:41:33.020 and the cool warm plate utilize temperature variance 00:41:33.020 --> 00:41:38.340 to induce expansions and contractions of the muscle below the skin. 00:41:38.340 --> 00:41:39.410 Both classified. 00:41:39.418 --> 00:41:40.778 In 8516. 00:41:41.889 --> 00:41:47.489 The Tesla function maximize the electron discharge to reduce the accumulations 00:41:47.490 --> 00:41:50.280 of potentially damaging compounds. 00:41:50.280 --> 00:41:54.470 It’s to classifiable under the heading 8543. 00:41:54.470 --> 00:41:55.768 The patting 00:41:55.769 --> 00:41:59.660 CHEN, FEI device conditions, muscles and improving circulation 00:41:59.660 --> 00:42:02.580 by means of electronic massage. 00:42:02.580 --> 00:42:06.010 So it's classifiable under 9019. 00:42:07.700 --> 00:42:11.180 CHEN, FEI The purpose of the facial esthetic device is 00:42:11.180 --> 00:42:17.250 to perform various methods of beauty care to the users face. 00:42:17.250 --> 00:42:21.270 They essential character cannot be determined, so it's classified 00:42:21.270 --> 00:42:23.860 in heading 9019, per GRI 3(C). 00:42:23.860 --> 00:42:30.290 The heading occurs last in numerical order see HQ 954181. 00:42:34.673 --> 00:42:40.889 CHEN, FEI The Massage Chair pad Consist of an adjustable neck massager 00:42:40.890 --> 00:42:45.280 with a heat functioned a back massager with a heat function 00:42:45.280 --> 00:42:48.800 and a vibration massager for hips and thighs. 00:42:48.800 --> 00:42:53.170 CHEN, FEI The neck massage node provide deep tissue massage 00:42:53.170 --> 00:42:58.200 to the neck and shoulder to relieve tire and muscle tightness. 00:42:58.200 --> 00:43:00.540 The back massager provides shiatsu massage. 00:43:00.540 --> 00:43:03.950 CHEN, FEI Spot massage and rolling massage. 00:43:03.950 --> 00:43:10.070 CHEN, FEI This massage pad is not be used as seating by itself. 00:43:10.070 --> 00:43:16.190 It is used on the sofa, Couch Recliner, office chair, or dining chair. 00:43:16.190 --> 00:43:22.260 The integrated strapping system secures it on chairs, so it's classifieds 00:43:22.260 --> 00:43:24.490 in subheading 9019.10.20. 00:43:30.433 --> 00:43:33.860 CHEN, FEI In 2015, Harmonized System committees 00:43:33.860 --> 00:43:38.221 out of World Customs Organization classified, 00:43:38.222 --> 00:43:41.350 a massage chair in heading 9019. 00:43:41.350 --> 00:43:47.240 The massage chair resembling a chair consists of a frame upholstered 00:43:47.240 --> 00:43:53.150 with leather on the inner side and with padded seat, back and have head rest. 00:43:53.150 --> 00:43:56.940 It is fitted with the built in massage components comprise 00:43:56.940 --> 00:43:59.980 of inflatable bladders with 00:43:59.980 --> 00:44:04.127 CHEN, FEI mechanism delivering vibration of friction 00:44:04.128 --> 00:44:05.830 at a number of points. 00:44:05.830 --> 00:44:10.350 A system of rollers with air cells extendable foot rest. 00:44:10.350 --> 00:44:15.470 CHEN, FEI The chair also has the L shaped guide railed forward 00:44:15.470 --> 00:44:20.140 sliding designs waist heating speakers and other components. 00:44:21.167 --> 00:44:23.780 CHEN, FEI So this zero gravity chair is used 00:44:23.780 --> 00:44:29.570 to massage the body from neck to feet by kneading tapping vibration, 00:44:29.570 --> 00:44:31.770 shiatsu technique or pressure. 00:44:32.900 --> 00:44:34.710 CHEN, FEI So the massaging mechanism. 00:44:34.710 --> 00:44:36.820 CHEN, FEI Can be adjusted. 00:44:36.820 --> 00:44:41.910 CHEN, FEI Using a remote control, then massage time, area speeds 00:44:41.910 --> 00:44:45.110 and the air cell intensity are all adjustable. 00:44:46.233 --> 00:44:48.710 CHEN, FEI So, that essential character of. 00:44:50.633 --> 00:44:54.930 CHEN, FEI Massage chair derived from the build in massage components. 00:44:55.900 --> 00:44:59.970 CHEN, FEI So HSC, harmonized system committee classified. 