WEBVTT VTT 00:00:01.000 --> 00:00:02.174 >> CHRISSI GUTH: Good afternoon. I 00:00:02.174 --> 00:00:06.630 am Chrissi Guth with CBP office with 00:00:06.630 --> 00:00:09.804 trade relations and today's webinar is 00:00:09.804 --> 00:00:13.803 classification of bamboo Chapter 44, 00:00:13.803 --> 00:00:15.128 HTSUS. 00:00:15.128 --> 00:00:20.234 The webinar is a part of the NCSD's 00:00:20.234 --> 00:00:21.906 2023 webinar series. Please be mindful 00:00:21.906 --> 00:00:23.826 that you will be on mute during the 00:00:23.826 --> 00:00:27.105 presentation. Therefore, we ask that 00:00:27.105 --> 00:00:29.267 you submit any questions you have in the 00:00:29.267 --> 00:00:31.503 chat feature. Now I like to pass it 00:00:31.503 --> 00:00:33.924 over to national import specialist, 00:00:33.924 --> 00:00:42.803 Laurel Duvall. 00:00:42.803 --> 00:00:43.972 >> LAUREL DUVALL: Hi, everybody. 00:00:43.972 --> 00:00:47.083 Welcome. Hopefully you're all settled 00:00:47.083 --> 00:00:50.319 now. My name is Laurel Duvall. I'm the 00:00:50.319 --> 00:00:53.075 national import specialist for wood 00:00:53.075 --> 00:00:54.439 products. If that doesn't sound 00:00:54.439 --> 00:00:57.437 familiar to you, you might know me by my 00:00:57.437 --> 00:01:00.433 former name, Wood Princess. That's what 00:01:00.433 --> 00:01:02.362 it shows on my business card and today 00:01:02.362 --> 00:01:05.113 we are here to talk about bamboo 00:01:05.113 --> 00:01:07.562 classification. So if you have worked 00:01:07.562 --> 00:01:10.259 with classifying bamboo products, you 00:01:10.259 --> 00:01:12.817 know they can be a little tricky. So, 00:01:12.817 --> 00:01:14.484 hopefully, we'll get you little bit of 00:01:14.484 --> 00:01:15.738 clarification today. And if nothing 00:01:15.738 --> 00:01:17.607 else, you get my email address so you 00:01:17.607 --> 00:01:22.573 can ask me some time later. As Chrissy 00:01:22.573 --> 00:01:26.208 noted, if you have questions today 00:01:26.208 --> 00:01:28.105 during our presentation, please put them 00:01:28.105 --> 00:01:29.249 in the chat and we'll address them at 00:01:29.249 --> 00:01:31.395 the end. The presentation is about an 00:01:31.395 --> 00:01:36.518 hour. And you'll probably notice that 00:01:36.518 --> 00:01:41.601 there are people from CBP and from the 00:01:41.601 --> 00:01:44.201 trade here on our presentation today. 00:01:44.201 --> 00:01:47.358 And so if you happen to be in the 00:01:47.358 --> 00:01:49.753 bamboo industry, and I'm telling you 00:01:49.753 --> 00:01:52.624 things that you already completely know, 00:01:52.624 --> 00:01:54.048 sorry about that. Please be patient 00:01:54.048 --> 00:01:56.749 with me as I'm sharing the information 00:01:56.749 --> 00:01:58.828 with a lot of different audiences. So 00:01:58.828 --> 00:01:59.770 hang in there. 00:01:59.770 --> 00:02:02.740 And let's get going. I'm going to 00:02:02.740 --> 00:02:05.838 turn off my camera so you don't get 00:02:05.838 --> 00:02:10.122 distracted by my face. [Laughter] 00:02:10.122 --> 00:02:12.160 because it can be distracting that way. 00:02:12.160 --> 00:02:17.841 But let's get going on bamboo. Okay. 00:02:17.841 --> 00:02:26.502 Sorry. New computer sys. 00:02:26.502 --> 00:02:28.334 Here we go. All right. So here is 00:02:28.334 --> 00:02:31.456 my contact information. Please contact 00:02:31.456 --> 00:02:34.592 me by email. That's the best way to get 00:02:34.592 --> 00:02:36.712 a hold of me. I'm not necessarily 00:02:36.712 --> 00:02:39.150 always in the office and I like to get 00:02:39.150 --> 00:02:41.726 you an answer quickly. I do answer 00:02:41.726 --> 00:02:43.463 everything. I'm kind of weird that way. 00:02:43.463 --> 00:02:45.393 So if you have a question, please let 00:02:45.393 --> 00:02:51.135 me know. Please do not contact me and 00:02:51.135 --> 00:02:52.368 ask me what the classification of your 00:02:52.368 --> 00:02:54.969 product is. I don't give classification 00:02:54.969 --> 00:02:59.526 advice. We only give binding 00:02:59.526 --> 00:03:02.570 determinations here. So I can talk to 00:03:02.570 --> 00:03:05.584 you about what things mean, but I'm not 00:03:05.584 --> 00:03:07.895 going to classify your products for you. 00:03:07.895 --> 00:03:12.577 And also if you're in CBP, please don't 00:03:12.577 --> 00:03:14.594 instant message me. I can't always drop 00:03:14.594 --> 00:03:19.465 what I'm doing and so the best way to 00:03:19.465 --> 00:03:22.342 get hold of me is by email. 00:03:22.342 --> 00:03:25.280 Okay. So as always, quick 00:03:25.280 --> 00:03:28.663 disclaimer. This webinar is for general 00:03:28.663 --> 00:03:31.113 information purposes only. And 00:03:31.113 --> 00:03:33.775 listening to it does not constitute 00:03:33.775 --> 00:03:38.065 reasonable care. So if some import 00:03:38.065 --> 00:03:40.109 specialist sends you a rate advance and 00:03:40.109 --> 00:03:42.686 your answer is, well, Laurel said blah, 00:03:42.686 --> 00:03:45.342 blah in a webinar, that's not reason 00:03:45.342 --> 00:03:48.064 enough. The best thing to do is to get 00:03:48.064 --> 00:03:50.383 yourself a binding classification 00:03:50.383 --> 00:03:53.461 ruling. And they are easy to get. You 00:03:53.461 --> 00:03:57.342 can request them electronically now. E 00:03:57.342 --> 00:04:01.806 ruling start CBP.gov. They are free. 00:04:01.806 --> 00:04:03.994 So you don't have to pay a sent for 00:04:03.994 --> 00:04:06.013 them. Assuming you provide us with all 00:04:06.013 --> 00:04:09.124 the information that we need, your 00:04:09.124 --> 00:04:10.640 ruling will be issued within 30 days 00:04:10.640 --> 00:04:12.288 from the date of receipt. So you won't 00:04:12.288 --> 00:04:15.093 be sitting around waiting for them 00:04:15.093 --> 00:04:15.534 either. 00:04:15.534 --> 00:04:17.516 The important thing to note is 00:04:17.516 --> 00:04:22.366 national comomed tea specialist division 00:04:22.366 --> 00:04:25.049 can issue rulings on prospective 00:04:25.049 --> 00:04:26.503 transactions. Things we haven't 00:04:26.503 --> 00:04:28.971 imported yet, we can't rule on current 00:04:28.971 --> 00:04:30.867 or past transactions. So if you get 00:04:30.867 --> 00:04:32.967 that rate of advance and you don't agree 00:04:32.967 --> 00:04:34.870 with the specialist, you can't come to 00:04:34.870 --> 00:04:37.082 us to get a ruling, because it's a 00:04:37.082 --> 00:04:37.795 current transaction. 00:04:37.795 --> 00:04:39.864 Also it's important to note that we 00:04:39.864 --> 00:04:43.651 cannot rule on matters of antidumping or 00:04:43.651 --> 00:04:48.305 Countervailing duties. That is 00:04:48.305 --> 00:04:49.973 jurisdiction of commerce. And we get 00:04:49.973 --> 00:04:52.230 asked all the time, what's the 00:04:52.230 --> 00:04:55.085 classification, am I good to 00:04:55.085 --> 00:04:56.949 antidumping? Unfortunately, we can't 00:04:56.949 --> 00:04:59.515 tell you. If you want the formal 00:04:59.515 --> 00:05:01.599 ruling, you have to go to development of 00:05:01.599 --> 00:05:04.489 commerce. So let's talk about bamboo. 00:05:04.489 --> 00:05:06.095 Of course, you hear about bamboo a 00:05:06.095 --> 00:05:09.693 lot in the market and in the media, and 00:05:09.693 --> 00:05:12.113 you know, it's a green material. And 00:05:12.113 --> 00:05:15.225 all of that. But bamboo is kind of 00:05:15.225 --> 00:05:18.470 unique and cool. It's the world's 00:05:18.470 --> 00:05:21.372 fastest producer of biomass. It can 00:05:21.372 --> 00:05:24.742 literally grow up to a meter a day. If 00:05:24.742 --> 00:05:28.364 you're not metric inclined, that means 00:05:28.364 --> 00:05:31.148 over a yard a day. Manning sitting in 00:05:31.148 --> 00:05:33.920 your kitchen and watching a tree grow a 00:05:33.920 --> 00:05:35.811 yard in one day. That would be crazy, 00:05:35.811 --> 00:05:39.704 right? But that's the great thing about 00:05:39.704 --> 00:05:45.248 bamboo is that it's superfast growing. 00:05:45.248 --> 00:05:49.892 It's a grass. It's not a tree. And as 00:05:49.892 --> 00:05:52.537 material, it's highly durable and 00:05:52.537 --> 00:05:54.622 versatile. And when it's used in place 00:05:54.622 --> 00:06:00.073 of wood, it reduces pressure on hardwood 00:06:00.073 --> 00:06:02.272 forest. So it's a unique and great 00:06:02.272 --> 00:06:04.359 material to be working with from my 00:06:04.359 --> 00:06:10.177 perspective. 00:06:10.177 --> 00:06:12.367 I recommend you don't underestimate 00:06:12.367 --> 00:06:16.115 the possibilities of bamboo. Long gone 00:06:16.115 --> 00:06:18.386 are the days when bamboo was used 00:06:18.386 --> 00:06:20.698 forecast away huts on desert aisles. 00:06:20.698 --> 00:06:23.601 You know, this building you see in the 00:06:23.601 --> 00:06:26.526 center picture is a welcome center for 00:06:26.526 --> 00:06:31.598 resort in Vietnam. It's a highly 00:06:31.598 --> 00:06:37.342 durable material that's, you know, very 00:06:37.342 --> 00:06:40.823 workable. So it can be made into these 00:06:40.823 --> 00:06:44.889 intricate buildings. And it's totally 00:06:44.889 --> 00:06:47.997 stable as standard construction 00:06:47.997 --> 00:06:50.231 buildings may be. So it's a really 00:06:50.231 --> 00:06:52.075 interesting material. 00:06:52.075 --> 00:06:57.310 And if you happen to have aired on 00:06:57.310 --> 00:07:00.299 to Hong Kong or another Asian city, you 00:07:00.299 --> 00:07:04.225 might see ultra modern skyscraper with 00:07:04.225 --> 00:07:06.621 primitive bamboo scaffolding. It's a 00:07:06.621 --> 00:07:09.752 really great material for this. It's 00:07:09.752 --> 00:07:12.513 cheap. It's strong. It's lightweight. 00:07:12.513 --> 00:07:14.950 And it actually has benefits over the 00:07:14.950 --> 00:07:18.736 kind of steel scaffolding that we're 00:07:18.736 --> 00:07:20.626 accustomed to in the U.S. And it's just 00:07:20.626 --> 00:07:25.041 interesting to see in action. 00:07:25.041 --> 00:07:27.310 But today, we're going to be talking 00:07:27.310 --> 00:07:28.670 about bamboo classification, 00:07:28.670 --> 00:07:30.737 specifically in Chapter 44. And the 00:07:30.737 --> 00:07:32.437 kinds of products we're going to be 00:07:32.437 --> 00:07:35.247 seeing there are things like building 00:07:35.247 --> 00:07:38.353 materials, molding, flooring. We're 00:07:38.353 --> 00:07:39.832 going to talk a lot about flooring here 00:07:39.832 --> 00:07:43.788 today. And just, you know, materials 00:07:43.788 --> 00:07:46.228 that typically go into construction of 00:07:46.228 --> 00:07:50.048 buildings and other structures. So 00:07:50.048 --> 00:07:52.127 let's get with it. 00:07:52.127 --> 00:07:55.987 Okay. So bamboo is grass. Chapter 00:07:55.987 --> 00:08:00.511 44 is where wood is classified. So why 00:08:00.511 --> 00:08:06.338 is grass classified with wood? And the 00:08:06.338 --> 00:08:09.627 reason is note 6 to Chapter 44. And 00:08:09.627 --> 00:08:12.861 note 6 specifically tell us that any 00:08:12.861 --> 00:08:15.751 reference to the word "wood" in Chapter 00:08:15.751 --> 00:08:18.558 44 in any heading of Chapter 44 applies 00:08:18.558 --> 00:08:21.026 also to bamboo and other materials of 00:08:21.026 --> 00:08:23.225 Woody nature. 