WEBVTT 00:00:05.000 --> 00:00:10.850 >> CHRISSI GUTH: Good afternoon. I am 00:00:10.850 --> 00:00:23.167 Chrissi Guth with CBP. This webinar is 00:00:23.167 --> 00:00:25.756 part of the 2023 webinar series. 00:00:25.756 --> 00:00:27.664 Please be mindful that you will be on 00:00:27.664 --> 00:00:28.973 mute during the presentation, therefore 00:00:28.973 --> 00:00:30.751 we ask that you please submit any 00:00:30.751 --> 00:00:32.722 questions that you have in the chat 00:00:32.722 --> 00:00:32.723 feature. 00:00:32.723 --> 00:00:37.718 If you plan to request the optional 00:00:37.718 --> 00:00:39.945 CCS or CES credits through the 00:00:39.945 --> 00:00:41.569 educational institute, please check the 00:00:41.569 --> 00:00:43.420 chat box for the completion code. It 00:00:43.420 --> 00:00:44.820 will be provided several times 00:00:44.820 --> 00:00:46.041 throughout the webinar. 00:00:46.041 --> 00:00:49.666 Now I would like to pass it over to 00:00:49.666 --> 00:00:53.067 national import specialist, Arthur 00:00:53.067 --> 00:00:53.385 Purcell. 00:00:53.385 --> 00:00:54.602 >> ARTHUR PURCELL: Well thank you, 00:00:54.602 --> 00:00:56.229 Chrissi. And good day to everyone. 00:00:56.229 --> 00:00:59.918 My name is Arthur Purcell and I'm 00:00:59.918 --> 00:01:02.386 national import specialist 104. I will 00:01:02.386 --> 00:01:05.438 be presenting today on the 00:01:05.438 --> 00:01:07.215 classification of automatic goods 00:01:07.215 --> 00:01:09.951 vending machines of heading 8476. 00:01:09.951 --> 00:01:12.168 This presentation should run about 50 00:01:12.168 --> 00:01:14.168 minutes or so, and I'll try to leave 00:01:14.168 --> 00:01:15.884 some time for questions at the end. But 00:01:15.884 --> 00:01:18.294 if you do have questions, please enter 00:01:18.294 --> 00:01:20.071 them in the chat box and I'll try to get 00:01:20.071 --> 00:01:22.601 to those either during, but really more 00:01:22.601 --> 00:01:23.638 likely at the end of the presentation 00:01:23.638 --> 00:01:26.132 because I have a fair amount of material 00:01:26.132 --> 00:01:28.544 to cover. 00:01:28.544 --> 00:01:33.659 First, some preliminary items. Here is 00:01:33.659 --> 00:01:36.325 CBP's mission statement which concerns 00:01:36.325 --> 00:01:38.670 safeguarding our borders and enhancing 00:01:38.670 --> 00:01:39.937 our country's economy.It's 00:01:39.937 --> 00:01:44.914 the role of Office of Trade of which we 00:01:44.914 --> 00:01:48.782 are a part to enforce laws, especially 00:01:48.782 --> 00:01:51.188 those that include moving products 00:01:51.188 --> 00:01:52.517 across our borders. 00:01:52.517 --> 00:01:55.440 This slide sets forth a disclaimer. 00:01:55.440 --> 00:01:57.207 This seminar is intended to be 00:01:57.207 --> 00:01:59.375 informational only and providing useful 00:01:59.375 --> 00:02:00.608 guidance to the trade rather than 00:02:00.608 --> 00:02:02.688 concrete statements as to particular 00:02:02.688 --> 00:02:03.412 factual situations. 00:02:03.412 --> 00:02:05.913 The tariff law is governing imported 00:02:05.913 --> 00:02:08.295 items frequently changed by legislative 00:02:08.295 --> 00:02:10.223 or administrative action. 00:02:10.223 --> 00:02:11.443 Additionally, courts issue various 00:02:11.443 --> 00:02:13.503 interpretations of law, particularly the 00:02:13.503 --> 00:02:15.263 court of international trade, and those 00:02:15.263 --> 00:02:18.845 interpretations can change over time. 00:02:18.845 --> 00:02:22.725 Most of you are aware that CBP has a 00:02:22.725 --> 00:02:24.817 robust program, and that's the avenue 00:02:24.817 --> 00:02:26.756 that members of the trade should be 00:02:26.756 --> 00:02:28.451 pursuing to receive a determination on 00:02:28.451 --> 00:02:32.848 your particular facts. 00:02:32.848 --> 00:02:33.255 Whether or not you seek a binding 00:02:33.255 --> 00:02:36.038 ruling, importers of the trade must 00:02:36.038 --> 00:02:37.983 exercise reasonable care which includes 00:02:37.983 --> 00:02:39.788 consulting with experts such as 00:02:39.788 --> 00:02:41.882 attorneys, customs brokers or trade 00:02:41.882 --> 00:02:44.813 professionals. And finally, by tuning in 00:02:44.813 --> 00:02:50.545 to NCSD's webinars, you should be aware 00:02:50.545 --> 00:02:52.762 that more is usually needed to fulfill 00:02:52.762 --> 00:02:55.567 your reasonable care obligations. 00:02:55.567 --> 00:02:59.198 One final disclaimer, I promise. The 00:02:59.198 --> 00:03:01.294 images contained in the presentation are 00:03:01.294 --> 00:03:03.356 used for educational purposes only. We 00:03:03.356 --> 00:03:05.453 don't endorse or approve of any of the 00:03:05.453 --> 00:03:08.068 products that you may see on the images. 00:03:08.068 --> 00:03:10.689 These images are in the public domain 00:03:10.689 --> 00:03:13.939 and we've made strong efforts to provide 00:03:13.939 --> 00:03:15.202 attribution to the sources, which I have 00:03:15.202 --> 00:03:17.470 at the end of the presentation. 00:03:17.470 --> 00:03:19.097 And you should be aware that a further 00:03:19.097 --> 00:03:23.233 copy organize distribution of 00:03:23.233 --> 00:03:25.474 copyrighted material contained in this 00:03:25.474 --> 00:03:28.789 or any other NCSD's webinar may require 00:03:28.789 --> 00:03:30.487 permission from the original creator. I 00:03:30.487 --> 00:03:32.974 know I saw a commercial saying that, but 00:03:32.974 --> 00:03:34.227 we are required to cover this. 00:03:34.227 --> 00:03:36.474 Okay. So this slide contains a web 00:03:36.474 --> 00:03:41.356 link to a site describing the binding 00:03:41.356 --> 00:03:42.757 rulings could prom. 00:03:42.757 --> 00:03:44.978 -- program. If you need to see the link 00:03:44.978 --> 00:03:46.565 again, perhaps we can post it in the 00:03:46.565 --> 00:03:48.256 chat box. 00:03:48.256 --> 00:03:50.664 Here's my contact information. I'm 00:03:50.664 --> 00:03:52.441 based at the World Trade Center in New 00:03:52.441 --> 00:03:52.953 York. 00:03:52.953 --> 00:03:56.732 Really the quickest and best way to reach 00:03:56.732 --> 00:03:58.702 me is email. I definitely will respond 00:03:58.702 --> 00:04:01.035 to your email as timely as I can. 00:04:01.035 --> 00:04:03.130 All right, so let's get started. Why 00:04:03.130 --> 00:04:04.664 would anyone want to hear a webinar 00:04:04.664 --> 00:04:08.476 about a run of the mill candy machine or 00:04:08.476 --> 00:04:09.752 vending machine? It sounds somewhat 00:04:09.752 --> 00:04:10.641 dull, doesn't it? 00:04:10.641 --> 00:04:15.471 But as I will explain, heading 8476 00:04:15.471 --> 00:04:17.908 discover a range of interesting vending 00:04:17.908 --> 00:04:21.039 machines, and that will be on a typical 00:04:21.039 --> 00:04:23.984 coke machine or candy machine, but more 00:04:23.984 --> 00:04:26.976 importantly, heading 8476 presents 00:04:26.976 --> 00:04:28.599 interesting challenges for tariff 00:04:28.599 --> 00:04:33.819 classification. Particularly the 00:04:33.819 --> 00:04:36.411 commercial meaning in dealing with a 00:04:36.411 --> 00:04:37.196 changing economy. 00:04:37.196 --> 00:04:40.040 First I'll go some history of vending 00:04:40.040 --> 00:04:41.730 machines just to give you context for 00:04:41.730 --> 00:04:42.516 our discussion. 00:04:42.516 --> 00:04:48.241 Next, I'll discuss what it means to 00:04:48.241 --> 00:04:53.033 vend something and what purchasing a 00:04:53.033 --> 00:04:57.886 product means versus purchasing a 00:04:57.886 --> 00:05:01.203 service. And what does a product mean? 00:05:01.203 --> 00:05:05.072 And how about machines that provide only 00:05:05.072 --> 00:05:06.039 information or machines that provide 00:05:06.039 --> 00:05:07.827 amusement or entertainment, are these 00:05:07.827 --> 00:05:08.416 really vending machines? 00:05:08.416 --> 00:05:10.408 And what if the machine provides a 00:05:10.408 --> 00:05:13.632 product I will borrow or use only on a 00:05:13.632 --> 00:05:16.477 short-term basis rather than on it? 00:05:16.477 --> 00:05:17.667 Keeping these questions in mind, let's 00:05:17.667 --> 00:05:18.885 get started. 00:05:18.885 --> 00:05:20.601 Just a little background here to give 00:05:20.601 --> 00:05:24.202 you an idea of the type of goods I 00:05:24.202 --> 00:05:30.542 handle in NIS 104. 00:05:30.542 --> 00:05:33.567 These headings include a range including 00:05:33.567 --> 00:05:39.102 textile machinery 8444 to 8466. Power 00:05:39.102 --> 00:05:46.765 tools for working in the hand, 8467. 00:05:46.765 --> 00:05:48.480 Mineral processing, vending machines, and of course 00:05:48.480 --> 00:05:51.007 the catch joul residual provision which 00:05:51.007 --> 00:05:52.076 keeps me most busy. 00:05:52.076 --> 00:05:53.761 And of course I handle vending 00:05:53.761 --> 00:05:58.131 machines of 8476. Here's the current 00:05:58.131 --> 00:06:05.224 version of heading 8476. The language 00:06:05.224 --> 00:06:08.824 for this heading has remained unchanged 00:06:08.824 --> 00:06:11.971 since it came into being. It addresses 2 00:06:11.971 --> 00:06:14.553 types of broad vending machines. The 00:06:14.553 --> 00:06:17.978 first type is automatic beverage 00:06:17.978 --> 00:06:20.297 machines, 8476.21 and 29, depending 00:06:20.297 --> 00:06:22.556 whether they have heat organize 00:06:22.556 --> 00:06:29.727 refrigeration devices. These are your 00:06:29.727 --> 00:06:32.198 soda and coffee machines. 00:06:32.198 --> 00:06:37.916 The other groups, 8476.89 include those 00:06:37.916 --> 00:06:40.007 with heating and those without. Most of 00:06:40.007 --> 00:06:48.522 the things I'll be discussing fall into 00:06:48.522 --> 00:06:49.506 8476.89. So it covers money machines, 00:06:49.506 --> 00:06:51.479 which are freestanding machines 00:06:51.479 --> 00:06:55.585 including coin deposit and they allow 00:06:55.585 --> 00:06:56.785 you to change coins for bank notes, 00:06:56.785 --> 00:06:59.891 change bank notes to coins, large 00:06:59.891 --> 00:07:02.545 denominations into smaller ones and so 00:07:02.545 --> 00:07:02.546 on. 00:07:02.546 --> 00:07:04.262 I won't really be addressing these 00:07:04.262 --> 00:07:06.297 today as they're not truly automatic 00:07:06.297 --> 00:07:07.727 goods vending machines. The heading 00:07:07.727 --> 00:07:11.818 itself, as you can see, provide only a 00:07:11.818 --> 00:07:14.076 few examples of automatic good vending 00:07:14.076 --> 00:07:21.236 machines. However, the expire Tori notes 00:07:21.236 --> 00:07:25.073 cover more that I'll get into later. We 00:07:25.073 --> 00:07:28.731 have 8476.90 at the bottom here and at 00:07:28.731 --> 00:07:32.977 the end I'll address vending machine 00:07:32.977 --> 00:07:32.978 parts. 