WEBVTT NOTE Created by CaptionSync from Automatic Sync Technologies www.automaticsync.com 00:00:03.056 --> 00:00:05.996 align:start Recognizing and reporting 00:00:05.996 --> 00:00:06.696 align:start suspected victims 00:00:06.696 --> 00:00:08.456 align:start of human trafficking. 00:00:08.456 --> 00:00:11.596 align:start Human trafficking involves the 00:00:11.596 --> 00:00:13.216 align:start use of force, fraud, 00:00:13.216 --> 00:00:14.696 align:start or coercion in exchange 00:00:14.696 --> 00:00:16.406 align:start for labor, services, 00:00:16.406 --> 00:00:18.286 align:start or a commercial sex act 00:00:18.286 --> 00:00:19.836 align:start When most people think 00:00:19.836 --> 00:00:21.586 align:start of human trafficking, 00:00:21.586 --> 00:00:22.246 align:start they tend to think 00:00:22.246 --> 00:00:23.106 align:start of sex trafficking. 00:00:23.646 --> 00:00:25.606 align:start But human trafficking also 00:00:25.606 --> 00:00:26.826 align:start includes forced labor 00:00:26.826 --> 00:00:28.836 align:start and domestic servitude-both 00:00:28.836 --> 00:00:29.756 align:start of which are far 00:00:29.756 --> 00:00:30.986 align:start more widespread. 00:00:30.986 --> 00:00:34.106 align:start All trafficking is 00:00:34.106 --> 00:00:35.246 align:start exploitation-based 00:00:35.246 --> 00:00:37.116 align:start and does not require movement 00:00:37.116 --> 00:00:38.116 align:start across borders, 00:00:38.116 --> 00:00:40.126 align:start or any type of transportation. 00:00:40.126 --> 00:00:44.426 align:start As a highly profitable crime, 00:00:44.426 --> 00:00:46.786 align:start human trafficking can happen 00:00:46.786 --> 00:00:48.686 align:start in any community...in cities, 00:00:48.686 --> 00:00:50.006 align:start suburbs, towns, 00:00:50.326 --> 00:00:51.706 align:start and rural areas all 00:00:51.706 --> 00:00:52.526 align:start over the United States. 00:00:52.526 --> 00:00:55.276 align:start It can happen at truck stops, 00:00:55.466 --> 00:00:58.856 align:start hotels, clubs, factories, farms, 00:00:59.076 --> 00:00:59.956 align:start construction sites, 00:01:00.116 --> 00:01:01.456 align:start and private homes. 00:01:01.456 --> 00:01:04.906 align:start Traffickers 00:01:04.906 --> 00:01:06.856 align:start and victims can be any age, 00:01:06.976 --> 00:01:08.736 align:start race, gender, or nationality. 00:01:08.846 --> 00:01:10.656 align:start Language barriers, 00:01:11.296 --> 00:01:12.436 align:start fear of their traffickers, 00:01:12.756 --> 00:01:13.276 align:start and/or fear 00:01:13.276 --> 00:01:14.956 align:start of law enforcement frequently 00:01:14.956 --> 00:01:16.956 align:start keep victims from seeking help, 00:01:16.956 --> 00:01:18.216 align:start making human trafficking a 00:01:18.216 --> 00:01:19.086 align:start hidden crime. 00:01:19.086 --> 00:01:22.236 align:start And even when victims are right 00:01:22.236 --> 00:01:23.546 align:start in front of us, 00:01:23.546 --> 00:01:24.746 align:start they are often invisible 00:01:25.496 --> 00:01:26.096 align:start because most 00:01:26.096 --> 00:01:27.276 align:start of us do not recognize 00:01:27.306 --> 00:01:27.746 align:start the signs. 00:01:27.746 --> 00:01:30.546 align:start In this video, you'll learn how 00:01:30.546 --> 00:01:32.666 align:start to recognize key indicators 00:01:32.666 --> 00:01:33.976 align:start of potential human trafficking, 00:01:34.096 --> 00:01:35.526 align:start record what you see, 00:01:35.526 --> 00:01:37.176 align:start and report what you've seen 00:01:37.176 --> 00:01:38.576 align:start to the appropriate authorities. 