WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.370 2 00:00:01.370 --> 00:00:05.250 (gentle music) 3 00:00:05.250 --> 00:00:08.660 - We were randomly paired as roommates and it was fine. 4 00:00:08.660 --> 00:00:12.420 We got along, but we're total opposites. 5 00:00:12.420 --> 00:00:16.330 I mean, I couldn't wait to get to college and be on my own, 6 00:00:16.330 --> 00:00:18.140 but Lauren, 7 00:00:18.140 --> 00:00:20.880 she was homesick and stressed 8 00:00:20.880 --> 00:00:24.550 and super worried about money all the time. 9 00:00:24.550 --> 00:00:26.190 She had a scholarship 10 00:00:26.190 --> 00:00:28.190 but I guess it didn't cover everything 11 00:00:28.190 --> 00:00:31.320 because she watched every penny. 12 00:00:31.320 --> 00:00:33.320 Like one of the first nights here, 13 00:00:33.320 --> 00:00:36.610 a bunch of us went out to dinner, just someplace cheap. 14 00:00:36.610 --> 00:00:39.980 I told her it was a great chance to make some new friends, 15 00:00:39.980 --> 00:00:43.520 but she stayed back and ate by herself. 16 00:00:43.520 --> 00:00:47.890 I tried to get her out of her shell, meet new people. 17 00:00:47.890 --> 00:00:51.460 But then classes started and I had lacrosse... 18 00:00:51.460 --> 00:00:53.910 You guys, have a great first day. 19 00:00:53.910 --> 00:00:55.890 And she started picking up shifts 20 00:00:55.890 --> 00:00:57.830 at a restaurant to make ends meet. 21 00:00:57.830 --> 00:00:59.850 And we just didn't spend much time together 22 00:00:59.850 --> 00:01:01.650 outside of our dorm room. 23 00:01:01.650 --> 00:01:02.890 Then she met Mark. 24 00:01:02.890 --> 00:01:04.080 - Oh! So sorry. 25 00:01:04.080 --> 00:01:05.300 - I'm sorry. - Are you okay... 26 00:01:05.300 --> 00:01:07.190 - Yeah. ...uh, Lauren? 27 00:01:07.190 --> 00:01:09.030 Wow. What a beautiful name. 28 00:01:09.030 --> 00:01:10.360 - Thanks. 29 00:01:10.360 --> 00:01:11.280 - [Alana] He grew up here, 30 00:01:11.280 --> 00:01:13.860 not too far from campus, I guess. 31 00:01:13.860 --> 00:01:17.720 He's an entrepreneur launching some startup. I don't know. 32 00:01:17.720 --> 00:01:18.840 - I hope you enjoy your meal. 33 00:01:18.840 --> 00:01:21.290 - Yeah. Thanks. - You're welcome. 34 00:01:21.290 --> 00:01:25.770 35 00:01:25.770 --> 00:01:28.110 - [Alana] She seemed super happy at first. 36 00:01:28.110 --> 00:01:29.570 - You do a little of this. 37 00:01:29.570 --> 00:01:31.410 - [Alana] For months, they were together all the time. 38 00:01:31.410 --> 00:01:34.250 - Here, you try it. (laughter) 39 00:01:34.250 --> 00:01:36.370 Wait, hold on, hold on. I wanna record you. 40 00:01:36.370 --> 00:01:37.710 - No. baby. Not yet, not yet. 41 00:01:37.710 --> 00:01:39.660 - Oh come on, let me record. 42 00:01:39.660 --> 00:01:42.410 - [Alana] She slept at his place a lot. 43 00:01:42.410 --> 00:01:44.870 I only met him briefly once or twice, 44 00:01:44.870 --> 00:01:49.880 but she said he was really smart and successful, 45 00:01:49.880 --> 00:01:53.590 that his company was about to take off. 46 00:01:53.590 --> 00:01:55.300 From everything she told me, 47 00:01:55.300 --> 00:01:59.200 I think he made her feel cared for, you know, 48 00:01:59.200 --> 00:02:01.240 maybe because he's older. 