WEBVTT 00:00:00.810 --> 00:00:02.880 - [Instructor] Welcome to the Gender-Based Violence 00:00:02.880 --> 00:00:04.420 Awareness course. 00:00:04.420 --> 00:00:05.830 This training was developed 00:00:05.830 --> 00:00:09.460 by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, DHS, 00:00:09.460 --> 00:00:12.743 for airport and private aviation industry personnel. 00:00:16.334 --> 00:00:40.917 (gentle music) 00:00:41.930 --> 00:00:45.470 You just saw three interactions at an airport. 00:00:45.470 --> 00:00:47.150 These kinds of interactions 00:00:47.150 --> 00:00:50.330 might happen dozens of times every day. 00:00:50.330 --> 00:00:52.563 Did you witness gender-based violence? 00:00:53.560 --> 00:00:54.653 How would you know? 00:00:55.810 --> 00:00:58.940 You interact with a traveling public every day 00:00:58.940 --> 00:01:01.570 and you are in a unique position to respond 00:01:01.570 --> 00:01:04.913 to self-disclosing victims of gender-based violence. 00:01:05.900 --> 00:01:08.250 By the end of this course, you will be able 00:01:08.250 --> 00:01:12.270 to define the concept of gender-based violence, 00:01:12.270 --> 00:01:15.800 identify various forms of gender-based violence, 00:01:15.800 --> 00:01:18.440 describe ways to support gender-based violence 00:01:18.440 --> 00:01:20.103 victims and survivors. 00:01:21.040 --> 00:01:24.290 Before we begin, we'd like to provide some information 00:01:24.290 --> 00:01:26.850 about the vocabulary we will use. 00:01:26.850 --> 00:01:29.850 You will hear several terms throughout this video. 00:01:29.850 --> 00:01:31.680 For the purposes of this training, 00:01:31.680 --> 00:01:34.830 the term victim will be used to describe a person 00:01:34.830 --> 00:01:37.960 still experiencing gender-based violence. 00:01:37.960 --> 00:01:40.540 The term survivor will be used to describe 00:01:40.540 --> 00:01:43.573 position:0% align:left line:90% a former victim who is in the process of recovery. 00:01:44.490 --> 00:01:47.060 Now let's start with basic information 00:01:47.060 --> 00:01:49.480 about gender-based violence. 00:01:49.480 --> 00:01:52.200 What is gender-based violence? 00:01:52.200 --> 00:01:56.390 Gender-based violence is any harmful threat or act 00:01:56.390 --> 00:01:59.130 directed at an individual or group 00:01:59.130 --> 00:02:03.370 position:0% align:left line:90% based on a victim's actual or perceived biological sex, 00:02:03.370 --> 00:02:07.750 position:0% align:left line:90% gender identity, gender expression, sexual identity, 00:02:07.750 --> 00:02:11.060 position:0% align:left line:90% sexual orientation, and/or other actual 00:02:11.060 --> 00:02:13.570 position:0% align:left line:90% or perceived difference from social norms 00:02:13.570 --> 00:02:16.700 position:0% align:left line:90% of masculinity or femininity. 00:02:16.700 --> 00:02:18.970 Would you guess that even a threat alone 00:02:18.970 --> 00:02:21.990 of a harmful act is considered part of the dynamics 00:02:21.990 --> 00:02:23.523 of gender-based violence? 00:02:25.010 --> 00:02:26.510 It is. 00:02:26.510 --> 00:02:29.360 Would you think that gender- based violence can be directed 00:02:29.360 --> 00:02:32.063 toward a group and not just an individual? 00:02:33.630 --> 00:02:34.463 It can. 00:02:35.420 --> 00:02:38.840 position:100% align:right line:5% A common misconception is that only women and girls 00:02:38.840 --> 00:02:41.760 position:100% align:right line:5% are victims of gender-based violence. 