WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:10.410 --> 00:00:12.212 I was on the bus on my way into work, 00:00:12.212 --> 00:00:13.213 and I got a phone call 00:00:13.413 --> 00:00:14.414 and I was running late, 00:00:14.414 --> 00:00:15.582 so I actually thought I was in trouble 00:00:16.249 --> 00:00:19.352 for being late to work because we had a big exercise planned the next day. 00:00:19.552 --> 00:00:23.123 So when I picked up my phone, I was like, yeah, I know I'm late. 00:00:23.123 --> 00:00:25.025 I'm going to be there in a few minutes. 00:00:25.025 --> 00:00:26.993 And they were like, no, they're like a plane 00:00:26.993 --> 00:00:29.462 just went into the World Trade Center. Get here as quickly as you can. 00:00:29.896 --> 00:00:34.000 So I immediately got off the bus, went to the bus driver, and I was like, 00:00:34.200 --> 00:00:35.235 let me off the bus. 00:00:35.235 --> 00:00:36.436 I showed him my ID. 00:00:36.436 --> 00:00:38.705 I was like, I got to go to work and I got to work, 00:00:38.705 --> 00:00:40.473 and I was up in the emergency operations center. 00:00:40.473 --> 00:00:42.242 I got there before the second plane hit. 00:00:42.242 --> 00:00:44.344 I don't think anybody was thinking about terrorism. 00:00:45.111 --> 00:00:46.413 And so when the second plane hit, 00:00:46.413 --> 00:00:49.149 we realized it wasn't an accident and we needed to evacuate. 00:00:49.516 --> 00:00:52.285 So everybody that was in the emergency operations center 00:00:52.552 --> 00:00:55.088 evacuated down the twenty three flights of stairs. 00:00:55.455 --> 00:00:59.059 And then we were in the lobby of 7 World Trade Center when the first 00:00:59.059 --> 00:00:59.759 tower collapsed. 00:01:04.898 --> 00:01:05.665 The people that were in the 00:01:05.665 --> 00:01:07.500 lobby huddled in a small room 00:01:07.500 --> 00:01:11.104 off the lobby entrance and then we made our way out to the street 00:01:11.438 --> 00:01:14.441 and we found all the other New York City OEM people that were there. 00:01:14.674 --> 00:01:16.976 And we got on the command bus and we went north. 00:01:17.243 --> 00:01:19.979 We picked up people along the way that were fleeing. 00:01:20.013 --> 00:01:22.816 They were on the command bus with us. And we got a little further, 00:01:22.816 --> 00:01:24.884 and then we decided to go to the police academy, 00:01:24.884 --> 00:01:28.855 because that was the next best location for us. 00:01:33.326 --> 00:01:36.162 The first couple of days I did logistics. 00:01:36.529 --> 00:01:40.100 We were coordinating the movement of resources to Ground Zero. 00:01:40.133 --> 00:01:45.371 We coordinated the movement of cranes, rescue personnel, 00:01:45.371 --> 00:01:49.542 other other assets in, light towers down to Ground Zero. 00:01:49.676 --> 00:01:53.713 I worked on the debris operation and also on the public assistance reimbursement 00:01:54.013 --> 00:01:57.183 Because we had lost our EOC, which was in seven World Trade Center, 00:01:57.383 --> 00:01:59.886 we lost all the technology that we normally use. 00:02:00.120 --> 00:02:02.222 We didn't have a lot of working phone lines, 00:02:02.522 --> 00:02:04.457 so we had very limited connectivity. 00:02:04.457 --> 00:02:06.192 So it was a lot of paper, 00:02:06.192 --> 00:02:09.562 a lot of just, you know, landline phones, talking to people as best we could. 00:02:09.796 --> 00:02:11.965 For a long time, we were doing rescue. 00:02:11.965 --> 00:02:14.801 You know, we were searching for potential victims that were trapped. 00:02:15.101 --> 00:02:18.004 That was being led by the fire department and the police department, 00:02:18.238 --> 00:02:21.574 and the city's Department of Design and Construction was overseeing 00:02:21.708 --> 00:02:24.310 kind of the construction aspects of that rescue operation. 00:02:24.677 --> 00:02:27.580 And then eventually we shifted to a recovery operation. 