WEBVTT 00:00:00.120 --> 00:00:06.240 In control of different systems, so this  particular presentation is one I think that   00:00:06.240 --> 00:00:10.920 you really are going to enjoy. If you don't know  about the Playbook, Playbook was created by our   00:00:10.920 --> 00:00:16.320 office to assist individuals as they are going  through the development process and procurement   00:00:16.320 --> 00:00:24.540 process. So, we have Miss Lynette Banning, a  senior accessibility subject matter expert at   00:00:24.540 --> 00:00:31.380 the office -- and I can't use OAST anymore  -- I'm sorry, accessibility usability, uh,   00:00:31.380 --> 00:00:36.000 group. I would say is that who's going to do  her presentation? Lynette, are you available? 00:00:38.240 --> 00:00:40.080 >> I'm here. 00:00:40.080 --> 00:00:46.560 >> All right, there you go. Now I can  see you and I can hear you. Excellent,   00:00:46.560 --> 00:00:47.820 excellent. How are you this morning? 00:00:47.820 --> 00:00:52.860 >> I'm doing well. We haven't had  too many, too many uh problems with   00:00:52.860 --> 00:00:58.140 the smoke yet. I guess it's headed our way,  so I hope you'll still be able to hear me. 00:00:58.140 --> 00:01:05.940 >> Yes, some people, yeah. Unfortunately, that  smoke has definitely moved its way down here   00:01:05.940 --> 00:01:10.260 where I live also. Uh, I don't know if my dog  is going to want to go outside to go to the   00:01:10.260 --> 00:01:16.140 restroom later on because of the smoke, but we'll  make it through one way or another. Well, again,   00:01:16.140 --> 00:01:21.840 this is the introduction of Lynette Banning. She's  a senior accessibility subject matter expert,   00:01:21.840 --> 00:01:27.840 again at accessibility and usability, and Lynette,  I know I'll let you kind of take it from here. 00:01:27.840 --> 00:01:30.660 >> Um, and start to present   00:01:36.180 --> 00:01:39.960 supporting the DHS accessibility  and usability program.   00:01:40.800 --> 00:01:46.440 Today, I'll be presenting on accessibility  training, as Vince said, with a focus on   00:01:46.440 --> 00:01:53.580 continuing to bring developers into alignment with  DHS accessibility best practices. I'll be covering   00:01:53.580 --> 00:01:58.860 more technical information than you've heard  so far, so please bear with me. I hope it'll be   00:01:58.860 --> 00:02:05.340 useful though, and so I'm going to go off camera  now to manage the slides and my notes. Okay? 00:02:05.340 --> 00:02:07.980 >> Lynette, this is, uh, Vince. Can you,   00:02:07.980 --> 00:02:11.580 um, see if you could turn your volume up  a little bit or speak a little bit louder? 00:02:11.580 --> 00:02:16.100 >> Absolutely. Thank you. A little bit better? 00:02:16.100 --> 00:02:22.440 >> A bit better. They said increase,  yeah. People are saying if you can   00:02:22.440 --> 00:02:25.320 increase the volume or can we  get your mic up a little bit? 00:02:29.360 --> 00:02:35.220 >> Okay, uh, let me get closer to  the speaker. Here, is that better? 00:02:35.220 --> 00:02:37.920 >> That's better. I can definitely hear you now. 00:02:37.920 --> 00:02:44.460 >> That's great, um, I wanted to first,  um, mention that a lot of the material   00:02:44.460 --> 00:02:49.980 we're going to cover today is based on  original content created by Alan King,   00:02:50.880 --> 00:02:57.120 um, a former senior accessibility engineer that  worked with us. Many of you on the call may know   00:02:57.120 --> 00:03:02.640 Alan; he was in the field for many, many years  and unfortunately passed away earlier this year.   00:03:04.140 --> 00:03:12.480 Um, very sad, of course. Um, he had left with  us with, um, some very valuable suggestions   00:03:12.480 --> 00:03:18.060 for training for developers, and I'm going to  include that in what I, uh, tell you about today.   00:03:19.260 --> 00:03:26.340 So, let me go to the agenda here. First, we're  going to recap concepts from an award-winning   00:03:26.340 --> 00:03:32.040 white paper written by Alan King and Kristen  Smith O'Connor that you may have seen last year.   00:03:32.040 --> 00:03:37.440 I'm just going to show you some highlights  as it applies to the developer training.   00:03:39.060 --> 00:03:45.720 Um, it's, uh, the white paper is on a subject  called Accessibility DevOps initiative,   00:03:45.720 --> 00:03:51.380 and we'll talk more about that in just  a moment. Can you hear me now very well. 00:03:51.380 --> 00:03:55.560 >> Yes, I think we can hear you pretty good. 00:03:55.560 --> 00:04:02.220 >> Okay, good. Next, um, after that, we'll present  currently available tools to support development   00:04:02.220 --> 00:04:10.740 teams, meet accessibility goals, and show you the  DHS section 508 Playbook that provides role-based   00:04:10.740 --> 00:04:15.240 guidance throughout the SDLC in alignment  with Accessibility DevOps recommendations.   00:04:16.200 --> 00:04:21.060 Then, we'll introduce the goals and accessible  developer training course envisioned by Alan   00:04:21.060 --> 00:04:27.900 King that further advances Accessibility DevOps  concepts specific to developers. And finally,   00:04:27.900 --> 00:04:33.900 direct you to an existing GitHub developer support  site that provides guidance on integrating section   00:04:33.900 --> 00:04:39.540 508 into test automation, a cornerstone  of the Accessibility DevOps initiative. 