WEBVTT 00:00:07.000 --> 00:00:09.583 >> CALENTHIA BANKS: Today's webinar is 00:00:09.583 --> 00:00:14.912 figuring out fabrics in Chapter 50-60 00:00:14.912 --> 00:00:17.935 part of the webinar series. Today's 00:00:17.935 --> 00:00:20.377 webinar has an anticipated duration of 00:00:20.377 --> 00:00:23.073 one and a half to two hours. We have a 00:00:23.073 --> 00:00:25.773 few housekeeping items. Everyone will 00:00:25.773 --> 00:00:27.921 be kept on mute so the presentation can 00:00:27.921 --> 00:00:34.120 be kept clear of any background noise if 00:00:34.120 --> 00:00:36.143 you have questions or comments, we 00:00:36.143 --> 00:00:39.291 invite you to type them into the chat 00:00:39.291 --> 00:00:41.353 box. We will answer as many questions 00:00:41.353 --> 00:00:44.644 as we can at the end of the presentation 00:00:44.644 --> 00:00:46.883 and continuing education credit code 00:00:46.883 --> 00:00:48.155 will be placed in the chat box 00:00:48.155 --> 00:00:50.125 throughout the presentation. Today's 00:00:50.125 --> 00:00:52.444 presenters are national import 00:00:52.444 --> 00:00:56.964 specialist Michael Capanna and Nicole 00:00:56.964 --> 00:01:27.123 Rosso. Mr. Capanna, over to you. Ml 00:01:27.123 --> 00:01:28.987 we're going to move on to Nicole's part 00:01:28.987 --> 00:01:30.769 where she will be covering some of her 00:01:30.769 --> 00:01:35.035 chapters. I'll also open up the intro 00:01:35.035 --> 00:01:37.056 with some mandatory slides as well as a 00:01:37.056 --> 00:01:39.481 few other tips and tricks throughout the 00:01:39.481 --> 00:01:44.804 trade process that may pertain to you. 00:01:44.804 --> 00:01:46.544 Here's our contact information. You're 00:01:46.544 --> 00:01:50.248 going to see this throughout the 00:01:50.248 --> 00:01:52.684 webinar. Also, I'll reiterate that this 00:01:52.684 --> 00:01:55.424 is being recorded so that if we are -- 00:01:55.424 --> 00:01:57.553 as we are going through these slides, if 00:01:57.553 --> 00:02:00.331 for some reason you did not have an 00:02:00.331 --> 00:02:03.851 ample amount of time to take notes on 00:02:03.851 --> 00:02:07.023 something, you will be able to go back 00:02:07.023 --> 00:02:18.454 and view the recording to do so. 00:02:18.454 --> 00:02:22.252 So before I jump in to today's brief set 00:02:22.252 --> 00:02:24.271 of individual topics, I'm going to let 00:02:24.271 --> 00:02:27.648 you know that as it pertains to 00:02:27.648 --> 00:02:29.843 questions with the duration of this 00:02:29.843 --> 00:02:31.547 webinar already expected to last about 00:02:31.547 --> 00:02:33.687 one and a half hours, we're going to ask 00:02:33.687 --> 00:02:35.823 that you hold your questions until the 00:02:35.823 --> 00:02:38.185 end, and we'll definitely get to as many 00:02:38.185 --> 00:02:40.305 as we can. But if for whatever reason 00:02:40.305 --> 00:02:43.225 we can't at the end, absolutely feel 00:02:43.225 --> 00:02:45.369 free to reach us via e-mail. Again, 00:02:45.369 --> 00:02:47.523 those e-mails will be provided 00:02:47.523 --> 00:02:48.999 throughout the duration of this webinar. 00:02:48.999 --> 00:02:51.057 00:02:51.057 --> 00:02:54.865 So I'll go through a brief introduction 00:02:54.865 --> 00:02:57.475 with tariff assignments, that is, what 00:02:57.475 --> 00:02:59.286 numbers are assigned to myself and what 00:02:59.286 --> 00:03:03.896 are assigned to Nicole. We'll hit our 00:03:03.896 --> 00:03:06.755 CBP mission. Obviously important. The 00:03:06.755 --> 00:03:10.832 disclaimers. We'll talk about 00:03:10.832 --> 00:03:13.400 reasonable care very briefly. Our 00:03:13.400 --> 00:03:16.203 binding ruling program. Briefly touch 00:03:16.203 --> 00:03:19.448 on it webinar topics which we've already 00:03:19.448 --> 00:03:23.129 kind of glanced over, offer up important 00:03:23.129 --> 00:03:25.223 websites which many of you may already 00:03:25.223 --> 00:03:27.675 be familiar with, but it never hurts to 00:03:27.675 --> 00:03:30.148 reiterate their importance. And then 00:03:30.148 --> 00:03:32.669 again, we will close and provide our 00:03:32.669 --> 00:03:34.156 contact information and take questions. 00:03:34.156 --> 00:03:38.692 00:03:38.692 --> 00:03:42.126 On this slide, we z the CBP core values 00:03:42.126 --> 00:03:44.651 of integrity, vigilance and service to 00:03:44.651 --> 00:03:47.097 country, which are the basis of our 00:03:47.097 --> 00:03:53.633 mission. And I'll move forward as I 00:03:53.633 --> 00:03:55.369 said to some of the mandated slides. 00:03:55.369 --> 00:03:57.675 Here's our CBP mission statement. 00:03:57.675 --> 00:03:59.617 Protect the American people, safe guard 00:03:59.617 --> 00:04:02.135 our boarders and enhance the nation's 00:04:02.135 --> 00:04:05.107 economic prosperity. The office of 00:04:05.107 --> 00:04:06.511 trade mission statement. The office of 00:04:06.511 --> 00:04:08.767 trade facilities yit jit trade, enforces 00:04:08.767 --> 00:04:11.177 laws, and protects the American economy 00:04:11.177 --> 00:04:13.745 to ensure consumer safety and to create 00:04:13.745 --> 00:04:15.116 a level playing field for American 00:04:15.116 --> 00:04:19.096 businesses. At the bottom, I have -- 00:04:19.096 --> 00:04:21.619 many of you know, however, maybe not 00:04:21.619 --> 00:04:24.011 everyone knows that Twitter has changed 00:04:24.011 --> 00:04:26.257 its name to X. So that would be the 00:04:26.257 --> 00:04:29.361 symbol you may see in the app store if 00:04:29.361 --> 00:04:34.023 you wished to download Twitter or X, as 00:04:34.023 --> 00:04:38.415 it's now called -- and follow us at CBP 00:04:38.415 --> 00:04:44.407 trade govb. There's a variety of CBP 00:04:44.407 --> 00:04:48.753 accounts that are active. 00:04:48.753 --> 00:04:51.269 This disclaimer is a slide that basically 00:04:51.269 --> 00:04:53.767 indicates that this webinar is for 00:04:53.767 --> 00:04:55.871 educational purposes only and it is not 00:04:55.871 --> 00:04:59.900 binding in any way. The webinar 00:04:59.900 --> 00:05:02.395 regarded coded and uncoded fabrics is 00:05:02.395 --> 00:05:04.096 basically for general informational 00:05:04.096 --> 00:05:05.854 purposes and is intended to provide 00:05:05.854 --> 00:05:07.641 guidance and information to the trade 00:05:07.641 --> 00:05:11.659 community. Since legislative and 00:05:11.659 --> 00:05:13.217 administrative changes are always 00:05:13.217 --> 00:05:16.873 occurring, as we all know, relying 00:05:16.873 --> 00:05:18.517 solely on this general information 00:05:18.517 --> 00:05:21.510 within the webinar may not be considered 00:05:21.510 --> 00:05:27.145 reasonable care. 00:05:27.145 --> 00:05:29.021 This presentation will contain many 00:05:29.021 --> 00:05:32.961 slides with pictures and photos. Almost 00:05:32.961 --> 00:05:35.741 every slide will have unique photos. 00:05:35.741 --> 00:05:37.951 While most of the pictures are our own 00:05:37.951 --> 00:05:41.779 samples and our own materials, some of 00:05:41.779 --> 00:05:43.367 those photos may have been taken from 00:05:43.367 --> 00:05:46.479 the public domain. They are for 00:05:46.479 --> 00:05:48.370 educational purposes only and do not 00:05:48.370 --> 00:05:50.464 represent an endorsement or approval of 00:05:50.464 --> 00:05:56.068 any kind by CBP. 00:05:56.068 --> 00:05:57.946 All right. So as we've indicated 00:05:57.946 --> 00:06:03.250 earlier. My name is mimal, covering the 00:06:03.250 --> 00:06:07.965 NIS350 line. Trimmings, braids, labels, 00:06:07.965 --> 00:06:10.755 badges but to a much larger extent 00:06:10.755 --> 00:06:13.220 narrow ovine fabricbs, including 00:06:13.220 --> 00:06:15.256 ribbons, quilted fabrics, felts, 00:06:15.256 --> 00:06:18.847 nonwovens, coated and laminated fabrics, 00:06:18.847 --> 00:06:20.830 filter fabrics, machine belts and 00:06:20.830 --> 00:06:23.738 beltings and other technical use 00:06:23.738 --> 00:06:27.077 textiles of Chapter 59. What I'm going 00:06:27.077 --> 00:06:29.388 to primarily cover here is going to be 00:06:29.388 --> 00:06:32.861 noncovens and coated and laminated 00:06:32.861 --> 00:06:37.619 fabrication. Nicole handles basically 00:06:37.619 --> 00:06:40.803 all of the uncoated fabrics. The 00:06:40.803 --> 00:06:45.848 covens, including pile, chenille, tarry, 00:06:45.848 --> 00:06:50.154 embroidery, tulle, lace, netting, and 00:06:50.154 --> 00:06:57.015 gauze. 00:06:57.015 --> 00:07:05.451 Here, you can see all of the paragraphs 00:07:05.451 --> 00:07:11.692 that we cover. I'll leave it inicate 00:07:11.692 --> 00:07:13.971 you want to take note of this if this is 00:07:13.971 --> 00:07:17.349 something you're not familiar with. 00:07:17.349 --> 00:07:21.212 This is something you might want to jot 00:07:21.212 --> 00:07:25.011 down. You can go back to view the 00:07:25.011 --> 00:07:29.632 recording of this presentation. 00:07:29.632 --> 00:07:32.475 So before we get going, just a few slides 00:07:32.475 --> 00:07:36.280 to review our binding rulings program. 00:07:36.280 --> 00:07:37.897 This slide basically states that there 00:07:37.897 --> 00:07:40.487 could be many complicated factors as it 00:07:40.487 --> 00:07:43.764 applied to classification or for customs 00:07:43.764 --> 00:07:45.527 matters. So it's generally in your best 00:07:45.527 --> 00:07:48.545 trlt to request apbinding ruling or 00:07:48.545 --> 00:07:50.505 obtain advice from an expert that 00:07:50.505 --> 00:07:53.247 specializes in customs like a licensed 00:07:53.247 --> 00:07:55.998 customs broker, attorney, or consultant. 00:07:55.998 --> 00:07:58.132 On this slide you can see the eruling 00:07:58.132 --> 00:07:59.840 website. This address will take you 00:07:59.840 --> 00:08:01.791 directly to the template to begin the 00:08:01.791 --> 00:08:03.571 application process for a binding 00:08:03.571 --> 00:08:07.045 ruling. You'll also see this website 00:08:07.045 --> 00:08:15.787 posted throughout the presentation. 00:08:15.787 --> 00:08:17.781 Some of the things that we work on in 00:08:17.781 --> 00:08:20.471 terms of binding ruling issues including 00:08:20.471 --> 00:08:23.195 classification, country of origin, 00:08:23.195 --> 00:08:26.558 marking, and the application of trade 00:08:26.558 --> 00:08:29.342 programs or trade agreements and 00:08:29.342 --> 00:08:33.617 sometimes many of those can be worked in 00:08:33.617 --> 00:08:39.288 to one -- classification and country of 00:08:39.288 --> 00:08:42.675 origin including marking, to include a 00:08:42.675 --> 00:08:44.689 trade program or agreement. They can 00:08:44.689 --> 00:08:46.218 range from something simple as a 00:08:46.218 --> 00:08:48.737 classification ruling to a more complex 00:08:48.737 --> 00:08:56.331 mixes of those four individual topics. 00:08:56.331 --> 00:08:59.965 The ruling requests must be for 00:08:59.965 --> 00:09:03.702 prospective shipments and limited to 00:09:03.702 --> 00:09:06.550 five items of the same class or 00:09:06.550 --> 00:09:07.745 merchandise. It's a free service 00:09:07.745 --> 00:09:10.734 offered to the public. Again, the 00:09:10.734 --> 00:09:12.363 website listed in blue will take you 00:09:12.363 --> 00:09:14.047 directly to the application. All 00:09:14.047 --> 00:09:16.511 rulings are generally answered within 30 00:09:16.511 --> 00:09:19.255 days of receipt. However, a lot of 00:09:19.255 --> 00:09:22.478 times, specifically with textiles with 00:09:22.478 --> 00:09:24.787 the lines that me and Nicole have, we do 00:09:24.787 --> 00:09:29.785 consult our laboratory, and that 30-day 00:09:29.785 --> 00:09:33.078 turn around time may be extended to a 00:09:33.078 --> 00:09:35.923 period that could go from three to six 00:09:35.923 --> 00:09:38.386 months or even longer, depending upon 00:09:38.386 --> 00:09:50.475 the complexity of the material. 00:09:50.475 --> 00:09:54.771 So we're going to review from the NIS350 00:09:54.771 --> 00:09:59.299 area a few different cases and topics in 00:09:59.299 --> 00:10:04.283 Chapter 56 and Chapter 59. 00:10:04.283 --> 00:10:05.781 Some of the things that are directly 00:10:05.781 --> 00:10:09.182 relevant to what we'll be discussing and 00:10:09.182 --> 00:10:11.849 taking a look at -- I'm going to give 00:10:11.849 --> 00:10:16.682 you a heads up now that for almost each 00:10:16.682 --> 00:10:19.666 of these scenarios that I'm going to 00:10:19.666 --> 00:10:23.185 show you, I'll probably ask a basic 00:10:23.185 --> 00:10:25.219 question. And if you can input your 00:10:25.219 --> 00:10:28.659 answer into the chat box, I'll give a 00:10:28.659 --> 00:10:30.397 slight pause for that to kind of get a 00:10:30.397 --> 00:10:34.051 grasp for which way you're all leaning. 00:10:34.051 --> 00:10:37.981 So some important issues -- rather, some 00:10:37.981 --> 00:10:39.573 important notes of what is relevant for 00:10:39.573 --> 00:10:46.402 Chapter 56, the nonwovens, is: Are the 00:10:46.402 --> 00:10:50.318 fabrics coated, covered impregnated or 00:10:50.318 --> 00:10:52.721 laminated? Are they bleached or yarns 00:10:52.721 --> 00:10:54.867 of different colors? Does the fabric 00:10:54.867 --> 00:10:57.323 contain raised fibers? And that's 00:10:57.323 --> 00:10:59.829 usually via a process of brushing. And 00:10:59.829 --> 00:11:01.924 these are all important because as 00:11:01.924 --> 00:11:04.733 you'll see they relate to specific 00:11:04.733 --> 00:11:06.985 chapter notes or section notes or even 00:11:06.985 --> 00:11:12.097 explanatory notes. The coated fabbics 00:11:12.097 --> 00:11:14.494 Chapter 59, is the coating visible to 00:11:14.494 --> 00:11:16.663 the naked eye? Generally, that's 00:11:16.663 --> 00:11:19.665 plastic or rubber. Is the fabric 00:11:19.665 --> 00:11:22.254 laminated? Or is it otherwise coated, 00:11:22.254 --> 00:11:25.147 covered, or impregnated? Is the fabric 00:11:25.147 --> 00:11:29.065 of pile construction? And this is by no 00:11:29.065 --> 00:11:31.434 means an all inclusive list. There are 00:11:31.434 --> 00:11:34.125 many, many, many more questions that we 00:11:34.125 --> 00:11:37.201 ask on a case-by-case basis as it 00:11:37.201 --> 00:11:44.329 relates to what guides classification. 00:11:44.329 --> 00:11:46.207 Here are some of the important chapter 00:11:46.207 --> 00:11:48.630 notes if you just wanted to take a brief 00:11:48.630 --> 00:11:55.323 second to jot them down. Chapter 56 00:11:55.323 --> 00:11:57.495 note 3 basically determines what's 00:11:57.495 --> 00:12:02.511 applicable in 5603. Note 1 to Chapter 00:12:02.511 --> 00:12:07.303 5t basically tells us what a textile 00:12:07.303 --> 00:12:10.415 fabric is and hence included in the relp 00:12:10.415 --> 00:12:15.559 of Chapter 59. Chapter 59 Note 2 tells 00:12:15.559 --> 00:12:19.789 us what heading 5903 applies to, what 00:12:19.789 --> 00:12:24.001 goods, rather, apply to that heading. 00:12:24.001 --> 00:12:27.531 Chapter 59 Note 3, which is relatively 00:12:27.531 --> 00:12:31.333 new, defines for the tariff purposes 00:12:31.333 --> 00:12:33.525 what a laminated fabric is or what a 00:12:33.525 --> 00:12:40.589 laminated text tile fabric. Note 1c to 00:12:40.589 --> 00:12:44.195 60 tells us what's excluded, that is, 00:12:44.195 --> 00:12:46.359 what's excluded from classification in 00:12:46.359 --> 00:12:50.713 59. 00:12:50.713 --> 00:12:52.409 All right. So this is the first material 00:12:52.409 --> 00:12:54.707 that we're going to look at. And this 00:12:54.707 --> 00:12:59.255 happens to be one of our samples from a 00:12:59.255 --> 00:13:01.659 case that you can see above, which is 00:13:01.659 --> 00:13:06.203 N326404. On the top right, you can see 00:13:06.203 --> 00:13:07.703 what the face side of that material 00:13:07.703 --> 00:13:11.996 looks like. And the rest of the photo 00:13:11.996 --> 00:13:14.447 is what the reverse side looks like. 00:13:14.447 --> 00:13:16.893 And it may be a little difficult to 00:13:16.893 --> 00:13:19.427 discern exactly, but that's a nonwoven 00:13:19.427 --> 00:13:21.783 backing fabric. And you might be able 00:13:21.783 --> 00:13:24.975 to see some of the fluffiness or the 00:13:24.975 --> 00:13:27.201 puffiness of the raised fibers 00:13:27.201 --> 00:13:29.763 throughout, or you might not. But 00:13:29.763 --> 00:13:31.863 there's an arrow there saying, hey, this 00:13:31.863 --> 00:13:34.617 is a nonwoven backing fabric with raised 00:13:34.617 --> 00:13:37.009 fibers, if it's tough for you to see. 00:13:37.009 --> 00:13:39.843 The purpose of this material is to 00:13:39.843 --> 00:13:45.127 protect flooring during renovations. In 00:13:45.127 --> 00:13:47.001 this case, classification will be guided 00:13:47.001 --> 00:13:49.089 by the relevant section notes and 00:13:49.089 --> 00:13:53.153 chapter notes, explanatory notes, ruling 00:13:53.153 --> 00:13:55.673 letters that already exist in the cross 00:13:55.673 --> 00:13:58.989 system, and the previous precedents set 00:13:58.989 --> 00:14:11.132 by litigation. 