00:01:38.646 --> 00:01:40.976 align:start Recognizing the signs is the 00:01:40.976 --> 00:01:42.416 align:start first step in identifying 00:01:42.416 --> 00:01:44.416 align:start victims and could help save 00:01:44.416 --> 00:01:44.766 align:start a life. 00:01:44.956 --> 00:01:49.426 align:start Remember: See...Call...Save. 00:01:49.686 --> 00:01:53.746 align:start As a responder working 00:01:53.796 --> 00:01:55.266 align:start in disaster-stricken areas, 00:01:55.616 --> 00:01:57.236 align:start you may be in a perfect position 00:01:57.236 --> 00:01:58.456 align:start to recognize a trafficking 00:01:58.456 --> 00:02:00.956 align:start situation...if you know what 00:02:00.956 --> 00:02:02.786 align:start to look for. 00:02:02.786 --> 00:02:04.026 align:start Human traffickers may view 00:02:04.026 --> 00:02:05.226 align:start disaster responders 00:02:05.226 --> 00:02:06.356 align:start as a potential source 00:02:06.356 --> 00:02:07.716 align:start of easy income. 00:02:07.716 --> 00:02:08.916 align:start So, they may let their guard 00:02:08.916 --> 00:02:10.406 align:start down and be less likely 00:02:10.406 --> 00:02:11.506 align:start to hide their victims, 00:02:11.736 --> 00:02:12.776 align:start compared to interactions 00:02:12.776 --> 00:02:14.876 align:start with law enforcement. 00:02:14.876 --> 00:02:16.036 align:start As you perform your job, 00:02:16.346 --> 00:02:17.306 align:start you may witness some 00:02:17.306 --> 00:02:18.186 align:start of the indicators 00:02:18.186 --> 00:02:19.886 align:start of human trafficking...from both 00:02:19.886 --> 00:02:21.546 align:start traffickers and victims. 00:02:21.546 --> 00:02:26.376 align:start Remember that not all indicators 00:02:26.376 --> 00:02:27.576 align:start we're about to describe may be 00:02:27.576 --> 00:02:29.006 align:start present in every situation, 00:02:29.126 --> 00:02:30.746 align:start and the presence of any 00:02:30.746 --> 00:02:32.116 align:start of the indicators is not 00:02:32.116 --> 00:02:33.266 align:start necessarily proof 00:02:33.266 --> 00:02:34.126 align:start of human trafficking. 00:02:34.216 --> 00:02:36.556 align:start Some of these signs may relate 00:02:36.596 --> 00:02:37.406 align:start to the disaster you've 00:02:37.406 --> 00:02:38.076 align:start responded to. 00:02:38.076 --> 00:02:40.596 align:start But if something doesn't feel 00:02:40.596 --> 00:02:42.086 align:start right, and you see one 00:02:42.086 --> 00:02:43.136 align:start or more indicators, 00:02:43.626 --> 00:02:44.716 align:start report what you've seen, 00:02:45.286 --> 00:02:46.786 align:start so that trained law enforcement 00:02:46.786 --> 00:02:47.556 align:start can make the call. 00:02:49.856 --> 00:02:53.236 align:start Remember: See...Call...Save. 00:02:55.706 --> 00:02:57.196 align:start Keep your eyes and ears open 00:02:57.196 --> 00:02:58.136 align:start for both physical 00:02:58.236 --> 00:02:59.576 align:start and social indicators. 00:03:01.646 --> 00:03:02.276 align:start If you are talking 00:03:02.276 --> 00:03:03.246 align:start to a potential victim 00:03:03.836 --> 00:03:04.796 align:start or if they are nearby, 00:03:05.516 --> 00:03:08.686 align:start look for PHYSICAL indicators. 00:03:08.686 --> 00:03:09.906 align:start Does the person show signs 00:03:09.906 --> 00:03:11.376 align:start of abuse, restraint, 00:03:11.656 --> 00:03:13.026 align:start confinement, or torture? 