00:07:32.978 --> 00:07:34.255 One excellent sources of information 00:07:34.255 --> 00:07:37.412 for vending machines with 8476 can be 00:07:37.412 --> 00:07:41.642 found in CBP's informed compliance 00:07:41.642 --> 00:07:43.542 publication entitled vending machines 00:07:43.542 --> 00:07:46.476 and their parts under the HTSUS. 00:07:46.476 --> 00:07:49.576 Keep in mind that this guidance was 00:07:49.576 --> 00:07:52.423 published in 2004 and revised in 2009, 00:07:52.423 --> 00:07:55.602 so it may not capture certain new 00:07:55.602 --> 00:07:58.945 machines and mechanisms or addressee 00:07:58.945 --> 00:08:02.111 involving notions of what constitutes 00:08:02.111 --> 00:08:03.737 vending and products for that matter. 00:08:03.737 --> 00:08:07.198 Also useful is the website of the 00:08:07.198 --> 00:08:08.508 national automatic merchandising 00:08:08.508 --> 00:08:11.566 association or NAMA. Their website is 00:08:11.566 --> 00:08:13.705 NAMA now.org. This has about a thousand 00:08:13.705 --> 00:08:16.326 member companies and represents the U.S. 00:08:16.326 --> 00:08:17.918 convenience services industry. Lots of 00:08:17.918 --> 00:08:21.235 good information in there as well. 00:08:21.235 --> 00:08:24.728 All right. So vending machines, as you 00:08:24.728 --> 00:08:27.286 can see from the slide, have been around 00:08:27.286 --> 00:08:29.605 a very, very long time. They've had a 00:08:29.605 --> 00:08:31.174 long and interesting history. Here's 00:08:31.174 --> 00:08:32.165 some important milestones. 00:08:32.165 --> 00:08:35.446 As you can see, the use of a device or 00:08:35.446 --> 00:08:37.327 a machine to automatically provide or 00:08:37.327 --> 00:08:40.639 dispense a product dates back to really 00:08:40.639 --> 00:08:44.195 ancient times. But the first modern day 00:08:44.195 --> 00:08:47.016 vending machine was invented in 1867 in 00:08:47.016 --> 00:08:47.604 England.This 00:08:47.604 --> 00:08:50.860 was a machine for customers to purchase 00:08:50.860 --> 00:08:54.038 postcards from the machine by inserting 00:08:54.038 --> 00:08:57.793 coins and the machine actually dispensed 00:08:57.793 --> 00:09:00.642 the postcards. 00:09:00.642 --> 00:09:03.610 U.S. cigarette machines appeared in 00:09:03.610 --> 00:09:08.111 1905 and 1906, respectively. And then 00:09:08.111 --> 00:09:11.856 there was the auto mat which came at the 00:09:11.856 --> 00:09:14.973 use of the 21st Century. Perhaps you've 00:09:14.973 --> 00:09:17.017 seen them in movies or heard an older 00:09:17.017 --> 00:09:18.764 relative talk about them. They were sort 00:09:18.764 --> 00:09:21.236 of cabinet-like machines, you could find 00:09:21.236 --> 00:09:23.860 them in cafeterias or restaurants, and 00:09:23.860 --> 00:09:25.577 they provided customers with a sandwich 00:09:25.577 --> 00:09:27.882 or other food item. You dropped a coin 00:09:27.882 --> 00:09:29.857 in the machine, lifted the small glass 00:09:29.857 --> 00:09:32.206 window, and then removed the food item. 00:09:32.206 --> 00:09:36.356 And so by 1930, there are 00:09:36.356 --> 00:09:38.948 technological innovations including slug 00:09:38.948 --> 00:09:40.663 rejectors, and these really kind of 00:09:40.663 --> 00:09:42.997 helped thieves from grabbing a free 00:09:42.997 --> 00:09:45.423 lunch, if you will. 00:09:45.423 --> 00:09:46.761 And today many vending machines have 00:09:46.761 --> 00:09:58.231 bill validators to prevent the use of 00:09:58.231 --> 00:10:00.355 counterfeit bills. 00:10:00.355 --> 00:10:04.361 And finishing up this line of thought 00:10:04.361 --> 00:10:07.328 here, the '70s to the '90s, you see 00:10:07.328 --> 00:10:08.401 advanced payment systems develop to 00:10:08.401 --> 00:10:11.195 allow customers to pay with contract and 00:10:11.195 --> 00:10:13.695 their debit cards. Software allowed 00:10:13.695 --> 00:10:15.822 vendors to electronically track 00:10:15.822 --> 00:10:17.449 inventory and automatically reorder 00:10:17.449 --> 00:10:18.955 product for restocking machines. 00:10:18.955 --> 00:10:21.061 And you could see at the bottom half 00:10:21.061 --> 00:10:22.614 of this slide, this gives you a flavor 00:10:22.614 --> 00:10:26.238 of some of the newer machines that are 00:10:26.238 --> 00:10:27.021 often referred to as vending machines 00:10:27.021 --> 00:10:29.997 but aren't really necessarily vending 00:10:29.997 --> 00:10:30.677 machines. 00:10:30.677 --> 00:10:34.428 One is NFT or non-Fungible token vending 00:10:34.428 --> 00:10:37.123 machines, it was dispense cryptographic 00:10:37.123 --> 00:10:40.408 assets based on Blockchain technology. 00:10:40.408 --> 00:10:44.658 Digital collectibles and the like. And 00:10:44.658 --> 00:10:45.439 there are these car vending machines 00:10:45.439 --> 00:10:47.964 which you probably have seen advertised, 00:10:47.964 --> 00:10:51.770 eBike, these eScooter kiosks that you'll 00:10:51.770 --> 00:10:54.222 see around the city, we'll get into 00:10:54.222 --> 00:10:57.024 those a bit, and library book vending 00:10:57.024 --> 00:10:57.025 machine. 00:10:57.025 --> 00:10:58.334 These aren't necessarily vending 00:10:58.334 --> 00:10:59.551 machines, but these things are called 00:10:59.551 --> 00:11:04.717 that at times and we'll get into that. 00:11:04.717 --> 00:11:06.752 Okay. So now let's get some 00:11:06.752 --> 00:11:09.429 definitions out of the way. 00:11:09.429 --> 00:11:10.994 First, the tariff terms vend, vending 00:11:10.994 --> 00:11:12.802 machine, are not defined in the tariff. 00:11:12.802 --> 00:11:14.683 And as most of you know, when they're 00:11:14.683 --> 00:11:17.440 not defined, tariffs terms are not 00:11:17.440 --> 00:11:18.840 defined, we apply the common or 00:11:18.840 --> 00:11:20.782 commercial meaning of the term which are 00:11:20.782 --> 00:11:22.591 really presumed to be the same. They're 00:11:22.591 --> 00:11:24.653 not always, but we presume them to be 00:11:24.653 --> 00:11:28.217 the same as a starting point. 00:11:28.217 --> 00:11:31.002 The common and commercial meanings may 00:11:31.002 --> 00:11:35.401 be obtained from ordinary dictionaries, 00:11:35.401 --> 00:11:37.404 encyclopedias and industry maybe 00:11:37.404 --> 00:11:39.964 consulted. To vend means to sell goods. 00:11:39.964 --> 00:11:43.216 In other words, a sale is required. 00:11:43.216 --> 00:11:45.084 A vending machine is defined as a coin 00:11:45.084 --> 00:11:47.404 or payment operating machine that 00:11:47.404 --> 00:11:51.502 dispenses merchandise. Some dictionary 00:11:51.502 --> 00:11:52.090 definitions state that vending machine 00:11:52.090 --> 00:11:54.076 can provide either a product or a 00:11:54.076 --> 00:11:55.755 service, however, as I'll explain over 00:11:55.755 --> 00:11:57.893 and over again here, machines that 00:11:57.893 --> 00:11:59.757 provide services are clearly not covered 00:11:59.757 --> 00:12:02.329 by 8476. 00:12:02.329 --> 00:12:05.352 The vending machine trade association 00:12:05.352 --> 00:12:09.203 NAMA defines vend more broadly as any 00:12:09.203 --> 00:12:11.761 state that vending involves the 00:12:11.761 --> 00:12:18.792 provision of a service and authenticity 00:12:18.792 --> 00:12:21.895 unintended point of sale. 00:12:21.895 --> 00:12:25.165 The ENs provide other examples of 00:12:25.165 --> 00:12:26.445 vending machines. 00:12:26.445 --> 00:12:29.103 These are railway ticket machines, 00:12:29.103 --> 00:12:35.198 machines that sell toilet products, 00:12:35.198 --> 00:12:37.757 newspaper vending machines. They seek to 00:12:37.757 --> 00:12:39.957 explain the meaning of the term 00:12:39.957 --> 00:12:39.958 vending. 00:12:39.958 --> 00:12:42.665 But the ENs are really -- 00:12:42.665 --> 00:12:44.728 they're not binding. They're intended to 00:12:44.728 --> 00:12:47.485 provide guidance to the trade and 00:12:47.485 --> 00:12:49.494 customs to classify merchandise. The 00:12:49.494 --> 00:12:52.455 courts are often guided by them as well, 00:12:52.455 --> 00:12:56.235 and CBP will always consult the EN as 00:12:56.235 --> 00:13:00.514 these constitute the official 00:13:00.514 --> 00:13:02.570 interpretation of the tariff at the 00:13:02.570 --> 00:13:03.666 six-digit level. 00:13:03.666 --> 00:13:05.694 Vending refers to a monetary exchange 00:13:05.694 --> 00:13:06.913 between the purchaser and the machine in 00:13:06.913 --> 00:13:09.113 order to acquire a product. Keep that 00:13:09.113 --> 00:13:12.668 definition in mind. 00:13:12.668 --> 00:13:16.946 The ENs also state that 8476 does not 00:13:16.946 --> 00:13:18.749 cover machines that provide services 00:13:18.749 --> 00:13:20.665 such as shoe shining machines or coin 00:13:20.665 --> 00:13:23.328 laundry. So the key takeaway from these 00:13:23.328 --> 00:13:25.457 definitions is that there must be a 00:13:25.457 --> 00:13:28.020 monetary exchange involving a product or 00:13:28.020 --> 00:13:31.577 merchandise. In other words, a sale is 00:13:31.577 --> 00:13:31.578 required. 00:13:31.578 --> 00:13:34.634 And there must be a device or 00:13:34.634 --> 00:13:36.111 mechanism to accept payment. If there's 00:13:36.111 --> 00:13:38.387 no payment, there's no vending. 00:13:38.387 --> 00:13:40.390 Finally, the purchase of a product 00:13:40.390 --> 00:13:42.287 must be at the point of sale. What do I 00:13:42.287 --> 00:13:44.110 mean by this, point of sale? 00:13:44.110 --> 00:13:46.362 This means a monetary transaction that 00:13:46.362 --> 00:13:48.549 be occurs at the machine itself. That is 00:13:48.549 --> 00:13:50.489 when you put money into the machine, not 00:13:50.489 --> 00:13:53.320 before you engage the machine or 00:13:53.320 --> 00:13:57.100 sometime after you engage the machine. 