WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:06.840 Dolly, for those very inspirational words,  hopefully, everybody took something from that   00:00:06.840 --> 00:00:12.660 presentation that Mr. Donnelly presented to us.  Some of the key things I took away was discussing   00:00:12.660 --> 00:00:18.240 those three major points: Innovation, especially  dealing with AI, which, where we all know,   00:00:19.080 --> 00:00:23.160 artificial intelligence is taking it  over the world and we have to figure   00:00:23.160 --> 00:00:28.200 out a way how to leverage that within our  world of accessibility. Personalization,   00:00:29.220 --> 00:00:32.280 definitely got to figure out how  to personalize the experience for   00:00:32.280 --> 00:00:38.100 individuals to make things more accessible  and usable, AU. And proactive engagement,   00:00:38.100 --> 00:00:42.900 try to figure out ways of how to fix problems  before they become a problem in the beginning. 00:00:42.900 --> 00:00:47.340 So again, thank you again, Mr. Donnelly,  for that presentation, that was excellent.   00:00:47.940 --> 00:00:56.340 All right, up next we have Miss Abuja  Bale from CRCL, Civil Rights Civil Liberty   00:00:56.880 --> 00:01:04.740 Diversity Management Director, again,  of CRCL. So good morning, how are you? 00:01:04.740 --> 00:01:07.500 >> I'm doing well, how are you doing this morning? 00:01:07.500 --> 00:01:14.880 >> I am revved up, and I always love this time  of the year, so I'm looking forward to hearing   00:01:14.880 --> 00:01:18.480 all the different presentations from the  presenters today and having opportunities   00:01:18.480 --> 00:01:23.220 to meet people like yourself. So I'm not  gonna, you know, I'm a talker so I can   00:01:23.220 --> 00:01:27.360 easily just sit back and take over this whole  conversation. It could just be me, you talking. 00:01:27.360 --> 00:01:34.680 >> Oh, you know what, I'm a talker too. I love  to talk, and let me tell you, I am excited   00:01:34.680 --> 00:01:42.480 to be here to uh, talk about accessibility on  Accessibility Day. This is uh, something that   00:01:42.480 --> 00:01:51.840 is near and dear to us within me also within the  Diversity Management Section. We always strive to   00:01:51.840 --> 00:01:57.720 make our programs fully accessible to everyone,  all of our products fully accessible. It's a   00:01:57.720 --> 00:02:04.800 passion for all of us here, so definitely  excited to be here and provide my remarks. 00:02:04.800 --> 00:02:09.060 >> Well, thank you again for being here.  We are definitely excited. I know I am,   00:02:09.060 --> 00:02:13.860 and I'm sure all of the participants today are  definitely excited to hear from you. So again,   00:02:13.860 --> 00:02:18.480 before I start rambling too much  uh, we have here Abuja Bale,   00:02:18.480 --> 00:02:23.040 Diversity Management Director from  CRCL. All right, take it away. 00:02:23.040 --> 00:02:29.700 >> Thank you, so I wanted to uh, say good  morning to everyone for being here. This   00:02:29.700 --> 00:02:36.180 is just a very important uh, two days to learn  more about accessibility. I just wanted to say,   00:02:36.180 --> 00:02:40.560 my name is Abuja Bale, I'm the director  of the Diversity Management Section   00:02:40.560 --> 00:02:45.180 within the Office for Civil Rights  and Civil Liberties here at DHS.   00:02:46.020 --> 00:02:51.180 I would like to begin by extending  my sincere gratitude to the Office   00:02:51.180 --> 00:02:58.140 of Accessibility and Usability for the invitation  to participate in this year's Accessibility Day. 00:02:58.140 --> 00:03:01.140 Like I mentioned earlier when  Vince and I were talking,   00:03:01.920 --> 00:03:07.620 it's a demonstration of the interest in and  importance of ensuring accessibility that so   00:03:07.620 --> 00:03:14.100 many individuals are participating in this event,  and I see so many of you here. So thank you, thank   00:03:14.100 --> 00:03:18.840 you so much for being here to listen in on these  conversations, they're important conversations. 