00:03:13.606 --> 00:03:15.376 align:start Does the person have bruises 00:03:15.376 --> 00:03:20.616 align:start in various stages of healing? 00:03:20.616 --> 00:03:21.816 align:start Does the person show signs 00:03:21.816 --> 00:03:23.036 align:start of being deprived of food, 00:03:23.306 --> 00:03:24.266 align:start water, sleep, 00:03:24.666 --> 00:03:25.916 align:start other life necessities, 00:03:25.986 --> 00:03:27.166 align:start or personal possessions? 00:03:27.166 --> 00:03:28.906 align:start Or living in unsafe 00:03:28.906 --> 00:03:29.976 align:start or unsuitable conditions? 00:03:29.976 --> 00:03:32.796 align:start In addition 00:03:32.796 --> 00:03:34.386 align:start to these physical indicators, 00:03:34.386 --> 00:03:35.526 align:start if you are speaking 00:03:35.526 --> 00:03:36.546 align:start to potential victims, 00:03:36.546 --> 00:03:38.226 align:start look for SOCIAL indicators. 00:03:38.226 --> 00:03:41.836 align:start Is the person disoriented 00:03:42.256 --> 00:03:43.846 align:start or confused? 00:03:43.846 --> 00:03:46.356 align:start Does the person act fearful, 00:03:46.816 --> 00:03:48.046 align:start nervous, depressed, 00:03:48.636 --> 00:03:52.396 align:start submissive, or tense? 00:03:52.396 --> 00:03:53.496 align:start Does the individual avoid eye 00:03:54.236 --> 00:03:55.866 align:start contact, appear to be coached 00:03:55.866 --> 00:03:56.636 align:start on what to say, 00:03:57.176 --> 00:03:58.556 align:start or defer to someone else 00:03:58.556 --> 00:04:01.736 align:start to speak up for him or her? 00:04:01.736 --> 00:04:02.376 align:start When speaking 00:04:02.376 --> 00:04:03.586 align:start to potential traffickers, 00:04:03.586 --> 00:04:04.766 align:start pay attention 00:04:04.766 --> 00:04:05.416 align:start to the following 00:04:05.416 --> 00:04:06.576 align:start social indicators. 00:04:06.576 --> 00:04:08.786 align:start Does the person appear 00:04:08.786 --> 00:04:09.986 align:start to be holding a large group 00:04:09.986 --> 00:04:10.726 align:start in one place 00:04:10.726 --> 00:04:11.696 align:start with poor conditions 00:04:11.696 --> 00:04:12.486 align:start and limited space? 00:04:12.486 --> 00:04:14.866 align:start Is the person constantly 00:04:14.866 --> 00:04:16.166 align:start watching or accompanying the 00:04:16.166 --> 00:04:19.096 align:start potential victims? 00:04:19.096 --> 00:04:21.086 align:start Is the person being physically 00:04:21.086 --> 00:04:22.466 align:start or verbally abusive 00:04:22.466 --> 00:04:23.096 align:start or threatening 00:04:23.096 --> 00:04:24.206 align:start to potential victims? 00:04:24.206 --> 00:04:26.786 align:start If you spot any 00:04:26.786 --> 00:04:27.736 align:start of these indicators, 00:04:27.736 --> 00:04:28.936 align:start do not attempt 00:04:28.966 --> 00:04:30.036 align:start to confront suspected 00:04:30.036 --> 00:04:31.166 align:start traffickers directly 00:04:31.426 --> 00:04:32.706 align:start or alert potential victims 00:04:32.706 --> 00:04:34.686 align:start to your suspicions. 00:04:34.686 --> 00:04:36.026 align:start Your safety as well 00:04:36.026 --> 00:04:37.216 align:start as the victims' safety is 00:04:37.216 --> 00:04:38.306 align:start extremely important. 00:04:38.306 --> 00:04:41.996 align:start Instead, observe as much 00:04:41.996 --> 00:04:43.436 align:start as you can without alerting the 00:04:43.436 --> 00:04:44.586 align:start suspected traffickers 00:04:44.586 --> 00:04:46.766 align:start or victims. 