00:02:27.780 --> 00:02:29.282 And the city's Department of Design 00:02:29.282 --> 00:02:32.485 and Construction and New York City Emergency Management fire and police 00:02:33.052 --> 00:02:36.356 formed a unified command work with other agencies, 00:02:36.656 --> 00:02:40.627 retained construction contractors to organize the site, 00:02:40.627 --> 00:02:44.497 so we could ensure that it was safe to conduct recovery operations, 00:02:44.697 --> 00:02:48.902 but also to move the debris away so that we could begin rebuilding. 00:02:50.570 --> 00:02:53.039 That debris was taken to a landfill on Staten Island. 00:02:53.139 --> 00:02:57.844 A whole slew of law enforcement agencies were at the landfill doing recovery 00:02:57.844 --> 00:03:01.748 efforts, looking for human remains, looking for personal property. 00:03:01.948 --> 00:03:04.984 They were cataloging everything so that it could either be returned 00:03:04.984 --> 00:03:09.522 to family members or identified so people could be, could be buried . 00:03:09.522 --> 00:03:11.291 My whole life changed after 9/11. 00:03:11.291 --> 00:03:14.761 You know, I was a planner in New York City Emergency Management; 00:03:14.994 --> 00:03:18.765 just going about my work, writing plans for emergencies, participating 00:03:18.765 --> 00:03:23.469 in exercises like the one that we had planned for September 12th, 2001. 00:03:23.803 --> 00:03:25.872 And everything changed after that, 00:03:25.872 --> 00:03:29.943 and we went into this very large scale, complex disaster response 00:03:29.943 --> 00:03:33.012 and recovery operation. I learned a lot from that. 00:03:33.413 --> 00:03:35.315 I was personally impacted by 9/11. 00:03:35.315 --> 00:03:38.418 I was in the lobby of seven World Trade Center when one of the towers fell. 00:03:39.018 --> 00:03:40.687 You know, I almost died. 00:03:40.687 --> 00:03:45.625 And then, you know, working with people who were also victims of 9/11 00:03:45.625 --> 00:03:49.162 and then also responding to 9/11, it was hard for everybody. 00:03:49.229 --> 00:03:53.199 A couple of events in in our modern history where you mark time, 00:03:53.233 --> 00:03:55.268 you know, especially in the emergency management community, 00:03:55.535 --> 00:03:58.905 if you think about Hurricane Andrew, the Oklahoma City bombing, 00:03:59.405 --> 00:04:03.176 Y2K, you know, 9/11 is an event where we mark time. 00:04:03.176 --> 00:04:04.711 It changed our whole profession. 00:04:09.749 --> 00:04:11.851 FEMA was absorbed into the department. 00:04:12.485 --> 00:04:15.722 Billions of dollars have been provided to state, local, tribal 00:04:15.722 --> 00:04:19.492 and territorial governments to prepare for acts of terrorism to prevent them. 00:04:20.326 --> 00:04:22.562 And so every day we think about 00:04:22.962 --> 00:04:26.332 how are we positioned to prevent another 9/11. 00:04:26.933 --> 00:04:27.867 There are a lot of FEMA 00:04:27.867 --> 00:04:32.071 employees past and present that helped New York City after 9/11, 00:04:32.071 --> 00:04:34.407 and I think we all owe them a debt of gratitude as well. 00:04:34.774 --> 00:04:38.578 One of the reasons why I was interested in coming to work at FEMA later on. 00:04:38.578 --> 00:04:40.546 I carry 9/11 with me every day. 00:04:40.546 --> 00:04:43.716 I think about my coworkers at New York City Emergency Management, 00:04:44.150 --> 00:04:46.719 often almost on a daily basis. 00:04:47.053 --> 00:04:50.423 I think about the impact of that event, not just on our office, 00:04:50.690 --> 00:04:52.825 but on the whole nation. Right. 00:04:52.859 --> 00:04:55.161 And the people who died in 9/11. 00:04:55.194 --> 00:04:57.964 I like to think that I carry them with me every day 00:04:57.964 --> 00:05:00.099 and think about them to keep their memories alive. 00:05:00.500 --> 00:05:03.269 And you know that's that's kind of how it's impacted me 00:05:03.269 --> 00:05:05.672 and how I try to honor the people who were killed on that day.