WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.746 --> 00:00:02.713 2 00:00:02,713 --> 00:00:03,787 2 00:00:03.787 --> 00:00:06.687 Mogil: The police department mission is to provide a safer community 3 00:00:06.687 --> 00:00:09.632 and a better environment for people to live in 4 00:00:09.632 --> 00:00:14.632 and to be able to flourish and do their day-to-day routine. 5 00:00:14.960 --> 00:00:17.494 7 00:00:17,494 --> 00:00:20,863 Narrator: Police have to quickly react to dynamic situations. 6 00:00:20.863 --> 00:00:25.813 In the future, even their gear will work to protect them from unexpected dangers. 7 00:00:25.813 --> 00:00:30.246 Lightweight layers will provide protection from bullets and sharp objects, 8 00:00:30.246 --> 00:00:34.306 while sensors will monitor their health status and location. 9 00:00:34.306 --> 00:00:37.940 This will allow individual officers to monitor their own fitness 10 00:00:37.940 --> 00:00:42.607 and allow command to see the status of all officers responding to an incident. 11 00:00:42.607 --> 00:00:46.112 McDonagh: First responders having situational awareness improves their safety, 12 00:00:46.112 --> 00:00:48.920 because again, it provides them additional information 13 00:00:48.920 --> 00:00:53.083 for which to apply to that specific incident. 14 00:00:53.083 --> 00:00:55.285 Narrator: Body-worn video and facial recognition 15 00:00:55.285 --> 00:00:58.348 will make it possible to find known criminals or suspects 16 00:00:58.348 --> 00:01:01.910 and augmented reality glasses will allow future officers 17 00:01:01.910 --> 00:01:05.415 to stay engaged and aware of their surroundings, 18 00:01:05.415 --> 00:01:09.996 while receiving notifications of potential threats. 19 00:01:09.996 --> 00:01:11.294 22 00:01:11,294 --> 00:01:14,172 Officer: I've got eyes on our robbery suspect at Pleasant and Main. 20 00:01:14.172 --> 00:01:16.407 I'm in pursuit. 21 00:01:16.407 --> 00:01:18.047 Narrator: When a police officer gets a job, 22 00:01:18.047 --> 00:01:19.270 he's not going to be able to think, hey, 23 00:01:19.270 --> 00:01:21.163 I need to get an additional piece of gear. 24 00:01:21.163 --> 00:01:23.121 Officer: Hey! Hold a second. 25 00:01:23.121 --> 00:01:27.758 Narrator: What he has on him is what he has on him. 26 00:01:27.758 --> 00:01:32.758 30 00:01:33,709 --> 00:01:36,299 Narrator: Tagging and tracking technology will make it easy to document 27 00:01:36.299 --> 00:01:41.299 the details of the incident and prepopulate an arrest report. 28 00:01:42.560 --> 00:01:43.077 33 00:01:43,077 --> 00:01:45,272 A suspect bracelet will monitor vitals 29 00:01:45.272 --> 00:01:49.448 to alert nearby officers if the suspect is in distress. 30 00:01:49.448 --> 00:01:53.983 Lee: The system's old and we're still doing pen and paper 31 00:01:53.983 --> 00:01:57.512 and there's a move for the department to move to a more robust system 32 00:01:57.512 --> 00:01:59.667 that's going to be more accurate 33 00:01:59.667 --> 00:02:03.252 and be able to generate reports instead of us creating our own reports. 34 00:02:03.252 --> 00:02:08.252 McDonagh: We've gone from very rudimentary capability, basically audio information, 35 00:02:08.681 --> 00:02:11.744 to officers in the field having computers in their cars 36 00:02:11.744 --> 00:02:15.458 and mobile computing devices that they can carry with them. 37 00:02:15.458 --> 00:02:19.171 Radio Voice: We have multiple shots fired downtown at Dudley Street and Emerald. 