WEBVTT 00:00:02.000 --> 00:00:03.992 >> Good afternoon, everyone. My 00:00:03.992 --> 00:00:06.889 name is Lynn banks with the Office of 00:00:06.889 --> 00:00:10.846 Trade relations. Today's Webinar is 00:00:10.846 --> 00:00:13.934 heading 6212 body-supporting garments 00:00:13.934 --> 00:00:15.944 and beyond. And it's part of the 00:00:15.944 --> 00:00:19.378 education commodity specific 2023 00:00:19.378 --> 00:00:23.146 webinar series. And has an anticipated 00:00:23.146 --> 00:00:25.413 duration of 90 minutes. We have a few 00:00:25.413 --> 00:00:27.034 housekeeping items. We ask that 00:00:27.034 --> 00:00:28.956 everyone be kept on mute during the 00:00:28.956 --> 00:00:33.938 presentation so we can make clear of any 00:00:33.938 --> 00:00:35.494 background noise. If you have any 00:00:35.494 --> 00:00:38.052 questions or comments, we invite you to 00:00:38.052 --> 00:00:39.941 type them into the chat box at any time 00:00:39.941 --> 00:00:42.069 during the presentation. We will answer 00:00:42.069 --> 00:00:44.669 as many questions as we can at the end 00:00:44.669 --> 00:00:46.866 of the presentation. And the Continuing 00:00:46.866 --> 00:00:49.967 Education credit code will be placed in 00:00:49.967 --> 00:00:52.441 the chat box during the presentation. 00:00:52.441 --> 00:00:53.903 Today's presenter is National Import 00:00:53.903 --> 00:00:57.191 Specialist, Karen Sikorski. Ms. Karen 00:00:57.191 --> 00:01:00.006 Sikorski, over to you. 00:01:00.006 --> 00:01:00.726 >> KAREN SIKORSKI: Good afternoon, 00:01:00.726 --> 00:01:03.215 everyone. I decided to come on camera 00:01:03.215 --> 00:01:05.275 and say hello to everybody, because it's 00:01:05.275 --> 00:01:07.590 so much easier to relate to people when 00:01:07.590 --> 00:01:10.223 you can see them. Unfortunately, I 00:01:10.223 --> 00:01:12.774 won't be able to be on camera for the 00:01:12.774 --> 00:01:15.131 entire seminar, and that's only because 00:01:15.131 --> 00:01:16.871 I have couple of different set ups here, 00:01:16.871 --> 00:01:19.432 and I can't look directly at the camera. 00:01:19.432 --> 00:01:22.521 So I thank you for joining us. And 00:01:22.521 --> 00:01:34.003 we'll get started. 00:01:34.003 --> 00:01:36.181 Okay, I have couple of slides here 00:01:36.181 --> 00:01:41.498 that I'm going to let you read at your 00:01:41.498 --> 00:01:43.848 leisure. First up with is our mission 00:01:43.848 --> 00:01:50.819 for customs and our Office of Trade. 00:01:50.819 --> 00:01:53.726 The next one is our disclaimer which 00:01:53.726 --> 00:01:55.606 basically is telling you this webinar is 00:01:55.606 --> 00:01:58.631 for general information purposes only. 00:01:58.631 --> 00:02:00.546 It's educational. We're providing 00:02:00.546 --> 00:02:05.454 guidance. The information here that's 00:02:05.454 --> 00:02:08.007 related can't be considered to be -- you 00:02:08.007 --> 00:02:11.144 can't rely on it and consider it 00:02:11.144 --> 00:02:12.764 reasonable care. There's more research 00:02:12.764 --> 00:02:15.012 that needs to be done and just be aware 00:02:15.012 --> 00:02:17.719 this is for educational purposes and 00:02:17.719 --> 00:02:21.838 don't hold me feet to the fire. Also 00:02:21.838 --> 00:02:24.152 another disclaimer regarding our images. 00:02:24.152 --> 00:02:26.065 Everything that we've got here is 00:02:26.065 --> 00:02:28.610 either public domain, or we have 00:02:28.610 --> 00:02:30.294 obtained the appropriate Copyright 00:02:30.294 --> 00:02:33.089 licenses. And again, everything is here 00:02:33.089 --> 00:02:37.474 just for educational purposes. 00:02:37.474 --> 00:02:39.340 We always have to mention binding 00:02:39.340 --> 00:02:42.481 rulings. Here's the links for that 00:02:42.481 --> 00:02:44.678 where you can request binding rules for 00:02:44.678 --> 00:02:47.566 the National Import Specialist. We can 00:02:47.566 --> 00:02:52.967 cover classification origin, free trade 00:02:52.967 --> 00:02:55.263 agreement and marketing. And the 00:02:55.263 --> 00:03:01.676 easiest way is to go to c bp.gov and 00:03:01.676 --> 00:03:04.892 input the words electric Nick ruling. 00:03:04.892 --> 00:03:07.325 We ask that you send samples for apparel 00:03:07.325 --> 00:03:09.996 and pictures are always helpful as well. 00:03:09.996 --> 00:03:12.834 Our basic outline today is pretty 00:03:12.834 --> 00:03:15.073 simple, although, we'll get into some 00:03:15.073 --> 00:03:17.933 complicated stuff. We're just going to 00:03:17.933 --> 00:03:20.062 touch on some of the bakes of 00:03:20.062 --> 00:03:23.201 classification for heading 6212, cover 00:03:23.201 --> 00:03:25.308 some terms in definition., especially 00:03:25.308 --> 00:03:29.025 the word port. We're going to talk 00:03:29.025 --> 00:03:30.666 about the body support being the 00:03:30.666 --> 00:03:32.236 paramount function or primarily purpose 00:03:32.236 --> 00:03:34.680 for the garment as established by 00:03:34.680 --> 00:03:37.124 headquarters ruling and a court case and 00:03:37.124 --> 00:03:38.577 we're going to focus the webinar 00:03:38.577 --> 00:03:42.302 primarily on brassieres, sports bras, 00:03:42.302 --> 00:03:46.155 bralettes, support tanks and support cam 00:03:46.155 --> 00:03:50.301 sole style garments and case studies for 00:03:50.301 --> 00:03:53.739 ambiguous garments. Heading 2612 itself 00:03:53.739 --> 00:03:58.382 covers brassieres, girdles, corsets, 00:03:58.382 --> 00:04:00.671 suspenders, garters and similar articles 00:04:00.671 --> 00:04:03.344 and parts thrf, whether or not knitted 00:04:03.344 --> 00:04:05.973 or crocheted. We have a traditional 00:04:05.973 --> 00:04:10.126 bra. A corset, which is going to 00:04:10.126 --> 00:04:16.159 compress the waist. A corset, which is 00:04:16.159 --> 00:04:19.896 British term for suspender and garter 00:04:19.896 --> 00:04:22.478 belt to hold up stockings. We talk 00:04:22.478 --> 00:04:24.710 about the terms of the heading of the 00:04:24.710 --> 00:04:27.544 HTS. We basically mean the words of the 00:04:27.544 --> 00:04:29.205 HTS. 00:04:29.205 --> 00:04:32.295 And when we say HTS, it's just an 00:04:32.295 --> 00:04:33.409 abbreviation for the Harmonized Tariff 00:04:33.409 --> 00:04:36.646 Schedule of the United States, which we 00:04:36.646 --> 00:04:41.852 also simply refer to as the tariff. 00:04:41.852 --> 00:04:43.696 This slide and the next are the 00:04:43.696 --> 00:04:48.503 explanatory notes for heading 2612 in 00:04:48.503 --> 00:04:53.448 their entirety. InterAlia is a word and 00:04:53.448 --> 00:04:57.028 it means among other things. So intran 00:04:57.028 --> 00:04:58.933 tore notes are going to cover the terms 00:04:58.933 --> 00:05:01.060 of the heading which we previously just 00:05:01.060 --> 00:05:03.955 saw. And then these explanatory notes 00:05:03.955 --> 00:05:08.152 add some words like panty girdle, 00:05:08.152 --> 00:05:10.628 corset, et cetera. So you always want 00:05:10.628 --> 00:05:12.747 to look at both, terms of the heading 00:05:12.747 --> 00:05:16.397 and explanatory notes. 00:05:16.397 --> 00:05:19.868 When people talk about my commodity 00:05:19.868 --> 00:05:22.412 line, they refer to some of the items 00:05:22.412 --> 00:05:25.184 that I handle as body-supporting 00:05:25.184 --> 00:05:26.797 garments and I thought to myself, where 00:05:26.797 --> 00:05:29.472 does that come from? It's not in the 00:05:29.472 --> 00:05:31.820 tariff. Well, the terminology 00:05:31.820 --> 00:05:34.297 "body-supporting" actually comes from 00:05:34.297 --> 00:05:36.733 the explanatory notes, which say the 00:05:36.733 --> 00:05:38.768 heading covers articles of a kind 00:05:38.768 --> 00:05:42.022 designed for wear as body-supporting 00:05:42.022 --> 00:05:44.105 garments or supports for certain other 00:05:44.105 --> 00:05:48.686 articles of apparel. The word "support" 00:05:48.686 --> 00:05:58.421 actually means like very briefly to bear 00:05:58.421 --> 00:06:00.879 the weight of. The article in this 00:06:00.879 --> 00:06:03.333 heading may be made of any textile 00:06:03.333 --> 00:06:05.904 material including knitted or crocheted 00:06:05.904 --> 00:06:09.020 fabrics. And Chapter 62 note 1 also 00:06:09.020 --> 00:06:11.554 drives that point home, even though 00:06:11.554 --> 00:06:13.919 Chapter 62 is limited to articles of 00:06:13.919 --> 00:06:20.944 apparel and clothing, accessories not 00:06:20.944 --> 00:06:23.974 knitted. And this is how bras fit into 00:06:23.974 --> 00:06:25.726 heading 6212. 00:06:25.726 --> 00:06:28.484 So let's get right into it. Here's 00:06:28.484 --> 00:06:32.173 some additional guidance from a few 00:06:32.173 --> 00:06:34.115 headquarters ruling regarding 00:06:34.115 --> 00:06:35.669 body-supporting garments. The article 00:06:35.669 --> 00:06:40.865 should be supported throughout HQ963631. 00:06:40.865 --> 00:06:44.444 The examine particulars to heading 6212 00:06:44.444 --> 00:06:46.217 are United by the fact that they support 00:06:46.217 --> 00:06:50.344 apparel or other items like garters or 00:06:50.344 --> 00:06:53.482 forms of garments like a bra, and 00:06:53.482 --> 00:06:55.495 generally worn underneath other 00:06:55.495 --> 00:06:58.824 garments. An example would be a 00:06:58.824 --> 00:07:01.845 maternity belt we see here. That's 00:07:01.845 --> 00:07:15.004 according to headquarters ruling can 00:07:15.004 --> 00:07:18.553 HQ963631. And I put in here postectomy 00:07:18.553 --> 00:07:21.060 compression, and this would go into 00:07:21.060 --> 00:07:23.644 heading 6212 as well. This is something 00:07:23.644 --> 00:07:26.082 recommended by a surgeon after a 00:07:26.082 --> 00:07:27.967 mastectomy, which is breast cancer 00:07:27.967 --> 00:07:32.980 surgery to remove one or both breasts. 00:07:32.980 --> 00:07:34.967 Vest such as this would offer 00:07:34.967 --> 00:07:40.747 compression, tight fit or good amount of 00:07:40.747 --> 00:07:44.862 spandex, very wide elasticized bands 00:07:44.862 --> 00:07:48.274 among other features. 00:07:48.274 --> 00:07:52.312 And this garment would be designed 00:07:52.312 --> 00:07:54.758 to enhance healing for disturbed tissue 00:07:54.758 --> 00:07:58.785 layers after surgery and could aid in 00:07:58.785 --> 00:08:02.777 easing swelling, pain and discomfort. 