49 00:02:01.240 --> 00:02:04.650 She also said she felt good because 50 00:02:04.650 --> 00:02:09.350 he really listened to her, treated her like an adult. 51 00:02:09.350 --> 00:02:12.180 (music fades out) 52 00:02:12.180 --> 00:02:15.350 - You know how much I love being with you. 53 00:02:15.350 --> 00:02:20.630 It's just been hard juggling classes and us. 54 00:02:20.630 --> 00:02:23.900 And now this class just added these really expensive textbooks 55 00:02:23.900 --> 00:02:28.080 and you have to buy hard copies, there's nothing online. 56 00:02:28.080 --> 00:02:31.530 - Babe, what can I do to help? 57 00:02:31.530 --> 00:02:35.850 - Can I like borrow $200 from you? Please? 58 00:02:35.850 --> 00:02:37.780 I can pay you back a little at a time. 59 00:02:37.780 --> 00:02:41.410 - Babe, you know I'd do anything for you, but I don't have it. 60 00:02:41.410 --> 00:02:44.490 All my money's tied up in getting the business going right now. 61 00:02:44.490 --> 00:02:48.490 - Right. Of course. It's just... 62 00:02:48.490 --> 00:02:51.610 I don't know how I'm gonna pay for these books that I need. 63 00:02:51.610 --> 00:02:52.770 My parents can't help me 64 00:02:52.770 --> 00:02:54.970 and then the restaurant's been cutting back my hours. 65 00:02:54.970 --> 00:02:58.710 I mean, what am I supposed to do? Drop out of school? 66 00:02:58.710 --> 00:03:00.530 - Use your credit card. 67 00:03:00.530 --> 00:03:03.210 - I don't have one and I don't think I qualify. 68 00:03:03.210 --> 00:03:05.070 - I bet you would. 69 00:03:05.070 --> 00:03:07.780 Come here. Bring your laptop. 70 00:03:07.780 --> 00:03:12.610 71 00:03:12.610 --> 00:03:15.030 I got you babe. 72 00:03:15.030 --> 00:03:18.560 Give me your info and we'll apply online. 73 00:03:18.560 --> 00:03:20.360 It's super easy. 74 00:03:20.360 --> 00:03:22.050 (ominous piano music) 75 00:03:22.050 --> 00:03:25.390 Here. What's your social security number? 76 00:03:25.390 --> 00:03:29.410 - Uh, 1-3-6... 77 00:03:29.410 --> 00:03:30.720 (music ends) - After a while though, 78 00:03:30.720 --> 00:03:33.820 the stressed out Lauren started to reappear. 79 00:03:33.820 --> 00:03:39.060 I came home one night and she was crying about something, 80 00:03:39.060 --> 00:03:41.170 wouldn't say what. 81 00:03:41.170 --> 00:03:44.130 And then she asked if I could lend her 50 bucks 82 00:03:44.130 --> 00:03:47.910 and she'd pay me back in a couple weeks. 83 00:03:47.910 --> 00:03:52.200 I felt bad for her, but didn't wanna ask a lot of questions. 84 00:03:52.200 --> 00:03:54.180 - I don't understand why you're so upset. 85 00:03:54.180 --> 00:03:55.920 So you borrowed 50 bucks from your roommate. 86 00:03:55.920 --> 00:03:57.200 What's the big deal? 87 00:03:57.200 --> 00:03:59.400 - The big deal is that we maxed out 88 00:03:59.400 --> 00:04:01.560 my credit card between my school expenses 89 00:04:01.560 --> 00:04:03.480 and what we needed for the startup. 90 00:04:03.480 --> 00:04:04.900 And I had to borrow money 91 00:04:04.900 --> 00:04:08.650 from my roommate just to make the minimum payment. 