00:14:11.132 --> 00:14:12.809 In this case, classification will be 00:14:12.809 --> 00:14:17.259 determined by several factors. First, 00:14:17.259 --> 00:14:19.401 I'm going to pause for a second and I'm 00:14:19.401 --> 00:14:21.175 going to ask the question: Does it 00:14:21.175 --> 00:14:23.719 matter in the case of a nonwoven 00:14:23.719 --> 00:14:26.489 combined with a plastic which side is 00:14:26.489 --> 00:14:29.374 the face of the fabric. And you can 00:14:29.374 --> 00:14:41.270 input your answers into the chat box. 00:14:41.270 --> 00:14:44.271 Okay. I see lots of yes's. But I also 00:14:44.271 --> 00:14:47.142 see some no's. Generally, no, it 00:14:47.142 --> 00:14:51.895 doesn't. But that's not -- that's just 00:14:51.895 --> 00:14:54.250 generally, okay? So those of you 00:14:54.250 --> 00:14:56.383 answering yes, you're not exactly wrong. 00:14:56.383 --> 00:15:00.390 In all cases, you know, less precedence 00:15:00.390 --> 00:15:02.259 set by previous litigation, the chapter 00:15:02.259 --> 00:15:05.003 notes and explanatory notes will control 00:15:05.003 --> 00:15:07.827 or assist in interpreting the relevant 00:15:07.827 --> 00:15:09.903 terms and determining classification of 00:15:09.903 --> 00:15:12.947 a nonwoven combined with the plastic. 00:15:12.947 --> 00:15:16.082 For example, in this case, the face side 00:15:16.082 --> 00:15:19.190 of this material, which is a plastic 00:15:19.190 --> 00:15:21.898 sheet, is combined with a nonwoven 00:15:21.898 --> 00:15:25.079 material constructed in a manner to 00:15:25.079 --> 00:15:28.871 contain antislip properties. Part of 00:15:28.871 --> 00:15:30.711 the process that aids in the antislip 00:15:30.711 --> 00:15:33.090 properties of the materials are the 00:15:33.090 --> 00:15:35.535 reverse side, that is, the nonwoven. 00:15:35.535 --> 00:15:37.442 That's the side that's actually placed 00:15:37.442 --> 00:15:40.122 on the floor. That contains raised 00:15:40.122 --> 00:15:45.654 fibers, and that helps to -- that 00:15:45.654 --> 00:15:47.882 achieved by brushing but it also 00:15:47.882 --> 00:15:51.764 prevents slipping or sliding around. 00:15:51.764 --> 00:15:53.827 The relevant notes that we're going to be 00:15:53.827 --> 00:15:57.763 looking at here is note 3 to Chapter 56 00:15:57.763 --> 00:16:00.114 -- this is on the left side of the 00:16:00.114 --> 00:16:03.611 screen -- note 3C. And for explanatory 00:16:03.611 --> 00:16:10.471 notes, we have to go to the section 00:16:10.471 --> 00:16:13.459 textile and plastic combinations and 00:16:13.459 --> 00:16:22.598 part d for an interpretation of mere 00:16:22.598 --> 00:16:25.219 reinforcement. 00:16:25.219 --> 00:16:28.947 In this case, we know that note 3 tee 00:16:28.947 --> 00:16:31.990 Chapter 56 basically instructs the 00:16:31.990 --> 00:16:35.147 nonwovens impregnated coated or covered 00:16:35.147 --> 00:16:38.908 laminated are classified in 56. 00:16:38.908 --> 00:16:41.172 Essentially, we can have a nonwoven 00:16:41.172 --> 00:16:43.352 maybe that's not even like this at all 00:16:43.352 --> 00:16:45.178 where in fact the reverse side is 00:16:45.178 --> 00:16:48.731 plastic and the face side is the 00:16:48.731 --> 00:16:51.258 nonwoven material. It could be of the 00:16:51.258 --> 00:16:53.546 exact same construction. And again, in 00:16:53.546 --> 00:16:55.169 that case, it's not going to matter 00:16:55.169 --> 00:16:56.787 which side is the plastic side and which 00:16:56.787 --> 00:17:01.325 side is the brushed nonwoven side. 00:17:01.325 --> 00:17:05.612 So when we look to note 3C, we must 00:17:05.612 --> 00:17:07.360 determine according to the note whether 00:17:07.360 --> 00:17:09.000 this is a product that would be 00:17:09.000 --> 00:17:11.389 considered a sheet of cellular plastic 00:17:11.389 --> 00:17:14.268 that is combined with the nonwoven where 00:17:14.268 --> 00:17:17.881 the nonwoven is present merely for 00:17:17.881 --> 00:17:20.644 reinforcing purposes. That's that 00:17:20.644 --> 00:17:22.297 explanatory note over there on the left. 00:17:22.297 --> 00:17:26.392 To make the determination as to whether 00:17:26.392 --> 00:17:28.972 the nonwoven is present as mere 00:17:28.972 --> 00:17:33.532 reinforcement, you drag way down, deep 00:17:33.532 --> 00:17:35.580 into that section of those general 00:17:35.580 --> 00:17:38.340 explanatory notes, the 39. You'll find 00:17:38.340 --> 00:17:41.306 that section, plastics and textile 00:17:41.306 --> 00:17:43.963 combinations in particular under Part D. 00:17:43.963 --> 00:17:47.783 And relevant part, plastics unfigured, 00:17:47.783 --> 00:17:51.104 unbleached, bleached, or uniformly dyed 00:17:51.104 --> 00:17:55.020 textile fabrics, felt, or nonwovens when 00:17:55.020 --> 00:17:57.260 applied to one face only of these 00:17:57.260 --> 00:18:01.707 plates, sheets, or strip are regarded as 00:18:01.707 --> 00:18:03.767 serving merely for reinforcing purposes. 00:18:03.767 --> 00:18:11.809 So we don't have that here. But what 00:18:11.809 --> 00:18:15.791 we do have is a figured -- it's not 00:18:15.791 --> 00:18:18.144 necessarily figured, but we have a more 00:18:18.144 --> 00:18:23.066 elaborately worked textile. And a 00:18:23.066 --> 00:18:25.035 specific example is given by raising 00:18:25.035 --> 00:18:27.380 fibers. Something like that is regarded 00:18:27.380 --> 00:18:31.686 as having more than a function of mere 00:18:31.686 --> 00:18:34.326 reinforcement. So on the face side, you 00:18:34.326 --> 00:18:37.264 can see those arrows on the picture. 00:18:37.264 --> 00:18:40.008 Face side, we have a plastic film. And 00:18:40.008 --> 00:18:41.464 on the reverse side, we've got the 00:18:41.464 --> 00:18:44.732 material of nonwoven construction, man 00:18:44.732 --> 00:18:50.145 made staple fibers. Fablic weighs 160 00:18:50.145 --> 00:18:53.716 grams her meters square -- per square 00:18:53.716 --> 00:18:56.365 meter. Excuse me. And it contains 00:18:56.365 --> 00:19:04.436 raised fibers via brushing. 00:19:04.436 --> 00:19:09.427 So given those facts that can contains 00:19:09.427 --> 00:19:13.244 raised fibers with the plastic on one 00:19:13.244 --> 00:19:15.544 side regardless of whether at this point 00:19:15.544 --> 00:19:20.233 it's cellular or compact, is it your 00:19:20.233 --> 00:19:24.836 opinion that the nonwoven material's 00:19:24.836 --> 00:19:41.881 present for mere reinforcement? No, 00:19:41.881 --> 00:19:43.848 pretty much everyone has nailed that 00:19:43.848 --> 00:19:47.054 one. That's what I like to see. So 00:19:47.054 --> 00:19:50.872 that's correct. It is -- this nonwoven 00:19:50.872 --> 00:19:53.465 is beyond what constitutes mere 00:19:53.465 --> 00:19:57.201 reinforcement. Therefore, we're able to 00:19:57.201 --> 00:19:59.603 classify -- as you see on the bottom 00:19:59.603 --> 00:20:01.850 left of the screen, you're able to 00:20:01.850 --> 00:20:06.276 classify 5603. Like I said, you 00:20:06.276 --> 00:20:08.405 reference this ruling. This is that 00:20:08.405 --> 00:20:12.447 actual material. The issue here is, of 00:20:12.447 --> 00:20:16.582 course, they can get way more complex. 00:20:16.582 --> 00:20:20.363 For example, if the nonwoven contained no 00:20:20.363 --> 00:20:22.035 raised fibers and let's say it was 00:20:22.035 --> 00:20:24.487 considered to be bleached, which 00:20:24.487 --> 00:20:27.126 generally is white. The determining 00:20:27.126 --> 00:20:28.750 factor for whether this material would 00:20:28.750 --> 00:20:30.733 be classified as a nonwoven or as a 00:20:30.733 --> 00:20:34.843 plastic under 39 is whether that coating 00:20:34.843 --> 00:20:37.955 or lamination material is compact or 00:20:37.955 --> 00:20:40.483 cellular. So we'll explore this a 00:20:40.483 --> 00:20:52.363 little more. 00:20:52.363 --> 00:20:53.894 Okay. So we're going to move on to 00:20:53.894 --> 00:20:58.918 another nonwoven case here. And this 00:20:58.918 --> 00:21:00.557 one's going to be more interesting in 00:21:00.557 --> 00:21:02.602 that I don't have an answer for you yet. 00:21:02.602 --> 00:21:06.660 But what I'm going to want everyone to 00:21:06.660 --> 00:21:08.594 keep in mind is just pay attention to 00:21:08.594 --> 00:21:10.914 what I'm saying as related to the facts 00:21:10.914 --> 00:21:14.216 that we know about this case. And like 00:21:14.216 --> 00:21:16.049 I said, throughout this presentation, 00:21:16.049 --> 00:21:18.563 you have plenty of time to take down my 00:21:18.563 --> 00:21:23.345 e-mail. We'll go back and review the 00:21:23.345 --> 00:21:25.200 presentation, take down my e-mail. I 00:21:25.200 --> 00:21:28.436 want you to take some time and give me 00:21:28.436 --> 00:21:30.886 your perspective. You can shoot me an 00:21:30.886 --> 00:21:35.569 e-mail ideally of whether -- of what 00:21:35.569 --> 00:21:38.712 chapter or what heading you think that 00:21:38.712 --> 00:21:43.219 this material's going to end up in. So 00:21:43.219 --> 00:21:55.289 I'm going tell you about it. 00:21:55.289 --> 00:21:56.686 Classification is going to be determined 00:21:56.686 --> 00:21:58.978 by several factors. Again, it does not 00:21:58.978 --> 00:22:02.015 generally matter which side is the face 00:22:02.015 --> 00:22:03.784 when working with plastics combined with 00:22:03.784 --> 00:22:05.378 nonwovens. Chapter notes and 00:22:05.378 --> 00:22:07.126 explanatory notes will control and 00:22:07.126 --> 00:22:10.857 assist here. However, lacking certain 00:22:10.857 --> 00:22:12.905 facts, which were known to the previous 00:22:12.905 --> 00:22:16.861 fabric, this fabric was forwarded to the 00:22:16.861 --> 00:22:19.479 New York custps and border protection 00:22:19.479 --> 00:22:22.400 laboratory. Some of the facts just 00:22:22.400 --> 00:22:25.729 simply were not known and was not able 00:22:25.729 --> 00:22:29.139 to ascertain them from basic questions. 00:22:29.139 --> 00:22:30.825 One of the facts is whether or not the 00:22:30.825 --> 00:22:35.103 nonwoven contained raised fibers. You 00:22:35.103 --> 00:22:38.154 can look at what that arrow basically 00:22:38.154 --> 00:22:40.999 says. Is there an appearance of raised 00:22:40.999 --> 00:22:44.169 fibers here? And you know, I would say 00:22:44.169 --> 00:22:47.048 personally, it's hard to tell. It's 00:22:47.048 --> 00:22:49.358 difficult to tell from just looking at 00:22:49.358 --> 00:22:52.926 that photo. And I was able to look at 00:22:52.926 --> 00:22:55.619 this material in my hand and it's very 00:22:55.619 --> 00:22:59.979 difficult to tell even at an arm's 00:22:59.979 --> 00:23:03.088 length whether this material contains 00:23:03.088 --> 00:23:04.794 raised fiberor not because that process 00:23:04.794 --> 00:23:12.363 is a mechanical process. 00:23:12.363 --> 00:23:15.570 So the simple appearance of what I might 00:23:15.570 --> 00:23:17.391 have believed to be raised fibers 00:23:17.391 --> 00:23:20.146 doesn't mean they are, especially as it 00:23:20.146 --> 00:23:22.549 relates to the brushing process. Also, 00:23:22.549 --> 00:23:23.803 we didn't know the material composition. 00:23:23.803 --> 00:23:26.320 For example, we need to confirm if the 00:23:26.320 --> 00:23:29.682 face is indeed a plastic and whether 00:23:29.682 --> 00:23:32.369 it's cellular or not. You know, 00:23:32.369 --> 00:23:37.135 otherwise known as compact. And we also 00:23:37.135 --> 00:23:39.002 generally need to know the composition 00:23:39.002 --> 00:23:43.355 of the text tile material if that's 00:23:43.355 --> 00:23:46.020 going to apply. So you can see that I 00:23:46.020 --> 00:23:49.599 have a question mark next to note 3B and 00:23:49.599 --> 00:23:54.928 C, as it is possible we may need to 00:23:54.928 --> 00:24:02.349 reference one or the other or none. 00:24:02.349 --> 00:24:05.155 So the New York laboratory was kind 00:24:05.155 --> 00:24:07.207 enough to provide me with some of the 00:24:07.207 --> 00:24:10.990 images that they took of this material. 00:24:10.990 --> 00:24:13.838 So utilizing a digital microscope you 00:24:13.838 --> 00:24:16.482 can see these images are provided 00:24:16.482 --> 00:24:19.024 roughly at 200 times magnification. 00:24:19.024 --> 00:24:21.734 While it's difficult to ascertain 00:24:21.734 --> 00:24:24.815 exactly what you're looking at, it's a 00:24:24.815 --> 00:24:33.050 close-up of the face side of the foe 00:24:33.050 --> 00:24:35.962 material. At the bottom image you get a 00:24:35.962 --> 00:24:37.338 more interesting look at the material. 00:24:37.338 --> 00:24:39.710 It's at this point we realize maybe my 00:24:39.710 --> 00:24:44.364 initial observations where I thought 00:24:44.364 --> 00:24:46.811 they may be raised fibers may not 00:24:46.811 --> 00:24:48.563 necessarily be as accurate because it 00:24:48.563 --> 00:24:51.550 seems as though we have fibers embedded 00:24:51.550 --> 00:24:55.371 in the plastic. So this could result in 00:24:55.371 --> 00:24:59.988 us working, I don't know, maybe with 00:24:59.988 --> 00:25:03.707 Note B instead of note 3C. Note 3B 00:25:03.707 --> 00:25:06.182 indicates basically that nonwovens 00:25:06.182 --> 00:25:08.139 completely -- and I emphasize that word 00:25:08.139 --> 00:25:11.055 -- completely embedded in plastic are 00:25:11.055 --> 00:25:23.307 not classifiable in Chapter 56. 00:25:23.307 --> 00:25:25.699 At roughly the same magnification, the 00:25:25.699 --> 00:25:27.907 New York lab provided a cross sectional 00:25:27.907 --> 00:25:30.321 image. And we can now confidently state 00:25:30.321 --> 00:25:32.303 that the nonwoven is embedded in 00:25:32.303 --> 00:25:36.100 plastics. There's no doubt about that. 00:25:36.100 --> 00:25:38.435 In the case of this material, we've been 00:25:38.435 --> 00:25:41.082 -- it has been confirmed to have a 00:25:41.082 --> 00:25:43.392 single layer of compact plastic. So 00:25:43.392 --> 00:25:46.696 that's that top layer. The top left is 00:25:46.696 --> 00:25:50.290 the face of the fabric, the faux 00:25:50.290 --> 00:25:52.950 leather. And you can see how thin that 00:25:52.950 --> 00:25:56.442 compact leather is. That blue arrow is 00:25:56.442 --> 00:25:58.847 pointing to that thin compact layer of 00:25:58.847 --> 00:26:00.947 plastic. All the rest of the material 00:26:00.947 --> 00:26:03.871 is the nonwoven combined with the 00:26:03.871 --> 00:26:10.720 plastic layer. 00:26:10.720 --> 00:26:12.548 So at first, I didn't know whether 00:26:12.548 --> 00:26:16.586 perhaps we're going to use note 3B and 00:26:16.586 --> 00:26:18.339 classification might be precluded from 00:26:18.339 --> 00:26:21.020 Chapter 56. Maybe it would end up as a 00:26:21.020 --> 00:26:24.074 product of Chapter 59. But we have yet 00:26:24.074 --> 00:26:28.563 to confirm as the date of this 00:26:28.563 --> 00:26:30.838 presentation if the layer of plastic in 00:26:30.838 --> 00:26:35.350 which the nonwoven partially resides is 00:26:35.350 --> 00:26:38.875 actually a cellular layer of plastic. 00:26:38.875 --> 00:26:42.579 So this is a true work in progress. And 00:26:42.579 --> 00:26:44.935 I fully intended today to present this 00:26:44.935 --> 00:26:46.514 material knowing that I cannot provide 00:26:46.514 --> 00:26:49.084 you with a classification at this time. 00:26:49.084 --> 00:26:51.855 So I can't even tell you what chapter 00:26:51.855 --> 00:26:53.572 this is going to fall into until we have 00:26:53.572 --> 00:26:57.332 a little bit more information. But feel 00:26:57.332 --> 00:26:59.713 free to e-mail me, like I said, with 00:26:59.713 --> 00:27:02.547 your thoughts on this material, where 00:27:02.547 --> 00:27:05.382 you think it might end up, and tell me 00:27:05.382 --> 00:27:08.016 why you think it may end up there. And 00:27:08.016 --> 00:27:10.327 then what I'll do is I'll keep your 00:27:10.327 --> 00:27:15.748 e-mails, and I'll set them aside to be 00:27:15.748 --> 00:27:17.907 replied to when I have all the facts, 00:27:17.907 --> 00:27:24.636 and I'll tell you the outcome. 00:27:24.636 --> 00:27:27.636 Real quick, I'm just curious, go ahead 00:27:27.636 --> 00:27:29.347 and hit the chat box. Who thinks the 00:27:29.347 --> 00:27:32.075 isis going to 56 and who thinks this is 00:27:32.075 --> 00:27:43.707 going to 39? Oh, lots of 39's. Great. 00:27:43.707 --> 00:27:45.499 I'll go ahead and answer that question 00:27:45.499 --> 00:27:49.120 real quick because I did catch it. The 00:27:49.120 --> 00:27:50.799 reason why we don't know it's going to 00:27:50.799 --> 00:27:53.776 39 yet or if it is, is because we don't 00:27:53.776 --> 00:27:56.643 know if 3B is going to apply. We don't 00:27:56.643 --> 00:28:00.052 know if -- we know that we can see 00:28:00.052 --> 00:28:03.959 fibers. We know that we can see fibers 00:28:03.959 --> 00:28:06.043 sticking out on the bottom left. So 00:28:06.043 --> 00:28:07.939 those fibers are not completely 00:28:07.939 --> 00:28:11.423 embedded. 