00:04:44.040 --> 00:04:49.380 First, we'd like to state that today's  briefing is built on an understanding that one,   00:04:49.380 --> 00:04:54.600 federal agencies must comply with codified  standards when they develop, procure, maintain,   00:04:54.600 --> 00:05:01.980 or use information and Communications technology.  Two, DHS has a standardized test methodology for   00:05:01.980 --> 00:05:08.640 ensuring compliance that must be followed. And  three, DHS has institutionalized processes to   00:05:08.640 --> 00:05:14.100 address accessibility throughout the software  development life cycle. This presentation   00:05:14.100 --> 00:05:19.800 will guide you to tools available at DHS that  align with these 508 compliance requirements.   00:05:20.640 --> 00:05:24.780 I wanted to mention that some material being  presented today is from earlier briefings   00:05:24.780 --> 00:05:29.700 and has been modified to present a cohesive  view of accessibility training for Developers   00:05:30.420 --> 00:05:36.720 and, importantly, two, instructions to access  material materials mentioned today are going   00:05:36.720 --> 00:05:40.920 to be provided at the end of the presentation  that will be available to you upon request. 00:05:42.860 --> 00:05:50.520 >> All right, so, um, Accessibility DevOps,  the next few slides present highlights from   00:05:50.520 --> 00:05:56.460 the Accessibility DevOps -- that's a tongue  twister and I say it many times -- throughout   00:05:56.460 --> 00:06:01.440 this presentation. The white paper, written by  Alan and Kristen specifically for the benefit   00:06:01.440 --> 00:06:07.980 of engineering teams, describes the initiative,  the DevOps principles on which it is founded,   00:06:07.980 --> 00:06:14.760 and practical approaches for implementing the  initiative within an organization. I just want   00:06:14.760 --> 00:06:20.040 to mention that you'll see SDLC (software  development) and software engineering used   00:06:20.040 --> 00:06:25.080 interchangeably throughout the presentation as  they were referred to in their original sources. 00:06:27.240 --> 00:06:35.940 Okay, so, what is Accessibility DevOps?  Accessibility DevOps builds on agile DevOps   00:06:35.940 --> 00:06:40.560 principles by expanding those principles to  highlight the subject matter of accessibility.   00:06:41.520 --> 00:06:47.160 Implementing Accessibility DevOps practices  improves the performance of software development   00:06:47.160 --> 00:06:53.640 operations in three ways: by incorporating  accessibility personnel into the DevOps team,   00:06:54.600 --> 00:06:59.460 by incorporating accessibility best  practices into the DevOps processes,   00:06:59.460 --> 00:07:05.280 and by integrating automated accessibility  tools into DevOps testing environments. 00:07:08.460 --> 00:07:13.980 This slide illustrates a contrast in the timing  of accessibility considerations in the development   00:07:13.980 --> 00:07:20.040 process. The first diagram shows the Legacy  approach that addresses accessibility toward   00:07:20.040 --> 00:07:25.980 the end of the software development life cycle.  The second diagram shows what Alan King refers   00:07:25.980 --> 00:07:33.720 to as the "CALM" approach - collaboration,  automation, shifting left - by incorporating   00:07:33.720 --> 00:07:38.820 accessibility early in the development  cycle and monitor monitoring outcomes,   00:07:39.600 --> 00:07:44.400 addressing accessibility during all cycles of  development from planning through acquisition   00:07:44.400 --> 00:07:50.160 and all iterations of development to ensure issues  are identified and remediated ahead of production.   00:07:51.180 --> 00:07:56.400 Accessibility DevOps practices can enhance  compliance with accessibility, security,   00:07:56.400 --> 00:08:03.480 UI/UX design, improve speed, and reduce  costs through automating manual tasks,   00:08:03.480 --> 00:08:07.380 and resulting in better management  of complex development environments. 00:08:07.380 --> 00:08:09.720 My apologies for that oversight. Here's  the transcript without the numeric list: 00:08:09.720 --> 00:08:15.000 The white paper concluded with recommendations  for implementing Accessibility DevOps practices   00:08:15.000 --> 00:08:20.400 in your organization, and those include:  Review and embrace the Section 508   00:08:20.400 --> 00:08:25.020 Playbook that we're going to show you in  a moment, the Cure stakeholder commitment,   00:08:25.980 --> 00:08:31.860 promote a culture shift, introduce  Accessibility DevOps initiative and   00:08:31.860 --> 00:08:37.860 activities to the team and the organization,  identify and include key roles in an activities,   00:08:39.120 --> 00:08:45.600 implement training and cross-training, integrate  Accessibility DevOps activities into the SDLC,   00:08:45.600 --> 00:08:50.280 and introduce accessibility test  automation and common tool sets. 00:08:51.660 --> 00:08:56.400 Developers have specific responsibilities  in learning and applying accessible code   00:08:56.400 --> 00:09:00.540 and best practices with the end  goal of creating applications with   00:09:00.540 --> 00:09:05.280 accessible navigation and user interfaces  compatible with assistive technology.   