92 00:04:08.650 --> 00:04:11.460 I'm already panicked about what I'm gonna do next month, 93 00:04:11.460 --> 00:04:15.000 and then I get a bill in the mail about a second credit card 94 00:04:15.000 --> 00:04:18.690 that's maxed out that you opened in my name. 95 00:04:18.690 --> 00:04:20.910 - Babe, I'm so sorry for not telling you. 96 00:04:20.910 --> 00:04:22.110 Honestly, 97 00:04:22.110 --> 00:04:24.170 I didn't think you'd make such a big deal about it. 98 00:04:24.170 --> 00:04:25.930 It's a short term thing. 99 00:04:25.930 --> 00:04:28.350 I couldn't access the business credit line at the bank 100 00:04:28.350 --> 00:04:30.700 because we've got this big investor coming on board 101 00:04:30.700 --> 00:04:32.790 and it's just better not having that on the books. 102 00:04:32.790 --> 00:04:34.430 But as soon as we get his funds, 103 00:04:34.430 --> 00:04:36.840 I'll pay off both your cards. 104 00:04:36.740 --> 00:04:38.100 (commanding voice) Look! 105 00:04:38.100 --> 00:04:39.150 (tense music) 106 00:04:39.150 --> 00:04:40.560 (gentle voice) You said you wanted to help me 107 00:04:40.560 --> 00:04:42.760 with the business somehow. 108 00:04:42.760 --> 00:04:44.850 I didn't tell you about the card because it's just 109 00:04:44.850 --> 00:04:48.400 a temporary thing and I knew you'd worry. 110 00:04:48.400 --> 00:04:50.470 It's all good, though. 111 00:04:50.470 --> 00:04:56.860 Trust me. I love you. 112 00:04:56.860 --> 00:04:58.330 (music fades out) - A week or so went by 113 00:04:58.330 --> 00:05:02.710 and she just seemed to be even more distant than usual. 114 00:05:02.710 --> 00:05:05.140 - Mark, please, I'm begging you. 115 00:05:05.140 --> 00:05:07.250 You have got to make payments on those credit cards. 116 00:05:07.250 --> 00:05:08.870 They're due next week. 117 00:05:08.870 --> 00:05:12.450 - Babe, I'm sorry. I can't right now, but I will next month. 118 00:05:12.450 --> 00:05:15.370 You know that with the startup-- - What am I supposed to do now? 119 00:05:15.370 --> 00:05:16.870 - I don't know... 120 00:05:16.870 --> 00:05:20.210 Maybe you could sell photos. You're hot enough. 121 00:05:20.210 --> 00:05:23.520 (laughing) Oh, come on, you know what I mean. 122 00:05:23.520 --> 00:05:25.550 Like the photos you send me? 123 00:05:25.550 --> 00:05:28.230 - I take those photos for you, 124 00:05:28.230 --> 00:05:31.290 not for everyone to see on the internet. 125 00:05:31.290 --> 00:05:36.480 - Whatever. I mean, it's really just modeling, no big deal. 126 00:05:36.480 --> 00:05:38.260 I know lots of people who do it. 127 00:05:38.260 --> 00:05:40.170 Plus you're gorgeous. 128 00:05:40.170 --> 00:05:42.470 You'd make bank and you know it. 129 00:05:42.470 --> 00:05:46.430 Honestly, you'd never have to worry about money again. 130 00:05:46.430 --> 00:05:49.040 That's all I want for you, babe. 131 00:05:49.040 --> 00:05:51.990 I love you. 132 00:05:51.990 --> 00:05:56.470 Hey, I know that selling photos and making sexy videos 133 00:05:56.470 --> 00:05:58.250 and stuff isn't your thing, 134 00:05:58.250 --> 00:06:00.400 but it's really no different 135 00:06:00.400 --> 00:06:04.790 than what other people put on social media, right? 136 00:06:04.790 --> 00:06:06.340 A few pics and videos a day 137 00:06:06.340 --> 00:06:09.690 and all your money problems will be solved. 138 00:06:09.690 --> 00:06:12.050 - And then she gradually changed. 