38 00:02:19.171 --> 00:02:20.596 Narrator: The moment an incident begins, 39 00:02:20.596 --> 00:02:22.268 future commanding officers will be able to 40 00:02:22.268 --> 00:02:25.758 see the location and status of all officers. 41 00:02:25.758 --> 00:02:29.207 They'll be able to access public cameras to get a visual of the suspect, 42 00:02:29.207 --> 00:02:33.628 then pull suspect background information to share with officers on scene. 43 00:02:33.628 --> 00:02:35.913 Off Screen Voice: Where is this active shooter located? 44 00:02:35.913 --> 00:02:39.740 Where are my fellow officers, so there's no friendly fire incidents? 45 00:02:39.740 --> 00:02:43.832 All these details will help the officer respond for his safety 46 00:02:43.832 --> 00:02:46.696 and for the safety of those around him. 47 00:02:46.696 --> 00:02:47.852 Officer: We see him up ahead. 48 00:02:47.852 --> 00:02:49.468 Approaching in vehicle now. 49 00:02:49.468 --> 00:02:50.764 The suspect has fled. 50 00:02:50.764 --> 00:02:52.659 We'll have the drone follow. 51 00:02:52.659 --> 00:02:54.036 Narrator: Police officers of the future 52 00:02:54.036 --> 00:02:58.230 will be able to pursue suspects in a safer way. 53 00:02:58.230 --> 00:03:03.230 59 00:03:06,538 --> 00:03:10,797 Using drones, they'll be able to continuously monitor a suspect's location 54 00:03:10.797 --> 00:03:14.802 while situating themselves in the best position to approach. 55 00:03:14.802 --> 00:03:16.602 Officer: I'm looking at the live feed of him hiding. 56 00:03:16.602 --> 00:03:19.281 Bottom of the back staircase, number 19. 57 00:03:19.281 --> 00:03:22.168 Officer: I see the feed now. 58 00:03:22.168 --> 00:03:25.241 I have Bateman and Owens, two blocks away. 59 00:03:25.241 --> 00:03:29.546 Wait for them as backup before your approach. 60 00:03:29.546 --> 00:03:34.236 67 00:03:34,236 --> 00:03:36,374 Officer: Police! Drop your weapon! 61 00:03:36.374 --> 00:03:38.094 Down on the ground, face down! 62 00:03:38.094 --> 00:03:40.433 Officer: Stay where you are! 63 00:03:40.433 --> 00:03:42.517 Narrator: Officers will be able to collect evidence 64 00:03:42.517 --> 00:03:44.883 with their personal communications devices, 65 00:03:44.883 --> 00:03:49.537 making it easy to document the incident and build the report. 66 00:03:49.537 --> 00:03:52.582 All of this technology will work as an integrated system 67 00:03:52.582 --> 00:03:57.342 helping future officers stay safe and better serve their communities. 68 00:03:57.342 --> 00:03:59.731 Lee: The technology there now is, 69 00:03:59.731 --> 00:04:03.350 we're pretty sure it's available, we're almost positive it is. 70 00:04:03.350 --> 00:04:05.415 It's just a matter of catching up. 71 00:04:05.415 --> 00:04:07.499 McDonagh: The communities are getting more sophisticated 72 00:04:07.499 --> 00:04:09.925 and demand better and better service. 73 00:04:09.925 --> 00:04:12.546 So we have to find ways to make sure that we streamline, 74 00:04:12.546 --> 00:04:14.428 continue to make them more efficient, 75 00:04:14.428 --> 00:04:18.512 more effective and oftentimes with the same number of resources. 76 00:04:18.512 --> 00:04:22.847 Mogil: For people to actually take note and make improvements for a police officer, 77 00:04:22.847 --> 00:04:25.981 not only for their safety, not only for the public safety, 78 00:04:25.981 --> 00:04:28.283 but also for their health, 79 00:04:28.283 --> 00:04:32.692 I think is a great leap forward for the police department. 80 00:04:32.692 --> 00:04:33.096 88 00:04:33,096 --> 00:04:33,465 81 00:04:33.465 --> 00:04:33.828 90 00:04:33,828 --> 00:04:34,133