00:45:01.100 --> 00:45:06.890 CHEN, FEI This chair in heading 9019 as massage apparatus but GRI 3B. 00:45:11.033 --> 00:45:15.220 CHEN, FEI This full body massage chair is substantially identical 00:45:15.220 --> 00:45:19.810 to one rule on by the harmonized committees. 00:45:19.810 --> 00:45:23.140 I know you may be tired of listening to me by now, 00:45:23.140 --> 00:45:25.580 so I will let you read this slide on your own. 00:45:25.580 --> 00:45:29.020 CHEN, FEI Consistent with the Harmonized Committee. 00:45:29.020 --> 00:45:35.500 CHEN, FEI We classified it in subheading 9019.10.2045 00:45:35.500 --> 00:45:40.260 see new York ruling N300227 for details. 00:45:43.833 --> 00:45:48.250 CHEN, FEI The power chair is an adjustable metal frame upholstered seat. 00:45:49.167 --> 00:45:51.030 CHEN, FEI The seat is set comprised of built 00:45:51.030 --> 00:45:57.050 in electromechanical components that allow for the lifting extension 00:45:57.050 --> 00:46:01.320 and return of the seat to the metal frame base. 00:46:01.320 --> 00:46:05.610 The seat also has built in electrical electromechanical components. 00:46:05.610 --> 00:46:11.990 CHEN, FEI That independently perform optional massage or heating functions. 00:46:11.990 --> 00:46:16.060 CHEN, FEI Each armrest contains a cup holder in the seat. 00:46:16.060 --> 00:46:17.980 Also includes storage pockets. 00:46:19.367 --> 00:46:24.030 CHEN, FEI The reclined incline lift, massage and heat function. 00:46:24.030 --> 00:46:28.440 CHEN, FEI Of the seat are operated by remote control according 00:46:28.440 --> 00:46:30.160 to users preference. 00:46:30.160 --> 00:46:34.341 CHEN, FEI Is the power chair classified in heading 9019 00:46:34.342 --> 00:46:35.900 as massage apparatus? 00:46:36.499 --> 00:46:40.319 CHEN, FEI Please take a moment to think about it and select your choice 00:46:40.328 --> 00:46:42.128 from the pop up poll on your screen. 00:47:30.410 --> 00:47:30.740 CHEN, FEI OK. 00:47:30.740 --> 00:47:33.340 I will give you 10 more minutes. 00:47:51.900 --> 00:47:54.647 CHEN, FEI OK, we have. 00:47:55.327 --> 00:47:57.530 CHEN, FEI 51% of you say yes and. 00:47:57.530 --> 00:48:01.410 CHEN, FEI 39% say no. 00:48:08.167 --> 00:48:12.050 CHEN, FEI Headquarters ruled that the massage chair 00:48:12.066 --> 00:48:18.600 in the instant case is designed to be a seat for a person who is elderly. 00:48:18.600 --> 00:48:24.250 This features include a lift function, incline and recline, a heating function, 00:48:24.250 --> 00:48:30.290 a place for a cup, storage pockets, as well as the massage function. 00:48:30.290 --> 00:48:35.570 All of these features indicates that the article is properly classifieds 00:48:35.570 --> 00:48:37.920 as a chair in heading 9401. 00:48:37.920 --> 00:48:43.850 CHEN, FEI Further the Chair does not encapsulate the user. 00:48:43.850 --> 00:48:48.360 CHEN, FEI It is not principally designed to be primarily used 00:48:48.360 --> 00:48:49.710 as a massage device. 00:48:49.710 --> 00:48:53.560 CHEN, FEI So on the essential character of the article is defined 00:48:53.560 --> 00:48:55.370 by its users as seating. 00:48:55.370 --> 00:49:00.650 CHEN, FEI So pursuant to GRI 3b, the article is classified 00:49:00.650 --> 00:49:05.990 in heading 9401 HQ ruling H313575. 00:49:12.700 --> 00:49:16.600 CHEN, FEI Here are 2 Cases pending before headquarters the first one is 00:49:16.600 --> 00:49:17.700 for a massage chair. 00:49:19.233 --> 00:49:22.580 CHEN, FEI The three pictures depict the massage chair 00:49:22.580 --> 00:49:29.180 with an adjustable recliner swivel base, a retractable leg rest. 00:49:29.180 --> 00:49:33.440 The picture shows the same massage chair adjusted in three different modes. 00:49:36.003 --> 00:49:40.260 CHEN, FEI So massage chair has five auto massage programs, 00:49:40.260 --> 00:49:44.810 patented, warm air technology, customizable massage options 00:49:44.856 --> 00:49:50.436 with a remote control, and retractable leg rest with foot and calf massage. 