WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.400 --> 00:00:02.702 Hi, I'm Susanna Marking, with the U.S. 2 00:00:02.702 --> 00:00:06.706 Department of Homeland Security's, "If You See Something, Say Something®" Campaign. 3 00:00:07.674 --> 00:00:11.144 Our nation remains in a heightened threat environment as recent attacks 4 00:00:11.144 --> 00:00:14.447 in communities across our country have so tragically demonstrated. 5 00:00:15.248 --> 00:00:19.052 But the public can play an important role by being aware of your surroundings 6 00:00:19.052 --> 00:00:21.921 and by reporting suspicious activity to local authorities. 7 00:00:22.822 --> 00:00:24.891 September 25th is National 8 00:00:24.924 --> 00:00:27.494 "If You See Something, Say Something®" Awareness Day. 9 00:00:28.394 --> 00:00:32.298 Today I encourage you to take the time to look up the Suspicious Activity 10 00:00:32.298 --> 00:00:36.269 Reporting number for wherever you live, work, or spend time 11 00:00:36.536 --> 00:00:39.706 by visiting DHS.gov/SeeSayDay. 12 00:00:39.706 --> 00:00:43.076 Save that number in your phone so that you're prepared 13 00:00:43.076 --> 00:00:46.079 to notify local authorities if you see something suspicious, 14 00:00:46.479 --> 00:00:49.249 and encourage your loved ones to do the same. 15 00:00:49.849 --> 00:00:52.352 I hope you'll join us in taking this important step today. 16 00:00:52.752 --> 00:00:55.388 Remember, if you see something, say something.® 17 00:00:55.788 --> 00:00:58.858 We all play a role in the safety of our communities.