00:09:05.880 --> 00:09:10.620 Developers also integrate accessibility  testing into current unit testing and   00:09:10.620 --> 00:09:15.660 into existing continuous integration,  continuous delivery automation tools. 00:09:18.360 --> 00:09:22.320 Several training tools available  at DHS to assist development teams   00:09:24.360 --> 00:09:30.780 include the widely available and known Trusted  Tester training and certification program,   00:09:32.280 --> 00:09:36.420 Accessibility Docks Community of Practice  (we won't cover in detail today),   00:09:37.500 --> 00:09:43.440 the DHS Section 508 Playbook (you'll hear  more about in a moment), and finally,   00:09:43.440 --> 00:09:49.380 the Accessible Developer Training Course  initiated by Alan King (will also present today). 00:09:51.360 --> 00:09:55.620 The first training vehicle, primarily  geared toward testers and developers,   00:09:55.620 --> 00:10:01.680 is Section 508 Trusted Tester Training  and Certification. The Trusted Tester   00:10:01.680 --> 00:10:07.620 process was originally created by DHS and later  adopted by several other U.S. federal agencies.   00:10:08.280 --> 00:10:13.380 The mission of The Trusted Tester program is  to promote a unified, consistent, shareable,   00:10:13.380 --> 00:10:18.600 and repeatable test and evaluation approach  for Section 508 standards conformance. 00:10:19.380 --> 00:10:24.120 The Trusted Tester training track provides a  path to earn the Trusted Tester certification   00:10:24.120 --> 00:10:30.540 for web on the Windows platform. Upon completion  of the training, students will be able to identify   00:10:30.540 --> 00:10:37.920 the Section 508 standards applicable for web  and use the test process to evaluate websites   00:10:37.920 --> 00:10:44.460 and web applications for conformance to the  revised Section 508 standards. Students that   00:10:44.460 --> 00:10:49.200 score a 90 or better on a final exam  receive Trusted Tester certification. 00:10:49.980 --> 00:10:54.780 You can find the link to register for the course  on the DHS internet site, and those without   00:10:54.780 --> 00:11:00.360 access to the site can call the accessibility help  desk or write the help desk for more information   00:11:04.020 --> 00:11:06.120 (contact information at the  end of the presentation). 00:11:08.700 --> 00:11:15.780 Okay, the DHS Section 508 Playbook is another  tool created to provide role-based guidance   00:11:16.620 --> 00:11:21.420 to IT project and acquisition team members  based on accessibility best practices.   00:11:22.200 --> 00:11:26.340 The Playbook is instrumental to implementing  the Accessibility DevOps initiative,   00:11:26.340 --> 00:11:31.740 as it contains the strategies, alignments,  plays, and roles for each team member,   00:11:31.740 --> 00:11:35.160 and the resources to successfully  meet the goal of accessibility. 00:11:36.240 --> 00:11:41.340 The Playbook is available from the Accessibility  and Usability homepage on the DHS intranet,   00:11:41.340 --> 00:11:46.260 that is only available to DHS employees.  However, a generic version of The Playbook   00:11:46.260 --> 00:11:50.040 is currently being updated and  will be made available on max.gov.   00:11:51.420 --> 00:11:57.360 We won't cover the playbook in detail today,  but we wanted to represent the tool to you,   00:11:57.360 --> 00:12:02.640 as far as it plays a major role in  implementing Accessibility DevOps. We'll   00:12:02.640 --> 00:12:06.600 also point out several organizational  changes we made to enhance usability. 00:12:08.820 --> 00:12:13.080 In alignment with the Accessibility  DevOps recommendations, The Playbook   00:12:13.080 --> 00:12:18.120 guidance is strategic to each phase of  the development life cycle. You'll find   00:12:18.120 --> 00:12:24.180 the life cycle diagrams on the Playbook site  customized for each team role that provide a   00:12:24.180 --> 00:12:30.420 high-level view of how each play aligns with the  official DHS acquisition life cycle framework,   00:12:30.420 --> 00:12:36.120 as well as the software engineering life cycle  adopted by DHS. You can find more information   00:12:36.120 --> 00:12:41.760 about the DHS life cycles and the how-to-use  The Playbook presentation available on the site. 00:12:43.920 --> 00:12:50.280 The Playbook guidance aligns with specific team  roles common to most development teams: IT project   00:12:50.280 --> 00:12:58.200 managers, acquisition teams, developers, testers,  at 508 PMs, and SMEs. When you select your role,   00:12:58.200 --> 00:13:04.680 the plays that apply to you are displayed. There  are 14 possible plays and Associated activities   00:13:04.680 --> 00:13:10.380 that may apply to your role; a specific play  can actually apply to multiple team roles. 