00:13:57.100 --> 00:13:59.552 Okay. So even if a machine is well 00:13:59.552 --> 00:14:01.357 known and understood in the industry as 00:14:01.357 --> 00:14:04.227 being a vending machine, and meets some 00:14:04.227 --> 00:14:07.017 of or all of the physical and functional 00:14:07.017 --> 00:14:08.357 criteria for vending machine, it may not 00:14:08.357 --> 00:14:13.412 fall in heading 8476 on account of 00:14:13.412 --> 00:14:15.764 section note exclusions or EN 00:14:15.764 --> 00:14:15.765 exclusions. 00:14:15.765 --> 00:14:18.894 Here you can see the ENs provide 00:14:18.894 --> 00:14:22.014 example of machines an apparatus that 00:14:22.014 --> 00:14:24.011 dispense or provide something and might 00:14:24.011 --> 00:14:25.546 resemble and behave like vending 00:14:25.546 --> 00:14:30.020 machines, but they're either excluded by 00:14:30.020 --> 00:14:32.506 the Section notes or classified in other 00:14:32.506 --> 00:14:32.825 headings. 00:14:32.825 --> 00:14:35.527 For example, a coin operated 00:14:35.527 --> 00:14:38.163 observation telescopes that you see at 00:14:38.163 --> 00:14:41.823 the roadside stops or on the top of tall 00:14:41.823 --> 00:14:43.045 builds are Chapter 90. 00:14:43.045 --> 00:14:44.943 Another example is coin operated lock 00:14:44.943 --> 00:14:48.293 for lockers that you might see in an 00:14:48.293 --> 00:14:50.571 airport. Or public pay toilets. 00:14:50.571 --> 00:14:52.664 Telephone apparatus that accept 00:14:52.664 --> 00:14:57.889 payment are generally covered by 8517, 00:14:57.889 --> 00:15:00.852 but this exclusion does not include 00:15:00.852 --> 00:15:03.489 phone card calling machines. They're 00:15:03.489 --> 00:15:04.980 you're getting a product, you're getting 00:15:04.980 --> 00:15:08.760 a phone card in exchange for payment. 00:15:08.760 --> 00:15:11.015 Game machines of skill or chance are 00:15:11.015 --> 00:15:13.165 covered by Chapter 95. Such machines are 00:15:13.165 --> 00:15:14.926 sometimes confused with vending 00:15:14.926 --> 00:15:16.914 machines, especially where physical 00:15:16.914 --> 00:15:18.393 prizes are involved and dispensed. 00:15:18.393 --> 00:15:24.043 In a few moments I'll spend some time 00:15:24.043 --> 00:15:25.082 discussing the differences. 00:15:25.082 --> 00:15:27.891 Let's look at Section XVI exclusions 00:15:27.891 --> 00:15:30.600 that impact vending machine 00:15:30.600 --> 00:15:30.601 classification. 00:15:30.601 --> 00:15:33.226 So as I said, Section XVI contains a 00:15:33.226 --> 00:15:36.208 number of exclusions that impact 00:15:36.208 --> 00:15:40.079 classification for 8476. One example is 00:15:40.079 --> 00:15:45.516 Section XVI know the 1-L and this 00:15:45.516 --> 00:15:51.141 includes section 17 including aircraft, 00:15:51.141 --> 00:15:52.390 vessels or transport equipment. 00:15:52.390 --> 00:15:55.731 So you're thinking what could section 17 00:15:55.731 --> 00:15:58.350 have to do with vending machine 00:15:58.350 --> 00:15:58.351 classification? 00:15:58.351 --> 00:16:03.927 The New York ruling H 67575 customs 00:16:03.927 --> 00:16:05.403 considered the so-called mobile bank, 00:16:05.403 --> 00:16:07.407 which is basically a vehicle outfitted 00:16:07.407 --> 00:16:09.366 as a mobile banking facility, and that 00:16:09.366 --> 00:16:12.063 included an ATM machine and a portable 00:16:12.063 --> 00:16:14.005 computer. These drove around and stopped 00:16:14.005 --> 00:16:16.860 and served the public with customer 00:16:16.860 --> 00:16:18.380 deposits, check cashing, utility 00:16:18.380 --> 00:16:20.865 payments, payroll, money orders, and the 00:16:20.865 --> 00:16:20.866 like. 00:16:20.866 --> 00:16:23.057 And the user could which exchange 00:16:23.057 --> 00:16:24.220 money with the machine.But 00:16:24.220 --> 00:16:30.907 here we have no product being dispensed 00:16:30.907 --> 00:16:31.557 to the user. 00:16:31.557 --> 00:16:35.622 This was classified in 8705.90 as a 00:16:35.622 --> 00:16:38.382 special purpose motor vehicle, not a 00:16:38.382 --> 00:16:41.622 vending machine of 8476. ATM machines 00:16:41.622 --> 00:16:45.281 are classified in heading 8472.90. 00:16:45.281 --> 00:16:48.221 Additionally ATM machines provide a 00:16:48.221 --> 00:16:49.905 service and they don't involve the sale 00:16:49.905 --> 00:16:52.935 of a product. 00:16:52.935 --> 00:16:56.124 So here we have your typical photo 00:16:56.124 --> 00:16:58.409 booth. All of you have seen its 00:16:58.409 --> 00:17:04.345 machines, I'm sure in arcades, shopping 00:17:04.345 --> 00:17:06.273 malls, various events. Let's look at some 00:17:06.273 --> 00:17:07.691 of the features of the photo booth. 00:17:07.691 --> 00:17:09.653 This is a machine that automatically 00:17:09.653 --> 00:17:11.930 takes and provides you with a photo. So 00:17:11.930 --> 00:17:14.157 far so good, right? There's a payment 00:17:14.157 --> 00:17:14.158 mechanism. 00:17:14.158 --> 00:17:17.882 This is a substantial machine. It has 00:17:17.882 --> 00:17:19.752 -- it provide you, as I said, with a 00:17:19.752 --> 00:17:21.997 product and it provides it at the point 00:17:21.997 --> 00:17:23.836 of sale. You put the money in and you 00:17:23.836 --> 00:17:26.001 get your photo handed to you. And 00:17:26.001 --> 00:17:27.962 they're typically located in busy, 00:17:27.962 --> 00:17:28.369 high-traffic areas. 00:17:28.369 --> 00:17:32.149 So what do you think? Is this a 00:17:32.149 --> 00:17:33.372 vending machine? You can enter an answer 00:17:33.372 --> 00:17:49.910 in the chat box if you want here. 00:17:49.910 --> 00:17:51.688 I'm seeing some yeses. That seems to 00:17:51.688 --> 00:17:53.463 be what most people are saying. Let's go 00:17:53.463 --> 00:17:54.966 to the next slide and find out. 00:17:54.966 --> 00:17:56.754 So the answer is it is a vending 00:17:56.754 --> 00:18:01.186 machine, but the real question is whether 00:18:01.186 --> 00:18:02.032 it's an 8476 vending machine. As with 00:18:02.032 --> 00:18:04.339 many things in the tariff, the answer 00:18:04.339 --> 00:18:05.664 is, it depends, right? 00:18:05.664 --> 00:18:10.379 Let's take a look at Section XVI note 00:18:10.379 --> 00:18:15.743 1-M. At 1-M excludes articles of Chapter 00:18:15.743 --> 00:18:19.190 90 covering optical Fogt graphics, 00:18:19.190 --> 00:18:21.750 cinema graphic apparatus. And customs 00:18:21.750 --> 00:18:23.408 reviewed the classification of a photo 00:18:23.408 --> 00:18:26.265 booth way fixed focus camera. These are 00:18:26.265 --> 00:18:28.581 the type that you can't adjust the 00:18:28.581 --> 00:18:28.582 focus. 00:18:28.582 --> 00:18:30.304 And headquarters, that ruling 00:18:30.304 --> 00:18:32.420 determined that the photo booth met the 00:18:32.420 --> 00:18:34.541 requirements for a vending machine, but 00:18:34.541 --> 00:18:42.321 it was precluded from 8476 by Section 00:18:42.321 --> 00:18:45.573 note 1-M, instead of falling into 9006, 00:18:45.573 --> 00:18:46.987 that covers fixed cameras specifically. 00:18:46.987 --> 00:18:49.952 So there we have an exclusion. We have 00:18:49.952 --> 00:18:52.135 something that's a vending machine, but 00:18:52.135 --> 00:18:53.988 doesn't go in 8476. 00:18:53.988 --> 00:18:56.766 And what about photo booths using 00:18:56.766 --> 00:19:00.384 digital cameras? In this case note 1-M 00:19:00.384 --> 00:19:01.482 the Chapter 90 exclusion doesn't apply. 00:19:01.482 --> 00:19:04.013 Those digital cameras and CCD color 00:19:04.013 --> 00:19:05.960 video cameras that produce photographs 00:19:05.960 --> 00:19:09.772 are provided for in 8525, and therefore, 00:19:09.772 --> 00:19:12.271 they're not covered by this exclusion. 00:19:12.271 --> 00:19:16.075 Another example of the note 1-M 00:19:16.075 --> 00:19:22.491 exclusion would be bill accepters that 00:19:22.491 --> 00:19:24.704 are done separately. They check the 00:19:24.704 --> 00:19:26.512 bills for counterfeits. Those are 00:19:26.512 --> 00:19:29.146 heading 90 also. 00:19:29.146 --> 00:19:31.207 Here's another Section XVI note 00:19:31.207 --> 00:19:35.552 exclusion 1-N. This excludes articles of 00:19:35.552 --> 00:19:38.201 Chapter 91 including clocks and watches 00:19:38.201 --> 00:19:42.237 and time of day apparatus for measuring 00:19:42.237 --> 00:19:46.261 intervals of time or a watch motors with 00:19:46.261 --> 00:19:46.262 synchronous motor. 00:19:46.262 --> 00:19:47.992 Parking meters that accept coins or 00:19:47.992 --> 00:19:53.705 other payment are classified in Chapter 00:19:53.705 --> 00:19:54.549 91, specifically 9106. I have a ruling 00:19:54.549 --> 00:19:56.676 here that addresses that parking meter, 00:19:56.676 --> 00:20:00.211 New York 806722. 00:20:00.211 --> 00:20:04.273 But what if exclusion 1-N did not 00:20:04.273 --> 00:20:06.487 exist at all? Would parking meters fall 00:20:06.487 --> 00:20:14.175 into 8476? What do you think? 00:20:14.175 --> 00:20:18.797 Seeing in nos. And in fact, the answer 00:20:18.797 --> 00:20:21.330 is no. Because we don't have a sale of a 00:20:21.330 --> 00:20:23.738 product here, there's no product being 00:20:23.738 --> 00:20:25.828 dispensed. You're paying to occupy a 00:20:25.828 --> 00:20:30.327 parking space for a limited amount of 00:20:30.327 --> 00:20:30.328 time. 00:20:30.328 --> 00:20:35.641 So we come to Section XVI note 1-P, 00:20:35.641 --> 00:20:37.429 which excludes amusement articles of 00:20:37.429 --> 00:20:39.448 Chapter 95. These are the machines found 00:20:39.448 --> 00:20:44.917 in arcades, amusement parks, games of 00:20:44.917 --> 00:20:47.703 skill or chance, shooting galleries, 00:20:47.703 --> 00:20:49.734 merry go rounds and the like. We need to 00:20:49.734 --> 00:20:52.585 be careful here. There are similarities 00:20:52.585 --> 00:20:55.429 between certain vending machines and 00:20:55.429 --> 00:20:55.610 amusement machines. 00:20:55.610 --> 00:20:58.574 EN 9504 states that the heading covers 00:20:58.574 --> 00:21:01.524 machines operated by coins, bank notes, 00:21:01.524 --> 00:21:03.836 bank cards, tokens, other means of 00:21:03.836 --> 00:21:07.328 payment of the kind used in amusement 00:21:07.328 --> 00:21:09.272 arcades, fun fairs, et cetera, for games 00:21:09.272 --> 00:21:09.860 of skill or chance. 