00:08:02.777 --> 00:08:05.992 There are some more elucidating 00:08:05.992 --> 00:08:07.454 definition for the word support. To 00:08:07.454 --> 00:08:10.209 bare up or hold up. A load mass, 00:08:10.209 --> 00:08:12.674 structure, part, service as a foundation 00:08:12.674 --> 00:08:16.302 for. To sustain or withstand weight, 00:08:16.302 --> 00:08:19.344 pressure, or strain, without giving way, 00:08:19.344 --> 00:08:25.952 to serve as a prop for. HQ963631 tell 00:08:25.952 --> 00:08:29.950 us in finding the support, it's a means 00:08:29.950 --> 00:08:31.649 to bare the weight of especially from 00:08:31.649 --> 00:08:34.220 below to hold in position, to prevent 00:08:34.220 --> 00:08:44.990 from falling, sinking, or slipping. H 00:08:44.990 --> 00:08:47.337 this must be the primary function as 00:08:47.337 --> 00:08:51.640 established by HQ950741. 00:08:51.640 --> 00:08:54.059 The word are principle actually 00:08:54.059 --> 00:08:56.900 means principle, basic, fundamental. So 00:08:56.900 --> 00:09:00.663 for the past 30 years or more, CBP has 00:09:00.663 --> 00:09:02.700 been dealing with body support as a 00:09:02.700 --> 00:09:07.371 primarily support of any garment that's 00:09:07.371 --> 00:09:09.946 classified in heading 6212. In this 00:09:09.946 --> 00:09:14.072 case here, the Victoria's Secret Direct 00:09:14.072 --> 00:09:17.000 case, the Court told us that the items 00:09:17.000 --> 00:09:20.775 classified in heading 6212 have as 00:09:20.775 --> 00:09:23.370 either their essential characteristic 00:09:23.370 --> 00:09:25.630 and purpose either of support of a part 00:09:25.630 --> 00:09:28.387 of the body or support of a garment. 00:09:28.387 --> 00:09:33.705 And this is actually a picture of the 00:09:33.705 --> 00:09:35.877 court of international trade building 00:09:35.877 --> 00:09:38.388 in New York, New York. 00:09:38.388 --> 00:09:42.466 So before we move on to some more of 00:09:42.466 --> 00:09:45.193 this information, let's take just a few 00:09:45.193 --> 00:09:47.290 minutes and maybe you could tell me in 00:09:47.290 --> 00:09:49.518 the chat box how you happen to be 00:09:49.518 --> 00:09:52.633 connected to apparel imports. You know, 00:09:52.633 --> 00:09:55.274 why are you here? Who do you work for? 00:09:55.274 --> 00:09:58.054 Are you an import specials with U.S. 00:09:58.054 --> 00:10:00.232 customs? Or are you from the trade and 00:10:00.232 --> 00:10:07.935 you're working, you know, with bras or 00:10:07.935 --> 00:10:09.567 it things like that. If you're there, I 00:10:09.567 --> 00:10:11.597 think I can see the chat box. Yes, 00:10:11.597 --> 00:10:15.042 we've got some import special lists. 00:10:15.042 --> 00:10:20.517 Some entry specialists. Some brokers. 00:10:20.517 --> 00:10:22.951 Tariff engineers. Broker. Anybody want 00:10:22.951 --> 00:10:25.937 to mention what company they're from? 00:10:25.937 --> 00:10:29.953 Quality control. Trade compliance. 00:10:29.953 --> 00:10:32.215 Talbot. Somebody taking the brokerage 00:10:32.215 --> 00:10:34.644 exam. Customer compliance and other 00:10:34.644 --> 00:10:38.842 broker. Logistics. Macy's. Wonderful. 00:10:38.842 --> 00:10:41.113 Thank you. I'm so glad we have such a 00:10:41.113 --> 00:10:43.406 variety of people here. 00:10:43.406 --> 00:10:47.841 It's really good to know that we're 00:10:47.841 --> 00:10:51.098 reaching everybody. Somebody is an Uber 00:10:51.098 --> 00:10:53.250 driver. Awesome. Okay. Thanks, I 00:10:53.250 --> 00:10:55.164 guess we have to move on and go back to 00:10:55.164 --> 00:10:56.968 work. But it's great to know you a 00:10:56.968 --> 00:10:58.715 little bit. And I'll keep watching 00:10:58.715 --> 00:11:03.196 outreach the corner of my eye. So in 00:11:03.196 --> 00:11:07.260 this slide here, what we've got is an 00:11:07.260 --> 00:11:09.648 example from the Victoria's Secret case. 00:11:09.648 --> 00:11:12.585 This is just a picture I came up. It's 00:11:12.585 --> 00:11:14.247 not actually part of the case. But 00:11:14.247 --> 00:11:17.228 during that Victoria's Secret case, 00:11:17.228 --> 00:11:19.802 garments were ruled to be of a dual 00:11:19.802 --> 00:11:22.191 purpose, both coverage and support. The 00:11:22.191 --> 00:11:24.536 degree of coverage was determined to be 00:11:24.536 --> 00:11:27.333 more than that provided by a brassiere. 00:11:27.333 --> 00:11:29.718 The Court found that support is the 00:11:29.718 --> 00:11:33.452 paramount function of 6212. And that 00:11:33.452 --> 00:11:36.599 the premise of the function is not 00:11:36.599 --> 00:11:39.210 overwritten by additional outerwear 00:11:39.210 --> 00:11:44.304 coverage function so significant as to 00:11:44.304 --> 00:11:46.715 dominate or roughly be the same 00:11:46.715 --> 00:11:48.271 importance of the support function. 00:11:48.271 --> 00:11:50.073 This is kind of a key aspect to the 00:11:50.073 --> 00:11:51.931 case. 00:11:51.931 --> 00:11:57.937 A shelf cam sole is a cam sole with 00:11:57.937 --> 00:12:01.054 a shelf bra. This is an extra piece of 00:12:01.054 --> 00:12:03.849 fabric with elastic under wand built 00:12:03.849 --> 00:12:06.946 into the garment that provides light 00:12:06.946 --> 00:12:11.564 support to the breast. And I showed you 00:12:11.564 --> 00:12:27.270 a picture here. 00:12:27.270 --> 00:12:30.558 So some of the definitions we're 00:12:30.558 --> 00:12:32.268 going to talk about today in detail I 00:12:32.268 --> 00:12:34.369 have to do about brassieres and then 00:12:34.369 --> 00:12:36.282 we're going to talk a little bit about 00:12:36.282 --> 00:12:40.223 tank styles, camisoles, and abbreviated 00:12:40.223 --> 00:12:42.114 upper body garments and tops. And best 00:12:42.114 --> 00:12:45.030 place to go for customs definition for 00:12:45.030 --> 00:12:50.525 these terms is the apparel terminology 00:12:50.525 --> 00:12:52.336 informed compliance publication. And 00:12:52.336 --> 00:12:55.135 that's what we'll cover the bras in more 00:12:55.135 --> 00:12:56.978 detail in a moment. But we're going to 00:12:56.978 --> 00:12:58.725 talk about the other ones here in a 00:12:58.725 --> 00:13:00.437 little bit, just so you know these 00:13:00.437 --> 00:13:07.279 definitions are here. So report to 00:13:07.279 --> 00:13:09.703 compliance publications, I've included 00:13:09.703 --> 00:13:11.096 the definitions for other types of 00:13:11.096 --> 00:13:14.196 garments from the ICP, because they 00:13:14.196 --> 00:13:15.786 become helpful when we start to talk 00:13:15.786 --> 00:13:17.777 about garments that cross the line 00:13:17.777 --> 00:13:22.172 between bras and upper body garments 00:13:22.172 --> 00:13:24.389 worn as outerwear. These definitions 00:13:24.389 --> 00:13:26.673 can help us understand the differences 00:13:26.673 --> 00:13:29.603 between items that serve as bras and 00:13:29.603 --> 00:13:32.304 those that are simply tops. 00:13:32.304 --> 00:13:35.317 So here they talk about in the ICP 00:13:35.317 --> 00:13:38.537 about tank styles and similar upper body 00:13:38.537 --> 00:13:42.857 garments. And they end up being in 6211 00:13:42.857 --> 00:13:47.318 here according to the ICP due to lack of 00:13:47.318 --> 00:13:50.353 coverage. And we can translate this to 00:13:50.353 --> 00:13:54.172 heading 6114 as well where we put these 00:13:54.172 --> 00:13:57.271 garments if they were knit. So this 00:13:57.271 --> 00:14:01.192 group encompasses 3 types of garments. 00:14:01.192 --> 00:14:04.541 Sleeve-less tank styles, cam stoles, and 00:14:04.541 --> 00:14:06.315 abbreviated upper body garments. 00:14:06.315 --> 00:14:12.408 Sleeve-less tank styles are providing 00:14:12.408 --> 00:14:14.638 limit the shoulder coverage and how this 00:14:14.638 --> 00:14:18.075 can have a U neck, V neck, or scooped 00:14:18.075 --> 00:14:21.217 neck, et cetera. Camisoles are garments 00:14:21.217 --> 00:14:23.820 that provide limited shoulder coverage. 00:14:23.820 --> 00:14:27.242 They normally have spaghetti style type 00:14:27.242 --> 00:14:30.364 or ribbon type straps, and they're cut 00:14:30.364 --> 00:14:33.179 straight across from the top edge, from 00:14:33.179 --> 00:14:36.911 the side seam to side seam, either in 00:14:36.911 --> 00:14:38.905 the front or back or both. And then we 00:14:38.905 --> 00:14:41.167 have upper abbreviated upper body 00:14:41.167 --> 00:14:43.363 garments which lack coverage either at 00:14:43.363 --> 00:14:46.271 the shoulder, arm hole, or waist, and 00:14:46.271 --> 00:14:51.271 this would include things like bandeaus, 00:14:51.271 --> 00:14:56.010 Bouse yeahs, and hall through and tube 00:14:56.010 --> 00:14:59.065 tops and I just discovered this in the 00:14:59.065 --> 00:15:02.746 informed compliance publication and 00:15:02.746 --> 00:15:05.049 found it had real application to my line 00:15:05.049 --> 00:15:07.069 when I'm trying to decide if something 00:15:07.069 --> 00:15:09.417 is going to be a support garment or bra 00:15:09.417 --> 00:15:12.744 in 6212 or it's not going to in line, 00:15:12.744 --> 00:15:15.639 and it has to go to heading 6114, or 00:15:15.639 --> 00:15:19.963 heading 6211. 00:15:19.963 --> 00:15:21.749 This is another one of those 00:15:21.749 --> 00:15:24.309 definitions from the ICP where they talk 00:15:24.309 --> 00:15:27.398 about tops and heading 6114, and they 00:15:27.398 --> 00:15:30.295 say which is the knit provision and they 00:15:30.295 --> 00:15:32.229 say tops generally have limited coverage 00:15:32.229 --> 00:15:35.314 of the neck and shoulder area, and/or do 00:15:35.314 --> 00:15:40.233 not reach the waist. And these terms 00:15:40.233 --> 00:15:42.502 are sometimes used to describe garments 00:15:42.502 --> 00:15:46.786 such as halter tops, tube tops, or cam 00:15:46.786 --> 00:15:49.277 SOLs, and I provided an example of each 00:15:49.277 --> 00:15:52.951 one here. Halter top, tube tops, and 00:15:52.951 --> 00:15:56.351 camisole. And word about camisoles, 00:15:56.351 --> 00:15:58.694 knit camisole garment can be ambiguous 00:15:58.694 --> 00:16:01.269 because they can be worn for a number of 00:16:01.269 --> 00:16:03.144 different reasons. They can be 00:16:03.144 --> 00:16:06.054 classified in heading 6114, but they 00:16:06.054 --> 00:16:10.931 also can be mine if they're under an 00:16:10.931 --> 00:16:13.252 undershirt or turn out to be a support 00:16:13.252 --> 00:16:18.546 style camisole and heading 6212. 