00:13:12.420 --> 00:13:17.640 When you select your team role, you can then  select from four distinct Playbook views that   00:13:17.640 --> 00:13:23.580 each provide different types of guidance unique  to the role selected. Lifecycle summary view   00:13:23.580 --> 00:13:29.640 is a concise list of links to reference material  for the recommended activities needed to address   00:13:29.640 --> 00:13:36.480 section 508 requirements throughout the life cycle  by actions. This section was added to highlight   00:13:36.480 --> 00:13:42.420 the key deliverables associated with each play,  consisting of Key activities, play outputs,   00:13:42.420 --> 00:13:47.220 authorizations required, and available resources.  We'll show this to you on the next slide.   00:13:48.060 --> 00:13:54.180 Planning checklist view is a customizable,  customizable fillable PDF checklist of   00:13:54.180 --> 00:14:00.360 role-based activities talk more about also  and training and resources containing job   00:14:00.360 --> 00:14:05.820 aids and other role-based resources aligning to  activities and a particular life cycle phase. 00:14:07.980 --> 00:14:13.020 So, what's new? As we mentioned, we  recently created a new play actions   00:14:13.800 --> 00:14:17.520 view that highlights play outputs or deliverables,   00:14:17.520 --> 00:14:23.100 if you will, authorizations required, and  relevant resources required in each phase. 00:14:25.380 --> 00:14:30.960 This makes all the wonderful information  that was initially put on the Playbook,   00:14:30.960 --> 00:14:40.260 put in the Playbook, um, easier to access and at  your disposal. There are generally six primary   00:14:40.260 --> 00:14:45.480 plays recommended for the developer, who may  also be involved in other plays depending on   00:14:45.480 --> 00:14:51.540 the team construct. The main activities include  ensuring section 508 requirements are addressed   00:14:51.540 --> 00:14:56.100 in planning and design and coding, as  well as unit testing and Remediation.   00:14:56.880 --> 00:15:01.920 Detailed guidance and relevant resources for  each play are available on the Playbook website.   00:15:03.480 --> 00:15:10.500 The Playbook has a planning checklist tool, as  we mentioned, that generates a customizable PDF   00:15:10.500 --> 00:15:17.160 form by team role. The forms are in a functional  checklist format and have been updated to include   00:15:17.160 --> 00:15:22.500 the new play actions to help teams ensure  they meet all necessary compliance steps. 00:15:26.400 --> 00:15:32.640 All right, in imagining course content  geared toward what developers need most,   00:15:33.360 --> 00:15:37.620 Alan King referred to the need  for a different kind of training.   00:15:38.400 --> 00:15:44.580 He describes the Legacy strategy as relying on  accessibility training that teaches how to access,   00:15:45.480 --> 00:15:50.160 assess rather, already built ICT  for conformance with requirements.   00:15:50.880 --> 00:15:55.440 That training is critical and ICT  needs to be compliant. However,   00:15:55.440 --> 00:16:00.960 Alan cites that that approach may allow for  technically compliant coding constructs that you   00:16:00.960 --> 00:16:07.200 would not necessarily encourage technical teams to  replicate for usability or Enterprise use reasons.   00:16:08.220 --> 00:16:15.360 He, therefore, proposed a new coding examples  approach to development, focusing on best   00:16:15.360 --> 00:16:23.580 practice that includes six components: UI  solutions that align with WCAG standards, when   00:16:23.580 --> 00:16:30.120 multiple code approaches meet clients' use, the  approaches that represent W3C recommended syntax.   00:16:31.260 --> 00:16:37.560 Implement accessible coding approaches that are  most user-friendly per the 21st Century IDEA Act.   00:16:38.640 --> 00:16:43.740 When multiple code approaches meet compliance,  use the approaches that align with the automated   00:16:43.740 --> 00:16:50.640 tool of choice (Site Improve, etc.). I know some  of this terminology will not be familiar to many   00:16:50.640 --> 00:17:00.600 of you, and others who may be developers, it's  ringing true to them. That Site Improve is a   00:17:00.600 --> 00:17:10.560 scanning tool for to, uh, to assess compliance  conformance that's used it across DHS by many,   00:17:10.560 --> 00:17:15.960 many organizations, many agencies. When  multiple code approaches meet compliance,   00:17:15.960 --> 00:17:21.960 use the approaches that best integrate into  your organization's code base. Allen suggests   00:17:21.960 --> 00:17:28.560 that meeting the goals of one through five  lends itself to code reuse and building an   00:17:28.560 --> 00:17:33.480 Enterprise accessible code Library, one end  goal of the Accessibility DevOps initiative. 00:17:36.180 --> 00:17:41.340 So far, we've introduced the concept of  Accessibility DevOps that builds on the principles   00:17:41.340 --> 00:17:47.400 of DevOps by incorporating accessibility subject  matter, as well as stressing the importance of   00:17:47.400 --> 00:17:52.800 incorporating accessibility throughout the SDLC,  as presented in the DHS section 508 Playbook.   00:17:53.640 --> 00:17:57.960 The next few slides will show how Alan  envisioned further expanding developer   00:17:57.960 --> 00:18:03.480 training in accordance with Accessibility DevOps  team recommendations via a targeted accessible   00:18:03.480 --> 00:18:08.280 developer training course that follows the code  example approach you saw in the last slide.   