00:21:09.860 --> 00:21:13.112 So with that in mind, let's look at 00:21:13.112 --> 00:21:16.921 the so-called coin pusher machine 00:21:16.921 --> 00:21:20.451 addressed in New York A86779. This is 00:21:20.451 --> 00:21:21.670 the Rubble Bubble machine. Many of you 00:21:21.670 --> 00:21:24.331 have seen these machines before. They 00:21:24.331 --> 00:21:30.187 involve the user inserting a coin in the 00:21:30.187 --> 00:21:31.993 machine while aiming the shaft to a 00:21:31.993 --> 00:21:32.985 particular location on the machine and 00:21:32.985 --> 00:21:35.575 the coin will drop down on to one of 00:21:35.575 --> 00:21:38.300 several tiered platforms that move. And 00:21:38.300 --> 00:21:40.815 the moving platform pushes the coins 00:21:40.815 --> 00:21:42.472 forward and, you know, push them into 00:21:42.472 --> 00:21:43.935 each other and sometimes over the edge 00:21:43.935 --> 00:21:46.008 of the platform. 00:21:46.008 --> 00:21:47.724 And if the coin goes over the edge of 00:21:47.724 --> 00:21:49.727 the platform, it will go into a shoot 00:21:49.727 --> 00:21:52.602 and, you know, into the player, the 00:21:52.602 --> 00:21:54.573 player will be able to retrieve the 00:21:54.573 --> 00:21:56.814 quarters that drop or whatever 00:21:56.814 --> 00:21:59.370 denomination is used. Or perhaps it will 00:21:59.370 --> 00:22:01.221 register an amount and produce a ticket 00:22:01.221 --> 00:22:02.592 and you can cash that in. 00:22:02.592 --> 00:22:04.878 These are not vending machines, these 00:22:04.878 --> 00:22:08.940 are amusement machines of Chapter 95. As 00:22:08.940 --> 00:22:13.727 these don't -- these don't involve the 00:22:13.727 --> 00:22:15.713 dispensation applied to the primary 00:22:15.713 --> 00:22:17.159 function. And again, the primary function 00:22:17.159 --> 00:22:20.093 of amusement machines of 95 is to amuse 00:22:20.093 --> 00:22:24.184 the player rather than provide a 00:22:24.184 --> 00:22:24.185 product. 00:22:24.185 --> 00:22:27.317 Another example of the Chapter 95 00:22:27.317 --> 00:22:32.658 exclusion is the tractor simulator in 00:22:32.658 --> 00:22:35.907 New York R02266. This allows you to 00:22:35.907 --> 00:22:38.839 operate a minute any excavator with a 00:22:38.839 --> 00:22:40.468 hydraulic bucket. You can simulate 00:22:40.468 --> 00:22:42.470 digging into the ground at a fair, state 00:22:42.470 --> 00:22:44.067 fair or something like that. You'd put 00:22:44.067 --> 00:22:45.725 coins in it and use the machine for a 00:22:45.725 --> 00:22:47.010 particular amount of time. 00:22:47.010 --> 00:22:49.221 And but like the Rubble Bubble 00:22:49.221 --> 00:22:51.976 machine, the coin pusher machine, the 00:22:51.976 --> 00:22:54.248 tractor simulator had elements of a 00:22:54.248 --> 00:22:56.750 machine, but didn't provide you with a 00:22:56.750 --> 00:22:58.590 product and the its main function was 00:22:58.590 --> 00:22:59.503 amusement, not vending. 00:22:59.503 --> 00:23:03.402 Other examples are pin ball machines, 00:23:03.402 --> 00:23:08.572 9504, and kiddy rides of 9508. 00:23:08.572 --> 00:23:10.033 So now we know what a vending machine 00:23:10.033 --> 00:23:14.564 isn't. So what exactly is an automatic 00:23:14.564 --> 00:23:15.082 vending machine?Here 00:23:15.082 --> 00:23:16.828 are what I identified the four core 00:23:16.828 --> 00:23:22.067 elements of an 8476 vending machine. 00:23:22.067 --> 00:23:23.496 First, the machine must vend.As 00:23:23.496 --> 00:23:24.883 noted, vend means to sell. 00:23:24.883 --> 00:23:27.563 It's a monetary transaction resulting in 00:23:27.563 --> 00:23:29.595 the purchase or obtaining a good, and 00:23:29.595 --> 00:23:34.628 the sale must be made when the machine 00:23:34.628 --> 00:23:36.846 is engaged, meaning at the point of sale. 00:23:36.846 --> 00:23:36.847 00:23:36.847 --> 00:23:40.536 Second, the machine must automatically 00:23:40.536 --> 00:23:41.410 sell the product. 00:23:41.410 --> 00:23:43.353 They must distribute the product 00:23:43.353 --> 00:23:45.907 automatically or at least 00:23:45.907 --> 00:23:46.661 semiautomatically. Automatically means 00:23:46.661 --> 00:23:47.943 that the machine will dispense the 00:23:47.943 --> 00:23:49.752 product to the consumer without further 00:23:49.752 --> 00:23:52.720 action by that consumer. Think a coffee 00:23:52.720 --> 00:23:54.873 machine, putting your cup in and the 00:23:54.873 --> 00:23:56.996 coffee gets dispensed to you. 00:23:56.996 --> 00:23:59.600 Semiautomatic machines might release a 00:23:59.600 --> 00:24:05.314 lock mechanism on the machine's 00:24:05.314 --> 00:24:09.408 compartment so the purchaser can lift 00:24:09.408 --> 00:24:10.040 the window and there's just one step to 00:24:10.040 --> 00:24:11.652 be take evening by the user.That's 00:24:11.652 --> 00:24:15.591 a semiautomatic machine. 00:24:15.591 --> 00:24:17.281 Third, the machine must provide a 00:24:17.281 --> 00:24:18.622 product and thing and not service. 00:24:18.622 --> 00:24:22.126 And fourth you obtain the product in 00:24:22.126 --> 00:24:23.374 exchange for payment.Payment 00:24:23.374 --> 00:24:25.257 mechanism is a must, as I said earlier, 00:24:25.257 --> 00:24:27.472 and it is okay if the use of the machine 00:24:27.472 --> 00:24:34.946 triggers the issuance of a bill or Ben 00:24:34.946 --> 00:24:38.101 debit's the user's accounts. 00:24:38.101 --> 00:24:39.004 We'll explore those going forward. 00:24:39.004 --> 00:24:40.286 Before going into how elements have 00:24:40.286 --> 00:24:41.871 been applied and rulings, it's helpful 00:24:41.871 --> 00:24:43.601 to understand what types of articles 00:24:43.601 --> 00:24:45.527 generally fit into this particular 00:24:45.527 --> 00:24:48.629 heading. In other words, does my machine 00:24:48.629 --> 00:24:50.103 share the same characteristics of goods 00:24:50.103 --> 00:24:53.189 that fall in 8476? Are we even really in 00:24:53.189 --> 00:24:54.936 the same ballpark? 00:24:54.936 --> 00:24:58.478 So some common features with 8476 00:24:58.478 --> 00:24:59.725 vending machines, again, these are aside 00:24:59.725 --> 00:25:01.972 from the four elements I just mentioned, 00:25:01.972 --> 00:25:05.472 are that they're usually located in 00:25:05.472 --> 00:25:07.125 high-traffic, conspicuous locations. 00:25:07.125 --> 00:25:09.340 They're rarely used in the home or for 00:25:09.340 --> 00:25:10.560 household purposes. They're not 00:25:10.560 --> 00:25:11.347 children's toys. 00:25:11.347 --> 00:25:12.909 These are substantial machines that 00:25:12.909 --> 00:25:15.437 have a strong lock mechanism. There's a 00:25:15.437 --> 00:25:18.160 real payment mechanism also. And they're 00:25:18.160 --> 00:25:23.006 usually not small or countertop-type 00:25:23.006 --> 00:25:23.007 items. 00:25:23.007 --> 00:25:24.840 And terminology can be really 00:25:24.840 --> 00:25:27.029 confusing when we're talking about 00:25:27.029 --> 00:25:28.914 vending machines, as I think I 00:25:28.914 --> 00:25:30.195 suggested. A machine with the word 00:25:30.195 --> 00:25:33.129 vending in its title is not necessarily 00:25:33.129 --> 00:25:33.371 enough.Consider 00:25:33.371 --> 00:25:36.446 the so-called reverse vending machine. 00:25:36.446 --> 00:25:40.132 So these are machines, you all know what 00:25:40.132 --> 00:25:42.252 these are, they're basically located in 00:25:42.252 --> 00:25:44.224 supermarkets and recycling centers. And 00:25:44.224 --> 00:25:46.316 they allow you to return your used 00:25:46.316 --> 00:25:49.354 bottles and conditions in exchange -- in 00:25:49.354 --> 00:25:51.757 exchange they dispense a ticket to you 00:25:51.757 --> 00:25:52.780 or receipt for payment. 00:25:52.780 --> 00:25:54.028 And these machines calculate the 00:25:54.028 --> 00:25:57.557 number of items deposited and the amount 00:25:57.557 --> 00:26:01.637 owed to the depositor. That's their 00:26:01.637 --> 00:26:04.137 principal function. And this makes them 00:26:04.137 --> 00:26:08.799 classifiable in heading 7480.90 with 00:26:08.799 --> 00:26:10.773 other machines of a ticketing device. 00:26:10.773 --> 00:26:13.402 You should be aware there's a recent 00:26:13.402 --> 00:26:16.204 proposal now with the world customs 00:26:16.204 --> 00:26:18.309 organization had these reverse vending 00:26:18.309 --> 00:26:21.518 machines to 8476. So that's under 00:26:21.518 --> 00:26:24.934 consideration now. 00:26:24.934 --> 00:26:27.332 So one of our core elements is that 00:26:27.332 --> 00:26:30.674 the machine involves products and not 00:26:30.674 --> 00:26:34.712 services. The machines appearing on this 00:26:34.712 --> 00:26:36.957 slide, this is some examples of machines 00:26:36.957 --> 00:26:38.839 that do not sell or provide a product to 00:26:38.839 --> 00:26:41.145 you, but rather dispense or provide 00:26:41.145 --> 00:26:41.146 services. 00:26:41.146 --> 00:26:46.565 For example, Coin-Op washing machines 00:26:46.565 --> 00:26:50.170 or dryers or public toilets serve useful 00:26:50.170 --> 00:26:53.429 functions to be sure but do not provide 00:26:53.429 --> 00:26:53.430 products. 00:26:53.430 --> 00:26:55.294 A dry-cleaning garment retrieval 00:26:55.294 --> 00:27:00.173 system will help you retrieve your 00:27:00.173 --> 00:27:01.363 clothing, but it's not providing a 00:27:01.363 --> 00:27:03.081 purchase product to you. It's holding 00:27:03.081 --> 00:27:04.765 and retrieving your clothes. 00:27:04.765 --> 00:27:10.427 So machines listed here have one of 00:27:10.427 --> 00:27:13.212 the four core elements of vending, 00:27:13.212 --> 00:27:14.926 they're nevertheless providing a service 00:27:14.926 --> 00:27:15.925 rather than a product. 00:27:15.925 --> 00:27:18.902 If we're talking about a machine that 00:27:18.902 --> 00:27:21.707 provide a can of soda or cup of coffee 00:27:21.707 --> 00:27:26.012 or hair comb, maybe you buy it at an 00:27:26.012 --> 00:27:26.429 airport, vending machine, we all know 00:27:26.429 --> 00:27:28.357 we're dealing with some sort of physical 00:27:28.357 --> 00:27:28.673 product. 