3B will not play a role here. 00:28:11.423 --> 00:28:13.543 So we're going to have to learn a 00:28:13.543 --> 00:28:23.298 little more about the material. 00:28:23.298 --> 00:28:26.980 75 percent 56. I like that. 00:28:26.980 --> 00:28:32.080 [Chuckling]. All right. Oops went 00:28:32.080 --> 00:28:35.434 forward by accident there. All right. 00:28:35.434 --> 00:28:37.301 So that was a few of the things I wanted 00:28:37.301 --> 00:28:39.745 to go over for 56. I look forward to 00:28:39.745 --> 00:28:41.925 getting some e-mails on where you guys 00:28:41.925 --> 00:28:43.590 think that's going to go. And I'll 00:28:43.590 --> 00:28:45.593 follow up with you once I have all the 00:28:45.593 --> 00:28:46.498 facts. 00:28:46.498 --> 00:28:48.810 So I'm going to go over some of the stuff 00:28:48.810 --> 00:28:51.531 that's classified in Chapter 59. And 00:28:51.531 --> 00:28:54.179 what I have for you today is I have 00:28:54.179 --> 00:28:57.111 three examples of three materials that 00:28:57.111 --> 00:29:01.263 are all very different that may look 00:29:01.263 --> 00:29:04.213 similar and that we see quite often come 00:29:04.213 --> 00:29:06.388 across our desk as something that's 00:29:06.388 --> 00:29:09.840 possibly classified in Chapter 39 -- 00:29:09.840 --> 00:29:15.343 sore, 59. I'm so used to saying 39 and 00:29:15.343 --> 00:29:19.216 seeing it. . Again, 59 guided very much 00:29:19.216 --> 00:29:21.871 classification by the relevant section 00:29:21.871 --> 00:29:23.376 and chapter notes, the explanatory 00:29:23.376 --> 00:29:26.800 notes, rulings and cross and previous 00:29:26.800 --> 00:29:30.883 litigation. This is a knit material 00:29:30.883 --> 00:29:33.755 that's open work, and the face and 00:29:33.755 --> 00:29:37.887 reverse are considered visibly coated. 00:29:37.887 --> 00:29:40.259 You have the ruling number on the top 00:29:40.259 --> 00:29:42.775 left. So this is an actual material we 00:29:42.775 --> 00:29:49.836 worked with not too long ago. 00:29:49.836 --> 00:29:52.280 You can see the facts there. Some of 00:29:52.280 --> 00:29:55.908 them which I've already gone over. The 00:29:55.908 --> 00:29:58.955 fabric is entirely coated with PVC after 00:29:58.955 --> 00:30:01.265 it was constructed, entirely covered 00:30:01.265 --> 00:30:03.735 under both sides, and the total weight 00:30:03.735 --> 00:30:15.984 is 340.9 grams per meters squared. 00:30:15.984 --> 00:30:18.393 So -- sorry, note 1 to Chapter 59 00:30:18.393 --> 00:30:20.769 provides that -- it basically tells us 00:30:20.769 --> 00:30:22.963 what is included in Chapter 59. So for 00:30:22.963 --> 00:30:27.368 the ppurposes of this chapter, it 00:30:27.368 --> 00:30:32.604 applies to the woven fabrics of 50 to # 00:30:32.604 --> 00:30:37.012 58. Trimmics, 5808 and then it goes on 00:30:37.012 --> 00:30:41.138 to the heading, knit fabrics heading 00:30:41.138 --> 00:30:44.167 6002 to 6006. So we know we have a 00:30:44.167 --> 00:30:47.914 knitted fabric falling within 6002 and 00:30:47.914 --> 00:30:52.166 6006 here. So after that, we need to 00:30:52.166 --> 00:30:55.345 continue on past note 1. And then we 00:30:55.345 --> 00:30:59.867 begin to go down the list. And we see 00:30:59.867 --> 00:31:02.424 instead of the inclusions of note 1 00:31:02.424 --> 00:31:05.716 chapter 59. We go to note A for the 00:31:05.716 --> 00:31:10.316 exceptions. And note 2A3 states 00:31:10.316 --> 00:31:13.708 basically that if a material similar to 00:31:13.708 --> 00:31:15.603 what we were just going over to with 00:31:15.603 --> 00:31:20.338 Chapter 56 is embedded in plastics or 00:31:20.338 --> 00:31:24.000 visibly entirely coated or covered on 00:31:24.000 --> 00:31:27.358 both sides with plastics, that it would 00:31:27.358 --> 00:31:33.143 be excluded from Chapter 59. So at this 00:31:33.143 --> 00:31:35.108 point, where do you believe that this 00:31:35.108 --> 00:31:42.355 material would fall? In which heading? 00:31:42.355 --> 00:31:53.013 590 # or 3926? I see all those -- lots 00:31:53.013 --> 00:31:56.776 of 3926's. I saw only a few 5903's. 00:31:56.776 --> 00:32:02.507 And that is correct because this fabric 00:32:02.507 --> 00:32:04.513 is entirely coated or covered on both 00:32:04.513 --> 00:32:06.002 sides. Essentially, this fabric has 00:32:06.002 --> 00:32:09.483 been dipped in plastbes. Therefore, it 00:32:09.483 --> 00:32:13.236 is entirely coated or covered. Yes, it 00:32:13.236 --> 00:32:16.754 is visible to the naked eye. All you 00:32:16.754 --> 00:32:19.167 see is coating. You cannot see textile 00:32:19.167 --> 00:32:25.030 here. Not 3921 because it's not 00:32:25.030 --> 00:32:26.637 considered to be a sheet of plastic 00:32:26.637 --> 00:32:29.615 because of the holes. I can't get into 00:32:29.615 --> 00:32:31.620 more of that right now but that's the 00:32:31.620 --> 00:32:36.363 clause there. 00:32:36.363 --> 00:32:39.289 Okay. So here, we have another material. 00:32:39.289 --> 00:32:42.131 Doesn't look exactly like the last 00:32:42.131 --> 00:32:44.119 material, but it's very similar. So 00:32:44.119 --> 00:32:47.857 this is a woven fabric, which would be 00:32:47.857 --> 00:32:53.695 included in -- it said Note 1 covered 00:32:53.695 --> 00:32:57.603 Chapters 50 to 55. These particular 00:32:57.603 --> 00:33:01.059 yarns are sheathed in plastic. The 00:33:01.059 --> 00:33:03.538 ruling number is noted up on the top 00:33:03.538 --> 00:33:07.319 left. So we knethat the one includes 00:33:07.319 --> 00:33:12.306 this fabric. And we know that note 2A, 00:33:12.306 --> 00:33:16.198 if the fabric -- oops, I went forward. 00:33:16.198 --> 00:33:18.894 If emdeaded in plastics or visibly 00:33:18.894 --> 00:33:20.903 entirely coated or covered on both 00:33:20.903 --> 00:33:23.574 sides, it's excluded. But here we have 00:33:23.574 --> 00:33:26.144 an open woefrben fabric with yarns 00:33:26.144 --> 00:33:33.128 coated with PVC prior toprieving. 72 00:33:33.128 --> 00:33:36.443 percent PVC, 25 percent pall yester, 00:33:36.443 --> 00:33:41.330 total weight, 410.7 grams per meterers 00:33:41.330 --> 00:33:45.563 squared. 00:33:45.563 --> 00:33:49.594 Like I said, no 1 to Chapter 59, we know 00:33:49.594 --> 00:33:55.992 that this fabric will be -- note 2A 00:33:55.992 --> 00:34:04.398 excludes, is the plastics or visibly 00:34:04.398 --> 00:34:06.246 entirely coated or covered on both 00:34:06.246 --> 00:34:10.124 sides. But we need to examine note 2B, 00:34:10.124 --> 00:34:16.054 which may be applicable. So note 2 00:34:16.054 --> 00:34:20.650 states to Chapter 59 that heading 5903 00:34:20.650 --> 00:34:23.671 applies to fabrics made from yarn, 00:34:23.671 --> 00:34:26.552 strip, or the like, impregnated, coated, 00:34:26.552 --> 00:34:31.098 covered or sheathed with plastics of 00:34:31.098 --> 00:34:38.738 heading 5604. So Note 2B goes on to 00:34:38.738 --> 00:34:41.338 essentially specifically include this 00:34:41.338 --> 00:34:45.292 material. So I don't think I need to 00:34:45.292 --> 00:34:47.012 ask you where you think this goes 00:34:47.012 --> 00:34:49.620 because basically we've already went 00:34:49.620 --> 00:34:52.310 over that this is clearly a material 00:34:52.310 --> 00:34:54.785 where the yarns have been coated after 00:34:54.785 --> 00:35:02.074 -- coated prior to construction, and 00:35:02.074 --> 00:35:04.168 it's going to be -- yup, that's correct. 00:35:04.168 --> 00:35:10.563 Chapter 59. This ended up in 00:35:10.563 --> 00:35:14.946 5903.10.2010. The ruling numbers on the 00:35:14.946 --> 00:35:23.674 top left for your reference. I should 00:35:23.674 --> 00:35:25.726 note that in the facts, it does say 00:35:25.726 --> 00:35:28.012 fabric coated with PVC after it was 00:35:28.012 --> 00:35:33.628 constructed. That is my mistake. That 00:35:33.628 --> 00:35:35.506 is not the fact here. The fact here is 00:35:35.506 --> 00:35:39.374 that the yarns were coated with PVC 00:35:39.374 --> 00:35:49.153 prior to construction. 00:35:49.153 --> 00:35:53.551 Here, we have a white mesh material that 00:35:53.551 --> 00:35:56.059 -- this is something that we see quite 00:35:56.059 --> 00:35:58.332 often, come across our desk and people 00:35:58.332 --> 00:36:00.349 think that, hey, it looks like something 00:36:00.349 --> 00:36:02.073 that is plastic coated. May be 00:36:02.073 --> 00:36:04.385 classifiable on Chapter 59. What this 00:36:04.385 --> 00:36:07.354 is, this is a filtration media. They're 00:36:07.354 --> 00:36:09.135 often constructed in different types of 00:36:09.135 --> 00:36:12.143 manner. This happens to be a white mesh 00:36:12.143 --> 00:36:19.321 type material. 00:36:19.321 --> 00:36:22.798 So this one's a little more straight 00:36:22.798 --> 00:36:24.706 forward type of thing that you look at 00:36:24.706 --> 00:36:26.533 often. If it's not something you look 00:36:26.533 --> 00:36:29.019 at often, it could throw you for a loop. 00:36:29.019 --> 00:36:31.090 The ruling number is listed on the top 00:36:31.090 --> 00:36:32.808 left. In particular, this material was 00:36:32.808 --> 00:36:35.252 classified as a part to a machine in the 00:36:35.252 --> 00:36:37.282 reference ruling. However, we're not 00:36:37.282 --> 00:36:39.766 going to take a look at it as though it 00:36:39.766 --> 00:36:41.787 was considered to be part of a machine. 00:36:41.787 --> 00:36:44.229 If it was not considered to be part of a 00:36:44.229 --> 00:36:46.548 machine, we then need to consider 00:36:46.548 --> 00:36:50.227 whether it would be something in 59 or 00:36:50.227 --> 00:36:56.147 whether it might go to plastics. 00:36:56.147 --> 00:36:58.935 So here, we have a material, the 00:36:58.935 --> 00:37:01.026 construction of which is an open wood 00:37:01.026 --> 00:37:03.898 work mesh plastic material. The weight 00:37:03.898 --> 00:37:05.985 of the material is approximately similar 00:37:05.985 --> 00:37:09.539 to the previous two examples. The 00:37:09.539 --> 00:37:19.219 material is completely of plastic. So 00:37:19.219 --> 00:37:22.564 based on just what I told you already, 00:37:22.564 --> 00:37:24.695 those simple facts, do you think that 00:37:24.695 --> 00:37:27.845 note 1 to Chapter 59 includes this 00:37:27.845 --> 00:37:44.291 material? Remember, I said it -- so 00:37:44.291 --> 00:37:47.309 this material is entirely of plastic. 00:37:47.309 --> 00:37:50.490 And what does Note 1 to Chapter 59 00:37:50.490 --> 00:37:53.872 include? It applies to the woven fabric 00:37:53.872 --> 00:38:00.455 of 50 to 55. 5803 and 5806, braids, 00:38:00.455 --> 00:38:06.383 trimmings, 5808. And then 6002 to 6. 00:38:06.383 --> 00:38:08.586 That's correct. This material is not 00:38:08.586 --> 00:38:11.814 provided for -- considered as a tex time 00:38:11.814 --> 00:38:15.575 fabric as it relates to Chapter 59. And 00:38:15.575 --> 00:38:18.162 in fact iffee were to take a look at 00:38:18.162 --> 00:38:19.862 section notes -- again, it's so 00:38:19.862 --> 00:38:21.351 important to go back and check the 00:38:21.351 --> 00:38:24.464 notes, familiarize yourself with them, 00:38:24.464 --> 00:38:26.587 and just when you think you're familiar 00:38:26.587 --> 00:38:28.415 with them, go back and familiarize 00:38:28.415 --> 00:38:31.667 yourself again because I forget one 00:38:31.667 --> 00:38:35.083 word, something simple. But when you 00:38:35.083 --> 00:38:41.236 take a look at Section 11 Note 1 -- I 00:38:41.236 --> 00:38:48.936 might be wrong. Yeah, it is. Note 1h. 00:38:48.936 --> 00:38:51.499 This section does not cover woven 00:38:51.499 --> 00:38:55.627 knitted, crocheted -- we basically 00:38:55.627 --> 00:38:57.684 skipped to the end of that one. Or 00:38:57.684 --> 00:39:00.154 articles thereof. Basically, this is 00:39:00.154 --> 00:39:02.090 going to be considered an article 00:39:02.090 --> 00:39:04.616 thereof of Chapter 39 because it's not 00:39:04.616 --> 00:39:08.251 clearly not a woven knitted, crocheted 00:39:08.251 --> 00:39:13.254 fabrics, felt nonwovens, impregnated, 00:39:13.254 --> 00:39:15.549 coated, covered or lminated with 00:39:15.549 --> 00:39:23.983 plastic. 00:39:23.983 --> 00:39:26.483 I'm briefly going to review the really 00:39:26.483 --> 00:39:30.198 not so new note to Chapter 59 which was 00:39:30.198 --> 00:39:32.670 effective January 27, 2022. I know 00:39:32.670 --> 00:39:34.541 we've gone over this a lot, that's why 00:39:34.541 --> 00:39:36.630 I'm going to keep it relatively brief 00:39:36.630 --> 00:39:41.298 just to reintroduce it to everyone and 00:39:41.298 --> 00:39:42.923 keep this in the back of your head as 00:39:42.923 --> 00:39:44.618 something important. And basically, it 00:39:44.618 --> 00:39:46.340 states that for the purposes of heading 00:39:46.340 --> 00:39:49.074 5903 textile fabrics laminated with 00:39:49.074 --> 00:39:51.330 plastics means products made by the 00:39:51.330 --> 00:39:53.690 assembly of one ormore layers of fabrics 00:39:53.690 --> 00:39:56.131 with one or more sheets of film or 00:39:56.131 --> 00:40:02.342 sheets of -- sheets or film of plastic 00:40:02.342 --> 00:40:05.787 -- I'm sorry -- which are combined by 00:40:05.787 --> 00:40:07.036 any process that bonds the layers 00:40:07.036 --> 00:40:08.835 together. And the big part of this is 00:40:08.835 --> 00:40:12.274 whether or not the sheets or Phillips of 00:40:12.274 --> 00:40:14.518 plastics are visible to the naked eye in 00:40:14.518 --> 00:40:17.540 the cross section. So there's that 00:40:17.540 --> 00:40:19.174 important part list odthen left. And 00:40:19.174 --> 00:40:24.430 you is can see, the middle picture -- 00:40:24.430 --> 00:40:27.140 left picture is a rendering of a two 00:40:27.140 --> 00:40:31.209 layer material, which is a woven and a 00:40:31.209 --> 00:40:32.779 plastic p. And then you have on the 00:40:32.779 --> 00:40:35.182 right side, a three-layer material where 00:40:35.182 --> 00:40:37.783 there's a plastic in the center. That's 00:40:37.783 --> 00:40:40.816 a preexisting plastic film. And they 00:40:40.816 --> 00:40:43.919 can be combined by any means, and it no 00:40:43.919 --> 00:40:45.492 longer needs to be invisible to the 00:40:45.492 --> 00:40:49.127 naked eye kwb which prior to January 27, 00:40:49.127 --> 00:40:53.309 2022 was the case. 00:40:53.309 --> 00:40:56.414 Here again, we have photos, courtesy of 00:40:56.414 --> 00:40:58.862 the New York laboratory. And these 00:40:58.862 --> 00:41:01.478 photos just -- I'm showing you the face 00:41:01.478 --> 00:41:05.148 and the reverse. And here, you can 00:41:05.148 --> 00:41:07.796 argue which one is the face of the or 00:41:07.796 --> 00:41:09.834 the reverse. They're interchangeable. 00:41:09.834 --> 00:41:12.112 One is red, one is black. But those 00:41:12.112 --> 00:41:14.804 fabrics are laminated together, which 00:41:14.804 --> 00:41:17.568 you could see that little white 00:41:17.568 --> 00:41:20.269 lamination layer in the middle. We're 00:41:20.269 --> 00:41:22.512 able to confirm there's a preexisting 00:41:22.512 --> 00:41:24.522 layer of white plastic in the middle, 00:41:24.522 --> 00:41:27.128 and it doesn't matter how that's bonded. 00:41:27.128 --> 00:41:29.132 Of course we can see it, but that's 00:41:29.132 --> 00:41:31.050 irrelevant with this new note. Of 00:41:31.050 --> 00:41:32.880 course we won't always be able to see 00:41:32.880 --> 00:41:34.742 it. Sometimes you're going to have to 00:41:34.742 --> 00:41:37.834 rely on statements from, you know, your 00:41:37.834 --> 00:41:41.488 manufactures, your middlemen, et cetera. 00:41:41.488 --> 00:41:45.049 00:41:45.049 --> 00:41:47.324 And then here's my last example for the 00:41:47.324 --> 00:41:50.834 day. This is an actual laminated 00:41:50.834 --> 00:41:54.960 fabric. A real world example, photos 00:41:54.960 --> 00:42:02.998 courtesy of NIS357. DeAnna bolt. This 00:42:02.998 --> 00:42:07.092 is N333987. On the right, you can see 00:42:07.092 --> 00:42:09.349 the plastic layer and the bottom left, 00:42:09.349 --> 00:42:12.670 the remaining portion of that photo is 00:42:12.670 --> 00:42:15.893 the woven fabric layer. So this is only 00:42:15.893 --> 00:42:20.692 a two-layer material. 00:42:20.692 --> 00:42:23.857 So we have a woven fabric laminated to a 00:42:23.857 --> 00:42:27.724 plastic film. And the pabric being 65 00:42:27.724 --> 00:42:30.048 percent pall yester, 30 percent woop 00:42:30.048 --> 00:42:32.263 wool, a little bit of nylon and acrylic. 00:42:32.263 --> 00:42:36.414 Once that woven fabric which is covered 00:42:36.414 --> 00:42:39.820 by note 1 of Chapter 59 is laminated to 00:42:39.820 --> 00:42:44.450 that plastic film, we now have something 00:42:44.450 --> 00:42:48.488 that meets the criteria of note 3 to 00:42:48.488 --> 00:43:02.002 Chapter 59. 00:43:02.002 --> 00:43:04.734 So this ended up being a fabric 00:43:04.734 --> 00:43:11.525 classifiable under 6210.20.5010 which 00:43:11.525 --> 00:43:15.186 provides for garments made up of fabrics 00:43:15.186 --> 00:43:23.559 of heading 5903 among others. 