00:02:41.760 --> 00:02:44.940 position:100% align:right line:5% While women and girls are disproportionately impacted 00:02:44.940 --> 00:02:46.710 position:100% align:right line:5% by gender-based violence, 00:02:46.710 --> 00:02:51.380 position:100% align:right line:5% the reality is that it can occur to anyone in any population 00:02:51.380 --> 00:02:55.160 position:100% align:right line:5% and to individuals of any age, socioeconomic status, 00:02:55.160 --> 00:02:58.150 position:100% align:right line:5% culture, gender identity or expression, 00:02:58.150 --> 00:03:01.260 position:100% align:right line:5% sexual identity or expression, ethnicity, 00:03:01.260 --> 00:03:03.313 position:100% align:right line:5% nationality, and religion. 00:03:04.580 --> 00:03:08.220 position:0% align:left line:10% You might think of gender-based violence as a physical act. 00:03:08.220 --> 00:03:12.180 position:0% align:left line:10% It can also include psychological and emotional abuse. 00:03:12.180 --> 00:03:15.480 position:0% align:left line:10% In fact, gender-based violence is rooted 00:03:15.480 --> 00:03:18.133 position:0% align:left line:10% in the balance of power within a relationship. 00:03:18.970 --> 00:03:22.130 position:0% align:left line:10% The physical, psychological, and emotional elements 00:03:22.130 --> 00:03:25.300 position:0% align:left line:10% of gender-based violence are the actions driven 00:03:25.300 --> 00:03:28.510 position:0% align:left line:10% by a desire to maintain power and control 00:03:28.510 --> 00:03:30.203 position:0% align:left line:10% over another individual. 00:03:31.230 --> 00:03:33.680 Do you think you have ever actually witnessed 00:03:33.680 --> 00:03:35.043 gender-based violence? 00:03:36.470 --> 00:03:37.970 How would you know if you had? 00:03:39.360 --> 00:03:42.020 This training opened with several vignettes 00:03:42.020 --> 00:03:46.040 representing possible gender- based violence scenarios. 00:03:46.040 --> 00:03:49.250 You probably had an opinion about each vignette. 00:03:49.250 --> 00:03:52.630 The reality is any one of those vignettes 00:03:52.630 --> 00:03:55.290 position:0% align:left line:90% could have represented gender-based violence 00:03:55.290 --> 00:03:58.140 position:0% align:left line:90% and any one of them could have represented 00:03:58.140 --> 00:04:00.630 position:0% align:left line:90% an innocent situation. 00:04:00.630 --> 00:04:03.230 Your key takeaway is this. 00:04:03.230 --> 00:04:06.230 There is no single definitive set of indicators 00:04:06.230 --> 00:04:07.823 for gender-based violence. 00:04:08.680 --> 00:04:11.700 There are many forms of gender-based violence. 00:04:11.700 --> 00:04:14.203 One form is forced marriage. 00:04:15.110 --> 00:04:17.010 A forced marriage means a marriage 00:04:17.010 --> 00:04:20.813 to which one or both parties do not or cannot consent. 00:04:21.690 --> 00:04:24.410 Forced marriage is not an arranged marriage 00:04:24.410 --> 00:04:27.910 in which family may take the lead in selecting a partner, 00:04:27.910 --> 00:04:29.490 but the ultimate choice to marry 00:04:29.490 --> 00:04:31.670 remains with the individual. 00:04:31.670 --> 00:04:35.190 When it comes to marriage, consent is multifaceted 00:04:35.190 --> 00:04:38.030 and involves consenting to be married at all, 00:04:38.030 --> 00:04:40.650 consenting to the individual marriage partner 00:04:40.650 --> 00:04:43.750 and consenting to the timing of the marriage. 00:04:43.750 --> 00:04:45.940 As of January 2022, 00:04:45.940 --> 00:04:49.650 forced marriage has no federal legal definition 00:04:49.650 --> 00:04:53.163 and state laws concerning the practice vary significantly. 00:04:54.000 --> 00:04:57.360 This makes education, identification, and prevention 00:04:57.360 --> 00:04:59.023 of forced marriage difficult. 00:05:00.100 --> 00:05:02.520 Another form of gender-based violence 00:05:02.520 --> 00:05:05.960 is female genital mutilation or cutting, 00:05:05.960 --> 00:05:08.293 abbreviated as FGM/C. 00:05:09.270 --> 00:05:13.080 FGM/C refers to all procedures involving partial 00:05:13.080 --> 00:05:16.600 or total removal of the external female genitalia 00:05:16.600 --> 00:05:19.370 or other injury to the female genital organs 00:05:19.370 --> 00:05:21.740 for non-medical reasons. 