00:03:19.860 --> 00:03:26.700 So soon after uh, the Department of Homeland  Security was stood up in 2003, the Office for   00:03:26.700 --> 00:03:32.160 Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, otherwise  known as CRCL, and the Office of the Chief   00:03:32.160 --> 00:03:39.480 Information Officer, OCIO, partnered to establish  the Office of Accessible Systems and Technology,   00:03:39.480 --> 00:03:49.080 OAST, now known as Accessibility and Usability.  This bold organizational approach ensured that   00:03:49.080 --> 00:03:53.940 accessibility would be factored into everything  that the department does electronically,   00:03:53.940 --> 00:04:00.540 in furtherance of Section 508 of The  Rehabilitation Act, and empowering our   00:04:00.540 --> 00:04:06.420 employees with disabilities to succeed in  a continually evolving world of technology. 00:04:06.420 --> 00:04:12.600 And I can say, technology continues  to evolve. I've noticed accessibility   00:04:12.600 --> 00:04:18.780 improvements in our Microsoft Word system.  So to know that we have Accessibility and   00:04:18.780 --> 00:04:26.400 Usability here at the forefront of moving  these accessibility options forward is amazing.   00:04:27.180 --> 00:04:35.640 So two years ago, as a result of the DHS Section  508 Complaint Process Working Group led by CRCL,   00:04:36.300 --> 00:04:42.840 I am proud to share that we have implemented a  centralized process to address allegations and   00:04:42.840 --> 00:04:47.160 inquiries of inaccessible information  and communication technology. 00:04:47.940 --> 00:04:54.480 Both the DHS Accessibility Page as well as  the CRCL Civil Rights Complaints Page have   00:04:54.480 --> 00:05:00.540 been updated to include information on rights  under Section 508 of The Rehabilitation Act,   00:05:00.540 --> 00:05:06.960 as well as how to file a complaint  using the optional DHS Form 11035,   00:05:06.960 --> 00:05:10.740 DHS Technology Accessibility Issue Reporting Form. 00:05:11.700 --> 00:05:17.340 So I wanted to pause to say that these  forward-thinking approaches are essential   00:05:17.340 --> 00:05:24.420 to support our employees with disabilities. As  of the second quarter of FY 2023, employees with   00:05:24.420 --> 00:05:31.440 disabilities at our department represent 15.3  percent of our workforce. That is amazing! It's   00:05:31.440 --> 00:05:39.420 an increase of 0.5 percent from the end of FY  2022 and over a five-year period, the workforce   00:05:39.420 --> 00:05:45.780 representation of employees with disabilities  has increased by nearly 3 percent, and the   00:05:45.780 --> 00:05:52.260 representation is continuing to grow, showing a  need to ensure that we have accessibility for all. 00:05:53.160 --> 00:05:59.340 As such, discussing the accessibility and  accommodations for persons with disabilities   00:05:59.340 --> 00:06:05.220 is an essential discussion, and one we  must have to continuously ensure that we,   00:06:05.220 --> 00:06:10.500 as a department, continually serve our  workforce as well as our external partners. 00:06:11.700 --> 00:06:20.400 On June 25th, 2021, President Biden issued  Executive Order 14035, Diversity, Equity,   00:06:20.400 --> 00:06:24.360 Inclusion, and Accessibility  in the Federal Workforce.   00:06:24.360 --> 00:06:29.280 This is the first Executive Order that  makes it explicit that diversity and   00:06:29.280 --> 00:06:34.740 inclusion initiatives and strategic plans  must include individuals with disabilities   00:06:34.740 --> 00:06:40.140 and expands its scope to specifically  include equity and accessibility. 