00:43:23.559 --> 00:43:25.610 So I thank you guys for being so involved 00:43:25.610 --> 00:43:27.775 with me during my part of the webinar. 00:43:27.775 --> 00:43:30.132 Again, send me your thoughts on the 00:43:30.132 --> 00:43:32.021 fabric I don't have answers for for you. 00:43:32.021 --> 00:43:34.616 And I'm just briefly going to hit on 00:43:34.616 --> 00:43:40.461 something to remember about cross is 00:43:40.461 --> 00:43:44.274 that some things frequently requested as 00:43:44.274 --> 00:43:46.381 -- regarding at least confidentiality 00:43:46.381 --> 00:43:49.748 include an importer's name, fabric 00:43:49.748 --> 00:43:53.900 style, fabric name, that is, or fabric 00:43:53.900 --> 00:43:57.870 number. And if you wish to request 00:43:57.870 --> 00:44:01.886 confidentiality, you should demonstrate 00:44:01.886 --> 00:44:06.144 how, if released, certain things might 00:44:06.144 --> 00:44:09.380 cause substantial harm to a competitive 00:44:09.380 --> 00:44:13.218 -- for example if it might harm your 00:44:13.218 --> 00:44:15.964 competitive position, instead of stating 00:44:15.964 --> 00:44:18.706 that the fab, contains 50 percent 00:44:18.706 --> 00:44:22.516 palliastic, 30 percent niconu lawn and 00:44:22.516 --> 00:44:26.238 10 percent ( ) niebers, CBP may indicate 00:44:26.238 --> 00:44:27.574 in a ruling that the material's made of 00:44:27.574 --> 00:44:31.948 man made fibers. However, we do have to 00:44:31.948 --> 00:44:34.416 be able to include certain relevant 00:44:34.416 --> 00:44:36.422 facts to reach a classification 00:44:36.422 --> 00:44:41.837 decision. 00:44:41.837 --> 00:44:45.208 So I'm going to turn it over to Nicole 00:44:45.208 --> 00:44:48.830 Rosso, NIS352. 00:44:48.830 --> 00:44:50.968 >> NICOLE ROSSO: Thank you, Mike. As 00:44:50.968 --> 00:44:54.280 Mike mentioned, my name is Nicole Rosso, 00:44:54.280 --> 00:44:57.142 NIS352 and I'll be presenting this 00:44:57.142 --> 00:44:59.364 portion of the presentation on uncoated 00:44:59.364 --> 00:45:01.129 fabrics. For this section, you will 00:45:01.129 --> 00:45:03.276 need the tariff so you may want to pull 00:45:03.276 --> 00:45:07.221 it up now online. My chapter 00:45:07.221 --> 00:45:08.876 assignments are on the screen. And as 00:45:08.876 --> 00:45:11.349 Mike mentioned earlier, I handle the 00:45:11.349 --> 00:45:14.728 uncoated, knit, and woven fabrics which 00:45:14.728 --> 00:45:18.022 include pile,tia meal, terry and 00:45:18.022 --> 00:45:20.193 embroidery as well as tulle, lace, 00:45:20.193 --> 00:45:27.689 netting, and gauze. Next slide. 00:45:27.689 --> 00:45:29.716 In this portion of the presentation, I'm 00:45:29.716 --> 00:45:32.255 going to be talking about knit and woven 00:45:32.255 --> 00:45:36.818 fabrics in Chapters 50 to 55, 58 and 60. 00:45:36.818 --> 00:45:39.429 I will be discussing different types of 00:45:39.429 --> 00:45:41.708 fabrics and key aspects of the fabrics 00:45:41.708 --> 00:45:43.928 that my team and I look at to determine 00:45:43.928 --> 00:45:45.818 the classification of these fabrics. 00:45:45.818 --> 00:45:48.848 The majority of my rulings are for 00:45:48.848 --> 00:45:51.209 upholstery fabrics. So the fabrics 00:45:51.209 --> 00:45:54.416 you'll see today are mainly from rulings 00:45:54.416 --> 00:45:57.506 for some type of upholstery, including 00:45:57.506 --> 00:46:00.091 sofas, pillows, cushions, window 00:46:00.091 --> 00:46:04.690 treatment or even outdoor umbrellas and 00:46:04.690 --> 00:46:07.850 furniture coverings. We have fabric 00:46:07.850 --> 00:46:12.437 trends. While 2023 is already halfway 00:46:12.437 --> 00:46:16.216 over, this year's fabric trends focused 00:46:16.216 --> 00:46:18.184 on the beauty of organic materials, 00:46:18.184 --> 00:46:20.928 mechanical prints and sustainable fabric 00:46:20.928 --> 00:46:23.081 choices. Our homes show case our 00:46:23.081 --> 00:46:25.732 personal style with fabric choices from 00:46:25.732 --> 00:46:27.849 everything from the sofa to the curtains 00:46:27.849 --> 00:46:30.420 and the cushions. These fabric trends 00:46:30.420 --> 00:46:32.360 are prevalent throughout our homes and 00:46:32.360 --> 00:46:34.450 enrich our living spaces with eye 00:46:34.450 --> 00:46:37.046 catching colors, cozy textures, and 00:46:37.046 --> 00:46:39.705 beautiful patterns and prints. Today, I 00:46:39.705 --> 00:46:43.030 will be exploreering these fabrics with 00:46:43.030 --> 00:46:47.791 you. Next slide. 00:46:47.791 --> 00:46:49.570 Before we start looking at the different 00:46:49.570 --> 00:46:53.632 fabrics in chapt Chapter 50-60, I'd like 00:46:53.632 --> 00:46:55.910 to define what a fiber and fabric are. 00:46:55.910 --> 00:46:58.274 A fiber is the fundamental unit used in 00:46:58.274 --> 00:47:00.704 the fabrication of textile yarns and 00:47:00.704 --> 00:47:03.270 fabric. And a fabric is a cloth that is 00:47:03.270 --> 00:47:06.610 woven, knitted, braided, netted, felted, 00:47:06.610 --> 00:47:09.941 or pleated with any textile fiber or is 00:47:09.941 --> 00:47:17.277 a bonded web. Next slide. 00:47:17.277 --> 00:47:19.741 So what do we specifically look at when 00:47:19.741 --> 00:47:21.417 determining classification of fabrics 00:47:21.417 --> 00:47:24.140 that come into our office? That is a 00:47:24.140 --> 00:47:25.798 difficult question to answer. There are 00:47:25.798 --> 00:47:27.853 a lot of different factors. Beutthe one 00:47:27.853 --> 00:47:30.070 ozthen screen are just some of the 00:47:30.070 --> 00:47:31.767 simple determinations that we make when 00:47:31.767 --> 00:47:33.945 we look at the fabrics that come into 00:47:33.945 --> 00:47:37.696 our office. First off, we decide if the 00:47:37.696 --> 00:47:39.641 fabric is knit or woven. We look at 00:47:39.641 --> 00:47:42.164 what the fabric is made of, meaning kb 00:47:42.164 --> 00:47:46.252 is it cotton, linen, man made fiber, et 00:47:46.252 --> 00:47:48.159 cetera. We need to know if the fabric 00:47:48.159 --> 00:47:50.274 is made of yarns or different colors, if 00:47:50.274 --> 00:47:56.036 it is breached, dyed or printed design. 00:47:56.036 --> 00:47:58.067 Is it bonded? Because we need to 00:47:58.067 --> 00:47:59.543 determine the essential character of the 00:47:59.543 --> 00:48:01.346 fabric. We need to see if there's a 00:48:01.346 --> 00:48:03.395 coating applied to the face or backing 00:48:03.395 --> 00:48:05.544 fabric and if that coating is visible to 00:48:05.544 --> 00:48:08.264 the naked eye. It if it is visible we 00:48:08.264 --> 00:48:09.970 need to know if the fabric is 00:48:09.970 --> 00:48:12.771 constructed with pile yarns. When we 00:48:12.771 --> 00:48:15.623 have a plain weave fabric of cotton or 00:48:15.623 --> 00:48:18.304 man made staple fibers we need to know 00:48:18.304 --> 00:48:21.540 the numbers of ends and picks per square 00:48:21.540 --> 00:48:23.028 centimeter because we'll need to 00:48:23.028 --> 00:48:24.623 determine the average yarn number to 00:48:24.623 --> 00:48:27.766 classify the fabric. If we have a man 00:48:27.766 --> 00:48:30.508 made woven fabric, we look to see if the 00:48:30.508 --> 00:48:32.630 fabric is constructed of filament or 00:48:32.630 --> 00:48:35.996 staple fibers and are they synthetic or 00:48:35.996 --> 00:48:38.663 artificial fibers? If filament fibers, 00:48:38.663 --> 00:48:41.128 does the fabric contain 85 percent or 00:48:41.128 --> 00:48:43.979 more of filament fibers? And are those 00:48:43.979 --> 00:48:47.764 filament fibers textured or nontextured? 00:48:47.764 --> 00:48:52.212 Next slide. 00:48:52.212 --> 00:48:54.814 Since fibers can be difficult to classify 00:48:54.814 --> 00:48:57.587 we often review the chapter notes, 00:48:57.587 --> 00:48:59.148 subheading notes, additional US notes 00:48:59.148 --> 00:49:00.920 and the statistical notes which can be 00:49:00.920 --> 00:49:02.359 found at the beginning of each of the 00:49:02.359 --> 00:49:04.711 chapters. They provide insight into 00:49:04.711 --> 00:49:06.583 many terms and typically, you can find 00:49:06.583 --> 00:49:08.914 information to help classify the 00:49:08.914 --> 00:49:11.011 different fabrics that you may have a 00:49:11.011 --> 00:49:15.560 question about. Next slide. 00:49:15.560 --> 00:49:18.244 We typically reference Section 11 of the 00:49:18.244 --> 00:49:20.234 tariff because it does provide guidance 00:49:20.234 --> 00:49:22.699 on classifying textiles and textile 00:49:22.699 --> 00:49:24.930 articles. Because of the time 00:49:24.930 --> 00:49:27.263 constraints today it may be helpful to 00:49:27.263 --> 00:49:29.727 refer to Section 11 on your own time for 00:49:29.727 --> 00:49:31.879 more information concerning the textile 00:49:31.879 --> 00:49:34.283 chapters. If you are looking online at 00:49:34.283 --> 00:49:36.512 the tariff, section 11 can be found at 00:49:36.512 --> 00:49:39.631 the beginning of Chapter 50. On this 00:49:39.631 --> 00:49:41.944 slide, you can see the breakdown of 00:49:41.944 --> 00:49:45.971 Section 11 concerning Chapter 50-60. I 00:49:45.971 --> 00:49:48.512 normally use the online version but if 00:49:48.512 --> 00:49:51.198 you have the paper version, it's in the 00:49:51.198 --> 00:49:53.022 same place, which is at the beginning of 00:49:53.022 --> 00:49:56.076 Chapter 50. Today I'll be showing you 00:49:56.076 --> 00:50:02.394 samples of each of the chapters I handle 00:50:02.394 --> 00:50:04.140 from 30 rulings. So let's get started. 00:50:04.140 --> 00:50:04.872 00:50:04.872 --> 00:50:09.042 So what is a woven fabric of chapters 50 00:50:09.042 --> 00:50:11.888 to 55? When we think of woven fabrics 00:50:11.888 --> 00:50:16.712 we think of warp and weft. Warp is 00:50:16.712 --> 00:50:22.723 vertical and weft is horizontal. Woven 00:50:22.723 --> 00:50:25.795 fabrics are formed by interlacing 00:50:25.795 --> 00:50:27.775 fabrics on a warp and weft loom. Next 00:50:27.775 --> 00:50:30.459 slide. 00:50:30.459 --> 00:50:33.895 So again, when talking about chapters 50 00:50:33.895 --> 00:50:36.870 to 55 a woven fabric is cup posed of two 00:50:36.870 --> 00:50:39.842 basic series of yarn. The warp and the 00:50:39.842 --> 00:50:42.898 weft. Weaving is the interlacing of 00:50:42.898 --> 00:50:45.772 these two yarns to form a fabric and the 00:50:45.772 --> 00:50:49.258 specified matter in which the two sets 00:50:49.258 --> 00:50:52.744 of yarn are interlaced sets the weave. 00:50:52.744 --> 00:50:56.056 On the slide you can see the warp and 00:50:56.056 --> 00:50:59.959 weft on the loom compared to the genes 00:50:59.959 --> 00:51:03.479 on the right. The warp yarns are 00:51:03.479 --> 00:51:06.255 vertical. The warp is the same as the 00:51:06.255 --> 00:51:09.058 ends and weft is same as filling picks. 00:51:09.058 --> 00:51:11.784 They are used interchangeably. When you 00:51:11.784 --> 00:51:13.776 hear warp and wepts, it's the same as 00:51:13.776 --> 00:51:18.700 ends and picks. Next slide. 00:51:18.700 --> 00:51:21.357 For anyone few to fabrics, I found this 00:51:21.357 --> 00:51:24.146 short video that defines the terms warp 00:51:24.146 --> 00:51:29.226 and weft and provides insight. Let's 00:51:29.226 --> 00:51:32.428 watch and learn. 00:51:32.428 --> 00:51:35.595 [Video] warp and weft is a technical 00:51:35.595 --> 00:51:38.981 terms. Warp yarns and weft yarns. The 00:51:38.981 --> 00:51:44.774 yarn is the warp. Warp threads are the 00:51:44.774 --> 00:51:46.791 support for the weft. This is also 00:51:46.791 --> 00:51:48.729 known as the machine direction because 00:51:48.729 --> 00:51:52.073 it's the direction of the threads on the 00:51:52.073 --> 00:51:57.253 loom. Yarn lies perpendicular to the 00:51:57.253 --> 00:52:01.493 edges is weft yarn. The single thread 00:52:01.493 --> 00:52:03.142 of yarn that goes across the warp is 00:52:03.142 --> 00:52:05.144 known as a pick. During fabric 00:52:05.144 --> 00:52:07.654 formation, first warp yarns are drawn 00:52:07.654 --> 00:52:10.977 from a warp or beam and a loom shed is 00:52:10.977 --> 00:52:13.477 formed. Warp is interfaced by passing 00:52:13.477 --> 00:52:17.009 it through warp yard shet from one yarn 00:52:17.009 --> 00:52:19.578 to another one by one. They are 00:52:19.578 --> 00:52:22.526 prepared separately. Normally stronger 00:52:22.526 --> 00:52:26.350 yarns are used in fabric compared to the 00:52:26.350 --> 00:52:29.734 warp yarn. The fabric is strengthen 00:52:29.734 --> 00:52:32.361 length wise compared to width wise. 00:52:32.361 --> 00:52:35.129 Normally different kind of warp and weft 00:52:35.129 --> 00:52:38.044 yarns are used. To identify warp and 00:52:38.044 --> 00:52:42.160 weft properly, it's look at a woven 00:52:42.160 --> 00:52:48.700 fabric in a ready made garment. 00:52:48.700 --> 00:53:22.189 [Music playing]. 00:53:22.189 --> 00:53:24.188 [End of video]. 00:53:24.188 --> 00:53:26.463 >> NICOLE ROSSO: I hope that video was 00:53:26.463 --> 00:53:28.912 helpful. I thought it was interesting 00:53:28.912 --> 00:53:30.597 on how to identify warp and weft 00:53:30.597 --> 00:53:34.619 directions. If you're new to fabric, 00:53:34.619 --> 00:53:36.713 there are so many videos online for you 00:53:36.713 --> 00:53:38.566 to view. Please let me know if you 00:53:38.566 --> 00:53:41.852 liked the video in the chat box so I can 00:53:41.852 --> 00:53:44.533 keep it in mind for future webinars. I 00:53:44.533 --> 00:53:46.873 see that some people liked it, so that's 00:53:46.873 --> 00:53:51.613 good. I thought was interesting for a 00:53:51.613 --> 00:53:54.645 short video. 00:53:54.645 --> 00:53:57.172 Okay. So now we're at the natural 00:53:57.172 --> 00:54:00.877 fibers. Many people want to incorporate 00:54:00.877 --> 00:54:02.794 environmentally friendly textiles and 00:54:02.794 --> 00:54:05.246 fabrics in their homes, opting for 00:54:05.246 --> 00:54:06.936 natural fibers would be the first step 00:54:06.936 --> 00:54:09.591 when it comes to looking for sustainable 00:54:09.591 --> 00:54:13.033 fabrication. They include chaptders 50 00:54:13.033 --> 00:54:14.936 to 53. Here we can see pictures of the 00:54:14.936 --> 00:54:17.916 actual fibers under a microscope. In 00:54:17.916 --> 00:54:20.769 Chapter 50 you'll find silk fabrics. 00:54:20.769 --> 00:54:24.109 Chapter 51 is wool, and that is a fine 00:54:24.109 --> 00:54:27.306 or course animal hair. Chapter 52 is 00:54:27.306 --> 00:54:30.997 cotton. And Chapter 53 are the other 00:54:30.997 --> 00:54:35.060 vegetable fibers like flax. While 00:54:35.060 --> 00:54:37.286 sustainability is a hot topic I do not 00:54:37.286 --> 00:54:39.607 get many requests that contain natural 00:54:39.607 --> 00:54:41.484 fibers. But I try to include some 00:54:41.484 --> 00:54:43.670 samples for you to view which will be on 00:54:43.670 --> 00:54:45.864 the next few slides. I don't want you 00:54:45.864 --> 00:54:50.249 to think that upholstery fabrics are 00:54:50.249 --> 00:54:52.377 aren't offered in natural fibers. They 00:54:52.377 --> 00:54:55.006 are and many people prefer them. They 00:54:55.006 --> 00:54:56.729 have great properties and you will find 00:54:56.729 --> 00:54:58.677 many beautiful patterns and styles, but 00:54:58.677 --> 00:55:01.960 you may not find as many varieties 00:55:01.960 --> 00:55:04.870 offered and they nay be more expensive 00:55:04.870 --> 00:55:09.335 than man made versions. Next slide. 00:55:09.335 --> 00:55:12.293 Silk is a natural protein fiber. It is a 00:55:12.293 --> 00:55:17.138 luxurious fabric produced by thearvy of 00:55:17.138 --> 00:55:21.952 various inskts when constructing 00:55:21.952 --> 00:55:24.025 cocoons. They are known for strength 00:55:24.025 --> 00:55:27.204 and softness and is primarily used for 00:55:27.204 --> 00:55:31.946 garments and household garments. Due to 00:55:31.946 --> 00:55:35.554 its light weight attributes, they are 00:55:35.554 --> 00:55:38.870 used for longray. They may be used for 00:55:38.870 --> 00:55:42.847 pillow cases or sheets. Next slide. 00:55:42.847 --> 00:55:47.504 In Chapter 50, willic and willic waste 00:55:47.504 --> 00:55:51.160 are classified in heading 5007. Fabric 00:55:51.160 --> 00:55:55.556 samples are from 2002 and 2006. And 00:55:55.556 --> 00:55:57.362 actually, they are the only three 00:55:57.362 --> 00:55:59.896 samples we have so you can see we do not 00:55:59.896 --> 00:56:02.526 get many requests. They are all plain 00:56:02.526 --> 00:56:06.054 weave fabrication of 100 percent silk. 00:56:06.054 --> 00:56:08.470 There are numerous reasons that we not 00:56:08.470 --> 00:56:11.496 get many silk fabrics. Fist, it is an 00:56:11.496 --> 00:56:13.496 expense positive textile. It is also 00:56:13.496 --> 00:56:16.422 very difficate to care for. Easily 00:56:16.422 --> 00:56:17.932 susceptible to damage from the 00:56:17.932 --> 00:56:19.774 environments like sun and water. Just a 00:56:19.774 --> 00:56:22.160 tiny bit of water on silk can leave a 00:56:22.160 --> 00:56:25.382 visible stain that is impossible to get 00:56:25.382 --> 00:56:28.120 rid of. It is also known for showing 00:56:28.120 --> 00:56:31.272 wear and can tear easily so it would not 00:56:31.272 --> 00:56:36.587 be the best for upholstery. 