00:18:09.060 --> 00:18:13.440 The purpose of the accessible developer  training for web is to teach the core   00:18:13.440 --> 00:18:18.360 knowledge and activities needed to allow  them to leverage their unique place in the   00:18:18.360 --> 00:18:23.520 software development life cycle to maximize  the likelihood of creating accessible ICT. 00:18:26.460 --> 00:18:29.880 Summarizing the goals for the  accessible developer training course,   00:18:31.140 --> 00:18:35.580 first recognize, I-I see how small  that print is, but I'll read it to you:   00:18:35.580 --> 00:18:41.880 recognize why accessibility is important  and is the responsibility of all SDLC roles;   00:18:43.140 --> 00:18:48.360 write better code from understanding how  accessibility Works under the hood (we'll   00:18:48.360 --> 00:18:54.780 explain more later); identify which development  efforts have accessibility implications and make   00:18:54.780 --> 00:19:02.400 that identification early in the life cycle;  collaboratively design coding and user interface   00:19:02.400 --> 00:19:06.960 strategies that promote accessibility in  the design and develop phases of SDLC;   00:19:08.100 --> 00:19:15.780 recognize, create, and successfully implement  accessible coding techniques; integrate manual and   00:19:15.780 --> 00:19:22.380 automated accessibility unit testing during code  development and defect remediation; and finally,   00:19:22.380 --> 00:19:28.200 establish and maintain a collaborative dialogue  with Section 508 subject matter experts to   00:19:28.200 --> 00:19:34.560 iteratively improve accessible design, coding,  and to build an accessible code library over time. 00:19:40.080 --> 00:19:48.240 This course is intended to primarily be targeted  to the SDLC role of web architecture developer   00:19:48.240 --> 00:19:53.520 or coder, or at least part of their coding  responsibility is in the design and coding of   00:19:53.520 --> 00:19:59.940 the application's presentation or front-end layer.  The training venue would be an online self-paced   00:19:59.940 --> 00:20:05.580 training that presents its content to the learner  from the viewpoint of the software developer role.   00:20:05.580 --> 00:20:10.380 The course would assume the learner is  familiar with HTML5, JavaScript, CSS,   00:20:10.380 --> 00:20:14.820 and Aria, as well as development frameworks  and programming languages being used.   00:20:15.840 --> 00:20:19.620 Proposed course content would include  web accessibility fundamentals,   00:20:21.240 --> 00:20:26.520 accessible design, accessible coding  techniques, accessibility unit testing,   00:20:26.520 --> 00:20:34.140 accessibility remediation, and progressive  elaboration, such as institutionalizing accessible   00:20:34.140 --> 00:20:39.660 coding practices through code libraries and other  practices to streamline accessible development. 00:20:42.900 --> 00:20:48.180 First module, web accessibility fundamentals,  would present a contextual backdrop to   00:20:48.180 --> 00:20:52.860 accessibility activities that will serve as  the underlying foundation on which all other   00:20:52.860 --> 00:20:59.280 technical recommendations in the course are built.  Web fundamentals would include introduction to   00:20:59.280 --> 00:21:06.180 web accessibility and the W3C standards,  why accessibility matters, accessibility   00:21:06.180 --> 00:21:11.340 in the software development life cycle  (specifically to align with DHS requirements),   00:21:12.540 --> 00:21:17.580 how web accessibility works (getting under  the hood). This content would be particularly   00:21:17.580 --> 00:21:24.000 geared toward developers, the learning objective  being how accessibility is technically achieved   00:21:24.000 --> 00:21:30.480 through the use of HTML elements, semantics, the  document object model, and the accessibility tree.   00:21:31.440 --> 00:21:38.400 And lastly, a section on understanding the myriad  of accessibility references, infusing context   00:21:38.400 --> 00:21:44.460 and clearing confusion. Developers are often  lost in a sea of Section 508 and accessibility   00:21:44.460 --> 00:21:49.680 references. This section would describe the  purpose each serves as well as how they relate   00:21:49.680 --> 00:21:54.300 to each other. The material would include a  simple roadmap for how to use the references   00:21:54.300 --> 00:22:00.480 effectively in daily design and coding efforts  to conform to the DHS accessibility standard. 00:22:02.760 --> 00:22:08.820 Next module would be accessible design, starting  with navigation and content structure. The section   00:22:08.820 --> 00:22:15.240 describes how and why accessible design is  enhanced when developers strategically apply   00:22:15.240 --> 00:22:21.540 HTML semantic elements in the creation of an  underlying organized and intuitive structure on   00:22:21.540 --> 00:22:27.840 which user interface elements are built. WCAG  conformance requirements two and three would   00:22:27.840 --> 00:22:32.760 describe the accessibility design implications  of the Section 508 performance requirement   00:22:33.300 --> 00:22:39.180 full page, full web page performance, and  complete process conformance, for example.   