00:49:51.399 --> 00:49:58.639 The issue here is classified as seat in heading 9401 or massage apparatus 00:49:58.640 --> 00:49:59.390 in heading 9019. 00:50:03.292 --> 00:50:05.980 CHEN, FEI The other case is for three different style 00:50:05.980 --> 00:50:09.470 of the electrical facial cleansing devices. 00:50:09.470 --> 00:50:15.500 The issue in this case is whether they are classified in heading 8509 00:50:15.500 --> 00:50:20.110 as electromechanical, domestic appliances 00:50:20.111 --> 00:50:24.280 or message apparatus in heading 9019. 00:50:24.280 --> 00:50:27.310 We cannot issue rulings on this types of products 00:50:27.310 --> 00:50:30.140 until the issues before headquarters has been decided. 00:50:32.500 --> 00:50:33.660 CHEN, FEI We will end this here. 00:50:37.100 --> 00:50:40.960 CHEN, FEI This is some helpful links that you may use frequently. 00:50:41.833 --> 00:50:45.970 CHEN, FEI Links for CBP websites harmonized tariff schedule, 00:50:45.970 --> 00:50:51.420 custom ruling, online search system, cross electronic ruling request, 00:50:51.420 --> 00:50:56.840 informed compliance publication and previously recorded webinars 00:50:56.840 --> 00:50:58.190 after being vetted. 00:50:58.190 --> 00:51:01.760 This webinar will also be posted on the same website. 00:51:03.967 --> 00:51:07.470 CHEN, FEI The slide and next, two slides contain links for images 00:51:07.470 --> 00:51:11.170 and references in using the presentation. 00:51:11.170 --> 00:51:16.020 CHEN, FEI I've had time to take some questions. 00:51:16.020 --> 00:51:20.890 CHEN, FEI Please feel free to tell your questions on this presentation 00:51:20.890 --> 00:51:22.660 into the chat box. 00:51:22.660 --> 00:51:26.680 In the meantime, I will scroll up to see if there are any questions 00:51:26.681 --> 00:51:27.681 from earlier. 00:51:58.833 --> 00:51:59.489 CHEN, FEI Actually. 00:51:59.490 --> 00:52:00.590 I didn't see any. 00:52:01.700 --> 00:52:03.550 CHEN, FEI Uh, questions? 00:52:09.967 --> 00:52:10.540 CHEN, FEI Oh. 00:52:13.300 --> 00:52:14.980 CHEN, FEI I see some questions coming. 00:52:14.980 --> 00:52:16.020 Give me a second, OK. 00:52:25.300 --> 00:52:26.560 CHEN, FEI Contact information. 00:52:26.560 --> 00:52:29.450 OK, I will provide contact information later. 00:52:31.300 --> 00:52:35.450 CHEN, FEI What's the case number for the pending rulings? 00:52:35.450 --> 00:52:36.440 CHEN, FEI Oh humm. 00:52:37.233 --> 00:52:38.440 CHEN, FEI That's good question. 00:52:40.167 --> 00:52:40.680 CHEN, FEI I can. 00:52:43.767 --> 00:52:44.550 CHEN, FEI Set. 00:52:44.550 --> 00:52:44.700 Uh. 00:52:51.070 --> 00:52:52.250 CHEN, FEI Let me find out. 00:52:52.250 --> 00:52:53.250 OK, give me one second. 00:52:58.690 --> 00:53:01.300 CHEN, FEI The first massage chair, actually. 00:53:02.300 --> 00:53:03.690 CHEN, FEI We rule. 00:53:03.690 --> 00:53:06.740 CHEN, FEI The massage chair in new your ruling. 00:53:08.300 --> 00:53:11.470 CHEN, FEI N314191. 00:53:11.470 --> 00:53:15.020 CHEN, FEI N314191 and. 00:53:16.433 --> 00:53:18.850 CHEN, FEI I don't have the headquarter ruling number yet. 00:53:19.833 --> 00:53:20.780 CHEN, FEI I don't remember. 00:53:20.780 --> 00:53:22.840 I can say you can email me. 00:53:22.840 --> 00:53:24.170 I will give it to you, OK. 00:53:25.100 --> 00:53:25.720 CHEN, FEI And the other. 00:53:26.833 --> 00:53:32.170 CHEN, FEI Uh, ruling regarding the electrical facial cleansing devices. 00:53:33.500 --> 00:53:35.940 CHEN, FEI You can look at the new York ruling. 00:53:36.567 --> 00:53:41.066 CHEN, FEI N299805. 00:53:41.067 --> 00:53:44.318 CHEN, FEI And N299937. 00:53:45.600 --> 00:53:48.150 CHEN, FEI N299933. 00:53:49.190 --> 00:53:51.170 CHEN, FEI Again, uh. 00:53:51.170 --> 00:53:55.060 You can email me for headquarter ruling number still pending. 00:54:10.567 --> 00:54:16.029 CHEN, FEI So one question say can adult products is called massager 00:54:16.030 --> 00:54:18.610 be classified as 9019? 