00:56:36.587 --> 00:56:39.526 Now we have wool fabric. Before I 00:56:39.526 --> 00:56:42.076 started I added a jec on the screen. 00:56:42.076 --> 00:56:44.326 What is a sheep's ultimate goal? If you 00:56:44.326 --> 00:56:46.926 want to take a stab at it, you can type 00:56:46.926 --> 00:56:56.656 an answer in the chat box. I don't know 00:56:56.656 --> 00:57:01.454 if anyone's going to -- I see somebody 00:57:01.454 --> 00:57:05.839 has -- somebody said wool. We have some 00:57:05.839 --> 00:57:12.954 good ones. Let's see the answer. So 00:57:12.954 --> 00:57:16.500 the answer was to wool and world. I 00:57:16.500 --> 00:57:19.100 thought that was cute, so I just threw 00:57:19.100 --> 00:57:22.602 it in. Wool is a natural material made 00:57:22.602 --> 00:57:25.002 from the hair of various animals such as 00:57:25.002 --> 00:57:29.735 sheep, goat, lamas, camels and more. 00:57:29.735 --> 00:57:32.848 Most wools produce clothing but is also 00:57:32.848 --> 00:57:34.574 used for so many other things like 00:57:34.574 --> 00:57:38.637 blankets, upholstery and different types 00:57:38.637 --> 00:57:41.044 of insulations, just to name a few. 00:57:41.044 --> 00:57:43.312 Wool has good properties. It is a 00:57:43.312 --> 00:57:45.482 flexible and durable fabrics and also 00:57:45.482 --> 00:57:47.698 has odor and fire resistant properties 00:57:47.698 --> 00:57:50.855 which makes it suitable for many 00:57:50.855 --> 00:57:53.568 purposes both decoratively and 00:57:53.568 --> 00:57:56.712 functionally. Some bad things is that 00:57:56.712 --> 00:58:00.244 it is also expensive and can easily 00:58:00.244 --> 00:58:04.979 stain. Next slide. 00:58:04.979 --> 00:58:08.544 Note 1 to Chapter 51 defines the terms 00:58:08.544 --> 00:58:10.708 between wool, fine animal hair and 00:58:10.708 --> 00:58:13.538 course animal hair. Wool means natural 00:58:13.538 --> 00:58:16.476 fiber grown by sheep or lambes. Fine 00:58:16.476 --> 00:58:19.116 animal hair is the hair of alpaca, 00:58:19.116 --> 00:58:26.928 camel,iac, did know, Tibetan, cashmere 00:58:26.928 --> 00:58:30.882 or other goats. Rabbit, including an 00:58:30.882 --> 00:58:36.182 gora, beaver, nutria, which is a large 00:58:36.182 --> 00:58:38.214 rodent. I don't know how many people 00:58:38.214 --> 00:58:41.368 would want a sweater made of that but I 00:58:41.368 --> 00:58:43.720 guess it's possible. Or rusk rat. 00:58:43.720 --> 00:58:47.158 Course animals mean animals not 00:58:47.158 --> 00:58:50.352 mentioned in fine animal hair including 00:58:50.352 --> 00:58:55.540 brush making hair and horse hair heading 00:58:55.540 --> 00:59:00.140 0511. Here is an example of 100 percent 00:59:00.140 --> 00:59:03.384 wool fabric. Plaid designs are commonly 00:59:03.384 --> 00:59:07.386 seen in wool fabric. This is a two up, 00:59:07.386 --> 00:59:10.078 two down twill which is written as 00:59:10.078 --> 00:59:14.767 fraction 2/2. In weft floats across the 00:59:14.767 --> 00:59:16.395 warp yarns in a progression of 00:59:16.395 --> 00:59:18.339 interlacings to the right or left, 00:59:18.339 --> 00:59:22.690 forming a pattern of distipth diagonal 00:59:22.690 --> 00:59:25.036 lines. In a two up twill, you have two 00:59:25.036 --> 00:59:28.098 warp threads crossing every two weft 00:59:28.098 --> 00:59:32.301 threads. Import issers are looking for 00:59:32.301 --> 00:59:34.247 classification as a tapestry or 00:59:34.247 --> 00:59:36.954 upholstery fabric boss the duty rate is 00:59:36.954 --> 00:59:39.103 much lower. In order to be classified 00:59:39.103 --> 00:59:41.781 as such, the fabrics would need to meet 00:59:41.781 --> 00:59:44.551 certain tests to meet the minimum 00:59:44.551 --> 00:59:46.455 surface abrasion requirements for light 00:59:46.455 --> 00:59:50.961 duty upholstery fabric. So we would 00:59:50.961 --> 00:59:53.156 send a fabric to the lab to determine 00:59:53.156 --> 00:59:57.191 this information. So in this instance, 00:59:57.191 --> 00:59:59.092 the fabric did not meet the requirements 00:59:59.092 --> 01:00:21.168 and the duty rate was 25 percent. 01:00:21.168 --> 01:00:23.209 This is another sample of a wool fabric, 01:00:23.209 --> 01:00:26.031 also a plaid design. This is a woven 01:00:26.031 --> 01:00:27.737 twill fabric of yarns of different 01:00:27.737 --> 01:00:30.872 colors. The fabric is also a two by two 01:00:30.872 --> 01:00:33.067 twill weave, composed of 65 percent 01:00:33.067 --> 01:00:37.309 carded wool, 19 percent nylon staple, 01:00:37.309 --> 01:00:41.411 and 15 percent rion. It is not a finest 01:00:41.411 --> 01:00:43.804 grade but still a good grade that is not 01:00:43.804 --> 01:00:46.748 suitable for combing because the staple 01:00:46.748 --> 01:00:50.154 lens vary. As you can see in the 01:00:50.154 --> 01:00:52.648 sample, it's not as fine as the previous 01:00:52.648 --> 01:00:55.031 sample. It has a courser appearance and 01:00:55.031 --> 01:00:57.162 feel. There is also no coating applied 01:00:57.162 --> 01:00:59.452 to the back of the fabric so we do not 01:00:59.452 --> 01:01:01.727 need to consider any other chapter but 01:01:01.727 --> 01:01:05.563 51. In this instance, the importer did 01:01:05.563 --> 01:01:07.776 not request classification for this 01:01:07.776 --> 01:01:10.767 fabric as up holstery fabric but I felt 01:01:10.767 --> 01:01:16.140 that since the importer is an upholstery 01:01:16.140 --> 01:01:20.018 manufacturer and carded wool is long 01:01:20.018 --> 01:01:22.737 lasting with I decided to have it 01:01:22.737 --> 01:01:25.458 tested. So I sent it to the lab to see 01:01:25.458 --> 01:01:28.324 if it met the requirements. The CBP 01:01:28.324 --> 01:01:30.137 laboratory determined that the wool 01:01:30.137 --> 01:01:33.077 fibers had an average diameter greater 01:01:33.077 --> 01:01:38.822 than 18.5 microns so it did meet the 01:01:38.822 --> 01:01:43.460 criteria for light duty up holstery and 01:01:43.460 --> 01:01:46.248 were able to get the lower duty rate at 01:01:46.248 --> 01:01:47.847 7 percent. Next slide. 01:01:47.847 --> 01:01:50.246 Let's move to 52. In this chapter we 01:01:50.246 --> 01:01:52.798 have cotton fabrics. Cotton is made 01:01:52.798 --> 01:01:55.558 from the fibers surrounding the seeds of 01:01:55.558 --> 01:01:58.126 cotton plants which emerge in a round, 01:01:58.126 --> 01:02:00.882 fluffy formation once the seeds are 01:02:00.882 --> 01:02:02.982 mature. As a natural fiber, cotton 01:02:02.982 --> 01:02:05.060 provides good resistance to wear, 01:02:05.060 --> 01:02:07.934 fading, and pilling. It is also easy to 01:02:07.934 --> 01:02:10.146 clean and breathable so it is a good 01:02:10.146 --> 01:02:12.550 choice for warm were climates. That 01:02:12.550 --> 01:02:14.657 property makes it a good choices for up 01:02:14.657 --> 01:02:17.137 holstery as well because it allows heat 01:02:17.137 --> 01:02:19.982 and moisture to pick away from the sin. 01:02:19.982 --> 01:02:22.474 Cotton is a strong fabric but the fibers 01:02:22.474 --> 01:02:25.286 must be woven tightly to be considered 01:02:25.286 --> 01:02:29.053 durable. With both cotton and linen the 01:02:29.053 --> 01:02:30.878 manufacturers may apply some kind of 01:02:30.878 --> 01:02:33.146 back coating to help increase the 01:02:33.146 --> 01:02:34.941 durability of the fabric. Since they 01:02:34.941 --> 01:02:37.079 both tend to wrinkle they may 01:02:37.079 --> 01:02:40.135 incorporate another fiber to prevent 01:02:40.135 --> 01:02:43.048 wrinkles. Cotton fabric can be tricky 01:02:43.048 --> 01:02:45.977 to classify, especially if it is a plain 01:02:45.977 --> 01:02:48.422 weave fabric. In order to classify a 01:02:48.422 --> 01:02:51.391 plain weave fabric, we need to have the 01:02:51.391 --> 01:02:55.081 average yarn number. If there's no 01:02:55.081 --> 01:02:56.871 average yarn number you need to 01:02:56.871 --> 01:02:58.780 determine the number on your own in 01:02:58.780 --> 01:03:00.982 order to classify the fabric correctly. 01:03:00.982 --> 01:03:03.189 This is where the notes help you to 01:03:03.189 --> 01:03:07.284 classify the fabric. Additional note 3A 01:03:07.284 --> 01:03:10.470 to Chapter 52 defines the average yarn 01:03:10.470 --> 01:03:12.274 number and tells you how to compute the 01:03:12.274 --> 01:03:15.362 yarn number with different formulas. 01:03:15.362 --> 01:03:19.018 There's four different formial ozon the 01:03:19.018 --> 01:03:20.786 specification sheet. Additionally, 01:03:20.786 --> 01:03:24.350 statistical note 1 to Chapter 52 defines 01:03:24.350 --> 01:03:26.392 the terms of different types of plain 01:03:26.392 --> 01:03:29.318 weave fabrics as well as some of the 01:03:29.318 --> 01:03:32.110 terms you may not be familiar with such 01:03:32.110 --> 01:03:35.430 knapped, combed, not combed and 01:03:35.430 --> 01:03:37.240 discharge printed to just name a few. 01:03:37.240 --> 01:03:41.691 Next slide. 01:03:41.691 --> 01:03:44.090 The fabric on this slide is a plain weave 01:03:44.090 --> 01:03:47.141 with a printed design. It weighs 285 01:03:47.141 --> 01:03:50.030 grams per square meter and is composed 01:03:50.030 --> 01:03:52.880 of 54 percent cotton staple fibers and 01:03:52.880 --> 01:03:55.867 46 percent pall yesterfilament yarns. 01:03:55.867 --> 01:03:58.525 There is no coating on the front or back 01:03:58.525 --> 01:04:00.446 of the fabric so we know it gets 01:04:00.446 --> 01:04:03.223 classified in Chapter 52. I have a 01:04:03.223 --> 01:04:05.899 question now. Do we have enough 01:04:05.899 --> 01:04:08.966 information to classify the fabric with 01:04:08.966 --> 01:04:11.254 the specifications provided snd I will 01:04:11.254 --> 01:04:12.943 give you a minute to type yes or no in 01:04:12.943 --> 01:04:22.724 the chat. I see a lot of no's. 01:04:22.724 --> 01:04:24.756 Everyone knows apparently a lot about 01:04:24.756 --> 01:04:29.297 fabric, yeah? So that's good. I don't 01:04:29.297 --> 01:04:37.014 think I saw one yes. Oh, maybe one 01:04:37.014 --> 01:04:39.356 person did say yes now. Well, the 01:04:39.356 --> 01:04:42.129 answer is no. We cannot classify the 01:04:42.129 --> 01:04:44.226 fabric with just the information on the 01:04:44.226 --> 01:04:46.768 screen. Since this is a plain weave 01:04:46.768 --> 01:04:49.204 fabric, we need the average yarn number. 01:04:49.204 --> 01:04:51.294 If I would have provided the total 01:04:51.294 --> 01:04:53.977 number of yarns per square centimeter we 01:04:53.977 --> 01:04:55.632 would have been able to figure out the 01:04:55.632 --> 01:04:57.520 average with yarn number using one of 01:04:57.520 --> 01:05:01.624 the formulas provided under additional 01:05:01.624 --> 01:05:08.213 note 3A. This fabric is from N332037, 01:05:08.213 --> 01:05:09.816 if you want to jot it down. There will 01:05:09.816 --> 01:05:12.248 be a screen at the end also which will 01:05:12.248 --> 01:05:14.324 have all the rulings that Mike and I 01:05:14.324 --> 01:05:16.877 went over so you can wait until we get 01:05:16.877 --> 01:05:23.833 to the end as well. Next slide. 01:05:23.833 --> 01:05:26.940 On this slide we have a sample of 01:05:26.940 --> 01:05:29.157 jacquard weave construction. The fabric 01:05:29.157 --> 01:05:31.833 is made of 87 percent cotton staple 01:05:31.833 --> 01:05:36.840 fibers, 10 percent poly ester fibers, 01:05:36.840 --> 01:05:44.336 and 3 percent linen. There's 5.1 picks 01:05:44.336 --> 01:05:46.100 per square centimeter. The fabric 01:05:46.100 --> 01:05:51.188 weighs 253.71 grams per square meter. 01:05:51.188 --> 01:05:54.368 Synthetic latex and acrylic coating has 01:05:54.368 --> 01:05:57.000 been applied but it's not visible. 01:05:57.000 --> 01:06:00.073 Since the coating is not visible we know 01:06:00.073 --> 01:06:02.268 the fabric will not be classified in 01:06:02.268 --> 01:06:04.160 Chapter 59. I have another question 01:06:04.160 --> 01:06:06.240 now: Will we need to calculate the 01:06:06.240 --> 01:06:07.956 average yarn number to get the 01:06:07.956 --> 01:06:10.660 classification? Please type yes or no 01:06:10.660 --> 01:06:24.493 in the chat box. I see a lot of yes's. 01:06:24.493 --> 01:06:29.358 I saw a maybe. No, somebody has no. I 01:06:29.358 --> 01:06:40.088 see maybe two no's. I see a few no's. 01:06:40.088 --> 01:06:42.958 No, somebody said jacquard weave. So 01:06:42.958 --> 01:06:44.982 the answer is no. We do not need the 01:06:44.982 --> 01:06:48.558 average yarn number with this fabric 01:06:48.558 --> 01:06:50.268 because it's not a plain weave. Most of 01:06:50.268 --> 01:06:52.752 the time if you have a fancy weave like 01:06:52.752 --> 01:06:54.608 a jacquard you can classify without 01:06:54.608 --> 01:06:57.731 having that information. But there are 01:06:57.731 --> 01:06:59.789 some instances when that may not be the 01:06:59.789 --> 01:07:01.867 case. 01:07:01.867 --> 01:07:08.768 Okay. Let's move to the next slide. 01:07:08.768 --> 01:07:10.588 Here we have a satchel of a cotton 01:07:10.588 --> 01:07:12.802 fabric with a simple design. According 01:07:12.802 --> 01:07:14.598 to the information provided, the fabric 01:07:14.598 --> 01:07:16.938 is a plain weave construction, weighed 01:07:16.938 --> 01:07:21.438 285 grams her square meter and composed 01:07:21.438 --> 01:07:24.501 wholly of staple fibers of which 59 01:07:24.501 --> 01:07:27.812 percent is cotton and 41 percent is poly 01:07:27.812 --> 01:07:31.591 ester. There's no coating applied to 01:07:31.591 --> 01:07:35.490 this fabric. Additionally, the fabric 01:07:35.490 --> 01:07:39.851 has 24.4 warp ends per square centimeter 01:07:39.851 --> 01:07:42.402 and 12.6 filling picks per square 01:07:42.402 --> 01:07:45.346 centimeter. First question: Do we need 01:07:45.346 --> 01:07:48.161 to calculate the average yarn number to 01:07:48.161 --> 01:07:59.129 determine the full ten-digit 01:07:59.129 --> 01:08:00.528 classification? Please type yes or no in the chat. 01:08:00.528 --> 01:08:05.946 I see a lot of yes's -- I see yes and 01:08:05.946 --> 01:08:15.790 no. I see mostly yes's. I see mostly 01:08:15.790 --> 01:08:19.723 yes's. The quick answer here is yes, 01:08:19.723 --> 01:08:21.708 because it is a plain weave. And as you 01:08:21.708 --> 01:08:24.801 go through chapter 52 you'll see that 01:08:24.801 --> 01:08:26.892 you need to determine what type of plain 01:08:26.892 --> 01:08:28.540 weave this is. And you can't do that 01:08:28.540 --> 01:08:30.541 without computing the average yarn 01:08:30.541 --> 01:09:03.366 number. So Question 2. Now that we 01:09:03.366 --> 01:09:03.629 know we need the average yarn number can you compute it with the information provided? I give you a few minutes. Please type your answer in the chat. 01:09:03.629 --> 01:09:05.501 For this question, I'm actually looking 01:09:05.501 --> 01:09:08.989 for you to figure out if you can answer 01:09:08.989 --> 01:09:29.000 it with a number. I see everybody 01:09:29.000 --> 01:09:35.836 stopped typing. Somebody wrote need to 01:09:35.836 --> 01:09:39.564 see if poplin/broad cloth, sheeting. 01:09:39.564 --> 01:09:41.221 All right. So we have enough 01:09:41.221 --> 01:09:43.973 information. We can compute it. I 01:09:43.973 --> 01:09:45.789 thought you might want to try and 01:09:45.789 --> 01:09:48.153 compute it, but maybe that'll take too 01:09:48.153 --> 01:09:49.816 much time for everybody to compute it. 01:09:49.816 --> 01:09:53.430 So I'll tell you the answer. The answer 01:09:53.430 --> 01:09:57.523 is 12.98 for the average yarn number. 01:09:57.523 --> 01:09:59.958 Based on the spec sheet we can use the 01:09:59.958 --> 01:10:06.678 following formula: N = 100 * t divided 01:10:06.678 --> 01:10:09.864 by Z prime, which is 100 times the total 01:10:09.864 --> 01:10:12.352 single yarns per square centimeter 01:10:12.352 --> 01:10:14.424 divided by the fabric weight. So you 01:10:14.424 --> 01:10:16.334 would need to at the numbers of ends and 01:10:16.334 --> 01:10:20.960 picks together, which is 24.4 plus 12.6 01:10:20.960 --> 01:10:24.840 which equals 37 total single yarns per 01:10:24.840 --> 01:10:27.217 square centimeter. Next, we multiply 01:10:27.217 --> 01:10:31.452 100 times 37, which equals 370. And we 01:10:31.452 --> 01:10:35.178 divide that by 285, which is the fabric 01:10:35.178 --> 01:10:38.652 weight. And the average yarn number is 01:10:38.652 --> 01:10:41.930 12.98 for this fabric. 01:10:41.930 --> 01:10:44.268 The full classification for this fabric 01:10:44.268 --> 01:10:54.078 is 52110030. It's N332037. Thank you 01:10:54.078 --> 01:10:57.965 for participating. 01:10:57.965 --> 01:11:02.697 Next slide. 