00:08:23.225 --> 00:08:27.477 So bamboo is a material of Woody 00:08:27.477 --> 00:08:29.960 nature. If you look at a piece of 00:08:29.960 --> 00:08:31.884 bamboo flooring, for all intents and 00:08:31.884 --> 00:08:33.555 purposes, it's pretty much the same as 00:08:33.555 --> 00:08:36.789 wood. So that is why, you know, all of 00:08:36.789 --> 00:08:40.307 these products go directly to Chapter 44 00:08:40.307 --> 00:08:44.086 for classification and not to some place 00:08:44.086 --> 00:08:46.684 where other vegetable materials are 00:08:46.684 --> 00:08:51.840 classified. Now, look at the structure 00:08:51.840 --> 00:08:54.203 of bamboo and see what you notice about 00:08:54.203 --> 00:08:56.521 it. 00:08:56.521 --> 00:09:00.169 One, it's round. That's different. 00:09:00.169 --> 00:09:04.509 It's hollow. The wall of bamboo has a 00:09:04.509 --> 00:09:08.354 relatively thin cross-section. So in 00:09:08.354 --> 00:09:11.721 this case, probably 5 to 6-millimeter on 00:09:11.721 --> 00:09:16.030 the pole to the left. Generally 00:09:16.030 --> 00:09:18.359 speaking, compared to trees, the 00:09:18.359 --> 00:09:22.918 diameter is much smaller. The interior 00:09:22.918 --> 00:09:28.125 of it is broken into, like, large open 00:09:28.125 --> 00:09:30.787 cells with you can see these kinds of 00:09:30.787 --> 00:09:34.204 horizontal breaks on the inside of the 00:09:34.204 --> 00:09:37.209 bamboo poles. And all of these things 00:09:37.209 --> 00:09:39.685 impact how bamboo is used in 00:09:39.685 --> 00:09:42.779 manufacturing. 00:09:42.779 --> 00:09:45.430 So bamboo is hollow and has a narrow 00:09:45.430 --> 00:09:47.251 cross-section. So what does that mean 00:09:47.251 --> 00:09:48.918 for its use as a construction material? 00:09:48.918 --> 00:09:52.798 Well, bamboo isn't like wood. It's not 00:09:52.798 --> 00:09:54.918 like a tree. It's not solid. So it's 00:09:54.918 --> 00:09:59.594 not like with a tree trunk, you can't 00:09:59.594 --> 00:10:02.092 cut a big slab of it, right? It's not 00:10:02.092 --> 00:10:04.788 solid. It's hollow. So all you have to 00:10:04.788 --> 00:10:09.963 work with is that wall, right? And it's 00:10:09.963 --> 00:10:12.527 only so thick. So how do you get that 00:10:12.527 --> 00:10:14.330 material and make larger things out of 00:10:14.330 --> 00:10:16.966 it? Right? Because there's not a lot 00:10:16.966 --> 00:10:20.867 of material, and it's what is there is 00:10:20.867 --> 00:10:23.212 limited in size. So if you imagine the 00:10:23.212 --> 00:10:27.500 wall being broken down into several 00:10:27.500 --> 00:10:32.222 pieces, you know, around the 00:10:32.222 --> 00:10:35.014 circumference of it, you get pieces of 00:10:35.014 --> 00:10:37.227 workable material. 00:10:37.227 --> 00:10:39.510 And they tend to look like these 00:10:39.510 --> 00:10:42.870 strips on the left. Okay, so you can 00:10:42.870 --> 00:10:47.734 see these strips are 5, 6, 7-millimeter 00:10:47.734 --> 00:10:50.134 thick, and maybe 1 to 2-centimeter in 00:10:50.134 --> 00:10:52.156 width. But you're not going to get 00:10:52.156 --> 00:10:57.246 anything much bigger out of bamboo. So 00:10:57.246 --> 00:11:00.472 bamboo products can't be made of solid 00:11:00.472 --> 00:11:03.360 uninterrupted bamboo, or for the most 00:11:03.360 --> 00:11:05.707 part, every once in a while that can be 00:11:05.707 --> 00:11:09.063 made of solid uninterrupted bamboo, but 00:11:09.063 --> 00:11:11.761 for the most part, even small items have 00:11:11.761 --> 00:11:14.612 to be made of multiple pieces of bamboo 00:11:14.612 --> 00:11:18.180 bonded together to form a large hole. 00:11:18.180 --> 00:11:21.534 So you see these two moldings here. T 00:11:21.534 --> 00:11:27.386 molding and a quarter round. And this 00:11:27.386 --> 00:11:31.782 quart rawnd is an one niche square. And 00:11:31.782 --> 00:11:34.043 you can see the semis of multiple pieces 00:11:34.043 --> 00:11:37.407 of bamboo glued together to form a 00:11:37.407 --> 00:11:39.798 whole. So small molding that's not even 00:11:39.798 --> 00:11:42.596 an inch square, it still requires that 00:11:42.596 --> 00:11:46.570 pieces of Bambi glued together to form a 00:11:46.570 --> 00:11:49.879 larger piece of material to make things 00:11:49.879 --> 00:11:50.665 out of. 00:11:50.665 --> 00:11:53.052 And same thing with this T molding. 00:11:53.052 --> 00:11:57.183 You can see these seems all the way 00:11:57.183 --> 00:11:59.747 across. It shows that the molding is 00:11:59.747 --> 00:12:02.209 made of several strips glued 00:12:02.209 --> 00:12:05.826 side-by-side. 00:12:05.826 --> 00:12:09.307 Okay, and just a few things about 00:12:09.307 --> 00:12:15.096 features of bamboo. Nodes. Do you see 00:12:15.096 --> 00:12:17.648 these circular rings around the bamboo 00:12:17.648 --> 00:12:22.307 poles that, you know, are just what you 00:12:22.307 --> 00:12:26.071 imagine when you think of bamboo, these 00:12:26.071 --> 00:12:27.424 circular rings. And they're called 00:12:27.424 --> 00:12:29.983 nodes. And internal to the bamboo, 00:12:29.983 --> 00:12:34.346 they're actually these diaphragms that 00:12:34.346 --> 00:12:36.863 act as mechanical support to the inside 00:12:36.863 --> 00:12:39.764 of the pole. So this, you know, shows 00:12:39.764 --> 00:12:43.621 that the pole is hollow. But it does 00:12:43.621 --> 00:12:47.695 have these breaks in it. And 00:12:47.695 --> 00:12:50.021 interestingly, they're recognizable in 00:12:50.021 --> 00:12:51.685 certain products. So I'll show you how 00:12:51.685 --> 00:12:57.097 to recognize them. So here is the top 00:12:57.097 --> 00:13:00.308 of the surface of a horizontal bamboo 00:13:00.308 --> 00:13:03.381 flooring panel. And you can see these 00:13:03.381 --> 00:13:05.310 little areas where it looks like there's 00:13:05.310 --> 00:13:09.666 kind of a crunch of the little lines and 00:13:09.666 --> 00:13:13.434 dots, and you know, looks like two 00:13:13.434 --> 00:13:15.298 pieces kind of colliding together. 00:13:15.298 --> 00:13:17.463 Those are the nodes. So those are where 00:13:17.463 --> 00:13:21.519 the horizontal dividing diaphragms from 00:13:21.519 --> 00:13:23.874 inside the pole, those are where they 00:13:23.874 --> 00:13:27.539 show up in the bamboo product. So if 00:13:27.539 --> 00:13:29.179 you see something like this, if I give 00:13:29.179 --> 00:13:32.655 you a piece of a -- you know, if I give 00:13:32.655 --> 00:13:34.921 you a piece of flooring panel and you 00:13:34.921 --> 00:13:37.980 see those nodes, it's a dead give away 00:13:37.980 --> 00:13:40.553 that it's a product made of bamboo. So 00:13:40.553 --> 00:13:42.743 it's useful. 00:13:42.743 --> 00:13:46.493 Okay, also, carbonized. If you're 00:13:46.493 --> 00:13:48.962 looking at entry documents for bamboo 00:13:48.962 --> 00:13:51.377 products, you're often going to see the 00:13:51.377 --> 00:13:57.277 word "carbonized" or "natural" on it. 00:13:57.277 --> 00:14:00.693 It's heat treating, steaming, or smoking 00:14:00.693 --> 00:14:04.361 the bamboo to give it a darker color. 00:14:04.361 --> 00:14:06.457 Carbonizing, you can see on the left, 00:14:06.457 --> 00:14:09.221 this is what color natural bamboo 00:14:09.221 --> 00:14:14.213 usually is, this light blonde color and 00:14:14.213 --> 00:14:16.544 carbonized is a darker color. It's 00:14:16.544 --> 00:14:20.637 important to know car Bobbizeing doesn't 00:14:20.637 --> 00:14:23.048 impact classification. But if you see 00:14:23.048 --> 00:14:24.651 it on a document, you know what it's 00:14:24.651 --> 00:14:25.315 talking about. 00:14:25.315 --> 00:14:27.360 The thing that does govern 00:14:27.360 --> 00:14:29.600 classification is construction. First 00:14:29.600 --> 00:14:32.589 and foremost with bamboo products, the 00:14:32.589 --> 00:14:33.829 construction is going to be the most 00:14:33.829 --> 00:14:35.336 important thing you're going to have to 00:14:35.336 --> 00:14:37.984 concern yourself with. So all three of 00:14:37.984 --> 00:14:40.360 these products are classified by their 00:14:40.360 --> 00:14:42.850 construction. You can see this top one 00:14:42.850 --> 00:14:45.689 on the left has these strips glued 00:14:45.689 --> 00:14:48.024 side-by-side. This one in the center is 00:14:48.024 --> 00:14:50.486 actually strands all agglomerated 00:14:50.486 --> 00:14:53.229 together so they're pushed, pressed 00:14:53.229 --> 00:14:56.804 together in a block. And this one on 00:14:56.804 --> 00:15:00.243 the right is actually a plywood 00:15:00.243 --> 00:15:01.338 construction so, these are all going to 00:15:01.338 --> 00:15:05.526 be treated differently. 00:15:05.526 --> 00:15:07.042 The three most common constructions 00:15:07.042 --> 00:15:09.165 you're going to see, you know, because 00:15:09.165 --> 00:15:11.115 chances are most of what you're going to 00:15:11.115 --> 00:15:13.771 see is going to be flooring. They're 00:15:13.771 --> 00:15:17.810 horizontal, vertical, and strand. Okay, 00:15:17.810 --> 00:15:20.189 so this is what horizontal looks like. 00:15:20.189 --> 00:15:24.031 Horizontal bamboo flooring is almost 00:15:24.031 --> 00:15:25.951 always 3 layers. And the strips are 00:15:25.951 --> 00:15:28.195 glued together side-by-side along their 00:15:28.195 --> 00:15:31.501 narrow edges. So it's going to form 00:15:31.501 --> 00:15:33.552 this up in the air. And they're usually 00:15:33.552 --> 00:15:36.793 made of 3 layers. Okay? Now, if you 00:15:36.793 --> 00:15:41.537 look at the profile of each individual 00:15:41.537 --> 00:15:44.965 strip, you'll see where at least I 00:15:44.965 --> 00:15:47.365 believe the word "horizontal" comes 00:15:47.365 --> 00:15:50.691 from, because the strips are oriented in 00:15:50.691 --> 00:15:55.559 a horizontal direction. 00:15:55.559 --> 00:15:59.804 Vertical is where the strips are 00:15:59.804 --> 00:16:02.315 stood up on the narrow sides and glued 00:16:02.315 --> 00:16:05.950 together wide facessed to wide faced. 00:16:05.950 --> 00:16:07.525 And these are oriented in a single 00:16:07.525 --> 00:16:09.963 layer. And if you look at the profile 00:16:09.963 --> 00:16:13.078 of a single strip, you can see that it's 00:16:13.078 --> 00:16:15.645 oriented in a vertical manner relative 00:16:15.645 --> 00:16:21.162 to the horizontal. So you can see the 00:16:21.162 --> 00:16:22.729 difference. And there's this strand. 00:16:22.729 --> 00:16:27.074 And I've got this cookie, you know, 00:16:27.074 --> 00:16:29.538 squiggly that I've drawn here. And 00:16:29.538 --> 00:16:31.851 strand is almost what it sounds like 00:16:31.851 --> 00:16:43.595 where strands or like shreds are bamboo 00:16:43.595 --> 00:16:46.302 are pressed together into a block. It's 00:16:46.302 --> 00:16:49.605 made these bamboo strands. So those are 00:16:49.605 --> 00:16:51.307 the 3 that you're going to see the most 00:16:51.307 --> 00:16:54.915 often. 