00:16:18.546 --> 00:16:22.532 So for brassieres, in 6212, these 00:16:22.532 --> 00:16:25.659 are garments that are worn to mold and 00:16:25.659 --> 00:16:27.881 or support the breast. They typically 00:16:27.881 --> 00:16:29.871 consists of two cups held in place with 00:16:29.871 --> 00:16:32.478 shoulder straps and elastic in center 00:16:32.478 --> 00:16:34.810 back. Long-line brassieres extend 00:16:34.810 --> 00:16:37.840 toward the waist and typically have 00:16:37.840 --> 00:16:40.854 vertical stays or boning. Sports bras 00:16:40.854 --> 00:16:43.404 usually feature wider shoulder straps, 00:16:43.404 --> 00:16:50.481 two-ply frawnt panel, mesh fabric, and 00:16:50.481 --> 00:16:53.782 elasticized bottom bands. 00:16:53.782 --> 00:17:04.080 In headquarters ruling 9HQ591264, 00:17:04.080 --> 00:17:07.226 T-back sports bras were ruled as customs 00:17:07.226 --> 00:17:10.212 to qualify as cups, hook and eye 00:17:10.212 --> 00:17:11.870 closure, under wire stays, and it was 00:17:11.870 --> 00:17:13.779 determined that so long as the articles 00:17:13.779 --> 00:17:15.919 were treated as foundation wear in the 00:17:15.919 --> 00:17:18.156 industry, and possessed the support 00:17:18.156 --> 00:17:20.760 features, they weren't precluded from 00:17:20.760 --> 00:17:24.303 classification in heading 6212. Sports 00:17:24.303 --> 00:17:29.844 bras are treated as foundation rather 00:17:29.844 --> 00:17:32.084 than outerwear. They're designed to 00:17:32.084 --> 00:17:35.484 movement and exercise and can be quite 00:17:35.484 --> 00:17:37.827 sturdy de. It will sometimes be 00:17:37.827 --> 00:17:40.410 differentiated as offering support for 00:17:40.410 --> 00:17:42.606 activities that are low impact, such as 00:17:42.606 --> 00:17:44.412 this one, which could be used for 00:17:44.412 --> 00:17:47.588 something like yoga. Or medium impact, 00:17:47.588 --> 00:17:50.582 say you would use it to go hiking. Or 00:17:50.582 --> 00:17:52.816 high impact, which would be something 00:17:52.816 --> 00:17:55.146 like a bra which you would use for 00:17:55.146 --> 00:17:59.230 returning. This particular one has 00:17:59.230 --> 00:18:01.837 extra details in here, some extra mesh, 00:18:01.837 --> 00:18:04.344 some molded cups, some pretty firm 00:18:04.344 --> 00:18:08.488 straps. Some very adjustable bra and 00:18:08.488 --> 00:18:15.450 hook eye closure in the back. What is 00:18:15.450 --> 00:18:17.863 the foundation wear? Well, foundation 00:18:17.863 --> 00:18:20.877 wear is any garment that support or 00:18:20.877 --> 00:18:23.583 controls the woman's figure. Sometimes 00:18:23.583 --> 00:18:25.330 it's associated with CORE let's or 00:18:25.330 --> 00:18:27.938 corsets. But this also covers garments 00:18:27.938 --> 00:18:32.071 such as girdles, panty girdles and 00:18:32.071 --> 00:18:33.923 brassieres. Christian Dior said without 00:18:33.923 --> 00:18:36.628 foundation, there can be no fashion. 00:18:36.628 --> 00:18:38.604 Properly fitted fashion garments are 00:18:38.604 --> 00:18:40.616 the building blocks that make clothes 00:18:40.616 --> 00:18:43.308 look their best, especially for women. 00:18:43.308 --> 00:18:45.655 Here we have the bullet bra, but what's 00:18:45.655 --> 00:18:48.528 the point? 00:18:48.528 --> 00:18:51.778 A bra does not have to be worn as a 00:18:51.778 --> 00:18:55.012 under garment only, it need only possess 00:18:55.012 --> 00:18:57.089 certain requisite body-supporting 00:18:57.089 --> 00:19:00.753 functions. According to headquarters 00:19:00.753 --> 00:19:04.731 ruling 950685, some typical features 00:19:04.731 --> 00:19:07.215 include underwear, adjustable shoulder 00:19:07.215 --> 00:19:09.759 straps, stays, adjustable hook and eye 00:19:09.759 --> 00:19:12.339 closures, traditional bra sizing, 00:19:12.339 --> 00:19:15.317 support fabric. I wanted to say little 00:19:15.317 --> 00:19:18.447 bit about the word "stays." Because 00:19:18.447 --> 00:19:20.929 that can be another term for the word 00:19:20.929 --> 00:19:23.456 boning. Boning is a sewing technique 00:19:23.456 --> 00:19:29.127 that actually fixes bones into a seam. 00:19:29.127 --> 00:19:32.364 Today, it's made of plastic or metal in 00:19:32.364 --> 00:19:34.488 and provide support and they can give 00:19:34.488 --> 00:19:37.054 the garment special sort of structure. 00:19:37.054 --> 00:19:39.406 They can stabilize and hold the fabric 00:19:39.406 --> 00:19:42.177 together and actually create seller 00:19:42.177 --> 00:19:44.516 structure. Designers use bra bones to 00:19:44.516 --> 00:19:48.967 help maintain the shape of a bra. 00:19:48.967 --> 00:19:52.804 Headquarters ruling 951264 tells us the 00:19:52.804 --> 00:19:55.061 customs does not support the 00:19:55.061 --> 00:19:57.088 body-supporting garments. Must have 00:19:57.088 --> 00:20:00.706 cups, heat-molded or otherwise 00:20:00.706 --> 00:20:02.867 classified as brassiere, long as 00:20:02.867 --> 00:20:04.926 articles are treated as foundation wear 00:20:04.926 --> 00:20:07.215 in the industry and requisite support 00:20:07.215 --> 00:20:10.013 features are present. Traditional bras 00:20:10.013 --> 00:20:13.799 seem to all have cup, but something like 00:20:13.799 --> 00:20:16.233 this which is a low impact sports bra 00:20:16.233 --> 00:20:20.961 that does not. 00:20:20.961 --> 00:20:23.069 For brassieres, first thing we need 00:20:23.069 --> 00:20:24.988 to determine is whether the bra has 00:20:24.988 --> 00:20:28.361 lace, net, or embroidery. Most bras we 00:20:28.361 --> 00:20:31.250 see do not actually contain lace, net, 00:20:31.250 --> 00:20:33.947 or embroidery for tariff purposes. 00:20:33.947 --> 00:20:35.856 Whether there's a duty difference or 00:20:35.856 --> 00:20:37.759 not, it's always in your best interest 00:20:37.759 --> 00:20:41.743 to classify accurately as possible. 00:20:41.743 --> 00:20:45.389 Actually, our division director, Steve 00:20:45.389 --> 00:20:47.511 Mac said the other day that it's always 00:20:47.511 --> 00:20:50.128 better to do things right the first time 00:20:50.128 --> 00:20:54.405 and, I wholeheartedly agree, because do 00:20:54.405 --> 00:20:57.897 what you feel in your heart to be right. 00:20:57.897 --> 00:21:00.164 For you will be criticized anyway 00:21:00.164 --> 00:21:04.018 according to Eleanor Roosevelt. The 00:21:04.018 --> 00:21:07.548 bras that contain lace, net, embroidery, 00:21:07.548 --> 00:21:10.356 I provided subheading of there, the 00:21:10.356 --> 00:21:12.998 specific cup subheading. You would want 00:21:12.998 --> 00:21:15.275 to determine what containing means and 00:21:15.275 --> 00:21:17.612 containing actually means a significant 00:21:17.612 --> 00:21:21.342 amount for the tariff. The lace, net, 00:21:21.342 --> 00:21:23.628 or embroidery for the bras in this 00:21:23.628 --> 00:21:25.334 section should be featured on the main 00:21:25.334 --> 00:21:28.611 body of the garment, not solely used as 00:21:28.611 --> 00:21:31.417 trim or edging. And I had some 00:21:31.417 --> 00:21:32.932 assistance coming up with some of these 00:21:32.932 --> 00:21:36.973 definitions for lace, net, or embroid 00:21:36.973 --> 00:21:41.072 refrom my team. And I can tell you that 00:21:41.072 --> 00:21:47.511 lace, true lace is ornamental or open 00:21:47.511 --> 00:21:49.712 fabric formed by intertwisting of 00:21:49.712 --> 00:21:52.850 thread. True lace is neither woven or 00:21:52.850 --> 00:21:55.837 knitted. For net, this is open fabric 00:21:55.837 --> 00:21:58.368 formed by weaving, knotting, or twisting 00:21:58.368 --> 00:22:01.507 of yarn or thread to form a meshwork. 00:22:01.507 --> 00:22:05.755 Net is not knit. Embroidery is obtained 00:22:05.755 --> 00:22:08.815 by working with embroidery threads on 00:22:08.815 --> 00:22:10.648 pre-existing ground of fabric in order 00:22:10.648 --> 00:22:12.965 to produce an ornamental effect on that 00:22:12.965 --> 00:22:13.953 ground. 00:22:13.953 --> 00:22:17.487 So for these bras that are in the 00:22:17.487 --> 00:22:22.807 section where they're candidating net, 00:22:22.807 --> 00:22:24.905 lace, or embroidery, many places have 00:22:24.905 --> 00:22:27.820 that but they're usually lace-like or 00:22:27.820 --> 00:22:30.743 net-like knit fabrics where you can see 00:22:30.743 --> 00:22:34.627 the interlinking loops, therefore, most 00:22:34.627 --> 00:22:37.327 bras are going to fall into the "other" 00:22:37.327 --> 00:22:41.790 category which is 6212.10.90. You can 00:22:41.790 --> 00:22:44.112 see the explanatory notes for more 00:22:44.112 --> 00:22:46.616 specific information on lace, net, or 00:22:46.616 --> 00:22:51.906 embroidery. 00:22:51.906 --> 00:22:54.762 Like I said before, true lace is an 00:22:54.762 --> 00:22:58.668 open work fap brick. It can be made by 00:22:58.668 --> 00:23:02.003 hand with bobbins and pins, Needles, 00:23:02.003 --> 00:23:04.246 hooks, or by machinery. The machinery 00:23:04.246 --> 00:23:06.477 for making lace came into being in the 00:23:06.477 --> 00:23:11.453 very early 1800s in Nottingham England. 00:23:11.453 --> 00:23:13.876 Yes, Robin Hood territory. Machines 00:23:13.876 --> 00:23:17.212 were made to make garments of handmade 00:23:17.212 --> 00:23:21.780 lace. 1813, John levers improved the 00:23:21.780 --> 00:23:27.220 machine and levers lace became the 00:23:27.220 --> 00:23:29.182 well-known use. And cuss testimonies 00:23:29.182 --> 00:23:33.650 recognize as true lace. Leavers. So 00:23:33.650 --> 00:23:35.798 you might look at both sets of bra and 00:23:35.798 --> 00:23:38.601 say they're lace. Well, here on the 00:23:38.601 --> 00:23:42.009 left retails for $550 and actually made 00:23:42.009 --> 00:23:45.219 with Leavers Lace. And is this is one 00:23:45.219 --> 00:23:47.153 of the bras that's going to be showing 00:23:47.153 --> 00:23:50.451 as being made with lace. But on the 00:23:50.451 --> 00:23:54.877 right-hand side here, we have some bra 00:23:54.877 --> 00:23:59.093 let's that have lace-like fascia for $19 00:23:59.093 --> 00:24:04.267 for 5 of them and $3.80 per unit. So 00:24:04.267 --> 00:24:06.242 that's a good example of what is 00:24:06.242 --> 00:24:09.472 lace-like fabric and not a true lace. 00:24:09.472 --> 00:24:16.412 These are some bras with nets. This 00:24:16.412 --> 00:24:20.366 is a meshwork originally made by hand, 00:24:20.366 --> 00:24:24.849 net is also made by machine with varying 00:24:24.849 --> 00:24:27.842 size and fineness. That's occurring in 00:24:27.842 --> 00:24:31.726 many forms to fine dress nets to fish 00:24:31.726 --> 00:24:34.415 nets of great variety. You see the net 00:24:34.415 --> 00:24:37.160 here is featured on the main body of the 00:24:37.160 --> 00:24:40.093 bra. Just what we need to be classified 00:24:40.093 --> 00:24:43.604 as a net section we talked about smght. 