00:22:39.840 --> 00:22:45.120 I know that doesn't make sense to some  people, but it does to others. And finally,   00:22:45.120 --> 00:22:51.240 how to choose user interface controls that promote  accessibility, implementing HTML elements and   00:22:51.240 --> 00:22:57.000 audio coding as they were designed to be used,  and choosing HTML elements in other widgets. 00:22:58.980 --> 00:23:03.420 We come to accessible coding techniques,  the learning objective here is to teach   00:23:03.420 --> 00:23:07.380 accessible coding techniques that  will comply with the six components   00:23:07.380 --> 00:23:12.000 mentioned in relation to the DevOps  best practices presented earlier,   00:23:12.000 --> 00:23:17.100 including the WCAG and The Trusted tester  Section 508 conformance test process. 00:23:20.760 --> 00:23:29.520 Uh, I think I want to stay here first. Next, we  have accessibility unit testing, an integral part   00:23:29.520 --> 00:23:36.000 of the Accessibility DevOps initiative. This  module describes how the developer role can   00:23:36.000 --> 00:23:41.160 strategically integrate automated and manual  accessibility unit testing into the develop   00:23:41.160 --> 00:23:47.460 phase of the life cycle using the Trusted tester  for web testing methodology. This method would   00:23:47.460 --> 00:23:54.060 also cover use of several automated testing tools  such as AX Core that can be customized to Trusted   00:23:54.060 --> 00:23:59.400 tester-friendly automated rule sets currently  available on GitHub that we'll present next. 00:24:03.480 --> 00:24:09.120 Then we have the accessibility remediation module.  It would not only cover recommendations for fixing   00:24:09.120 --> 00:24:16.500 code but in institutionalizing accessible coding  techniques to iteratively reduce future errors   00:24:16.500 --> 00:24:22.860 through activities such as tracking accessibility  coding defects to conclusion and leveraging Site   00:24:22.860 --> 00:24:29.760 Improve reports and Remediation activities.  Matured course content referred to here as   00:24:29.760 --> 00:24:36.120 progressive elaboration could include content  to assist in assessing development processes   00:24:36.120 --> 00:24:41.880 through agile ceremonies, institutionalizing  accessible coding practices and code libraries,   00:24:41.880 --> 00:24:48.240 and capturing specific coding techniques for  commonly used development languages such as HTML5,   00:24:48.240 --> 00:24:54.480 Angular, or React that also align with WCAG  guidelines and DHS compliance standards.   00:24:55.440 --> 00:24:59.760 Most all development frameworks and languages  have documented accessibility guidelines,   00:25:00.780 --> 00:25:05.220 uh, guidance rather, you can  refer to in their documentation,   00:25:05.220 --> 00:25:10.260 keeping in mind the end result needs  to comply with DHS standards as well. 00:25:13.620 --> 00:25:19.620 So, Alan King and others at AU have created  a GitHub developer support area on GitHub   00:25:19.620 --> 00:25:25.560 to provide guidance on integrating automated  accessibility testing in alignment with the   00:25:25.560 --> 00:25:30.840 Accessibility DevOps initiative. The purpose  of the dev automation resource is to provide   00:25:30.840 --> 00:25:38.040 fully functional examples to DHS components on  integrating accessibility test automation. For   00:25:38.040 --> 00:25:43.560 DHS components who don't have access to GitHub,  there is a mirror site in Bitbucket. Instructions   00:25:43.560 --> 00:25:47.280 to access the site are provided in the  reference slides at the end of the presentation.   00:25:48.300 --> 00:25:52.980 We want to emphasize the recommendations for  automated testing is never meant to replace   00:25:52.980 --> 00:25:58.860 manual testing, as only 30 percent of WCAG  success criteria can be detected by automated   00:25:58.860 --> 00:26:03.900 methods. Rather, automation is meant to be a  powerful efficient tool when applied correctly. 00:26:05.940 --> 00:26:12.180 Or this slide shows the dev automation code  examples and a screenshot of the associated   00:26:12.180 --> 00:26:17.880 code repository of test automation  scripts used to integrate Section 508   00:26:18.600 --> 00:26:24.420 into your test environment. Using the examples  assumes knowledge and experience with GitHub and   00:26:24.420 --> 00:26:29.760 knowledge of any test frameworks into which you  plan to integrate any of the accessibility test   00:26:29.760 --> 00:26:38.400 libraries presented. The tools presented in the  repository represent a wide range of complexity   00:26:38.400 --> 00:26:45.780 from relatively simple to the highly complex, from  browser plugins to command-line interface tools to   00:26:45.780 --> 00:26:51.780 API information, and for full scripting, as well  as few examples AU developed that demonstrate   00:26:51.780 --> 00:26:57.000 how some of these accessibility open-source tools  can be extended to provide greater functionality.   