00:16:54.915 --> 00:16:57.577 Okay. So the important thing to 00:16:57.577 --> 00:17:01.340 know about bamboo is that because all of 00:17:01.340 --> 00:17:05.219 these items have to be made of multiple 00:17:05.219 --> 00:17:09.351 pieces of bamboo or multiple strands all 00:17:09.351 --> 00:17:14.473 put together, they're not considered 00:17:14.473 --> 00:17:16.691 solid wood for classification purposes. 00:17:16.691 --> 00:17:18.895 It's really important. You might see 00:17:18.895 --> 00:17:22.604 something on an invoice saying solid 00:17:22.604 --> 00:17:25.055 bamboo flooring. It's not solid. It's 00:17:25.055 --> 00:17:26.531 multiple pieces of wood, either 00:17:26.531 --> 00:17:30.970 laminated or bonded together, or 00:17:30.970 --> 00:17:34.177 agglomerated strands. So none of these 00:17:34.177 --> 00:17:36.316 products here that you see here, you can 00:17:36.316 --> 00:17:38.671 see the top one has a horizontal 00:17:38.671 --> 00:17:40.428 orientation, the middle one has a 00:17:40.428 --> 00:17:42.675 vertical, and the bottom has a strand. 00:17:42.675 --> 00:17:45.477 None of these are considered solid wood 00:17:45.477 --> 00:17:49.174 for classification purposes. 00:17:49.174 --> 00:17:51.164 Okay, I have couple of funny slides 00:17:51.164 --> 00:17:53.551 in the middle of this, you know, to give 00:17:53.551 --> 00:17:56.234 you a moment's break. And I saw this, 00:17:56.234 --> 00:17:58.435 and it was just about the funniest thing 00:17:58.435 --> 00:18:00.906 I've ever seen. You know how people go 00:18:00.906 --> 00:18:06.278 out and do yoga on paddle boards? Well, 00:18:06.278 --> 00:18:10.010 why do that when you can challenge 00:18:10.010 --> 00:18:12.032 yourself more by going on the water and 00:18:12.032 --> 00:18:16.374 balancing on a bamboo pole. [Laughter] 00:18:16.374 --> 00:18:18.348 they're lying there in the splits. 00:18:18.348 --> 00:18:22.700 [Laughter] I'm sorry. [Laughter] it 00:18:22.700 --> 00:18:25.258 still makes me laugh every time I look 00:18:25.258 --> 00:18:31.977 at it. I give these people creativity. 00:18:31.977 --> 00:18:33.881 Paddle boards are so lame. These are so 00:18:33.881 --> 00:18:36.848 much better. Onward. Okay. 00:18:36.848 --> 00:18:39.380 So where are bamboo products 00:18:39.380 --> 00:18:42.512 classified? Classification, first and 00:18:42.512 --> 00:18:45.060 foremost, like I said depends on the 00:18:45.060 --> 00:18:46.620 construction. And secondly, it depends 00:18:46.620 --> 00:18:48.789 on the identity of the product. Okay? 00:18:48.789 --> 00:18:50.682 So you're going to be asking yourself a 00:18:50.682 --> 00:18:53.134 lot of questions. Is the product 00:18:53.134 --> 00:18:55.595 flooring? Is it plywood? Is it a 00:18:55.595 --> 00:18:58.444 molding? Is it multilayer? How thick 00:18:58.444 --> 00:19:03.114 is the face ply? What's the use of the 00:19:03.114 --> 00:19:04.816 product? Is it used in the construction 00:19:04.816 --> 00:19:07.002 of the building? All these things 00:19:07.002 --> 00:19:11.444 impact classification. So just so 00:19:11.444 --> 00:19:14.874 you're aware, it's not usually super 00:19:14.874 --> 00:19:16.076 straightforward where it guess. So 00:19:16.076 --> 00:19:18.209 let's talk about the classifications 00:19:18.209 --> 00:19:19.845 themselves. 00:19:19.845 --> 00:19:23.679 Veneers of heading 4408. You're 00:19:23.679 --> 00:19:25.589 probably not going to be classifying 00:19:25.589 --> 00:19:27.251 many of these, but it's ponder to 00:19:27.251 --> 00:19:31.477 understand the veneers of bamboo. So 00:19:31.477 --> 00:19:34.826 veneer by tariff definition is a sheet 00:19:34.826 --> 00:19:39.111 of wood measuring 6-millimeter or less 00:19:39.111 --> 00:19:41.705 in thickness. So this picture on the 00:19:41.705 --> 00:19:44.286 left, this top one looks like what you 00:19:44.286 --> 00:19:47.056 expect of a typical veneer. It's super 00:19:47.056 --> 00:19:51.152 thin. But bottom picture is also a 00:19:51.152 --> 00:19:53.527 veneer. Okay? Even though it looks 00:19:53.527 --> 00:19:56.369 like a thin board instead of a thin 00:19:56.369 --> 00:20:01.350 sheet. As long as it is a sheet of some 00:20:01.350 --> 00:20:06.014 variety, and it is at least no more than 00:20:06.014 --> 00:20:08.225 6-millimeter in thickness, then it is 00:20:08.225 --> 00:20:10.348 considered a veneer. And you're going 00:20:10.348 --> 00:20:15.007 to see these veneers placed on top of 00:20:15.007 --> 00:20:17.300 different substrates, like with 00:20:17.300 --> 00:20:19.613 engineered flooring. 00:20:19.613 --> 00:20:21.790 So the important thing to know about 00:20:21.790 --> 00:20:24.169 veneers is that the explanatory note 00:20:24.169 --> 00:20:26.498 tell us that the veneers can be made in 00:20:26.498 --> 00:20:31.055 two ways. And if you deal with plywood, 00:20:31.055 --> 00:20:39.835 and regular wood veneer products, you 00:20:39.835 --> 00:20:42.408 know veneers are period from the log. 00:20:42.408 --> 00:20:43.945 They take a log and put it on the 00:20:43.945 --> 00:20:46.600 spinned dull and spin the log and the 00:20:46.600 --> 00:20:50.331 veneer peels off of it like a role of 00:20:50.331 --> 00:20:53.221 paper towels. But the explanatory notes 00:20:53.221 --> 00:20:55.795 also tell you also if the V can be slice 00:20:55.795 --> 00:20:58.642 dollars from a block of pieces that are 00:20:58.642 --> 00:21:03.046 laminated together or wood that's 00:21:03.046 --> 00:21:05.710 agglomerated together, if you take 00:21:05.710 --> 00:21:07.593 bamboo strips and you glue them 00:21:07.593 --> 00:21:09.938 altogether and make a great big block, 00:21:09.938 --> 00:21:13.126 and you slice off 4-millimeter thick 00:21:13.126 --> 00:21:15.822 sheets off of this block, those are 00:21:15.822 --> 00:21:20.230 considered veneers too. So even though 00:21:20.230 --> 00:21:21.772 it's a manufactured product, and it's 00:21:21.772 --> 00:21:26.108 not just peeled directly from a log, 00:21:26.108 --> 00:21:28.556 it's still considered a veneer. But 6 00:21:28.556 --> 00:21:34.145 millimeters is that dividing line. 00:21:34.145 --> 00:21:38.752 Okay. 4409. This is a really 00:21:38.752 --> 00:21:42.760 interesting topic here, to me. I'll say 00:21:42.760 --> 00:21:44.427 everything here is interesting to me. I 00:21:44.427 --> 00:21:47.853 can't speak for anybody else. Wood 00:21:47.853 --> 00:21:51.535 continuously shaped is provided for 00:21:51.535 --> 00:21:55.502 4409. So wood continuously shaped along 00:21:55.502 --> 00:21:59.965 any of the edges and faces. And this is 00:21:59.965 --> 00:22:02.950 typically moldings go and solid wood 00:22:02.950 --> 00:22:05.750 flooring goes. And bamboo products are 00:22:05.750 --> 00:22:07.679 often continuously shaped. And that 00:22:07.679 --> 00:22:10.698 means basically that it has a continuous 00:22:10.698 --> 00:22:12.998 profile throughout its length. So you 00:22:12.998 --> 00:22:16.110 can see the 5 products here are all 00:22:16.110 --> 00:22:17.907 bamboos. And they're all continuously 00:22:17.907 --> 00:22:20.327 shaped. They have a single profile and 00:22:20.327 --> 00:22:22.253 the profile extends throughout the 00:22:22.253 --> 00:22:24.478 length of the board. 00:22:24.478 --> 00:22:28.933 But are these products down here 00:22:28.933 --> 00:22:32.069 classifiable in heading 4409? It's 00:22:32.069 --> 00:22:35.006 continuously shaped, but does it go on 00:22:35.006 --> 00:22:39.814 4409? And the answer is no. Now, 00:22:39.814 --> 00:22:42.697 4409.21 is a subheading in 4409 that 00:22:42.697 --> 00:22:45.152 provides for continuously shaped board 00:22:45.152 --> 00:22:47.943 of bamboo, right? So it kind of sounds 00:22:47.943 --> 00:22:50.414 like your modulings go there, right? 00:22:50.414 --> 00:22:53.385 But they don't. And why is it that 00:22:53.385 --> 00:22:57.588 almost nothing else classifiable here? 00:22:57.588 --> 00:23:02.387 The reason why is because 44089 provides 00:23:02.387 --> 00:23:05.286 only for are continuous solid wood. 00:23:05.286 --> 00:23:08.624 Okay? It can be joined at the ends to 00:23:08.624 --> 00:23:11.137 make it longer. You can see the end of 00:23:11.137 --> 00:23:13.946 the language, whether or not plain 00:23:13.946 --> 00:23:16.188 sanded or end jointed. It can be end 00:23:16.188 --> 00:23:21.572 jointed to make the molding longer. But 00:23:21.572 --> 00:23:23.713 the language of the heading does not 00:23:23.713 --> 00:23:31.083 provide for edge gluing, pieces 00:23:31.083 --> 00:23:32.508 side-by-side. If you look at the 00:23:32.508 --> 00:23:34.680 explanatory notes, it also specifically 00:23:34.680 --> 00:23:38.817 says that goods of 4409 can't be 00:23:38.817 --> 00:23:40.871 superimposed either. So you can't have 00:23:40.871 --> 00:23:43.798 wood glued on top of each other, right? 00:23:43.798 --> 00:23:46.249 And driving the point home even more, 00:23:46.249 --> 00:23:49.656 the explanatory notes tell us 4409 are 00:23:49.656 --> 00:23:52.111 constructed of timber and timber is 00:23:52.111 --> 00:23:54.434 solid wood. Once you start tbleug 00:23:54.434 --> 00:23:56.672 things together, you've got a product 00:23:56.672 --> 00:24:00.125 that's engineered. And it no longer 00:24:00.125 --> 00:24:03.094 fits into the confines of heading 4409. 00:24:03.094 --> 00:24:07.047 So all of these products are all 00:24:07.047 --> 00:24:08.846 constructed of bamboo. And you can see 00:24:08.846 --> 00:24:11.408 they're made of multiple strips glued 00:24:11.408 --> 00:24:14.151 together, side-by-side, up and down, and 00:24:14.151 --> 00:24:16.326 none of these products is going to be 00:24:16.326 --> 00:24:19.156 classified in 4409, because none of them 00:24:19.156 --> 00:24:21.122 are solid wood. They're all made of 00:24:21.122 --> 00:24:22.959 multiple pieces joined together to form 00:24:22.959 --> 00:24:26.356 a larger whole. 00:24:26.356 --> 00:24:29.739 The only product I have ever seen 00:24:29.739 --> 00:24:33.861 that was correctly classified in 4409.21 00:24:33.861 --> 00:24:37.840 was 3-millimeter diameter of bamboo 00:24:37.840 --> 00:24:40.333 rods. And chances are you're not going 00:24:40.333 --> 00:24:44.539 to see these. You know, these aren't 00:24:44.539 --> 00:24:48.121 the greatest -- they're not the largest 00:24:48.121 --> 00:24:50.136 bamboo import into the United States by 00:24:50.136 --> 00:24:53.276 any stretch. But the thing is, you 00:24:53.276 --> 00:24:57.892 remember that bamboo shape, and it's 00:24:57.892 --> 00:25:00.135 hollow, and it's got the wall that's 00:25:00.135 --> 00:25:02.738 only so thick and there's only so much 00:25:02.738 --> 00:25:07.325 you can get out of that tiny cross 00:25:07.325 --> 00:25:10.337 section to make a solid product. And if 00:25:10.337 --> 00:25:13.434 the thickness of the wall of the bamboo 00:25:13.434 --> 00:25:16.319 is 6 millimeters, then getting a 00:25:16.319 --> 00:25:19.437 continuously shaped round profile that's 00:25:19.437 --> 00:25:22.113 3 millimeters in diameter is possible. 00:25:22.113 --> 00:25:24.276 So this is literally the only product 00:25:24.276 --> 00:25:27.206 I've ever seen that's correctly 00:25:27.206 --> 00:25:29.188 classified there. 