00:24:43.604 --> 00:24:45.558 Embroidery is obtained working with 00:24:45.558 --> 00:24:48.151 threads on a pre-existing ground in 00:24:48.151 --> 00:24:52.249 order to produce an ornamental effect on 00:24:52.249 --> 00:24:54.673 that net ground. This definition is 00:24:54.673 --> 00:24:57.278 from the explanatory notes. Here, what 00:24:57.278 --> 00:24:59.041 we have is something that was stated to 00:24:59.041 --> 00:25:04.822 be a tool fabric under wire cup bra 00:25:04.822 --> 00:25:10.181 embroideried with colorful fine Apple's. 00:25:10.181 --> 00:25:12.536 Embroidery must be significant in this 00:25:12.536 --> 00:25:14.417 section which can be important or 00:25:14.417 --> 00:25:16.442 noteworthy. So I would consider this 00:25:16.442 --> 00:25:19.646 bra with embroidery, because the 00:25:19.646 --> 00:25:21.522 pineapples are so significant. So we're 00:25:21.522 --> 00:25:24.100 about halfway through this big long 00:25:24.100 --> 00:25:26.679 presentation. And if you would like to 00:25:26.679 --> 00:25:29.014 take just a moment to get up and do a 00:25:29.014 --> 00:25:32.309 halfway stretch, you have permission to 00:25:32.309 --> 00:25:34.368 do so. I'm going to stand up and move 00:25:34.368 --> 00:25:37.019 around a little bit. Maybe get a sip of 00:25:37.019 --> 00:25:39.397 water. I think it's hard to concentrate 00:25:39.397 --> 00:25:41.939 on something like this for a full hour. 00:25:41.939 --> 00:25:44.057 So if you want to step away for a 00:25:44.057 --> 00:25:47.935 minute, please feel free. It's 00:25:47.935 --> 00:25:50.906 important to do that, to take your eyes 00:25:50.906 --> 00:25:53.859 away from the screen, and maybe your 00:25:53.859 --> 00:26:02.739 ears away from my voice for a moment. 00:26:02.739 --> 00:26:04.611 You can let me know if you want to, if 00:26:04.611 --> 00:26:06.733 you don't, you can just continue to 00:26:06.733 --> 00:26:09.216 stretch. You can let me know if you're 00:26:09.216 --> 00:26:11.869 willing to take just a few minutes out 00:26:11.869 --> 00:26:16.117 of this presentation where we constantly 00:26:16.117 --> 00:26:18.237 hammer away at classification to explore 00:26:18.237 --> 00:26:21.555 little bit of history. 00:26:21.555 --> 00:26:24.839 I started to do some research some 00:26:24.839 --> 00:26:27.207 of this topic, and I probably got little 00:26:27.207 --> 00:26:30.752 more into it than I needed to. But I 00:26:30.752 --> 00:26:33.583 think it's sometimes helpful because it 00:26:33.583 --> 00:26:35.530 makes you understand where some of these 00:26:35.530 --> 00:26:38.069 things come from, like we talk about 00:26:38.069 --> 00:26:40.749 bones in a bra. They actually used 00:26:40.749 --> 00:26:45.027 bones. It's fascinating. So please, 00:26:45.027 --> 00:26:47.153 everyone is begging for more history 00:26:47.153 --> 00:26:48.924 because they just don't want to look at 00:26:48.924 --> 00:26:51.178 the tariff, the book that makes you go 00:26:51.178 --> 00:26:54.132 blind. That's what it's exactly 00:26:54.132 --> 00:26:57.137 designed. I didn't need glasses most of 00:26:57.137 --> 00:26:58.946 my adult life until I started working 00:26:58.946 --> 00:27:00.695 for customs, and then sure enough, 00:27:00.695 --> 00:27:02.408 steering at those little figures all the 00:27:02.408 --> 00:27:06.651 time, I had to get glasses. So, thank 00:27:06.651 --> 00:27:09.318 you for your patience, and thank you for 00:27:09.318 --> 00:27:11.516 your willingness to entertain me with 00:27:11.516 --> 00:27:17.715 the history. So we can move on. Bras 00:27:17.715 --> 00:27:19.731 actually include a great diversity of 00:27:19.731 --> 00:27:21.609 styles and methods of construction. So 00:27:21.609 --> 00:27:23.796 to understand their purpose, we're going 00:27:23.796 --> 00:27:26.092 to do just a little primer on the 00:27:26.092 --> 00:27:29.347 history of the bra. There is evidence 00:27:29.347 --> 00:27:31.812 women have worn various garments since 00:27:31.812 --> 00:27:34.680 ancient times to cover or support the 00:27:34.680 --> 00:27:36.912 breast. This actually is a mosaic 00:27:36.912 --> 00:27:43.795 created in Sisley in the 4th century AD, 00:27:43.795 --> 00:27:48.073 colloquially known as the bikini girls. 00:27:48.073 --> 00:27:50.671 You can see our girl on the left here 00:27:50.671 --> 00:27:53.417 using the little dumb bell similar to 00:27:53.417 --> 00:27:55.589 what we use today. So the more things 00:27:55.589 --> 00:28:04.558 change, the more they stay the same. 00:28:04.558 --> 00:28:07.042 The FEMA bust was encased in the corsets 00:28:07.042 --> 00:28:11.188 from the western world to 16th and early 00:28:11.188 --> 00:28:14.315 20th Century. What formed as a bodice 00:28:14.315 --> 00:28:18.119 that pushed the body upward made of 00:28:18.119 --> 00:28:20.847 under garment made of whale bone and 00:28:20.847 --> 00:28:24.219 steel that encircled the ribs and 00:28:24.219 --> 00:28:27.365 compressed the natural waist. Corsets 00:28:27.365 --> 00:28:31.097 evolved over the use and helped shaped 00:28:31.097 --> 00:28:33.475 the body into distinctive silhouettes as 00:28:33.475 --> 00:28:35.944 dictated by the fashions of the time. 00:28:35.944 --> 00:28:38.234 Women everywhere were relieved when 00:28:38.234 --> 00:28:41.844 corsets were fashion from the early 00:28:41.844 --> 00:28:44.228 1900s. When corsets became 00:28:44.228 --> 00:28:45.657 unfashionable, brassieres and padding 00:28:45.657 --> 00:28:47.907 helped to project display and emphasize 00:28:47.907 --> 00:28:52.401 the bust. In 1893, New Yorker Marie to 00:28:52.401 --> 00:28:56.642 you sick was granted a patent for breast 00:28:56.642 --> 00:28:58.166 supporter as they described as 00:28:58.166 --> 00:29:03.220 modification of the corset. Which was 00:29:03.220 --> 00:29:05.635 similar to a modern-day push-up bra and 00:29:05.635 --> 00:29:08.378 plate made of metal or other stuff 00:29:08.378 --> 00:29:11.122 material fit against the torso of the 00:29:11.122 --> 00:29:13.744 breast. It was covered with fabric and 00:29:13.744 --> 00:29:15.922 had a pocket for each breast. Women 00:29:15.922 --> 00:29:18.417 everywhere marched on with the 00:29:18.417 --> 00:29:21.386 discomfort until the first modern bra 00:29:21.386 --> 00:29:27.495 was invented by Mary Phelps Jacob, who 00:29:27.495 --> 00:29:30.540 did not like bones sticking out from 00:29:30.540 --> 00:29:34.033 dawning a sheer evening gown for a 00:29:34.033 --> 00:29:36.453 debutante ball. She used this 00:29:36.453 --> 00:29:39.729 alternative using two handkerchief plus 00:29:39.729 --> 00:29:41.804 some ribbon. She patented the garment 00:29:41.804 --> 00:29:45.959 in 1914, thereby freeing women from the 00:29:45.959 --> 00:29:48.032 tyranny of corsets forever according to 00:29:48.032 --> 00:29:50.853 Vanity Fair magazine. Mary sold the 00:29:50.853 --> 00:29:53.397 bras to friends for $1. And then found 00:29:53.397 --> 00:29:55.931 a factory in Boston staffed by two 00:29:55.931 --> 00:29:57.793 women. After making a few hundred bras 00:29:57.793 --> 00:29:59.528 and receiving some orders from the 00:29:59.528 --> 00:30:03.143 Department stores, she was persuaded by 00:30:03.143 --> 00:30:05.500 her husband to clothes the company. She 00:30:05.500 --> 00:30:09.204 sold the patent to Warner Bros. corset 00:30:09.204 --> 00:30:11.841 company for $1,500. In the next 30 00:30:11.841 --> 00:30:14.704 years, Warner Bros. made more than $15 00:30:14.704 --> 00:30:17.314 million from the design as they began 00:30:17.314 --> 00:30:22.702 producing the garment. 00:30:22.702 --> 00:30:25.300 While we could feel rather sorry for 00:30:25.300 --> 00:30:27.412 Mary who lost out on the fortune to be 00:30:27.412 --> 00:30:30.633 made on her bras, she actually led a 00:30:30.633 --> 00:30:32.954 fascinating life despite this. She 00:30:32.954 --> 00:30:36.867 divorced her upper-class husband in 1932 00:30:36.867 --> 00:30:41.865 for the more Roguer hear Crossley. 00:30:41.865 --> 00:30:43.996 Harry confessed his love for her and 00:30:43.996 --> 00:30:47.765 they took off to join ex-pats in Europe 00:30:47.765 --> 00:30:52.747 where she changed her name to Coress 00:30:52.747 --> 00:30:55.213 Crosby. And she's living life here with 00:30:55.213 --> 00:31:00.594 her canopy and her umbrella. 00:31:00.594 --> 00:31:04.815 It was there in Europe that Caresse 00:31:04.815 --> 00:31:08.180 who embodied woman who has it all who 00:31:08.180 --> 00:31:12.334 had her picture painted than none other 00:31:12.334 --> 00:31:14.142 than Salvador Dali. She became a 00:31:14.142 --> 00:31:19.686 well-known New Yorker. And made 00:31:19.686 --> 00:31:21.907 lifelong friends with Dali. She and 00:31:21.907 --> 00:31:23.695 Harry founded a publishing company that 00:31:23.695 --> 00:31:26.029 was actually responsible for publishing 00:31:26.029 --> 00:31:28.338 the early works of authors who would 00:31:28.338 --> 00:31:32.332 later become such famous luminaries as 00:31:32.332 --> 00:31:38.678 earnest Hemingway, aniece and Charles 00:31:38.678 --> 00:31:45.485 Pokowsky and she supported antiwar 00:31:45.485 --> 00:31:47.417 organization. Fascinating story. Back 00:31:47.417 --> 00:31:48.623 to bras. 00:31:48.623 --> 00:31:51.001 So there are various different types 00:31:51.001 --> 00:31:55.356 of bras. And I'll mention a few. The 00:31:55.356 --> 00:31:57.997 T-shirt, padded, balance come net, back 00:31:57.997 --> 00:32:00.868 less, strapless, push up, wireless, 00:32:00.868 --> 00:32:04.096 plunge, racer back, under wire, 00:32:04.096 --> 00:32:08.852 convertible, cupless, full coverage, 00:32:08.852 --> 00:32:13.170 front, closure, bandeau,, et cetera. 