00:05:21.740 --> 00:05:23.640 These procedures can be performed 00:05:23.640 --> 00:05:26.300 with or without medical practitioners, 00:05:26.300 --> 00:05:29.200 but are often performed outside of a medical setting 00:05:29.200 --> 00:05:33.530 and improper unsterile instruments are frequently used. 00:05:33.530 --> 00:05:37.370 position:0% align:left line:90% The origin of FGM/C dates back centuries 00:05:37.370 --> 00:05:40.970 position:0% align:left line:90% and is a social norm carried out for a variety of reasons, 00:05:40.970 --> 00:05:43.063 position:0% align:left line:90% including culture and tradition. 00:05:43.960 --> 00:05:48.640 position:100% align:right line:5% The average age at which this happens is 0 to 15. 00:05:48.640 --> 00:05:52.590 position:100% align:right line:5% Victims are urged or even forced to submit to the procedures 00:05:52.590 --> 00:05:56.280 position:100% align:right line:5% because "every woman in our family has submitted." 00:05:56.280 --> 00:06:00.040 position:100% align:right line:5% "The procedure is rite of passage into adulthood." 00:06:00.040 --> 00:06:02.660 position:100% align:right line:5% And some communities believe it could increase 00:06:02.660 --> 00:06:04.920 position:100% align:right line:5% the girls' marriageability in the future 00:06:04.920 --> 00:06:07.643 position:100% align:right line:5% due to notions of controlling sexuality. 00:06:08.940 --> 00:06:11.680 Because of the traditional nature of this crime, 00:06:11.680 --> 00:06:13.870 victims may resist coming forward 00:06:13.870 --> 00:06:16.610 to report the activity for fear of disappointing 00:06:16.610 --> 00:06:18.623 their families or communities. 00:06:19.780 --> 00:06:22.630 A third category of gender-based violence 00:06:22.630 --> 00:06:26.243 is domestic violence or intimate partner violence. 00:06:27.150 --> 00:06:30.420 Domestic violence can include psychological abuse, 00:06:30.420 --> 00:06:34.640 financial control, emotional abuse, and physical violence 00:06:34.640 --> 00:06:37.463 that may or may not include sexual aggression. 00:06:38.520 --> 00:06:41.670 Stalking is another form of gender-based violence 00:06:41.670 --> 00:06:43.490 that can occur within the context 00:06:43.490 --> 00:06:45.600 of an intimate partner relationship, 00:06:45.600 --> 00:06:47.833 but it can also occur between strangers. 00:06:48.770 --> 00:06:52.010 position:100% align:right line:90% By definition, stalking is when a perpetrator 00:06:52.010 --> 00:06:54.180 position:100% align:right line:90% engages in a course of conduct, 00:06:54.180 --> 00:06:56.440 position:100% align:right line:90% directed at a specific person 00:06:56.440 --> 00:06:58.270 position:100% align:right line:90% that would cause a reasonable person 00:06:58.270 --> 00:07:01.580 position:100% align:right line:90% to fear for their safety, or the safety of others, 00:07:01.580 --> 00:07:04.203 position:100% align:right line:90% or suffer substantial emotional distress. 00:07:05.290 --> 00:07:09.490 These examples—forced marriage, female genital mutilation 00:07:09.490 --> 00:07:11.920 or cutting, and domestic violence— 00:07:11.920 --> 00:07:16.230 are just three of many forms of gender-based violence. 00:07:16.230 --> 00:07:18.350 What can you do to support victims 00:07:18.350 --> 00:07:21.400 and survivors of gender-based violence? 00:07:21.400 --> 00:07:24.850 First, if you see someone in immediate danger, 00:07:24.850 --> 00:07:29.300 notify law enforcement or airport police immediately; 00:07:29.300 --> 00:07:32.060 otherwise, do not approach someone you think 00:07:32.060 --> 00:07:34.560 might be experiencing gender-based violence 00:07:34.560 --> 00:07:35.773 to offer assistance. 