00:06:41.040 --> 00:06:47.280 Prior to this Executive Order, conversations  focused on diversity and inclusion, but with   00:06:47.280 --> 00:06:54.300 less emphasis on equity and accessibility. So  it's nice to know that we're finally focusing   00:06:54.300 --> 00:07:02.880 on equity and accessibility because that's  an important part of the equation. DHS's DEIA   00:07:02.880 --> 00:07:08.880 efforts are led by the Executive Director of the  Strategic Talent Recruitment, Inclusive Diversity,   00:07:08.880 --> 00:07:14.400 and Engagement, otherwise known as STRIDE,  within the Office of the Human Capital Officer. 00:07:14.400 --> 00:07:21.480 So Sharon Wong's group, CRCL, in partnership  with Accessibility and Usability, plays a   00:07:21.480 --> 00:07:28.680 vital role in supporting certain aspects of  DEIA, of our DEIA strategic plan related to   00:07:28.680 --> 00:07:34.680 individuals with disabilities by ensuring DHS  technology and communication are accessible.   00:07:34.680 --> 00:07:39.900 The process for requesting reasonable  accommodations is timely and efficient,   00:07:39.900 --> 00:07:44.880 and ensuring that all DHS employees  and applicants understand their rights. 00:07:45.480 --> 00:07:52.500 In support of DEIA, CRCL collaborates with  OCHCO to provide input and recommendations   00:07:52.500 --> 00:08:00.720 on strategies focused on accessibility  for FY 2022 through 2024 DEIA Strategic   00:08:00.720 --> 00:08:07.200 Implementation Plan. DHS's strategy is to  embed physical and technology accessibility   00:08:07.200 --> 00:08:11.940 as a foundational imperative  in all stages of employment. 00:08:11.940 --> 00:08:16.380 Supporting the strategy are two  main measures that will be used.   00:08:16.980 --> 00:08:24.480 First, consistent with the OMB's bi-annual  government-wide Section 508 Program Maturity   00:08:24.480 --> 00:08:31.980 Survey, our goal is to meet or exceed a  75% conformance rate on all DHS web pages.   00:08:32.880 --> 00:08:41.640 As of February 2023, DHS succeeded that goal  with a rating of 76% web compliance. This metric,   00:08:41.640 --> 00:08:46.860 beginning later this year, will be replaced with the new criteria outlined in the Annual 50 --  00:08:46.860 --> 00:08:54.060 Annual Section 508 Assessment Report, recently  revised by the Department of Justice and GSA. 00:08:55.740 --> 00:09:02.880 Second, we will monitor and review the Section 508  Program Health Report produced by Accessibility   00:09:02.880 --> 00:09:09.420 and Usability that assesses Section 508  program's capabilities and effectiveness at   00:09:09.420 --> 00:09:15.840 managing Section 508 risk, foster through  key indicators to gauge our progress. 00:09:16.560 --> 00:09:22.140 Finally, we have outlined measures and developed  a new quarterly reporting requirement to be   00:09:22.140 --> 00:09:28.680 implemented hopefully by third quarter FY  2023. This is to improve our reasonable   00:09:28.680 --> 00:09:36.360 accommodation program process. Specifically,  we are looking at increased timeliness and   00:09:36.360 --> 00:09:41.580 improving the timeframes for processing and  providing effective reasonable accommodations   00:09:41.580 --> 00:09:48.360 for employees and applicants. This is something  that we are actively working to ensure that we   00:09:48.360 --> 00:09:54.818 implement and we're also looking at potentially  expanding our reasonable accommodation program. 00:09:55.987 --> 00:10:02.100 We also recognize that accessible information  and communication technology play a vital role   00:10:02.100 --> 00:10:07.800 in ensuring full participation for members  of the public with disabilities. For example,   00:10:07.800 --> 00:10:13.920 can members of the public with disabilities access  the vast array of information and resources on DHS   00:10:13.920 --> 00:10:19.440 websites? Can program applicants complete  fillable forms that are fully accessible?   00:10:20.460 --> 00:10:25.260 Can blind individuals who use  assistive technology access the   00:10:25.260 --> 00:10:29.040 Department's national terrorism alerts  and other time sensitive information? 