00:27:28.673 --> 00:27:30.553 But what about a machine that sells 00:27:30.553 --> 00:27:33.402 and copies a computer program on to a 00:27:33.402 --> 00:27:36.518 particular media such as a floppy disk 00:27:36.518 --> 00:27:39.171 or burns a program on a CD or downloads 00:27:39.171 --> 00:27:41.462 a product on to the handheld device? Is 00:27:41.462 --> 00:27:49.489 the product being vended?North 00:27:49.489 --> 00:27:52.772 Carolina 884182 was the Robosoft 00:27:52.772 --> 00:27:55.465 computer program vending machine. In 00:27:55.465 --> 00:27:57.799 this machine they put in their own 00:27:57.799 --> 00:28:01.520 computer diskette, this was about in '93 00:28:01.520 --> 00:28:03.359 when these were popular, and then 00:28:03.359 --> 00:28:05.202 selected the desired program and 00:28:05.202 --> 00:28:07.173 inserted payment and the machine would 00:28:07.173 --> 00:28:09.914 copy or burn entertainment, educational 00:28:09.914 --> 00:28:12.425 programs off the diskette. 00:28:12.425 --> 00:28:13.931 Here, customs determined that the 00:28:13.931 --> 00:28:17.270 purchase of a computer program 00:28:17.270 --> 00:28:20.026 transferred a copy to storage media was 00:28:20.026 --> 00:28:23.869 a sale of a product. So the takeaway 00:28:23.869 --> 00:28:25.672 here is that a product is something that 00:28:25.672 --> 00:28:28.363 you can acquire and use even if it's in 00:28:28.363 --> 00:28:30.652 electronic or data form. 00:28:30.652 --> 00:28:32.548 Another one of our four core elements 00:28:32.548 --> 00:28:34.551 is whether the machine is actually 00:28:34.551 --> 00:28:36.673 vending, meaning, selling your product 00:28:36.673 --> 00:28:39.457 in exchange for payment rather than only 00:28:39.457 --> 00:28:42.109 dispensing a product to you. 00:28:42.109 --> 00:28:43.764 So merely dispensing or providing a 00:28:43.764 --> 00:28:46.486 product to a consumer or customer is not 00:28:46.486 --> 00:28:49.961 sufficient. Let's look at a couple of 00:28:49.961 --> 00:28:49.962 examples. 00:28:49.962 --> 00:28:53.814 One is an ice cream dispenser such as 00:28:53.814 --> 00:28:55.670 one you may encounter at a party which 00:28:55.670 --> 00:28:58.264 lacks a payment mechanism and, again, 00:28:58.264 --> 00:29:01.647 dispensing alone is not enough for 8476. 00:29:01.647 --> 00:29:04.987 So if you have an ice cream dispenser 00:29:04.987 --> 00:29:06.798 without a payment mechanism, you don't 00:29:06.798 --> 00:29:09.237 have a vending machine of 8476. 00:29:09.237 --> 00:29:14.338 Another example is the Sure-Med system 00:29:14.338 --> 00:29:25.582 which is used to distribute medications 00:29:25.582 --> 00:29:27.013 to health care facilities. These were 00:29:27.013 --> 00:29:28.777 behind the counter. Customs looked at 00:29:28.777 --> 00:29:30.960 the product literature, which made no 00:29:30.960 --> 00:29:38.424 reference to any sale function 00:29:38.424 --> 00:29:39.389 functionality of this machine and 00:29:39.389 --> 00:29:41.622 they're located in restricted areas 00:29:41.622 --> 00:29:43.682 rather than high-traffic areas like most 00:29:43.682 --> 00:29:45.492 vending machines. 00:29:45.492 --> 00:29:48.174 So the Sure-Med system was not a right 00:29:48.174 --> 00:29:50.523 fit for 8476. 00:29:50.523 --> 00:29:57.494 All right. So let's take a look at 00:29:57.494 --> 00:29:59.120 so-called automated industrial machines. 00:29:59.120 --> 00:30:01.118 These are point of use cabinets that you 00:30:01.118 --> 00:30:04.424 see on a shop floor in a company. You 00:30:04.424 --> 00:30:07.017 know, people are working on things that 00:30:07.017 --> 00:30:09.278 use tools and PPE equipment and 00:30:09.278 --> 00:30:09.279 whatnot. 00:30:09.279 --> 00:30:13.174 These track and manage stock, 00:30:13.174 --> 00:30:14.736 maintenance repair operation and PPE 00:30:14.736 --> 00:30:17.806 equipment and other consumables and 00:30:17.806 --> 00:30:19.961 tools and so on.And 00:30:19.961 --> 00:30:21.524 they dispense the product that's been 00:30:21.524 --> 00:30:26.277 paid for by somebody at some point, but 00:30:26.277 --> 00:30:29.432 do these machines truly vend? Let's look 00:30:29.432 --> 00:30:31.988 at some of the general features of these 00:30:31.988 --> 00:30:31.989 machines. 00:30:31.989 --> 00:30:33.870 Typically a worker would select the 00:30:33.870 --> 00:30:37.018 tool, PPE, or other item they need from a 00:30:37.018 --> 00:30:38.209 touchscreen. They'd show their badge and 00:30:38.209 --> 00:30:39.931 it would get them access to the machine 00:30:39.931 --> 00:30:41.589 and the machine would then dispense the 00:30:41.589 --> 00:30:42.403 product to them. 00:30:42.403 --> 00:30:44.089 And some, but not all of these 00:30:44.089 --> 00:30:46.332 machines actually generate a bill when 00:30:46.332 --> 00:30:48.678 the product is dispensed. And even 00:30:48.678 --> 00:30:50.737 automatically reorder inventory.But 00:30:50.737 --> 00:30:52.891 for machines that do not charge the 00:30:52.891 --> 00:30:58.518 consumer or generator, initiate a bill 00:30:58.518 --> 00:31:00.145 for the sale of the goods, we don't have 00:31:00.145 --> 00:31:02.557 a vending machine. 00:31:02.557 --> 00:31:06.960 For instance, N204484, customs 00:31:06.960 --> 00:31:08.841 classified an industrial vending machine 00:31:08.841 --> 00:31:11.954 known as the Hybrid AccuCab as other 00:31:11.954 --> 00:31:16.028 metal furniture of heading 9403. Why not 00:31:16.028 --> 00:31:17.545 8476 in because the machine did not 00:31:17.545 --> 00:31:19.966 generate a bill and there's no sale. No 00:31:19.966 --> 00:31:22.177 product provided in exchange for payment 00:31:22.177 --> 00:31:24.118 from the person who's actually engaging 00:31:24.118 --> 00:31:26.616 the machine. 00:31:26.616 --> 00:31:29.865 So if there is a payment mechanism on 00:31:29.865 --> 00:31:32.591 the industrial vending machine, the bill 00:31:32.591 --> 00:31:33.989 is automatically transmitted when the 00:31:33.989 --> 00:31:37.899 user engages that machine, we might have 00:31:37.899 --> 00:31:40.767 a vending machine of 8476, as was the 00:31:40.767 --> 00:31:45.617 case in H269223 at the bottom of the 00:31:45.617 --> 00:31:47.305 slide here. 00:31:47.305 --> 00:31:53.182 To meet the core requirement of a 00:31:53.182 --> 00:31:55.934 point of sale transaction, as I 00:31:55.934 --> 00:31:57.862 suggested, it's not required that payment 00:31:57.862 --> 00:32:00.799 be made instantaneously. As I noted, 00:32:00.799 --> 00:32:05.179 customs ruled that it's sufficient that 00:32:05.179 --> 00:32:08.404 when the machine is engaged, it debits 00:32:08.404 --> 00:32:10.390 the user's account or generates a bill 00:32:10.390 --> 00:32:11.686 to the user. 00:32:11.686 --> 00:32:13.524 The second ruling on this slide 00:32:13.524 --> 00:32:15.959 classified an in-room mini bar, 00:32:15.959 --> 00:32:18.247 so-called Smart Tray. This was a tray, 00:32:18.247 --> 00:32:22.430 you've seen them in your hotel rooms 00:32:22.430 --> 00:32:22.868 perhaps or cruise ship state rooms, they 00:32:22.868 --> 00:32:25.272 sit on top of a mini bar which is a 00:32:25.272 --> 00:32:27.769 vending machine, and they sense when a 00:32:27.769 --> 00:32:31.272 snack or beverage is removed from the 00:32:31.272 --> 00:32:32.647 tray and then they charge the guest a 00:32:32.647 --> 00:32:33.610 bill to their room. 00:32:33.610 --> 00:32:36.049 And so as I said, they're used in 00:32:36.049 --> 00:32:39.373 conjunction with the mini bar and it's 00:32:39.373 --> 00:32:43.300 connected to it. And because this mini 00:32:43.300 --> 00:32:44.368 bar tray was imported separately in this 00:32:44.368 --> 00:32:46.248 case not with the mini bar, it was 00:32:46.248 --> 00:32:52.799 classified as part of a vending machine, 00:32:52.799 --> 00:32:55.872 8476.90. The takeaway here, 8476 vending 00:32:55.872 --> 00:32:57.242 machines need not involve the payment. 00:32:57.242 --> 00:32:58.748 So the generation of a bill that results 00:32:58.748 --> 00:33:00.119 from the engagement with the machine may 00:33:00.119 --> 00:33:02.737 be sufficient. 00:33:02.737 --> 00:33:04.708 All right. Let's stay on the point of 00:33:04.708 --> 00:33:06.934 sale concept for just another minute. 00:33:06.934 --> 00:33:10.465 This slide describes the so-called 00:33:10.465 --> 00:33:16.929 Packrobot machine at issue in H315458. 00:33:16.929 --> 00:33:19.019 So the pack machine -- the Packrobot, 00:33:19.019 --> 00:33:22.727 rather, was situated in a brick and 00:33:22.727 --> 00:33:23.103 mortar store and held and dispensed 00:33:23.103 --> 00:33:25.045 goods to a purchaser who previously 00:33:25.045 --> 00:33:26.265 ordered the article online. 00:33:26.265 --> 00:33:28.537 So here the actual money transaction, 00:33:28.537 --> 00:33:31.100 as I said, occurred online before the 00:33:31.100 --> 00:33:34.352 customer actually engaged the machine. 00:33:34.352 --> 00:33:37.062 At the time of payment or shortly after, 00:33:37.062 --> 00:33:40.284 the purchaser received a barcode or a QR 00:33:40.284 --> 00:33:42.574 Code, and then they bring that code with 00:33:42.574 --> 00:33:46.000 them to the store. And they put it into 00:33:46.000 --> 00:33:48.379 the -- into the Packrobot and that 00:33:48.379 --> 00:33:50.282 allowed them to retrieve the item from 00:33:50.282 --> 00:33:53.065 the Packrobot at the store. This is sort 00:33:53.065 --> 00:33:56.546 of like a lock. This had mechanisms in 00:33:56.546 --> 00:34:01.164 it and your good would come down through 00:34:01.164 --> 00:34:02.819 like an elevator and dispense the 00:34:02.819 --> 00:34:03.720 product to you. 00:34:03.720 --> 00:34:06.156 There's no vending here because the 00:34:06.156 --> 00:34:07.661 monetary transaction did not take place 00:34:07.661 --> 00:34:10.086 at the Packrobot. In short, we don't 00:34:10.086 --> 00:34:12.205 have a point of sale transaction. We 00:34:12.205 --> 00:34:14.086 basically have kind of a sophisticated 00:34:14.086 --> 00:34:26.248 holding cabinet, mechanical function 00:34:26.248 --> 00:34:29.391 capability. And with the mini bar tray 00:34:29.391 --> 00:34:32.021 device with the payment mechanisms, 00:34:32.021 --> 00:34:39.181 these are obviously different. 00:34:39.181 --> 00:34:42.022 What do you think about the car 00:34:42.022 --> 00:34:43.680 vending machine you see and hear 00:34:43.680 --> 00:34:45.152 advertised these days? Is this a vending 00:34:45.152 --> 00:34:46.652 machine? We don't have one of these 00:34:46.652 --> 00:34:48.924 before us and we would need to confirm 00:34:48.924 --> 00:34:51.437 more details about their operation. 00:34:51.437 --> 00:34:53.335 But at least as I understand how they 00:34:53.335 --> 00:34:57.893 typically work, one or more elements of 00:34:57.893 --> 00:34:59.621 an 8476 vending machine may be missing. 