00:26:57.960 --> 00:27:02.280 Some of the more powerful automated tools  presented allow the user to pick and   00:27:02.280 --> 00:27:07.920 choose the individual underlying rules used for  testing. When automated tools have this feature,   00:27:07.920 --> 00:27:13.260 the user can exercise much more control over  the quality and relevance of their test results. 00:27:16.740 --> 00:27:21.780 Okay, future training and support. Today, we've  shown you the principles behind the Accessibility   00:27:21.780 --> 00:27:27.000 DevOps initiative. We've also shown you tools to  assist you in implementing the recommendations   00:27:27.000 --> 00:27:33.840 through embracing the DHS Playbook and integrating  accessibility throughout all phases of the   00:27:33.840 --> 00:27:39.540 development life cycle. The need to seek relevant  developer accessibility training and guidance   00:27:40.680 --> 00:27:43.980 on integrating test automation  into the development environment.   00:27:44.700 --> 00:27:50.640 And looking ahead to future training and support,  several developers we spoke with raise the issue   00:27:50.640 --> 00:27:56.160 that they often don't actually write HTML, that  it's rendered by the framework or otherwise in   00:27:56.160 --> 00:28:01.680 a black box. They also may not have access to  change code provided by another team or even   00:28:01.680 --> 00:28:08.820 another company working on the same project. I  ran into that myself in the past, and that's worth   00:28:08.820 --> 00:28:15.420 addressing for sure in real time. These situations  need to be triaged on an individual basis due to   00:28:15.420 --> 00:28:20.460 the variable development environments. Otherwise,  when front-end code is available to modify,   00:28:20.460 --> 00:28:27.120 utilizing best practices and coding techniques  and coding in anticipation of Trusted Tester   00:28:27.120 --> 00:28:32.940 requirements and outcomes from automated  compliance reporting tools is the optimal goal.   00:28:33.900 --> 00:28:39.060 AU will continue to explore methods to facilitate  training and support for development through   00:28:39.060 --> 00:28:45.420 continuing to explore accessible developer  training, expanding Dev automation pilot   00:28:45.420 --> 00:28:50.340 initiatives, and instituting a collaborative  Message Board to share questions and solutions.   00:28:50.340 --> 00:28:55.680 That's my favorite, as well as other trainings  such as incorporating customer experience. 00:29:00.060 --> 00:29:05.700 Alan put together a simple roadmap to implement  the Accessibility DevOps initiative presented   00:29:05.700 --> 00:29:10.920 today. He suggested developers, in particular,  should acquire the following skills and training:   00:29:11.460 --> 00:29:16.260 knowledge of WCAG as described in The  Trusted tester conform test process for web,   00:29:17.220 --> 00:29:23.160 the ability to choose compliant ICT authoring  tools, the ability to implement code   00:29:23.160 --> 00:29:29.100 strategies that meet Section 508 and usability  requirements while achieving ICT business need,   00:29:29.880 --> 00:29:35.460 and the ability to efficiently implement  Section 508 unit testing in the SDLC. 00:29:37.560 --> 00:29:43.980 To summarize, the primary training resources for  development teams we covered today that align to   00:29:43.980 --> 00:29:48.120 the Accessibility DevOps roadmap include  the Trusted Tester training certification,   00:29:48.840 --> 00:29:54.300 the DHS 508 Playbook, and the dev automation  GitHub code resources and examples. 00:29:56.700 --> 00:30:02.340 That concludes my presentation. So, if you  have questions or would like to access any   00:30:02.340 --> 00:30:09.480 of the materials presented today, please write  to or call the DHS accessibility desk. There   00:30:09.480 --> 00:30:15.420 are also reference slides at the end. A  few requests: a copy of the presentation,   00:30:15.420 --> 00:30:21.840 you'll see at the end here, there are specific  references to the information mentioned today. 00:30:23.600 --> 00:30:30.480 >> Thank you very much, there, Miss Lynette.  We appreciate that presentation. It's full   00:30:30.480 --> 00:30:35.640 of information, for sure. You do have a  couple of questions. One that came in is,   00:30:35.640 --> 00:30:43.260 do you experience Site Improve giving false  flags on AA or A issues on your websites,   00:30:43.260 --> 00:30:46.140 and if so, how do you resolve them? 00:30:49.400 --> 00:30:53.760 >> I'm sorry, I was still  manipulating my computer. 00:30:55.460 --> 00:31:00.660 >> False negatives, yeah, that's... that's the   00:31:02.760 --> 00:31:07.080 triage I was mentioning that needs  to happen on an individual basis.   00:31:07.980 --> 00:31:15.360 That is a very common problem, and I don't think  we have the bandwidth today to address that, but   00:31:16.560 --> 00:31:23.940 having the rule sets set up in advance and  the scanning software is key to avoiding that. 00:31:26.600 --> 00:31:30.360 >> Good. Let me see if we  can get to another one here.   00:31:35.940 --> 00:31:39.960 So, what is the best... another question  came in from Ms. Juanita Thomas.   