00:25:29.188 --> 00:25:31.813 So if you have flooring, if you have 00:25:31.813 --> 00:25:36.065 moldings, if you have construction 00:25:36.065 --> 00:25:39.653 material panels, none of these. None, 00:25:39.653 --> 00:25:42.770 none, none are going to be classified in 00:25:42.770 --> 00:25:45.771 heading 4409. Regardless of the fact 00:25:45.771 --> 00:25:47.255 they're continuously shaped, it doesn't 00:25:47.255 --> 00:25:48.469 matter, that part of the language is 00:25:48.469 --> 00:25:51.702 only part of what is a requirement for 00:25:51.702 --> 00:25:53.740 4409. But if they're made of bamboo and 00:25:53.740 --> 00:25:56.161 multiple pieces that are put together to 00:25:56.161 --> 00:25:58.270 form a larger whole, then they're not 00:25:58.270 --> 00:26:00.790 going to go in 4409. 00:26:00.790 --> 00:26:02.855 So where are they going to go? 00:26:02.855 --> 00:26:07.708 Probably in 4412 or 4418. Sometimes 00:26:07.708 --> 00:26:09.362 4421, depending on the product, but for 00:26:09.362 --> 00:26:13.121 the most part, 4412 and 4418. 4412 00:26:13.121 --> 00:26:16.591 provides for plywood veneer panels in 00:26:16.591 --> 00:26:19.769 similar laminated wood and 4418 for 00:26:19.769 --> 00:26:23.259 builders joinery of carpentry of wood. 00:26:23.259 --> 00:26:24.958 The important thing that you have to 00:26:24.958 --> 00:26:30.006 know in classifying these two headings, 00:26:30.006 --> 00:26:31.486 first you have to determine if the 00:26:31.486 --> 00:26:35.588 product is classifiable in 4412? Is it 00:26:35.588 --> 00:26:40.100 plywood or veneered panel or similar 00:26:40.100 --> 00:26:43.020 laminated wood? If it's disqualified by 00:26:43.020 --> 00:26:45.567 a note from the chapter, then you move 00:26:45.567 --> 00:26:49.981 on to 4418. But you have to disqualify 00:26:49.981 --> 00:26:51.626 4412 first. 00:26:51.626 --> 00:26:56.452 So why 4418? Why builders' joinery? 00:26:56.452 --> 00:26:58.903 That might not seem totally clear. 00:26:58.903 --> 00:27:02.274 What we see for bamboo is flooring and 00:27:02.274 --> 00:27:05.675 moldings. And flooring and moldings are 00:27:05.675 --> 00:27:07.481 recognizable articles used in the 00:27:07.481 --> 00:27:09.266 construction of the building. If you 00:27:09.266 --> 00:27:11.406 hand me a piece of bamboo flooring or 00:27:11.406 --> 00:27:13.338 hand me a t molding or something like 00:27:13.338 --> 00:27:15.572 that, I know they go into a building, 00:27:15.572 --> 00:27:16.113 right? 00:27:16.113 --> 00:27:21.282 Well, the language builders' joinery 00:27:21.282 --> 00:27:24.101 is defined in the explanatory note in 00:27:24.101 --> 00:27:26.318 the harmonized system in the recognized 00:27:26.318 --> 00:27:28.991 notes of a construction building. So 00:27:28.991 --> 00:27:32.815 4418 is a proper place to put flooring 00:27:32.815 --> 00:27:35.360 and moldings and things that are 00:27:35.360 --> 00:27:37.448 incorporated into a building that aren't 00:27:37.448 --> 00:27:40.256 classified some place else. So 4418 is 00:27:40.256 --> 00:27:41.909 good. 00:27:41.909 --> 00:27:44.838 Okay. So let's talk about what 4412 00:27:44.838 --> 00:27:48.649 means. Plywood, veneered panels, and 00:27:48.649 --> 00:27:52.205 similar laminated wood. Is very, very 00:27:52.205 --> 00:27:54.549 important that you understand that these 00:27:54.549 --> 00:27:57.584 terms, when we're talking about the 00:27:57.584 --> 00:28:00.034 tariff schedule, these terms are 00:28:00.034 --> 00:28:03.168 referencing constructions. They're not 00:28:03.168 --> 00:28:07.568 referencing specific products. Okay? 00:28:07.568 --> 00:28:10.378 So if you go to Home Depot, and you say 00:28:10.378 --> 00:28:12.752 I like to buy some plywood, and they 00:28:12.752 --> 00:28:15.759 send you over to the aisle with 4x8 00:28:15.759 --> 00:28:19.501 sheets of Burch plywood, that's not what 00:28:19.501 --> 00:28:23.091 this term means. This term is talking 00:28:23.091 --> 00:28:26.975 about a panel, any kind of panel that 00:28:26.975 --> 00:28:30.816 has at least 3 layers glued together 00:28:30.816 --> 00:28:33.976 with the grain of each layer oriented at 00:28:33.976 --> 00:28:36.401 an angle to the adjacent layers. So, 00:28:36.401 --> 00:28:38.692 like, one layer is lengthwise grain. 00:28:38.692 --> 00:28:40.833 One layer is cross-wise grain. The next 00:28:40.833 --> 00:28:43.241 layer is lengthwise grain, and so on. 00:28:43.241 --> 00:28:45.116 Right? 00:28:45.116 --> 00:28:49.675 So that description does, in fact, 00:28:49.675 --> 00:28:53.142 describe your Burch plywood panel. But 00:28:53.142 --> 00:28:56.317 thing is it also describes engineered 00:28:56.317 --> 00:28:58.369 flooring so, if you're familiar with 00:28:58.369 --> 00:29:00.842 engineered flooring, it's not a tariff 00:29:00.842 --> 00:29:03.391 term. But it's basically, you know, 00:29:03.391 --> 00:29:05.692 flooring of a multilayer plywood 00:29:05.692 --> 00:29:11.233 construction. So that word plywood, you 00:29:11.233 --> 00:29:13.356 know, that you can see there's a 00:29:13.356 --> 00:29:21.300 subheading there, 4412.10 pent 500. 00:29:21.300 --> 00:29:23.076 Flooring is going to go into the 00:29:23.076 --> 00:29:25.431 classification. Even the plywood you 00:29:25.431 --> 00:29:28.025 buy at Home Depot, that's not what that 00:29:28.025 --> 00:29:30.541 term means. So second is veneered 00:29:30.541 --> 00:29:35.004 panels. And that means veneer of fixed 00:29:35.004 --> 00:29:37.475 to a base. And the explanatory notes 00:29:37.475 --> 00:29:39.865 tell us that's usually inferior wood. 00:29:39.865 --> 00:29:42.237 But it can be other materials too. As 00:29:42.237 --> 00:29:46.880 long as the veneer itself gives the 00:29:46.880 --> 00:29:48.516 essential character, so if you have a 00:29:48.516 --> 00:29:51.619 wood veneer, affixed to a stone plastic 00:29:51.619 --> 00:29:53.886 composite base, that's a veneer panel, 00:29:53.886 --> 00:29:56.198 because the wood veneer on top is what 00:29:56.198 --> 00:30:00.304 gives the product its consumer appeal. 00:30:00.304 --> 00:30:02.439 When it's installed, it looks like you 00:30:02.439 --> 00:30:04.074 have a wood floor, right? 00:30:04.074 --> 00:30:10.558 The stone plastic composite base 00:30:10.558 --> 00:30:13.479 enhances the fact it's a wood. And it 00:30:13.479 --> 00:30:17.981 can also be high-density fiber board. 00:30:17.981 --> 00:30:22.199 It can be plastic. The base importantly 00:30:22.199 --> 00:30:25.353 can be wood where the grain runs 00:30:25.353 --> 00:30:28.419 parallel to the face ply. Because 00:30:28.419 --> 00:30:30.674 remember, plywood, at least 3 layers 00:30:30.674 --> 00:30:33.492 where the grains usually alternate 00:30:33.492 --> 00:30:35.365 directions, right? But what if all the 00:30:35.365 --> 00:30:37.410 grains run in the same direction? It's 00:30:37.410 --> 00:30:40.894 not plywood. Right? Then it's a veneer 00:30:40.894 --> 00:30:42.578 panel. Okay? 00:30:42.578 --> 00:30:46.592 So a veneer affixed to a base and 00:30:46.592 --> 00:30:48.387 similarly for laminated W50D, we won't 00:30:48.387 --> 00:30:50.442 talk too much about that, but at least 00:30:50.442 --> 00:30:55.177 it's 2 outer veneers and CORE lumber. 00:30:55.177 --> 00:31:03.010 So talking about blook board or lumber 00:31:03.010 --> 00:31:06.033 CORE panels. And laminated wood is 00:31:06.033 --> 00:31:07.613 almost a plywood construction. But 00:31:07.613 --> 00:31:10.567 those are what those 3 terms means. So 00:31:10.567 --> 00:31:13.087 you have first have to ask yourself if 00:31:13.087 --> 00:31:15.424 the product you have is described by any 00:31:15.424 --> 00:31:17.784 of those definitions. 00:31:17.784 --> 00:31:22.350 Okay. So excuse me. A quick note 00:31:22.350 --> 00:31:26.101 on bamboo grain. You can see the first 00:31:26.101 --> 00:31:32.009 product is a horizontal bamboo panel. 00:31:32.009 --> 00:31:34.607 And drawing form, it looks like this up 00:31:34.607 --> 00:31:36.625 in the corner. And you can see the 00:31:36.625 --> 00:31:38.860 grain all runs in the same direction 00:31:38.860 --> 00:31:42.094 here. And this would usually be 00:31:42.094 --> 00:31:44.115 lengthwise down the length of the board. 00:31:44.115 --> 00:31:45.876 Vertical, same thing. You know, you 00:31:45.876 --> 00:31:48.769 can see the little semis in between all 00:31:48.769 --> 00:31:52.535 of the strips. And the grain runs 00:31:52.535 --> 00:31:56.376 lengthwise. But with strand, it's not a 00:31:56.376 --> 00:32:02.355 straight grain. It is kind of wonky. 00:32:02.355 --> 00:32:04.487 There's no actual grain to it, because 00:32:04.487 --> 00:32:07.154 the grains of all the bamboo in it is 00:32:07.154 --> 00:32:08.961 going in all sorts of directions. But 00:32:08.961 --> 00:32:11.433 there is a general direction of grain. 00:32:11.433 --> 00:32:15.161 So if you had like a strand veneer on 00:32:15.161 --> 00:32:19.730 top of engineered flooring, and the wood 00:32:19.730 --> 00:32:22.507 veneers is underneath it, if the grains 00:32:22.507 --> 00:32:24.702 are alternating directions, you know, 00:32:24.702 --> 00:32:27.028 the strand would be lengthwise on top of 00:32:27.028 --> 00:32:33.217 those alternating grains. 00:32:33.217 --> 00:32:35.277 Okay. So let's quickly talk about 00:32:35.277 --> 00:32:37.886 some different kinds of building 00:32:37.886 --> 00:32:42.509 material panels. A panel like this is 00:32:42.509 --> 00:32:45.445 not dedicated. Right? It doesn't have 00:32:45.445 --> 00:32:47.582 any dedicated use for it. It's not 00:32:47.582 --> 00:32:49.362 shaped in any way. It's not finished in 00:32:49.362 --> 00:32:54.144 any way. But it is, and I'm sorry you 00:32:54.144 --> 00:32:56.486 can't totally see this. I can see it, 00:32:56.486 --> 00:32:59.943 because I'm trained for this. But this 00:32:59.943 --> 00:33:03.659 is a 3 layer panel. The top and bottom 00:33:03.659 --> 00:33:08.287 layers are probably 3 to 4-millimeter in 00:33:08.287 --> 00:33:11.508 thickness. And the CORE is around 00:33:11.508 --> 00:33:13.710 7-centimeter in thickness. And the 00:33:13.710 --> 00:33:15.952 grain although natures directions with 00:33:15.952 --> 00:33:19.695 this, the top would be lengthwise, the 00:33:19.695 --> 00:33:22.903 center layer is across wise grain and 00:33:22.903 --> 00:33:26.100 bottom layer is bottom wise grain. So 00:33:26.100 --> 00:33:28.719 this has 3 layers. Outer pliez are 00:33:28.719 --> 00:33:30.939 veneers. The grain of each layer is 00:33:30.939 --> 00:33:33.603 oriented at an angle. And this would 00:33:33.603 --> 00:33:35.244 meet the definition of plywood. So 00:33:35.244 --> 00:33:38.064 heading 4412 for plywood building 00:33:38.064 --> 00:33:41.794 material and similar laminated wood of 00:33:41.794 --> 00:33:44.596 bamboo, it's simple. There's 00:33:44.596 --> 00:33:47.486 classification for bamboo and everything 00:33:47.486 --> 00:33:50.865 else. If you have a similar or 00:33:50.865 --> 00:33:53.238 laminated wood, it goes into other. But 00:33:53.238 --> 00:33:57.677 this one we can classify it under bamboo 00:33:57.677 --> 00:34:08.894 as 4412.500. You