00:54:18.610 --> 00:54:23.250 CHEN, FEI Uh, we do have ruling for vibratory. 00:54:23.250 --> 00:54:31.040 CHEN, FEI Adult products classify in 9019, so if you have specific product, 00:54:31.040 --> 00:54:33.750 uh, feel free to send us a ruling request. 00:54:48.367 --> 00:54:51.440 CHEN, FEI I see a question say please clarify the AC adapter. 00:54:52.724 --> 00:54:58.060 CHEN, FEI Of subheading 9019.10.2035 Is it simply a plug 00:54:58.060 --> 00:55:00.156 that can be removed from the device 00:55:00.157 --> 00:55:02.730 versus a plug that's permanently affixed. 00:55:04.566 --> 00:55:06.089 CHEN, FEI Let me see which. 00:55:21.653 --> 00:55:22.830 CHEN, FEI Give me once again. 00:55:22.830 --> 00:55:24.090 Let me see my note. 00:55:24.090 --> 00:55:26.930 Maybe I have something on my note. 00:56:08.633 --> 00:56:09.759 CHEN, FEI Yeah. 00:56:20.967 --> 00:56:22.440 CHEN, FEI You have that current. 00:56:22.440 --> 00:56:23.040 Currently. 00:56:23.040 --> 00:56:26.750 There are two main kind, there are two main kind of currents, 00:56:26.750 --> 00:56:34.140 AC or direct currents is a flow of energy from you to get from the battery. 00:56:35.367 --> 00:56:36.380 CHEN, FEI That's the AC. 00:56:37.500 --> 00:56:42.700 CHEN, FEI The alternating current is from your work outlets 00:56:42.700 --> 00:56:47.390 which reverse the direction of electrons along the current to flow 00:56:47.390 --> 00:56:48.590 to turn on off. 00:57:02.020 --> 00:57:06.090 CHEN, FEI So I think the question probably is not approximate, 00:57:06.090 --> 00:57:10.600 can be removed from the device versus approximate permanently affixed. 00:57:10.600 --> 00:57:16.210 I think it's more likely like the device you can remove. 00:57:16.210 --> 00:57:19.670 CHEN, FEI From a approximate can be removed from the device. 00:57:19.685 --> 00:57:22.735 CHEN, FEI But on the purpose of AC is. 00:57:23.719 --> 00:57:26.249 CHEN, FEI What is the alternate currents? 00:57:26.250 --> 00:57:30.080 So it reverse the direction of electrons allow the current flow? 00:57:30.080 --> 00:57:33.100 CHEN, FEI Two to turn on or off. 00:57:34.233 --> 00:57:36.810 CHEN, FEI I hope I answer your question on this one, 00:57:36.810 --> 00:57:39.170 otherwise feel free to email me. 00:57:42.633 --> 00:57:45.190 CHEN, FEI OK, I don't see any question yet. 00:57:45.190 --> 00:57:48.110 Ohh I do see something come up. 00:57:50.052 --> 00:57:54.369 CHEN, FEI Face Face Roller is classified under … 00:57:54.370 --> 00:57:59.460 we have the a few rulings online which classify those face roller 00:57:59.460 --> 00:58:02.680 as a massage apparatus. 00:58:07.433 --> 00:58:09.570 CHEN, FEI So it is classified and the. 00:58:11.167 --> 00:58:11.990 CHEN, FEI Other. 00:58:11.990 --> 00:58:14.367 CHEN, FEI 9019.10.2050. 00:58:18.433 --> 00:58:20.660 CHEN, FEI Any other questions. 00:58:28.763 --> 00:58:32.734 CHEN, FEI I've been doing the last call for the questions otherwise. 00:58:38.900 --> 00:58:41.810 CHEN, FEI Here's my teams contact information. 00:58:41.810 --> 00:58:45.790 If I did not get your questions or you have any questions 00:58:45.790 --> 00:58:50.600 on this topics or suggestion for future webinars, please feel free 00:58:50.614 --> 00:58:55.600 to send us an email and we'll be more than happy to get back to you. 00:58:55.600 --> 00:58:59.200 Email is the best way to reach us if you email us, 00:58:59.200 --> 00:59:01.630 please include a phone number where you can be reached. 00:59:04.500 --> 00:59:06.330 CHEN, FEI Thank you for joining me today. 00:59:06.330 --> 00:59:10.480 I would like to thank our web master, Miss Fung king Kong, 00:59:10.480 --> 00:59:17.230 Miss Amy Berkitt, Miss Rumana Rafik with Simon Slyer for hosting this webinar 00:59:17.230 --> 00:59:18.370 and make it possible. 00:59:18.370 --> 00:59:21.890 CHEN, FEI With that, we will conclude this presentation. 00:59:21.890 --> 00:59:23.750 Thank you and have a great afternoon.