00:32:13.170 --> 00:32:15.591 And these are some pictures to give you 00:32:15.591 --> 00:32:17.430 an idea what the different types of bras 00:32:17.430 --> 00:32:20.790 are. If you can see, virtually all of 00:32:20.790 --> 00:32:22.789 them here have straps except for the 00:32:22.789 --> 00:32:25.778 bandeau. This particular plunge one 00:32:25.778 --> 00:32:28.155 doesn't, but sometimes they do. And the 00:32:28.155 --> 00:32:32.820 strapless one clearly is without straps. 00:32:32.820 --> 00:32:34.785 The T-shirt bra is actually a very 00:32:34.785 --> 00:32:37.816 common popular bra, because the molded 00:32:37.816 --> 00:32:41.149 cups provide modest tea and can be 00:32:41.149 --> 00:32:43.840 practically invisible when wearing 00:32:43.840 --> 00:32:46.562 lightweight t-shirts. They can include 00:32:46.562 --> 00:32:50.984 underwear like this one or be wire-free. 00:32:50.984 --> 00:32:53.810 Maternity bras are souped-up versions 00:32:53.810 --> 00:32:56.921 of regular bras. They're designed to 00:32:56.921 --> 00:32:59.066 support the body during pregnancy. They 00:32:59.066 --> 00:33:01.938 may include wider straps, softer fabric, 00:33:01.938 --> 00:33:04.620 extra hooks, or other features that can 00:33:04.620 --> 00:33:07.715 accommodate an expanding bust or rib 00:33:07.715 --> 00:33:14.055 cage. A mastectomy bras has special 00:33:14.055 --> 00:33:19.799 features to hold silicone bust forms. 00:33:19.799 --> 00:33:21.994 Nursing bras have features such as a 00:33:21.994 --> 00:33:25.889 clasp where the cup meets the strap that 00:33:25.889 --> 00:33:28.455 make it easier to nurse a baby, or to 00:33:28.455 --> 00:33:32.449 get access to breast milk for pumping. 00:33:32.449 --> 00:33:36.053 These are some -- well, the bralette, 00:33:36.053 --> 00:33:37.860 I'm going to give you some definitions 00:33:37.860 --> 00:33:42.494 here. It is known as a soft bra with no 00:33:42.494 --> 00:33:50.220 wires, and often thin removable pad with 00:33:50.220 --> 00:33:52.729 unstructured bra, unpadded and wire 00:33:52.729 --> 00:33:55.922 free. And these do include straps and 00:33:55.922 --> 00:33:58.397 these are common definitions for 00:33:58.397 --> 00:34:06.701 bralette. CBP does not have a 00:34:06.701 --> 00:34:09.121 definition for the bralette. This is 00:34:09.121 --> 00:34:11.056 bra without standard bra components. 00:34:11.056 --> 00:34:13.206 They generally provide at least light 00:34:13.206 --> 00:34:15.389 suggest and are being embraced because 00:34:15.389 --> 00:34:18.317 of their comfort. Due to their 00:34:18.317 --> 00:34:20.194 unstructured nature, bralettes follow 00:34:20.194 --> 00:34:23.096 the contours of a woman's bust in a more 00:34:23.096 --> 00:34:25.381 natural way. Their sizing is different 00:34:25.381 --> 00:34:29.543 from traditional bras, and they're 00:34:29.543 --> 00:34:33.752 small, medium, large instead of 32A, 34B 00:34:33.752 --> 00:34:35.572 and so on. These are becoming so 00:34:35.572 --> 00:34:37.664 popular that bra companies that failed 00:34:37.664 --> 00:34:40.687 to embrace the trend have suffered 00:34:40.687 --> 00:34:43.387 significant decline in sales revenue. 00:34:43.387 --> 00:34:45.736 When I first started working with them, 00:34:45.736 --> 00:34:47.529 I was really quite confused, because I 00:34:47.529 --> 00:34:50.350 didn't think they offered much support 00:34:50.350 --> 00:34:53.309 and did they really provide the support 00:34:53.309 --> 00:35:00.707 needed to be in heading 6212, but they 00:35:00.707 --> 00:35:03.804 do in their own little way. 00:35:03.804 --> 00:35:06.221 What is a bralette exactly? Well, 00:35:06.221 --> 00:35:10.136 it can be many things. It can be a 00:35:10.136 --> 00:35:12.684 dainty easygoing alternative to a 00:35:12.684 --> 00:35:16.485 standard bra that functions as a bra. 00:35:16.485 --> 00:35:18.725 But many cases can be revealed to the 00:35:18.725 --> 00:35:21.461 public view a little bit, or even a lot. 00:35:21.461 --> 00:35:24.601 Like you have here. This style used to 00:35:24.601 --> 00:35:28.167 be worn by mainly teenagers and smaller 00:35:28.167 --> 00:35:31.520 busted women. But now women of all ages 00:35:31.520 --> 00:35:35.183 are embracing them somehow. We popped 00:35:35.183 --> 00:35:38.818 ahead. 00:35:38.818 --> 00:35:42.616 Even women larger chested women are 00:35:42.616 --> 00:35:45.092 wearing them. Sometimes for them, they 00:35:45.092 --> 00:35:47.121 might have some additional features, 00:35:47.121 --> 00:35:52.181 like cups, or closures, or more fabric. 00:35:52.181 --> 00:35:54.564 It seems bra let's are bigger on style 00:35:54.564 --> 00:35:57.276 than support, but times are changing, 00:35:57.276 --> 00:36:02.149 and women are not interested in 00:36:02.149 --> 00:36:03.936 suffering for comfort these days. Maybe 00:36:03.936 --> 00:36:10.999 they're not as concerned. Their main 00:36:10.999 --> 00:36:12.774 purpose must be support if they're 00:36:12.774 --> 00:36:20.930 classified in 6212. But they can, in 00:36:20.930 --> 00:36:24.207 addition add style to an outfit. The 00:36:24.207 --> 00:36:29.096 word duron is meaning strip and garment 00:36:29.096 --> 00:36:32.799 apprising of strip cloth. Today the 00:36:32.799 --> 00:36:34.466 term frequently refers to a garment that 00:36:34.466 --> 00:36:37.785 wraps around the women's bust, similar 00:36:37.785 --> 00:36:41.350 to a tube top but narrower. It's actual 00:36:41.350 --> 00:36:43.570 pull on style, sleeve-less, and off the 00:36:43.570 --> 00:36:45.811 shoulder. Both of these bras here were 00:36:45.811 --> 00:36:48.722 being advertised by an online bra 00:36:48.722 --> 00:36:50.577 retailer who does not sell regular 00:36:50.577 --> 00:36:52.827 clothing. There are only two ruling in 00:36:52.827 --> 00:36:57.818 cross that cover bandeau bra. That is 00:36:57.818 --> 00:37:03.642 N075316 and H88358. And I found most 00:37:03.642 --> 00:37:06.224 bandeau bras on the market today include 00:37:06.224 --> 00:37:09.151 support and shaping features such as 00:37:09.151 --> 00:37:13.732 removable or invisible straps, cups, 00:37:13.732 --> 00:37:22.036 heading, knit and ruching, and side 00:37:22.036 --> 00:37:26.205 boning, stays, under wire, side gather, 00:37:26.205 --> 00:37:31.029 tightly knit fabric, wider bottom bands. 00:37:31.029 --> 00:37:33.867 At first glance, these don't appear 00:37:33.867 --> 00:37:35.686 to offer that much support because you 00:37:35.686 --> 00:37:38.517 don't have the straps, but there are 00:37:38.517 --> 00:37:40.483 features here that are making these 00:37:40.483 --> 00:37:43.794 items supportive. And like I said, this 00:37:43.794 --> 00:37:47.223 one has some boning. It's got some Sony 00:37:47.223 --> 00:37:50.224 in elastic edges. It's lined. It's got 00:37:50.224 --> 00:37:53.782 silicone grippers. This particular one 00:37:53.782 --> 00:37:56.987 has very wide covered elastic bands at 00:37:56.987 --> 00:38:03.868 the top and bottom. Knit in review 00:38:03.868 --> 00:38:09.219 shaking [Rewriting] ruching. And this 00:38:09.219 --> 00:38:15.330 pointer is driving me crazy here. 00:38:15.330 --> 00:38:16.985 Let me see if I can calm this down. 00:38:16.985 --> 00:38:18.666 I don't know what's going on. My mouse 00:38:18.666 --> 00:38:37.118 is going crazy. So here, the garments 00:38:37.118 --> 00:38:40.665 pictured appear to be rather ambiguous. 00:38:40.665 --> 00:38:44.435 These are all bandeaus. 00:38:44.435 --> 00:38:46.237 Classification, each one of these 00:38:46.237 --> 00:38:48.498 garments would have to be evaluated on 00:38:48.498 --> 00:38:52.244 all of the factors presented. Ban doze 00:38:52.244 --> 00:38:55.107 are kind of like camisole in a sense 00:38:55.107 --> 00:38:57.244 they can be worn in several different 00:38:57.244 --> 00:39:00.096 ways and we're going to touch on how to 00:39:00.096 --> 00:39:01.837 classify ambiguous items in a moment. 00:39:01.837 --> 00:39:05.044 But here's our pointer again. I just 00:39:05.044 --> 00:39:06.902 pulled all of these 3 pictures off the 00:39:06.902 --> 00:39:09.241 Internet for fun. This one was actually 00:39:09.241 --> 00:39:11.931 called the bandeau bra, but it's being 00:39:11.931 --> 00:39:16.658 shown with shorts, which means she's 00:39:16.658 --> 00:39:18.730 wearing it out in public. Looks like 00:39:18.730 --> 00:39:20.953 it's a little bit wider than the bandeau 00:39:20.953 --> 00:39:24.325 bra we had on the previous slide. But 00:39:24.325 --> 00:39:25.602 we don't know what the exact features 00:39:25.602 --> 00:39:27.979 are. This one here looks more like the 00:39:27.979 --> 00:39:30.287 bandeau bra we had on the previous slide 00:39:30.287 --> 00:39:33.192 and it's quite narrow. And she's 00:39:33.192 --> 00:39:35.827 clearly wearing it in place of a bra. 00:39:35.827 --> 00:39:37.000 But she's also wearing it's on the 00:39:37.000 --> 00:39:39.918 street as a top with a modified cardigan 00:39:39.918 --> 00:39:43.803 and pants. I have no idea how this was 00:39:43.803 --> 00:39:46.346 designed, marketed, or sold, but I 00:39:46.346 --> 00:39:50.016 thought it was fascinating. And then we 00:39:50.016 --> 00:39:52.047 have the tube top. And it is born as 00:39:52.047 --> 00:39:54.856 outerwear with a pair of pants. But at 00:39:54.856 --> 00:39:57.176 first glance, all three of these 00:39:57.176 --> 00:39:58.884 garments seem to have a lot of 00:39:58.884 --> 00:40:03.051 similarities, don't they? I think as we 00:40:03.051 --> 00:40:08.274 finish up bras, I'll say a word about 00:40:08.274 --> 00:40:10.398 built in bras. And this is my wording 00:40:10.398 --> 00:40:17.204 here. I have HQ950658 for further 00:40:17.204 --> 00:40:19.450 reading, but built in bras designed as 00:40:19.450 --> 00:40:21.315 outerwear that also provides body 00:40:21.315 --> 00:40:25.558 support such as a yoga top, a swimsuit, 00:40:25.558 --> 00:40:28.742 and a dress with built in bras are not 00:40:28.742 --> 00:40:31.575 bras. They're outerwear. And these are 00:40:31.575 --> 00:40:33.400 a little more straightforward than some 00:40:33.400 --> 00:40:35.339 of the other garments that may be a 00:40:35.339 --> 00:40:38.101 little more abbreviated. But this 00:40:38.101 --> 00:40:41.675 