53, which are the other 01:11:02.697 --> 01:11:06.107 vegetable textiles. Linen is a 01:11:06.107 --> 01:11:09.588 comfortable fabric, so it is naturally a 01:11:09.588 --> 01:11:13.276 smart choice for upholstery fabric. It 01:11:13.276 --> 01:11:15.728 is moisture resistance and has strong 01:11:15.728 --> 01:11:19.448 fibers. But they must be woven tightly 01:11:19.448 --> 01:11:24.915 to be considered durable. Linen resists 01:11:24.915 --> 01:11:27.015 soiling and pilling but it does wrinkle 01:11:27.015 --> 01:11:32.161 easily. Acrylic or latex may be applied 01:11:32.161 --> 01:11:36.097 to help reduce or eliminate wrinkles. 01:11:36.097 --> 01:11:39.622 Next slide. 01:11:39.622 --> 01:11:42.316 So now we have some fabrics in Chapter 01:11:42.316 --> 01:11:45.499 53. Here, we have a printed fabric of 01:11:45.499 --> 01:11:47.720 plain weave construction, composed 01:11:47.720 --> 01:11:49.880 wholly of linen staple fibers. The 01:11:49.880 --> 01:11:52.088 fabric has no coating applied to the 01:11:52.088 --> 01:11:54.044 back side of the fabric, as you can see 01:11:54.044 --> 01:11:56.908 in the picture. Since there was no 01:11:56.908 --> 01:11:59.024 coating applied to this fabric, the 01:11:59.024 --> 01:12:01.784 classification is in Chapter 53icize an 01:12:01.784 --> 01:12:05.149 uncoated fabric of linen. On the slide, 01:12:05.149 --> 01:12:07.296 I've highlighted the fabric width 01:12:07.296 --> 01:12:09.155 because this information is needed to 01:12:09.155 --> 01:12:11.741 classify the fabric to the ten dinlt 01:12:11.741 --> 01:12:13.834 level. With this sample, we were 01:12:13.834 --> 01:12:15.895 provided the width in inches but we 01:12:15.895 --> 01:12:17.853 needed to know the width of the fabric 01:12:17.853 --> 01:12:20.038 in centimeters so we converted the ifrps 01:12:20.038 --> 01:12:22.521 to centimeters in order to get the 01:12:22.521 --> 01:12:23.688 correct classification. Most of the 01:12:23.688 --> 01:12:25.810 time, the widding of the fabric is not 01:12:25.810 --> 01:12:27.690 necessary to determine the 01:12:27.690 --> 01:12:30.256 classification, but this is just one 01:12:30.256 --> 01:12:33.009 example of how intricate fabric can be 01:12:33.009 --> 01:12:35.485 to classify and how each fabric should 01:12:35.485 --> 01:12:37.795 be examined separately. This fabric was 01:12:37.795 --> 01:12:44.348 classified under 5309190010 which is for 01:12:44.348 --> 01:12:49.414 woven fabrics of flax 80 percent of way 01:12:49.414 --> 01:12:55.687 of a width of 138 sent meres and the 01:12:55.687 --> 01:12:59.981 weight of duty was free. Next slide. 01:12:59.981 --> 01:13:02.850 Here we have another linen fabric. This 01:13:02.850 --> 01:13:06.441 is a printed fabric of dauby weave. It 01:13:06.441 --> 01:13:09.598 is composed of 55 percent linen and 45 01:13:09.598 --> 01:13:12.959 percent ray on. It is common to see a 01:13:12.959 --> 01:13:15.551 back coating to increase durability or 01:13:15.551 --> 01:13:18.321 wearability. This fabric has an acrylic 01:13:18.321 --> 01:13:19.964 coating applied to the backsoid of the 01:13:19.964 --> 01:13:21.782 fabric. But as you can see in the 01:13:21.782 --> 01:13:23.783 picture, the coating is not visible to 01:13:23.783 --> 01:13:26.739 the naked eye. While the fabric does 01:13:26.739 --> 01:13:28.981 have a coating applied, it's not visible 01:13:28.981 --> 01:13:30.606 so the class ification is in Chapter 01:13:30.606 --> 01:13:33.957 53icize an uncoated fabric of linen. In 01:13:33.957 --> 01:13:36.376 this example we also need the width of 01:13:36.376 --> 01:13:38.788 the fabric to classify so we converted 01:13:38.788 --> 01:13:40.651 the inches to centimeter said. This 01:13:40.651 --> 01:13:43.057 fabric was classified under 53 01:13:43.057 --> 01:13:47.071 po#.29.4010 which provides for woven 01:13:47.071 --> 01:13:52.774 fab,s of flax containing les than 85 by 01:13:52.774 --> 01:13:56.442 weight of fax of a width of 180 sent 01:13:56.442 --> 01:14:00.410 moors. This duty is also flee for this 01:14:00.410 --> 01:14:02.102 member. 01:14:02.102 --> 01:14:05.339 Now we will move on to man made fibers 01:14:05.339 --> 01:14:08.976 oob. Most of the samples we receive for 01:14:08.976 --> 01:14:11.827 up holstery are man made. Chapter 54 01:14:11.827 --> 01:14:14.430 are the filament and 55 for staple 01:14:14.430 --> 01:14:17.178 fibers. As you can see in the diagram 01:14:17.178 --> 01:14:20.144 above, filaments are long thin strands 01:14:20.144 --> 01:14:21.986 while staple fibers are chopped 01:14:21.986 --> 01:14:26.800 filaments. Next slide. 01:14:26.800 --> 01:14:35.486 Note 1 to Chapter 54 in HTSUS defines man 01:14:35.486 --> 01:14:40.014 made fibers. Depending on the process, 01:14:40.014 --> 01:14:42.882 we have either synthetic or artificial 01:14:42.882 --> 01:14:46.128 fibers. The process by polymerization 01:14:46.128 --> 01:14:50.781 of organic monamors pequal synthetic 01:14:50.781 --> 01:14:53.218 fibers. An example is poly ester. The 01:14:53.218 --> 01:14:55.649 process by chemical transformation of 01:14:55.649 --> 01:14:58.790 natural polymers equals artificial 01:14:58.790 --> 01:15:01.408 fibers. An example is ray on. Next 01:15:01.408 --> 01:15:05.793 slide. 01:15:05.793 --> 01:15:08.178 The explanatory notes to Chapter 54 01:15:08.178 --> 01:15:10.765 provides a list of most common man made 01:15:10.765 --> 01:15:13.053 fibers. First, we have a synthetic 01:15:13.053 --> 01:15:15.472 fibers, and here's a list of common 01:15:15.472 --> 01:15:17.675 synthetic fibers. Then we have the 01:15:17.675 --> 01:15:20.564 artificial fibers. Among the artificial 01:15:20.564 --> 01:15:23.037 fibers are three subclasses, depending 01:15:23.037 --> 01:15:26.113 on the form they are derived from. The 01:15:26.113 --> 01:15:29.258 first is cellulosic fibers. The second 01:15:29.258 --> 01:15:31.718 is protein fibers. And the third is 01:15:31.718 --> 01:15:35.332 alginate fibers. Note 1 to Chapter 54 01:15:35.332 --> 01:15:37.226 also mentions when the term man made 01:15:37.226 --> 01:15:39.946 fiber is used in the tariff, that 01:15:39.946 --> 01:15:42.193 terminology includes both staple and 01:15:42.193 --> 01:15:43.915 filament fibers no matter the production 01:15:43.915 --> 01:15:45.944 process. It is also important to note 01:15:45.944 --> 01:15:47.747 that throughout the tariff, the terms 01:15:47.747 --> 01:15:50.595 man made, synthetic, and artificial will 01:15:50.595 --> 01:15:53.244 have the same meanings when used in 01:15:53.244 --> 01:15:55.466 relations to textile materials. Now I'm 01:15:55.466 --> 01:15:57.449 going to gethrough a few different 01:15:57.449 --> 01:16:02.633 samples from Chapters 54 and 55. 01:16:02.633 --> 01:16:05.659 Here we have a woven fabric of yarns of 01:16:05.659 --> 01:16:07.690 different colors. The fabric is of 01:16:07.690 --> 01:16:09.536 twill weave construction and is composed 01:16:09.536 --> 01:16:13.584 of 100 percent textured poly ester 01:16:13.584 --> 01:16:16.026 filament fibers. The fabric weighed 420 01:16:16.026 --> 01:16:18.391 grams her square meter. There's a 01:16:18.391 --> 01:16:21.552 synthetic latex coating applied to the 01:16:21.552 --> 01:16:23.246 reverse side of the fabric. But as you 01:16:23.246 --> 01:16:25.205 can see in the picture, the coating is 01:16:25.205 --> 01:16:28.218 not visible to the nick udeye. So what 01:16:28.218 --> 01:16:30.982 do we look at to come up with the 01:16:30.982 --> 01:16:32.745 correct classification? First, we know 01:16:32.745 --> 01:16:34.461 that the fabric coating is not visible 01:16:34.461 --> 01:16:37.092 so it will not be classified in Chapter 01:16:37.092 --> 01:16:40.015 59. We know that this fabric is woven 01:16:40.015 --> 01:16:42.334 and composed wholly of filament fibers 01:16:42.334 --> 01:16:43.924 ppz so now we know that the 01:16:43.924 --> 01:16:47.439 classification is in Chapter 54. Next, 01:16:47.439 --> 01:16:49.400 since this is filament, we want to know 01:16:49.400 --> 01:16:51.624 if those fibers are textured or 01:16:51.624 --> 01:16:54.018 nontextured fibers. Based on the 01:16:54.018 --> 01:16:55.859 specification sheet, we know that the 01:16:55.859 --> 01:16:58.744 fibers are 100 percent poly ester and 01:16:58.744 --> 01:17:00.870 are wholly of the textured filament 01:17:00.870 --> 01:17:02.794 fibers. With that information, we can 01:17:02.794 --> 01:17:05.076 come up with a classification. We do 01:17:05.076 --> 01:17:07.818 not need the miding of a fabric in this 01:17:07.818 --> 01:17:11.074 case. The classification for this 01:17:11.074 --> 01:17:17.321 fabric is under 54 po7.53.2060 which 01:17:17.321 --> 01:17:19.914 provides of woven fabrics of synthetic 01:17:19.914 --> 01:17:26.044 filament yarn including woven fac,s for 01:17:26.044 --> 01:17:31.115 5404. By weight of texture filaments of 01:17:31.115 --> 01:17:33.632 yarns of different colors, other 01:17:33.632 --> 01:17:36.299 weighing more than 170 grams her square 01:17:36.299 --> 01:17:38.387 meter. And the rate of duty is 12 01:17:38.387 --> 01:17:43.077 percent. Next slide. 01:17:43.077 --> 01:17:46.202 Here we have a bonded fabric. The face 01:17:46.202 --> 01:17:49.046 fabric is woven and the backing fabric 01:17:49.046 --> 01:17:51.671 is knit. The face is a plain weave 01:17:51.671 --> 01:17:54.917 constructed wholly of poly ester 01:17:54.917 --> 01:17:56.550 filament yarns of different colors. The 01:17:56.550 --> 01:18:00.702 weight of the face fabric is 265 grams 01:18:00.702 --> 01:18:02.526 her square meter. The knit backing 01:18:02.526 --> 01:18:05.437 fabric weighs 60 grams her square meet 01:18:05.437 --> 01:18:07.070 and the total weight of the bonded 01:18:07.070 --> 01:18:10.552 fabric is 320 grams her square meter. 01:18:10.552 --> 01:18:13.654 So since this is the bonded fabric we 01:18:13.654 --> 01:18:17.802 have to determine if the front or back. 01:18:17.802 --> 01:18:19.803 For this fabric we have determined it is 01:18:19.803 --> 01:18:24.230 the face fabric which imparts with. The 01:18:24.230 --> 01:18:26.600 knit backing is used to reinforce the 01:18:26.600 --> 01:18:28.378 fabric. So we will classify based on 01:18:28.378 --> 01:18:31.456 the face fabric specifications. Next, 01:18:31.456 --> 01:18:33.819 for fabrics in Chapter 54, we're looking 01:18:33.819 --> 01:18:35.718 to see if they are composed of more than 01:18:35.718 --> 01:18:38.915 # 5 percent of filament yarns. We know 01:18:38.915 --> 01:18:41.716 that the fabric is compossessed of 100 01:18:41.716 --> 01:18:43.526 percent textured poly ester filament 01:18:43.526 --> 01:18:46.080 yarns of different colors, so we have 01:18:46.080 --> 01:18:49.364 enough to classify. This fabric is 01:18:49.364 --> 01:18:53.782 classified under 5407.53.2060 which 01:18:53.782 --> 01:18:56.614 provides for woven fabrics of synthetic 01:18:56.614 --> 01:18:59.532 filament yarn, krooug woven fabrics 01:18:59.532 --> 01:19:02.478 obtained from materials of heading 5 # 01:19:02.478 --> 01:19:05.907 04, other woven fabrics containing # 0 01:19:05.907 --> 01:19:08.463 percent or more by weight of textured 01:19:08.463 --> 01:19:10.629 poly ester filaments of yarns of 01:19:10.629 --> 01:19:13.208 different colors, weighing more than 170 01:19:13.208 --> 01:19:16.463 grams per square meter and the duty rate 01:19:16.463 --> 01:19:22.213 is 12 percent. Next slide. 01:19:22.213 --> 01:19:24.996 Here we have another plain weave of 100 01:19:24.996 --> 01:19:28.123 percent poly ester textured ilments of 01:19:28.123 --> 01:19:32.972 yarns of different colors. According to 01:19:32.972 --> 01:19:36.039 specification sheet, acritic has been 01:19:36.039 --> 01:19:38.000 applied to the back side of the fabric. 01:19:38.000 --> 01:19:39.579 However as you can see from the picture, 01:19:39.579 --> 01:19:41.576 the coating is not visible to the nick 01:19:41.576 --> 01:19:43.971 udeye. So I have a question: Is this 01:19:43.971 --> 01:19:48.904 fabric classified in 54, 55, or 59 since 01:19:48.904 --> 01:19:52.240 the fabric has acritic coating applied? 01:19:52.240 --> 01:20:02.962 Type your answer in the chat. I saw a 01:20:02.962 --> 01:20:08.796 55. I see a lot of 54's. I just saw a 01:20:08.796 --> 01:20:17.228 59. I'm seeing 59's now. I see a few 01:20:17.228 --> 01:20:27.779 different answers. I see 54 again. 01:20:27.779 --> 01:20:30.053 All right. So since the coating is not 01:20:30.053 --> 01:20:35.714 visible, the fabric is classified in 54. 01:20:35.714 --> 01:20:38.500 And I saw some people type 55, but this 01:20:38.500 --> 01:20:41.396 is poly ester textured filament, so that 01:20:41.396 --> 01:20:45.242 is classified in 54. Staple would be 01:20:45.242 --> 01:20:48.244 classified in 55. And this fabric, if 01:20:48.244 --> 01:20:49.999 you want to jot it down, is from 01:20:49.999 --> 01:20:58.293 N332036. Next slide. 01:20:58.293 --> 01:21:00.613 Here we have a sample of a woven fabric 01:21:00.613 --> 01:21:03.693 of man made filament fibers. It is 01:21:03.693 --> 01:21:07.140 jacquard weave fabric composed of 95 01:21:07.140 --> 01:21:09.324 percent poly propylene textured filament 01:21:09.324 --> 01:21:12.887 and 5 percent poly ester textured 01:21:12.887 --> 01:21:15.018 filament warns of different colors. The 01:21:15.018 --> 01:21:18.667 face weighed 478 grams per square meter. 01:21:18.667 --> 01:21:22.699 Synthetic and acrylic coating has been 01:21:22.699 --> 01:21:24.003 applied to the reverse side of the 01:21:24.003 --> 01:21:25.874 fabric. What are we going to look at to 01:21:25.874 --> 01:21:27.965 determine the classification? We 01:21:27.965 --> 01:21:30.174 examine the fabric and look at the 01:21:30.174 --> 01:21:31.729 classification sheet for the detailed 01:21:31.729 --> 01:21:33.595 information regarding the fabric 01:21:33.595 --> 01:21:37.374 composition. Based on visual 01:21:37.374 --> 01:21:38.969 observation, we see the fabric is woven. 01:21:38.969 --> 01:21:43.477 And it is a jacquard weave. Next, is 01:21:43.477 --> 01:21:45.288 there a coating on the fabric? 01:21:45.288 --> 01:21:47.473 Sometimes we can see it, and sometimes, 01:21:47.473 --> 01:21:49.480 it is invisible. On this fabric, there 01:21:49.480 --> 01:21:52.088 is a synthetic and acritic coating 01:21:52.088 --> 01:21:53.788 applied to the back side of the fabric. 01:21:53.788 --> 01:21:55.753 So we look to see if the coating is 01:21:55.753 --> 01:21:58.104 visible or not to the naked eye. In 01:21:58.104 --> 01:22:00.245 this case, the coating is not visible, 01:22:00.245 --> 01:22:02.408 so we know that the fabric will be 01:22:02.408 --> 01:22:07.361 classified as an uncoated fabric. So it 01:22:07.361 --> 01:22:09.677 is not going to be in Chapter 59. Next, 01:22:09.677 --> 01:22:12.041 we know that this fabric is composed 01:22:12.041 --> 01:22:14.848 wholly of man made filament fibers, so 01:22:14.848 --> 01:22:16.969 we know this fabric is classified in 01:22:16.969 --> 01:22:20.218 Chapter 54. Now we can narrow it down 01:22:20.218 --> 01:22:22.746 even further. Since we know that poly 01:22:22.746 --> 01:22:25.614 propylene and poly ester are synthetic 01:22:25.614 --> 01:22:28.128 fibers, does this fabric contain # 0 01:22:28.128 --> 01:22:30.369 percent or more by weight of synthetic 01:22:30.369 --> 01:22:32.985 filaments? Based on the specification 01:22:32.985 --> 01:22:35.298 sheet, the fabric is made of 100 percent 01:22:35.298 --> 01:22:38.490 synthetic textured filament fibers. 01:22:38.490 --> 01:22:41.010 Whatulse do we know about the fabric? 01:22:41.010 --> 01:22:44.854 Based on the spec sheet, we know it is 01:22:44.854 --> 01:22:47.556 yarns of different colors and weighed 01:22:47.556 --> 01:22:50.568 478 grams her square meters. We can 01:22:50.568 --> 01:22:57.813 classify it under 5407. 73.2060, 01:22:57.813 --> 01:23:05.634 including woven fabrics containing # 5 01:23:05.634 --> 01:23:09.409 percent or more by weight of yarns of 01:23:09.409 --> 01:23:12.030 different colors, weighing more than 170 01:23:12.030 --> 01:23:15.116 grams her square meter. And the duty is 01:23:15.116 --> 01:23:23.827 8.5porous. Next slide. 01:23:23.827 --> 01:23:27.384 Here we have a plain weave fabric of 100 01:23:27.384 --> 01:23:29.348 percent poly ester nontextured filament 01:23:29.348 --> 01:23:32.466 yarns of different colors. There's an 01:23:32.466 --> 01:23:34.772 acrylic coating that has been applied to 01:23:34.772 --> 01:23:37.442 the reverse side of the fabric. So I 01:23:37.442 --> 01:23:40.774 have a question: Since the fabric has 01:23:40.774 --> 01:23:44.732 an acrylic coating will this be 01:23:44.732 --> 01:23:47.373 classified in Chapter 59? Please type 01:23:47.373 --> 01:24:03.892 your answer in the chat. I'm seeing a 01:24:03.892 --> 01:24:17.358 lot of no's. Somebody said yes because 01:24:17.358 --> 01:24:22.729 it appears to be visible. I'll give you 01:24:22.729 --> 01:24:25.533 the answer. So the answer is no. As 01:24:25.533 --> 01:24:27.177 you can see from the picture, the 01:24:27.177 --> 01:24:28.956 coating is not visible to the nick 01:24:28.956 --> 01:24:30.854 udeye. Since the coating is not 01:24:30.854 --> 01:24:33.232 visible, the fabric is uncoated and 01:24:33.232 --> 01:24:36.932 class foid in Chapter 54. For your 01:24:36.932 --> 01:24:41.189 reference, this ruling is N331249. And 01:24:41.189 --> 01:24:42.859 the classification is under 01:24:42.859 --> 01:24:53.210 5407.61.9955. Next slide. 