00:07:36.680 --> 00:07:38.380 Here's why. 00:07:38.380 --> 00:07:41.230 As shown by the vignettes which opened this training, 00:07:41.230 --> 00:07:43.760 gender-based violence is nuanced 00:07:43.760 --> 00:07:46.990 and aviation staff's interpretation of the situation 00:07:46.990 --> 00:07:48.523 could differ from reality. 00:07:49.360 --> 00:07:51.780 Victims may fear that your interference 00:07:51.780 --> 00:07:53.740 would lead to additional abuse, 00:07:53.740 --> 00:07:56.430 or put their abusers and/or their family members 00:07:56.430 --> 00:07:57.823 at risk of punishment. 00:07:58.670 --> 00:08:01.030 Victims may want the abuse to stop 00:08:01.030 --> 00:08:04.820 but not want punitive action against their perpetrators. 00:08:04.820 --> 00:08:08.220 In such cases, victims may be conflicted, 00:08:08.220 --> 00:08:11.453 possibly wishing to avoid bringing attention to themselves. 00:08:12.420 --> 00:08:15.790 position:0% align:left line:90% In most instances, it is also not advised 00:08:15.790 --> 00:08:17.540 position:0% align:left line:90% to contact law enforcement 00:08:17.540 --> 00:08:20.470 position:0% align:left line:90% without consent of the victim first. 00:08:20.470 --> 00:08:22.730 position:0% align:left line:90% Victims may fear law enforcement 00:08:22.730 --> 00:08:25.010 position:0% align:left line:90% and abusers could punish or retaliate 00:08:25.010 --> 00:08:26.940 position:0% align:left line:90% for drawing attention to them. 00:08:26.940 --> 00:08:28.770 position:0% align:left line:90% They may believe that their lives 00:08:28.770 --> 00:08:32.020 position:0% align:left line:90% or the lives of their children will be in increased danger 00:08:32.020 --> 00:08:34.370 position:0% align:left line:90% if there is an intervention. 00:08:34.370 --> 00:08:36.740 position:0% align:left line:90% In the most extreme instances, 00:08:36.740 --> 00:08:40.133 position:0% align:left line:90% retaliation could result in a victim's death. 00:08:41.160 --> 00:08:45.000 Allowing victims to make informed decisions in a safe space 00:08:45.000 --> 00:08:47.083 is the most helpful thing you can do. 00:08:47.980 --> 00:08:50.360 So what else can you do to help? 00:08:50.360 --> 00:08:53.170 There are two approaches you can take. 00:08:53.170 --> 00:08:55.460 The first approach is passive. 00:08:55.460 --> 00:08:58.170 Leave information about available resources 00:08:58.170 --> 00:09:00.620 for gender-based violence in discreet, 00:09:00.620 --> 00:09:03.370 yet easily accessible places. 00:09:03.370 --> 00:09:06.260 Having the resources available and accessible 00:09:06.260 --> 00:09:08.530 can help victims make informed decisions 00:09:08.530 --> 00:09:10.453 about their own lives and safety. 00:09:11.430 --> 00:09:14.830 Restrooms are places where they may expect to be alone, 00:09:14.830 --> 00:09:16.820 away from their abusers. 00:09:16.820 --> 00:09:19.460 In the restroom they could read a poster 00:09:19.460 --> 00:09:22.293 or take a small card with resource information. 00:09:23.290 --> 00:09:26.220 You can also work within your aviation organization 00:09:26.220 --> 00:09:28.710 to raise awareness on gender-based violence 00:09:28.710 --> 00:09:30.093 by sharing this training. 00:09:31.270 --> 00:09:33.910 The second approach is reactive. 00:09:33.910 --> 00:09:36.380 It depends on victims approaching you 00:09:36.380 --> 00:09:38.610 and identifying themselves. 00:09:38.610 --> 00:09:40.810 This approach lets victims decide 00:09:40.810 --> 00:09:44.380 whether they feel safe enough to reach out for help. 00:09:44.380 --> 00:09:46.910 In such instances, you should be prepared 00:09:46.910 --> 00:09:49.170 to respond appropriately. 00:09:49.170 --> 00:09:52.480 When possible, identify a secure area 00:09:52.480 --> 00:09:55.930 where you can escort a victim to discuss their needs. 