00:04:46.766 --> 00:04:48.916 align:start For example, note the number 00:04:48.916 --> 00:04:49.996 align:start of individuals involved. 00:04:50.856 --> 00:04:51.746 align:start Observe details 00:04:51.746 --> 00:04:53.386 align:start about physical appearance 00:04:53.386 --> 00:04:54.766 align:start such as approximate age, 00:04:54.766 --> 00:04:55.916 align:start hair and eye color, 00:04:56.436 --> 00:04:57.956 align:start race or ethnicity, 00:04:57.956 --> 00:04:59.346 align:start prominent facial features, 00:04:59.346 --> 00:05:00.436 align:start and/or tattoos. 00:05:00.626 --> 00:05:01.556 align:start Pay attention 00:05:01.736 --> 00:05:03.346 align:start to any nicknames being used, 00:05:03.346 --> 00:05:04.636 align:start and any indicators 00:05:04.636 --> 00:05:05.596 align:start of gang affiliation. 00:05:05.716 --> 00:05:09.626 align:start After you leave write 00:05:09.626 --> 00:05:11.446 align:start down anything you can remember. 00:05:11.716 --> 00:05:12.456 align:start Compare notes 00:05:12.456 --> 00:05:13.516 align:start with any other responder 00:05:13.556 --> 00:05:15.346 align:start who was with you. 00:05:16.486 --> 00:05:18.096 align:start Then, as soon as possible, 00:05:18.746 --> 00:05:20.126 align:start call the Homeland Security 00:05:20.126 --> 00:05:22.096 align:start Investigations Tip Line at one, 00:05:22.376 --> 00:05:24.176 align:start eight-six-six, three-four-seven, 00:05:24.706 --> 00:05:25.946 align:start two-four-two-three. 00:05:26.906 --> 00:05:27.966 align:start This line accepts human 00:05:27.966 --> 00:05:29.536 align:start trafficking tips and can work 00:05:29.536 --> 00:05:30.486 align:start with its law enforcement 00:05:30.486 --> 00:05:31.716 align:start resources to help victims 00:05:31.966 --> 00:05:32.686 align:start and open cases. 00:05:32.686 --> 00:05:35.796 align:start You can also get help 00:05:35.846 --> 00:05:37.176 align:start by making an anonymous call 00:05:37.226 --> 00:05:38.156 align:start to the National Human 00:05:38.156 --> 00:05:39.956 align:start Trafficking Hotline at one, 00:05:40.256 --> 00:05:40.866 align:start eight-eight-eight, 00:05:41.456 --> 00:05:42.226 align:start three-seven-three, 00:05:42.936 --> 00:05:44.126 align:start seven-eight-eight-eight. 00:05:44.946 --> 00:05:46.416 align:start That's one, eight-eight-eight, 00:05:46.836 --> 00:05:47.666 align:start three-seven-three, 00:05:48.106 --> 00:05:49.386 align:start seven-eight-eight-eight. 00:05:50.896 --> 00:05:51.906 align:start It's better to report 00:05:51.906 --> 00:05:52.466 align:start and be wrong 00:05:52.936 --> 00:05:54.016 align:start than to ignore what you've seen 00:05:54.286 --> 00:05:56.396 align:start and possibly fail to save lives. 00:05:57.086 --> 00:05:57.876 align:start You now know how 00:05:57.876 --> 00:05:59.116 align:start to identify indicators 00:05:59.116 --> 00:05:59.806 align:start of human trafficking, 00:06:00.596 --> 00:06:00.996 align:start who to call, 00:06:00.996 --> 00:06:02.496 align:start and how to report the 00:06:02.616 --> 00:06:03.716 align:start information you observe. 00:06:03.746 --> 00:06:05.496 align:start You have the ability 00:06:05.726 --> 00:06:06.196 align:start to make a change 00:06:06.346 --> 00:06:07.196 align:start in someone's life! 00:06:08.236 --> 00:06:22.466 align:start Remember: See...Call...Save!