drives home the concept that just 00:40:41.675 --> 00:40:43.435 because it has a bra built into it 00:40:43.435 --> 00:40:52.176 doesn't mean it is a bra. We're heading 00:40:52.176 --> 00:40:53.928 into the homestretch of this 00:40:53.928 --> 00:40:55.227 presentation here and I want to do take 00:40:55.227 --> 00:40:59.388 a moment to tell you that I appreciate 00:40:59.388 --> 00:41:00.773 you being here. And I appreciate you 00:41:00.773 --> 00:41:03.914 taking the time out of your day to spend 00:41:03.914 --> 00:41:06.458 some time on your own education. It's 00:41:06.458 --> 00:41:10.649 hard to do that because we're busy all 00:41:10.649 --> 00:41:12.393 the time and it's hard to pay attention 00:41:12.393 --> 00:41:15.358 to one topic for any length of time. 00:41:15.358 --> 00:41:17.241 But I'm proud of you for being here. 00:41:17.241 --> 00:41:19.510 And I'm proud that you are taking the 00:41:19.510 --> 00:41:22.285 time to dive into this topic with me. 00:41:22.285 --> 00:41:24.474 So thousand that we finished bras, 00:41:24.474 --> 00:41:25.834 we're going to tackle something a little 00:41:25.834 --> 00:41:27.959 bit more difficult. And we might just 00:41:27.959 --> 00:41:32.753 go on little bit more than an hour. I 00:41:32.753 --> 00:41:35.651 also wanted to, you know, tackle some of 00:41:35.651 --> 00:41:37.693 the questions we got about these items 00:41:37.693 --> 00:41:42.231 in the webinar. So if it's not a bra, 00:41:42.231 --> 00:41:45.361 but it's an upper body support garment, 00:41:45.361 --> 00:41:47.329 where would you classify it? So the 00:41:47.329 --> 00:41:50.438 bras are 6212.10. Clearly, we're not 00:41:50.438 --> 00:41:53.581 going to make it a girdle or corset. 00:41:53.581 --> 00:41:56.360 It's not a bra but it's not an upper 00:41:56.360 --> 00:41:59.903 body support garment. Could it be 00:41:59.903 --> 00:42:01.942 6212.90? Well, here, this is a good 00:42:01.942 --> 00:42:04.355 example of what we would call a shape 00:42:04.355 --> 00:42:06.726 wear tank that could be classified as a 00:42:06.726 --> 00:42:11.436 body supporting garment in subheading 00:42:11.436 --> 00:42:13.889 6212.90. It's advertised as being firm 00:42:13.889 --> 00:42:16.346 control and tightly knit fabric, great 00:42:16.346 --> 00:42:19.025 deal of spandex, and you can see how it 00:42:19.025 --> 00:42:22.308 really shapes the woman's mid-section. 00:42:22.308 --> 00:42:24.558 This was designed, marketed, and sold 00:42:24.558 --> 00:42:27.716 and used as a support garment only. It 00:42:27.716 --> 00:42:30.665 was not shown to display with underwear. 00:42:30.665 --> 00:42:33.397 It was not offered by a retailer that 00:42:33.397 --> 00:42:35.845 sells clothing. It had a lot of 00:42:35.845 --> 00:42:39.337 features that, you know, were convincing 00:42:39.337 --> 00:42:46.541 to make it a support garment in 6212.90. 00:42:46.541 --> 00:42:48.192 However, there are many garments 00:42:48.192 --> 00:42:51.531 that are, indeed, ambiguous, which means 00:42:51.531 --> 00:42:53.905 capable of being understood in two ways 00:42:53.905 --> 00:43:00.179 or more. This is a case study that I 00:43:00.179 --> 00:43:04.083 think we kind of already covered with 00:43:04.083 --> 00:43:06.666 object import specialist but I wanted to 00:43:06.666 --> 00:43:08.770 share with the trade. This is an 00:43:08.770 --> 00:43:11.859 ambiguous tank style knit garment and we 00:43:11.859 --> 00:43:14.647 had to decide if it was an underwear 00:43:14.647 --> 00:43:16.556 singlet or support tank and when I say 00:43:16.556 --> 00:43:18.649 singlet, I'm using the terminology from 00:43:18.649 --> 00:43:23.927 the tariff. But what I really mean is 00:43:23.927 --> 00:43:26.410 woman's undershirt. And you see here 00:43:26.410 --> 00:43:31.145 there's a huge difference in duty. If 00:43:31.145 --> 00:43:34.326 it's undershirt, it would be 32% duty. 00:43:34.326 --> 00:43:38.828 If it's a support tank, under 6212.90, 00:43:38.828 --> 00:43:45.506 you have 6.6% duty. So 6212 can be an 00:43:45.506 --> 00:43:48.521 enticing heading to want to use 00:43:48.521 --> 00:43:51.159 classified, because the duty rates are 00:43:51.159 --> 00:43:52.681 little bit lower. But we have to be 00:43:52.681 --> 00:43:54.335 strict about what goes there. So let's 00:43:54.335 --> 00:43:59.663 see what happened with this garment. 00:43:59.663 --> 00:44:01.952 This was designed as knit shape wear 00:44:01.952 --> 00:44:07.909 underwear tank. It's shape wear and 00:44:07.909 --> 00:44:09.774 underwear tank. Which one is it? I 00:44:09.774 --> 00:44:11.802 don't know, maybe it's both. This one 00:44:11.802 --> 00:44:14.020 had slightly different fiber content for 00:44:14.020 --> 00:44:15.917 the middle section and bust and the 00:44:15.917 --> 00:44:19.372 bottom, and some elasticized neckline, 00:44:19.372 --> 00:44:22.787 arm opening, and middle head change in 00:44:22.787 --> 00:44:24.929 the pattern. It was seamless, 00:44:24.929 --> 00:44:26.996 close-fitting and designed to fit slim 00:44:26.996 --> 00:44:28.944 to lower torso. Came in a variety of 00:44:28.944 --> 00:44:31.867 color. This is typical under wear color 00:44:31.867 --> 00:44:34.151 and it was also being sold in the 00:44:34.151 --> 00:44:35.988 intimates department. 00:44:35.988 --> 00:44:39.493 We got a sample at this stage, but 00:44:39.493 --> 00:44:41.539 no further documentation. And we really 00:44:41.539 --> 00:44:43.896 didn't get any information about how it 00:44:43.896 --> 00:44:47.231 was designed, marketed, and sold. We 00:44:47.231 --> 00:44:49.802 didn't have any hand tags, no packaging, 00:44:49.802 --> 00:44:52.804 or any advertising at this point. We 00:44:52.804 --> 00:44:58.213 did get some of that information. It 00:44:58.213 --> 00:45:00.150 was interesting, but what we really 00:45:00.150 --> 00:45:03.805 fountain, we tried the garment on a live 00:45:03.805 --> 00:45:07.274 model and found the garment was not 00:45:07.274 --> 00:45:09.609 tight-fitting nor substantially 00:45:09.609 --> 00:45:13.933 supporting in any way. Although it was 00:45:13.933 --> 00:45:13.965 close-fitting and clung to the body in 00:45:13.965 --> 00:45:17.983 the manner of an undershirt. We didn't 00:45:17.983 --> 00:45:21.023 find shaping or support for mid-area, 00:45:21.023 --> 00:45:23.023 and the garment really had no bust 00:45:23.023 --> 00:45:25.051 support at all. In addition, we found a 00:45:25.051 --> 00:45:27.523 companion piece which was a short style 00:45:27.523 --> 00:45:29.849 under pant with the same fabric and 00:45:29.849 --> 00:45:31.619 fiber content and I think the question 00:45:31.619 --> 00:45:34.782 on that one, too, was it a girdle? But 00:45:34.782 --> 00:45:38.318 like the undershirt, neither garment 00:45:38.318 --> 00:45:41.120 were found to be 6212, because they 00:45:41.120 --> 00:45:43.730 weren't sufficiently supportive. 00:45:43.730 --> 00:45:46.053 But it wasn't easy to come to this 00:45:46.053 --> 00:45:48.407 conclusion. We had to look at all the 00:45:48.407 --> 00:45:50.566 features of the garments, all of the 00:45:50.566 --> 00:45:53.336 documentation, and, you know, make a 00:45:53.336 --> 00:45:57.579 fair judgment call. How do we classify 00:45:57.579 --> 00:45:59.360 ambiguous garments? I'm going to give 00:45:59.360 --> 00:46:01.609 you some tips. You want to look at the 00:46:01.609 --> 00:46:03.533 garment itself. Determine what the 00:46:03.533 --> 00:46:06.244 physical features of the garment are. 00:46:06.244 --> 00:46:08.627 Write them down. Are those features 00:46:08.627 --> 00:46:11.089 practical? Does the fabric, design and 00:46:11.089 --> 00:46:12.799 styling of the construction of the 00:46:12.799 --> 00:46:13.878 garment make it suitable for the 00:46:13.878 --> 00:46:16.886 intended purpose? Does the garment have 00:46:16.886 --> 00:46:18.648 companion pieces? How is the garment 00:46:18.648 --> 00:46:21.331 designed, marketed, sold, and used? 00:46:21.331 --> 00:46:22.914 Actually look at the marketing, the 00:46:22.914 --> 00:46:25.334 advertising, professional and sales 00:46:25.334 --> 00:46:27.363 environment information, catalogs, 00:46:27.363 --> 00:46:32.350 Internet. Here's another example. 00:46:32.350 --> 00:46:35.964 6109, 6114, 6212, it could be any of the 00:46:35.964 --> 00:46:37.583 3. Consider which department the 00:46:37.583 --> 00:46:39.765 garment is sold in. Look at the actual 00:46:39.765 --> 00:46:42.770 packaging, the hand tags, the displays, 00:46:42.770 --> 00:46:45.153 the nature of the importer's business, 00:46:45.153 --> 00:46:49.229 what kind of retailer is the importer? 00:46:49.229 --> 00:46:51.715 Are they an established I know the 00:46:51.715 --> 00:46:54.203 minute apparel company? Do they sell 00:46:54.203 --> 00:46:57.578 outerwear? And this was off Amazon, it 00:46:57.578 --> 00:47:02.032 was actually under section for lingerie 00:47:02.032 --> 00:47:04.381 and bra and sports bra. And it was 00:47:04.381 --> 00:47:07.181 designed in typical fashion as couple of 00:47:07.181 --> 00:47:10.080 different things. Sports bra, removable 00:47:10.080 --> 00:47:13.654 padded yoga tank top, sleeve-less 00:47:13.654 --> 00:47:17.160 fitness work out running crop top. 00:47:17.160 --> 00:47:19.084 Well, we don't have any details, 00:47:19.084 --> 00:47:22.368 because I don't have it in front of me. 00:47:22.368 --> 00:47:24.332 But I would have to tell you that 00:47:24.332 --> 00:47:26.259 there's too much body conversation for 00:47:26.259 --> 00:47:29.318 this to be a bra in 6212. It's more 00:47:29.318 --> 00:47:31.787 along the lines of outerwear with a 00:47:31.787 --> 00:47:36.377 built-in bra. I suggest referring it to 00:47:36.377 --> 00:47:38.347 the National Import Specialist that 00:47:38.347 --> 00:47:41.311 handles. I think 6114, because it 00:47:41.311 --> 00:47:43.031 doesn't reach to the taste, it would be 00:47:43.031 --> 00:47:45.459 considered a top. Because the 00:47:45.459 --> 00:47:49.027 Victoria's Secret court case tell us if 00:47:49.027 --> 00:47:51.654 the degree of coverage is more than that 00:47:51.654 --> 00:47:55.485 provided by a brassiere, as the term is 00:47:55.485 --> 00:48:00.063 ordinarily used, and the coverage is 00:48:00.063 --> 00:48:02.983 sufficient that the garment is designed 00:48:02.983 --> 00:48:05.426 to be worn in public without layers in 00:48:05.426 --> 00:48:08.925 the garment, just because an item may be 00:48:08.925 --> 00:48:11.079 called a sports bra does not mean it is 00:48:11.079 --> 00:48:14.931 one for custom's purposes. 