can see the lengthwise 00:34:08.894 --> 00:34:11.036 grain goes, you know, off to the right 00:34:11.036 --> 00:34:15.058 on this panel. On the top layer, excuse 00:34:15.058 --> 00:34:17.808 me. The next layer runs cross-wise. 00:34:17.808 --> 00:34:20.374 The next layer runs lengthwise. The 00:34:20.374 --> 00:34:22.894 next layer runs cross-wise and so on. 00:34:22.894 --> 00:34:26.347 It's at least 3 layers. You have 00:34:26.347 --> 00:34:29.684 veneer and grain of each veneer is 00:34:29.684 --> 00:34:31.348 oriented at angle and this is plywood 00:34:31.348 --> 00:34:37.238 also. So 4412.10.500. Now, this one is 00:34:37.238 --> 00:34:42.134 really important, because this is like, 00:34:42.134 --> 00:34:43.522 remember those pictures of the 00:34:43.522 --> 00:34:45.886 horizontal bamboo flooring that I showed 00:34:45.886 --> 00:34:48.688 you. Well, this is not flooring. This 00:34:48.688 --> 00:34:54.661 is, it doesn't have the joinery for 00:34:54.661 --> 00:34:58.886 installation. It's just a dedicated 00:34:58.886 --> 00:35:01.151 wood material. But it has that same 00:35:01.151 --> 00:35:03.020 horizontal construction. It's got 3 00:35:03.020 --> 00:35:06.046 layers, each layer is made of strips 00:35:06.046 --> 00:35:08.417 glued side-by-side and basically forming 00:35:08.417 --> 00:35:10.287 a veneer, because it's less than 6 00:35:10.287 --> 00:35:12.101 millimeters, it's probably 5 00:35:12.101 --> 00:35:15.787 millimeters. And in 3 layers. And the 00:35:15.787 --> 00:35:18.698 important thing is that all 3 of these 00:35:18.698 --> 00:35:21.671 layers, the grain runs the length of the 00:35:21.671 --> 00:35:24.834 board. They're all lengthwise. So even 00:35:24.834 --> 00:35:27.806 though it's 3 layers, the grains don't 00:35:27.806 --> 00:35:29.946 alternate directions. Right? So 00:35:29.946 --> 00:35:31.806 they're all parallel. 00:35:31.806 --> 00:35:34.055 And because they don't alternate 00:35:34.055 --> 00:35:36.525 directions, they can't be plywood. 00:35:36.525 --> 00:35:39.213 Right? So the only other option here, 00:35:39.213 --> 00:35:41.897 because your top layer constitutes a 00:35:41.897 --> 00:35:44.617 veneer, it's less than 6 millimeters in 00:35:44.617 --> 00:35:47.295 thickness and it's a sheet of wood, this 00:35:47.295 --> 00:35:52.474 is actually a veneered panel. Not an 00:35:52.474 --> 00:35:56.355 assemble flooring panel, but it's a 00:35:56.355 --> 00:35:58.717 veneer, just non-descript panel. So 00:35:58.717 --> 00:36:02.825 like I said, 4412 is for bamboo very 00:36:02.825 --> 00:36:05.276 limited. You have a choice of plywood 00:36:05.276 --> 00:36:07.066 or other and this would be other, 00:36:07.066 --> 00:36:13.634 because veneers panels are in other. So 00:36:13.634 --> 00:36:15.116 4,412.10.9000 for that panel. But 00:36:15.116 --> 00:36:20.091 flooring is where the most of your 00:36:20.091 --> 00:36:21.566 bamboo products are going to fall so, 00:36:21.566 --> 00:36:25.102 there are 4 main constructions of bamboo 00:36:25.102 --> 00:36:25.548 flooring. 00:36:25.548 --> 00:36:27.285 I showed you the horizontal before. 00:36:27.285 --> 00:36:30.074 You can see the strips side by side and 00:36:30.074 --> 00:36:32.647 in 3 layers. The vertical, you can see 00:36:32.647 --> 00:36:36.524 the strips side-by-side. Engineered is 00:36:36.524 --> 00:36:42.246 a veneer over a plywood substrate, 00:36:42.246 --> 00:36:45.218 usually a wood, like tree-type wood. 00:36:45.218 --> 00:36:48.779 And then strand woven, don't get hung 00:36:48.779 --> 00:36:58.833 up on the word woven. You can see the 00:36:58.833 --> 00:37:00.162 construction in the cross-section and 00:37:00.162 --> 00:37:02.300 that's how you're able to identify the 00:37:02.300 --> 00:37:03.650 construction for classification 00:37:03.650 --> 00:37:05.319 purposes. 00:37:05.319 --> 00:37:07.132 Okay. Here's the next funny break. 00:37:07.132 --> 00:37:09.077 I had to put this in, because it 00:37:09.077 --> 00:37:11.399 cracked me up so bad, I could have died. 00:37:11.399 --> 00:37:14.228 [Laughter] two guys standing at the 00:37:14.228 --> 00:37:18.888 door looking at the floor, you know, 00:37:18.888 --> 00:37:21.659 pandas that have ambushed the room 00:37:21.659 --> 00:37:23.892 ripping up the bamboo flooring and 00:37:23.892 --> 00:37:27.917 eating it. And this is the precise 00:37:27.917 --> 00:37:31.790 reason I didn't want bamboo flooring. 00:37:31.790 --> 00:37:33.773 I would be so torn. I would think 00:37:33.773 --> 00:37:37.432 it's so awesome that a bunch of pandas 00:37:37.432 --> 00:37:39.282 broke into my house. But that's just 00:37:39.282 --> 00:37:41.022 me. [Laughter] 00:37:41.022 --> 00:37:45.468 Okay. So for flooring, first thing 00:37:45.468 --> 00:37:47.274 I want to talk to you about is 00:37:47.274 --> 00:37:50.237 multilayer flooring. So multiple 00:37:50.237 --> 00:37:52.394 layers, when you look at that 00:37:52.394 --> 00:37:55.196 cross-section, okay? So when you have 00:37:55.196 --> 00:37:57.321 multilayer flooring, you're going to 00:37:57.321 --> 00:38:00.446 have two possible headings where these 00:38:00.446 --> 00:38:03.673 things are classified in. One is 4412, 00:38:03.673 --> 00:38:06.696 plywood veneer panel or similar or 00:38:06.696 --> 00:38:09.821 laminated wood and one is 4418, 00:38:09.821 --> 00:38:11.824 builders' joinery. And the difference 00:38:11.824 --> 00:38:14.163 in classifying in one versus the other, 00:38:14.163 --> 00:38:15.845 because you wouldn't have any idea what 00:38:15.845 --> 00:38:17.619 would make them go in one versus the 00:38:17.619 --> 00:38:20.184 other, but naturally, by the language 00:38:20.184 --> 00:38:23.388 and the tariff. But there is an actual 00:38:23.388 --> 00:38:24.934 note in the tariff's schedule. 00:38:24.934 --> 00:38:29.169 Additional U.S. note 4 (b) that states 00:38:29.169 --> 00:38:32.320 heading 4418 includes multilayer 00:38:32.320 --> 00:38:35.144 assembled flooring panels having a face 00:38:35.144 --> 00:38:38.359 ply 4 millimeters or more in thickness. 00:38:38.359 --> 00:38:41.989 I don't know why this rule is here. 00:38:41.989 --> 00:38:44.730 But nonetheless, it is, and it's the 00:38:44.730 --> 00:38:48.919 statute. It's law. So if you have a 00:38:48.919 --> 00:38:51.608 multilayer assembled flooring panel and 00:38:51.608 --> 00:38:54.501 we'll talk about what assembled flooring 00:38:54.501 --> 00:38:56.335 panel means in a second and it has a 00:38:56.335 --> 00:39:00.994 face ply of less than 4mm, it goes in 00:39:00.994 --> 00:39:05.440 4412. If it has 4mM or more, it goes in 00:39:05.440 --> 00:39:06.325 4418. 00:39:06.325 --> 00:39:09.319 And in a very important note about 00:39:09.319 --> 00:39:13.960 that 4mm measurement, classification is 00:39:13.960 --> 00:39:17.771 based on a product and its condition as 00:39:17.771 --> 00:39:21.224 imported. So we're talking about actual 00:39:21.224 --> 00:39:24.275 thickness of that face ply. I see this 00:39:24.275 --> 00:39:29.081 all the time. The invoice says 4mm face 00:39:29.081 --> 00:39:33.175 ply. But what happened is they put 4mm 00:39:33.175 --> 00:39:34.507 veneer on top of the flooring substrate 00:39:34.507 --> 00:39:37.239 and they sanded it and finished it. So 00:39:37.239 --> 00:39:40.125 it's no longer 4mm in thickness. That 00:39:40.125 --> 00:39:43.877 means the product is in 4412. Like this 00:39:43.877 --> 00:39:46.102 picture here is exactly one of those 00:39:46.102 --> 00:39:48.793 examples. And unfortunately, you can't 00:39:48.793 --> 00:39:51.025 really see this so well on my little, 00:39:51.025 --> 00:39:55.446 you know, old fashion caliper. But this 00:39:55.446 --> 00:40:00.612 face ply only measures 3.35mm thickness. 00:40:00.612 --> 00:40:04.087 So it has to go into 4412. So you need 00:40:04.087 --> 00:40:06.007 to be aware of your products. And when 00:40:06.007 --> 00:40:08.154 I say this happened several times, it's 00:40:08.154 --> 00:40:10.138 happened a lot where I've caught the 00:40:10.138 --> 00:40:11.813 same problem. 00:40:11.813 --> 00:40:13.673 So your product is only classified 00:40:13.673 --> 00:40:17.752 in 4418 if it is exactly 4mm or thicker. 00:40:17.752 --> 00:40:23.156 Okay? Really important. Okay. 00:40:23.156 --> 00:40:26.742 So 4418, like I said is for 00:40:26.742 --> 00:40:28.214 recognizable articles used in the 00:40:28.214 --> 00:40:30.529 construction of a building. So that's 00:40:30.529 --> 00:40:33.110 the easy part. The language of the 00:40:33.110 --> 00:40:35.768 heading, you can see there it says 00:40:35.768 --> 00:40:39.777 builders' joinery and carpentry of wood, 00:40:39.777 --> 00:40:41.798 including cellular wood panels and 00:40:41.798 --> 00:40:43.677 assembled flooring panels. Well, it's 00:40:43.677 --> 00:40:45.956 kind of redundant to put assembled 00:40:45.956 --> 00:40:47.826 flooring panels in there, because the 00:40:47.826 --> 00:40:50.906 builders' joinery by definition includes 00:40:50.906 --> 00:40:53.251 flooring panels, as the articles used in 00:40:53.251 --> 00:40:55.367 the construction of the building. But 00:40:55.367 --> 00:40:57.688 be assembled flooring panels are 00:40:57.688 --> 00:41:01.099 specifically named. And you do have to 00:41:01.099 --> 00:41:04.758 know about this for classification. 00:41:04.758 --> 00:41:11.230 What's meant by assembled flooring 00:41:11.230 --> 00:41:13.901 panels is a panel made from distinct 00:41:13.901 --> 00:41:16.709 pieces or parts of wood that are 00:41:16.709 --> 00:41:19.004 deliberately joined and fitted together 00:41:19.004 --> 00:41:21.652 in ordered manner to form a whole panel. 00:41:21.652 --> 00:41:26.850 Okay? So this can include layers. So 00:41:26.850 --> 00:41:29.054 an engineered flooring panel with 00:41:29.054 --> 00:41:34.441 multiple wood veneer layers, those are 00:41:34.441 --> 00:41:38.540 distinct pieces. Strips, like what 00:41:38.540 --> 00:41:40.081 bamboo is made of, those are distinct 00:41:40.081 --> 00:41:42.554 pieces. You know, you put them 00:41:42.554 --> 00:41:46.947 side-by-side, or in layers. And shapes 00:41:46.947 --> 00:41:54.673 to form a pattern, like parkay. 00:41:54.673 --> 00:41:59.497 Parquet. Those are distinct pieces 00:41:59.497 --> 00:42:02.174 also. So if it's made of layers or 00:42:02.174 --> 00:42:06.095 strips, or shapes, specific shapes, then 00:42:06.095 --> 00:42:10.592 it is an assembled flooring panel. 00:42:10.592 --> 00:42:14.260 Strand bamboo, not assembled. It is 00:42:14.260 --> 00:42:17.647 not an assembled flooring panel. 00:42:17.647 --> 00:42:20.085 Because if you look at it, you can see 00:42:20.085 --> 00:42:21.911 in the cross-section, there are no 00:42:21.911 --> 00:42:30.223 distinct shapes. It's just randomly 00:42:30.223 --> 00:42:33.085 shredded bamboo expressed into a block. 00:42:33.085 --> 00:42:34.796 It's not distinct pieces. It's not 00:42:34.796 --> 00:42:36.923 assembled together. It's not ordered. 