139 00:06:12.050 --> 00:06:14.930 Her stress seemed to go away. 140 00:06:14.930 --> 00:06:17.340 She paid me back the money she borrowed. 141 00:06:17.340 --> 00:06:23.140 But she somehow seemed sad and detached, 142 00:06:23.140 --> 00:06:30.620 like worn down, kind of empty. 143 00:06:30.620 --> 00:06:33.160 I can't explain it. 144 00:06:33.160 --> 00:06:36.280 And then one night we had a game canceled 145 00:06:36.280 --> 00:06:38.650 and I got home early. 146 00:06:38.650 --> 00:06:40.670 - You're just so sweet to me, 147 00:06:40.670 --> 00:06:43.960 all the videos and photos you're buying. 148 00:06:43.960 --> 00:06:49.010 I don't know how I could ever thank you enough. 149 00:06:49.010 --> 00:06:55.440 I mean, maybe we could meet for something more? In-person? 150 00:06:55.440 --> 00:06:59.280 A private modeling session. (giggles) 151 00:06:59.280 --> 00:07:03.740 The cost is $200 and I guarantee you it'll make you very happy. 152 00:07:03.740 --> 00:07:05.920 (door opens loudly) 153 00:07:05.920 --> 00:07:07.560 - What's going on? 154 00:07:07.560 --> 00:07:11.410 - Nothing. Lauren was just making a joke video for me. 155 00:07:11.410 --> 00:07:12.660 - Really? 156 00:07:12.660 --> 00:07:14.560 - Yeah, really, Alana. 157 00:07:14.560 --> 00:07:17.980 Didn't know you were this nosy. 158 00:07:17.980 --> 00:07:20.070 So how was lacrosse? 159 00:07:20.070 --> 00:07:22.190 - Canceled. 160 00:07:22.190 --> 00:07:24.420 I'm going downstairs to grab some food. 161 00:07:24.420 --> 00:07:26.390 Do you wanna come with? Catch up? 162 00:07:26.390 --> 00:07:29.990 - No, we have plans. Thanks, though. 163 00:07:29.990 --> 00:07:33.490 - Okay, well I'll be back in a bit. 164 00:07:33.490 --> 00:07:37.410 - Okay, bye Alana. 165 00:07:37.410 --> 00:07:40.670 166 00:07:40.670 --> 00:07:43.080 - She knows something's going on. 167 00:07:43.080 --> 00:07:44.630 - She knows nothing. 168 00:07:44.630 --> 00:07:46.320 And besides, what is going on? 169 00:07:46.320 --> 00:07:48.930 You're just making some money to support our business 170 00:07:48.930 --> 00:07:51.270 and pay for school, right? 171 00:07:51.270 --> 00:07:55.500 - Yeah. But not like this. 172 00:07:55.500 --> 00:07:57.390 I don't really wanna do this anymore. 173 00:07:57.390 --> 00:08:00.760 - Aw, babe, don't mess things up for yourself. 174 00:08:00.760 --> 00:08:02.540 You're doing so great. 175 00:08:02.540 --> 00:08:04.480 You're so incredibly beautiful. 176 00:08:04.480 --> 00:08:07.220 And all your money problems are almost gone. 177 00:08:07.220 --> 00:08:09.720 178 00:08:09.720 --> 00:08:11.560 (with a firm voice) - I don't like this. 179 00:08:11.560 --> 00:08:13.700 I don't wanna do this anymore. 180 00:08:13.700 --> 00:08:17.770 (tense, ominous music) - You don't like it? 181 00:08:17.770 --> 00:08:19.520 How do you think you'd like it 182 00:08:19.520 --> 00:08:22.650 if your professors or the people in your school 183 00:08:22.650 --> 00:08:25.100 saw your photos? 184 00:08:25.100 --> 00:08:27.450 Or your parents? 185 00:08:27.450 --> 00:08:30.230 Mom and dad might not ever look at you the same way 186 00:08:30.230 --> 00:08:32.640 if they saw your videos. 187 00:08:32.640 --> 00:08:39.970 (slowly draws in a breath) That would be a real shame. 