00:10:30.120 --> 00:10:35.400 There are these and other questions DHS  should be considering. Such as, can deaf   00:10:35.400 --> 00:10:42.180 disaster survivors communicate via video remote  interpreting at disaster recovery centers? Can   00:10:42.180 --> 00:10:49.200 travelers with disabilities interact with fully  accessible kiosk machines? Do individuals in DHS   00:10:49.200 --> 00:10:55.740 custody who need communication aids effectively  communicate with family members and legal counsel? 00:10:56.340 --> 00:11:02.820 Section 508's requirements for information and  communication technology are one vital piece   00:11:02.820 --> 00:11:08.040 of comprehensively ensuring accessibility  in the Department's program and activities.   00:11:08.820 --> 00:11:12.120 Under Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act,   00:11:12.120 --> 00:11:18.240 the department must also ensure physical access,  programmatic access, effective communication   00:11:18.240 --> 00:11:24.540 and reasonable modification of policies  for members of public with disabilities. 00:11:25.440 --> 00:11:32.940 Now taken together, let us picture what it will  look like as our work matures under sections 508,   00:11:33.600 --> 00:11:39.960 504, and 501 of The Rehabilitation Act throughout  the Department's programs and activities.   00:11:41.880 --> 00:11:46.920 Employees with disabilities and members of  the public with disabilities will consistently   00:11:46.920 --> 00:11:54.120 receive accessible information. They'll enjoy full  participation. They will benefit from effective   00:11:54.120 --> 00:12:00.720 forms of communication. They will be treated in  an inclusive, respectful and non-discriminatory   00:12:00.720 --> 00:12:06.960 manner. They will be notified of their right to  request a reasonable accommodation or modification   00:12:06.960 --> 00:12:14.280 and how to file a complaint under sections  501, 504 and 508 of The Rehabilitation Act. 00:12:14.280 --> 00:12:20.700 As it relates to physical access, as required  by the Architectural Barrier Act standards   00:12:21.360 --> 00:12:26.520 for our component program managers as well as  our frontline personnel interacting with people   00:12:26.520 --> 00:12:33.120 who have disabilities, this requires a change  in mindset. Accessibility must be a priority. 00:12:33.840 --> 00:12:38.280 As we reach the 50th anniversary of  the passage of The Rehabilitation Act,   00:12:39.420 --> 00:12:45.420 the anniversary is on September 26, 2023,  we must continue to make accessibility a   00:12:45.420 --> 00:12:51.120 priority. Ensuring accessibility in all  aspects of a program and in employee   00:12:51.120 --> 00:12:55.680 benefits must go into the thinking  upfront and not as an afterthought. 00:12:56.280 --> 00:13:01.800 We are fortunate at DHS to have  Accessibility and Usability and many   00:13:01.800 --> 00:13:09.120 DHS Section 508 managers and the components  to help us achieve our accessibility goals.   00:13:10.140 --> 00:13:14.760 I would like to acknowledge and thank them  today for all of your hard work and tireless   00:13:14.760 --> 00:13:21.720 effort in ensuring accessibility for our entire  workforce. At the same time, providing access is   00:13:21.720 --> 00:13:27.180 a responsibility that we all have. Working  together, we can achieve it. Thank you. 00:13:30.720 --> 00:13:38.520 >> Alright, thank you so much, Miss Abuja Bale. So  we're not going to brutalize your name more,   00:13:38.520 --> 00:13:45.360 so Ms. Bale, we truly appreciate that. Those  were great words of inspiration and a great   00:13:45.360 --> 00:13:51.360 presentation. I'm sure we all learned something  today that we may not have known previously.   00:13:52.560 --> 00:13:57.240 Let me slow down, I see we have another  interpreter up. Hello Ms. RK, alright.