00:42:36.923 --> 00:42:40.860 It's just like mush. Right? So when 00:42:40.860 --> 00:42:44.846 you see the term pp assembled flooring 00:42:44.846 --> 00:42:48.395 panels, it's going to apply to some 00:42:48.395 --> 00:42:50.409 bamboo products, but not all of them. 00:42:50.409 --> 00:42:53.771 So strand bamboo is not assembled 00:42:53.771 --> 00:42:55.282 flooring panel. 00:42:55.282 --> 00:43:00.167 Okay. So here's that picture again. 00:43:00.167 --> 00:43:01.879 You can see the horizontal and 00:43:01.879 --> 00:43:03.431 individual strips glued together. You 00:43:03.431 --> 00:43:05.477 can see the individual layers glued 00:43:05.477 --> 00:43:06.967 together. This is assembled. The 00:43:06.967 --> 00:43:09.655 vertical, you can see the strips glued 00:43:09.655 --> 00:43:13.329 side-by-side. This is assembled. For 00:43:13.329 --> 00:43:16.272 engineered, even in this case, where the 00:43:16.272 --> 00:43:21.352 top veneer, the bamboo veneer is 00:43:21.352 --> 00:43:25.332 strand, the overall construction of the 00:43:25.332 --> 00:43:30.135 panel is specific assembled layers. So 00:43:30.135 --> 00:43:39.161 we will call this an assembled flooring 00:43:39.161 --> 00:43:41.285 panels. When you look at the side of 00:43:41.285 --> 00:43:44.629 it, this is isn't the best example to 00:43:44.629 --> 00:43:48.119 see it. But you can kind of see like 00:43:48.119 --> 00:43:53.687 clumps of bamboo in there. And that's 00:43:53.687 --> 00:43:57.147 more of, you know, it's almost a better 00:43:57.147 --> 00:44:02.114 description than any kind of solid. 00:44:02.114 --> 00:44:05.089 Okay. So when you have engineered 00:44:05.089 --> 00:44:08.077 bamboo flooring, meaning a layer of 00:44:08.077 --> 00:44:10.826 bamboo veneer over a plywood 00:44:10.826 --> 00:44:13.711 construction substrate, these are 00:44:13.711 --> 00:44:16.443 usually going to be, you know, at least 00:44:16.443 --> 00:44:23.641 5 layers of wood. Sometimes 7, 9, 11. 00:44:23.641 --> 00:44:27.189 And the grain of each layer is oriented 00:44:27.189 --> 00:44:30.665 at an angle to that of adjacent layers. 00:44:30.665 --> 00:44:33.825 This is implied wood construction. And 00:44:33.825 --> 00:44:36.303 it's also an assembled flooring panel. 00:44:36.303 --> 00:44:42.263 Okay? So if the face ply is less than 00:44:42.263 --> 00:44:45.108 4mm in thickness, it stays in 4412 and 00:44:45.108 --> 00:44:47.144 it's classified as plywood, because it 00:44:47.144 --> 00:44:50.290 meets that definition of plywood. 00:44:50.290 --> 00:44:56.113 If it's more than 4mm. So 4mm more 00:44:56.113 --> 00:44:59.384 in thickness, then it goes into 4418. 00:44:59.384 --> 00:45:01.502 And here's just an actual picture of a 00:45:01.502 --> 00:45:03.399 product that I had at my desk where you 00:45:03.399 --> 00:45:07.321 can see the bamboo top layer, and the 00:45:07.321 --> 00:45:10.659 plywood substrate, where the grains of 00:45:10.659 --> 00:45:12.997 wood running in different directions. 00:45:12.997 --> 00:45:18.777 This is 4412.10.500 as plywood. This 00:45:18.777 --> 00:45:21.759 is another plywood construction panel. 00:45:21.759 --> 00:45:24.666 This is your similar laminated wood. 00:45:24.666 --> 00:45:28.087 This is block board. And it has a 00:45:28.087 --> 00:45:32.030 veneer face, a veneer back and a core of 00:45:32.030 --> 00:45:35.168 lumber. And it happens that this one, 00:45:35.168 --> 00:45:38.622 the grains alternate directions. So 00:45:38.622 --> 00:45:44.921 this actually meets the definition of 00:45:44.921 --> 00:45:47.440 plywood. Because this is more specific 00:45:47.440 --> 00:45:49.575 than similar or laminated wood. So if 00:45:49.575 --> 00:45:53.023 the plywood is less than 4-millimeter, 00:45:53.023 --> 00:45:55.528 this meets the definition in 4412. If 00:45:55.528 --> 00:45:58.867 it's more than 4mm in thickness, it goes 00:45:58.867 --> 00:46:01.971 into 4418. Okay. So here are those 00:46:01.971 --> 00:46:03.489 constructions again. Horizontal, 00:46:03.489 --> 00:46:07.606 vertical, strand. Okay? Assembled, 00:46:07.606 --> 00:46:11.105 assembled, not assembled. 00:46:11.105 --> 00:46:13.851 Okay. So let's talk first about 00:46:13.851 --> 00:46:16.669 horizontal bamboo flooring. Horizontal 00:46:16.669 --> 00:46:21.295 bamboo flooring is assembled, and it's 00:46:21.295 --> 00:46:24.843 multilayer. It has 3 layers. 1, 2, 3. 00:46:24.843 --> 00:46:39.278 Okay horizontal bamboo flooring is less 00:46:39.278 --> 00:46:42.690 than 6mm in thickness. If that top 00:46:42.690 --> 00:46:46.040 layer is less than 4mm in thickness, 00:46:46.040 --> 00:46:48.714 then you can put it in 4412. But thing 00:46:48.714 --> 00:46:51.696 is that with horizontal bamboo flooring, 00:46:51.696 --> 00:46:54.537 the top layer is almost always 5 00:46:54.537 --> 00:46:57.890 millimeters, like exactly. It's uncanny 00:46:57.890 --> 00:46:59.534 how accurate it is. 00:46:59.534 --> 00:47:03.578 So if it's 5mm, it's over that 4mm 00:47:03.578 --> 00:47:06.600 mark, and it automatically goes into 00:47:06.600 --> 00:47:12.433 4418. And remember that note says 00:47:12.433 --> 00:47:14.794 assembled, multilayer flooring panels 00:47:14.794 --> 00:47:17.952 with a face ply of 4mm or more in 00:47:17.952 --> 00:47:21.248 thickness go into 4418. So if this 00:47:21.248 --> 00:47:24.266 happens to have a face ply of less than 00:47:24.266 --> 00:47:26.534 4mms, which probably doesn't, then it 00:47:26.534 --> 00:47:33.552 would go into veneer panels in 00:47:33.552 --> 00:47:35.125 4,412.10.9000. But chances are you're 00:47:35.125 --> 00:47:37.023 not going to see this. You're not going 00:47:37.023 --> 00:47:40.461 to see a horizontal bamboo flooring 00:47:40.461 --> 00:47:44.878 panel. What you're going to see is a 00:47:44.878 --> 00:47:47.015 4418 bamboo flooring panel. So it's 00:47:47.015 --> 00:47:50.517 multilayer. It's assembled. The face 00:47:50.517 --> 00:47:54.074 replay is almost 5mM thick. And per 00:47:54.074 --> 00:47:58.519 U.S. note, it's 4 (b) and classified in 00:47:58.519 --> 00:48:00.621 4418. Just a quick note. Additional 00:48:00.621 --> 00:48:07.018 U.S. note 4 (b) was 5 (b) last year and 00:48:07.018 --> 00:48:10.470 I don't know why it keeps switching 00:48:10.470 --> 00:48:12.931 around. But right now it's 4 (b). So 00:48:12.931 --> 00:48:14.386 you can see the language of the 00:48:14.386 --> 00:48:16.212 subheading here. There does actually a 00:48:16.212 --> 00:48:18.515 breakout for p assembly flooring panel. 00:48:18.515 --> 00:48:20.223 So this is why we need to be aware of 00:48:20.223 --> 00:48:27.927 that. 00:48:27.927 --> 00:48:30.147 So before we finish this up, I'm 00:48:30.147 --> 00:48:35.377 going to bring up uni-directional. I 00:48:35.377 --> 00:48:39.034 don't know why the WCO landed on this 00:48:39.034 --> 00:48:41.758 particular language. But 00:48:41.758 --> 00:48:44.861 uni-directional, actually, I have to go 00:48:44.861 --> 00:48:46.050 back and check that if it's 00:48:46.050 --> 00:48:48.751 international or just domestic. But 00:48:48.751 --> 00:48:51.614 uni-directional bamboo means that the 00:48:51.614 --> 00:48:54.632 grain of all of the pieces of bamboo in 00:48:54.632 --> 00:48:56.556 that product are running the same 00:48:56.556 --> 00:49:01.289 direction. Okay? Horizontal bamboo 00:49:01.289 --> 00:49:04.327 flooring is made of several pieces, 00:49:04.327 --> 00:49:09.239 several strips of wood, side-by-side, 00:49:09.239 --> 00:49:10.775 and everywhere layers of it, and every 00:49:10.775 --> 00:49:12.896 single piece that grain is running the 00:49:12.896 --> 00:49:19.001 length of the panel. It's parallel. 00:49:19.001 --> 00:49:21.411 All-in-one direction. That's 00:49:21.411 --> 00:49:23.534 uni-directional bamboo. So the center 00:49:23.534 --> 00:49:25.674 picture is actually a picture of a piece 00:49:25.674 --> 00:49:28.434 of bamboo plywood. You can see the 00:49:28.434 --> 00:49:30.902 grain runs one direction in the top 00:49:30.902 --> 00:49:35.057 layer. It runs a different direction in 00:49:35.057 --> 00:49:36.863 the CORE, and runs a different direction 00:49:36.863 --> 00:49:39.183 on the bottom layer. This is not 00:49:39.183 --> 00:49:40.911 uni-directional. It's not all running 00:49:40.911 --> 00:49:42.521 in the same direction. 00:49:42.521 --> 00:49:44.175 And then strand, although this is 00:49:44.175 --> 00:49:46.335 not going to come up, but strand would 00:49:46.335 --> 00:49:48.450 not be uni-directional, because the 00:49:48.450 --> 00:49:51.033 grains are all wonky and goes in 00:49:51.033 --> 00:49:53.797 different directions. 00:49:53.797 --> 00:49:57.510 Okay. So here's the actual tariff 00:49:57.510 --> 00:50:01.844 for horizontal bamboo flooring panels. 00:50:01.844 --> 00:50:04.443 So we know they're assembled. We know 00:50:04.443 --> 00:50:07.970 they're multilayer. They're of bamboo. 00:50:07.970 --> 00:50:12.316 So your choices are for mosaic floors 00:50:12.316 --> 00:50:16.033 and other multilayer. Horizontal is not 00:50:16.033 --> 00:50:19.398 mosaic. It's just strips side-by-side. 00:50:19.398 --> 00:50:22.198 Other is appropriate 679 and it's 00:50:22.198 --> 00:50:24.147 multilayer, and there's 3 layers, and 00:50:24.147 --> 00:50:28.448 you can see it has face ply more than 00:50:28.448 --> 00:50:32.524 6mm or other and we go with other and of 00:50:32.524 --> 00:50:33.558 uni-directional bamboo, because the 00:50:33.558 --> 00:50:37.423 grain of each strip in that horizontal 00:50:37.423 --> 00:50:39.221 panel run in the same direction. So 00:50:39.221 --> 00:50:46.378 horizontal bamboo flooring, 4418, 00:50:46.378 --> 00:50:49.155 763,000. So vertical flooring. They 00:50:49.155 --> 00:50:52.373 recall flooring cannot be classified in 00:50:52.373 --> 00:50:54.251 4412. And, hopefully, you already 00:50:54.251 --> 00:50:56.465 figured out why this can't be. But I 00:50:56.465 --> 00:50:59.386 will tell you anyway. There are some 00:50:59.386 --> 00:51:02.120 rulings out there in cross that put 00:51:02.120 --> 00:51:04.450 seller bamboo flooring in 4412 and those 00:51:04.450 --> 00:51:08.928 are being revoked, because plywood, 00:51:08.928 --> 00:51:11.114 veneer panels, and similar laminated 00:51:11.114 --> 00:51:12.942 wood all have one thing in common. 00:51:12.942 --> 00:51:16.592 They're all multilayer. Right? 00:51:16.592 --> 00:51:18.363 Vertical is not multilayer. It's only 00:51:18.363 --> 00:51:21.475 one layer. Just one layer of strip 00:51:21.475 --> 00:51:24.883 side-by-side. Okay? So plywood has to 00:51:24.883 --> 00:51:27.900 have at least 3 layers. Veneer panel is 00:51:27.900 --> 00:51:30.596 a veneer affixed to a base that has two 00:51:30.596 --> 00:51:34.741 layers. And similar laminated wood is 00:51:34.741 --> 00:51:37.464 at least 3 layers. So vertical cannot 00:51:37.464 --> 00:51:42.461 go under 4412. It is a recognizable 00:51:42.461 --> 00:51:43.658 article used in the construction of a 00:51:43.658 --> 00:51:47.441 building so it goes into 4418. 00:51:47.441 --> 00:51:50.784 So it is assembled. It's not 00:51:50.784 --> 00:51:53.362 multilayer. So we still are classifying 00:51:53.362 --> 00:51:55.797 in that subheading for assembled 00:51:55.797 --> 00:52:00.279 flooring panels. Okay? So we have 00:52:00.279 --> 00:52:04.186 assembled flooring panel of bamboo. 