188 00:08:39.970 --> 00:08:46.110 All that trust in their perfect little girl, gone. 189 00:08:46.110 --> 00:08:50.250 What we should do is pack some of your clothes, 190 00:08:50.250 --> 00:08:54.260 go to my place, and keep this going. 191 00:08:54.260 --> 00:08:56.710 (growing angry) Having a perfectly good day 192 00:08:56.710 --> 00:09:00.040 and you talk to one person for one minute 193 00:09:00.040 --> 00:09:02.780 and suddenly act like a victim. 194 00:09:02.780 --> 00:09:05.570 Like I put a gun to your head or something. 195 00:09:05.570 --> 00:09:09.220 I'm helping you, helping us, 196 00:09:09.220 --> 00:09:11.080 trying to take us to where we wanna be. 197 00:09:11.080 --> 00:09:12.430 And all you wanna do is complain! 198 00:09:12.430 --> 00:09:13.870 (Lauren gasps) 199 00:09:13.870 --> 00:09:16.860 (music grows more tense) 200 00:09:16.860 --> 00:09:22.750 201 00:09:22.750 --> 00:09:25.180 Hand me that. 202 00:09:25.180 --> 00:09:34.070 203 00:09:34.070 --> 00:09:36.910 (tense music fades out) 204 00:09:36.910 --> 00:09:39.190 - When I got back that night after dinner, 205 00:09:39.190 --> 00:09:43.670 they were gone, over to Mark's I guess. 206 00:09:43.670 --> 00:09:47.780 I don't know, the whole thing just felt really creepy to me. 207 00:09:47.780 --> 00:09:53.680 And Lauren, she just doesn't seem like herself, you know? 208 00:09:53.680 --> 00:09:55.800 I mean, I know she can take care of herself, 209 00:09:55.800 --> 00:09:59.850 but something's not right about their relationship 210 00:09:59.850 --> 00:10:02.260 and the way she's changing. 211 00:10:02.260 --> 00:10:04.330 - Yeah, I get it. 212 00:10:04.330 --> 00:10:06.880 Something's definitely off. 213 00:10:06.880 --> 00:10:10.710 Does Lauren seem open to talking about it? 214 00:10:10.710 --> 00:10:15.140 - Sometimes, but only when Mark's not around. 215 00:10:15.140 --> 00:10:16.840 (concerned yet reassuring music) 216 00:10:16.840 --> 00:10:18.330 - I'm glad you told me, Alana. 217 00:10:18.330 --> 00:10:21.050 You definitely did the right thing. 218 00:10:21.050 --> 00:10:22.830 (deep sigh of relief) - Okay. 219 00:10:22.830 --> 00:10:24.710 - I'll take care of it from here. 220 00:10:24.710 --> 00:10:28.080 - Thank you. Thank you so much. 221 00:10:28.080 --> 00:10:30.530 (phone rings) 222 00:10:30.530 --> 00:10:31.720 223 00:10:31.720 --> 00:10:34.060 - Officer Monroe, how can I help you? 224 00:10:34.060 --> 00:10:35.590 - Hi Officer Monroe. 225 00:10:35.590 --> 00:10:37.270 This is Olivia Thompson. 226 00:10:37.270 --> 00:10:38.990 I'm an RA in South Hall. 227 00:10:38.990 --> 00:10:40.700 I want to report some things going on 228 00:10:40.700 --> 00:10:42.970 with one of the students in my dorm. 229 00:10:42.970 --> 00:10:44.140 I just spoke to her roommate 230 00:10:44.140 --> 00:10:46.100 and she thinks a boyfriend 231 00:10:46.100 --> 00:10:49.800 is coercing her to do sexual things. 232 00:10:49.800 --> 00:10:52.270 I thought I should call and fill you in on what I know. 233 00:10:52.270 --> 00:10:53.320 - Okay. 234 00:10:53.320 --> 00:10:55.200 - [Olivia] Well, she said it started a couple months ago 235 00:10:55.200 --> 00:10:58.640 when the roommate got a boyfriend that's older... 236 00:10:58.640 --> 00:11:04.830 (music continues then fades out) 237 00:11:04.830 --> 00:11:09.127