00:34:59.621 --> 00:35:01.323 First, it doesn't appear to be point of 00:35:01.323 --> 00:35:03.671 sale transaction. In that there's no 00:35:03.671 --> 00:35:06.564 true payment system at this machine. 00:35:06.564 --> 00:35:10.193 One doesn't insert some sort of 00:35:10.193 --> 00:35:14.666 novelty token, but not money.The 00:35:14.666 --> 00:35:16.413 sale occurs before the customer even 00:35:16.413 --> 00:35:17.015 arrives at the machine. 00:35:17.015 --> 00:35:21.231 And second, arguably, we do have 00:35:21.231 --> 00:35:22.510 automatic dispensation of something, the 00:35:22.510 --> 00:35:25.233 car, but the car is really held for 00:35:25.233 --> 00:35:29.101 pickup in a type of automated parking 00:35:29.101 --> 00:35:30.851 garage. And beside, this machine is not 00:35:30.851 --> 00:35:32.507 located in a high-traffic area that you 00:35:32.507 --> 00:35:34.797 would walk up to and engage. 00:35:34.797 --> 00:35:37.754 So you know, therefore, machine that 00:35:37.754 --> 00:35:39.729 operates as described is really very 00:35:39.729 --> 00:35:41.640 unlikely to qualify as a vending machine 00:35:41.640 --> 00:35:45.478 of 8476. 00:35:45.478 --> 00:35:48.139 So again, without a payment mechanism, 00:35:48.139 --> 00:35:50.926 as I said, you can't have a vending 00:35:50.926 --> 00:35:56.411 machine. So in ruling New York J86442, 00:35:56.411 --> 00:36:01.859 they provide a good example of this core 00:36:01.859 --> 00:36:03.981 requirement. These address various 00:36:03.981 --> 00:36:07.413 Enoline dispensing machines, some of 00:36:07.413 --> 00:36:09.550 which are refrigerated, some are not. 00:36:09.550 --> 00:36:11.945 While some wine dispensers had payment 00:36:11.945 --> 00:36:14.701 mechanisms, others didn't. So where were 00:36:14.701 --> 00:36:15.985 these units classified? 00:36:15.985 --> 00:36:17.762 Not as vending machines, unless they 00:36:17.762 --> 00:36:19.703 have a payment mechanism. The ones with 00:36:19.703 --> 00:36:22.809 a chip card payment mechanism were 00:36:22.809 --> 00:36:23.452 considered vending machines, whether or 00:36:23.452 --> 00:36:26.003 not they had refrigeration systems. But 00:36:26.003 --> 00:36:29.635 the wine dispensers with no chip 00:36:29.635 --> 00:36:32.637 mechanism -- no chip mechanism, 00:36:32.637 --> 00:36:36.786 refrigerator or not, fell in 8418. 00:36:36.786 --> 00:36:40.107 All right. Just to change gears for a 00:36:40.107 --> 00:36:42.197 moment, let's suppose we have a machine 00:36:42.197 --> 00:36:45.387 that in exchange for payment offers you 00:36:45.387 --> 00:36:48.108 only a chance to win a prize. And 00:36:48.108 --> 00:36:49.456 dispenses that prize to you only if you 00:36:49.456 --> 00:36:50.172 win it. 00:36:50.172 --> 00:36:53.578 And let's say the prize is, in fact, a 00:36:53.578 --> 00:36:55.641 physical product, such as a toy or a 00:36:55.641 --> 00:36:58.452 doll or jewelry of electronics and so 00:36:58.452 --> 00:36:58.453 on. 00:36:58.453 --> 00:37:01.766 And the dispensing machine is a sturdy 00:37:01.766 --> 00:37:04.161 machine, has a strong lock mechanism, 00:37:04.161 --> 00:37:09.264 it's in retail and high-traffic 00:37:09.264 --> 00:37:11.940 location. And but again, remember, the 00:37:11.940 --> 00:37:14.722 games of chance are precluded from 00:37:14.722 --> 00:37:14.723 8476. 00:37:14.723 --> 00:37:17.793 So what do you think? Is this -- 00:37:17.793 --> 00:37:21.943 something like this an 8476 machine?I 00:37:21.943 --> 00:37:25.009 know I'm not providing you with lots of 00:37:25.009 --> 00:37:26.289 information, but let's go to the next 00:37:26.289 --> 00:37:29.855 slide and find out. I'm getting a lot of 00:37:29.855 --> 00:37:30.411 nos. 00:37:30.411 --> 00:37:35.195 Well, here we have the beloved Claw 00:37:35.195 --> 00:37:36.725 machine. This is a device that's provided 00:37:36.725 --> 00:37:47.009 lots of aamusement and produced grief 00:37:47.009 --> 00:37:49.848 and tears for children of all ages. 00:37:49.848 --> 00:37:51.485 They held prize articles like stuffed 00:37:51.485 --> 00:37:52.948 animals including a payment mechanism 00:37:52.948 --> 00:37:57.041 was determined to be an 8476 vending 00:37:57.041 --> 00:37:57.359 machine. 00:37:57.359 --> 00:38:02.104 With this machine, the player manipulated 00:38:02.104 --> 00:38:04.287 a claw down into a bed of items and 00:38:04.287 --> 00:38:05.794 tries to grip one of them and move the 00:38:05.794 --> 00:38:06.730 product into an opening. 00:38:06.730 --> 00:38:11.607 The prize then moves on to a delivery 00:38:11.607 --> 00:38:13.038 chute and is dispensed. 00:38:13.038 --> 00:38:15.354 While the player rarely does end up 00:38:15.354 --> 00:38:17.161 with the product, the machine does 00:38:17.161 --> 00:38:18.820 involve physical products that could be 00:38:18.820 --> 00:38:20.130 obtained.And 00:38:20.130 --> 00:38:23.199 I guess -- I suppose this distinguishes 00:38:23.199 --> 00:38:25.818 The Claw from pure amusement and chance 00:38:25.818 --> 00:38:27.850 machines of Chapter 95, but I do think 00:38:27.850 --> 00:38:30.169 this one is a close call, especially 00:38:30.169 --> 00:38:31.944 given how unlikely it is to actually 00:38:31.944 --> 00:38:36.161 obtain a product from the machine. 00:38:36.161 --> 00:38:42.297 Okay. So let's say you're alt -- at a 00:38:42.297 --> 00:38:43.724 carnival or state fair and you come 00:38:43.724 --> 00:38:46.385 across this mysterious figure encased in 00:38:46.385 --> 00:38:52.199 a glass cabinet and he's hovering over 00:38:52.199 --> 00:38:54.111 some sort of crystal ball. 00:38:54.111 --> 00:38:57.539 And he promised to give you your fortune 00:38:57.539 --> 00:38:59.824 only if you insert a coin into the slot. 00:38:59.824 --> 00:39:04.729 Is this a vending machine? We have a 00:39:04.729 --> 00:39:06.851 point of sale transaction, a payment 00:39:06.851 --> 00:39:08.853 mechanism, it dispenses something to you, 00:39:08.853 --> 00:39:11.321 your fortune. 00:39:11.321 --> 00:39:12.417 It has a strong mechanism with a lock. 00:39:12.417 --> 00:39:14.695 It's in a high-traffic area. 00:39:14.695 --> 00:39:17.236 Let's see, I'm getting yeses.I'm 00:39:17.236 --> 00:39:20.758 getting nos. I'm getting big. I'm 00:39:20.758 --> 00:39:22.778 getting an LOL. Let's go to the next 00:39:22.778 --> 00:39:25.396 slide and find out. 00:39:25.396 --> 00:39:27.651 So, well, I'm not really sure about 00:39:27.651 --> 00:39:31.428 the fortune teller dude in the class 00:39:31.428 --> 00:39:36.119 cabinet, but in New York ruling 856362, 00:39:36.119 --> 00:39:37.744 customs reviewed several coin-operated 00:39:37.744 --> 00:39:40.183 machines that displayed various types of 00:39:40.183 --> 00:39:42.657 information on LCD display lines on the 00:39:42.657 --> 00:39:45.113 machines and they determined that these 00:39:45.113 --> 00:39:46.094 machines are not automatically vending 00:39:46.094 --> 00:39:48.067 machines of 8476. 00:39:48.067 --> 00:39:50.572 One of the machines will display the 00:39:50.572 --> 00:40:01.768 user's weight, love mood, horoscope and 00:40:01.768 --> 00:40:03.757 luckny number. And so customs ruled that 00:40:03.757 --> 00:40:06.636 a machine that provide only information, 00:40:06.636 --> 00:40:09.421 even for payment, is not a vending 00:40:09.421 --> 00:40:10.911 machine of 8476. 00:40:10.911 --> 00:40:12.762 So to recap here, if the machine 00:40:12.762 --> 00:40:13.634 provides you with information rather 00:40:13.634 --> 00:40:15.982 than a product or merchandise, you 00:40:15.982 --> 00:40:20.577 probably don't have a vending machine of 00:40:20.577 --> 00:40:20.578 8476. 00:40:20.578 --> 00:40:25.140 So now we come to an interesting and 00:40:25.140 --> 00:40:28.578 somewhat sticky issue for heading 8476 00:40:28.578 --> 00:40:28.579 classification. 00:40:28.579 --> 00:40:32.320 You may recall the so-called red box 00:40:32.320 --> 00:40:33.946 kiosks. I think some of these are still 00:40:33.946 --> 00:40:38.952 around, I haven't really seen one, but 00:40:38.952 --> 00:40:42.696 you could rent DVDs. They had a daily 00:40:42.696 --> 00:40:44.006 rental charge and requirement to return 00:40:44.006 --> 00:40:46.263 the DVDs by particular date and time. 00:40:46.263 --> 00:40:49.289 They are considered a type of automated 00:40:49.289 --> 00:40:51.701 retail vending kiosk or rental vending 00:40:51.701 --> 00:40:55.449 machines. But are they really 8476 00:40:55.449 --> 00:40:55.736 vending machines? 00:40:55.736 --> 00:40:57.787 So these provide physical product to 00:40:57.787 --> 00:41:02.139 you for payment, and a retro product to 00:41:02.139 --> 00:41:03.599 use or borrow rather than sell you a 00:41:03.599 --> 00:41:05.737 product for keeps. In other words, you 00:41:05.737 --> 00:41:07.695 don't acquire ownership in that product. 00:41:07.695 --> 00:41:09.085 But does this really matter? 00:41:09.085 --> 00:41:12.507 After all, rental sales, you know, are 00:41:12.507 --> 00:41:13.816 becoming more commonplace and accepted 00:41:13.816 --> 00:41:15.474 and they do involve obtaining product 00:41:15.474 --> 00:41:16.950 for payment. 00:41:16.950 --> 00:41:25.096 So let's revisit the notes of the term 00:41:25.096 --> 00:41:25.097 vending. 00:41:25.097 --> 00:41:31.385 As I noted earlier, define the term 00:41:31.385 --> 00:41:32.952 vending, ENs define it.They 00:41:32.952 --> 00:41:35.080 state that the term vending refers to a 00:41:35.080 --> 00:41:38.254 monetary exchange between the purchaser 00:41:38.254 --> 00:41:40.389 and the machine in order to acquire a 00:41:40.389 --> 00:41:41.606 product. They're using the term acquire 00:41:41.606 --> 00:41:42.663 a product. 00:41:42.663 --> 00:41:45.791 But does the term always mean sell a 00:41:45.791 --> 00:41:48.605 product to somebody for keeps or for 00:41:48.605 --> 00:41:49.446 permanent ownership? 00:41:49.446 --> 00:41:52.698 Could the term vendor sale also 00:41:52.698 --> 00:41:55.473 include a rental sale? The dictionary 00:41:55.473 --> 00:42:01.380 definition speak of obtaining or 00:42:01.380 --> 00:42:03.848 acquiring goods through a sale. And 00:42:03.848 --> 00:42:05.535 renting a product is certainly different 00:42:05.535 --> 00:42:07.976 than buying a service. Services are no 00:42:07.976 --> 00:42:10.893 good here, as was mentioned. And we do 00:42:10.893 --> 00:42:14.225 have an actual product discerned. 