00:52:04.186 --> 00:52:08.005 Great. Your choices are for mow sake 00:52:08.005 --> 00:52:11.110 floor, other multilayer, other. It's 00:52:11.110 --> 00:52:13.684 not multilayer. It's just strips. 00:52:13.684 --> 00:52:15.826 Others, but not multilayer and single 00:52:15.826 --> 00:52:21.240 layer. So we go down to other. 00:52:21.240 --> 00:52:25.768 4,418.37.9000 for vertical bamboo. And 00:52:25.768 --> 00:52:28.466 strand, remember it's not assembled, 00:52:28.466 --> 00:52:31.354 right? So it can't be classified under 00:52:31.354 --> 00:52:33.807 that subheading language for assembled 00:52:33.807 --> 00:52:36.269 flooring panel. Right? So remember 00:52:36.269 --> 00:52:38.860 here we have assembled flooring panels. 00:52:38.860 --> 00:52:40.498 You see that? We can't put strand 00:52:40.498 --> 00:52:44.632 there. Okay. So strand basically drops 00:52:44.632 --> 00:52:48.074 down to other. And then of bamboo. And 00:52:48.074 --> 00:52:49.743 there's a few choices there. We go to 00:52:49.743 --> 00:52:51.192 other, and there's a breakout 00:52:51.192 --> 00:52:55.808 specifically for wood flooring. So 00:52:55.808 --> 00:53:06.458 strand bamboo flooring, 4418.91.1905. 00:53:06.458 --> 00:53:08.632 [Rewriting] 9105. 00:53:08.632 --> 00:53:10.590 So here's another picture of strand 00:53:10.590 --> 00:53:12.521 bamboo flooring so you can see better 00:53:12.521 --> 00:53:15.962 that it's not assembled. It's just like 00:53:15.962 --> 00:53:20.484 a random, you know, block of strips down 00:53:20.484 --> 00:53:23.536 shoved together. So there's no 00:53:23.536 --> 00:53:27.603 deliberate assembly there. 00:53:27.603 --> 00:53:33.972 Do you know what you get when you 00:53:33.972 --> 00:53:44.028 cross a deer and a ghost? Bamboo! Deer 00:53:44.028 --> 00:53:48.371 and ghost, bamboo. Okay, I'm not going 00:53:48.371 --> 00:53:50.450 to go into deep classification of bamboo 00:53:50.450 --> 00:53:52.947 moldings because horizontal ones can 00:53:52.947 --> 00:53:55.418 sometimes end up in 4412. But for the 00:53:55.418 --> 00:53:58.703 most part, bamboo moldings are going to 00:53:58.703 --> 00:54:06.861 be just other builders joinery. 00:54:06.861 --> 00:54:13.492 4418.19.9195. Now, moldings have a 00:54:13.492 --> 00:54:17.135 decorative aspect to them. They're 00:54:17.135 --> 00:54:19.829 functional, but they're not structural. 00:54:19.829 --> 00:54:22.586 And so sometimes you will see things 00:54:22.586 --> 00:54:25.381 like stair noses. And those are 00:54:25.381 --> 00:54:27.656 structural and they're not moldings, 00:54:27.656 --> 00:54:29.956 but they're classified in the same way, 00:54:29.956 --> 00:54:37.262 just so you know. Generally speaking, 00:54:37.262 --> 00:54:42.592 this is what you run into. 00:54:42.592 --> 00:54:46.857 4,418.73.6000. Vertical is 00:54:46.857 --> 00:54:53.682 4,418.37.9000. Strand is 4418.19.9105. 00:54:53.682 --> 00:55:04.127 And New Jerseyered is 4412.10.0500. 00:55:04.127 --> 00:55:06.998 And just, I just have to talk about 00:55:06.998 --> 00:55:11.136 this, because if you go into the custom 00:55:11.136 --> 00:55:13.009 rules online search system and you try 00:55:13.009 --> 00:55:16.148 to find a ruling for vertical bamboo 00:55:16.148 --> 00:55:18.510 flooring, and you come across one, 00:55:18.510 --> 00:55:21.344 maybe it's from 2013 or something like 00:55:21.344 --> 00:55:24.721 that and the code that's on it no longer 00:55:24.721 --> 00:55:27.082 exists, right? And you're thinking, 00:55:27.082 --> 00:55:29.171 okay, I guess the ruling is no longer 00:55:29.171 --> 00:55:32.433 valid? Like what happened? 00:55:32.433 --> 00:55:37.194 So it is still valid. The tariff 00:55:37.194 --> 00:55:38.905 schedule change overtime. It change 00:55:38.905 --> 00:55:40.453 internationally. It change 00:55:40.453 --> 00:55:42.580 domestically. And we see it at least 00:55:42.580 --> 00:55:47.922 once a year, you know, excuse me, the 00:55:47.922 --> 00:55:50.563 tariff schedule change domestically 00:55:50.563 --> 00:55:54.128 twice a year. And with additional 00:55:54.128 --> 00:55:59.447 updates, and international tariff level 00:55:59.447 --> 00:56:03.428 chambers every 5 years. The important 00:56:03.428 --> 00:56:06.656 thing to know, to realize is that we 00:56:06.656 --> 00:56:10.275 don't classify by the codes. The 00:56:10.275 --> 00:56:12.718 general rules of interpretation tell you 00:56:12.718 --> 00:56:16.459 that classification is based on the 00:56:16.459 --> 00:56:19.059 language of the headings and the notes. 00:56:19.059 --> 00:56:21.826 And of course the subheadings as well. 00:56:21.826 --> 00:56:24.405 But the headings and the notes, you're 00:56:24.405 --> 00:56:27.173 classifying by the language, not by the 00:56:27.173 --> 00:56:30.317 number. Okay? You find your product's 00:56:30.317 --> 00:56:33.190 description, and then you take the 00:56:33.190 --> 00:56:35.523 corresponding number and use that as the 00:56:35.523 --> 00:56:36.535 classification. 00:56:36.535 --> 00:56:38.504 So you're looking around for, you 00:56:38.504 --> 00:56:44.374 know, 4418.72.1900 and it's not there 00:56:44.374 --> 00:56:46.238 anymore, but the exact same language is 00:56:46.238 --> 00:56:50.692 still there. So the ruling, which has 00:56:50.692 --> 00:56:53.593 the language, the tariff language in it, 00:56:53.593 --> 00:56:57.178 word-for-word, verbatim, that language, 00:56:57.178 --> 00:57:03.574 if you go into the tariff schedule today 00:57:03.574 --> 00:57:05.159 and that language, you will find the 00:57:05.159 --> 00:57:06.761 correct code. Just so you know, 00:57:06.761 --> 00:57:09.283 sometimes the language does change, but 00:57:09.283 --> 00:57:11.670 look for the same language of that 00:57:11.670 --> 00:57:16.221 ruling, and you'll most likely find your 00:57:16.221 --> 00:57:17.791 correct classification. So you can see 00:57:17.791 --> 00:57:20.795 here in 2016, horizontal bamboo flooring 00:57:20.795 --> 00:57:31.068 was 4418.72.9100. Now it's 44 p 00:57:31.068 --> 00:57:32.359 18.73.7000 but the language is exactly 00:57:32.359 --> 00:57:35.018 the same. Couple of more panel really 00:57:35.018 --> 00:57:37.326 quickly. This is a vertical panel. 00:57:37.326 --> 00:57:39.809 It's not flooring. It does not have the 00:57:39.809 --> 00:57:42.131 joinery to install as flooring, it's not 00:57:42.131 --> 00:57:43.797 finished as flooring. It's just a 00:57:43.797 --> 00:57:48.893 multi-use material. So it's not 00:57:48.893 --> 00:57:52.888 flooring. It's not a recognizable 00:57:52.888 --> 00:57:54.802 article used in the construction of the 00:57:54.802 --> 00:57:56.898 building. It's basically just a board. 00:57:56.898 --> 00:57:59.490 It has no dedicated purpose for it. So 00:57:59.490 --> 00:58:02.878 you can't put it in 4418. Because 4418 00:58:02.878 --> 00:58:05.356 has to be a recognizable article used in 00:58:05.356 --> 00:58:07.187 the construction of the building. 00:58:07.187 --> 00:58:10.227 So it automatically just advances to 00:58:10.227 --> 00:58:13.490 other articles of wood. 4421. And this 00:58:13.490 --> 00:58:15.713 kind of construction, the best 00:58:15.713 --> 00:58:22.034 description is edge-glued lumber. So 00:58:22.034 --> 00:58:26.146 4421.19.9400 for a vertical just 00:58:26.146 --> 00:58:29.667 building panel. Strand is the same 00:58:29.667 --> 00:58:31.513 thing. It's not a recognizable article 00:58:31.513 --> 00:58:32.616 used in the construction of the 00:58:32.616 --> 00:58:36.139 building. It's just a board. And this 00:58:36.139 --> 00:58:38.041 construction is not provided for 00:58:38.041 --> 00:58:40.350 anywhere else in the tariff's schedule. 00:58:40.350 --> 00:58:44.326 So it's other article of wood, just 00:58:44.326 --> 00:58:46.237 completely other, other, other. You 00:58:46.237 --> 00:58:53.353 know? S 4421.91.9880. And there are 00:58:53.353 --> 00:58:55.046 all kinds of random different 00:58:55.046 --> 00:58:57.672 constructions of bamboo out there. If 00:58:57.672 --> 00:59:00.125 you have one of them, I highly recommend 00:59:00.125 --> 00:59:02.582 that you get a binding ruling on them 00:59:02.582 --> 00:59:05.033 so you know where they're correctly 00:59:05.033 --> 00:59:06.673 classified. I'm happy to put those in 00:59:06.673 --> 00:59:09.461 writing, because I like to see more 00:59:09.461 --> 00:59:13.389 constructions and more usage. If one of 00:59:13.389 --> 00:59:15.975 these happen to be like a post or beam 00:59:15.975 --> 00:59:18.307 used in construction of the building, it 00:59:18.307 --> 00:59:22.598 could be 4418, it could be 4412, or 00:59:22.598 --> 00:59:24.583 4421. So I encourage you to request a 00:59:24.583 --> 00:59:25.844 binding ruling for these. 00:59:25.844 --> 00:59:28.583 And you made it! You made it all 00:59:28.583 --> 00:59:30.386 the way through. So, hopefully, that 00:59:30.386 --> 00:59:31.712 clarified things a little bit for you. 00:59:31.712 --> 00:59:34.456 Like I said, if not, you have my email 00:59:34.456 --> 00:59:38.252 address, and you can always ask me. And 00:59:38.252 --> 00:59:42.439 let's move on to the chat box and see if 00:59:42.439 --> 00:59:44.878 anybody had questions while we were 00:59:44.878 --> 00:59:49.812 going through this. 00:59:49.812 --> 00:59:51.289 >> CHRISSI GUTH: So few questions 00:59:51.289 --> 00:59:52.708 came in earlier. 00:59:52.708 --> 00:59:53.431 >> SANDRA WALIA: One of them give 00:59:53.431 --> 00:59:55.697 or two that were input by the same 00:59:55.697 --> 01:00:00.495 person. This person says 5mm3 layer was 01:00:00.495 --> 01:00:04.239 4412. This contradicts note 4 (b). 01:00:04.239 --> 01:00:05.190 >> LAUREL DUVALL: No, that's not 01:00:05.190 --> 01:00:07.876 what I said. If it happens to be that 01:00:07.876 --> 01:00:12.431 the top layer is less than 4mm, then it 01:00:12.431 --> 01:00:16.869 goes into 4412. But generally speaking, 01:00:16.869 --> 01:00:20.444 it's almost always 5mm. Which means it 01:00:20.444 --> 01:00:24.876 goes into 4418. So sorry that there was 01:00:24.876 --> 01:00:28.435 some sort of confusion there. But if 01:00:28.435 --> 01:00:32.224 it's 5mm, like you noted with additional 01:00:32.224 --> 01:00:36.553 U.S. note 4 (b) it goes into 4418 if it 01:00:36.553 --> 01:00:39.530 has a 5mm face ply. 01:00:39.530 --> 01:00:40.569 >> SANDRA WALIA: Okay, great. 01:00:40.569 --> 01:00:43.270 Another question was can a plywood with 01:00:43.270 --> 01:00:51.151 veneer face and backing fall under 01:00:51.151 --> 01:00:55.047 44911? 4411? 01:00:55.047 --> 01:00:57.890 >> SANDRA WALIA: Yeah. Probably. 01:00:57.890 --> 01:01:00.565 >> LAUREL DUVALL: Okay, 4411 don't 01:01:00.565 --> 01:01:06.993 exist. But 44 are 911 is printed 01:01:06.993 --> 01:01:10.105 matter. 4411. This is for fiber board 01:01:10.105 --> 01:01:12.763 products. And once you put a veneer on 01:01:12.763 --> 01:01:21.854 top of fiber board it becomes a fiber 01:01:21.854 --> 01:01:24.856 panel. The wood layer gives the panel 01:01:24.856 --> 01:01:27.217 its essential character. So you're not 01:01:27.217 --> 01:01:30.779 going to ever classify a veneer product 01:01:30.779 --> 01:01:33.297 in 4411. 