00:48:14.931 --> 00:48:17.929 Here is a listing of what the 00:48:17.929 --> 00:48:21.169 Carborundum factors are according to the 00:48:21.169 --> 00:48:22.729 Court case. And it's basically the 00:48:22.729 --> 00:48:25.055 legal basis for what we just discussed 00:48:25.055 --> 00:48:27.760 previously. If you need additional 00:48:27.760 --> 00:48:29.856 information, you know, for ambiguous 00:48:29.856 --> 00:48:32.369 garment, you will need additional 00:48:32.369 --> 00:48:33.363 information beyond an invoice 00:48:33.363 --> 00:48:36.000 description for these ambiguous 00:48:36.000 --> 00:48:37.347 garments. There are various rulings 00:48:37.347 --> 00:48:41.134 that cite the Carborundum Factors. I 00:48:41.134 --> 00:48:42.939 have a few in my notes. But it's 00:48:42.939 --> 00:48:45.724 actually easier for you just to go into 00:48:45.724 --> 00:48:48.165 cross if type in Carborundum factors. 00:48:48.165 --> 00:48:49.753 Those rulings will come up. And you 00:48:49.753 --> 00:48:52.072 can see kind of like when you need to 00:48:52.072 --> 00:48:54.643 apply them or how they have been applied 00:48:54.643 --> 00:48:58.258 in the past. 00:48:58.258 --> 00:49:00.325 So I always like to end on a 00:49:00.325 --> 00:49:03.145 positive note or confusing note. So 00:49:03.145 --> 00:49:06.774 let's do this one here. There are so 00:49:06.774 --> 00:49:09.576 many perplexing garments these days 00:49:09.576 --> 00:49:11.790 being worn in various ways. 00:49:11.790 --> 00:49:16.420 Headquarters ruling 954488 way back in 00:49:16.420 --> 00:49:18.399 1993 classified a decorated brassiere. 00:49:18.399 --> 00:49:22.482 It said that although serving as a body 00:49:22.482 --> 00:49:25.182 support garment, a brassiere may be worn 00:49:25.182 --> 00:49:27.471 as outerwear. And that it's now 00:49:27.471 --> 00:49:29.584 acceptable to let brassieres that have 00:49:29.584 --> 00:49:33.614 been embellished show under outer wear 00:49:33.614 --> 00:49:35.515 or even be worn by themselves. Well, 00:49:35.515 --> 00:49:38.212 this picture is not related to that 00:49:38.212 --> 00:49:39.097 headquarters ruling. This is something 00:49:39.097 --> 00:49:41.472 I came up with to talk about. But let's 00:49:41.472 --> 00:49:43.962 talk about this for a moment and ask 00:49:43.962 --> 00:49:46.244 ourselves some questions. Is this item 00:49:46.244 --> 00:49:48.492 treated as foundational wear in the 00:49:48.492 --> 00:49:51.633 industry? Was it made in a bra factory? 00:49:51.633 --> 00:49:53.846 Does it have bra support features such 00:49:53.846 --> 00:49:57.080 as cups, under wire? Or does it have 00:49:57.080 --> 00:50:02.334 strings in the back on the neck? 00:50:02.334 --> 00:50:04.719 Does it support its primary purpose? 00:50:04.719 --> 00:50:09.301 Is the outer wear aspect equally 00:50:09.301 --> 00:50:11.315 competing to the body support function? 00:50:11.315 --> 00:50:14.226 And that's from the case. Is the outer 00:50:14.226 --> 00:50:16.674 way aspect equally competing with the 00:50:16.674 --> 00:50:19.348 body wear function? I know, the ads are 00:50:19.348 --> 00:50:21.251 great. I actually had to put this 00:50:21.251 --> 00:50:23.735 picture up, because she looks so fab 00:50:23.735 --> 00:50:26.177 less with 6 pack abs and she can wear 00:50:26.177 --> 00:50:28.208 whatever she wants. Can we call this 00:50:28.208 --> 00:50:30.439 item outerwear? Does it provide enough 00:50:30.439 --> 00:50:32.765 coverage? I don't know. Is this a bra 00:50:32.765 --> 00:50:37.120 in 6212? Is it a knit top in 6114? Is 00:50:37.120 --> 00:50:41.318 it a swim top at 6112? And here's the 00:50:41.318 --> 00:50:44.184 real question. Do you wear this to work 00:50:44.184 --> 00:50:46.744 or is it just for Coachella? I don't 00:50:46.744 --> 00:50:48.085 know. 00:50:48.085 --> 00:50:49.711 I love to see what you all say when 00:50:49.711 --> 00:50:52.875 I look at, I'll get a transcript of your 00:50:52.875 --> 00:50:54.689 comments so, someone is going to wear it 00:50:54.689 --> 00:50:57.771 to work. [Laughter] that's a good one. 00:50:57.771 --> 00:51:00.791 So if you find yourself struggling with 00:51:00.791 --> 00:51:03.073 classifying garments like the last one, 00:51:03.073 --> 00:51:05.289 get a hold of these court cases and read 00:51:05.289 --> 00:51:08.088 them, really. Read them in bits if you 00:51:08.088 --> 00:51:10.762 have to. They really help explain some 00:51:10.762 --> 00:51:13.204 of the concepts behind body-supporting 00:51:13.204 --> 00:51:14.790 garments versus tops. 00:51:14.790 --> 00:51:16.861 I can't read them all at once, but 00:51:16.861 --> 00:51:19.466 every time I do go back and I read 00:51:19.466 --> 00:51:22.401 sections, it's really helpful. If you 00:51:22.401 --> 00:51:25.914 can't find these online, or get them, 00:51:25.914 --> 00:51:31.872 you know, easily, just send me or my 00:51:31.872 --> 00:51:33.637 associate Lisa a message, and we will 00:51:33.637 --> 00:51:37.190 get a copy of those court cases to you 00:51:37.190 --> 00:51:39.648 via email. This is our contact 00:51:39.648 --> 00:51:44.797 information. Email is always the best, 00:51:44.797 --> 00:51:47.652 because if I'm not in, Lisa can get back 00:51:47.652 --> 00:51:49.518 to you. And I do want to take a moment 00:51:49.518 --> 00:51:53.763 to thank my team that helped with this 00:51:53.763 --> 00:51:59.306 webinar in every way, Sandra Walia, 00:51:59.306 --> 00:52:14.903 Lynne banks, Fung King Kong. And Amy. 00:52:14.903 --> 00:52:16.837 You can raise your hand for microphone 00:52:16.837 --> 00:52:19.308 access and I'll try to turn it on. Or 00:52:19.308 --> 00:52:21.486 you can type it in the chat box. 00:52:21.486 --> 00:52:23.436 Thank you for your applause. Thank 00:52:23.436 --> 00:52:27.588 you. 00:52:27.588 --> 00:52:29.495 >> So Karen you had a few questions 00:52:29.495 --> 00:52:34.081 that came up. We won't unmute people 00:52:34.081 --> 00:52:36.111 with the raised hand function but they 00:52:36.111 --> 00:52:38.334 can type in the chat box. Couple of 00:52:38.334 --> 00:52:40.039 easier questions, please clarify 00:52:40.039 --> 00:52:41.915 specifics about work out bra. Some are 00:52:41.915 --> 00:52:46.069 being used as outer wear. Will they be 00:52:46.069 --> 00:52:47.850 6114 even if it has support and pads? I 00:52:47.850 --> 00:52:50.006 think you touched on this in some of the 00:52:50.006 --> 00:52:51.437 later slides. 00:52:51.437 --> 00:52:52.831 >> KAREN SIKORSKI: I didn't quite 00:52:52.831 --> 00:52:54.548 catch the whole question. Do you think 00:52:54.548 --> 00:52:56.146 you can repeat it a little bit more 00:52:56.146 --> 00:52:57.934 slowly? 00:52:57.934 --> 00:52:59.578 >> Sure. Please clarify specifics 00:52:59.578 --> 00:53:01.831 about work out bra. Some are being used 00:53:01.831 --> 00:53:06.061 as outerwear. Will they be 6114 even if 00:53:06.061 --> 00:53:11.822 it has support and pads? 00:53:11.822 --> 00:53:12.217 >> KAREN SIKORSKI: You know, 00:53:12.217 --> 00:53:14.496 there's so many different variations of 00:53:14.496 --> 00:53:16.526 work out bras. I am aware of what's out 00:53:16.526 --> 00:53:19.099 there on the market. And it's crazy. 00:53:19.099 --> 00:53:22.855 And women are wearing what we would, in 00:53:22.855 --> 00:53:29.085 the past, be called sports bra you wear 00:53:29.085 --> 00:53:31.670 a tank top over. Now they're wearing 00:53:31.670 --> 00:53:33.812 them as the top, because a lot of women 00:53:33.812 --> 00:53:45.168 wear a lot of high waisted pants. And I 00:53:45.168 --> 00:53:48.416 actually had 3 or 4 of them come from 00:53:48.416 --> 00:53:54.970 the importers. And 3 of them turned out 00:53:54.970 --> 00:53:56.718 to be tops and one of them turned out to 00:53:56.718 --> 00:53:58.712 be a bra. It just depends. That's why 00:53:58.712 --> 00:54:02.957 I said when they're ambiguous like this, 00:54:02.957 --> 00:54:04.630 you have to look at the actual physical 00:54:04.630 --> 00:54:06.443 feature and then you have to look at the 00:54:06.443 --> 00:54:08.125 marketing and practicality, et cetera. 00:54:08.125 --> 00:54:11.046 There is some subjectivity there and 00:54:11.046 --> 00:54:13.033 I'm perfectly aware of this. And I look 00:54:13.033 --> 00:54:14.839 at things online all the time, and I 00:54:14.839 --> 00:54:18.196 think to myself, oh my, how would I 00:54:18.196 --> 00:54:20.277 classify that? But you have to dig 00:54:20.277 --> 00:54:25.152 deep. And like I said, if you have a 00:54:25.152 --> 00:54:29.651 question, you can always send it in for 00:54:29.651 --> 00:54:32.588 binding ruling. We have 30-day turn 00:54:32.588 --> 00:54:34.515 around. I hope that helps. 00:54:34.515 --> 00:54:36.805 >> Another convention. How does 00:54:36.805 --> 00:54:39.585 athletic compression apparel fit into 00:54:39.585 --> 00:54:42.032 6212 for men or women? Can short or 00:54:42.032 --> 00:54:45.803 long sheaf tops or bottoms be included? 00:54:45.803 --> 00:54:46.956 >> KAREN SIKORSKI: Yes, they can. 00:54:46.956 --> 00:54:49.794 I did not cover that in the webinar, but 00:54:49.794 --> 00:54:52.620 we have covered it a bit in the past. 00:54:52.620 --> 00:54:54.080 There are shirts that have been 00:54:54.080 --> 00:54:57.080 determined to be designed for 00:54:57.080 --> 00:54:59.537 compression purposes. And they have 00:54:59.537 --> 00:55:02.244 special features built in. And 00:55:02.244 --> 00:55:04.384 something like for example, a posture 00:55:04.384 --> 00:55:07.035 shirt which I didn't know existed. It 00:55:07.035 --> 00:55:10.195 has certain specialized features to help 00:55:10.195 --> 00:55:13.250 support posture. And you wouldn't wear 00:55:13.250 --> 00:55:20.152 it as a typical outerwear type of thing. 