00:31:41.220 --> 00:31:46.860 What is the best way to present or promote this  training to developers? Oftentimes, they are   00:31:46.860 --> 00:31:51.420 apprehensive to go through the training due to the  time, especially for the Trusted Tester training. 00:31:51.980 --> 00:31:58.560 >> You know, that was actually the impetus for  Alan wanting to do the developer-specific course,   00:31:58.560 --> 00:32:06.300 yep, so that it could kind of be a pick and  choose by the table of content, um, and that   00:32:06.300 --> 00:32:14.940 they wouldn't need to go through the structured  path that the Trusted Tester track does.   00:32:17.040 --> 00:32:27.480 But, um, I would have to defer to Nick on  that. Um, there's, um, you know, I mean,   00:32:27.480 --> 00:32:34.680 it goes back to literally the course content  that was proposed, um, to address that issue. 00:32:34.680 --> 00:32:42.660 >> Understood. Understood. One other person, can  you please go back to the reference slides again?   00:32:42.660 --> 00:32:51.420 Sure, I think they were trying to capture  that data. Oh, there you go. And remember,   00:32:51.420 --> 00:32:56.820 these slides will be made available later. Um,  if you would like to have them, you can always   00:32:56.820 --> 00:33:04.920 send the emails again to accessibility@hq.dhs.gov,  and we will provide that information to you later. 00:33:07.500 --> 00:33:09.000 See if there's any other questions. 00:33:11.160 --> 00:33:20.820 So, Lynette, dealing with the developer training,  are you able to tell the participants when do   00:33:20.820 --> 00:33:27.180 we think we will have an ETA on that  being created and going out to folks? 00:33:27.180 --> 00:33:31.260 >> Yeah, I'll defer to Nick on that. 00:33:33.500 --> 00:33:42.300 >> So, folks, basically, that's the politically  correct answer: stay tuned. Uh, we are going to   00:33:42.300 --> 00:33:47.040 be working on that, and that will be something  that will come out, you know, soon. Uh,   00:33:47.040 --> 00:33:50.580 I am actually interested. How many people on  the call right now, before we go into our next   00:33:50.580 --> 00:33:57.420 presentation, are Trusted Testers currently  or have used the Playbook? And if you have,   00:33:58.560 --> 00:34:04.440 um, can you put in the chat, or  the PB, because I'm just kind of   00:34:04.440 --> 00:34:10.860 interested in seeing. Oh, a couple people  say me. Okay, here you go. Interesting. 00:34:15.120 --> 00:34:19.920 Very good, a lot, a lot of Trusted Testers.  A couple of people have used the Playbook   00:34:19.920 --> 00:34:26.460 already. Very good, very good. Now we  know that the Trusted Tester training,   00:34:27.240 --> 00:34:31.620 um, is challenging, to say the least, uh,  because, again, we're trying to make sure   00:34:31.620 --> 00:34:37.740 that people really have a full understanding  of how to test and what to look for. But now   00:34:37.740 --> 00:34:42.120 that you have gone through the Trusted  Tester training, do you feel that that   00:34:42.120 --> 00:34:48.180 has made you more aware when it comes to  identifying accessibility-related issues?   00:34:49.200 --> 00:34:53.700 Um, and you can just put it in the chat, yes.  Somebody says they want to be a Trusted Sister,   00:34:54.960 --> 00:35:02.040 indeed. Okay, very good, very good. Very good.  Now, one thing, and I'll just bring this one   00:35:02.040 --> 00:35:11.040 last point up, we had a conversation within our  office, um, the other day, and it is the fact that   00:35:11.700 --> 00:35:17.820 a lot of people are doing Trusted Tester training,  but they may not know how to report. So, the ACRT   00:35:17.820 --> 00:35:24.780 is the report that you can utilize if you do not  know how to properly use the ACRT or have access   00:35:24.780 --> 00:35:31.200 to the ACRT, please reach out again to our office,  and we will be glad to provide you that level   00:35:31.200 --> 00:35:38.160 of support to ensure that you have a reporting  mechanism for your post-Trusted Tester reports. 00:35:38.160 --> 00:35:42.600 All right, Lynette, I don't know  if there's any other questions. Oh,   00:35:42.600 --> 00:35:46.800 there you go. Thanks. Thank you so much.  Savage has put in the link for GitHub,   00:35:46.800 --> 00:35:52.740 how to get to the ACRT for a test report. And  again, if you don't know how to use this report,   00:35:52.740 --> 00:35:58.680 uh, we definitely will provide you with that  information. Uh, if you don't have any other   00:35:58.680 --> 00:36:03.900 questions, I want to say thank you so much, Miss  Banning, for this great presentation. Thank you.   00:36:03.900 --> 00:36:10.680 It was my honor to present work that Alan King  worked very hard on. Yes, he definitely did,   00:36:10.680 --> 00:36:16.980 and you served him well in honoring him today,  and you did a great job of presenting this   00:36:16.980 --> 00:36:22.140 information. So, uh, and we will continue to  keep working in his honor, uh, moving forward. 00:36:23.480 --> 00:36:26.340 >> Thank you so much. Bye-bye. 00:36:26.340 --> 00:36:31.980 >> Bye-bye. All right, guys,  we actually are at our break,   00:36:33.060 --> 00:36:37.020 so I like to do that, you know. I don't really  do sign language, but I try to. I think I'm