01:24:53.210 --> 01:24:55.813 I've provided the composition of the 01:24:55.813 --> 01:24:57.589 fabric on the slide. We have a plain, 01:24:57.589 --> 01:24:59.457 woven fabric of warns of different 01:24:59.457 --> 01:25:03.092 colors composed of 95 percent poly ester 01:25:03.092 --> 01:25:05.771 textured filament yarns and 5 percent 01:25:05.771 --> 01:25:10.297 nylon textured filament yarns. A latex 01:25:10.297 --> 01:25:11.709 coating has been applied to the reverse 01:25:11.709 --> 01:25:13.218 side of the fabric. As you can see from 01:25:13.218 --> 01:25:15.353 the picture on the left, the coating on 01:25:15.353 --> 01:25:17.313 the back of the fabric is not visible to 01:25:17.313 --> 01:25:21.365 the naked eye. So next question now: 01:25:21.365 --> 01:25:23.504 What would be the full classification 01:25:23.504 --> 01:25:27.195 for this fabric? I will give you a few 01:25:27.195 --> 01:26:34.445 minutes to figure it out. 01:26:34.445 --> 01:26:36.202 I'm not sure if everyone's going to 01:26:36.202 --> 01:26:37.938 figure it out or not. I'll give you 01:26:37.938 --> 01:26:53.262 another minute. I'll see if there's any 01:26:53.262 --> 01:26:57.801 answers because I was pulling up through 01:26:57.801 --> 01:27:10.202 the answers in the chat. Okay. I see 01:27:10.202 --> 01:27:20.055 some answers now. 5407, 53 I see. A 01:27:20.055 --> 01:27:24.078 few people got that. Somebody got 01:27:24.078 --> 01:27:41.538 5407.43. I see 5407.61. 5407.53. The 01:27:41.538 --> 01:27:46.351 correct classification is 5407.53.2006 01:27:46.351 --> 01:27:49.026 which provides for woven fabrics of 01:27:49.026 --> 01:27:51.139 filament yarn including woven fabrics 01:27:51.139 --> 01:27:55.154 obtained from materials heading 5404, 01:27:55.154 --> 01:27:59.929 other contains 85 percent or so by 01:27:59.929 --> 01:28:04.438 weight of poly ester other weighing more 01:28:04.438 --> 01:28:07.261 than 175 gram per square meter. The 01:28:07.261 --> 01:28:09.109 duty rate is 12 percent. And if you 01:28:09.109 --> 01:28:10.734 want to reference this ruling, it's 01:28:10.734 --> 01:28:20.807 N331337. Next slide. 01:28:20.807 --> 01:28:22.930 On this slide, we have a woven fabric of 01:28:22.930 --> 01:28:25.311 yarns of different colors composed of 01:28:25.311 --> 01:28:28.118 synthetic filament yarns and acrylic 01:28:28.118 --> 01:28:30.523 coating has been applied to the reverse 01:28:30.523 --> 01:28:32.299 side of the fabric. As you can see on 01:28:32.299 --> 01:28:34.086 the picture on the left, the coating on 01:28:34.086 --> 01:28:37.095 the back of the fabric is visible. So I 01:28:37.095 --> 01:28:38.846 have another question. Would this 01:28:38.846 --> 01:28:42.382 fabric be classified in Chapter 54? 01:28:42.382 --> 01:28:43.695 Please type your answer in the chat box. 01:28:43.695 --> 01:28:52.418 I see people writing 59, no, no. I see 01:28:52.418 --> 01:28:55.194 a lot of no's. I saw somebody said yes, 01:28:55.194 --> 01:29:01.578 54. Somebody went -- 59 since the 01:29:01.578 --> 01:29:05.067 coating's visible. I see most people 01:29:05.067 --> 01:29:08.637 are saying no. Somebody said they can't 01:29:08.637 --> 01:29:12.742 see the -- can see the coating so it's 01:29:12.742 --> 01:29:15.922 54. I feel like the coating is pretty 01:29:15.922 --> 01:29:19.506 visible on this. And it's white fabric, 01:29:19.506 --> 01:29:21.746 so they can be hard to see the coating, 01:29:21.746 --> 01:29:26.984 but you can see it here. So the ander 01:29:26.984 --> 01:29:29.654 is no. In this case, since the coating 01:29:29.654 --> 01:29:32.386 is visible to the naked eye it is 01:29:32.386 --> 01:29:34.578 precluded from Chapter 54 and correctly 01:29:34.578 --> 01:29:37.383 classified in Chapter 59 as a coated 01:29:37.383 --> 01:29:44.567 fabric. And this is from N310781. Next 01:29:44.567 --> 01:29:48.495 slide. 01:29:48.495 --> 01:29:51.390 Letsz look at some fabrics now in 55. 01:29:51.390 --> 01:29:53.314 This is a woven fabric of man made 01:29:53.314 --> 01:29:55.313 staple fibers of yarns of different 01:29:55.313 --> 01:29:58.058 colors. It is composed of 92 percent 01:29:58.058 --> 01:30:01.727 poly ester staple fibers and 8 percent 01:30:01.727 --> 01:30:03.718 linen staple fibers. This is a bonded 01:30:03.718 --> 01:30:06.614 fabric. If you look closely at the 01:30:06.614 --> 01:30:08.802 bickture on the left, you can see the 01:30:08.802 --> 01:30:10.750 backing fabric is a knit. Since this is 01:30:10.750 --> 01:30:12.747 bonded we're classifying this based on 01:30:12.747 --> 01:30:16.062 the face fab, since the face product 01:30:16.062 --> 01:30:19.551 imparts the character. This would be 01:30:19.551 --> 01:30:21.806 classified in 55 because it is uncoated 01:30:21.806 --> 01:30:25.591 fabric of man made staple fibers. Next 01:30:25.591 --> 01:30:29.876 slide. 01:30:29.876 --> 01:30:32.998 Here we have a satin weave fabric of 01:30:32.998 --> 01:30:35.230 yarns of different colors. Fabric is 01:30:35.230 --> 01:30:40.067 composed of 25.48 poly ester filaments, 01:30:40.067 --> 01:30:45.042 23.52 poly ester staple, 22 percent 01:30:45.042 --> 01:30:48.134 acrylic staple, 22 percent poly 01:30:48.134 --> 01:30:54.306 propylene filament, and 7 percent rayen 01:30:54.306 --> 01:30:59.226 staple. This fabric's a little tricky 01:30:59.226 --> 01:31:02.090 because of the composition. So what do 01:31:02.090 --> 01:31:04.734 we look at first? We know there is a 01:31:04.734 --> 01:31:07.270 coating applied. But is that -- but 01:31:07.270 --> 01:31:09.701 that coating is not visible, so it will 01:31:09.701 --> 01:31:12.969 not be classified in Chapter 59. Next 01:31:12.969 --> 01:31:15.090 we know the fabric is woven. But in 01:31:15.090 --> 01:31:16.978 order to classify, we need to determine 01:31:16.978 --> 01:31:19.738 if it is filament or staple that 01:31:19.738 --> 01:31:23.395 predominates. For staple, we have 23.53 01:31:23.395 --> 01:31:27.891 poly ester plus 22 for acrylic plus 7 01:31:27.891 --> 01:31:32.803 for rayen, which equals 52.52 staple. 01:31:32.803 --> 01:31:37.095 For filament, we have 25.48 poly ester 01:31:37.095 --> 01:31:40.286 plus 22 poly propylene, which equals 01:31:40.286 --> 01:31:44.718 47.48 filament. So the staple fiber is 01:31:44.718 --> 01:31:47.837 the greater portion of the fabric. We 01:31:47.837 --> 01:31:49.778 now know the fabric will be classified 01:31:49.778 --> 01:31:52.914 in Chapter 55. So now that we know the 01:31:52.914 --> 01:31:57.938 chapter, can you find the ten digit 01:31:57.938 --> 01:32:00.034 classification? I'll give you a few 01:32:00.034 --> 01:32:02.223 minutes to look in the tariff and you 01:32:02.223 --> 01:32:05.886 can type your answer in the chat. I did 01:32:05.886 --> 01:32:14.966 all the hard work. Somebody had the 01:32:14.966 --> 01:32:21.045 answer -- got an answer fast. Somebody 01:32:21.045 --> 01:32:30.898 knows the ruling number. I guess -- so 01:32:30.898 --> 01:32:35.026 the answer is 5515.12.0040 which 01:32:35.026 --> 01:32:38.512 provides for other woven fabrics of 01:32:38.512 --> 01:32:42.075 synthetic staple fiber of poly ester 01:32:42.075 --> 01:32:45.768 stapem fibers mixed solely with man made 01:32:45.768 --> 01:32:47.923 elements, satin weave, or twill weave. 01:32:47.923 --> 01:32:51.022 The rate of duty is 12 percent. And the 01:32:51.022 --> 01:32:55.630 ruling number is N332037. So thank you 01:32:55.630 --> 01:33:03.173 for typing that in for me. Next slide. 01:33:03.173 --> 01:33:05.666 Here we have a jacquard woven fabric of 01:33:05.666 --> 01:33:08.671 yarns of different colors composed of 69 01:33:08.671 --> 01:33:11.314 percent poly ester staple and 31 percent 01:33:11.314 --> 01:33:15.290 poly ester nontextured filaments. An 01:33:15.290 --> 01:33:17.131 acrylic coating has been applied to the 01:33:17.131 --> 01:33:18.735 reverse side of the fabric. However, 01:33:18.735 --> 01:33:21.475 the coating is not visible to the naked 01:33:21.475 --> 01:33:24.262 eye. So I have another question: Is 01:33:24.262 --> 01:33:28.499 this a woven fabric of Chapter a 55? 01:33:28.499 --> 01:33:36.607 Type your answer in the chat. I see 01:33:36.607 --> 01:33:44.536 yes's. Everyone's typing yet. Okay, 01:33:44.536 --> 01:33:52.480 yeah. 69 staple. Yes. Okay. That's 01:33:52.480 --> 01:33:55.202 good. The answer is yes. Since the 01:33:55.202 --> 01:33:57.430 coating is not visible to the naked eye, 01:33:57.430 --> 01:34:00.214 the fabric is classified in Chapter 55 01:34:00.214 --> 01:34:02.875 as a woven fabric of synthetic staple 01:34:02.875 --> 01:34:06.016 fibers. The full classification is 01:34:06.016 --> 01:34:11.770 55.15.120090 which provides for other 01:34:11.770 --> 01:34:15.480 woven fabrics of synthetic staple 01:34:15.480 --> 01:34:22.724 fibers, poly ester, mixed solely of man 01:34:22.724 --> 01:34:28.346 made. The rate of duty is 12 percent. 01:34:28.346 --> 01:34:32.000 And the reference number is N320265. 01:34:32.000 --> 01:34:33.442 Someone typed it in for me. Next 01:34:33.442 --> 01:34:35.065 slide, thank you. 01:34:35.065 --> 01:34:38.988 We have a woven dauby fabric of 9 #.5 01:34:38.988 --> 01:34:41.120 percent poly ester staple fibers and 2 01:34:41.120 --> 01:34:43.431 percent linen staple fibers. The fabric 01:34:43.431 --> 01:34:47.406 is printed and weighed 329 grams her 01:34:47.406 --> 01:34:48.975 square meter. The fabric has a 01:34:48.975 --> 01:34:53.332 synthetic and acritic -- latex coating 01:34:53.332 --> 01:34:55.085 applied to the reverse side of the 01:34:55.085 --> 01:34:58.412 fabric but is not visible to the naked 01:34:58.412 --> 01:35:00.150 eye. Since the coating on the fabric is 01:35:00.150 --> 01:35:03.001 not visible, the fabric will be 01:35:03.001 --> 01:35:05.273 classified in Chapter 55. So can you 01:35:05.273 --> 01:35:09.024 classify this fabric to the full ten 01:35:09.024 --> 01:35:10.966 digits? I'll give you a few minutes to 01:35:10.966 --> 01:35:25.893 type it in. I'm going to have to be 01:35:25.893 --> 01:35:27.551 quick with this. So I guess I'm going 01:35:27.551 --> 01:35:31.082 to have to run through this pretty fast. 01:35:31.082 --> 01:35:36.631 So since this is dauby and not a plain 01:35:36.631 --> 01:35:39.511 weave, we do not need to worry about 01:35:39.511 --> 01:35:41.878 figuring out the average yarn number. 01:35:41.878 --> 01:35:43.762 We know the fabric contained more than 01:35:43.762 --> 01:35:46.618 85 percent poly ester staple fiber. So 01:35:46.618 --> 01:35:51.371 the answer is 5512.19.0090 which 01:35:51.371 --> 01:35:54.082 provides for woven fabrics of synthetic 01:35:54.082 --> 01:35:56.646 staple fibers containing 85 percent or 01:35:56.646 --> 01:35:59.706 more by weight of containing # 5 or more 01:35:59.706 --> 01:36:03.622 by weight of poly ester staple fibers, 01:36:03.622 --> 01:36:09.705 other. Duty rate is 13.6 percent. 01:36:09.705 --> 01:36:13.720 Thank you for participating. Next 01:36:13.720 --> 01:36:17.155 slide. 01:36:17.155 --> 01:36:19.396 Here we have another satchel of a woven 01:36:19.396 --> 01:36:21.326 fabric of yarns of different colors. 01:36:21.326 --> 01:36:23.738 The fabric is of jacquard weave 01:36:23.738 --> 01:36:26.096 construction. It is composed wholly of 01:36:26.096 --> 01:36:28.757 poly ester and the breakdown is 70 01:36:28.757 --> 01:36:30.773 staple fibers and 0 percent filament 01:36:30.773 --> 01:36:35.843 yarns. There's synthetic latex coating 01:36:35.843 --> 01:36:38.399 on the reverse side of the fabric. Is 01:36:38.399 --> 01:36:44.610 this 55 or 59? Okay. The answer -- I'm 01:36:44.610 --> 01:36:46.999 going to have to be faster. So the 01:36:46.999 --> 01:36:49.220 answer is 55 since the coating is not 01:36:49.220 --> 01:36:53.892 visible to the naked eye. And ruling 01:36:53.892 --> 01:36:57.422 number is N331336. And the full 01:36:57.422 --> 01:37:03.699 classification is 5515.12.0090. Next 01:37:03.699 --> 01:37:08.395 slide. 01:37:08.395 --> 01:37:10.906 Now we have a woven fabric of yarns of 01:37:10.906 --> 01:37:13.800 different colors composed of 51 percent 01:37:13.800 --> 01:37:16.894 staple, poly ester, and 49 percent poly 01:37:16.894 --> 01:37:19.590 ester filaments, synthetic latex coating 01:37:19.590 --> 01:37:21.414 is applied to the reverse side of the 01:37:21.414 --> 01:37:23.538 fabric. I have a question: Would this 01:37:23.538 --> 01:37:27.228 fabric be classified in Chapter 54 or 01:37:27.228 --> 01:37:34.531 55? If you can answer it fast. People 01:37:34.531 --> 01:37:38.044 are writing 55. So the coating is 01:37:38.044 --> 01:37:43.152 visible to the naked eye. It is 01:37:43.152 --> 01:37:45.894 precluded from classification in 54 and 01:37:45.894 --> 01:37:51.279 55 and is classified in 59. If the 01:37:51.279 --> 01:37:53.382 coating was not visible, it would be in 01:37:53.382 --> 01:37:56.142 55 because the fabric is 51 percent 01:37:56.142 --> 01:38:02.065 staple fibers. Next slide. 01:38:02.065 --> 01:38:04.429 This is the last fabric for man made 01:38:04.429 --> 01:38:07.234 fibers. We have a woven jaw card 01:38:07.234 --> 01:38:10.394 fabric. 56 percent poly ester staple 01:38:10.394 --> 01:38:13.100 fibers and 44 percent textured filament 01:38:13.100 --> 01:38:15.686 yarns of different colors. A synthetic 01:38:15.686 --> 01:38:18.010 latex coating has been applied to the 01:38:18.010 --> 01:38:19.548 reverse side of the fabric. What 01:38:19.548 --> 01:38:22.428 chapter do we classify the fabric? I'm 01:38:22.428 --> 01:38:25.074 seeing everyone type 59. That is the 01:38:25.074 --> 01:38:26.952 correct answer. As you can see from the 01:38:26.952 --> 01:38:29.785 picture, the coating is visible to the 01:38:29.785 --> 01:38:32.414 naked eye and therefore be precluded 01:38:32.414 --> 01:38:34.521 from Chapter 55. And the fabric is 01:38:34.521 --> 01:38:37.027 classified as a coated fabric of 59. 01:38:37.027 --> 01:38:41.396 Next slide. 01:38:41.396 --> 01:38:44.820 Now we have the special woven fabrics 01:38:44.820 --> 01:38:48.642 classified in Chapter 58. We have woven 01:38:48.642 --> 01:38:51.698 file fabrics and chenille fabrics which 01:38:51.698 --> 01:38:59.154 include warp and weft pile. Cutting 01:38:59.154 --> 01:39:01.806 raised loops and cut into lacings of 01:39:01.806 --> 01:39:04.212 double pluauts or other fibers 01:39:04.212 --> 01:39:05.624 deliberately plused to stand away from 01:39:05.624 --> 01:39:08.520 the surface of the fabric which may form 01:39:08.520 --> 01:39:13.022 all or part of the fabric surface. This 01:39:13.022 --> 01:39:15.302 fabric sample is an example of a cut 01:39:15.302 --> 01:39:20.143 corduroy. Corduroy is a type of pile 01:39:20.143 --> 01:39:23.987 made by an extra weft or slit call 01:39:23.987 --> 01:39:27.712 causing ppile to stand up. We usually 01:39:27.712 --> 01:39:29.791 send these to the lab for analysis. 01:39:29.791 --> 01:39:32.052 While we may be able to determine it is 01:39:32.052 --> 01:39:34.319 a pile fabric we are not able to 01:39:34.319 --> 01:39:37.614 determine if it is a weft cut or warp 01:39:37.614 --> 01:39:40.019 cut. The spec sheet is not accurate and 01:39:40.019 --> 01:39:42.444 we cannot confirm if the fabric is a 01:39:42.444 --> 01:39:45.811 woven pile or woven with chenille yarns 01:39:45.811 --> 01:39:48.335 which is why we send these types of 01:39:48.335 --> 01:39:53.850 fabrics to the lab. Next slide. On 01:39:53.850 --> 01:39:55.611 this slide, we have another fabric of 01:39:55.611 --> 01:39:59.106 heading 5801. Looking at the front of 01:39:59.106 --> 01:40:02.106 the fabric, it does not look like 01:40:02.106 --> 01:40:04.426 chenille. The specification sheet 01:40:04.426 --> 01:40:07.219 indicated it is nushe yarn on one side 01:40:07.219 --> 01:40:10.156 only. So we did send this to the lab to 01:40:10.156 --> 01:40:12.634 confirm that it contained chenille yarns 01:40:12.634 --> 01:40:15.255 on both sides. In this sample, the CBP 01:40:15.255 --> 01:40:17.438 laboratory determined that the plain 01:40:17.438 --> 01:40:20.691 woven fabric was composed of two yarns, 01:40:20.691 --> 01:40:22.509 one blended and one chenille. As you 01:40:22.509 --> 01:40:24.262 can see from the picture, when you 01:40:24.262 --> 01:40:26.078 separate the yarns, you can see the 01:40:26.078 --> 01:40:28.578 chenille yarn. The lab also confirmed 01:40:28.578 --> 01:40:30.941 that the chenille yarn was visible on 01:40:30.941 --> 01:40:33.312 both sides of the fabric. Since the 01:40:33.312 --> 01:40:35.531 chenille yarns are visible on both sides 01:40:35.531 --> 01:40:37.624 of the fabric, the classification is 01:40:37.624 --> 01:40:50.593 5801.36.0020. Next slide. 