00:42:14.225 --> 00:42:17.263 There doesn't seem to be any explicit 00:42:17.263 --> 00:42:20.995 statement precluding rental sales. And 00:42:20.995 --> 00:42:24.950 the as noted, the industry definitions 00:42:24.950 --> 00:42:27.449 do appear broader than some of the more 00:42:27.449 --> 00:42:31.107 common dictionary definitions. 00:42:31.107 --> 00:42:33.441 So here is another common or 00:42:33.441 --> 00:42:35.761 traditional definition of the term sale 00:42:35.761 --> 00:42:38.321 suggesting a transfer of ownership. And 00:42:38.321 --> 00:42:41.725 also I put up here the definition of 00:42:41.725 --> 00:42:43.517 rent, which as you all know is paying for 00:42:43.517 --> 00:42:44.450 the use of something. 00:42:44.450 --> 00:42:46.450 So with these in mind, let's go back 00:42:46.450 --> 00:42:51.111 to the 8476 ENs. And there the ENs 00:42:51.111 --> 00:42:54.048 provide an example of a simple cover or 00:42:54.048 --> 00:42:56.821 cabinet that holds opera glasses for use 00:42:56.821 --> 00:42:59.696 during the opera, and also a baggage 00:42:59.696 --> 00:43:02.665 locker both with coin-operated locks. So 00:43:02.665 --> 00:43:04.879 both machines involve potential use of a 00:43:04.879 --> 00:43:06.322 product but not the sale of one. 00:43:06.322 --> 00:43:10.190 And these cabinets and lockers akugd 00:43:10.190 --> 00:43:13.712 to the ENs are excluded from heading 00:43:13.712 --> 00:43:22.272 8476 and classified in Section 15. Or in 00:43:22.272 --> 00:43:25.930 Chapter 94. Given the opera glass, does 00:43:25.930 --> 00:43:27.678 8476 preclude machines that be loan 00:43:27.678 --> 00:43:29.721 merchandise rather than sell it?On 00:43:29.721 --> 00:43:32.460 the one hand, the EN is not described in 00:43:32.460 --> 00:43:34.179 a machine are that dispenses a product 00:43:34.179 --> 00:43:35.914 or machine with a sturdy payment 00:43:35.914 --> 00:43:39.816 mechanism or a machine with a complex or 00:43:39.816 --> 00:43:45.312 substantial device or releasing a lock. 00:43:45.312 --> 00:43:47.403 I don't think it suggests machines 00:43:47.403 --> 00:43:49.491 that rent or loan you something are 00:43:49.491 --> 00:43:51.491 included. As we will see, historically 00:43:51.491 --> 00:43:53.960 it's not clearly required that the sale 00:43:53.960 --> 00:43:55.784 transaction at the machine result in a 00:43:55.784 --> 00:43:58.597 transfer of ownership of a product 00:43:58.597 --> 00:43:59.834 versus the rental sale. 00:43:59.834 --> 00:44:02.273 Let's look at a few rulings with 00:44:02.273 --> 00:44:12.120 examples to machines. New York E81780 00:44:12.120 --> 00:44:13.338 contain two freestanding machines and 00:44:13.338 --> 00:44:16.061 one in particular was the distributor 00:44:16.061 --> 00:44:18.096 vending machine. And here the customer 00:44:18.096 --> 00:44:21.960 selected and made payment for videotape, 00:44:21.960 --> 00:44:23.907 sale or rental, they did both. It sold 00:44:23.907 --> 00:44:25.655 you something for keeps and it also 00:44:25.655 --> 00:44:27.430 rented you the videotape. 00:44:27.430 --> 00:44:30.439 And the machine dispensed the 00:44:30.439 --> 00:44:33.124 videotape, but the machine rents the 00:44:33.124 --> 00:44:35.750 videotape in addition to selling them. 00:44:35.750 --> 00:44:38.405 So is that a problem for 8476? 00:44:38.405 --> 00:44:43.210 And according to customs, it didn't 00:44:43.210 --> 00:44:44.747 seem to be a problem. It didn't 00:44:44.747 --> 00:44:45.968 specifically address the issue of 00:44:45.968 --> 00:44:48.212 rentals there. The machine did both. And 00:44:48.212 --> 00:44:53.242 they found these to be 8476 vending 00:44:53.242 --> 00:44:53.243 machines. 00:44:53.243 --> 00:44:54.807 So whether we'd have a different 00:44:54.807 --> 00:44:57.219 result if the machine dispensed only 00:44:57.219 --> 00:44:59.126 rental videos, we don't know yet at this 00:44:59.126 --> 00:44:59.776 point of the presentation. 00:44:59.776 --> 00:45:05.993 All right. New York K82080 is similar 00:45:05.993 --> 00:45:09.246 to the ruling I just mentioned, rented 00:45:09.246 --> 00:45:09.979 and sold videos, just a little more 00:45:09.979 --> 00:45:11.194 current ruling. 00:45:11.194 --> 00:45:12.902 And I wanted to mention at the bottom 00:45:12.902 --> 00:45:14.947 here the driving range golf ball 00:45:14.947 --> 00:45:17.086 dispenser. If any of you play golf or 00:45:17.086 --> 00:45:18.600 practiced, you've seen these at the 00:45:18.600 --> 00:45:21.032 driving range. You basically put some 00:45:21.032 --> 00:45:22.745 sort of wire basket under the machine, 00:45:22.745 --> 00:45:26.218 put money into it, and it dispenses a 00:45:26.218 --> 00:45:28.875 number of golf balls into the bucket and 00:45:28.875 --> 00:45:30.619 you take that to the driving range and 00:45:30.619 --> 00:45:36.658 you hit the balls down on to a field 00:45:36.658 --> 00:45:37.503 and, you know, you don't take these balls 00:45:37.503 --> 00:45:39.304 home, right? They get knocked down the 00:45:39.304 --> 00:45:42.221 field, they get collected again and 00:45:42.221 --> 00:45:42.871 reused, probably put back into the 00:45:42.871 --> 00:45:44.783 machine if they're still in good shape. 00:45:44.783 --> 00:45:46.710 But here you're not owning the balls, 00:45:46.710 --> 00:45:48.583 right? You're sort of -- you're just 00:45:48.583 --> 00:45:50.774 using them while you're there. Customs 00:45:50.774 --> 00:45:56.309 found this to be a vending machine of 00:45:56.309 --> 00:45:57.935 8476.89. Again, it does deal with a 00:45:57.935 --> 00:45:59.621 product, but again, it doesn't address 00:45:59.621 --> 00:46:02.121 particularly the issue of owning or not 00:46:02.121 --> 00:46:04.911 owning what you're purchasing. It just 00:46:04.911 --> 00:46:07.336 -- it just found them to be vending 00:46:07.336 --> 00:46:09.156 machines, presumably because we have a 00:46:09.156 --> 00:46:10.648 product involved. 00:46:10.648 --> 00:46:14.661 Okay. So here we have what's become a 00:46:14.661 --> 00:46:18.496 very common sight in urban areas, the 00:46:18.496 --> 00:46:22.216 eBike or eScooter kiosk. These units hold 00:46:22.216 --> 00:46:25.588 or lock and unlock an eBike rental. On 00:46:25.588 --> 00:46:29.439 the four elements of 8476 met here? The 00:46:29.439 --> 00:46:30.960 units similar to the one shown in the 00:46:30.960 --> 00:46:34.494 slide was recently before our office, as 00:46:34.494 --> 00:46:38.960 a matter of fact. There is payment 00:46:38.960 --> 00:46:41.652 charged to debit to an account. And 00:46:41.652 --> 00:46:44.441 payment would trigger the docks lock 00:46:44.441 --> 00:46:47.503 which automatically released the bike. 00:46:47.503 --> 00:46:48.782 And the user returned the bike after 00:46:48.782 --> 00:46:52.124 use. There's no transfer of ownership 00:46:52.124 --> 00:46:54.502 here of the bike or scooter. They're 00:46:54.502 --> 00:46:56.037 sturdy units, located on the street in 00:46:56.037 --> 00:46:57.318 high traffic areas. 00:46:57.318 --> 00:46:59.472 So do we have a sale of product here? 00:46:59.472 --> 00:47:02.367 Is this really a vending machine? Feel 00:47:02.367 --> 00:47:04.713 free to put your answer in the -- 00:47:04.713 --> 00:47:09.965 I'm getting nos, I'm getting nos. Some 00:47:09.965 --> 00:47:10.193 yeses. 00:47:10.193 --> 00:47:12.055 I should mention also that an argument 00:47:12.055 --> 00:47:14.942 was made because of the mechanism that 00:47:14.942 --> 00:47:18.577 -- that heading 8517 may have been 00:47:18.577 --> 00:47:20.879 played because there's a transmission of 00:47:20.879 --> 00:47:21.468 data going on. 00:47:21.468 --> 00:47:23.681 So this got sent up to headquarters 00:47:23.681 --> 00:47:27.214 for review, you know, we had some 00:47:27.214 --> 00:47:29.964 questions about the renting aspect 00:47:29.964 --> 00:47:34.929 versus the transfer of ownership 00:47:34.929 --> 00:47:37.970 circumstance. And so just recently, 00:47:37.970 --> 00:47:43.000 customs issued its decision here in 00:47:43.000 --> 00:47:45.496 H328731 they determined that the lift 00:47:45.496 --> 00:47:47.645 eBike, eScooter rental machine similar to 00:47:47.645 --> 00:47:49.379 the one you see in the picture, not 00:47:49.379 --> 00:47:51.186 exactly that, was classified as vending 00:47:51.186 --> 00:47:54.182 machine in 8476.89. 00:47:54.182 --> 00:47:59.974 So the elements of 8476 were satisfied 00:47:59.974 --> 00:48:03.034 here, according to customs. It did cite 00:48:03.034 --> 00:48:06.117 the rulings on DVD and video rental 00:48:06.117 --> 00:48:07.746 machines as precedence for allowing 00:48:07.746 --> 00:48:13.122 rental sales. And also cited the broad 00:48:13.122 --> 00:48:15.786 industry definitions of the term rent. 00:48:15.786 --> 00:48:18.462 And headquarters referenced the 00:48:18.462 --> 00:48:20.773 industrial machine rulings, the ones 00:48:20.773 --> 00:48:23.035 that, you know, payment didn't need to 00:48:23.035 --> 00:48:26.651 be simultaneous or direct. Somebody said 00:48:26.651 --> 00:48:28.401 they need a new career, they've gotten 00:48:28.401 --> 00:48:30.341 all these wrong. Don't worry, I did as 00:48:30.341 --> 00:48:36.026 well when I prepared for this, but for 00:48:36.026 --> 00:48:37.908 this webinar, and I'm supposed to be the 00:48:37.908 --> 00:48:40.497 expert. But this is a tricky area for 00:48:40.497 --> 00:48:40.498 sure. 00:48:40.498 --> 00:48:42.936 Again, the takeaway here, vending 00:48:42.936 --> 00:48:46.339 machines of 8476 encompass machines that 00:48:46.339 --> 00:48:50.780 make rental sales in addition to 00:48:50.780 --> 00:48:52.815 ordinary sales. All right. 00:48:52.815 --> 00:48:56.568 So final topic of our presentation 00:48:56.568 --> 00:48:58.285 today, assuming I have time, I think I 00:48:58.285 --> 00:49:00.903 do, I want to briefly address the 00:49:00.903 --> 00:49:02.498 vending machine parts provision of 00:49:02.498 --> 00:49:06.631 heading 8476.90. As most of you are 00:49:06.631 --> 00:49:08.401 aware, the term parts is not defined in 00:49:08.401 --> 00:49:10.462 the tariff but its meaning has been 00:49:10.462 --> 00:49:12.225 addressed in various court decisions. 