00:55:20.152 --> 00:55:22.809 It's got unique features that make it 00:55:22.809 --> 00:55:24.523 support its primary purpose. So you 00:55:24.523 --> 00:55:27.038 can take a look and see what's across 00:55:27.038 --> 00:55:29.511 there by putting in the terminology 00:55:29.511 --> 00:55:33.970 compression wear, outerwear. But 00:55:33.970 --> 00:55:36.384 there's a swim shirt we did. I didn't 00:55:36.384 --> 00:55:38.100 do it, but someone else did. And I 00:55:38.100 --> 00:55:42.657 think there were some shirts with some, 00:55:42.657 --> 00:55:44.849 maybe not weights, but, yeah, maybe 00:55:44.849 --> 00:55:47.205 there were weights in there. There have 00:55:47.205 --> 00:55:49.873 been some articles for athletic wear 00:55:49.873 --> 00:55:51.527 that have been classified as compression 00:55:51.527 --> 00:55:57.457 wear under very specific circumstances. 00:55:57.457 --> 00:55:58.944 >> Okay. Another convention. Are 00:55:58.944 --> 00:56:02.348 men's JFO-OCC straps/classified 00:56:02.348 --> 00:56:05.332 supporters classified under 6212? 00:56:05.332 --> 00:56:06.183 >> KAREN SIKORSKI: Yes, they are. 00:56:06.183 --> 00:56:08.093 I'm pretty sure that the word JFO-OCC 00:56:08.093 --> 00:56:11.042 strap was even mentioned in the 00:56:11.042 --> 00:56:16.297 explanatory notes if I'm correct. 00:56:16.297 --> 00:56:18.684 >> Okay, great. Is there a link we 00:56:18.684 --> 00:56:22.810 can follow to be 6114 or bra or rib 00:56:22.810 --> 00:56:25.617 cage? Or maybe this is not a feature we 00:56:25.617 --> 00:56:30.669 can follow? 00:56:30.669 --> 00:56:32.377 >> KAREN SIKORSKI: Oh, is there a 00:56:32.377 --> 00:56:35.874 length we can follow (reading chat) it's 00:56:35.874 --> 00:56:37.299 one of the things we can follow, because 00:56:37.299 --> 00:56:39.748 remember, we talked about bras being 00:56:39.748 --> 00:56:41.684 long-line bras that come further down on 00:56:41.684 --> 00:56:47.941 the body. So you look at -- those are 00:56:47.941 --> 00:56:51.057 traditional. Those long-line bras. Now 00:56:51.057 --> 00:56:53.984 they're making long-line sports bras. 00:56:53.984 --> 00:56:57.402 And then the other thing is, too, there 00:56:57.402 --> 00:57:00.382 are no hard-and-fast rules, I guess, is 00:57:00.382 --> 00:57:04.414 kind of what you're asking. You can 00:57:04.414 --> 00:57:08.120 always measure and compare. And 00:57:08.120 --> 00:57:11.116 sometimes our rulings actually will give 00:57:11.116 --> 00:57:12.815 you measurements like for example, when 00:57:12.815 --> 00:57:16.306 I was looking at bandeau bras, I noticed 00:57:16.306 --> 00:57:19.000 that the bandeau bras had measurements 00:57:19.000 --> 00:57:22.892 of the length of the bandeaus, which is 00:57:22.892 --> 00:57:24.723 really good to know, because the one I 00:57:24.723 --> 00:57:27.269 was looking at was very similar to the 00:57:27.269 --> 00:57:30.626 bandeau bras that custom has classified 00:57:30.626 --> 00:57:32.464 in the past, and they were about 5 00:57:32.464 --> 00:57:35.158 inches long. But, no, there is no 00:57:35.158 --> 00:57:36.621 hard-and-fast rules. Sorry. 00:57:36.621 --> 00:57:38.919 >> Okay. Next question you might 00:57:38.919 --> 00:57:41.195 see it too. It says I believe this was 00:57:41.195 --> 00:57:42.883 mentioned but in your opinion, would you 00:57:42.883 --> 00:57:45.161 say fashion trends make classifying more 00:57:45.161 --> 00:57:47.419 complicated? Or would it be easier 00:57:47.419 --> 00:57:51.957 because of an item's true intention? 00:57:51.957 --> 00:57:54.424 >> KAREN SIKORSKI: I think it's a 00:57:54.424 --> 00:57:58.527 double question, really. Would fashion 00:57:58.527 --> 00:58:00.222 trends making classification more 00:58:00.222 --> 00:58:02.035 complicated? Of course it does. That's 00:58:02.035 --> 00:58:05.514 the thing. Fashion is always changing. 00:58:05.514 --> 00:58:07.717 But what we have to remember for 00:58:07.717 --> 00:58:10.447 classification purposes is that we have 00:58:10.447 --> 00:58:12.892 to think of it in terms of the tariff 00:58:12.892 --> 00:58:16.298 and not necessarily fashion. The two 00:58:16.298 --> 00:58:20.401 can intersect, but for custom's 00:58:20.401 --> 00:58:22.118 purposes, like for example, we talked 00:58:22.118 --> 00:58:26.117 about lace earlier, and you know, a lot 00:58:26.117 --> 00:58:27.896 of times people in the industry will 00:58:27.896 --> 00:58:30.243 say, oh, this is lace. Well, for 00:58:30.243 --> 00:58:33.328 custom's purposes, it's not. You know? 00:58:33.328 --> 00:58:37.190 S and because the tariff defines things, 00:58:37.190 --> 00:58:42.377 and we have like ruling history and 00:58:42.377 --> 00:58:44.287 court cases that define things, we 00:58:44.287 --> 00:58:48.999 can't, yeah, fashion definitely makes 00:58:48.999 --> 00:58:51.268 classification complicated. 00:58:51.268 --> 00:58:56.933 But items' intention and usage are 00:58:56.933 --> 00:59:00.494 important as well. If something is 00:59:00.494 --> 00:59:05.340 claimed to be used as a bra, but it has 00:59:05.340 --> 00:59:11.230 virtually no support, is it really a 00:59:11.230 --> 00:59:14.153 bra? You know? And when the Court 00:59:14.153 --> 00:59:17.659 tells us that support is the paramount 00:59:17.659 --> 00:59:20.648 function of heading 6212, like that 00:59:20.648 --> 00:59:22.942 undershirt we discussed earlier, you 00:59:22.942 --> 00:59:25.294 know, maybe somebody was planning to 00:59:25.294 --> 00:59:29.610 wear that as a support tank. But we 00:59:29.610 --> 00:59:34.675 found that it didn't have enough -- its 00:59:34.675 --> 00:59:37.336 true purpose was not as a support tank. 00:59:37.336 --> 00:59:39.814 We had to make a judgment call that it 00:59:39.814 --> 00:59:42.199 was not supportive enough to be a 00:59:42.199 --> 00:59:43.751 support tank. It's complicated. Trust 00:59:43.751 --> 00:59:46.966 me, I understand. (Chuckles softly). 00:59:46.966 --> 00:59:48.491 >> Another question. Are there any 00:59:48.491 --> 00:59:50.396 helpful rulings for guidance when 00:59:50.396 --> 00:59:54.999 deciding a bra let or bra is 6212 or top 00:59:54.999 --> 01:00:00.972 of 6114? 01:00:00.972 --> 01:00:01.827 >> KAREN SIKORSKI: You know, I had 01:00:01.827 --> 01:00:05.746 to do a lot of education for myself on 01:00:05.746 --> 01:00:07.520 bralettes when I started looking at 01:00:07.520 --> 01:00:10.346 them. I cannot recall off the top of my 01:00:10.346 --> 01:00:13.438 head if we actually used the word 01:00:13.438 --> 01:00:17.775 "bralette" or any of my predecessors or 01:00:17.775 --> 01:00:22.409 headquarters attorney used the word 01:00:22.409 --> 01:00:24.313 bralette or not. But you can always 01:00:24.313 --> 01:00:26.505 type that word into the search bar and 01:00:26.505 --> 01:00:31.289 see if anything comes up. I can't 01:00:31.289 --> 01:00:33.509 recall. You know, you can follow-up 01:00:33.509 --> 01:00:35.826 with me if you want via email. We can 01:00:35.826 --> 01:00:40.242 discuss this over the phone or further. 01:00:40.242 --> 01:00:42.322 I have, you know, a lot of information 01:00:42.322 --> 01:00:46.868 that falls on bralettes, but I had some 01:00:46.868 --> 01:00:48.959 really good rulings on bralettes, I 01:00:48.959 --> 01:00:50.291 probably would have posted them for you. 01:00:50.291 --> 01:00:53.575 But we can discuss further if you like. 01:00:53.575 --> 01:00:55.892 >> Okay. Someone noted bralette 01:00:55.892 --> 01:00:57.487 comes up in the cross certainly. They 01:00:57.487 --> 01:01:00.107 noted that in the chat box. Question, 01:01:00.107 --> 01:01:04.035 if a knit sports bra has a shelf bra, is 01:01:04.035 --> 01:01:07.219 it classified in 6114? 01:01:07.219 --> 01:01:11.144 >> KAREN SIKORSKI: Knit sports bra 01:01:11.144 --> 01:01:20.668 has a shelf bra, is it 6114? I have not 01:01:20.668 --> 01:01:26.509 seen one. But I have seen items that 01:01:26.509 --> 01:01:33.845 have been sports bras that -- sports 01:01:33.845 --> 01:01:38.299 bras with a shelf bra. Hmm... I can't 01:01:38.299 --> 01:01:42.596 say. That's perplexing question. I 01:01:42.596 --> 01:01:45.423 have to ask you to put in a request for 01:01:45.423 --> 01:01:47.560 binding ruling, honestly, because I have 01:01:47.560 --> 01:01:50.109 not seen that. I have seen sports bras 01:01:50.109 --> 01:01:54.096 that are completely knit. And they're 01:01:54.096 --> 01:01:56.159 absolutely 100% knit. I've 01:01:56.159 --> 01:02:01.322 deconstucted. I've actually done origin 01:02:01.322 --> 01:02:03.126 ruling on them and there's interesting 01:02:03.126 --> 01:02:05.957 different knit patterns in those bras 01:02:05.957 --> 01:02:07.961 that provide support. But I have not 01:02:07.961 --> 01:02:12.066 seen a shelf bra. I have not seen shelf 01:02:12.066 --> 01:02:15.561 bra in anything in a while, honestly. 01:02:15.561 --> 01:02:17.497 >> Okay. That's pretty much it. 01:02:17.497 --> 01:02:18.875 There was a question that came in 01:02:18.875 --> 01:02:20.524 earlier, couple of them about when the 01:02:20.524 --> 01:02:24.855 new apparel terminology ICP will be 01:02:24.855 --> 01:02:27.530 available? I checked with branch chief 01:02:27.530 --> 01:02:32.636 Debbie Manalucci and she said it should 01:02:32.636 --> 01:02:35.764 be available with sign off in a next few 01:02:35.764 --> 01:02:36.625 months. 01:02:36.625 --> 01:02:37.621 >> KAREN SIKORSKI: That's awesome. 01:02:37.621 --> 01:02:38.967 We've been working on that publication 01:02:38.967 --> 01:02:40.997 for quite some time and it's old. But 01:02:40.997 --> 01:02:43.032 that's great to hear, Sandra. Thank 01:02:43.032 --> 01:02:43.605 you. 01:02:43.605 --> 01:02:44.897 >> I think that's all for the 01:02:44.897 --> 01:02:46.081 questions. 01:02:46.081 --> 01:02:46.936 >> KAREN SIKORSKI: Okay. Awesome. 01:02:46.936 --> 01:02:51.170 Thank you, everybody. 01:02:51.170 --> 01:02:53.157 >> We hope you found today's webinar 01:02:53.157 --> 01:02:55.486 informative. The Continuing Education 01:02:55.486 --> 01:02:58.134 credit code was placed in the WebEx chat 01:02:58.134 --> 01:03:00.905 box during the presentation. And it 01:03:00.905 --> 01:03:03.026 will be emailed to everyone within 48 01:03:03.026 --> 01:03:05.894 hours. Today's webinar will be posted 01:03:05.894 --> 01:03:09.264 on CBP.gov under the trade outreach 01:03:09.264 --> 01:03:12.178 webinars in the coming weeks. We thank 01:03:12.178 --> 01:03:14.557 you for joining us today. And this 01:03:15.774 --> 01:03:15.774 afternoon, everyone.