00:09:55.930 --> 00:09:57.870 This place should be private. 00:09:57.870 --> 00:10:00.150 Only the self-identifying victim 00:10:00.150 --> 00:10:02.330 and those providing requested assistance 00:10:02.330 --> 00:10:04.520 should be allowed in this area. 00:10:04.520 --> 00:10:06.990 position:0% align:left line:15% Some victims travel with their children. 00:10:06.990 --> 00:10:09.980 position:0% align:left line:15% They should all be kept together as much as possible 00:10:09.980 --> 00:10:12.150 position:0% align:left line:15% in the secure location. 00:10:12.150 --> 00:10:15.500 position:0% align:left line:15% Never leave children alone in a dangerous situation 00:10:15.500 --> 00:10:18.240 position:0% align:left line:15% and wait for appropriate input from service providers 00:10:18.240 --> 00:10:19.653 position:0% align:left line:15% about child placement. 00:10:20.700 --> 00:10:23.513 position:0% align:left line:15% Have a list of available resources at hand. 00:10:24.830 --> 00:10:28.120 First and foremost, don't blame the victim. 00:10:28.120 --> 00:10:30.483 Be accepting and non-judgmental. 00:10:31.460 --> 00:10:34.540 Refrain from offering unsolicited advice. 00:10:34.540 --> 00:10:36.910 Trained service providers are best positioned 00:10:36.910 --> 00:10:38.420 to render assistance, 00:10:38.420 --> 00:10:41.980 and victims are the most informed about their situation. 00:10:41.980 --> 00:10:46.180 Understand your responsibilities regarding confidentiality, 00:10:46.180 --> 00:10:49.480 know the requirements regarding disclosing information, 00:10:49.480 --> 00:10:52.750 and communicate these requirements to the victim. 00:10:52.750 --> 00:10:55.350 Your employer should provide you with information 00:10:55.350 --> 00:10:59.140 about the data you are required to disclose to authorities. 00:10:59.140 --> 00:11:02.330 To summarize, here are ways you can help. 00:11:02.330 --> 00:11:05.200 Prepare a list of available resources for victims 00:11:05.200 --> 00:11:09.660 and survivors, and know who they are and what they provide. 00:11:09.660 --> 00:11:11.830 You can use a list in the description section 00:11:11.830 --> 00:11:13.733 of this training as a starting point. 00:11:14.640 --> 00:11:17.150 Work with your aviation organization 00:11:17.150 --> 00:11:20.170 to make this information available in your facility 00:11:20.170 --> 00:11:22.903 and raise awareness and education among staff. 00:11:23.870 --> 00:11:26.170 Be prepared if victims approach you 00:11:26.170 --> 00:11:29.650 by having a private secure area where they can reach out 00:11:29.650 --> 00:11:33.020 for assistance and know how to respond with empathy 00:11:33.020 --> 00:11:35.963 in a way that is compassionate and empowering. 00:11:36.860 --> 00:11:39.430 Gender-based violence is a serious 00:11:39.430 --> 00:11:42.170 and unfortunately common occurrence. 00:11:42.170 --> 00:11:44.410 As an aviation industry employee, 00:11:44.410 --> 00:11:47.080 you interact with the traveling public. 00:11:47.080 --> 00:11:49.290 This puts you in a position to respond 00:11:49.290 --> 00:11:52.650 to self-disclosing victims of gender-based violence 00:11:52.650 --> 00:11:55.260 and to get information into the hands of those 00:11:55.260 --> 00:11:56.403 who need it most. 00:11:57.550 --> 00:12:00.900 Thank you for completing the Gender-Based Violence course. 00:12:00.900 --> 00:12:03.710 position:0% align:left line:90% You should now be able to define the concept 00:12:03.710 --> 00:12:05.520 position:0% align:left line:90% of gender-based violence, 00:12:05.520 --> 00:12:09.080 position:0% align:left line:90% identify various forms of gender-based violence, 00:12:09.080 --> 00:12:12.630 position:0% align:left line:90% describe ways to support gender-based violence victims 00:12:12.630 --> 00:12:13.703 position:0% align:left line:90% and survivors.