00:49:12.225 --> 00:49:18.243 The ENs also remind us that the HTS 00:49:18.243 --> 00:49:20.019 provisions in Section XVI must be 00:49:20.019 --> 00:49:25.472 applied, specifically note 2 which I'll 00:49:25.472 --> 00:49:26.341 be discussing. 00:49:26.341 --> 00:49:31.004 But many general, all automatic 00:49:31.004 --> 00:49:33.381 vending machines and parts are covered 00:49:33.381 --> 00:49:35.851 under 8476.90. 00:49:35.851 --> 00:49:38.072 Let's review note 2 to Section XVI 00:49:38.072 --> 00:49:40.444 which sets forth the parts rule. 00:49:40.444 --> 00:49:42.593 Note 2-A provides that parts that are 00:49:42.593 --> 00:49:47.590 goods of any Chapter 84 or 85 heading 00:49:47.590 --> 00:49:49.236 with some exceptions are classified in 00:49:49.236 --> 00:49:50.722 those particular headings. 00:49:50.722 --> 00:49:55.910 Know the 2(b) provides that all other 00:49:55.910 --> 00:49:58.381 parts, if suitable for use with a 00:49:58.381 --> 00:49:59.433 particular type of machine are 00:49:59.433 --> 00:50:00.778 classified with those machines. You need 00:50:00.778 --> 00:50:02.400 to keep this rule in mind as we go 00:50:02.400 --> 00:50:04.597 through the parts provision here. 00:50:04.597 --> 00:50:09.065 And given the absence of a statutory 00:50:09.065 --> 00:50:15.254 definition for partscourts have put 00:50:15.254 --> 00:50:17.586 together two distinct but reconcilable 00:50:17.586 --> 00:50:21.032 tests for whether they think an item 00:50:21.032 --> 00:50:23.245 qualifies as a part for classification 00:50:23.245 --> 00:50:23.246 purposes. 00:50:23.246 --> 00:50:25.663 The first is that an import item is a 00:50:25.663 --> 00:50:27.722 part only if it's something necessary to 00:50:27.722 --> 00:50:29.976 the completion of that article without 00:50:29.976 --> 00:50:33.380 which the article to which it's to be 00:50:33.380 --> 00:50:34.720 joined cannot function as such an 00:50:34.720 --> 00:50:34.721 article. 00:50:34.721 --> 00:50:36.059 That's the Willoughby case. 00:50:36.059 --> 00:50:42.839 And the second test equates parts to 00:50:42.839 --> 00:50:44.561 an im -- to an imported item dedicated 00:50:44.561 --> 00:50:46.595 solely for use with another article. And 00:50:46.595 --> 00:50:49.527 when applied to that use, the article 00:50:49.527 --> 00:50:51.813 cannot function without the article in 00:50:51.813 --> 00:50:51.814 question. 00:50:51.814 --> 00:50:55.183 So really in short, to be a part of a 00:50:55.183 --> 00:50:57.499 machine, the part must contribute to the 00:50:57.499 --> 00:51:00.906 machine's function and be integral to it. 00:51:00.906 --> 00:51:00.907 00:51:00.907 --> 00:51:02.715 That's the key thing to understand for 00:51:02.715 --> 00:51:03.963 the part tests. 00:51:03.963 --> 00:51:09.681 I already mentioned the mini bar tray 00:51:09.681 --> 00:51:15.445 as an example of being part of the mini 00:51:15.445 --> 00:51:15.446 bar. 00:51:15.446 --> 00:51:23.344 So let's look at a few examples. In 00:51:23.344 --> 00:51:24.157 H269223, this concerned in addition to 00:51:24.157 --> 00:51:27.158 the overall machine, it concerns 00:51:27.158 --> 00:51:30.121 classification of parts that were 00:51:30.121 --> 00:51:34.694 designated for use with the PPE and MRO 00:51:34.694 --> 00:51:36.155 industrial vending machines. These 00:51:36.155 --> 00:51:37.690 machines are designed to dispense 00:51:37.690 --> 00:51:41.256 equipment and located in the compartment 00:51:41.256 --> 00:51:41.935 of the machine. 00:51:41.935 --> 00:51:46.783 At issue here were a company parts for 00:51:46.783 --> 00:51:48.813 the machine, and these parts are really 00:51:48.813 --> 00:51:51.026 essential to the dispensing function of 00:51:51.026 --> 00:51:53.026 the machine. Customers had ruled out 00:51:53.026 --> 00:51:55.191 potential classification of furnisher 00:51:55.191 --> 00:51:58.564 with heading 9403. And found that these 00:51:58.564 --> 00:52:02.927 -- the rotary drum and those 00:52:02.927 --> 00:52:03.964 accompanying compartments to the vending 00:52:03.964 --> 00:52:08.312 machine parts of 8476. 00:52:08.312 --> 00:52:15.061 In ruling B87572 we have an iron 00:52:15.061 --> 00:52:17.969 pedestal stand for candy and gum ball 00:52:17.969 --> 00:52:19.309 machines. So here the item was not 00:52:19.309 --> 00:52:20.528 considered to be integral to the 00:52:20.528 --> 00:52:22.873 machine. If this is just an iron 00:52:22.873 --> 00:52:25.476 pedestal stand, it doesn't contribute to 00:52:25.476 --> 00:52:26.755 the machine's function and therefore 00:52:26.755 --> 00:52:31.215 it's not a part of the vending machine. 00:52:31.215 --> 00:52:35.372 It would fall in 7325. 00:52:35.372 --> 00:52:46.526 So here we have N119815. This 00:52:46.526 --> 00:52:48.601 concerned the classification of heat 00:52:48.601 --> 00:52:51.252 exchangers that are installed in vending 00:52:51.252 --> 00:52:51.464 machines. 00:52:51.464 --> 00:52:53.252 They're used with only particular vending 00:52:53.252 --> 00:52:54.756 machines, and they were found to be 00:52:54.756 --> 00:52:56.187 parts of vending machines by default in 00:52:56.187 --> 00:52:57.467 that the items did not meet the 00:52:57.467 --> 00:53:00.220 definition of a heat exchanger of 00:53:00.220 --> 00:53:06.122 heading 8419. If they had, Section XVI 00:53:06.122 --> 00:53:07.776 02 would have controlled the 00:53:07.776 --> 00:53:11.601 classification of articles under 8419. 00:53:11.601 --> 00:53:19.696 So in the last ruling here is K89814, 00:53:19.696 --> 00:53:23.475 addressing the so-called Dixie-elevator 00:53:23.475 --> 00:53:27.027 dispenser. Here we have a multicomponent 00:53:27.027 --> 00:53:30.716 linear motion system with a built-in 00:53:30.716 --> 00:53:33.329 electrical motor. This was designed for 00:53:33.329 --> 00:53:35.786 soda and candy machines, I think. It 00:53:35.786 --> 00:53:38.163 received payment for the product and the 00:53:38.163 --> 00:53:39.626 elevator dispenser collected the product 00:53:39.626 --> 00:53:41.284 and delivered it to the dispenser unit. 00:53:41.284 --> 00:53:43.315 So this is pretty integral to the 00:53:43.315 --> 00:53:46.934 functioning of the machine. 00:53:46.934 --> 00:53:51.977 So is the part classifiable as a good? 00:53:51.977 --> 00:53:56.191 It was classified 8476.90 as a vending 00:53:56.191 --> 00:53:58.253 machine part in accordance with Section 00:53:58.253 --> 00:54:00.811 XVI note 2(b). 00:54:00.811 --> 00:54:04.058 All right. So that concludes my 00:54:04.058 --> 00:54:06.625 presentation on classification of 00:54:06.625 --> 00:54:08.419 automatic goods vending machines. If you 00:54:08.419 --> 00:54:09.847 have any questions, I'll try to answer 00:54:09.847 --> 00:54:12.124 them now in the time we have left. 00:54:12.124 --> 00:54:38.037 And thank you. Wanda Moore assists me 00:54:38.037 --> 00:54:41.371 in the NIS line. You can reach out to us 00:54:41.371 --> 00:54:42.855 at any time with questions. 00:54:42.855 --> 00:54:46.313 And here if you're interested, I've 00:54:46.313 --> 00:54:48.631 tried to be very detailed about listing 00:54:48.631 --> 00:54:51.656 my public domain citations for all these 00:54:51.656 --> 00:55:00.396 images and references. I don't think -- 00:55:00.396 --> 00:55:02.751 some of these had a question about 00:55:02.751 --> 00:55:04.738 something about 3D printers, I didn't 00:55:04.738 --> 00:55:08.877 quite catch that. 00:55:08.877 --> 00:55:13.876 Let me see if I can make this chat box 00:55:13.876 --> 00:55:28.572 larger to see. Sorry, having trouble 00:55:28.572 --> 00:55:28.727 locating that question. 00:55:28.727 --> 00:55:31.790 >> I don't think I saw a question on 00:55:31.790 --> 00:55:31.973 3D printers. 00:55:31.973 --> 00:55:32.977 >> ARTHUR PURCELL: It wasn't a 00:55:32.977 --> 00:55:33.312 question. 00:55:33.312 --> 00:55:35.736 >> I don't think so. If anyone has 00:55:35.736 --> 00:55:37.648 one, if you could retype it in the chat 00:55:37.648 --> 00:55:39.620 box. But I don't think I saw something on 00:55:39.620 --> 00:55:40.013 that. 00:55:40.013 --> 00:55:41.984 >> ARTHUR PURCELL: Okay. 00:55:41.984 --> 00:55:46.636 Where does Coin Star machine fall under? 00:55:46.636 --> 00:55:48.453 These machines kind of gives out a 00:55:48.453 --> 00:55:50.893 service and in exchange for your coins 00:55:50.893 --> 00:55:59.909 or dollars -- oh, for -- okay. So you 00:55:59.909 --> 00:56:02.033 put -- I'm not sure exactly what this 00:56:02.033 --> 00:56:04.501 machine is, but is it -- is it changing 00:56:04.501 --> 00:56:10.040 the denomination of the machine in some 00:56:10.040 --> 00:56:14.841 way? Feel like reducing a bill to a coin 00:56:14.841 --> 00:56:16.489 and that sort of thing? 00:56:16.489 --> 00:56:23.474 I mean, those could be 8476 under the 00:56:23.474 --> 00:56:32.718 -- go back here a second. Try to figure 00:56:32.718 --> 00:56:37.065 out a way to get back to the beginning 00:56:37.065 --> 00:56:41.507 of this. These could be the money 00:56:41.507 --> 00:56:43.811 changing machines that be fall there. If 00:56:43.811 --> 00:56:45.346 that's what that is. I don't know. I'd 00:56:45.346 --> 00:56:52.009 have to take a look at it. 00:56:52.009 --> 00:56:58.218 Okay, I don't see any other slides -- 00:56:58.218 --> 00:57:01.479 oh, somebody asked what the HCS is for a 00:57:01.479 --> 00:57:02.595 printer.Those 00:57:02.595 --> 00:57:06.028 are 8485, the 3D printers.That's 00:57:06.028 --> 00:57:08.065 in my line as well, as I mentioned. 00:57:08.065 --> 00:57:10.537 That's a fairly new provision, came out 00:57:10.537 --> 00:57:15.943 beginning of 2022. 00:57:15.943 --> 00:57:17.822 Okay, I think that's all there is, 00:57:17.822 --> 00:57:19.316 unless I'm missing a question. Thank you 00:57:19.316 --> 00:57:36.662 all very much for tuning in. 00:57:36.662 --> 00:57:39.442 >> This concludes our webinar for this 00:57:39.442 --> 00:57:42.602 afternoon. If you have logged in using 00:57:42.602 --> 00:57:44.752 your email, you will receive an email 00:57:44.752 --> 00:57:50.219 with the CSE, CCS code within 24 hours. 00:57:50.219 --> 00:57:55.222 This webinar will be posted on the CBP 00:57:57.168 --> 00:57:57.168 enjoy the rest of your day.