01:01:33.297 --> 01:01:34.071 >> SANDRA WALIA: Okay. Next 01:01:34.071 --> 01:01:35.753 question, do you need a sample for 01:01:35.753 --> 01:01:38.733 ruling? If so, how big of a piece? 01:01:38.733 --> 01:01:39.775 >> LAUREL DUVALL: I do prefer 01:01:39.775 --> 01:01:41.798 samples for rulings. It's just easier 01:01:41.798 --> 01:01:44.227 for me to answer my own questions about 01:01:44.227 --> 01:01:47.839 it. Sometimes I think when people 01:01:47.839 --> 01:01:51.199 request rulings, they don't understand 01:01:51.199 --> 01:01:54.193 what we're looking for, because there 01:01:54.193 --> 01:01:56.157 are details for their concerns of the 01:01:56.157 --> 01:01:59.190 product are not important, but they're 01:01:59.190 --> 01:02:00.289 important for classification so, I 01:02:00.289 --> 01:02:01.618 prefer a sample. 01:02:01.618 --> 01:02:05.564 I don't need more than 6 inches. 01:02:05.564 --> 01:02:06.605 >> SANDRA WALIA: Okay. 01:02:06.605 --> 01:02:07.550 >> LAUREL DUVALL: So please don't 01:02:07.550 --> 01:02:09.781 send me a huge package of flooring. I 01:02:09.781 --> 01:02:11.888 don't want it. And I can't lift it 01:02:11.888 --> 01:02:14.992 anyways. [Laughter] 01:02:14.992 --> 01:02:15.846 >> SANDRA WALIA: Okay. The next 01:02:15.846 --> 01:02:18.550 one, what are the 3 types of assembled 01:02:18.550 --> 01:02:21.500 flooring panels? 01:02:21.500 --> 01:02:22.608 >> LAUREL DUVALL: What are the 3 01:02:22.608 --> 01:02:25.384 types of assembled flooring panels? 01:02:25.384 --> 01:02:26.347 >> SANDRA WALIA: Yes. 01:02:26.347 --> 01:02:27.071 >> LAUREL DUVALL: There are more 01:02:27.071 --> 01:02:29.980 than 3 types. There are all sorts of 01:02:29.980 --> 01:02:32.329 different kinds of assembled flooring 01:02:32.329 --> 01:02:33.558 panels. But for the ones we were 01:02:33.558 --> 01:02:35.821 talking about, there was, you know, 01:02:35.821 --> 01:02:39.160 there's the horizontal construction that 01:02:39.160 --> 01:02:41.438 has the strips side-by-side and in 01:02:41.438 --> 01:02:43.536 layers. There's the vertical 01:02:43.536 --> 01:02:46.788 construction where it's made of strips 01:02:46.788 --> 01:02:50.593 that are side-by-side. There's mosaic 01:02:50.593 --> 01:02:53.276 type flooring that it's made of specific 01:02:53.276 --> 01:02:56.125 pieces, you know, organized into a 01:02:56.125 --> 01:02:59.530 pattern. There's engineered flooring 01:02:59.530 --> 01:03:04.293 where it's multiple layers of wood, 01:03:04.293 --> 01:03:06.284 those are assembled. So you're looking 01:03:06.284 --> 01:03:08.945 for something with distinct pieces that 01:03:08.945 --> 01:03:11.214 are intentionally put together to form a 01:03:11.214 --> 01:03:13.835 whole. 01:03:13.835 --> 01:03:15.446 >> SANDRA WALIA: Okay. Then 01:03:15.446 --> 01:03:17.032 there's a few questions to go back to 01:03:17.032 --> 01:03:19.918 various slides, just to go back and look 01:03:19.918 --> 01:03:22.866 at it. One of them is slide 49 if you 01:03:22.866 --> 01:03:25.064 can go back to? 01:03:25.064 --> 01:03:26.256 >> LAUREL DUVALL: Okay. Let's do 01:03:26.256 --> 01:03:34.594 this. Okay. 49. 01:03:34.594 --> 01:03:36.543 >> SANDRA WALIA: Okay. And then 01:03:36.543 --> 01:03:39.675 there's a request for 51. 01:03:39.675 --> 01:03:40.305 >> LAUREL DUVALL: What was the 01:03:40.305 --> 01:03:41.852 question for 49? 01:03:41.852 --> 01:03:42.984 >> SANDRA WALIA: It was none. A 01:03:42.984 --> 01:03:45.476 lot of them are saying can you go back 01:03:45.476 --> 01:03:47.244 to the slide? 01:03:47.244 --> 01:03:47.878 >> LAUREL DUVALL: I see what you're 01:03:47.878 --> 01:03:50.594 saying. So here's 49. The next one is 01:03:50.594 --> 01:03:52.803 you said 51? 01:03:52.803 --> 01:03:55.397 >> SANDRA WALIA: Yeah. Let me get 01:03:55.397 --> 01:03:58.540 this out of the way. 01:03:58.540 --> 01:04:00.581 >> LAUREL DUVALL: Here's 51. 01:04:00.581 --> 01:04:04.375 >> SANDRA WALIA: Okay. Again, just 01:04:04.375 --> 01:04:17.866 to see it. Next one is 57. Okay. And 01:04:17.866 --> 01:04:31.650 then 26. 01:04:31.650 --> 01:04:34.254 >> While you're here, is veneer same 01:04:34.254 --> 01:04:35.793 as laminated? 01:04:35.793 --> 01:04:38.967 >> LAUREL DUVALL: No. Laminated 01:04:38.967 --> 01:04:45.918 means bonded. So lamination is bonding. 01:04:45.918 --> 01:04:48.375 With the term similar laminated wood, 01:04:48.375 --> 01:04:50.272 the explanatory notes tell us exactly 01:04:50.272 --> 01:04:52.878 what they mean by that kind of panel. 01:04:52.878 --> 01:04:56.419 So laminated is just an additive in 01:04:56.419 --> 01:05:03.819 that. But veneer is laminated on to a 01:05:03.819 --> 01:05:05.749 substrate. Meaning bonded to a 01:05:05.749 --> 01:05:08.052 substrate. Laminating does not mean 01:05:08.052 --> 01:05:11.047 veneer. Laminated mean it's pieces are 01:05:11.047 --> 01:05:15.062 bonded together. So for example, these 01:05:15.062 --> 01:05:23.665 vertical panels on slide 26, there's 01:05:23.665 --> 01:05:29.184 laminated together, it's not similar 01:05:29.184 --> 01:05:32.730 laminated wood of 4412. So laminated 01:05:32.730 --> 01:05:37.883 just means bonded. 01:05:37.883 --> 01:05:41.092 >> Just so I understand, face ply 01:05:41.092 --> 01:05:47.524 means top layer? Top layer, face ply, 01:05:47.524 --> 01:05:51.175 call it what you want to, but face ply 01:05:51.175 --> 01:05:53.340 is just my typical language and it 01:05:53.340 --> 01:06:00.286 happens to be a tariff term. You will 01:06:00.286 --> 01:06:02.262 find I language with a face apply of. 01:06:02.262 --> 01:06:06.766 So I refer to the top layer as face ply. 01:06:06.766 --> 01:06:09.038 >> And then there's just 4 more 01:06:09.038 --> 01:06:10.891 requests to go to the page numbers. One 01:06:10.891 --> 01:06:17.235 of them is Page 21. 01:06:17.235 --> 01:06:32.383 >> Okay. Page 21. And then 17. 01:06:32.383 --> 01:06:35.690 And then 15. 01:06:35.690 --> 01:06:40.784 >> Those are the nodes. 01:06:40.784 --> 01:06:45.716 >> And slide 11. Lats the last one 01:06:45.716 --> 01:06:47.715 I see. 01:06:47.715 --> 01:06:49.364 >> And I see one question that came 01:06:49.364 --> 01:06:54.340 in. Can small veneered shapes also fall 01:06:54.340 --> 01:07:01.666 under 4412 or does it have to be applied 01:07:01.666 --> 01:07:03.429 specifically? 01:07:03.429 --> 01:07:05.813 >> Small veneered applied shapes? 01:07:05.813 --> 01:07:07.309 I'm not sure what that means. But 01:07:07.309 --> 01:07:10.171 here's the thing. The term panel does 01:07:10.171 --> 01:07:15.167 not have, like, it does not have a 01:07:15.167 --> 01:07:20.741 definition that gives size limitations. 01:07:20.741 --> 01:07:23.962 So if I had a piece of plywood that was 01:07:23.962 --> 01:07:27.343 1 inch square, that's a panel. I mean, 01:07:27.343 --> 01:07:29.456 there's nothing that says a panel has to 01:07:29.456 --> 01:07:37.720 be a broad expanse. It's just basically 01:07:37.720 --> 01:07:39.749 flat and greater expanse than the 01:07:39.749 --> 01:07:42.569 thickness. But with plywood, lie wood 01:07:42.569 --> 01:07:46.635 is, you know, multilayer. So at least 01:07:46.635 --> 01:07:50.721 it's a flat piece that has 3 layers to 01:07:50.721 --> 01:07:52.983 it and the grain of each layer ones at 01:07:52.983 --> 01:07:59.378 an angle to the adjacent layers. So 01:07:59.378 --> 01:08:03.704 small piece of it, 1 by 1 inch. Or 4 by 01:08:03.704 --> 01:08:06.266 4 by 8 sheet, that's a panel. So don't 01:08:06.266 --> 01:08:09.899 get hung up on the word panel. Stick to 01:08:09.899 --> 01:08:13.138 the construction of it. So if you can 01:08:13.138 --> 01:08:14.910 see it's something made of layers and 01:08:14.910 --> 01:08:17.541 it's at least 3 layers, you know, and 01:08:17.541 --> 01:08:19.358 the grains run in different directions. 01:08:19.358 --> 01:08:21.269 Then you're looking at a piece of 01:08:21.269 --> 01:08:26.992 plywood. 01:08:26.992 --> 01:08:28.936 >> So the gentleman from before is 01:08:28.936 --> 01:08:32.778 asking, slide uses 3412, this greater 01:08:32.778 --> 01:08:38.823 than 5mm contradicts note 4b? 01:08:38.823 --> 01:08:40.204 >> Which slide was it? 01:08:40.204 --> 01:08:43.692 >> He said slide 35. Uses 4412. 01:08:43.692 --> 01:08:47.922 This greater than 5mm contradicts note 01:08:47.922 --> 01:08:48.685 4b. 01:08:48.685 --> 01:08:51.711 >> No, it doesn't conflict with note 01:08:51.711 --> 01:08:53.992 4b because it's not a flooring panel. 01:08:53.992 --> 01:08:58.796 Note 4b references assembled multilayer 01:08:58.796 --> 01:09:00.778 flooring panels. This is not a flooring 01:09:00.778 --> 01:09:05.339 panel. This is a non-descript, 01:09:05.339 --> 01:09:07.305 undedicated building material. Okay? 01:09:07.305 --> 01:09:09.866 It doesn't have the tongue and Grove. 01:09:09.866 --> 01:09:11.662 It doesn't have any joinery. It's not 01:09:11.662 --> 01:09:15.788 finished for uses for flooring. It's 01:09:15.788 --> 01:09:20.739 simply a building material. So this is 01:09:20.739 --> 01:09:23.203 not a recognizable article used in the 01:09:23.203 --> 01:09:25.843 construction of a building. Therefore, 01:09:25.843 --> 01:09:28.615 it cannot go into 4418. It is a 01:09:28.615 --> 01:09:33.715 veneered panel classified at 01:09:33.715 --> 01:09:33.938 4,412.10.9000. 01:09:33.938 --> 01:09:39.955 >> Okay. He said thank you. I see 01:09:39.955 --> 01:09:41.856 just one more slide request for slide 01:09:41.856 --> 01:09:48.272 12, if you can go back to that. 01:09:48.272 --> 01:09:58.089 >> Okay. 01:09:58.089 --> 01:09:59.591 >> Are that's it. 01:09:59.591 --> 01:10:00.757 >> Cool. 01:10:00.757 --> 01:10:02.230 >> You have note. Virtual checks 01:10:02.230 --> 01:10:05.657 for Laurel. 01:10:05.657 --> 01:10:06.612 >> LAUREL DUVALL: [Laughter] well, 01:10:06.612 --> 01:10:09.211 you know, if I had you guys here, I 01:10:09.211 --> 01:10:12.956 would be giving out woodchuck nickels. 01:10:12.956 --> 01:10:19.962 But I'm sorry it's virtual. Next time I 01:10:19.962 --> 01:10:22.968 see you I'll have wood Chuck nickels for 01:10:22.968 --> 01:10:25.003 all your good questions. Thank you so 01:10:25.003 --> 01:10:27.318 much. And I think that does bring us to 01:10:27.318 --> 01:10:33.056 the end here? I think that's maybe 01:10:33.056 --> 01:10:40.012 good? Yes? No? Maybe? 01:10:40.012 --> 01:10:41.188 >> CHRISSI GUTH: Yes. 01:10:41.188 --> 01:10:43.704 >> LAUREL DUVALL: Great. Great. 01:10:43.704 --> 01:10:45.293 Great. If you guys come up with any 01:10:45.293 --> 01:10:47.640 questions after we're done here, please 01:10:47.640 --> 01:10:49.874 just send me an email, and I will get 01:10:49.874 --> 01:10:55.344 back to you. Thanks! 01:10:55.344 --> 01:10:56.037 >> CHRISSI GUTH: This concludes our 01:10:56.037 --> 01:10:57.854 webinar for this afternoon. This is a 01:10:57.854 --> 01:11:00.003 reminder that this webinar will be 01:11:00.003 --> 01:11:02.329 posted on the CBP website. Thank you 01:11:04.166 --> 01:11:04.166 your day.