01:40:50.593 --> 01:40:53.119 I have a question: Here we have a woven 01:40:53.119 --> 01:40:55.259 fabric constructed with chenille yarns. 01:40:55.259 --> 01:40:57.050 There's also a coating applied to the 01:40:57.050 --> 01:40:58.575 reverse side of the fabric that is 01:40:58.575 --> 01:41:06.518 visible to the naked eye. What chapter 01:41:06.518 --> 01:41:09.167 would this be classified in? Would this 01:41:09.167 --> 01:41:15.460 be 59? I'm seeing a lot of different 01:41:15.460 --> 01:41:20.900 answers. 58, 59. I'm going to tell you 01:41:20.900 --> 01:41:22.636 the answer is no. Although the fabric 01:41:22.636 --> 01:41:24.465 has a visible coating on the reverse 01:41:24.465 --> 01:41:26.496 side of the fabric, the fabric is 01:41:26.496 --> 01:41:29.265 constructed with chenille yarns, which 01:41:29.265 --> 01:41:33.072 through virtue of note 1 to Chapter 58, 01:41:33.072 --> 01:41:35.243 such fabrics may not be classified in 01:41:35.243 --> 01:41:38.675 Chapter 59 of the HTSUS. I also want to 01:41:38.675 --> 01:41:40.769 mention that if you had a knitted or 01:41:40.769 --> 01:41:43.693 crocheted pile fabric that had a visible 01:41:43.693 --> 01:41:45.999 coating, that it would remain classified 01:41:45.999 --> 01:41:48.153 in Chapter 6 o# and would not be 01:41:48.153 --> 01:41:51.183 classified in Chapter 59 since note 1C 01:41:51.183 --> 01:41:53.670 to Chapter 60 says that knitted or 01:41:53.670 --> 01:41:56.475 crocheted pile fabrics impregnated, 01:41:56.475 --> 01:41:59.246 coated, covered or laminated remain 01:41:59.246 --> 01:42:05.310 classified in heading 6001. Next slide. 01:42:05.310 --> 01:42:07.060 01:42:07.060 --> 01:42:09.779 Here we have the three notes that address 01:42:09.779 --> 01:42:12.287 pile fabrics. Note 1 to Chapter 58, 01:42:12.287 --> 01:42:15.251 note 1C to Chapter 60, and statistical 01:42:15.251 --> 01:42:19.882 note 1 to Chapter 60. Note 1 to Chapter 01:42:19.882 --> 01:42:23.162 58 states that this chapt chapter does 01:42:23.162 --> 01:42:26.318 not apply to textile fabrics referred to 01:42:26.318 --> 01:42:29.254 in note 1 to chapter 59, impregnated, 01:42:29.254 --> 01:42:31.654 coated, covered or laminated or other 01:42:31.654 --> 01:42:34.839 goods of chapter 59. Note 1C to Chapter 01:42:34.839 --> 01:42:37.642 60 states that knitted or crocheted file 01:42:37.642 --> 01:42:40.150 fab,s, impregnated, coated, covered or 01:42:40.150 --> 01:42:42.788 laminated remain classified in heading 01:42:42.788 --> 01:42:48.174 6001. So if we had a woven file or a 01:42:48.174 --> 01:42:51.151 knit pile fabric that was visibly coated 01:42:51.151 --> 01:42:53.916 on the back, it would be classified in 01:42:53.916 --> 01:42:55.935 either 58 or 60 because they are not 01:42:55.935 --> 01:42:58.779 considered a textile fabric of Chapter 01:42:58.779 --> 01:43:02.094 59. I have also included statistical 01:43:02.094 --> 01:43:04.259 note 1 to Chapter 60, which for the 01:43:04.259 --> 01:43:07.870 fabric to be classified as a velour 01:43:07.870 --> 01:43:09.403 under the statistical reporting numbers 01:43:09.403 --> 01:43:16.763 of 6001.92.0010 and 6001.92.0030, the 01:43:16.763 --> 01:43:20.619 fabric must contain 12 or more stitches 01:43:20.619 --> 01:43:23.639 in the vertical direction. If that is 01:43:23.639 --> 01:43:26.248 not provided to us on the specification 01:43:26.248 --> 01:43:28.206 sheet it would be sent to the lab 01:43:28.206 --> 01:43:30.516 because our office cannot determine the 01:43:30.516 --> 01:43:34.828 information. Next slide. 01:43:34.828 --> 01:43:38.548 Okay. Now we're up to Chapter 60. We 01:43:38.548 --> 01:43:41.632 have the knitted or crocheted fabrics. 01:43:41.632 --> 01:43:44.714 Knitted fabrics are interlocking a 01:43:44.714 --> 01:43:47.455 series of loops or one or more yarns by 01:43:47.455 --> 01:43:53.071 either hand or machines. Next slide. 01:43:53.071 --> 01:43:55.750 There are two distinct types of knit 01:43:55.750 --> 01:43:58.078 fabrics. Warp and weft. On this slide 01:43:58.078 --> 01:44:00.058 we can see the difference between warp 01:44:00.058 --> 01:44:02.844 and weft. Weft knitting is the most 01:44:02.844 --> 01:44:05.454 common knit type. It is made up with 01:44:05.454 --> 01:44:07.982 one continuous thread running cross wise 01:44:07.982 --> 01:44:10.804 the fabric making all the loops in one 01:44:10.804 --> 01:44:13.315 continuous course. Weft knitses are 01:44:13.315 --> 01:44:16.052 produced on flat and circular machines. 01:44:16.052 --> 01:44:19.359 Weft knits are looser and stretch 01:44:19.359 --> 01:44:22.663 easily compared to warp knits. They 01:44:22.663 --> 01:44:25.306 also tend to unravel easily or run. The 01:44:25.306 --> 01:44:27.338 most common type of weft knit is jersey. 01:44:27.338 --> 01:44:30.054 A warp knit is type of knitting in 01:44:30.054 --> 01:44:32.931 which the yarns generally run length 01:44:32.931 --> 01:44:36.771 wise. Flatter, closer, less elastic 01:44:36.771 --> 01:44:40.455 knit and is often run resistant. 01:44:40.455 --> 01:44:48.267 Example would be a ( ). Next slide. 01:44:48.267 --> 01:44:50.759 This fabric sample is a weft fabric and 01:44:50.759 --> 01:44:52.626 as you can see from the picture it is 01:44:52.626 --> 01:44:54.978 loosely constructed and has a lot of 01:44:54.978 --> 01:45:01.328 pull or elasticity. Next slide. 01:45:01.328 --> 01:45:03.746 Here is an example of a jersey knit 01:45:03.746 --> 01:45:06.654 fabric. Jersey knit fabric is a single 01:45:06.654 --> 01:45:09.494 knit fabric with knit such stitches on 01:45:09.494 --> 01:45:11.831 the front and pearl stitches on the 01:45:11.831 --> 01:45:13.722 back. It could be made from natural or 01:45:13.722 --> 01:45:16.187 man made fibers. The main advantage of 01:45:16.187 --> 01:45:18.534 jersey knit are versionability, wrinkle 01:45:18.534 --> 01:45:21.348 resistance, durability, softness and 01:45:21.348 --> 01:45:23.735 elasticity. That's why jersey is an 01:45:23.735 --> 01:45:26.578 extremely popular pick for men, women, 01:45:26.578 --> 01:45:31.027 and children. Next slide. 01:45:31.027 --> 01:45:34.331 Here is an example of a trico knit 01:45:34.331 --> 01:45:36.362 fabric. It's one of the most common and 01:45:36.362 --> 01:45:39.015 widely produced type of warp knitted 01:45:39.015 --> 01:45:42.300 fabric. Prico is a type of knit fabric 01:45:42.300 --> 01:45:46.786 with a unique texture made with a flat 01:45:46.786 --> 01:45:52.808 bed knitting machine with a smooth with 01:45:52.808 --> 01:45:56.012 the back of a cross wise rib. It is 01:45:56.012 --> 01:46:00.802 common for intimate wear, swim wear 01:46:00.802 --> 01:46:04.149 because it does not run. Next slide. 01:46:04.149 --> 01:46:06.108 Now we have the knitted pile fabrics 01:46:06.108 --> 01:46:08.624 which are also classified in Chapter 60. 01:46:08.624 --> 01:46:11.935 Knit pile fabrics include long pile, 01:46:11.935 --> 01:46:13.882 looped pile and other pile fabrics like 01:46:13.882 --> 01:46:21.154 a cut pile. A knit pile fabric is one 01:46:21.154 --> 01:46:23.943 pile pile create a loop. And we 01:46:23.943 --> 01:46:25.254 typically send these to the lab for 01:46:25.254 --> 01:46:30.232 analysis. Next slide. 01:46:30.232 --> 01:46:32.401 Here we have an example of a long pile 01:46:32.401 --> 01:46:35.413 fabric. Statistical note 1 to Chapter 01:46:35.413 --> 01:46:38.435 60 defines the term long pile as fabrics 01:46:38.435 --> 01:46:41.509 made by inserting fibers from cards 01:46:41.509 --> 01:46:44.134 sliver into the loops of the ground 01:46:44.134 --> 01:46:45.862 fabric during knitting. On this slide 01:46:45.862 --> 01:46:47.703 we have an example of a long pile 01:46:47.703 --> 01:46:51.005 fabric. This fanric is bonded. The 01:46:51.005 --> 01:46:54.613 face is a weft knit of acrylic yarns of 01:46:54.613 --> 01:46:55.729 different colors. As you can see from 01:46:55.729 --> 01:46:58.913 the picture, the backing fabric is just 01:46:58.913 --> 01:47:00.687 plain weave. We're classifying this 01:47:00.687 --> 01:47:01.696 based on the face because the face 01:47:01.696 --> 01:47:04.321 imparts the product with the essential 01:47:04.321 --> 01:47:06.385 character. Long pile is classified at 01:47:06.385 --> 01:47:13.275 the six digit level under 6001.10. Next 01:47:13.275 --> 01:47:18.073 slide. 01:47:18.073 --> 01:47:20.444 Here we have a sample of knitted loop 01:47:20.444 --> 01:47:22.951 pile fabric. In a looped pile 01:47:22.951 --> 01:47:25.255 structure, there are small loops as you 01:47:25.255 --> 01:47:27.346 can see in the picture. Classification 01:47:27.346 --> 01:47:30.190 for knitted loop pile at the six digit 01:47:30.190 --> 01:47:40.088 level starts at 6001.21. Next slide. 01:47:40.088 --> 01:47:42.671 Here is another example of a knitted loop 01:47:42.671 --> 01:47:45.306 pile fabric. In the close' up picture 01:47:45.306 --> 01:47:47.716 you can see the raised loops. This 01:47:47.716 --> 01:47:50.721 would also be classified at the six 01:47:50.721 --> 01:47:54.455 digit level starting at 6001.22. Next 01:47:54.455 --> 01:48:01.278 slide. 01:48:01.278 --> 01:48:03.803 Last, we have the other pile fabrics that 01:48:03.803 --> 01:48:10.372 begin with subheading 6001.9100. This 01:48:10.372 --> 01:48:14.341 is a warp knit cut pile. Warp knit 01:48:14.341 --> 01:48:17.730 includes velvets and velours. This 01:48:17.730 --> 01:48:20.604 sample is a bonded fabric with a woven 01:48:20.604 --> 01:48:23.181 backing common for knit piles to provide 01:48:23.181 --> 01:48:25.072 durability. Since this is a bonded 01:48:25.072 --> 01:48:27.421 fabric we are classifying based on the 01:48:27.421 --> 01:48:29.405 face fabric because the face imparts the 01:48:29.405 --> 01:48:30.981 product with the essential character. 01:48:30.981 --> 01:48:33.483 The face is a cut pile fabric and 01:48:33.483 --> 01:48:36.245 composed wholly of poly ester and does 01:48:36.245 --> 01:48:37.736 meet the requirements for velour. 01:48:37.736 --> 01:48:39.953 Statistical note 1 to Chapter 60 01:48:39.953 --> 01:48:42.143 provides requirements for the purposes 01:48:42.143 --> 01:48:43.617 of statistical reporting numbers 01:48:43.617 --> 01:48:52.741 6001.92.0010 and 0030. The term velour 01:48:52.741 --> 01:48:55.453 refers to fab,s containing 12 or more 01:48:55.453 --> 01:48:57.485 stitches per centimeter in the vertical 01:48:57.485 --> 01:48:59.741 direction. This cut pile fabric 01:48:59.741 --> 01:49:01.956 contains 16 stitches per centimeter in 01:49:01.956 --> 01:49:03.612 the vertical direction so it meets the 01:49:03.612 --> 01:49:06.508 requirements to be classified as velour 01:49:06.508 --> 01:49:12.525 under 600192.0030, which provides for 01:49:12.525 --> 01:49:14.518 pile fabrics, including long pile 01:49:14.518 --> 01:49:18.119 fabrics and terry fabrics, knitted or 01:49:18.119 --> 01:49:22.813 crocheted of man made fabrication, other 01:49:22.813 --> 01:49:25.977 velour. That was my presentation. 01:49:25.977 --> 01:49:31.086 Let's move to the next slide. 01:49:31.086 --> 01:49:34.803 This slide was the rulings covered in the 01:49:34.803 --> 01:49:36.151 presentation today. Together, we 01:49:36.151 --> 01:49:42.781 discussed over 40 rulings from -- 40 01:49:42.781 --> 01:49:45.794 fabrics from 35 rulings. Both Mike and 01:49:45.794 --> 01:49:49.106 I tried to provide as many samples for 01:49:49.106 --> 01:49:51.106 you while we focused on the most common 01:49:51.106 --> 01:49:54.001 elements are common for us. There are 01:49:54.001 --> 01:49:56.452 certainly other factors we could not 01:49:56.452 --> 01:49:57.758 cover because of the time constraints 01:49:57.758 --> 01:50:07.713 today. Next slide. 01:50:07.713 --> 01:50:10.574 On this slide, I added some websites that 01:50:10.574 --> 01:50:12.767 may be of some interest for you. We 01:50:12.767 --> 01:50:15.668 have the electronic ruling website. I 01:50:15.668 --> 01:50:18.324 want to meng that we still accept paper 01:50:18.324 --> 01:50:20.975 rulings. So if you cannot file 01:50:20.975 --> 01:50:23.352 electronically, they can still be mailed 01:50:23.352 --> 01:50:26.154 to our office at 201 barrack street 01:50:26.154 --> 01:50:27.870 located in New York City. If you need 01:50:27.870 --> 01:50:29.930 the full mailing address we can type it 01:50:29.930 --> 01:50:33.138 in the chat. I also posted the website 01:50:33.138 --> 01:50:34.780 request, which is the customs ruling 01:50:34.780 --> 01:50:37.524 online search system. The next website 01:50:37.524 --> 01:50:41.614 is ICPs. That's the informed compliance 01:50:41.614 --> 01:50:44.404 publications. And I have also posted 01:50:44.404 --> 01:50:47.356 the CBP home page website and the United 01:50:47.356 --> 01:50:49.167 States international trade commission 01:50:49.167 --> 01:50:58.031 website. Next slide. 01:50:58.031 --> 01:51:02.291 Here is our team of associates. We both 01:51:02.291 --> 01:51:05.579 share had same NISAS so please feel free 01:51:05.579 --> 01:51:08.164 to reach out to them. They are omar, 01:51:08.164 --> 01:51:09.766 Christopher, and Lewis. If you are 01:51:09.766 --> 01:51:13.574 unable to reach me or Mike, you can also 01:51:13.574 --> 01:51:15.246 touch base with one of them. They are 01:51:15.246 --> 01:51:17.280 knowledgeable about fabrics. I have 01:51:17.280 --> 01:51:18.684 included their contact information on 01:51:18.684 --> 01:51:31.641 the screen. Next slide. 01:51:31.641 --> 01:51:33.652 Both Mike and I would like to thank you 01:51:33.652 --> 01:51:36.304 for joining our session. We would like 01:51:36.304 --> 01:51:38.576 to give a big thank you to our web 01:51:38.576 --> 01:51:40.106 masters today. They are both behind the 01:51:40.106 --> 01:51:43.344 scenes. But without their help, the 01:51:43.344 --> 01:51:44.964 presentation could not run so smoothly 01:51:44.964 --> 01:51:46.592 today. We have provided our contact 01:51:46.592 --> 01:51:48.702 information again. You can reach out to 01:51:48.702 --> 01:51:52.391 either of us at any time by e-mail, and 01:51:52.391 --> 01:51:54.806 I'll leave this up for a minute. I'm 01:51:54.806 --> 01:51:58.158 sorry I had to rush at the end. So I 01:51:58.158 --> 01:52:00.942 couldn't really go through more of what 01:52:00.942 --> 01:52:02.563 I wanted to explain in some of the 01:52:02.563 --> 01:52:04.670 classifications. But I didn't want to 01:52:04.670 --> 01:52:08.283 run out of time. So that's why I tried 01:52:08.283 --> 01:52:16.519 to cut it a little short. I hope you 01:52:16.519 --> 01:52:19.405 still got the whole point of it mu 01:52:19.405 --> 01:52:22.273 thanks, Nicole. I wanted to point out 01:52:22.273 --> 01:52:25.095 that slide 73 was an export rulings. 01:52:25.095 --> 01:52:27.531 That's not a ruling. That's published 01:52:27.531 --> 01:52:29.937 in Cross. So that's not really going to 01:52:29.937 --> 01:52:31.959 be something you can look up just for 01:52:31.959 --> 01:52:35.421 your information. Also, yes, like 01:52:35.421 --> 01:52:39.045 Nicole said, we'd like to thank our web 01:52:39.045 --> 01:52:44.549 masters, Fung, Amy, and host Calenthia 01:52:44.549 --> 01:52:47.037 who is going to close it up for you. 01:52:47.037 --> 01:52:48.600 Unfortunately, we don't have time to 01:52:48.600 --> 01:52:50.210 take questions. We really did run a 01:52:50.210 --> 01:52:51.966 little longer than we thought. But 01:52:51.966 --> 01:52:54.407 definitely, definitely take our e-mails 01:52:54.407 --> 01:52:57.221 down. We are always more than happy to 01:52:57.221 --> 01:52:59.999 address questions via e-mail. And we 01:52:59.999 --> 01:53:02.397 work together very often. So you can 01:53:02.397 --> 01:53:04.909 e-mail either of us on any topic, and 01:53:04.909 --> 01:53:08.224 we'll work together to get an answer. 01:53:08.224 --> 01:53:10.443 I'll go ahead and mute myself and turn 01:53:10.443 --> 01:53:12.866 it over to Lynn. 01:53:12.866 --> 01:53:15.607 >> Thank you, everyone. We hope you 01:53:15.607 --> 01:53:17.603 found the webinar informative. The 01:53:17.603 --> 01:53:19.669 continuing education credit code was 01:53:19.669 --> 01:53:22.060 placed in the WebEx chat and it will be 01:53:22.060 --> 01:53:23.777 e-mailed to all of the participants 01:53:23.777 --> 01:53:25.449 within 48 hours. Today's webinar has 01:53:25.449 --> 01:53:28.662 been recorded, and it will be posted on 01:53:28.662 --> 01:53:31.695 CBP.gov under the trade outreach 01:53:31.695 --> 01:53:33.742 webinars in the coming weeks. Thank 01:53:35.768 --> 01:53:35.768 Have a great afternoon.